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12 Architecture, Interior Design & Landscape ArchitectureARCHITECTURE,INTERIOR DESIGN& LANDSCAPEARCHITECTUREARCHITECTURE &INTERIOR DESIGN1812 Architecture12 History15 Computer Technology& Design17 Design Fundamentals1921Design Materials& MethodsDesign StudiosInterior DesignLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE21Landscape ArchitectureEnroll at or call (800) 825-9971Architecture &Interior DesignArchitecturePrerequisite Foundation LevelThese courses provide fundamental knowledgeand skills in the field of interior design. For moreinformation on the Master of Interior Architecturedegree program, see page 11.For information on enrollment, location, and spaceavailability call (800) 825-9971. For information oncourse content email arc,, or call (310) 825-9061.For online course technical requirements see page 4.CAD COURSE REQUIREMENTSPrerequisite: All CAD courses assume knowledge ofdrafting principles and basic PC (Windows) computerskills. Advanced CAD courses assume knowledge of theapplication as defined in the introductory course.Note: All computer courses are taught on a Windowsplatform in computer labs. Mac users may downloadMac-compatible versions of AutoCAD, Photoshop,Illustrator, SketchUp/SketchUp Pro and Podium forlaptop or home use, but will be responsible for learningmouse clicks or keystroke conversion independently.There are currently no Mac versions of Revit or 3ds MaxDesign. Mac users may work in a Windows partitionusing Parallels or other Windows emulation software.For more information, please call (310) 825-9061.All CAD courses are fast-paced and complex; absencefrom any meeting is discouraged. The courses requireat least three hours of computer work outside of classper week. Lab hours are not available; therefore, students must have access to their own hardware andsoftware for the courses in which they enroll.FREE SOFTWARE AND SOFTWARE LICENSESStudents may download free student versions of Revitand AutoCAD upon proof of student status through theAutodesk Education Community website. Students alsomay be eligible for academic rates on other softwarefor their own home computer. Prices and restrictionsare subject to change by the software developers.Software versions should reflect the version used inclass; an older version may not possess the sameinterface or tools demonstrated in class. It is eachstudent’s responsibility to verify that his/her computermeets the software’s minimum system requirements.For more information call (310) 825-9061.HistoryARCH X 427.8AHistory of Environmental Arts: Part IWHAT OUR STUDENTS SAY“ One of the greatest aspects of the program was the flexiblecourse schedule that allowed me to concurrently begin adesign career in Los Angeles.”— Ashley Maxwell, former student4.0 unitsPart one of a four-part survey of environmental arts ofthe Western world. This course covers the architecturaland arts history of the Aegean, Greece, Rome, earlyChristian, and Byzantine cultures, encompassing earlyMedieval, Romanesque, and Gothic periods. Instructionfocuses on the man-built environment as influenced bygeographical location, as well as the social, religious,economic, and political forces of each historical period.Topics include major monuments in terms of function,symbolism, methods of fabrication, style, use of color,and ornament, as well as significance. The major artists,architects, and designers of the various periods also areintroduced. Illustrated lectures, selected readings, andstudent projects develop an appreciation of the richcultural heritage of the Western world, as well as theability to utilize library and museum resources, andrecognize and evaluate significant environmental designmovements. The course helps participants develop anunderstanding of the achievements of the past in orderto more fully understand the present. Enrollment limited.This course is equivalent to Cal Poly Pomona INA 561.Internet access required to retrieve course materials.kkkReg# 352696Fee: 799 Classroom12 mtgsTuesday, 6:30-9:30pm, April 4-June 201010 Westwood Center: 1010 Westwood Blvd.No refund after April 11. cGray Adams, interior designer, who has had his ownpractice, Gray Adams Interiors, since 1976. Mr. Adamshas taught architectural history, decorative arts, and arthistory at various colleges in the Los Angeles area since1979. He received the UCLA Extension OutstandingInstructor Award in 2010 and the Fashion Institute ofDesign & Merchandising Outstanding Faculty Award in2002 and 2010.ARCH X 427.8CHistory of Environmental Arts: Part III4.0 unitsThis course traces the architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, furniture, and decorative arts ofthe 19th century. Periods covered include FrenchEmpire, English Regency, Biedermeier, Gothic Revival,Victorian, Beaux Arts, the Chicago School, Art Nouveau,and the Arts and Crafts Movement. Instruction focuseson the built environment influenced by geographicallocation and the social, religious, economic, and politicalforces of history. Major monuments are discussed interms of function, symbolism, methods of fabrication,style, use of color, ornament, and significance. Illustrated lectures, readings, and student projects developan appreciation of the rich cultural heritage of theWestern world. This course helps students understandthe achievements of the past in order to more fullyunderstand the present. X 427.8B History of Environmental Arts: Part II is recommended but not required.This course is equivalent to Cal Poly Pomona INA 563.Reg# 352741Fee: 799mmOnlineApril 5-June 21No refund after April 11. cEleanor Schrader, MBA, Loyola Marymount University.Ms. Schrader also has done graduate work in fine artsand decorative arts at Sotheby’s Institute, London, andgraduate studies in architectural history at USC. She isa professor at Santa Monica College, where sheteaches art history and architectural history. Ms.Schrader conducts architectural tours in Los Angeles,has worked for a fine arts auction house, has servedas a design review commissioner for the City of BeverlyHills, was named to Who’s Who Among AmericanTeachers, and was a recipient of the UCLA ExtensionDepartment of the Arts Instructor of the Year Award,2002, and the UCLA Extension Distinguished InstructorAward, 2008.Reg# 352699Fee: 799 Classroom12 mtgsThursday, 6:30-9:30pm, April 6-June 22Enrollment limited.No refund after April 11. cKeri Sussman-Shurtliff, MA, Dominican University ofCalifornia. Ms. Sussman-Shurtliff’s master’s work inHumanities with an emphasis in Art History focused onChristian Iconography found in missionary architectureon the island of Hawai’i. She has taught the history ofarchitecture and interior design, art history, and humanities courses at various colleges in the Los Angelesarea. In addition, she has acted as an academic editorwho contributed to the 8th and 9th editions of Janson’sBasic History of Western Art. Ms. Sussman-Surtliffworked for the director and animator Chuck Jones asa gallery assistant and retail operations assistant at hisgalleries in San Francisco and Laguna Beach. She hasserved as an assistant to an art appraiser in San Francisco, office assistant, and teaching assistant in theDepartment of Art History at Dominican University andthe College of Marin, as well as an archive assistant atBill Graham Presents, Inc. She is a member of the College Art Association.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971Architecture, Interior Design & Landscape ArchitectureFree Information Session!The Architecture &Interior Design ProgramThursday, May 4, 7–8:30pm, 204 Extension Lindbrook CenterThe Architecture & Interior Design Program offers high-quality courses to helpyou reach your professional and personal goals.To find out more, attend our i nformativeOpen House to learn about the curriculum,career opportunities, and the benefits ofenrollment. Speakers include the programdirector, program a dvisor, instructors, andcurrent and former students.Highlights include: Information about Master’s Degree inInterior Architecture Curriculum presentation Careers in the field Question-and-answer session Drawing for a free courseNew Student DiscountEach new certificate student attendingthe Open House receives a 15% discounton each certificate course enrolled in byMay 12.This discount is only for students enteringthe program for the first time.Counseling AppointmentsTo make an appointment withthe Program Advisor, orm.To RSVP call (310) 206-2879 or of InteriorArchitecture DegreePresented in Academic Partnershipwith Cal State Polytechnic University, PomonaThe UCLA Extension/California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CollaborativeDegree Program in Interior Architecture offers a curriculum leading to a Masterof Interior Architecture (MIA) degree from Cal Poly Pomona that is fully accreditedby the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA).The program has 2 levels:ARCH X 498.22ARCH X 467.11A2.0 unitsThis course explores the use of interior design in cinema. The course is structured around watching fivefilms that demonstrate various interior design principlessuch as how eliminating color helps you focus oncomposition elements; how an interior can serve as aportrait of the inhabitant; how lighting and shadow canbe used as prominently as furniture in an interior; howinterior design can be used and changed as a piece offashion; how natural light sources differ dramaticallyfrom artificial light; and how certain styles can beabused to look visually dramatic but be uncomfortableor unusable. The course will examine styles rangingfrom Neo-Classical to Mid-Century Modern. The courseis also useful for students of cinema as studies inoutstanding production and set design in film.Reg# 352526Fee: 439 Classroom5 mtgsMonday, 10am-1pm, May 15-22Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.Monday, 10am-1pm, June 5-19Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised.No refund after May 23.Gray Adams, interior designer, who has had his ownpractice, Gray Adams Interiors, since 1976. Mr. Adamshas taught architectural history, decorative arts, and arthistory at various colleges in the Los Angeles area since1979. He received the UCLA Extension OutstandingInstructor Award in 2010 and the Fashion Institute ofDesign & Merchandising Outstanding Faculty Award in2002 and 2010.4.0 unitsA study of the basic techniques of the medium as apowerful tool for the designer, as well as those interested in pursuing a career in architectural photography,this course introduces the tools and techniques used inphotographing architecture, interiors, renderings, plans,design boards, and scale models. Using digital cameras,participants create compelling descriptive images thatbest show their work through the assignment and critique process. Lectures focus on the history of architecture in photography up through the medium’scurrent trends. Demonstrations cover basic compositional and lighting techniques. This course is equivalentto Cal Poly Pomona INA 560.Reg# 352507Fee: 579mmOnlineApril 5-June 21Due to the prevalence of digital technology in today’sshelter publishing and printing industries, using Photoshop to manipulate imagery is integral to the process; students must have access to a digital cameraand Photoshop.Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised.No refund after April 12. cDouglas Hill, photographer of architecture and interiordesign who has been published in Los Angeles TimesMagazine, Metropolitan Home, Progressive Architecture,Architectural Record, Garden Design, Interior Architecture, A U, Camera, Los Angeles Magazine, HospitalityDesign, House Beautiful, and World Architecture, amongmany other publications.Interior Design in FilmsPhotographing Architectureand InteriorsPrerequisite Foundation LevelThe 1st level has 18 courses that providefundamental knowledge and skills inthe field of interior design. Studentswho successfully complete this levelearn a Certificate in Interior Design:Foundation Level.Required Advanced LevelThe 2nd level has 63 quarter units in arange of advanced topics in interiorarchitecture. Students who successfullycomplete this level earn a Master ofInterior Architecture degree conferredby Cal Poly Pomona.To apply for the Required AdvancedLevel, students must have completeda bachelor’s degree in any field, havesuccessfully completed all PrerequisiteFoundation Level courses with a gradeof B or better, and be evaluated foradvanced standing by the programadvisor; for application details anddeadline, see page 15.Key Program Facts The courses are taught at UCLAExtension’s Westwood facilities. Theprogram is managed by the Dept. ofArchitecture and the Cal Poly PomonaCollege of Extended University inpartnership with UCLA Extension. Current students who complete thePrerequisite Foundation Level Courseswith a GPA of B or b etter and havecompleted a bachelor’s degree areeligible to apply for the MIA program. Current students without a bachelor’sdegree or who elect not to pursue theMIA, have the option of completingPrerequisite Foundation Level coursesto earn a Certificate in Interior Design:Foundation Level, and may take theNCIDQ exam after a higher amount ofrequired work experience.Above: Rockefeller Partners Architects. Alana Homesley Interior Design. Photo by Eric Staudenmaier.For More Informationarc (310) 825-9061For complete program, admissions, and curriculum information

14 Architecture, Interior Design & Landscape ArchitectureEnroll at or call (800) 825-9971Master of Interior ArchitectureQuarterly Curriculum SequenceCertificate Program: Prerequisite/Foundation Level Courses1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd QuarterFundamentals of Interior ArchitectureX 438/INA 501 (4 units)Color Theory & ApplicationX 452/INA 530 (4 units)Digital Presentation I: Photoshop/IllustratorX 468.20/INA 550 (4 units)Design Communication IX 467.17A/INA 511 (6 units)Design Communication IIX 466E/INA 512 (6 units)Design Communication IIIX 466F/INA 513 (6 units)Elements of Design IX 454A/INA 521 (4 units)Elements of Design IIX 454B/INA 522 (4 units)History of Environmental Arts: Part IX 427.8A/INA 561 (4 units)Offered in Spring & Fall only4th Quarter5th Quarter6th QuarterDigital Presentation II: 2D CAD/AutoCADX 468.5A/INA 551 (4 units)orDigital Presentation II: Revit Architecture IX 468.13A/INA 552 (4 units)Digital Presentation III: 3D CAD/AutoCADX 468.5B/INA 554 (4 units)orDigital Presentation III: Revit Architecture IIX 468.13B/INA 555 (4 units)Lighting DesignX 467.15/INA 535 (4 units)Surface MaterialsX 427.7/INA 541 (4 units)Interior Architecture Studio ISpace Planning/Human FactorsX 433/INA 505 (6 units)History of Environmental Arts: Part IVX 427.8D/INA 564 (4 units)Offered in Summer & Winter onlyHistory of Environmental Arts: Part IIX 427.8B/INA 562 (4 units)Offered in Summer & Winter onlyInterior Architecture Studio IIResidential DesignX 430A/INA 506 (6 units)History of Environmental Arts: Part IIIX 427.8C/INA 563 (4 units)Offered in Spring & Fall onlyMaster’s Program: Required Advanced Level Courses1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th QuarterInterior Architecture Studio IIICommercial Design X 430C/INA 601 (6 units)†Not offered in SummerInterior Architecture Studio IVSpecial TopicsX 471.19/INA 602 (6 units)†Not offered in FallMaster’s Project:Interior Architecture StudioX 498.1/INA 691 (8 units)†Master’s Project:Interior Architecture DocumentsX 498/INA 695 (8 units)†Business StrategiesX 497.4/INA 671 (4 units)Project ManagementX 498.2/INA 672 (4 units)†Offered in Spring & Fall onlyUnderstanding Building CodesX 427.20/INA 542 (3 units)†Concept Driven Design: Visual Seminarand Studio X 471.125 (4 units)Electives or Internship*Research & Programming MethodologiesX 497/INA 590 (4 units)Interior Detailing & Building SystemsX 467.27B/INA 622 (6 units)Ecology of DesignX 467.55/INA 531 (2 units)Offered in Spring & Fall onlyElectives or Internship*Electives or Internship*Electives or Internship*ElectivesProfessional DevelopmentDecorating & DesignInternship & Independent StudyPhotographing Architecture & Interiors X 467.11A/INA 560 (4 units)Residential Remodeling X 406.6/INA 538 (3.25 units)Professional Internship X 473/INA 615 (2 units)SketchUp X 468.6A (2 units)Accessories for Residential Interiors X 443.40 (2 units)Independent Study INA 591 (1-4 units)†Advanced SketchUp X 468.6B (2 units)Feng Shui for Designers & Architects X 443.45 (2 units)Interior Design Law I X 497.10 (2 units)Furniture Design X 461.4/INA 539 (4 units)Interior Design Law II X 497.11 (2 units)A Survey of the Decorative Arts X 443.16/INA 661 (4 units)Offered in Summer & Winter onlyAdvanced Portfolio and Presentation Techniques X 498.10 (4 units)Interior Rendering Techniques Using 3ds Max and V-RayX 498.12 (4 units)Interior Design in Films X 498.22 (2 units)Programming notes: Some Master’s Level courses, including the Master’s Studio & Documents courses, are notoffered every quarter. Class scheduling may not necessarily lead to completion in 1 year.* Eight total elective units required for completion of Master’s Level. A maximum of 2 units for oneinternship can be used toward this requirement. Elective courses can be taken at any quarter.††Classes restricted to only MIA students. Registration through Cal Poly Pomona’s BroncoDirect System.See course descriptions for more information.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971Architecture, Interior Design & Landscape Architecture15Apply to theMIA ProgramStep-by-Step InstructionsRequired Educational BackgroundAdmission to the Master of Interior Architecture degree program requires abaccalaureate degree with a minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA and completion of the82 prerequisite units or equivalent. Applicants who do not meet these criteria may beadmitted on a conditional basis if evidence of compensating qualifications is f urnished.Applicants with an undergraduate degree in interior design, architecture, or a similardesign-related field may be evaluated for advanced standing by the program advisor;visit to request an appointment.Required ApplicationMaterials1. Completed application form.2. Official transcripts from all undergraduate university coursework.3. For those whose native language is notEnglish, minimum TOEFL score of 550(paper-based), 213 (computer-based),or 80 (Internet).4. 55 admissions application fee(check or money order payable toCSU Pomona).Mail items 1–4 to:Office of Admissions & OutreachCalifornia State Polytechnic U niversity,Pomona3801 W. Temple Ave.Pomona, CA 917685. Statement of purpose explaining yourinterests, motivations, and goals inpursuing a professional degree submitted on a separate sheet (not includedin the application).6. Three letters of recommendation fromindividuals in a position to assess yourpotential for either the interior designprofession or a m aster’s level academicprogram.7. Portfolio of visual work illustratingyour creative or analytical abilities inwritten, graphic, or mathematical form.The port folio should be no larger than9"x12" bound; do not include originalmaterial.Mail copies of items 1–4 plus items 5–7 to:UCLA ExtensionMIA Degree Program10995 Le Conte Ave., Suite 414Los Angeles, CA 90024-1333For complete program, admissions, and curriculum information X 498.2Project Management4.0 unitsThis course provides a detailed exploration of the various phases of an interior architecture project, distinguishing between residential and commercial, as wellas differing methods relating to small and large offices.Starting with the designer/client contract, this coursecovers the construction/implementation process, estimating, scheduling, risk avoidance, and staffing issues.Students collaborate in teams and also work as individuals to create standard documents and checklists.Prerequisite(s): X 430C Interior Architecture Studio III orconsent of program advisor. Restricted course. Registration for this course takes place through Cal PolyPomona’s BroncoDirect system. This is a requiredcourse in the Master of Architecture degree program.Reg# 352703Fee: 2,000 Classroom11 mtgsTuesday, 6:30-9:30pm, April 4-June 13Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr.Enrollment limited. c &Barry Isakson, AIA, BArch, California Polytechnic StateUniversity, San Luis Obispo. As an architect, Mr. Isaksonpracticed as a project manager in several SouthernCalifornia firms. As an evangelist for Apple Computer,Inc., Mr. Isakson was instrumental in introducing newcomputer technology to the architecture and interiordesign professions through his “A Day in the Life of anArchitect” seminar series. Currently, Mr. Isakson is apractice management consultant developing projectmanagement software tools for design professionals.Master of InteriorArchitectureCurriculum ChangeWe are introducing a new course for allMaster of Interior Architecture students.In the Master of Interior ArchitectureProgram, we wish that every designerdemonstrates a firm grasp of how anunderlying concept inspires and guidesa design project. To reach that goal,beginning Fall 2016 quarter, all newMaster of Interior Architecture studentswill be required to take the new coursePrerequisite(s): X 468.6A SketchUp or equivalentexperience; a basic knowledge of SketchUp.Reg# 352524Fee: 625mmOnlineMay 17-June 21Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised.Software requirement: The most recent version ofSketchUp.No refund after May 23. cOrlando Flores, BArch, Catholic University of El Salvador.AS Interior Design, College of the Canyons. Mr. Floresprofessional experience includes mixed-use developments, affordable housing, hotels, high-end residences,and restaurants. Mr. Flores has consulted for HondaPerformance Development, Wimberly Interiors, andCataldo Architects. In addition to currently work as DesignAssociate at Urban Architecture Lab, he has been servingas Design Instructor for the department of Architecturaland Interior Design at College of the Canyons.ARCH X 468.20Computer Technology& DesignARCH X 468.6BAdvanced SketchUp2.0 unitsThis advanced course pushes your basic SketchUp skillsto the next level. You develop two types of models of yourown choosing, based on existing interior and exteriorspaces. This course is designed to provide the necessaryskills to thoroughly develop a model for presentation andconstruction purposes. Such advanced topics as custommaterial creation, importing locations from Google Earth,creating custom furniture and fixture components, stylesand walk-throughs, and organizing a heavier model usingscenes and layers are covered in this course. SketchUpLayout, a fantastic tool for translating a model into working drawings will also be introduced. This course is idealfor the designer looking to maximize his or her skills withthis powerful design communication software.Digital Presentation I:Photoshop/Illustrator4.0 unitsThis comprehensive, hands-on course is designed tointroduce designers to digital design tools. The coursebegins with an overview of architectural and interior designconcepts; students will also review client presentations andsee how they were created. Students learn why the use ofthese professional tools is essential to the creative processof design and presentation production, and are introducedto using the computer for drawing, illustration, and layout.Fundamentals of layout, typographic design, scanning, andimage-enhancement software are covered, and studentspresent projects in class. Software applications coveredinclude Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. This course isequivalent to Cal Poly Pomona INA 550.Prerequisite(s): Working knowledge of Windows or Macoperating systems. Software requirements: The mostrecent versions of Illustrator and Photoshop.kkkINA 599 Concept Driven Design:Visual Seminar and Studio. This newclass explores the ideas and inspirationsbehind the creation of successfulconcepts.INA 661 A Survey of Decorative Artswill remain an elective course for newstudents, and required course forstudents who were admitted into theMIA program prior to Summerquarter 2016.Reg# 352510Fee: 925 Classroom12 mtgsTuesday, 7-10pm, April 4-June 20UCLA Extension Bldg.: 10995 Le Conte Ave.Attendance at the first class is mandatory.Visitors only permitted at the first class if space allows.Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised.No refund after April 11. &Sheldon Nemoy, alumnus of the office of CharlesEames and honorary member of the Eames Foundation.Mr. Nemoy has worked extensively for major domesticand international clients, and is also an author andseminar speaker.Reg# 352509Fee: 935mmOnlineApril 4-June 20Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised.No refund after April 10. c &Patricia Chin, MA, BFA, New York Institute of Technology; freelance creative director specializing in advertising and branding design. Clients include Disney,Showtime, and various ad agencies in New York andLos Angeles. Former associate creative director of thenew artists division at EMI Music Group. She is also anadjunct professor at Glendale Community College,where she teaches graphic design.Reg# 352530Fee: 935mmOnlineApril 4-June 20Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised.No refund after April 10. c &Patricia Chin, MA, BFA, New York Institute of Technology; freelance creative director specializing in advertising and branding design. Clients include Disney,Showtime, and various ad agencies in New York andLos Angeles. Former associate creative director of thenew artists division at EMI Music Group. She is also anadjunct professor at Glendale Community College,where she teaches graphic design.

16 Architecture, Interior Design & Landscape ArchitectureEnroll at or call (800) 825-9971Interior RenderingTechniques Using3ds Max and V-RayAdvanced Portfolio andPresentation TechniquesWant to step up your portfolio and presentation skills?The Arc & ID p rogram now offers a 12-week class for students who have completed theInterior Design Certificate program and are ready to start the Master’s P rogram, or whowant to put together their portfolios to land a job in the design industry. The course istaught by Ziya Cetik, MIA, LEED AP ID C, a graduate of the Master of InteriorArchitecture program.Page 21.Above: Image courtesy of Ziya CetikARCH X 468.5ADigital Presentation II:2D CAD/AutoCAD4.0 unitsThis course covers the basic AutoCAD commands usedto create and edit 2D CAD drawings, as well as drawingsetup, layer control, dimensioning, symbol libraries,display commands, external references, attributes,paperspace/modelspace, and methods for importing andexporting files between SketchUp and AutoCAD. Students prepare a basic set of construction documentsthat include floor plans, elevations, sections, and details.Prerequisite(s): X 468.20 Digital Presentation I: Photoshop/Illustrator. Software requirement: The most recentversion of AutoCAD. A student version of the AutoDesksoftware will be provided for free upon proof of studentstatus. Review CAD course requirements.Reg# 352511Fee: 935mmOnlineApril 4-June 20This course is equivalent to Cal Poly Pomona INA 551.Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised.No refund after April 10. cShane Bartley, BA, UCLA; manager, IT Training, DisneyImagineering, where he oversees national training anddevelopment in 33 software curricula.kkkReg# 352512Fee: 925 Classroom10 mtgsWednesday, 6:30-10pm, April 5-June 21UCLA Extension Bldg.: 10995 Le Conte Ave.Wednesday, 6:30-10pm, June 7-21UCLA Extension Bldg.: 10995 Le Conte Ave.This course is equivalent to Cal Poly Pomona INA 551.Attendance at the first class is mandatory.Visitors only permitted at the first class if space allows.Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised.No refund after April 13.Luis de Moraes, AIA-CCIDC, licensed architect andinterior designer; principal/founder, EnviroTechnoArchitecture, a general practice architecture andinterior design firm in Los Angeles. A graduate of theUCLA Extension Interior and Environmental Designprogram, Mr. de Moraes has more than 25 years ofexperience designing a variety of commercial, hospitality, and residential projects for such clients as DonaldTrump, Kilroy Realty, Qantas Airlines, American Golf,Urth Caffe, and Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.He received the UCLA Extension Arts DepartmentInstructor of the Year Award, 2011.ARCH X 468.13ADigital Presentation II:Revit Architecture I4.0 unitsThrough lecture and demonstration, this hands-onworkshop introduces the basic concepts and tools ofRevit, a building information modeling program forarchitects and interior designers. Students are introduced to Revit’s powerful 3D model organization tovisualize, present, and create construction documents.Students will learn how this unique software enablesdesign professionals to save time and reduce errorssince design changes are automatically coordinatedthroughout the entire model and drawing set.Prerequisite(s): X 468.20 Digital Presentation I: Photoshop/Illustrator. Software requirement: The most recentversion of Revit Architecture. A student version of theThis course gives you the techniques to produce photorealistic interior renderingsusing 3ds Max and V-Ray rendering engines. Import your existing project modelsfrom Revit, SketchUp, and AutoCAD 3D, and see the photorealistic interior results.Throughout the quarter, you will use a 3D model of a project that you have previouslydrawn and modeled, and will learn to apply materials, lights, and cameras to create aphotorealistic rendering.Page 17.AutoDesk software will be provided for free upon proofof student status. Review CAD course requirements.Reg# 352508Fee: 935mmOnlineApril 4-June 20This course is equivalent to Cal Poly Pomona INA 552.Enrollment limited; ea

12 Architecture, Interior Design & Landscape Architecture Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Architecture & Interior Design Architecture Prerequisite Foundation Level These courses provide fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of interior design. For more information on the Master of Interior Architecture

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