Toilet Training for Everyone –Revised and ExpandedDay 1: Thursday, February 4, 2020Web Streamed from Vancouver, BCPresented byPat Mirenda, PhD, BCBA-D&Katie Rinald, BCBACo‐Sponsored by:This workshop is partially funded by the Government of Canada'sEmergency Support Fund and the Vancouver Foundation.
Event ScheduleAll times are in Pacific Standard Time9:00 –10:15 –10:30 –11:30 –12:15 –1:15 –1:30 –10:1510:3011:3012:151:151:302:45Session 1BreakSession 2LunchSession 3BreakSession 4Tips for Improving the Web Stream Experience: Be sure your speakers or headphones are on, and thevolume is up.Before the presentation and during breaks, the image andaudio will be obscured.Close open ‘tabs’ in your browser. This will use yourcomputer’s memory and slow the connection.Check that your browser is up to date.If video is stuttering or jumpy, change the resolution byclicking on the ‘gear’ icon (bottom right corner of video).To go full screen, click on the ‘box’ icon in the lower rightof the image.If you are having trouble with Internet Explorer or Safari,try Google Chrome.For more troubleshooting information, please visit:
AcknowledgementsACT – Autism Community Training offers our thanks to Dr. Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald forpresenting as part of our 2021 Free Web Stream Series. As we all struggle to keep ourcommunities healthy, we appreciate that ACT can offer this workshop totally online whilemaintaining the safety of attendees, staff, and our presenters. Many thanks to the Sheraton WallCentre and to XE Live for supporting our work.This event has been made possible thanks to the generous sponsorship of POPARD and ourindividual donors. We are very grateful for this collaboration, which has allowed us to web streamthis presentation for free to families in British Columbia, across Canada and internationally.Those who have attended ACT events over the years know that we depend on communitycollaboration and support to sustain our work. ACT deeply appreciates the many parents andprofessionals across British Columbia who volunteer their time and support, donate funds, andhelp spread the word - especially during these challenging times.If you would like to donate to ACT, please see more information on our work during the pandemic see ACT’s 2020 Report to DonorsFree Resources from ACTACT’s Coronavirus (COVID-19): Resources for the Autism Community - ACT has gatheredresources specific to those who are neurodiverse and useful general resources to providesupport to families throughout the pandemic. Videos @ ACT (AVA) – Over 60 quality online videos available free – without a log-in,thanks to our sponsors.’s Autism Information Database (the AID) – Like Google for Autism but better!Keyword search nearly 1,500 curated AID records for evidence-informed, practical informationresources useful to families and community professionals.’s BC Community Resources Database – Search by your postal code for professionals andservice providers throughout BC.’s Autism Manual for B.C - 13 chapters! ACT’s Monthly News Round-Up & Event Alerts - Sign-up to keep in touch with developmentsaffecting the special needs community.’s Facebook - ACT carefully sources interesting, insightful stories to inform our 8,000 plusfollowers. – Autism Community TrainingSuite 204– 2735 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, V5K 1Z8 Tel: 604-205-5467Toll-Free: 1-866-939-5188 Fax: 604-205-5345Email: Website:
TOILET TRAINING FOREVERYONE, REVISED ANDEXPANDED: DAY 1ACT-Autism Community TrainingFebruary 4-5, 2021Pat Mirenda, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Professor Emerita,University of British ColumbiaKatie Rinald, M.A., BCBA, Blackbird Special EducationOverview of the Two Days This is a two-person event and will be structured asfollows:Day 1 Pat:Introduction and getting readyRapid toilet training Katie: Day 2 (assumes that you attended the “introductionand getting ready to train” session in Day 1) Pat:Toilet training “the long way”Night time training Katie and Pat: Case studies of special problems Katie:Mentimeter Despite the fact that we are in a virtual space, withwill be an interactive event!Go to on your phone, iPad, or computerEnter the code:Now you can answer questions when they appearon the screen! Easy peasy!Let’s practice: Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 20211
IntroductionMyths About Toilet Training“She doesn’t havethe necessaryprerequisite skills”“He’ll trainhimselfwhen he’sready”“He’s too oldto be trained,at this point”“She can’t betrained; shehas XYZsyndrome”Prerequisites? Depending on who you ask, prerequisites mayinclude: Stayingdry for at least 2 hours at a timea regular bowel movement schedule Following simple directions Demonstrating discomfort with dirty diapers Asking to use the toilet Asking to wear underwear Pulling pants up and down independently Etc. Having Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 20212
There is NO RESEARCHto support theseprerequisites!! Aucun Nada Bupkis Zilch Zero So: don’t worry aboutprerequisites!The Brazelton Way Endorsed by the American Academy of Paediatricsand the Canadian Paediatric SocietyThe goal is for the child to “think potty training ishis idea,” not the adult’sIncludes: TheimTaking the child to the store to buy a pottyEncouraging the child to sit on the potty fully-clothedEmptying the child’s soiled diaper in the toiletThe child sitting on the potty and actually voidingis supposed to happen spontaneously If the child reacts negatively to any step, advice is tostop and pull back; every part of the training mustoccur at the “child’s pace”The Modeling Method Potty Train Your Child in Less Than aDay (Dr. Phil) Geta doll that peesthe doll “peeing” in the potty ShownGet really excited! Getrid of diapersyour child lots of fluids to drink Sit your child on the toilet andif/when they pee, have a “pottyparty” with a favorite superhero Do this 10 times GivethrelationshipIDrIdThe 3imagewpart aswith norelatiotnshipfoID undinnot thfoundein thefilfile. e. Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 20213
Ask Yourself If a mainstream approach totoilet training works for youand your child – terrific!But what if it doesn’t? Thenwhat?Two options that areresearch-based “How’s that working for you?”Katie: Rapid Toilet Training (RTT) A structured, intensive approach thatoccurs over 5-10 days at home, 8-10hrs per day Modified from Azrin & Foxx (1974),based on research since then (e.g., Greeret al., 2016; Perez et al., 2020; Rinald& Mirenda, 2012)Can be used most easily with youngchildren who are receiving homebased early interventionCan also be used with older childrenor adults if they can stay home for thetraining periodPat: The “Long Way” Structured but less intensive; occurs during daytimehours over several weeks Alsobased on current research (e.g., Cicero & Pfadt,2002; Cocchiola et al., 2012; Francis et al., 2017;Perez et al., 2020) Usually employed with adults and with school-agedchildren and adolescents because it can beimplemented in home, school, and communitysettings Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 20214
Toilet Training is AboutGood Instruction!!! Instruction that is carefullysequencedplanned systematically delivered systematicallyInstruction that isindividualized to start wherethe individual is “at” Instruction that employsappropriate motivationalincentives and errorcorrection feedback PCS and Boardmaker are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.Getting ReadyUrination TrainingPCS and Boardmaker are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 20215
Urination: What’s Involved?Urine is made in thekidneys, flows down the ureters,and empties into the bladder Before exiting throughthe urethra Urination In people with both male and female anatomy, tinymuscles (sphincters) contract to keep urine in thebladderIn order to urinate, these muscles must relaxToilet training involves teaching the individual to relaxthese teeny tiny muscles at just the right time and in justthe right place! That’s not easy!!!!!Getting Ready: Medical Issues If there are concerns about medical issues thatmay affect urination training, check with aphysician before beginning Neurogenicbladderbladder infections Urinary tract disorders Etc. FrequentPCS and Boardmaker are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 20216
Getting Ready: Prepare Yourself Do one or more of these sound familiar?“I’ve triedeverythingand nothinghas worked”“I already know that[name] can’t betrained, but maybe Iwill learn somethingthat will helpsomeone else”“This willprobably bea waste ofmy time ”“Toilettraining foreveryone?HA!”Getting Ready: Prepare Yourself Important to see this is an instructional challenge,not a behavior challengeUnderstand that you are un-teaching old habits at thesame time as you are teaching new ones!! Don’t frame it as a power struggle Be planful. Breathe. Stay calm.Reward yourself for progress and perseveranceRemember: they are called “accidents” for goodreason!Getting Ready: Who? Where? Decide when training will take place and who will beinvolved Whenwill someone be able to focus on training?has the commitment and motivation? Who has the energy and the time? Who will be able to follow through? Who If the timing is not right, STOP!If a committed and motivated person is notavailable, STOP! Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 20217
Getting Ready: Clothes Get rid of diapers or pull-ups in the training setting! It is almost impossible to train someone who iswearing diapers or pull-upsn You can’t easily tell if they’re wet or dryn Neither can they! In the training setting, have the trainee wear regularunderwear, with waterproof pants over them toprotect clothes or for hygienic reasons (e.g., in theclassroom)n It’s okay to wear diapers or pull-ups alone duringnon-training times and at night (for now)PCS and Boardmaker are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.Waterproof PantsSoft, breathable, waterproof pants Three “infant” sizes (up to 40 lb.) Three youth sizes (50-100 lb.) Five adult sizes (24-57 inch waist) Infant sizes are 16.00, youth sizes are 20.00 and adult sizes are 26.00 CAD They also have swim diapers in all sizes Getting Ready: Reinforcers!Identify several items, activities, etc. that can beused to reinforce urination in the toilet These should not be available at any other time"Preferred “treat” foods, drinks"Preferred toys, leisure items, etc."Preferred activities"“Think outside of the box”!!!PCS and Boardmaker are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 20218
Getting Ready: Reinforcers“Mychild doesn’t loveanything”“Nothing is reinforcingto XXX”“XXX doesn’t smile orseem happy when Iprovide theitem/food/drink afterhe/she pees”An emotional reaction is not necessary!!! Ask yourself: Is thetrainee peeing in the toilet more often? If so, whatever youare providing is acting as a reinforcer. If not, it is NOT. Period.Really? Ask yourself: what will the trainee try to grab fromsomeone else? what will the trainee drag you to look at (andmaybe even tantrum if you won’t go)? Getting Ready: ReinforcersHave the items available BUT NOT VISIBLE inthe bathroom so that they can be providedimmediately when appropriate urination occursnFor example, place food in a plastic baggieor Tupperware container, place drink in athermos, place toys in a closed container Verbal praise should always be used as well,but it is NOT enough (plus, it’s hopefullyavailable at other times!) PCS and Boardmaker are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.One More Thing About Reinforcers“Remember, Johnny/Sally,if you pee in the toiletyou will get XXX.” “If you want the iPad, youneed to go poop in thetoilet. No poop, no iPad.”(child cries/tantrums)It might seem counter-intuitive, it is NOT NECESSARY to“warn” or explain to the trainee what will happen ifpeeing/pooping in the toilet occursAnd, DO NOT display the reinforcers in the bathroomso the trainee can see them! (the “reinforcergraveyard”)Just provide the reinforcer when the desired behaviouroccurs, and DON’T TALK ABOUT IT otherwise! Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 20219
Getting Ready: Seating For boys, decide whether to train in a standing orseated position, at least initially Consider physical abilities, age, individual preferencesInsure proper seating on the toiletThis is important so the person can be relaxed, unafraidof falling in, etc. The person should be able to sit n Upright and balanced (i.e., comfortably)n With feet supported Use a plastic seat insert, adapted chair, raised footblock, etc. as needed to achieve proper seatingGetting Ready: Communication For individuals with limited or no speech, select amanual sign, photograph, or some other type of symbolfor “bathroom”PCS and Boardmaker are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.Bowel TrainingPCS and Boardmaker are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202110
Defecation: What’s Involved? Food travels from the stomachthrough the small intestine tothe large intestine, whereexcess water is absorbedFecal matter reaches therectum, where sphinctermuscles around the anuscontract to hold it inDefecation When the rectum fills, a personfeels an urge to relax thesphincter muscles and push outthe fecesSo, as with urination,training involves teachingthe individual to relax theanal muscles at just the righttime and in just the rightplace!Getting Ready: Medical Issues If there are concerns about medicalissues that may affect bowel training,check with a physician beforebeginning Hirschsprungsyndrome or other boweldisorders Chronic diarrhea Chronic constipationPCS and Boardmaker are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202111
Getting Ready: Diet There has to be enough fiber and liquid inthe diet to create soft poop! Fiber fruits, veggies, grains, BRAN, etc. Liquid water, juice (especially apple,pear, prune, apricot) Not white foods (white rice, pasta, whitebread), fried foods, bananas, milk andother dairy productsn Constipation can be a sign of lactoseintolerance -- try switching to soy milk!If diet is a problem -- fix it first! diet/high-fiber-foodsPCS and Boardmaker are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.Getting Ready: Other Choosing a Training ApproachRapid Toilet Training (RTT) Trainee can stay at home for atleast 8-10 consecutive hrs/day for5-10 consecutive daysAdult can devote time and energyto train for this periodTrainee is able to navigateindependently to the toilet and siton it for up to 30 minutes at a timeif provided with a fun activityIt is safe for the trainee to drinklots of liquids AND they will drinksips of one or more beverages(water, juice, etc.) when offeredthroughout the dayThe “Long Way” Trainee is in school and cannotmeet the RTT time requirementAdult cannot devote time andenergy to train for the RTT timerequirementTrainee is unable to navigateindependently to the toilet and/orwill not sit on it for up to 30minutes at a time, even whenprovided with a fun activityIt is not safe for the trainee todrink lots of liquids OR they willnot drink sips of one or morebeverages (water, juice, etc.) whenoffered throughout the day Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202112
Rapid Toilet Training (RTT)Rapid Toilet Training (RTT) Azrin & Foxx published the firstRTT study in 1971 and a bookbased on this research in 1974 Themajority of toilet trainingstudies since then have beenbased on their method Variations of the RTT procedurehave been successful with peopleof many ages with a wide rangeof disabilities, and with youngtypically-developing childrenRapid Toilet Training (RTT)The Azrin & Foxx studyincluded nine adult maleswith profound intellectualdisabilities who wereresidents in an institution ALL NINE achievedindependent toileting (with amean of 4 days of training)! Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202113
Rinald & Mirenda, 2012Based on the original RTT protocol Taught 5 parents to toilet train their children inworkshops 3with autism, 1 with Down Syndrome, 1 with anintellectual disability Mixed toilet training history; 2 had been trying forover a year, 1 had tried a little, the other 2 hadnot attempted toilet training at all Parents did ALL of the training, with onlytelephone support from KatieRinald & Mirenda, 20123 participants were totally toilet trained,including self-initiation, within 5 days! 1 child took 2 weeks to begin initiating 1 did not achieve initiation (but was accidentfree) by the time of follow-up (1 month postintervention) RTT Disclaimer Again, it is VERY labour-intensive!You may also need help from a Behaviour Analystwith experience implementing RTT – troubleshootingcan be challenging Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202114
Is this trainee a good candidate forRTT?Two MOST important things:1.Trainee will sit on the toilet for 30 minutes 2.With fun things to do, and a comfy seat/stool set-upIf the trainee doesn’t do this yet, you could work on itprior to actually starting RTTIt’s safe for the trainee to drink lots of liquid ANDhe/she will do soGetting Ready Gather items, including: A number of highly motivating reward items for thetrainee Some activities the trainee that can be done while sitting onthe toilet but that will not be used as reinforcers Underwear or shorts in the trainee’s size Looser fitting underwear is bestNO DIAPERS except at nighttime!Lots of the trainee’s favourite drinks and salty snacksA soft toilet seat insert, if needed A footstool, if needed A timer and data sheets Rewards for yourself Setting Up PUT THE FUN SITTING ACTIVITIES IN THEBATHROOM Alsoanything you might need during the day; food,drinks, phone, laptop, cleaning supplies for accidents,change of clothes for the trainee, etc. Make a comfy spot for the instructor to sit in thebathroom, too!Cover up carpets, couches, etc. in nearby areas(accidents will happen!)And, GET READY. This is a lot of work! Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202115
What Does RTT Teach? In RTT, pee and poop training are targeted togetherIn most situations, this procedure will work forteaching the trainee both! However,in some cases, poop training requires its ownset of procedures (We’ll discuss this tomorrow!)The Training Plan: 4 Key ComponentsIncreasedFluidsScheduledToilet SittingsRapidToiletTrainingReinforcementfor CorrectToiletingRedirectionfor AccidentsIncreased fluids Definition: Give the trainee as much liquid to drink as possible!Why? The more liquid consumed, the more s/he willurinate So, the more opportunities to learn! Having the trainee urinate as many times as possibleduring the intensive training phase will help him/herlearn more quickly. Drinking lots of liquid can also encourage poop tohappen Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202116
Increased Fluids DO: Have a variety of liquids available S/heshould always have a cup on the go!n “Littledrinkers”: Aim for at least triple the usualamountn “Big drinkers”: Aim for at least 100mL consumed every30 minutes (this is about half a typical kid-sized cup)n Sips are finen Keep track of the amount consumed Provide some salty snacks that will increase the trainee’sdesire to drink Offer the learner their most preferred drinking vessel(s)and temperatureIncreased Fluids: Keeping TrackIncreased Fluids DON’T: Stop giving liquids if you run out of the trainee’sfavourite or if they don’t seem to like what youhave Give up if the trainee isn’t drinking independentlyn OF COURSE, don’t force them to drink -- butconstantly offer the drink (e.g., put the cup totheir lips) Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202117
IncreasedFluidsScheduledToilet SittingsRapidToiletTrainingReinforcementfor CorrectToiletingRedirectionfor AccidentsScheduled Toilet Sittings Definition: The trainee will stay seated on the toiletfor a predetermined amount of time. Ideally,the first sitting starts as soon as the trainee getsup in the morning Trainee can look at books, watch DVDs, play games, orengage in any other SEATED activity that will make iteasier for them to stay seated Trainee will get off the toilet when they eliminate or atthe end of the predetermined amount of time ifelimination has not occurredScheduled Toilet Sittings Why? Themore time the trainee spends on the toilet, the morelikely they are to eliminate while on the toiletnIncreases the probability of success, and decreases theprobability of accidents!nThe learner doesn’t have to “get” that they need topee/poop in the toilet ahead of time n Theyjust happen to be sitting on the toilet, and justhappen to pee/poop (because we’ve provided lots ofliquid to drink), and then SOMETHING AMAZINGHAPPENS! (The reinforcer, which we will discuss soon!)n This is how the learning occurs! Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202118
Scheduled Toilet Sittings As the trainee eliminates successfully more often, theschedule will change to allow for more time off thetoilet Note, as soon as the trainee pees/poops in the toilet,the following things happen: THEY GET A REINFORCER! (More on this in a minute!)THEY LEAVE THE TOILET! Learner does NOT stay on the toilet until the end of the interval!Rather, the ‘timer’ stops there, and they begin their break time! As time ON the toilet decreases, time OFF the toiletincreases, in 5 minute increments Scheduled Toilet SittingsPhase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5Phase 6Time OFF THE TOILETfollowing a successfulTime ON THE TOILET elimination30 min5 min25 min10 min20 min15 min15 min20 min10 min25 min5 min30 minWhen to move to the next phase?AFTER 3 CONSECUTIVE SUCCESSFUL ELIMINATIONSScheduled Toilet Sittings: MovingBetween Phases 3 CONSECUTIVE SUCCESSFUL ELIMINATIONSmeans: move to the next timing intervalACCIDENT? Re-set!You need another 3 in a row in order to moveto the next timing interval.Let’s see an example Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202119
Scheduled Toilet Sittings: MovingBetween Phases PHASE 1 (30 min on toilet, 5 min break after a success)Joey starts on the toilet at 7:30 am. Mom sets a 30minute timer while Joey listens to music withheadphones on the toilet.At 7:41am, Joey pees in the toilet!! SUCCESS #1Mom delivers a reinforcer immediately!Mom then sets a 5 minute timer and gives Joey a 5minute break from the toilet Hecan enjoy his reinforcer, chill out, move around, etc.!still watches closely in case of accidents, though MomRecording DataScheduled Toilet Sittings: MovingBetween Phases At 7:46 am, Joey is back on the toilet looking atbooks.At 7:51am, Joey pees in the toilet! SUCCESS #2Mom delivers a reinforcer immediately!Mom then sets a 5 minute timer and gives Joey a 5minute break from the toilet.At 7:56 am, Joey is back on the toilet listening tomusic.At 8:20 am, Joey poops in the toilet! SUCCESS #3Mom, of course, delivers a reinforcer and then givesJoey that 5 minute break! Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202120
Recording DataScheduled Toilet Sittings: MovingBetween PhasesPhase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5Phase 6Time OFF THE TOILETfollowing a successfulTime ON THE TOILET elimination30 min5 min25 min10 min20 min15 min15 min20 min10 min25 min5 min30 minTime for Phase 2! Mom will set her timer for 25 minutes whenJoey returns to the toilet.Scheduled Toilet Sittings: MovingBetween Phases What if the trainee DOESN’T urinate during thescheduled toilet sitting? S/hegets a 2 minute break off the toilet, to stretch,move around, play, etc. – but stay close to the toilet! After 2 minutes, the next scheduled sitting starts Thisbreak is so short because if s/he didn’t urinateduring the on-toilet interval, s/he is very likely to do sosoon!n Minimizes chance of an accident Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202121
Scheduled Toilet Sittings: MovingBetween Phases Back to Joey! He returned to the toilet to start Phase 2 at 8:25 amJoey peed in the toilet at 8:30 am! SUCCESS #1 Mom, of course, delivered a reinforcer and set her timerfor a 10 minute break At 8:40 am, Joey returned to the toilet. Mom set hertimer for 25 minutes while Joey began looking at books At 9:05 am, Mom’s timer is sounding, and Joey is still onthe toilet and has not yet peed!Recording DataScheduled Toilet Sittings: MovingBetween Phases Mom has Joey stand up and stretch, move around, dance andwiggle a bit for 2 minutes close to the bathroomAt 9:07 am, Joey returns to the toilet and Mom sets her timerfor 25 minutes. At 9:08 am, Joey pees. SUCCESS #2 That’s right, this is SUCCESS #2!!!The 3 CONSECUTIVE SUCCESSES necessary to move to the nextphase do NOT have to occur in back-to-back intervals CONSECUTIVE just means there was NO ACCIDENT in between!Mom delivers the reinforcer and gives Joey a 10 minute break.Joey returns to the toilet at 9:18 am and pees at 9:19 am.SUCCESS #3!!! Mom delivers the reinforcer and Joey gets a 10minute break Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202122
Recording Data(Yes, our 3consecutive successesare shown across 2data sheets)Time ON THE TOILETPhase 130 minTime OFF THE TOILETfollowing a successfulelimination5 minPhase 225 min10 minPhase 320 min15 minPhase 415 min20 minPhase 510 min25 minPhase 65 min30 minWhat will Mom set her timer for when Joeyreturns to the toilet?Scheduled Toilet Sittings: MovingBetween Phases So, Joey is just starting Phase 3! At 9:29 am, he sitson the toilet and Mom sets a 20 minute timer.At 9:40 am, Joey pees! SUCCESS #1Mom delivers the reinforcer and gives Joey a 15minute breakAt 9:45 am, Joey has an accident – he pees a littlewhile standing in the kitchenMom brings Joey back to the toilet (more on this ina minute!) and sets her timer for 20 minutes on thetoilet again right away Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202123
Recording DataScheduled Toilet Sittings: MovingBetween Phases At 9:50 am, Joey pees in the toilet. SUCCESS #1 That’sright, this is SUCCESS #1! We ‘reset’ becausethere was an accident Mom delivers the reinforcer and sets her timer for a15 minute breakJoey returns to the toilet at 10:05 am and peesimmediately. SUCCESS #2!Mom delivers the reinforcer and sets her a timer fora 15 minute breakJoey returns to the toilet at 10:20 am. At 10:30am, he pees. SUCCESS #3!Scheduled Toilet Sittings: MovingBetween Phases What if accidents keep happening?2 CONSECUTIVE ACCIDENTS: ‘Backup’ to the previous phase! Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202124
Scheduled Toilet Sittings: MovingBetween PhasesTime ON THE TOILETTime OFF THE TOILETfollowing a successfuleliminationPhase 130 min5 minPhase 225 min10 minPhase 320 min15 minPhase 415 min20 minPhase 510 min25 minPhase 65 min30 minKeep progressing through the phases using those ‘rules’!Scheduled Toilet Sittings DOs: Stay with the trainee while they are on the toilet Use the activities you chose to keep the trainee occupiedwhile sittingn Constantly provide choices of activities to avoid boredom!n (And perhaps forget your screen time rules for now!) If needed, use the soft toilet seat insert and footstool tomake sitting on the toilet comfortable for the trainee Use your timer and KEEP WRITING! Otherwise, it’s easy tolose track Pre-organize your data sheets so they’re easy to find anduse when neededScheduled Toilet Sittings DON’Ts: Don’tallow the trainee to leave the toilet if they arebored; rather, redirect them to another of your plannedactivities.nThis is why it’s important to have many activities available! Don’tgive the trainee any activities to do that are tooexciting; if the trainee will be too excited to relax thenecessary muscles to urinate, don’t use that activity. Don’t forget to watch the trainee closely; if they starturinating, you need to be aware! Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202125
Increased FluidsScheduledToilet SittingsRapidToiletTrainingReinforcementfor CorrectToiletingRedirection forAccidentsReinforcement for Correct Toileting Definition: Ifthe trainee urinates in the toilet, they will be given apredetermined reward immediately after the urinationhas stopped They will also leave the toilet immediately (and take abreak according to the current schedule)Reinforcement for Correct Toileting Why? Givinga highly preferred item to the traineeimmediately after they urinate in the toilet increases thelikelihood that they will continue to do so in the future Pat Mirenda and Katie Rinald, February 202126
Reinforcement for Correct Toileting Like Pat said:THESE THINGS HAVE GOTTO BE GOOD! We are teaching HARD, NEW, UNPRECEDENTEDBEHAVIOURWhat works as a reinforcer for the trainee to learnother behaviours might not cut it for this one!Reinforcement for Correct ToiletingReinforcement for Correct Toileting DOs: Do give the item immediately after the trainee has stoppedurinating, along with lots of praise (hugs and kisses, cheering,etc.; this is a BIG DEAL!)n(DO NOT do wiping/handwashing/etc. first!!!! Later in the training, thiscould happen, BUT NOT IN THE EARLY STAGES!)Do tell the trainee why they are getting a reward: e.g.,“Hooray, you peed in
The goal is for the child to "think potty training is his idea," not the adult's Includes: Taking the child to the store to buy a potty Encouraging the child to sit on the potty fully -clothed Emptying the child's soiled diaper in the toilet The child sitting on the potty and actually voiding is supposed to happen .
Student Training Manual/Workbook . 5 Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice Use Only Revised 5/23/2016 Revised By: Revised Date: Revised By: Revised Date: Revised By: Revised Date: Revised By: Revised Date: Revised By: Revised Date: Revised By: Revised Date: Revised By: Revised Date: Marie Jernigan Supervisor Training Unit SBI Criminal Information and Identification Section May 23, 2016 Jeannie .
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service i Norge och Finland drivs inom ramen för ett enskilt företag (NRK. 1 och Yleisradio), fin ns det i Sverige tre: Ett för tv (Sveriges Television , SVT ), ett för radio (Sveriges Radio , SR ) och ett för utbildnings program (Sveriges Utbildningsradio, UR, vilket till följd av sin begränsade storlek inte återfinns bland de 25 största
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To determine which brand toilet paper is the strongest. Hypothesis: Naturale is the strongest toilet paper since it has less gaps which means more fibres that gives the toilet paper its strength. The dependent variable: For the strength and the wet strength tests the dependent variable is the amount of weight the toilet paper can hold.
how to toilet train a child with autism. 2. Participants will leave with an understanding of where to get started toilet training their child/student. 3. Participants will leave with some resource to help them get started toilet training their child/student.