Availpro Booking EnginesInstalling Booking Engines – WebmasterGuideVersion 10/2013VersionDate1.02013-10-04ModificationsFirst version1
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesContentsAVAILPRO BOOKING ENGINES1I.INTRODUCTION51.What is the aim of this document?52.What are the different Availpro booking engines?53.Who is this document for?64.Prerequisites and basic principles6II. INSTALLING THE CRYSTAL BOOKING ENGINE (SINGLE-HOTEL)1.a.b.c.d.e.2.8The different versions of the Crystal booking engineCalendarTravel agent accessDisplay of a quick search form (mini-engine)Display of a best price form (bestprice widget)Dynamic display of rooms and rates (room)Rate list display881011121315Installation on a websiteCreating a simple booking linkCreating a search form (mini-engine)Basic search formOptions for the formc.Creating a best price form (bestprice widget)d. Insertion with iframeInformation about using iframeExamples of use161617171919191920a.b.3.a.b.III.1.Customising the installation using the Crystal booking engine's advanced settingsList of commonly used advanced settingsPractical examples of useCustomising a booking linkCustomising a search form (customised mini-engine)INSTALLING THE CRYSTAL BOOKING ENGINE (MULTI-HOTEL)212123232326The different versions of the Crystal Multi-Hotel booking enginea. Calendar and country/city selectionTravel agent accessb. Display of a quick search form (mini-engine)Search form for all hotels available26262727272
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Enginesc.d.Search form with hotel selectionDynamic display of rooms and rates (room)Rate list display2828292.Installation on a websitea. Creating a simple booking linkb. Creating a search form (mini-engine)Basic search form with hotel selectionOptions for the formc.Insertion with iframe3.Customising the installation using the Crystal multi-hotel booking engine's advanced settings32a. List of commonly used advanced settings32b. Practical examples of use34Customising a booking link34Customising a search form (customised mini-engine)34IV.INSTALLING THE DIAMOND BOOKING ENGINE36Diamond booking engine principle1.2.29293030323236Diamond booking engine display and installationa. Diamond engine displayAvailability searchList of room typesList of rate offersb. Installing a Diamond booking engineCreating links to the various entry pointsCreating a search form (mini-engine)3737373839393940V. INSTALLING THE CORPORATE BOOKING ENGINE1.2.a.b.VI.1.2.41Corporate booking engine principle41Corporate booking engine display and installationCorporate engine displayInstallation of a corporate engine on a websiteCreating a simple booking linkCreating an access form (login and password)4242424243INSTALLING THE MOBILE BOOKING ENGINE45Mobile booking engine principle45Mobile engine display and installationa. Mobile engine displayb. Mobile engine installation4646463
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesVII.INSTALLING THE FACEBOOK BOOKING ENGINE48VIII. APPENDICES1.50Overview of the booking steps for the Crystal booking engine (single- and multi-hotel)a. Calendar and search form versionb. Rate list versionc.Dynamic version of rates and rooms50515151Overview of the booking steps for the Diamond booking engineCalendar version – availability search:List of room types versionList of rate offers version525252533.Overview of the booking steps for the corporate booking engine534.Overview of the booking steps for the mobile engine542.a.b.c.4
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesI. Introduction1. What is the aim of this document?The aim of this document is to provide everything you need for the easy installation of the variousAvailpro booking engines.You will find this document online in the section of the Availpro extranet dedicated to installing apreviously created booking engine that is in the section: Booking engines, where you will find tabsfor all the engine types, then by using the Install on a site link on the relevant engine.This document does not provide any information on graphic customisation of the booking engine.2. What are the different Availpro booking engines?Availpro software currently offers different booking engines for different uses. Here is the list Crystal booking engineBooking engine used on a hotel website to enable online booking by users (B2C). It may besingle- or multi-hotel (availability search across several hotels).Diamond booking engineBooking engine used on a hotel website to enable online booking by users (B2C). It is singlehotel only.Corporate booking engineEngine for companies/consortia with secure accesses (B2B).Mobile booking engineEngine specifically tailored for navigation from mobile devices.Facebook booking engineSocial engine fully integrated into Facebook, in particular enabling rate management for fans.We will not be dealing with Direct Click engines here5
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Engines3. Who is this document for?This document is for hotel site webmasters, to enable them to find all the information they need toinstall Availpro booking engines.It requires knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.4. Prerequisites and basic principlesPrerequisitesUsing and installing an Availpro engine requires the ability to customise the HTML of the hotelwebsite and to execute JavaScript, especially for installing a quick search form. Since some hotel sitesare administered by CMS (Content Management Systems), it is essential to ensure in advance thatthe CMS being used can support the use of JavaScript.URL format for the booking engineThe structure of the url of most Availpro booking engines is as ference[/hotelId][/language]/[?settings] name: Name of the booking engine. This is arbitrary, and mainly used for reasons of clarity. Itis therefore good practice to use the name of the hotel here (mandatory)reference: Availpro booking engine code (mandatory)hotelId: Availpro hotel ID. It will appear in the URL if a multi-hotel engine is used (optional)language: booking engine display language. The language input into the booking engine orthe user's "default" language will appear there (optional)settings: entry point/version of the booking engine. It may include "dateselection", "rates","ratelist", "search", "login", depending on the type or version of booking engine usedInstallation on the siteAvailpro booking engine installation is done using basic HTML, whether by using links redirecting theuser to one of the types/versions of the booking engine or via a search form.The booking engine should, therefore, be set up by the webmaster and can be fully customised.All the links and integration examples for each booking engine created are directly available on theAvailpro extranet in the section: Booking engines, where you will find tabs for all the engine types,then by using the Install on a site link on the engine you have customisedSimple HTML examples are therefore provided on the Availpro extranet, for instance, to enable youin particular to: generate the HTML to make a simple booking link to the relevant enginegenerate the HTML to make an HTML search form6
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesLanguage managementAvailpro booking engines enable automatic recognition of the user's browser language, so that theycan be displayed in the 12 administration languages.However, you are very strongly recommended to feed Availpro booking engine with the language, inorder to pass on the language chosen by the user on the hotel website to the Availpro bookingengine.7
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesII. Installing the Crystal booking engine(single-hotel)1. The different versions of the Crystal booking enginea. CalendarDisplay of the calendar version of the engine8
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesDetails of the calendarThis is the standard version of the Availpro booking engine which enables users to see the hotel'sgeneral availabilities by looking at a planning (without any details of room types). To start thebooking process, the user is asked to fill in the following information: Check-in dateCheck-out dateNumber of adults, children and infants (the age ranges can be defined on the Availproextranet)The days on the calendar follow a user-friendly colour code: Green: Night available for bookingOrange: Night only available "on request" (subject to the hotel owner using the "bookingrequest" function)Red: Night not available for bookingGrey: Date prior to the current dateNote: At the moment, the calendars which reflect the hotel's availabilities cannot be exported.However, it is possible to create your own calendar (JavaScript) and make it work with Availpro, but itwill not reflect the hotel's real availabilities in the same manner as the Availpro version.9
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesTravel agent accessTravel agent accessIt is possible to display a section dedicated to "travel agents" in the calendar version of the engine, soas to enable them to identify themselves as travel agents with IATA code. This lets the hotel ownerknow if a travel agency is making a direct booking on the booking engine.Agencies have the possibility of creating an agency account for themselves directly, if they do notalready have one.10
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Enginesb. Display of a quick search form (mini-engine)Quick search engineThis is the most frequently used version and the one most often installed on hotel websites. Itinvolves making a quick search engine on your website using an HTML form which will enable usersto make a quick booking.11
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Enginesc. Display of a best price form (bestprice widget)Best price search engineThis version of the search form allows you to display a hotel's best price straight away, according tothe date and number of nights chosen. It gives users a direct view of the hotel's prices for the datesof their stay, for example, on the hotel website's home page. This allows the hotel to display its bestrate extremely quickly. By clicking on the "check availability" button, users can then continue withtheir booking.There are extremely low set-up costs associated with using and activating the bestprice form (widget). For more information, please contact sales@availpro.com12
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Enginesd. Dynamic display of rooms and rates (room)Dynamic display of rooms and rates – Step 1: Selection of room typeDynamic display of rooms and rates – Step 2: Selection of rate13
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesDynamic display of rooms and rates – Step 3: Selection of dates of the stayThis version of the booking engine displays the list of the hotel's room types and offers the possibilityof going into the booking process by selecting a room type to start with.The user is then invited to select a rate and can quickly see the nights which are available for thechosen rate. This allows the user to see all the hotel's offers and to compare them on one singlepage.To continue and complete their reservation, users then just have to select the dates of their stay onthe same page and click on the "Book" button.To sum up, the booking process in this version is, therefore, as follows: 1/ Selection of room type2/ Selection of rate3/ Selection of dates of the stay14
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Enginese. Rate list displayDisplay of the rate list for a hotelIn this version of the Crystal booking engine, the hotel's rates are displayed along with the roomtypes for which these rates apply to for booking.It is generally used to fill in a "Rooms and rates" section of a hotel website.Its simple display means it is often used to support hotel websites via an iframe. For more details, seepart 3.c where there is a detailed description of installing the engine with iframe.15
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Engines2. Installation on a websitea. Creating a simple booking linkIt is quite simple to create a booking link to one of the versions of the Crystal booking engine; youjust have to generate an HTML link using a .Here are some simple examples of HTML for incorporating external links to different versions of theCrystal booking engine.Calendar version: a href entier/2UYR/dateselection" Book /a Dynamic version: a href entier/2UYR/rates" Book /a Rate list version a href entier/2UYR/ratelist" Book /a Reminder, the real links are available in the section: Booking engines, Websiteengines tab, then by using the Install on a site link on the relevant engine16
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Enginesb. Creating a search form (mini-engine)To create a quick search form, redirecting to Availpro, you have to use an HTML form in POST.It is possible to make your own quick search engine by implementing your own HTML code and byusing the booking engine's advanced settings. To do this, please refer to section II.3Basic search formHere is an example of a search form which is easy to use and whose code is provided on the Availproextranet. It uses simple HTML (input & select) and JavaScript elements. form id "AVP" method "post" action ntier/2UYR/search?hotelId 11507" target " blank" input type "hidden" id "language" name "language" value "fr" / input type "hidden" id "AVP arrivalDate" name "arrivalDate" value "" / input type "hidden" id "AVP nights" name "nights" value "" / input type "hidden" id "guestCountSelector" name "guestCountSelector" value "ReadOnly" / table tr td colspan "2" Check-in date select id "AVP list days"onchange "updateDDay();" /select select id "AVP list months"onchange "setDays();" /select /td /tr tr td colspan "2" Number of night(s) select id "AVP list nights" /select /td /tr tr td colspan "2" Adults select id "selectedAdultCount"name "selectedAdultCount" /select Children select id "selectedChildCount"name "selectedChildCount" /select Infants select id "selectedInfantCount"name "selectedInfantCount" /select /td /tr tr td align "center" input type "button" value "Book" onclick "validate();" / /td td align "center" a href entier/2UYR/retrieve"target " blank" Cancel /a /td /tr /table /form script type "text/javascript" var months vember","December");var message 'Date outside planning'; /script script type "text/javascript" src ntier/2UYR/scripts/base.js" /script The important settings for this form are: arrivalDate: customer's check-in date (mandatory)17
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Engines nights: the number of nights (mandatory)selectedAdultCount, selectionChildCount and selectedInfantCount (select) enablingspecification of the number of people (optional)The JavaScript file: "base.js" enables completion of the various inputs.Reminder, the code for this basic form is available in the section: Booking engines,Website engines tab, then by using the Install on a site link on the relevant engine18
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesOptions for the formBy adding settings in the form of inputs into the search engine, you can use additional options.A tutorial for using these options is available in the section: Booking engines,Website engines tab, then by using the Install on a site link on the relevant engine,and finally by using the Install a mini booking engine linkUsing the "check-out date" fieldInstead of using the "number of nights" field, it is possible to use the "check-out date" field.Adding a "Special offer code" field (optional)This function enables a box to be displayed allowing users to enter a rate code in a search engine,which gives them the right to a private rate loaded onto Availpro (for more information on using andsetting up private rates, please refer to our customer support department)This field is added via an HTML input which must be called: "rate".c. Creating a best price form (bestprice widget)Separate documentation has been created for installing this form: Availpro Booking Engine Installing the engine widget on your site.You can request it from Availpro's customer support department or your Availpro account manager.d. Insertion with iframeInformation about using iframeIt is possible to integrate an Availpro Crystal booking engine with iframe in the contents of a website.To do this, you just have to use the HTML iframe elements, making one of the versions of thebooking engine the source.19
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesThere are some possibilities offered in the customisation of an Availpro engine enabling its reductionin size through the use of style sheets (CSS). There is no guide available on this topic, so you need torefer to the Availpro customer support department if you would like more information.However, depending on the constraints of your site, integration with iframe may not be optimum.Furthermore, integration of the Crystal booking engine can never be carried out in full with iframe,because when you go into secure navigation (https), a new tab/window will necessarily be opened.In general, since integration of the engine using iframe elements is quite restrictive, it is not reallyrecommended.Examples of useUse of an iframe on the rate list pageThis is the most common use. It is possible to fill in the "Rates" part of a hotel website by making aniframe on the rate list page of the Crystal booking engine.Here is a simple HTML example iframe id "myFrame" name "myFrame" src ntier/2UYR/ratelist?header false&details false" frameborder "0" noresize /iframe Use of an iframe in the full windowIt is possible to create an HTML page on the hotel website which would contain the Crystal bookingengine in iframe "full page" format, thus giving the illusion that the booking engine is in the hotel'sdomain.Here is an HTML example for a page putting the Crystal booking engine in full page format:20
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Engines html head script type "text/javascript" function LoadPage(){var url ("myFrame").src url;} /script /head style iframe {border:none;margin-top: 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-right: 0px;} /style body onLoad "LoadPage();" iframe height "100%" width "100%" id "myFrame" name "myFrame" src "#" frameborder "0"marginheight "0" marginwidth "0" noresize /iframe /body /html 3. Customising the installation using the Crystal booking engine'sadvanced settingsa. List of commonly used advanced settingsHere is the list of advanced settings that can be provided for the Crystal booking engine and whichare commonly used.It is possible to transfer them as settings in the engine's url (the url's get settings)Setting (case sensitive)languageType of valueChain (2-letter ISOcode)Usable on Version Calendar Mini-engine Dynamic Rate listarrivalDateDate (format: YYYYMM-dd)Complete Mini-enginenights Mini-engineDescriptionBooking engine displaylanguage, e.g.: "en" or"pt-br".If not specified, theuser's language isrecognised automaticallyCheck-in dateNumber of nights.Do not use at the same21
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesdepartureDateDate (format: YYYYMM-dd) eBoolean ("true" or"false") headerBoolean ("true" or"false") Dynamic Rate listfooterBoolean ("true" or"false") Dynamic Rate listdetailsBoolean ("true" or"false") Dynamic Rate listroomIdComplete Calendar Mini-engine Dynamicrate (*)Chain Calendar Mini-engine DynamicselectedRate (*)ChainselectedRateId (*)Complete ini-engineDynamicCalendartime as departureDateCheck-out date.Do not use at the sametime as nightsNumber of adultsNumber of childrenNumber of infantsIf "true", a form fortravel agencies isdisplayedBy default on "false", ifnot specifiedIndicates if the "header"specified in the bookingengine must bedisplayed or not.It is displayed by default.Useful where iframe isusedIndicates if the "footer"specified in the bookingengine must bedisplayed or not.It is displayed by default.Indicates if thename/location andcategory of the hotelmust be displayed ornot.This setting is usefulwhere iframe isintegrated.It is displayed by default.Enables the display andbooking to be restrictedto one room type inparticular.To be filled in with the IDof the room type onAvailproReference rate code.This rate will bedisplayed first in the list.Used to display the ratesknown as "private"(special rates)Rate code to be preselected (if rate availablefor sale)Availpro ID for the rate22
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Engines Mini-engine Dynamicto be pre-selected (ifrate available for sale)(*): The combination of the 3 settings: rate, selectedRate and selectedRateId enables a deep link tobe made on a particular rate (if the rate is available for sale)b. Practical examples of useCustomising a booking linkExample 1: Creating a link to the booking engine in ItalianTo pass on the language chosen by the user on the hotel oyal-Sentier/2UYR/dateselection?language IT Sentier/2UYR/search?language ITExample 2: Creating a link to the booking engine in English, filtering via a specific room lSentier/2UYR/search?language EN&roomId 40741Example 3: Creating a link to the booking engine in English for a specific rateRedirect the user to a particular rate using the 3 RoyalSentier/2UYR/search?language EN&rate PROMO&selectedRate PROMO&selectedRateId 42501It should be noted that, if the rate is not available, the hotel's other rates will be displayed, so thatthe hotel's other offers are nevertheless presented to the customerCustomising a search form (customised mini-engine)It is possible to make your own customised search form, using the Crystal booking engine's advancedsettings.This means that you can create your own calendars (datepicker) for the customer's check-in andcheck-out dates using JavaScript.To do this, you will need to pass on the following key variables to the Crystal booking engine: Check-in date (arrivalDate)Number of nights (nights) or check-out date (departureDate)23
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesHere is an example of a search form with a calendar (use of Jquery:http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker).It enables: Selection of the check-in date via a calendarSelection of the number of nights24
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Engines !doctype html html head meta charset "utf-8" / title Date Picker Mini Engine Sample /title link rel "stylesheet" href s/jquery-ui.css" / script type "text/javascript" src "http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js" /script script type "text/javascript" src "http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js" /script script type "text/javascript" src i/i18n/jquery.ui.datepickerfr.js" /script link rel "stylesheet" href "/resources/demos/style.css" / script type "text/javascript" (function() { ("#datepicker").datepicker( .datepicker.regional[ "fr" ]); ("#datepicker").datepicker("option", "dateFormat", "yy-mm-dd");}); /script script type "text/javascript" function Validate(){var arrivalDate document.getElementById("datepicker").value;var nightValue l-RoyalSentier/2UYR/search?hotelId 11507&arrivalDate " arrivalDate "&nights " nightValue);return;} /script /head body p Date: input type "text" id "datepicker" / Number of night(s): select id "nights" name "nights" option value "1" selected 1 /option option value "2" 2 /option option value "3" 3 /option option value "4" 4 /option option value "5" 5 /option option value "6" 6 /option option value "7" 7 /option option value "8" 8 /option option value "9" 9 /option option value "10" 10 /option /select input type "button" onClick "Validate();" value "Book" / /p /body /html 25
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesIII. Installing the Crystal booking engine(multi-hotel)A Crystal booking engine is referred to as a "Multi-Hotel" one when it enables the availability andprice of at least 2 hotels to be displayed. The number of hotels linked to a Crystal booking engine isdefined and can be configured on the Availpro extranet, in the engine configuration part:section Booking engines, then Site engines.1. The different versions of the Crystal Multi-Hotel booking enginea. Calendar and country/city selectionCalendars with city selection26
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesCalendars (without country/city selection)This is the standard version of the Crystal "Multi-Hotel" booking engine which enables users to selectthe dates of their stay and to see the available hotels. To start the booking process, the user is askedto fill in the following information: Country (if the booking engine allows hotels to be booked in different countries)City (if the booking engine allows hotels to be booked in different cities)Check-in dateCheck-out dateOption: Only view the available hotels (to enable only the hotels which are actually availableto be viewed, or the full catalogue of hotels for this engine)In contrast to the "single-hotel" version, the calendars for check-in and check-out dates do not reflectthe availability of the hotels.Travel agent accessThe principle is the same as for the single-hotel version, see section II.1.a – Travel agent accessb. Display of a quick search form (mini-engine)There are several options for installing a quick search form (mini-engine) in the multi-hotel version.Search form for all hotels available27
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesSearch form for all hotelsThe display for this engine is the same as for the single-hotel version.Search form with hotel selectionSearch form with hotel selectionThe user is requested to select a hotel from the list of hotels which the engine allows you to book.c. Dynamic display of rooms and rates (room)By definition, a multi-hotel engine does not allow the dynamic version of rooms and rates for aparticular hotel to be displayed.It is nevertheless possible to display this version by supplying the multi-hotel engine with the hotel'sAvailpro ID as a setting. You therefore have to know the hotel's Availpro ID.For example, the Availpro ID of the test hotel Siriona is 5640.You can therefore enter this ID as a setting in the hotelId variable in order to display the dynamicversion of rooms and rates for this hotel.For example: ntier/29VR/rates?hotelId 5640The display is then exactly the same as in section II-1-d.28
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking Enginesd. Rate list displayBy definition, a multi-hotel engine does not allow the rate list for a particular hotel to be displayed.It is nevertheless possible to display this version by supplying the multi-hotel engine with the hotel'sAvailpro ID as a setting. You therefore have to know the hotel's Availpro ID.For example, the Availpro ID of the test hotel Siriona is 5640.You can therefore enter this ID as a setting in the hotelId variable in order to display the rate list forthis hotel.For example: tier/29VR/ratelist?hotelId 5640The display is then exactly the same as in section II-1-e.2. Installation on a websitea. Creating a simple booking linkIt is quite simple to create a booking link to one of the versions of the Crystal multi-hotel bookingengine; you just have to generate an HTML link using a .Here are some simple examples of HTML for incorporating external links to different versions of theCrystal booking engine.Calendar version: a href /dateselection" Book /a Depending on the location of the hotels, selection of the country and/or city will be requested. Seesection III-1-a.Dynamic version: a href /rates?hotelId 5640" Book /a As the dynamic version is by definition single-hotel, you then have to enter the hotel's Availpro ID asa setting (hotelId).Rate list version a href /ratelist?hotelId 5640" Book /a 29
Availpro Booking Engines – Installing Availpro Booking EnginesAs the rate list version is by definition single-hotel, you then have to enter the hotel's Availpro ID as asetting (hotelId).Reminder, the real links are available in the section: Booking engines, Websiteengines tab, then by using the Install on a site link on the relevant engineb. Creating a search form (mini-engine)To create a quick search form redirecting
Availpro Booking Engines - Installing Availpro Booking Engines 4 VII. INSTALLING THE FACEBOOK BOOKING ENGINE 48 VIII. APPENDICES 50 1. Overview of the booking steps for the Crystal booking engine (single- and multi-hotel) 50 a. Calendar and search form version 51 b. Rate list version 51 c. Dynamic version of rates and rooms 51 2.
B2B taxi booking A B2B taxi booking is a successful booking that has been placed from a Taxi Butler at a venue. Successful booking A successful booking is a booking that has been placed and accepted by a taxi driver and confirmed to have arrived at the desired location. Taxi Butler A taxi booking device that allows venue staff to book taxis .
view the booking. 2 4. Serko advises you the status of the booking and whether it is permissible to make changes. CLONE OR SHARE A BOOKING 5. Click on More Actions in the header to clone this booking or share it with another traveller. AMEND A BOOKING 6. Click on More Actions beside each option in the booking to add a hotel or car, or to amend .
INSTALLING THE CRYSTAL BOOKING ENGINE (SINGLE-HOTEL) 8 1. The different versions of the Crystal booking engine 8 a. Calendar 8 Travel agent access 10 b. Display of a quick search form (mini-engine) 11 c. Display of a best price form (bestprice widget) 12 d. Dynamic display of rooms and rates (room) 13 e. Rate list display 15 .
MAGENTO BOOKING SYSTEM PRO - [SELECT DATE] 7 Enable: To select publish or unpublish the Magento Booking System Pro extension Format Date: Set format date to display in frontend Maximum Booking: Type the number of maximum booking Use default price: Set a default price for booking item Map Z
Hotel Tech Report 2019 Booking Engine Buyer's Guide 3 OVERVIEW A A hotel booking engine is essentially the shopping cart equivalent for a hotel website and it's sole purpose is to drive and convert direct bookings. A good booking engine should be optimised for conversion, and should provide a simple booking process for your guests.
Engines regulated by 40 CFR Part 86 typically include engines used in on-highway applications such as heavy-duty gasoline fueled engines (HDGEs), heavy-duty diesel fueled engines (HDDEs), and heavy-duty engines using alternate fuels (CNG, LPG and LNG). Engines regulated by 40 CFR Part 89 include compression-ignition engines used in nonroad .
Booking travel for yourself or another UD employee. Booking Travel for UD Employees. Booking Travel in Concur for UD Employees. 1 . to the hotel for consideration when booking your room. 20 On the lower half of the screen, verify your payment information Be sure to read any rate details, rules, and cancellation policies .
ACCOUNTING 0452/22 Paper 2 October/November 2017 1 hour 45 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction .