1THE UNION JACKby Helen PetersConspiracy is invisible otherwise there would be no need for thisbook. In fact, if conspiracy WERE visible, there would BE noconspiracy.The origin of the Union Jack conspiracy isits mockery of Christ in Rev. 1:8. It ismade up of two outstanding crosses. X isAlpha. is Omega. This is what Christcalled Himself. The rulership of the worldby the British Empire is a usurpation ofthe sovereignty of Jesus ChristThe mongrel banner shown on the frontcover originated in the mind of a dementedtyrant who acquired his mammoth fortunein America - one Andrew Carnegie. Thishalf Union Jack and half Stars and Stripesmean more than a freak flag waving in thebreeze. It represents a Satanic conspiracyto control the world with a pseudoChristianity that is opposite to the grace ofJesus Christ.
2CONTENTS Prologue and DedicationBritish Israel Propaganda And DeceitPolitical Messianism And The Right Wing(Undermining America With Americanism)Identification of British Israel And Its Goals(Undermining America With AntiCommunism and "Patriotism")World Evangelism And The Scofield Bible(Undermining America With "Christianity")British Israel - Judeo-Masonry And TheCatholic Church(Undermining America With Jew-bait AndAnti-Catholicism)The Hope Of Israel Is The Triumph OfChrist(Undermining Christianity with"Christianity")Masonry And British Israelism(Undermining America With Brotherhood)EPILOGUE
3This Book Proposesto Awaken the Honest Seekers to the Truththat:1. Conspiracy accomplishes most of itspurpose under a "Christian cloak".2. Conspiracy enlists the "patriots" to promotethe conspiracy without their knowing it.3. World Government is already a fact and allnations have bowed their knee to Baal.4. Baal has a universal religion to deceive theworld -- the Kingdom Message.5. Baal has a world "money" system and it iscalled monetized debt.6. The thought police in America havechanged our language to deceive us in ourown thoughts.7. The Constitution of the United States ofAmerica is an imaginary relic that stilldeceives the people into believing that theyhave freedom. The belief that it is still therewhen it is in fact not there promotes theillusion of freedom.8. Government is organized crime andcontinues in power because it has thesupport of the people. It has the support ofthe people because they have beenhumanized through the influence of theMasonic Lodges and the "Church of theirchoice."9. The Anglo-American Government has stolenthe wealth of the world with their paper"money."10.The Government owes nothing andpays nothing. It simply issues monetizeddebt (paper "money") for all goods andservices that it wants and continues to rollover and expand debt. Government debt isa polite term for theft.11.The United States Government doesnot need to collect taxes from its citizensbecause the citizens cannot pay taxes withmonetized debt, called dollars.12.The work of the Internal RevenueService is to regulate and controlconsumption and to gather information for
4Big Brother.To keep a nation of willing slaves the13.Governmentmustcontrolreligion,education, and regulate consumption.14.Governments cannot control anddeceive Christians.15.Governments cannot control peoplewho barter and do not use the paper moneydebt system.
5PROLOGUEAMERICA - POSTMORTEM?Will it be said by future generations that thisnation died without suspecting the cause of itsmortal sickness?It requires approximately one thousand minutesreading this volume, after which the reader willreject or accept it, as it is no haven for neutralsand no camouflage for treason. It is intended thatthis revelation will force upon the reader anunequivocal division of the issues pertaining to asuffering world; that he may penetrate the deepermeaning of world revolution from which he willfind himself on one side or the other. It will, it ishoped, remove the veil of imaginary patriotismand catapult the reader from his state of euphoriainto the conscious reality of the spiritual powerthat has moulded him into a mental zombie.This is not a justification for the preconditioningof the American people but a challenge to it. It ismost definitely not an essay on the social evils ofa collective world state but is an analysis of itsspirit of subterfuge.Seeing that Christianity could not be consumedby so many and great persecutions, but t fromthem instead the impetus to "fill the whole earth,"the workers of wrath have attacked theconscience of the world by fabricating acounterfeitChristianity.Moredeceptivelyhowever, they have added the dimension offeigned persecution to their stratagem of"Fundamental Christianity," the reaction to whichis to deceive humanity into a world social state inthe name of Jesus Christ. Americans will besurprised to learn that America is being used asthe major incubator of this neo-orthodoxChristianity which is not antagonistic to MarxianCommunism at all, but is indeed the spirit of it. Itis this spiritual Communism in the guise ofChristianity that is to emerge as the crowningachievement of world revolution.
6DEDICATIONThis book is solemnly dedicated to two greatwomen, Helen P. Lasell and Catherine P. Baldwin.Their research and writings lead to the "nigger inthe woodpile" of the American captivity--theBritish Empire.This is a time of treason when men rise up aspatriots so as to become traitors. Nothing hasbeen left undone to hide the truth from theAmerican people. The work of these two patriotsis little known and every effort to discredit anddestroy their invaluable work has been carriedout.The worth to American freedom of these womencannot be measured but it has only come to theattention of a precious few. The time is alreadycome that bears positive proof that their appraisalof conspiracy, its sources and trends are accurateand any honest contender for knowledge can onlycome to the same conclusions if the vital link oftheir efforts can be supplied. This is a humbleeffort toward that end. May they rest in peace!
7FOREWORDIn this discourse we shall demonstrate theincredibility that the British Empire is the sourceof the world's agony and that it has disguised thisfact to the millions of humanity that it controls.While the Empire has advanced what Americansunderstand as international Communism withincreased momentum since World War II, it hasfor over one hundred years been preparing thepeople of America through their churches forwhat would appear as a spontaneous reaction tothe threatened evil of a world Communist slavestate. Through a long process of religious reeducation, British propaganda (called BritishIsrael in this context because of its self identitywith Christianity) has solidified the thinking ofthe American people to an unshakeablePharisaism which has led them to expect divinedeliverance from Communism into the universalkingdom of God on earth.To recognize the gangster perpetrators of thisstratagem all that is necessary is to recognize theveiled identity of the British Empire. It is given tous as the kingdom of God on earth. It is thekingdom of God British Empire that has sownworld chaos in the name of Russian Communism.It is through the established conflict of RussianCommunism versus the fiction of ChristianCivilization that is planned to deceive the worldinto the most absolute tyranny under thesanctimonious pretense of God's kingdom onearth.Of course it seems ridiculous to suggest that theinternational villain is the British Empire to theAmerican people, who have been told a milliontimes over that the Empire is nigh extinction andonly through the grace of Uncle Sam remainseven a semblance of political and economicstability. Of course we Americans do not think interms of Machiavellian power politics andtherefore we cannot understand what we cannotsee. We emphasize that the British Empire todayis hidden beneath its pseudonym, kingdom ofGod on earth. Unless one can translate in hismind this fact he cannot be convinced of the yet
8universal power of the British Empire, norrecognize its propaganda.To make truth of the accusation that the BritishEmpire is all powerful and is working intriguethrough the spiritual deceit of a syntheticChristianity, we shall decode the meaning of thekingdom message propaganda that has swampedAmerica like the black plague, completelyoblivious to a people preoccupied with the decoyof Russian Communism.The overthrow of the American nation appears tothe American people to fit their logic of dividingwar and chaos between the bad guys and thegood guys. But the thought processes of Satan donot cater to the ideal and the conventional. TheAmerican people are entangled in myth andcountermyth which has brought them to aplanned state of confusion. They are in, whatseems to them, an ideological split betweenChristianity and Communism. We make it ourtask to prove that this pretended Christianity isas materialistic and Communistic as its supposedadversary. Then we shall show the essentialingredient of this Christian-Communism andestablish for it a common denominator which willdemonstrate many times over that it isinseparable from what Americans have beenpropagandized to believe is a world despotismwith the name Communism.The norm of revolution does not allow for humanunderstanding and reason. Revolution and theoverthrow of national governments does nottranspire at the ideal level. What cannot bemeasured by a ruler does not exist to mostAmericans and their inclination to choosebetween those ideals that appear stands inopposition to the fact of revolution which has noideal but parasites upon ideal. Satan buildssynthetic truth and proceeds to persecute it themore to make it flourish.The so-called freedomtoday is a monument tocome to an awarenesscentury our legacyof the American peopledespotism and unless wehitherto unknown for ato posterity shall be
9disgraceful.Americans are controlled through confusion andas they separate in their thinking what theybelieve to be different ideologies, they gravitatementally, socially, and politically to that arenawhich has been defined for them as conservatismor liberalism, not realizing or understanding thecertain analogy between that which they are andthat which they presume to oppose. "Free"Americans who "think for themselves" cannotoriginate the mental initiative to break throughthe preplanned stratagem within which there isno alternative to treason. Communism versusAmericanism (Fundamental Christianity) is aSiamese twin sired by the same serpent to blockall outlets to spiritual and mental freedom. Theymust eject their inquiry outside the sphere of"Christianity versus Communism" in order to seethe twin conflict strategy which is workingAmericans against themselves to a state of totaldestruction. Then they can view those yet withinand observe that the minds that plannedrevolution planned the issues and the battles tobe fought. If Americans can comprehend thesubversive spiritual force of "FundamentalChristianity" they can understand that which isforbidden to be known - that is that the conflictwhich is being promoted between Communismand "Christianity" is intended to produce aunified world political-religious state. To applythis world state to the language of today'sChristianity, it means universal salvation forevery creature.As the objective mind moves outside the whirlpoolof created conflict he sees that antagonismswhich once seemed like life or death become forhim unrelated to the underlying cause and hebegins to see the analogy of the substance ofsupposedly different ideologies. The combatantsdim in distinction and they become essentialallies, unaware of course, to the outcome of theirwar. It is a matter of recognizing that there is oneevil with two heads. One head has the hammerand sickle of social and political Communism andone has the cross of spiritual Communism and asthey "fight" they unite into universal despotism
10frocked with "Christianity."The hydra of "Fundamental Christianity" is builtupon a hybrid and mongrel faith. It is the epitomeof blasphemous pretension and its deception hasbeen accomplished by its juxtaposition (use) ofChristian symbols and a parallelism of Biblelanguage. It is a desecrating horror with aseductive appeal based on prophecy. It is thespirit of world-wide carnage which has reachedcrescendo proportions. It appropriates Christ'skingdom of salvation to a world political stateunder the veil of Biblical language andexpressions. It is power politics operating tocontrol humanity with a world governmentreligion. It is Zionism.Americans must cast off the straight jacket ofCommunism versus "Christianity" in order toescape entrapment of this action-counteractionpower play that means certain annihilation."Fundamental Christianity, " or as some wouldhave it Judeo-Christianity, is a multifarious evilcharacterized, as we shall show, by many namesand fronts. Our understanding of it for its truemeaning and purpose will depend upon our faiththat is, whether or not we believe the kingdom ofGod is spiritual and not of this world, or if it isflesh and blood and is of this world. Regardless ofwhatpretenseorname"FundamentalChristianity" may assume, its spirit is millennialZionism which says that God's kingdom shallcome upon the earth. And no matter itsproclamations of salvation in Christ, it is strivingfor a material and physical world state andimputing it as God's kingdom on earth.We need not look for consistency in the hypocrisyof "Fundamental Christianity" for, as we havestated, it is a hydra with many heads and as oneis exposed it sprouts two more in its place. Itappears to support Americanism but it educatesfor world government. It appears to be pro-Jewbut it is "anti-semitic" for it discriminates againstthose in Judaism, misleading them to politicalZionism instead of the grace of Christ. It preachespeace on earth but it prophecies "wars andrumors of wars" and ascribes chaos and
11confusion to God and His Divine Revelation. Itpredicts a paradise earth to come but promotes,with its erroneous prophecies, famine and worldcalamity. Where then is the consistency in thisPhariseeic Christianity? It is its spirit of anearthly kingdom. "Fundamental Christianity" is asupposition of truth and a faked allegiance toJesus Christ.To move from the smugness of our self-conceitand our preconditioning we must see that theprogress of revolution works within the confinesof the natural or five senses but it is motivated bythe invisible force of spiritual power (completethought control). This thought control rests with asubversive and extra-legal Christianity which isimmune from prosecution and invisible to itssubjects. It is sedition and treason that seemsinnocent and patriotic.The practicability and power of this "Christian"cancer can only make sense if we can somehowbring that which is above the threshold ofconsciousness and convey it to the objectiveintelligence of the world. To do this we must finda key to the door or a bridge to span the gap fromthat which is not seen to that which can be seen.The unchanging key that puts the light on theCommunism of "Fundamental Christianity" is itsundying spirit to bring Christ back to earth toreign over a unified humanity in a world state.This plot must be exposed to the world in theexact same manner that it is imposed upon them.As Americans are overwhelmed with the politicaltheology which says the Divine Plan of God is tobuild a flesh and blood kingdom with or withoutsocial government, they must fight back with theSword of the Spirit that will identify this moralevil that operates essentially within the limits ofthe Christian faith in order to divert the moralsense of the populace away from theSupernatural kingdom of grace of Jesus Christ.Christians must tell other Christians how theBible is being misused as an instrument of mindcontrol to lead the nations into a world stateunder the veil that it is God's kingdom on earth.Due to the universal expansion of this "new
12Christianity" and its many many fronts it is nighimpossible to defend against its every tentacle. Wecan however move to the offensive quickly andavoid frustration and confusion by discerning inevery utterance of "Fundamental Christianity" itsgoal of a kingdom on earth. Through an analogyof its terms, definitions, and use of a futuristicscheme of Bible Prophecy, we can expose the plotof Zionism and its Communist Millennial WorldGovernment.We must show how the "Fundamental Christians"appropriate the name of Jesus Christ to theirWorld Government religion in which they fullyexpect to receive the paradise earth. Theirdeception could not be more complete and theirdamnation more certain. They are pagans with amission - World Government in the name ofChrist. They are imbued with blind hypocrisy notknowing that they have the name of Christianitywithout the faith. It is time that ChristianAmericans discern their spirit and designate themorthodox heathens. With their religion they servea foreign power and they are building a spirit thatwill bring anarchy and destruction to the landthat so freely gave them "freedom of religion." Toobad they cannot have a small preview of thecommune world nightmare which they believe isheaven on earth. Is it unthinkable thatChristianity is actually being promoted so as tocarry deadly and subversive propaganda alongwith Christian truth?It is true and we shall demonstrate thatChristianity is the pretense and excuse to fulfillthe New World Order of Millennial Zionism.To teach the world through Christianity that themission of the Messiah is to unify the world in amaterial and political sense is the false hope ofJew-Pharisaism and is as much to their owndamnation as it is to that of professing Christianswhom they have deceived. The only difference inthe Jew's religion (kingdom of God on earth) todayand of antiquity is that the Jew's religion today isgenerallybelievedtobeChristianity.Fundamentalism or Millennialism are fronts forthis pseudo-Christianity. They lead one's faith tothe opposite of orthodox and historic Christianity
13into a carnal naturalism which appeals to thenatural man.Promoting the Jew's religion of an earthly Zioniststate as Christianity is no half cocked scheme. Itis a subtle aberration which has had the effect ofneutralizing and paralyzing the rank and filemembers of the churches to such an extent thatthey do not recognize that the great promotion ofChristianity today has for its concealed purposespiritual deceit unrivaled for two thousand years.Who would ever believe that Satan would furtherWorld Evangelism so as to conceal within it acancer that intends to destroy it? This is anillusion which the unthinking cannot understand.First, we must recognize thecomplete saturationof our land with this veiled propaganda. Secondly,we must decipher its hidden meaning as theadvancement of the World State British Empireunder the alias kingdom of God on earth. Thirdly,we can test the validity of this conspiracy byattempting to expose it, and finally we can facethe reality that the political, economic andmilitary force symbolized by the hammer andsickle is the front for the most organized plot of alltime to control the spirit of humanity which inturn is hidden behind Christian symbolism, andconceals itself within its expressions of Biblicallanguage in order to move the world away fromJesus Christ in His name.So that the reader can quickly grasp the subjectof British Israel it is imperative that we define theterm at the outset. To give an accurate definitionof British Israel including all of its fronts anddisguises would require more than a volume thesize of the combined Encyclopedias Britannica.But this would be an impossible approach leadingto a swamp of confusion and frustration notunlike that of the American people today. So weshall therefore approach British Israel from theopposite direction, giving instead a definition ofits spiritual dogma so that with a brief andprecise understanding the reader can readilyapply this definition as a key to understandingthis book. Then he can use the same briefprinciple to test any presumption of Christianity
14or patriotism that may come to his attention.Let us warn our reader of one very importantthing before we go on with our definition. Thefronts, names, terminology, cliches, and etc. mayor may not be consistent. They are many timescontradictory. But British Israel, like anythingelse, must have a common denominator or anunchanging foundation upon which to build itsdeceptions. It is from this basic substance orcommon element which gives British Israel its lifeblood and which simultaneously gives us thenecessary knowledge to understand it and combatit. BRITISH ISRAEL DEFINED THEN MEANS AWORLDSTATE(GOVERNMENT)COMMONWEALTH EARTHLY KINGDOM. This isthe only consistency it has and must have tocontinue operative as a mind control force.Therefore this simple test can be used to searchout truth from propaganda whether it be in theform of conservatism or radicalism, or however itmay appear.British Israel can make a perfect front forpatriotism except it must rear its head sooner orlater to turn patriotism to treason by twisting it toWorld Government under the pretense of Biblesanction Unclad of its Biblical and Christiancloak, British Israel is a world governmentreligion. Need we spend time here proving theseriousness of a world government religion whichis now rampant over America and the worldparading as "Fundamental Christianity"? Though"Fundamental Christianity'' came along in recentyears with the buildup ofthe right wing inAmerica, the earthly kingdom religion has heldthe "Jews" in spiritual and social bondage sincebefore Christ. It was this very deceit that causedtheir rejection of the Messiah and it is this samedeceit carried over to "Fundamental Christianity"today.The ideology, or religion of the earthly kingdom isa Jewish notion in the sense that it has beendirected from the Rabbis and Synagogues forcenturies, not for the purpose of exalting theirpeople but for the purpose of keeping them insubjection dooming their souls against thekingdom of Christ's grace. As we shall show later
15this is how the Jewish earthly kingdom, or whatSt. Paul called the Jew's religion, is as "antisemitic"' as it is anti-Christian and antiAmerican. If the religion of the "Jews" isdangerous to Christians it is no less dangerous tothe "Jews" who have been held out of the kingdomof God's grace because of it. The idea of theearthly world kingdom is not according to Mosesand the Prophets but according to the Phariseesand the Rabbis. It is not essential that we locatethe world Sanhedrin today but that we identify itspernicious and Satanic spirit. It is the task ofBritish Israel to get its Jew's religion or earthlykingdom imprinted upon the consciousness of theworld as Christianity.So one can say he is a Fundamentalist or aPremillennialist or a Jehovah Witness and so onbut he is essentially and necessarily of the Jew'sreligion for all of the above require for theirsubstance or faith an earthly kingdom. This ishow British Israel can infect and infiltrateeverything, adapting itself to any church,organization, or name - always skillfullyinsinuating and indoctrinating the earthlykingdom message.The earthly kingdom versus the Heavenlykingdom or the kingdom of grace is the arenaupon which all issues hang. There is no mixing ormingling to get a mongrel faith or compromise. Itis either one or the other. The idea of an earthlyestate whether we call it a millennium, a restoredearth, a paradise, or by any other name, isJudaism. It does not matter when it comes or if itis a social and political government or whether itis just a peaceful earth "where there is no sin"and only saints dwell. The hope or faith in anykind of future earthly existence is Judaism andthe very opposite of Christianity. The Christianhope after death is Heaven and there is as muchdifference in the Heavenly hope and the earthlyhope as there is difference between Christianityand Judaism.This is not a new axiom but the only valid one.The kingdom of Heaven versus the kingdoms ofthis world has been the battle of Armageddonsince the Cross. No amount of twisting or
16perverting Scripture can blur or compromise thistruism. You are on one side or the otherregardless of the name you assume. This is thetotal concept of Christianity and the day werecognize this truth is the day we regain mentalfreedom. This is the day we gain moral integrity.This is the day we recognize the machinations ofthe synagogue of Satan under any pretext orfront.We hear often that "one can get any interpretationfrom the Bible." This is the confusion of Satan.These are only two concepts of understanding.One gives Heaven to Christians. One gives theearth to all others. There is only grace in thisGospel Age and no race in a future age even asinless one. There is no such thing as grace andrace at the same time as a Christian dogma. It iseither the kingdom of grace or the kingdom ofrace. It is either one or the other. It is NOT both.At this point it is good to explain why we use theword anti-semite in quotations. The word semiticcomes from the root semite which refers to aspecific racial lineage from Shem to 70 A.D. whenall genealogical records were destroyed. Thereforethere can be no proof of any racial purity.Consequently the term anti-semitic is acompletely false term when used, as it commonlyis, to refer to a present day race whether they beso-called Jews or Arabs or Anglo-Saxons. BritishIsrael propaganda promotes the idea of racialidentity or racial heritage and fuses it withnationality to get an ad-mixture or JewishChristianity which is blasphemous and totallymisleading. Sometimes the Jew baiters will applythe term semitic to the Arabs only to promote thesame confusion as does those who say the "Jews"are semites. The idea of race in any sense is notChristian anymore than nationality or sex is. Thisdoes not, in the Christian mind, lend support tothe Masonic crime of integrating the races tomongrelize them. Any Christian should strive topreserve his color and integrity but never toconfuse race with grace. British Israel is a religionof race the same as was its previous front ofNational Socialism under Adolph Hitler.The term British Israel is the combination of
17nationality (British) and Israel (Biblical identity ofnationality in the Old Testament.) Of course thepurpose is to confuse the Christian faith bymixing in its place a heterodoxy (heretical) of raceand religion. Actually the term British Israel isused less than any other term to describe its ownsubversion because of the desire of theperpetrators to hide their crime of sedition.Therefore if one looks for these traitors undertheir formal name as we refer to it, he will mostlymiss them for they appear under many names.They have in many cases dropped one identityand changed to another to keep up a constantsmoke screen over their true identity and truepurpose. Some call themselves Covenant people.Some say they are Anglo Israel and drop the wordBritish. Some say they are of the Israel Identity,even teaching that they are of certain of thetwelve tribes or sub-tribes. To understand BritishIsrael it is NOT necessary to learn a hundreddifferent foolish names or fronts because they canadd more daily. The dogma of the cult is theimportant thing as we have said. This dogma orreligion is the building of a unified humanity in aparadise earth. With this earthly kingdom ideasifted from the mixture of cults we at once see apanoramic view of the whole British Israel systemincludingMormonism,JehovahWitnesses,Seventh Day Adventism, Herbert W. Armstrong'sChurch of God, and most of Protestantism. Withthis vast network of kingdom religionists, Americahas become a Jewish nation because the kingdomon earth (millennial reign of Christ) is the Jew'sreligion.An interesting observation here is the fact thatthe above named cults each have anorganizational entity and members move withintheir own church organization. All move fromseemingly different directions toward the samefaith. They are in many cases antagonistic andeven harsh toward one another while they allhave essentially the same religion, namely thepursuit of the paradise earth. The old Arianheresy has been used to lead men away from theDivinity of Christ and the Holy Trinity. In somecases denial of the Trinity is direct, as in the caseof the Jehovah Witnesses and Mormonism. Inothers it is indirect in that the Trinity is espoused
18but denied with millennial Zionism, disguised asChristianity; This is true because any earthlykingdom idea is opposed to the supernaturalkingdom of Christ. So one can deny the Trinityindirectly by having faith in an anti-Trinitydoctrine. Satan works in devious ways to controlmen's minds, hence we see them opposed bychurch affiliation yet united in faith againstChrist, thinking they are Christians. Millions arecontrolled by a vast network of pseudo Christiancults. Little do they know that they are workingunder the direful direction of a political religionwhich will in the end unite them in the name ofChristianity against Jesus Christ. They know notthat they serve a kingdom of this world, akingdom whose state religion is Judaism andwhose throne is the throne of Britain. This is theworst spiritual plague on earth, to use the truthto destroy it. This is the trail of the serpent but itcan be found out and we shall pursue it herein.To the members of American churches of allfaiths, if this is an attack upon what you havebeen led to believe is the truth, then the challengeis yours to refute it. To the non church member, ifit sounds like religious fanaticism, it is absolutemind control which as a general object ofscientific experiment has been proven. To thepseudo patriots who have done more to destroytheir country than to save it, unless your vanityhides your cowardice, you may be ready tochallenge the force that has controlled yourthinking and beguiled you to treason under
THE UNION JACK by Helen Peters Conspiracy is invisible otherwise there would be no need for this book. In fact, if conspiracy WERE visible, there would BE no conspiracy. The origin of the Union Jack conspiracy is its mockery of Christ in Rev. 1:8. It is made up of two outstanding crosses. X is Alpha. is Omega. This is what Christ called Himself.
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Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được
Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.
Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. 3 Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.