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Humana DentalBrevard County Schools

Custom Humana Dental Traditional PreferredBrevard Public SchoolsFLORIDAPPO HighIf you use anIN-NETWORK dentistIf you use anOUT-OF-NETWORK dentistCalendar-year s orthodontia services) 50 150 50 150Deductible applies to all services excluding preventive services.Calendar-year annual maximum(excludes orthodontia services) 1,250 extended annual maximum (see section below)Preventive services Routine oral examinations (2 per year) Bitewing x-rays (2 films under age 10, up to 4 filmsages 10 and older) Routine cleanings (4 per year) Periodontal cleanings (4 per year) Fluoride treatment (1 per year, through age 18) Sealants (permanent molars, through age 16) Space maintainers (primary teeth, through age 15) Oral Cancer Screening (1 per year, ages 40 and older)100% no deductible, doesnot apply against annualmaximum100% no deductible, does notapply against annual maximum80% after deductible80% after deductibleBasic services Emergency care for pain relief Amalgam fillings (1 per tooth every 2 years,composite for anterior/front teeth) Composite fillings (1 per tooth every 2 years,molar teeth) Oral surgery (tooth extractions includingimpacted teeth) Stainless steel crowns Harmful habit appliances for children (1 perlifetime, through age 14) Periodontics (scaling/root planing) Endodontics (root canals 1 per tooth per lifetimeand 1 re-treatment)xMajor services Crowns (1 per tooth every 5 years)50% after deductibleInlays/onlays (1 per tooth every 5 years)Bridges (1 per tooth every 5 years)Dentures (1 per tooth ever 5 years)Denture relines/rebases (1 every 3 years, following 6months of denture use) Denture repair and adjustments (following6 months of denture use) Implant Related Services (crowns, bridges, anddentures each limited to 1 per tooth every five years.Coverage limited to equivalent cost of a non-implantservice. Implant placement itself is not covered.) Surgical Periodontics (surgery 1 per quadrant every 3years)xPage 1 of 450% after deductible1-800-233-4013 Humana.comSGB0003A

Custom Humana Dental Traditional PreferredFLORIDAIf you use anIN-NETWORK dentistIf you use anOUT-OF-NETWORK dentistExtended Annual MaxAdditional coverage for preventive, basic, and majorservices after the calendar-year maximum is met(excludes orthodontia)30%30%Child orthodontia - Covers children through age 18. Plan pays75 percent (no deductible) of the covered orthodontia services,up to: 1,000 lifetime orthodontia maximum.Orthodontia servicesNon-participating dentists can bill you for charges above the amount covered by your Humana Dental plan. To ensureyou do not receive additional charges, visit a participating PPO Network dentist. Members and their families benefitfrom negotiated discounts on covered services by choosing dentists in our network. If a member visits a participatingnetwork dentist, the member will not receive a bill for charges more than the negotiated fee for covered services. If amember sees an out-of-network dentist, coinsurance will apply to the usual and customary charge. Out-of-networkdentists may bill you for charges above the amount covered by your dental plan.Waiting periodsVoluntary funding: 10 enrolled employeesEnrollment typePreventiveBasicMajorOrthodontiaInitial enrollment, open enrollmentand timely add-onNoNoNoNoLate applicant 1,2No12 months12 months12 months12Late applicants not allowed with open enrollment option.Waiting periods do not apply to endodontic or periodontic services unless a late applicant.Questions?Simply call 1-800-233-4013 to speak witha friendly, knowledgeable Customer Carespecialist, or visit 2 of 41-800-233-4013 Humana.comSGB0003A

Custom Humana Dental Traditional PreferredFLORIDAFeel good about choosinga Humana Dental planUse your Humana DentalbenefitsMake regular dental visits a priorityFind a dentistRegular cleanings can help manage problems throughoutthe body such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.*Your Humana Dental Traditional Preferred plan focuseson prevention and early diagnosis, providing three routinecleanings, or four periodontal cleanings, along with threeroutine periodic exams per calendar year.* www.perio.orgWith Humana Dental's Traditional Preferred plan, you cansee any dentist. Members and their families benefit fromnegotiated discounts on covered servcies by choosingdentists in the Humana Dental Traditional PreferredNetwork. To find a dentist in Humana Dental's TraditionalPreferred Network, log on to or call1-800-233-4013.Go to MyDentalIQ.comKnow what your plan coversTake a health risk assessment that immediatelyrates your dental health knowledge. You'll receive apersonalized action plan with health tips. You can printa copy of your scorecard to discuss with your dentist atyour next visit.The other side of this page gives you a summary ofHumana Dental benefits. Your plan certificate describesyour Humana Dental benefits, including limitations andexclusions. You can find it on MyHumana, your personalpage at or call 1-800-233-4013.xTips to ensure a healthy mouth:See your dentist Use a soft-bristled toothbrushChoose toothpaste with fluorideBrush for at least two minutes twice a dayFloss dailyWatch for signs of periodontal disease such as red,swollen, or tender gums Visit a dentist regularly for exams and cleaningsYour Humana Dental identification card contains all theinformation your dentist needs to submit your claims.Be sure to share it with the office staff when you arrive foryour appointment. If you don't have your card, you canprint proof of coverage at you know that 74 percent of adult Americans believean unattractive smile could hurt a person's chances forcareer success?* Humana Dental helps you feel goodabout your dental health so you can smile confidently.* American Academy of Cosmetic DentistryLearn what your plan paidAfter Humana Dental processes your dental claim, youwill receive an explanation of benefits or claims receipt. Itprovides detailed information on covered dental services,amounts paid, plus any amount you may owe yourdentist. You can also check the status of your claim onMyHumana at or by calling 1-800-233-4013.Humana group dental plans are offered by Humana Insurance Company, HumanaDental Insurance Company, HumanaInsurance Company of New York, Humana Health Benefit Plan of Louisiana, The Dental Concern, Inc., Humana MedicalPlan of Utah, CompBenefits Company, CompBenefits Dental, Inc., Humana Employers Health Planof Georgia, Inc. or DentiCare, Inc. (d/b/a CompBenefits).This is not a complete disclosure of plan qualifications and limitations. Your agents will provide you with specificlimitations and exclusions as contained in the Regulatory and Technical Information Guide. Please review thisinformation before applying for coverage. The amount of benefits provided depends upon the plan selected.Premiums will vary according to the selection made.Policy Number: FL-70090-HC L 1/14, FL-70090-HC SB 1/14Plan summary created on: 4/7/21 10:02Page 3 of 41-800-233-4013 Humana.comSGB0003A

Custom Humana Dental Traditional PreferredBrevard Public SchoolsFLORIDAPPO LowIf you use anIN-NETWORK dentistIf you use anOUT-OF-NETWORK dentistCalendar-year s orthodontia services) 50 150 50 150Deductible applies to all services excluding preventive services.Calendar-year annual maximum(excludes orthodontia services) 750 extended annual maximum (see section below)Preventive services Routine oral examinations (2 per year) Bitewing x-rays (2 films under age 10, up to 4 filmsages 10 and older) Routine cleanings (4 per year) Periodontal cleanings (4 per year) Fluoride treatment (1 per year, through age 18) Sealants (permanent molars, through age 16) Space maintainers (primary teeth, through age 15) Oral Cancer Screening (1 per year, ages 40 and older)100% no deductible, doesnot apply against annualmaximum100% no deductible, does notapply against annual maximum70% after deductible70% after deductibleBasic services Emergency care for pain relief Amalgam fillings (1 per tooth every 2 years,composite for anterior/front teeth) Composite fillings (1 per tooth every 2 years,molar teeth) Oral surgery (tooth extractions includingimpacted teeth) Stainless steel crowns Harmful habit appliances for children (1 perlifetime, through age 14) Periodontics (scaling/root planing) Endodontics (root canals 1 per tooth per lifetimeand 1 re-treatment)xMajor services Crowns (1 per tooth every 5 years)40% after deductibleInlays/onlays (1 per tooth every 5 years)Bridges (1 per tooth every 5 years)Dentures (1 per tooth ever 5 years)Denture relines/rebases (1 every 3 years, following 6months of denture use) Denture repair and adjustments (following6 months of denture use) Implant Related Services (crowns, bridges, anddentures each limited to 1 per tooth every fiveyears. Coverage limited to equivalent cost of a nonimplant service. Implant placement itself is not covered.) Surgical Periodontics - (surgery 1 per3quadranteveryyears)xPage 1 of 440% after deductible1-800-233-4013 Humana.comSGB0003A

Custom Humana Dental Traditional PreferredFLORIDAIf you use anIN-NETWORK dentistIf you use anOUT-OF-NETWORK dentistExtended Annual MaxAdditional coverage for preventive, basic, and majorservices after the calendar-year maximum is met(excludes orthodontia)30%30%Child orthodontia - Covers children through age 18. Plan pays65 percent (no deductible) of the covered orthodontia services,up to: 1,000 lifetime orthodontia maximum.Orthodontia servicesNon-participating dentists can bill you for charges above the amount covered by your Humana Dental plan. To ensureyou do not receive additional charges, visit a participating PPO Network dentist.Waiting periodsVoluntary funding: 10 enrolled employeesEnrollment typePreventiveBasicMajorOrthodontiaInitial enrollment, open enrollmentand timely add-onNoNoNoNoLate applicant 1,2No12 months12 months12 months12Late applicants not allowed with open enrollment option.Waiting periods do not apply to endodontic or periodontic services unless a late applicant.Questions?Simply call 1-800-233-4013 to speak witha friendly, knowledgeable Customer Carespecialist, or visit 2 of 41-800-233-4013 Humana.comSGB0003A

Custom Humana Dental Traditional PreferredFLORIDAFeel good about choosinga Humana Dental planUse your Humana DentalbenefitsMake regular dental visits a priorityFind a dentistRegular cleanings can help manage problems throughoutthe body such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.*Your Humana Dental Traditional Preferred plan focuseson prevention and early diagnosis, providing three routinecleanings, or four periodontal cleanings, along with threeroutine periodic exams per calendar year.* www.perio.orgWith Humana Dental's Traditional Preferred plan, you cansee any dentist. Members and their families benefit fromnegotiated discounts on covered servcies by choosingdentists in the Humana Dental Traditional PreferredNetwork. To find a dentist in Humana Dental's TraditionalPreferred Network, log on to or call1-800-233-4013.Go to MyDentalIQ.comKnow what your plan coversTake a health risk assessment that immediatelyrates your dental health knowledge. You'll receive apersonalized action plan with health tips. You can printa copy of your scorecard to discuss with your dentist atyour next visit.The other side of this page gives you a summary ofHumana Dental benefits. Your plan certificate describesyour Humana Dental benefits, including limitations andexclusions. You can find it on MyHumana, your personalpage at or call 1-800-233-4013.xTips to ensure a healthy mouth:See your dentist Use a soft-bristled toothbrushChoose toothpaste with fluorideBrush for at least two minutes twice a dayFloss dailyWatch for signs of periodontal disease such as red,swollen, or tender gums Visit a dentist regularly for exams and cleaningsYour Humana Dental identification card contains all theinformation your dentist needs to submit your claims.Be sure to share it with the office staff when you arrive foryour appointment. If you don't have your card, you canprint proof of coverage at you know that 74 percent of adult Americans believean unattractive smile could hurt a person's chances forcareer success?* Humana Dental helps you feel goodabout your dental health so you can smile confidently.* American Academy of Cosmetic DentistryLearn what your plan paidAfter Humana Dental processes your dental claim, youwill receive an explanation of benefits or claims receipt. Itprovides detailed information on covered dental services,amounts paid, plus any amount you may owe yourdentist. You can also check the status of your claim onMyHumana at or by calling 1-800-233-4013.Humana group dental plans are offered by Humana Insurance Company, HumanaDental Insurance Company, HumanaInsurance Company of New York, Humana Health Benefit Plan of Louisiana, The Dental Concern, Inc., Humana MedicalPlan of Utah, CompBenefits Company, CompBenefits Dental, Inc., Humana Employers Health Planof Georgia, Inc. or DentiCare, Inc. (d/b/a CompBenefits).This is not a complete disclosure of plan qualifications and limitations. Your agents will provide you with specificlimitations and exclusions as contained in the Regulatory and Technical Information Guide. Please review thisinformation before applying for coverage. The amount of benefits provided depends upon the plan selected.Premiums will vary according to the selection made.Policy Number: FL-70090-HC L 1/14, FL-70090-HC SB 1/14Plan summary created on: 4/7/21 10:12Page 3 of 41-800-233-4013 Humana.comSGB0003A

MyHumana Mobile appManage your healthcare — wherever you areAccess your health informationanytime, anywhereWhether you prefer downloading a mobile application,using your mobile device or receiving text messages,you have the ability to manage your healthcare needsvirtually anywhere, anytime.Use the MyHumana Mobile app to: View your plans and coverage details View coverage information or ID cards Find a provider in your networkFrom your mobile device’s browser:You can visit MyHumana from your mobile device’sbrowser. To get started, go to and sign in.Download the Mobile app:Download the MyHumana Mobile app from yourapp store. Search “MyHumana” in the Google Play or App Store .Sign up for text message alerts* onHumana.com1. R egister or sign in (have your Humana ID orSocial Security number available)2. Click on “Account & settings” under My Profile3. Select “Edit your preferences”4. Select “Mobile” from the tab5. Register and verify your mobile number6. Select the alerts you want to receiveAvailable to Go365 members only. ‡Available to members who use Humana Pharmacy only.*Message and data rates may apply.†Discrimination is against the lawHumana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable federal civil rights laws and do not discriminateon the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries do notexclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex.Humana.comGCA07BNHH 1216

MyHumana:Your health plan atyour fingertipsYour personal MyHumanaaccount gives you quick,convenient and secureaccess to your Humana planinformation, educationalresources and access towellness programs. It’savailable anytime, anywhere.CLICK HERE TO LEARNHOW TO REGISTERA dashboard that puts allyour information in one spotScroll over each bullet point to learn how tonavigate through the MyHumana dashboard!Quick access to your dental or vision plansChat with a representative with any of yourquestions about your planCheck the status of your claimsView, print and email ID cardsFind a dentist or eye care professionalUse MyHumana anywhereDownload the MyHumana Mobileapp from your app store. You can alsosign up for text message alerts*at for MyHumana today to stayconnected to your health benefitsanytime you need them.Download a print version hereGCHK7KQEN-I 1218*Message and data rates may apply.

How to view a copy of yourdental identification (ID) cardHere’s how many Points you need to move up in StatusYou will have access to view andprint your dental ID cards via thewebsite or mobile app within10 working days of enrollment.Start hereand move upSilver1. Complete at least one Health Assessmentsection online or on the Go365 App3. Log a verified workout Go to andsign in/register for MyHumana(Have your Humana memberID or Social Securitynumber available)BronzeBlue2. Get a biometric screeningHere’s howPlatinGoldcy8,000combined two adultsper policy 3,000Go365.comfor each member18 years and olderper policycycy12,00015,000 4,000 5,000combined two adultsper policyfor each member18 years and olderper policycombined two adultsper policyfor each member18 years and olderper policy*Adult children can only move a family to Bronze Status by completing a verified workout.Three ways to get to Bronze*1. Complete at least one Health Assessmentsection online or on the Go365 App2. Get a biometric screening3. Log a verified workoutGo365.com5,0008,00010,0008,00012,00015,000 3,000 4,000 5,000One adult per policycombined two adultsper policyfor each member18 years and olderper policyOne adult per policycombined two adultsper policyfor each member18 years and olderper policycombined twper policyfor each mem18 years andper policy*Adult children can only move a family to Bronze Status by completing a verif C lick “Access Your ID Card”under “Tools & forms” inthe lower right of yourMyHumana home page orin the page’s footer under“Tools & resources” A new window will appearwith links to the ID card orproof of coverage Print if desiredCall Customer Care at 1-800-233-4013for assistance or more information.Humana.comGCHJCFTEN 0817One adult pe

Predetermination of BenefitsPredetermination of your Humana dental benefits (PPO plans only) I f you expect to pay more than 300 for dental care, your dentist may submit a proposed dentaltreatment plan that Humana will use to determine if your dental benefits cover the treatment. This is known as “predetermination of benefits” (also called prior authorization). The dental treatment plan may include:o A list of services to be performed, including any supporting documentationo A written description from the dentist of the treatmento An itemized list of costsPlease note: It will remain valid for up to 90 days after the review, and is not a guaranteeof what Humana will pay toward the treatment.Insured or administered by Humana Insurance Company or Offered by CompBenefits Company.Dental plans, excluding Dental Savings Plus, may have a minimum one-year initial contract period.FLHKLY6EN 0919

MyHumana at or by calling 1-800-233-4013. Humana group dental plans are offered by Humana Insurance Company, HumanaDental Insurance Company, Humana Insurance Company of New York, Humana Health Benefit Plan of Louisiana, The Dental Concern, Inc., Humana Medical

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