Cycle Developmencycle Development Operational Operational Qualification .

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MSD - MK 826 PROJECTSTERILE ANTIBIOTIC FILLINGLengthVolume8m28 m8m27 m3100 m334 m3(including HVAC)FREEZE ectionVialsFillingStopperingSterilizerLYO 1LYO 2LYO 3CappingLYO alcappingTransition P #####40108 La Calhène 1997All isolators are with recirculating laminar flowVHP sterilization (VHP 1000)Filling and freeze dryers interface isolators working at RH 15 %Surrounding room : Grade DPartners : BOSCH, USIFROID, SEIDENADER, IMA.P 692/B

LA CALHENE VALIDATIONDATIONVALIONVALIDATIDEPARTMENT - missionsmissions EXTERNAL SERVICES: On site qualification of special isolator systems example filling line isolator On site qualification of “standard “isolatorsystems - example sterility test suites On site qualification of auxiliary equipmentexample GLT,TLT, RTD Technical support for PQ On site post qualification trainingP ##### La Calhène 1997

LA CALHENE VALIDATIONDATIONVALIVALIDATIONDEPARTMENT (2) INTERNAL SERVICES: Qualification of La Calhène standard equipmentDPTE BETA BAG, GLT, RDT, TLT, sterilizerssterilizers Validation support for sterile packaging facility Validation of sterilization of beta bag systems Development and qualification of Bis forconfinement systemsP ##### La Calhène 1997

QUALIFICATIONPROTOCOLESESQUALIFICATIONON PROTOCOLQUALIFICATI Protocols are prepared using an “industrystandard”standard” format Sent to customer for approval at least 5 weeksprior to start of qualificationP ##### La Calhène 1997

INSTALLATION QUALIFICATIONQUALIFICATION((1)1)ETUDES & DEVELOPPEM ENTV A L ID A T IO N1 rue d u P e tit C l a m art - B .P . 5 078 14 2 V E L IZ Y C E D E X - F R A N C ET é l. 0 1.4 6.2 9.9 9.60 - F ax . 01.4 6.30.8 7.3 0CN S C A 1 6 1 /1 61 /4T E S T S G U ID EIQN TESTSP a geR ev. P a ge8 /4 9CL C refer enc e :37K 53EC u sto m er referen c e :4 5 3 8 2 1 3 5/3 9 2C u sto m er :M SDF IC H E S D E C O N T R O L EIN SP E C T IO N N O T E SN S C A 1 6 1/3 1N P ag eREF ERENCE DO CUM ENTV A L ID A T IO N M A N A G E RN am e1 .0D o c u m e n ta tio n re v ie wN S C A 1 6 1 /1 61 (1 /4 to 4 /4 )3 to 6J. N O T T IN G H A M2 .0U tility c o n n e c tio n c h e c kN S C A 1 6 1 /1 62 (1 /1)7J. N O T T IN G H A M3 .0P & ID c h e c k1.C om p on e n t a nd id en tifica tion ch e ckN S C A 1 6 1 /1 6N /AN /AJ. N O T T IN G H A M2.C om p on e n t con form ity ch e ckN S C A 1 6 1 /1 63 (1 /15 to 1 5/1 5)8 to 2 2J. N O T T IN G H A MLA CALHENEIN S P E C T IO N S / T E S T SNAM EE x ecu ted b yV erified b yP ##### La Calhène 1997D A T E & V IS AD a te & V isaCUSTO M ERNAM ED A T E & V IS A

INSTALLATIONINSTALLATION QUALIFICATIONQUALIFICATION((2)2)ETUDES & DEVELOPPEM ENTV A L ID A T IO N1 ru e d u P e tit C l a m a r t - B .P . 5 078 14 2 V E L IZ Y C E D E X - F R A N C ET é l. 0 1 .4 6 . 2 9 .9 9 . 6 0 - F a x . 0 1 . 4 6 . 3 0 . 8 7 .3 0CN S C A 1 6 1 /1 62 /4T E S T S G U ID EIQN TESTS4 .0H A Z O P a n d S o co tec ch ec k5 .0E le c tr ic a l in s ta lla t io n c h e c k6 .0P ageR ev. P age9 /4 9CL C refer enc e :37K 53EC u s to m er refere n c e :4 5 3 8 2 1 3 5 /3 9 2C u s to m er :M SDF IC H E S D E C O N T R O L EIN S P E C T IO N N O T E SN S C A 1 6 1 /3 1N P ageREFERENCE DO CUM ENTV A L ID A T IO N M A N A G E RN am eN S C A 1 6 1 /1 6N /AN /AJ . N O T T IN G H A M5 .1E le c tric a l c a b in e t c o m p o n e n t c h e c kE le c t r i c a l fi leN /AN /AJ . N O T T IN G H A M5 .2C a b li n g c h e c kE le c t r i c a l fi leN /AN /AJ . N O T T IN G H A M5 .3V a l v e a n d b l o w e r o p e ra ti o nN T A 3 0 1 4 /24 (1 / 2 t o 2 /2 )2 3 to 2 4J . N O T T IN G H A M5 .4M u n tersN S C A 1 6 1 /1 6N /AN /AJ . N O T T IN G H A MN T A 3 0 1 4 /25 (1 /1 )25J . N O T T IN G H A MN S C A 1 6 1 /1 6N /AN /AJ . N O T T IN G H A MD a te & V isaM e c h a n i c a l i n s t a ll a tio n c h e c k6 .1Is o l a t o r t r a n s f e r s y s t e m s6 .2A cce ss w in d o w s a n d d o o rsLA CALHENEIN S P E C T IO N S / T E S T SNAM EE x ecu ted b yV e rifie d b yP ##### La Calhène 1997D A T E & V IS ACUSTO M ERNAM ED A T E & V IS A

INSTALLATIONINSTALLATION QUALIFICATIONQUALIFICATION((3)3)ETU D ES & D EV ELO PPEM EN TV A L ID A T IO N1 r u e d u P e ti t C l a m a r t - B .P . 5 078 14 2 V E L IZ Y C E D E X - F R A N C ET é l. 0 1 .4 6 . 2 9 .9 9 . 6 0 - F a x . 0 1 . 4 6 . 3 0 . 8 7 .3 0CN S C A 1 6 1 /1 63 /4T E S T S G U ID EIQN 7 .0TESTSPageR ev. P age1 0 /4 9CL C reference :37K 53EC u s to m er refere n c e :4 5 3 8 2 1 3 5 /3 9 2C u s to m er :M SDF IC H E S D E C O N T R O L EIN S P E C T IO N N O T E SN S C A 1 6 1 /3 1N P ageREFERENCE DO C UM ENTV A L ID A T IO N M A N A G E RN am eD a te & V isaC a lib r a t i o n c h e c k7 .1R e l a t i v e h u m i d it y s e n s o r sN S C A 1 6 1 /1 6626J . N O T T IN G H A M7 .2D if f e r e n t i a l p r e s s u r e s w i t c h e sN S C A 1 6 1 /1 6727J . N O T T IN G H A M7 .3D if f e r e n t i a l p r e s s u r e s e n s o r sN S C A 1 6 1 /1 6828J . N O T T IN G H A M7 .4A ir v e l o c it y s e n s o rN S C A 1 6 1 /1 6929J . N O T T IN G H A M7 .5T e m p e r a tu r e s e n s o rsN S C A 1 6 1 /1 61030J . N O T T IN G H A M7 .6T h e rm o m e te rsN S C A 1 6 1 /1 61131J . N O T T IN G H A M7 .7T e m p e r a t u r e s w itc h e s ( h e a t t a p e c o n t r o l )N S C A 1 6 1 /1 61232J . N O T T IN G H A M7 .8C on v e rte rsN S C A 1 6 1 /1 61333J . N O T T IN G H A M7 .9L o o p te s tN S C A 1 6 1 /1 61434J . N O T T IN G H A MN S C A 1 6 1 /1 61535J . N O T T IN G H A M7 .1 0 P re s s u r e g a u g e sLA C A LH EN EIN S P E C T IO N S / T E S T SN A M ED A T E & V IS AC U STO M ERN A M EE x ecu ted b yV e rifie d b y1 r u e d u P e ti t C l a m a r t - B .P . 5 078 14 2 V E L IZ Y C E D E X - F R A N C ET é l. 0 1 .4 6 . 2 9 .9 9 . 6 0 - F a x . 0 1 . 4 6 . 3 0 . 8 7 .3 0P ##### La Calhène 1997ETU D ES & D EV ELO PPEM EN TV A L ID A T IO ND A T E & V IS A

INSTALLATIONINSTALLATION QUALIFICATIONQUALIFICATION((4)4)ETUDES & DEVELO PPEM ENTV A L ID A T IO N1 ru e d u P e tit C la m art - B .P . 5 078142 V E LIZY C E D E X - F R AN C ET é l. 0 1.4 6. 2 9 .9 9 .60 - F ax . 01 .4 6 .30 .8 7 .3 0CN S C A 1 6 1 /1 64 /4T E S T S G U ID EIQN 8 .0TESTSR e v. P a g e1 1 /4 9C37K 53EC u s to m er r ef er e n c e :4 5 3 8 2 1 3 5/3 9 2C u s to m er :M SDF IC H E S D E C O N T R O L EI N S P E C T IO N N O T E SN S C A 1 6 1/3 1N P ageREFERENCE DO CUM ENTV A L ID A T IO N M A N A G E RN am eD a t e & V is aF u n c tio n a l te s ti n g o f c o n tr o l h a r d w a r e a n d s o ft w a r e8 .1H a r d w ar e ch e ckN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5J . N O T T IN G H A M8 .2B a ck u p an d r es to re tes tN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5J . N O T T IN G H A M8 .3L oa d e r a n d a p p lica tio n ve rifica tio nN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5J . N O T T IN G H A M8 .4In p u t/o u tp u t tes tsN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5J . N O T T IN G H A M8 .5U n ita r y te sts (fu n ctio n al b lo ck )N S C A 1 6 1 /2 58 .6T ra n s itio n t es tsN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5J . N O T T IN G H A M8 .7S e q u en cin g te stsN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5J . N O T T IN G H A M8 .8P ha se tes tsN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5J . N O T T IN G H A M8 .9D e fa u lt tes tin g – s e co n d a ry n etw o r kN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5J . N O T T IN G H A MN /AJ . N O T T IN G H A M8 .1 0 P ha se v ie w te stsNAM EE x e c u te d b yV e ri fie d b y La Calhène 1997N /AN /AJ . N O T T IN G H A MLA CALHENEIN S P E C T IO N S / T E S T SP #####P ageL C r ef er e n c e :D A T E & V IS ACUSTO M ERNAM ED A T E & V ISA

OPERATIONAL QUALIFICATION(1)ETUD ES & DEVELO PPEM ENTV A L ID A T IO N1 rue d u P e tit C lam art - B .P . 5 078 14 2 V E LIZY C E D E X - F R AN C ET él. 0 1.4 6.2 9.9 9.60 - F ax . 01.4 6.30.8 7.3 0C1/2TE STS G U ID EOQN TESTP RO C E D U R ET E ST SD oc N : N S C A 161/17P ageR ev. P ageL C refer ence :37K 53 EC ustom er reference :453 8213 5/3 927/28C ustom er :M SDBF IC H E S D E C O N T RO L EIN SP E C T IO N NO T E SN SC A 16 1/32N P ag eV A L ID A T IO N M A N AG E RNam e1.0C h ec k o f IQ p rio r ity 1 p u n ch list c o m p letio nN SC A 1 61 /17N /AN /AJ. N O T T IN G H AM2.0F ilter in t eg r ity te stin gN T A 3 01 4/101 (1/13 to 1 3/1 3)3 to 15J. N O T T IN G H AM3.0L ea k test in gN T A 30 14 /62 (1/1)16J. N O T T IN G H AM4.0V H P 1001 fu n ction al ch ec kN T A 30 18 /13 (1/2 to 2 /2)17 to 1 8J. N O T T IN G H AM5.0S te riliza tio n p h a se te s tN SC A 1 61 /214 (1/4 to 4 /4)19 to 2 2J. N O T T IN G H AM6.0A ir d istrib u tio n Pressure differen tial in production ph aseN SC A 1 61 /105 (1/2 to 2 /2)23 to 2 4J. N O T T IN G H AMR ecircu lation rate in prod uction p haseN SC A 1 61 /106 (1/14 to 1 4/1 4)25 to 3 8J. N O T T IN G H AM1.3.Air change rate in aeration step of sterilizationp haseN SC A 1 61 /107 (1/3 to 3 /3)39 to 4 1J. N O T T IN G H AM1.4.Air speed m ap, u niform ity of airflowsm oke test in prod uction p haseN T A 3 01 4/118 (1/8 to 8 /8)42 to 4 9J. N O T T IN G H dLA CALHENEIN S P E C T IO N S / T E S T SNAM EV erified b yP ##### La Calhène 1997D A T E & V ISAD a te & VisaCUSTOM ERNAM ED A T E & V ISA

OPERATIONAL QUALIFICATION(2)ETUDES & DEVELOPPEM ENTV A L ID A T IO N1 rue d u P etit C lam art - B .P . 5 078 14 2 V E LIZY C E D E X - F R AN C ET é l. 0 1.4 6.2 9.9 9.60 - F ax . 01. 4 6. 30.8 7.3 0C2 /2T E S T S G U ID EOQN T E ST ST E STP RO C ED URED oc N : N S C A 1 6 1 /1 7P a geR ev. P a geL C refer enc e :37 K 53 EC u sto m er referen c e :45 38 21 3 5/39 28 /2 8C u sto m er :M SDBF IC H E S D E C O N T R O L EIN SP E C T IO N N O T E SN S C A 1 6 1/32N P ag eV A L ID A T IO N M A N A G E RNam e7 .0P a rtic le c o u n tN T A 3 0 1 4 /129 (1 /7 to 7 /7 )5 0 to 5 6J. N O T T IN G H A M8 .0N o is e le v e l c h e c kN T A 3 0 1 4 /171 0 (1 /2 to 2/2 )5 7 to 5 8J. N O T T IN G H A M9 .0L ig h t le v e l c h e c kN T A 3 0 1 4 /131 1 (1 /2 to 2/2 )5 9 to 6 0J. N O T T IN G H A M1 0 .0M a n u a l p h a s e te s tN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5N /AN /AJ. N O T T IN G H A M1 1 .0E m e r g e n c y p h a s e te s tN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5N /AN /AJ. N O T T IN G H A M1 2 .0C le a n in g p h a s e te s tN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5N /AN /AJ. N O T T IN G H A M1 3 .0T e s tin g p h a s e t e s tN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5N /AN /AJ. N O T T IN G H A M1 4 .0P r o d u c tio n p h a s e te s tN S C A 1 6 1 /2 5N /AN /AJ. N O T T IN G H A MLA CALHENEIN S P E C T IO N S / T E S T SNAM EV erified b yP ##### La Calhène 1997D A T E & V IS AD a te & V isaCU STOM ERNAM ED A T E & V IS A

CYCLE DEVELOPMEDEVELOPMENTNTDEVELOPMENTPROGRAMME (1)(1)ETUDES & DEVELOPPEMENTVALIDATION1 rue du Petit Clamart - B.P. 5078142 VELIZY CEDEX - FRANCETél. - Fax. N : NSCA 161/37CTEST GUIDECDCONTROLSTESTSN Page8/30Rev. PageBINSPECTION NOTESNSCA 161/38N PageTESTPROCEDURE37 K 53 EMSDVALIDATION MANAGER LA CALHENENomDate & Visa1.0Prerequisites checkN/AN/AN/AJ. NOTTINGHAM2.0Isolators / VHP generators OQ completion checkN/AN/AN/AJ. NOTTINGHAM3.0Check of IQ priority 1 punchlist for equipment completionN/AN/AN/AJ. NOTTINGHAM4.0Isolator preparationN/AN/AN/AJ. NOTTINGHAM4.2. VHP inlet flow, uni-directional flow air speed anddistribution fan flow checksNSCA 161/10, NTA 3014/91 (1/2 to 2/2)3 to 4J. NOTTINGHAM4.3. Pre sterilization checksNTA 3022/1, NTA 3022/4,NTA 3022/6, NTA 3022/72 (1/1)5J. NOTTINGHAMN/A3 (1/1)6J. NOTTINGHAMN/A4 (5/14 to 6/14)10 to 12J. NOTTINGHAMNTA 3014/184 (1/14 to14/14)7 to 20J. NOTTINGHAM4.1. Initial positioning of temporary distribution fans4.4. VHP programming and isolators sterilization recipechecks5.0Verification of data acquisition system and calibration ofthermocouples6.0Temperature mapping and gaz distribution using chemicalindicatorsLA CALHENEINSPECTIONS / TESTSVerified byP #####MK 0826Project :Reference LC :Client : La Calhène 1997NAMEDATE & VISACLIENTNAMEDATE & VISA

CYCLE DEVELOPDEVELOPMENTMENTNTDEVELOPMEPROGRAMME (2)(2)ETUDES & DEVELOPPEMENTVALIDATION1 rue du Petit Clamart - B.P. 5078142 VELIZY CEDEX - FRANCETél. - Fax. N : NSCA 161/37CTEST GUIDECDCONTROLSTESTSN Page9/30INSPECTION NOTESNSCA 161/38N PageTESTPROCEDURE7.0Base cycle verification and isolator reconfiguration8.0Verification of biological indicators37 K 53 EMSDVALIDATION MANAGER LA CALHENENomDate & VisaN/A5 (1/2 to 2/2)21 to 22J. NOTTINGHAMNTA 3022/66 (1/1)23J. NOTTINGHAM9.0Bio-decontamination capability using BisNSCA 161/087 (1/24 to24/24)24 to 47J. NOTTINGHAM10.0Aeration testingNSCA 161/088 (1/1)48J. NOTTINGHAM11.0Final cycle parametersN/A9 (1/1)49J. NOTTINGHAM12.0Definition of final distribution fan positioningN/AN/AN/AJ. NOTTINGHAMLA CALHENEINSPECTIONS / TESTSVerified byP #####MK 0826Project :Reference LC :Client :Rev. PageA La Calhène 1997NAMEDATE & VISACLIENTNAMEDATE & VISA

EXAMPLE OF A RECERECENTNTEXAMPLEPROJECT (1) - Pre sterilisation checksDo’s - Prepare the isolator and the room,Limit access to test personnel only,Check that other project activities will not interfere,Hold daily progress meetings to keep all parties informed.P ##### La Calhène 1997Don’ts -Start with an elementmissing or faulty - compromisescan bite back later on

EXAMPLE OF A RECERECENTNTPROJECT (2) -VHP generator qualificationCalibration - do beforestarting cycledevelopment testsSupply pipe work don ’t forget the riskof condensationPressure referencepoint - don ’t forgetpossibility ofpressure variationsP ##### La Calhène 1997

EXAMPLE OF A RECERECENTNTPROJECT (3) - verification of datacollection system and thermocouplesDo’s -Calibrate thermocouples in advance,Make accurate and detailed records of thecable routings,Synchronise clocks on all test equipment,the VHP and isolator PLCP ##### La Calhène 1997Don’ts - Don ’ts forget to check that thermocoupleswill not catch in moving parts

EXAMPLE OF A RECERECENTNTPROJECT (4) - initial positioning ofdistribution fansDo’s - Define N of fans during designCheck for interference with other elementsCheck where supply cable will passP ##### La Calhène 1997Don’ts - Forget to accurately recordposition in three dimensions beforeand after testing,

EXAMPLE OF A RECERECENTNTPROJECT (5) - Gas distribution studiesDo’s -Prepare a « CI team ». It is best to have3 people per team - 2 to read CIs and one torecord the results,Train each member to recognise the samecolour change,Split the isolator into sections,Use a gas concentration monitor (UOP).P ##### La Calhène 1997Don’ts - Don’t ask someone to read CIs unlessthey are perfectly familiar with each location looking for the CIs affects the results,Do not carry out test without a « map » for eachtester

EXAMPLE OF A RECERECENTNTPROJECT (6) - BI testsDo’s - Work under controlled conditions anduse « aseptic » techniques,Know the D value,Record any handling errors,Place BIs in « representative » areas only.P ##### La Calhène 1997Don’ts - Use too many locations,Use BIs without removing the packaging (someare supplied in paper/tyvek bags).


EXAMPLE OF A RECERECENTNTEXAMPLEPROJECT (7) - Sterility test suitePLC controlled transferand workstation isolatorsVHP gas generatorP ##### La Calhène 1997

EXAMPLE OF A RECERECENTNTPROJECT (8) - Sterility test suitequalificationOperationalQualificationends withsterilisationtests using Bis3 types of test:temperaturemapping, CItests and BItestsP ##### La Calhène 1997

EXAMPLE OF A RECERECENTNTPROJECT (9) - gas concentration transferisolator using Polytron HC sensorTarget concentration1400 ppmP ##### La Calhène 1997

EXAMPLERECENTCENTEXAMPLE OF A RENTRECEPROJECT (10)(10) - Technical support for PQSterilisation testsat end of OQ withislolator loadP ##### La Calhène 1997A typicalisolator load must beevenlydistributed forgood gasdistribution

EXAMPLE OF A RECERECENTNTEXAMPLERECENTPROJECT (11) - Technical support for PQAdvice on the useand positioning ofenvironmentalmonitoringequipmentP ##### La Calhène 1997Advice onisolatorcleaningproceduresand materialcompatibility

Conclusion Isolator technology is one solution to perform asepticprocessing The validation and the periodic re-validation is one importantpart to assure the profile of quality of the production The time dedicated to the validation and re-validation has to betaken in account for the production planning The reproducibility in the use of Isolation Technology brings animportant safety factor when compared with manned AsepticProcessing AreaP ##### La Calhène 1997


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