Parking Lot Design Guidelines - Glenview

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Parking Lot Landscaping Ordinance & Design Guidelines

Parking Lot Landscaping Regulations and Approval ProcessIntentLandscaped Parking Lots can: Enhance the aesthetics of a property Provide shade protection Reduce impervious surface through environmental designThis document describes a user-friendly process for property owners toincorporate landscaping within parking lots and enhance the character of theVillage.Designs/GuidelinesThe design guidelines contained in this document are just that –guidelines. If the proposed parking lot landscaping varies from the designguidelines, it does not necessarily mean the landscaping will not beallowed, but it means the Appearance Commission will review theproposal for consistency with the design guidelines at a public meetingand determine if a Certificate of Appropriateness should be issued.ProcessParking Lot Landscaping requires: Site Plan Review (Plan Commission and Board of Trustees) Certificate of Appropriateness (Appearance Commission) Building PermitSite Plan Review is evaluated by the Plan Commission and approved by theBoard of Trustees. A Certificate of Appropriateness is granted by theAppearance Commission, which indicates the proposed landscaping meets theappearance standards of the Village. A proposal can be made to theAppearance Commission while concurrently requesting approval from theBoard of Trustees. A building permit is reviewed, approved, issued andinspected for all construction in the Village. Both the Certificate ofAppropriateness and the Building Permit are issued prior to the beginning ofany work.The first step in the approval process is to contact the Planning & EconomicDevelopment Department (847) 904-4340. Parking lot landscaping designdetails are submitted to the Planning Division with a completed site planreview application.Parking lot landscaping must comply with all code requirements includingapplicable traffic engineering requirements.

Zoning CodeSection 98-294Off-street parking standards(e) Design and maintenance(4) Landscapingb.Surface Parking Lot Perimeters1.The surface parking lot perimeters section of the ordinance shallapply to all parking lots unless otherwise stated.2.Surface parking lots shall have a minimum five (5) foot widebuffer, which shall be increased to seven (7) feet if parking isperpendicular to the buffer (for vehicular overhangs). The buffershall surround the perimeter of the property, except for yardsabutting residential properties, as described in Section 98-294(3)(b) of the Glenview Zoning Code.3.All parking lots shall be screened, for the purpose of minimizingviews of parked cars from the public right-of-way, by alandscaped treatment along all property lines which abut thepublic right-of-way. This landscaped treatment is furtherdescribed in the Design Guidelines, but at a minimum shallconform to the following:a.3’ minimum height of screening, except where preexisting trees or planned additional trees require breaks.b.Be located solely on private property and allow for aclear sight triangle for drivers.4.Perimeter treesa.For lots with 20 or more spaces, the perimeter of theparking lot may incorporate up to 35 percent of therequired interior parking lot trees (see “Interiors” sectionfor tree requirements)b.For lots with less than 20 spaces, the perimeter of theparking lot may incorporate up to 100 percent of therequired interior parking lot trees as long as those treesare placed on private property within 20’ of the parkinglot. (see “Interiors” section for tree requirements)A 3’ high landscaped treatment betweenperimeter trees screens parked cars from thepublic way (3a)Parking lots with less than 20 spaces canprovide the required number of trees in theperimeter on private property (4b)Perimeter landscaping shall be located onprivate property and allow for a clear sighttriangle (3b)A 5’ landscaped buffer along the parking lotperimeter is provided (2)1

Design GuidelinesoknoSurface Parking Lot Perimeters1.The surface parking lot perimeter five (5) foot wide bufferis encouraged to be well-landscaped with ground cover,shrubs and trees that are salt-tolerant and of seasonalinterest. The buffer should be undulating, and have avariety of materials to provide interest and separation fromthe site’s impervious surface.2.The required perimeter landscape treatment (which couldinclude trees, a dense hedge, berming, decorative metalfencing and/or masonry wall) is located at the perimeter ofsurface parking lots abutting street corridors to screenparking lots from the street. The screening treatment:a.Should be designed in conjunction with site andbuilding foundation landscaping materialsb.Should be complementary to adjacent sites andbuildingsc.Is encouraged to be continuous unless theplacement of existing or proposed trees makecontinuity impossible.3.Where space allows, berming is encouraged as part of theperimeter landscape treatment to allow for diversity ofinterest.4.Landscaping is encouraged at the street side of the fence orwall when a solid masonry wall or fencing abuts publicright-of-way. Vines may be planted on the street side ofthe base of the wall and encouraged to grow along themasonry.5.When existing parkway plantings contribute to perimeterlandscaping, petitioner shall provide required landscapingin other areas of the lot.Landscaping treatment at is provided at theperimeter of the parking lot abutting a streetcorridor (1)Decorative masonry and metal fencingseparates pedestrians from the parking area (2)The parking lot has not incorporated canopytrees or any perimeter landscaping treatment(2)No perimeter landscaping is provided toscreen cars from the public view(1)2

Zoning CodeSection98-294Off-street parking standards(e) Design and maintenance(10) Landscapingc.Surface Parking Lot Interiors1. Parking lot counta.Parking lots with 20 or more proposed parkingspaces shall abide by the entire interior surfaceparking lot landscape ordinance.b.Parking lots with less than 20 parking spaces shallincorporate no less than one tree per seven parkinglot spaces and shall also abide by #8.65% or more of the required parking lottrees are provided within the interior ofthe surface parking lot (6)The end of every parking aisle shall have alandscaped island (5)274’2. A minimum of 65 percent of the required parking lot treesshall be provided within the interior of surface parking lots.5’ Buffer adjacentto ROW24’ Drive Aisle9’ x 19’ Space3. 15 parking spaces is the maximum number that can occurbefore a landscaped island is proposed (see graphic - A).4. The total tree count shall be no less than one tree per fiveparking lot spaces.A. Max 15 spaces224’9’ x 17’ Spacebetween islands5. The end of every parking aisle shall have a landscaping island(see graphic - B).6. The minimum size of a parking lot island shall be 9’ x 19’ toinsure proper growth and protection of the landscapingmaterials planted therein. Minimum size of an island can be9’ x 17’ to correspond with a 9’x17’ parking space if certainconditions exist (two (2) foot overhang).C. Continuous island betweenevery other parking bayPerimeter Tree7. Two or more interior parking bays (A defined grouping ofparking stalls) requires a continuous parking lot islandbetween every other bay (see graphic - C).8. Soil preparation shall be in maintained in accordance with theMaintenance Design Guidelines of the Appearance Code.B. 9’ wide islandsInterior TreesBuildingTwo or more parking bays requires a continuous landscaping island betweenevery other bay (7)3

Design GuidelinesnookSurface Parking Lot Interiors1.The interior surface parking lot is encouraged to be welllandscaped to interrupt the pavement expanse, to reduce the heatisland effect, improve the visual appearance and to shade parkedcars and pedestrians.2.Landscaped islands are encouraged to contain a variety ofplanting materials (which could include shade trees, evergreentrees [where visibility is not restricted], plants with seasonalinterest, low shrubs and salt-tolerant groundcover).3.Continuous islands help divide large parking areas into smallerparking fields, provide more room for plants to grow, and provideareas for pedestrian access. Trees are recommended to be plantedin the continuous landscaped island every 25’.4.Trees planted in continuous landscaped islands every otherparking bay or every 120’ (whichever is less) are recommended,with additional perpendicular islands at a maximum 63’ spacing.5.Parking lots with less than 20 spaces may plant single trees inislands with the proper amount of space to ensure viability.6.Pedestrian needs should be accommodated within parking lots.Parking lots should include design elements to address:a.b.c.7.8.Landscaped cart islands can contribute towardinterior screening requirements (8).How pedestrians will be protected from high volumevehicular traffic,How main entrances are linked to the parking lot; andHow traffic will be properly managed and controlled.Large planting medians should incorporate pedestriancross paths. Bicycle racks should be provided.A single tree is planted with no othermaterials and little room for viability (2)A large parking area is divided into smallerparking fields with large landscaped islands (3)Preservation of existing trees and vegetation shall be givenspecial consideration for parking lot landscaping requirements,contingent upon adequate tree preservation techniques beingapplied to ensure a high survival rate (See Chapter 86, Article IITrees of the Glenview Municipal Code).Landscaped cart islands can contribute toward interior screeningrequirements when considered with Site Plan and AppearanceCommission review.A large parking area that has no landscapingislands or trees (1) (Courtesy of the Coalition forPedestrian needs are accommodated with aprotected walkway through the parking lot( )Smart Growth)4

Zoning CodeSection98-294Off-street parking standards(e) Design and maintenance(10) Landscapingd. Parking Lot Maintenance1.Parking lot landscaping shall be maintained inaccordance with the Maintenance section of theAppearance Code Design Guidelines.2.Plants shall be regularly inspected for pests inaccordance with Best Management Practicesrecommended by the Illinois LandscapeContractors Association.3.Perimeter landscaping is maintained withirrigation to ensure viability of the plantings (1)Proper pruning, pest inspection and litter removal helpscontribute to attractively screened parking lots (2,3)Plants shall be pruned and litter removed inaccordance with Best Management Practicesrecommended by the Illinois LandscapeContractors Association.Healthy, well maintained landscaping adds to the attractiveness of this development (2,3)5

Design GuidelinesoknoParking Lot Maintenance1.Landscaping should be properly maintained on aweekly or monthly basis (depending on theplantings) and include seasonal “clean-ups” in thespring and fall, to enhance the built environment inperpetuity.2.Islands should be mulched (with organic and/ornatural materials and not plastic or rubber mulch), orshould use appropriate salt-resistant groundcover.3.Plants should be inspected for pests.4.Plants should be pruned and litter removed.5.Soil pH should be tested annually and adjusted ifnecessary.6.Consideration should be given to site constraintssuch as overhead wires when designing the site, toavoid excessive and unsightly tree trimming in thefuture.7.Proper irrigation and drainage is necessary forlandscaped islands. At a minimum, islands shouldhave an easy method for providing irrigation such asa hose bib, yard hydrant or automatic irrigationsystem. Water access within 100 feet of all parkinglot landscaping should be provided to ensureviability of the plantings, or arrangements should bemade for a water truck.8.To ensure the growth of shade trees in parking lotislands, a minimum 24” soil depth and 250 cubicfeet of soil is recommended per tree, with topsoilmounded to a center height which has a 1 to 3percent slope above the top of the curb height.Landscaping is not properlymaintained (1,2, 4)Tree is maintained with water to help viability (7)Properly maintained islands ensure adequate growth (1)A poorly pruned species should bemaintained properly or replaced (4)6

Design GuidelinesoknoMaterial Selection1.A variety of tree species isencouraged, including Hackberry,Thornless Hawthorn, Ginkgo(male only), ThornlessHoneylocust, Kentucky Coffeetree,Littleleaf Linden, Elm (diseaseresistant cultivar), Japanesemaples, oaks, maples, beeches,katsura, Japanese lilacs,ornamental pears and crabapples,with specific varieties selected toavoid large or messy fruit inpedestrian access areas.2.Canopy trees are recommended inparking lots to provide shadeduring summer months.3.Plantings should be salt, pollutionand heat tolerant.4.Plantings should be hardy andresistant to disease and insects.A variety of trees and other landscaping createsinterest (1)Ornamental trees can make a site more attractive, but theyshould be supplemented with canopy trees to provideshade (2)Canopy trees provide shade during summermonths (2)Planting too many trees of thesame species can result in adisease killing all the trees in theparking lot (1, 4)Trees that are no longer hardyshould be replaced with a hardyand resistant species (4)7

Design GuidelinesBioswale and Rain Garden Design1.Bioswales convey stormwater from surfaceparking lots and the surface runoff isfiltered and cleaned through native wetlandplantings. Bioswales improve water qualityby cooling runoff, slowing down runoff andcleaning runoff. Bioswales are encouragedto be designed with approval from theEngineering Division. The vegetationshould be a mix of plantings appropriate forthe location.2.Flood-tolerant plants should be used whichwill remain healthy when used inbioswales.okCourtesy of Main Street Portage Inc.3.Porous parking lot materials are encouragedto be used as part of the overall parking lotplan.4.Rain gardens are depressed areas thatabsorb excess water and slow down thewater’s flow with native vegetation torelease stormwater gradually. Rain gardensare encouraged to be designed withapproval from the Engineering Division.Rain gardens provide benefits such as:a.b.c.d.Filtering sediment from stormevents at an on-site location closeto the source of the run-offReducing flow of pollutants fromrun-offImproving natural aesthetics ofimpervious areasEncourage biodiversityBioswales incorporate native wetland plantings for stormwater drainage(1, 3)Porous parking lot materials incorporated as part of the overall parking lot plan allow storm water to be absorbedgradually (4)8

Design GuidelinesoknoParking Garages1.Plantings should be used on the top of theparking deck (in areas not able to be used forparking spaces) in order to effectively “greenup” the parking expanse and decrease theheat island effect.2.Parking deck perimeters should belandscaped at ground level, e.g. with climbingvines planted to cover walls.3.4.5.Trellises or hanging baskets may beincorporated to further enhance parking deckparapets or around the exterior of the parkingdeck, especially when visible to adjacenthabitable spaces.Appropriately irrigated and drained plantingboxes should be used. Planter boxes shouldbe provided at the top level of the parkingdeck (and can be located over the tops of thestructural columns below, typically between60’-65’ parking bays). Planter boxes shouldbe used where compact car spaces have beenincorporated.Parking lot perimeter is landscaped at groundlevel (3)Planting boxes, trellises, or hanging boxes should be usedto enhance the exterior of the parking deck (3)Planting boxes or climbing vines can be usedaround the exterior of the parking deck (4)If a parking deck is effectively hidden by abuilding or has an architectural facade, thebuilding or façade can count as part of theexternal screening requirement, butfoundation landscaping treatments along thegarage façade should still be incorporatedwhen the parking deck is visible to adjacenthabitable spaces.The parking deck is effectively screened by abuilding (6)Parking deck perimeters should be landscaped at groundlevel (1)9

okDesign GuidelinesnoGas Stations1.Gas stations, due to their largecanopies and underground storagetanks and associated concerns forlandscaping, will be treated on anindividual basis by the PlanCommission through the Site PlanReview process.2.While trees may not be appropriatein some landscaped parking areas,shrubs, flowers or grasses could beincorporated into the gas station’slandscaping plan where trees arenot suitable.3.Perimeter screening (such as ahedge, berm, decorative metalfencing and/or masonry or stonewall) should visually compensatefor the amount of impervioussurface in a gas station lot.4.Where feasible, taller trees arepreferred along the perimeter tosoften the effect of massiveilluminated canopies.Gas canopies provide little room for parking lottrees, but lot perimeters can provide areas for avariety of plant materials (1)While the canopy provides little room forplantings, other creative landscaping opportunitieshave not been explored (1)222The perimeter of the gas station lot screens theinterior with a variety of evergreen plantings,shrubs, trees and masonry (3)Interest is added through the use of ground plantingsand a shade tree (2)The perimeter of the gas station lot provides room for shrub,grasses and flowers but no plantings are provided (2)The amount of impervious surface at this gas stationshould be broken up with green space at the perimeter (3)10

Design GuidelinesoknoAuto Dealerships1.Auto dealerships, due to inventorybeing displayed on the parking lotand associated maintenance concernsfor landscaping, may be subject toconcerns that will be treated on anindividual basis by the PlanCommission, through the Site PlanReview process.2.Employee parking, customer parkingand service parking areas will still besubject to the Parking LotLandscaping ordinance requirements.3.While trees may not be appropriate insome circumstances, angled parkingdisplays provide opportunities forshrubs, flowers and grasses to beincorporated into the dealership’slandscaping plan.4.Additional perimeter screening (suchas a hedge, berm, decorative metalfencing and/or masonry or stone wall)should visually compensate for theamount of impervious surface in anauto dealership lot.Auto dealerships have unique opportunities due to theirinventory being stored in the parking lot (1)A variety of perimeter landscaping screening provides anattractive display at the property line (1)Angled parking display provides room for shrubs, flowersand grasses (3).Only sod has been used in this amply sized planting strip,where displays of trees, shrubs, flowers and grasses couldbe planted (4)11

landscaping, petitioner shall provide required landscaping in other areas of the lot. Decorative masonry and metal fencing separates pedestrians from the parking area (2) no No perimeter landscaping is provided to screen cars from the public view(1) 2 The parking lot has not incorporated canopy trees or any perimeter landscaping treatment (2)

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