A UL White PaperThe Life Cycle of Materialsin Mobile Phones
The Life Cycle of Materials in Mobile PhonesHow New Phone Technology Affects the EnvironmentIn just 30 years, mobile telephony has grown into a major global industry, with anestimated 5 billion users around the world (compared with a total world populationof just under 7 billion people). While new subscriber growth has slowed somewhatin recent years, product turnover remains high, with over 1 billion new mobilephones shipped in 2009 alone. As a result of ever-advancing technology and productobsolescence in this market, it is estimated that some 300,000 mobile phones are sentto the trash every day in the United States alone.This white paper examines the overall environmental impact of materials used inmobile phones, from the extraction of raw materials and component manufacturingrequired to produce the latest models, to the appropriate recovery and recycling ofthese products at end-of-life (EoL). While the scope of this paper is limited to mobilephones, similar materials are used in many other high technology products, includingpersonal computers, portable entertainment players, and other types of informationand communications devices. Energy consumption and radio frequency emissions at theproduct level are outside the scope of this paper.Regulated Substances andWaste LegislationThe European Commission (EC) is amongthe most active and aggressive regulatorsseeking to address the environmentalimpact of electrical and electronicequipment. Increasing concerns regardingthe toxicity of several heavy metalsand flame retardants used in electronicThe EU’s RoHS Directive regulatesspecific hazardous substances, withconcentrations limited in parts permillion (ppm) by the weight of eachhomogeneous material that can bemechanically separated, as follows: Cadmium (Cd) — 0.01% (100 ppm) Lead (Pb) — 0.1% (1000 ppm)equipment led to the Commission’s Mercury (Hg) — 0.1% (1000 ppm)directive on the restriction of the use of Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI))certain hazardous substances in electricaland electronic equipment (2002/95/EC,also known as the RoHS Directive), whichcame into force in European Union (EU)member states in July 2006.— 0.1% (1000 ppm) Polybrominated diphenyls (PBB)— 0.1% (1000 ppm) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)— 0.1% (1000 ppm)page 2
The Life Cycle of Materials in Mobile PhonesAt present, the RoHS Directive affectsof hazardous substances in electronicThis white paper examines the variousmobile phones as well as other consumerproducts with the passage of Propositionmaterials commonly found in mobileproducts. The Directive also includes65 that imposes strict labelingphones from a lifecycle perspective,several dozen exemptions that allow therequirements on products containing anyincluding the extraction of raw materials,use of otherwise restricted hazardousone of hundreds of potentially hazardousmanufacturing of components, finalmaterials in certain specified applications.materials. All the while, the EU has nothandset assembly, product in use, andstood still, with additional regulationsrecovery and recycling of componentlimiting the use of so-called substancesmaterials at the product’s EoL. The paperof very high concern (SVHC) under itsalso identifies and evaluates alternativedirective on the registration, evaluation,materials available to designers, serviceauthorization and restriction of chemicalsproviders, retailers, users and other(also known as the REACH Directive),stakeholders.which entered into force in June 2007.Metals Overviewthe selection of alternate materials forIn addition to regulations regarding theFrom a high-level perspective, mobilesolder terminations of components,use of certain hazardous substances, thephones are generally comprised ofthe qualification of alternate typesEU has also implemented requirementsapproximately 40% metals and 40%of flame retardants, and the need tointended to limit the unsafe handlingplastics by weight, with the remainderidentify replacements for other bannedof electronic waste, including impropermade up of glass and/or ceramicsubstances. At the strategic level, thedisposal, “landfilling” and unregulatedand other miscellaneous materials.implementation of the requirementsincineration. The EU’s directive coveringThe major metals content of mobileof the RoHS Directive has requiredelectrical and electronic equipment wastephones has been analyzed since themanufacturers to establish new supply(2002/96/EC, also known as the WEEEinitial growth of the industry, andchain management procedures, andDirective) was enacted in July 2006. Theupdates continue to become available.to develop expertise in specifying andWEEE Directive establishes targets forData from earlier generation phonesdocumenting the materials used incollection of EoL products and for material(pre-1997) is shown in Table 1.electronics hardware.recovery and recycling, and limits theThe impact of the EU’s RoHS Directiveon the worldwide electronics industryhas been significant. At the tacticallevel, the regulation has requireddevelopment of new solders and newsoldering process for manufacturingprinted wiring board (PWB) assemblies,Further, most consumer productmanufacturers have opted not to runseparate manufacturing processes forRoHS-compliant and non-compliantproducts. Instead, they have modified allof their production to comply with RoHSrequirements, thereby ensuring thatquantity of plastics and other materialsthat can be incinerated for energyTABLE 1: METALS CONTENT OF EARLY MOBILEPHONES (ECTEL 1997)recovery. Beyond the EU, some 23 statesMajor Metals Content of Mobile Phonesin the United States presently have someCopper (Cu)49.0%Zinc (Zn)21.8%Iron (Fe)11.6%Nickel (Ni)6.5%form of proposed or enacted legislationrequiring the collection, recovery andrecycling of various electronics products.even products shipped to non-EU regionsBut, while the above regulations areAluminum (Al)5.5%contribute to the worldwide reduction inintended to reduce the overall use ofLead (Pb)1.9%the use of hazardous materials.hazardous materials and to divert thoseTin (Sn)1.7%Silver (Ag)1.5%Chromium (Cr)0.5%Gold (Au)0.1%Palladium (Pd)traceOther nations, including China and SouthKorea, have followed the EU’s lead withsimilar, but not identical, regulations.In the United States, California has ledthe way toward increased regulationpage 3actually used from improper wastedisposal, it is not clear whether therequirements are based on a holisticassessment of the positive and negativeaspects of materials used in electronics.
The Life Cycle of Materials in Mobile PhonesThe conversion of mobile phone designHowever, this approach provides neither aand production to comply with RoHS-typecomplete nor correctly weighted result. Itrequirements has noticeably reduced theis widely known, for example, that whilecontent of lead in subsequent generationsprecious metals, including gold, silver andof products as well as the size, mass andpalladium, constitute a small percentageuse of structural metals. However, copperof the device’s total mass, precious metalNihas remained the dominant mass of anyrecovery is a significant factor in life cycleAgmetal in these devices.management (Sullivan 2006). Thus, aSnIn a more recent study, a variety ofmetals were identified according totheir use within several main functionalcomponent categories (see Table 2).Although the percentage of compositionwas not published in this study, the listmore inclusive analysis of metal contentFIGURE 2: CONTENT (PERCENT) TIMES VALUEWEIGHTING OF PHONE-LEVEL METAL CONTENTContentCONTENT XX ValueVALUEPdAuAlis warranted.FeCuFIGURE 1: PHONE-LEVEL METAL CONTENT(PERCENTAGE) FROM TABLE 301020304050from their respective ores, which isContentCONTENT PercentPERCENTillustrated in Figure 3. From an energyPdperspective, precious metals gold, silverAuand palladium exceed the impact ofNicomponent type, which will be furthercopper. In addition, the energy contentAgdiscussed in the Metals Content of Mainof plastics is also significant. AlthoughSnComponents section.not prominent in Figure 3, glass hasAlbeen noted in other sources as havingnonetheless provides useful guidanceas an overall materials content menu byAnother recent report details the use ofmetals in mobile handsets by percentageFea significant energy footprint, due toCu02468101214and economic value. The data is shown inTable 3.the high melt temperatures that arerequired during manufacturing.Metals Content with Value WeightingTABLE 2: MAIN ELEMENTS BY FUNCTIONALCOMPONENT (TAKAHASHI 2008)60In addition to percentage compositiondata, Table 3 also provides a value ratioNeither tin nor nickel are significantfrom a recovery value or energyperspective and will not be consideredpriority materials here. However,Type of PartElements DetectedCircuit BoardAu, Ag, As Ba, Bi, Cr,Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, Pb,Pd, Pt, Si, Sn, Ta, Ti,Zn, Zrto weight each metal according toFlexible SubstrateAu, Ag, Cu, Ptof view. The products of the contentTherefore, from a phone-level standpoint,Liquid Crystal DisplayAu, Ag, As, Ba, Ca, Cu,In, Ni, Sb, Si, Snpercentages and value ratios aremajor metals of interest are:Motordepicted in Figure 2. While copperAu, Ag, Cu, Pt Copperremains dominant, ferrous andCameraAu, Cu, Nialuminum fractions are reducedSpeaker/MicrophoneCu, Mn, Znin importance, and the weightingfor each metal. This factor can be usedcommercial considerations, a relevantfactor from a metals recycling pointof gold predictably increases, sinceA graphical analysis of this data is shownin Figure 1. From this analysis, one mightprecious metals recovery dominatesthe EoL phase of mobile phones.conclude that mainly copper, iron andAnother important life cycle considerationaluminum are top priority materials.is the energy required to extract metalspage 4nickel must still be considered froman external, user contact perspective(see External Surfaces section). Gold Silver Palladium Ferrous metals, e.g., steelsand stainless steels Aluminum
The Life Cycle of Materials in Mobile PhonesMetals in these products are consideredFIGURE 3: ENERGY CONSUMED IN RAW MATERIAL EXTRACTION (YU 2010)a valuable resource, and the data clearlyPbsupports the need for recovery of EoLNiproducts and the recycling and reuseZnof these metals (Sullivan 2006). TheGlassunwanted end result would be for highRAW MATERIALSnvolumes of such products ending up ina landfill, where some of the metals,including copper, nickel, antimony, leadand zinc could leach out (Lincoln 2007).AlFeCuAgPdMetals Content of Main ComponentsAnother useful way to approachPlasticAumaterial content is from a functional0246ENERGY, MJ (PER MOBILE PHONE)point of view, based on an analysis81012of the main components. One suchcomponents or machinable brass and(LCDs) and integrated circuits (ICs). ICsbreakdown is shown in Table 4, wherealuminum. With regard to chromium, onlyare typically mounted on a PWB, so thatthe six priority metals that have alreadyits hexavalent form (Cr(VI)) is restricted,a bare PWB, or substrate, which has notbeen identified from bulk productwhile chromium metal is allowed andyet been populated with components oranalysis have been highlighted.may be found in stainless steels.soldered as an assembly, is a subset ofHighlighted elements are those identifiedClearly, non-metals are missingas priority metals in this paper.from the data based on chemicalSeveral observations can be drawn fromanalysis. Notably absent are the lightthis data, including the following points:metal beryllium; the halogens, i.e.,The rest of the metals listed in Tablefluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine,4 remain available for ongoingastatine; phosphorous; and all organicenvironmental study. It may be useful to(carbon-based) compounds. Halogens maycomment here on where and why theycontribute to EoL concerns due to dioxinmight be used: Certain components containmetals not found to be significantat the handset levelthe PWB category that is often presentedin the literature to mean the assembly ofPWB plus soldered components.and furan formation when improperly Other metals significant at thehandset level may not appearincinerated. Beryllium in beryllia or copperin selected components.beryllium alloys should be minimizedidentified in the EU’s RoHS Directive, onlylead and chromium were identified in thisdata. (Note: Some common exemptions Arsenic (As): Could be found inMetals — Future Trendsspecialty glass of displays. GaAsIn other studies, the dominantis also used in semiconductorscomponents in the life cycle of a mobileapply to lead, e.g., in glass frit of chipare synergists for brominatedflame retardants (BFR)from a dust inhalation perspectiveAmong the restricted substances Antimony (Sb): Antimony oxides Barium (Ba): Ceramic capacitors arephone are PWBs, liquid crystal displaystypically based on barium titanateTABLE 3: METAL CONTENT AND VALUE RATIO AT PHONE LEVEL (YU 2010)ElementCuAlFeNiPbSnAgAuPdContent (%) Ratio (%) 5
The Life Cycle of Materials in Mobile Phones Bismuth (Bi): Its presence is not Platinum (Pt): While platinum Zinc (Zn): Zinc is used in variousexpected and is not listed in otherhas been listed in some othercomprehensive data for populatedreports (Legarth 1996, p. 35), itselectronic PWBs (Legarth 1996, p.related noble metal, palladium,35). Bismuth could possibly be awhich is used in some terminationtrace metal in Pb-based soldersystems, is found more often Calcium (Ca): Glasses are known tobrasses alloyed with copper Zirconium (Zr): Zirconium is notwidely found in electronics, and itspresence here is not explainedMetals — Energy Footprint Silicon (Si): Silicon dioxide is the majorcontain CaO (Legarth, 1996, p. 28) Chromium (Cr): Chromium seemsanomalous on PWBs, but is knownto be present in stainless steels,and in thin films for corrosionprotection of steel, e.g., Cr(III) Gallium (Ga): High performancesemiconductors may be based on GaAs Indium (In): Used in displays as anconstituent of glass, used in fibersThe energy footprint of majorwoven in rigid PWBs, reinforcementscomponents parallels their materialsfor plastics, and lenses for displays.impacts. Figure 5 shows that siliconSilicon is also the major substrate in ICsand GaAs semiconductors contributeand other semiconductors. Silicon is anmore to energy impact than theabundant resource in sand, and it mayremaining electronic parts, followedbe recovered in a glass fraction duringby LCD and ceramic devices. Inrecycling, but there are no knowncomparison, the contribution ofways to recover any of the significantfinal phone assembly is small.energy content of a functionalPlasticssemiconductor at the material level.optically transparent conductor,indium tin oxide (ITO)thermoplastics and thermosets, aretantalum capacitors.relevant to mobile handsets and all Manganese (Mn): Manganese is notoften found in electronics except as anTwo major classes of plastics, Tantalum (Ta): Used intypes of electronic devices. The carbon Tin (Sn): Tin is common ininternal layer in tantalum capacitors Nickel (Ni): Nickel is often usedas an internal barrier layer tocomponent terminations and isbackbone is not detected in routinethe major metal in solders.metals analysis, so a bill of material ordisassembly is required to obtain product- Titanium (Ti): TiO2 is a white pigment,prevent intermetallic growth inwhich may be attributed to markingscomponent terminations, and is aon a PWB or component. Titaniumconstituent of stainless steelscould also be found on externalspecific detail.Common Thermoplasticssurfaces in plastics, paints or markings. Lead (Pb): Banned underRoHS-type requirements. May beTitanium is also a major elementpresent in exempt applications,in the alloy NiTi (nitinol), a shapee.g., glass or ceramicsmemory material, which has beenSince many major housing parts arebeing marked with ISO 11469 codes,e.g., PC ABS , it is often possible todisassemble and inspect samples toidentify their composition in casesused for external antenna wiresTABLE 4: COMPONENT-LEVEL METALS CONTENT (TAKAHASHI 2008)† Elements are those identified as priority metals in this paper.MetalAu†Ag†AsBaBiPWB Flex LCD Camera Audiocomponentspage 6CaCrCu†Ga InMnNiPbPtSi SnTaTiZnZr Sb Al†Fe†Pd†
The Life Cycle of Materials in Mobile Phoneswhere a supplier bill of material is notFIGURE 4: ENERGY REQUIRED TO PRODUCE MAIN COMPONENTS (YAMAGUCHI 2003)available. Polycarbonate (PC), acrylonitrileCellular Phone Assemblybutadiene styrene (ABS) and blendsof these two materials are commonly,Ceramic Devicethough not exclusively, used for housings.These basic polymers may further containmechanical stiffness. CommercialLiquid Crystal DisplayPARTSvarying levels of glass fibers to improveSum of Electronic Partsthermoplastics also always containadditives for better flow and processing,GaAs Deviceheat and UV protectants, other stabilizers,and inorganic or organic colorants.In contrast to flexible plastics like PVC,Silicon Device050100plasticizers like phthalates are notexpected to be present in engineeringthermoplastics. While flame retardant150Recycling Thermoplasticsgrades are available, industry practiceThermoplastics can be collected,tends to limit their use to housings ofreground and molded into new parts,external power supplies and not thesubject to limitations on sourcehousings of mobile handsets themselves.control, contamination, separationNumerous other base plastics and blendsof desired grades and colors, andmay also be found, e.g., copolymers of PCdegradation of mechanical propertiesand siloxane.versus virgin resin. The recycling ofThe handset manufacturer has theadditional options of metalizing, paintingand, in the case of ABS-containing resins,plating the surface to achieve cosmeticrequirements. Clear thermoplasticsengineering thermoplastics mayenjoy more widespread success asrecycling volume increases and thepractice of using recycled contentreinforces life cycle thinking.like PC or polymethylmethacrylateThere have been dissenting opinions(PMMA) may also be found, usually withon the economic and environmentalsuitable coating layers for anti-abrasion,validity of spending resources to recycleanti-smudging or optical properties (seeplastics, which may represent only aExternal Surfaces section).minor fraction of a handset’s overallIn addition to the major resins usedin housings, a vast number of other200250300350400450environmental footprint. One such view ispresented in Figure 5.paper. For consumer plastics (consumerplastics are defined as those with Societyof the Plastics Industry (SPI) recyclingcodes 1 through 6; engineering resinslike PC are lumped under code #7, Other),it is not unusual to see a financial loss,though the impact needs to be morethoroughly reviewed to fully understandenvironmental benefits of recycling versusenergy recovery. Data appears to berather limited regarding the recycling ofengineering thermoplastics.In addition, engineering plastics recyclingtoday is not necessarily a closed loop.Resins from EoL electronic productsmay not feed back into new electronicproducts. Some approaches rely uponcollection of items such as consumerwater bottles that can be ground andincorporated in an engineering resin. Analternate approach is chemical conversionpolymers may be used, each with theirAccording to this data, the main economicof a consumer resin like polyethyleneown specific mechanical propertiesimpacts are in the LCD and the populatedterephthalate (PET) to another basedepending on their intended function.PWB (including ICs), a view that agreeschemical feedstock that can then beThese materials may require furtherwith the known energy footprint ofused to manufacture PET and otherinvestigation on a case-by-case basis.these assemblies discussed earlier in thisengineering resins.page 7500PROCESS ENERGY/MATERIAL PRODUCTION ENERGY
The Life Cycle of Materials in Mobile PhonesDespite the perceived limits of plasticphones also often contain one or moresphenol A (TBBPA). This compound isrecycling, it seems intuitive that mostlayers of resin-coated copper highchemically reacted into the backbone oftypes of recycled plastics would save ondensity interconnect (HDI). Customepoxies so that it is no longer present asenergy, compared with manufacturinggrades of epoxies are also used inan individual chemical species to helpvirgin resin from petrochemicals. ULmolding component packages such asreduce its release and exposure to theEnvironment continues to seek additionalsemiconductors, tantalum capacitorsenvironment. Still, additional studiesdata that would identify these benefits.and so forth. In these applications, flameare indicated regarding TBBPA’s limitedretardants are almost always used, thusbiodegradeability and its toxic effects onwarranting attention on the potentialaquatic organisms. (Rosenblum 2011).Thermosetting PlasticsEpoxies are used in rigid PWBs, laminatedenvironmental issues from the use ofin layers with glass weave reinforcement,halogens, including chlorine and bromine.with copper photopatterned, andchemically etched and plated toform interconnects. PWBs in mobileUnlike thermoplastics, which canbe recycled and remelted into newOne of the most commonly used flameapplications, epoxies generally areretardants in electronics PWBs andnot recyclable. It is currently acceptedcomponent packages is tetrabromobi-that the epoxy may be used for energyrecovery in the pretreatment (“roasting”)FIGURE 5: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF CELLULAR PHONE PARTS (BOKS 2000)of PWBs, including assembled PWBs;however, the glass is destined to endup as a slag. Some work has been1%done to recycle epoxy and glass asinert filler for various applications.RestBio-Based Plastics39%Besides recovery and recycling, anotheremerging approach to improvingLCDmaterials sustainability involvesrenewable biological sources. Manyof these new materials are just beingcommercially introduced. Some of thefeedstocks being developed for basicchemicals include corn, soybeans, orsugar cane. Non-foodstuff sources, likecastor beans and kenaf, and celluloseand lignin from forest products,are also under development.59%1%HousingPWBBio-based materials may either replacetraditional petrochemicals for makingan existing type of plastic or maybecome the building blocks for creatingnew types of plastic. More researchis required to better understandthe energy footprint of bio-basedpage 8
The Life Cycle of Materials in Mobile Phonesmaterials and to validate their overallof the references cited in the previoussustainability. However, the currentsection on metals.) Finishing tends toconsensus is that bio-based materialsbe problematic for magnesium, butgenerally contribute to sustainability.painting and anodizing are possible (seeExternal Surfacesthe Paint section). Since its use appearsSo far, this paper has examined themobile phone from a functionalperspective. While the use phase doesto be rare and the external surface will beaddressed elsewhere, magnesium is notof significance at this time.PaintOne or more coats of spray-appliedpaint, e.g., base coats and clear overcoat,are common over both plastic andmetal external parts. One major type ofpaint chemistry is 2K, or 2-component,polyurethane. Variations include thermalor ultraviolet curing, solvent-bornenot use or generate materials (excludingSteels and stainless steels may findformulations with the emission of volatilethe chemical reactions within batteries),limited use in either finished ororganic compounds (VOCs) that may bethe main use phase materials issue tounfinished form. Their externally availableincinerated on site, high solids/low VOCbe addressed is skin contact by the user.nickel content may be tested per theformulations, and waterborne varieties.With the exception of external nickel,methods identified in EN 1811 and ENPigments are certain to be present in anywhich may cause allergic dermatitis,12472 for allergic dermatitis, but thesetype of paint, including inorganics likeno additional concerns regarding skinmaterials do not generally release excessTiO2 for white, and an extensive list ofcontact with external surfaces havenickel in use.possible chemicals for other colors.PlasticsPlatingAs discussed in the CommonChromium is the most common typeThermoplastics section, plastics may be ofof plating for external parts on ferrousMetalsnumerous chemical families and containmetals as well as for wet-plateableBecause a cell phone is a radio transmitteradditives as well, though most often theplastics containing ABS. In additionand receiver, the use of external metalstop surface is decorated.to chromic acid, some of the platingbeen identified to date. However,the following areas are includedhere for sake of completeness.is necessarily limited to prevent thedegradation of antenna performance.Glasschemistries may involve sulfuric acidand palladium, tin and/or copper-basedAluminum alloys are most commonlyGlass use is on the rise, especially withactivators. Thus, the presence ofused due to their light weight.touch screen handsets. Aluminosilicatechromium and the other metals should beglass is most common, with chemicalinvestigated as a potential risk.Anodizingstrengthening applied to exchangesodium with potassium within the outerThere are also widely used nameplatesAs a preferred method of finishingaluminum, anodizing is an electrolyticportions of the glass structure itself. Bareprocess in which aluminum is treatedglass is not likely to be the final externalin a bath of an oxidizing agent (strongsurface, since various clear coatings areacid) to which colorants may also beapplied to address reflections, smudgingadded. Thus, the surface containsand other user concerns. These coatingsaluminum oxides, imparting a hard,may consist of a variety of silicone orceramic-like finish with entrappedfluorosilicone polymers, although detailedpigments providing the desired color.formulations are usually proprietary.Magnesium and its alloys have beenused on a much more limited basis. (Notethat magnesium was not listed in anypage 9However, such coatings may wear off,leaving exposed glass.or escutcheons formed by platingelectroformed nickel with chromium,adding vacuum-deposited metal,and finishing with a clear top coatof paint. Nickel electroplating itselfmay also be colored, e.g., “blacknickel” for steel fasteners.Vacuum MetalizationVacuum metalization can most often befound in mobile handset applicationsand may be externally applied using
The Life Cycle of Materials in Mobile Phonesa tin-rich source. The resulting filmimparts a metallic look that is not denseenough to be electrically conductive.Subsequent overcoatings may includecolored or clear paint that maywear off. Hence, the use of vacuummetalization may result in user contactwith potentially hazardous materials.Other DecorationsPractically any of the aforementionedexternal surfaces may containULE’s Standardfor SustainabilityUL Environment is working withstakeholders to develop a Standardintended to address sustainability inmobile phones. In its current form,the draft standard, ULE 110 , InterimSustainability Requirements for MobilePhones, assesses each product on its useof sustainable materials in its designand construction, selection of materialssignificant drivers of change in thepast few years. The materials contentof these products has been analyzedfrom a life cycle perspective. For eachof the main material categories, i.e.,metals, plastics, external surfacesand glass, key environmental impactshave been detailed for materialselection in product design as wellas prospects for a high degree ofmaterial reuse and recycling at EoL.and use of recycled content as well asAlthough small in their overall amount,efforts to optimize material recovery andprecious metals are significant by virtuerecycling at a product’s EoL. The Standardof their limited availability, energyassesses the sustainability not just of afootprint and recovery value. Commentsproduct itself, but also accompanyingon a comprehensive list of otherFabrics and leather may contain azo dyesaccessories, including the product’s powerelements based on the available chemicalthat are regulated in the EU. EU Directivessupply and even product packaging. Theanalysis data have also been provided.regulating azo colorants include 2004/21/Standard also addresses larger issuesEC, 2003/3/EC and 2002/61/EC.such as the environmental managementGlasssystem used by the manufacturer andartwork or printing applied byvarious printing processes. Othertypes of decorations include in-moldlamination and in-mold decoration.Handsets are trending toward largertoxicological concerns.No solution is currently available forrecovering the embedded energy inkey components like ICs and displays.However, prospects remain open fordisplays and toward displays dominatedULE 110 employs an achievement matrixfuture optimization of recycled plasticsby touch screens. The material mostthat rates each product on severaland bio-based plastics, including aoften used is specialty glass. While usedifferent sustainability categories,closed-loop approach where old productsof recycled glass (cullet) would offer aincluding materials, energy use, healthare recycled back into new ones.reduction in the energy footprint, it is notand environmental concerns, EoLknown whether manufacturers are able tomanagement, packaging and productensure stringent optical and mechanicalmanufacturing, and innovation. Eachproperties with post-consumer recycledproduct must earn a minimum numbercontent. More work is needed here toof points to qualify for certification andgain a better understanding of the use ofcan qualify for higher certification levelspost-consumer cullet by manufacturers.depending on the total points earned.Also needed is a better understandingof the potential for recycled content inglass fiber (fiberglass) to be used as afiller
The major metals content of mobile phones has been analyzed since the initial growth of the industry, and updates continue to become available. Data from earlier generation phones (pre-1997) is shown in Table 1. Major Metals Content of Mobile Phones Copper (Cu) 49.0% Zinc (Zn) 21.8% Iron (Fe) 11.6% Nickel (Ni) 6.5% Aluminum (Al) 5.5% Lead (Pb) 1.9%
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Dr. Sunita Bharatwal** Dr. Pawan Garga*** Abstract Customer satisfaction is derived from thè functionalities and values, a product or Service can provide. The current study aims to segregate thè dimensions of ordine Service quality and gather insights on its impact on web shopping. The trends of purchases have
Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được
2.1 Life cycle techniques in life cycle sustainability assessment 5 2.2 (Environmental) life cycle assessment 6 2.3 Life cycle costing 14 2.4 Social life cycle assessment 22 3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment in Practice 34 3.1 Conducting a step-by-step life cycle sustainability assessment 34 3.2 Additional LCSA issues 41 4 A Way Forward 46
Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.