Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Accessto Legal AdviceQualification Specification ProQual 2017
ContentsPageIntroduction3Qualification profile3Qualification structure4Centre requirements5Support for candidates5Assessment5Internal quality assurance6Adjustments to assessment6Results enquiries and appeals6Certification7Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria8ProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice2
IntroductionThe Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice is aimed at part-time staff andvolunteers who support the provision of legal information and advice to clients.Candidates will demonstrate knowledge and skills including communicating effectively withlegal advice clients, supporting clients to make use of services and helping them to accesssignposting and referral opportunities.Progression opportunities for candidates may be more specialist roles in providing legaladvice or supervisory/management roles and higher level qualifications, such as ProQualLevel 3 Award or Certificate in Providing Initial Legal Advice and information, or ProQualLevel 4 Certificate or Diploma in Providing Specialist Legal Advice, or ProQual Level 3Diploma in Management.The awarding organisation for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and theregulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). Thespecification for these qualifications has been approved by the Welsh Government for useby centres in Wales and by the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment(CCEA) for use by centres in Northern Ireland. This qualification has been accredited ontothe Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).Qualification ProfileQualification titleProQual Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to LegalAdviceOfqual qualification number601/4395/2LevelLevel 2Total qualification time130 hoursGuided learning hours90AssessmentPass or failAssessed and verified by centre staffExternal quality assurance by ProQual verifiersQualification start date1/09/14Qualification end dateProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice3
Entry RequirementsThere are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identifyany gaps and help plan the assessment.Qualification StructureCandidates must complete all of the Mandatory units, plus a minimum of 6 credits from theOptional Units.Mandatory Units – complete all unitsUnit ReferenceNumberR/502/7657D/503/0822R/502/7660Unit TitleCommunicating with legal advice clientsSupporting clients to make use of the legal advice serviceEnabling legal advice clients to access signposting andreferral 2CreditValue335252263Optional Units – a minimum of 6 creditsUnit /0933T/601/3101L/506/0334Unit TitleObtaining and providing legal information materialsProviding legal information and advice using the telephoneRecognise diversity when delivering customer serviceGive customers a positive impression of yourself and yourorganisationContributing to effective team workingReflective practice in a legal advice contextProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice4
Centre RequirementsCentres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved pleasecomplete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.StaffStaff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and occupationallycompetent.Assessors/Internal Quality AssuranceFor each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor andone internal verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific occupational area. Assessorsand internal verifiers for competence-based units or qualifications will normally need tohold appropriate assessor or verifier qualifications, such as: Award in Assessing Competence in the Work EnvironmentAward in Assessing Vocationally Related AchievementCertificate in Assessing Vocational AchievementAward in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and PracticesCertificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes andPracticesSupport for CandidatesMaterials produced by centres to support candidates should: enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learningoutcomes and assessment criteria;provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff toauthenticate evidenceAssessmentCandidates must demonstrate the level of knowledge described in the unit. Assessment isthe process of measuring a candidate’s knowledge and understanding against the standardsset in the qualification.Each candidate is required to produce evidence which demonstrates their achievement ofall of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.ProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice5
Evidence can tfolio of evidencerecord of oral and/or written questioningcandidate test papersLearning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able todo.Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learningoutcome has been achieved.Learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this qualification can be found from page 8onwards.Internal Quality AssuranceAn internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centresare made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fairassessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.Adjustments to AssessmentAdjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs ofcandidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy setsout the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and specialconsiderations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of thepolicy.Results Enquiries and AppealsAll enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, withreference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.ProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice6
CertificationCandidates who achieve the required credits for qualifications will be awarded: A certificate listing the unit achieved with its related credit value, andA certificate giving the full qualification title ProQual Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal AdviceClaiming certificatesCentres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual andwho have successfully achieved the required number of credits for a qualification. Allcertificates will be issued to the centre for successful candidates.Replacement certificatesIf a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing.Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim hasbeen authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacementcertificates.ProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice7
Learning Outcomes and Assessment CriteriaUnit R/502/7657Communicating with legal advice clientsLearning Outcome - The learner will:Assessment Criterion - The learner can:1 Know the importance of establishing1.1 Describe why it is important to establishcommunication with new and existing legalcommunication with legal advice clientsadvice clients1.2 Identify the services that can be made availableto legal advice clients1.3 Describe what constitutes a safe environment forlegal advice clients and advisers2 Be able to communicate with legal advice 2.1 Explain the importance of allocating appropriateclientstime and attention to legal advice clients2.2 Describe how to create an environment that willhelp legal advice clients to express their needs2.3 Demonstrate how to use effectivecommunication skills to encourage legal adviceclients to express their needs3 Know the importance of following client3.1 Describe legal and organisational procedures forconfidentiality proceduresclient confidentiality3.2 Describe why it is important to maintain clientconfidentiality3.3 Identify the legal exceptions to maintaining clientconfidentiality4 Know how to minimise communication4.1 Identify when communication difficulties withdifficulties with legal advice clientsclients can occur4.2 Identify the kinds of barriers to goodcommunication with clients that can occur4.3 Describe ways of minimising barriers to goodcommunication with clients5 Be able to take action in situations that5.1 Recognise when immediate action may berequire immediate actionrequired by legal advice clients5.2 Describe why it is important to take immediateaction on behalf of legal advice clients5.3 Identify the actions that can be taken when animmediate response is requiredProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice8
AssessmentThis unit requires the workplace assessment of occupational competence whereverpracticable. For the knowledge and understanding component of the unit, assessment froma learning and development environment is allowed.There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, onepiece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learningoutcome or assessment criterion.ProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice9
Unit D/503/0822Supporting clients to make use of the legal advice serviceLearning Outcome - The learner will:Assessment Criterion - The learner can:1 Know the importance of supporting 1.1 Describe the kinds of legal advice services available toclients to make use of the legalthe clientadvice service1.2 Describe the factors that can impact on whether a clientcan/will use the legal advice service1.3 Describe the steps to take when supporting clients tomake use of the legal advice service1.4 Identify other services that may be available to clients1.5 Identify the organisational legal and ethicalrequirements that impact on actions to support clientsto make use of the legal advice service2 Be able to support clients on their 2.1 Demonstrate how to establish the client’s needs anduse of the legal advice serviceexpectations of the service2.2 Explain how the legal advice service can meet the needsof the client2.3 Demonstrate how to agree with the client theprocedures for using the service2.4 Use organisational procedures to record details of theclient interaction3 Be able to provide information to 3.1 Describe the actions involved in providing information tomeet the client’s needsmeet the needs of legal advice clients3.2 Demonstrate how to confirm with the client theirinformation needs3.3 Identify the sources of information to meet the client’sneeds3.4 Provide the information to meet the client’s needs3.5 Demonstrate how to confirm with the client that theirinformation needs have been met3.6 Describe any other actions that may be required to meettheir needs3.7 Use organisational procedures to record details of theclient interactionProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice10
AssessmentThis unit requires the workplace assessment of occupational competence whereverpracticable. For the knowledge and understanding component of the unit, assessment froma learning and development environment is allowed. The practical aspects of this unit mustbe assessed by direct observation.There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, onepiece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learningoutcome or assessment criterion.ProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice11
Unit R/502/7660Enabling legal advice clients to access signposting and referralopportunitiesLearning Outcome - The learner will:1 Know the referral opportunities available tolegal advice clients2 Know the organisational and legalrequirements relating to the referral of legaladvice clients to other services3 Be able to help legal advice clients to take upreferral opportunitiesAssessment Criterion - The learner can:1.1 Identify the range of services that areavailable to legal advice clients1.2 Describe the services that can be provided byown organisation1.3 Describe the services that can be provided byother organisations1.4 Identify the reasons why it may be necessaryto refer legal advice clients to other services2.1 Describe the organisational procedures forreferring legal advice clients to other services2.2 Identify the legal and ethical requirementsthat must be followed during referralprocesses2.3 Explain the reasons for followingorganisational, legal and ethical requirementsduring the referral process3.1 Obtain information from clients on theirrequirements3.2 Review the services available to meet theclient’s needs3.3 Provide the client with accurate informationabout the options available to meet theirrequirements3.4 Check that other service providers have thecapacity to provide the appropriate service tothe client3.5 Agree the referral process with the client3.6 Refer the legal advice client to other serviceusing agreed organisational procedures3.7 Use organisational procedures to recorddetails of the referral processProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice12
Unit M/502/8542Obtaining and providing legal information materialsLearning Outcome - The learner will:Assessment Criterion - The learner can:1 Know why legal informationmaterials may be required1.1 Identify the potential users of the legal informationmaterials1.2 Describe how to obtain information on the informationneeds of users1.3 Describe how to check the currency and accuracy of theinformation materials1.4 Describe how information and communicationtechnologies can impact on the presentation and supplyof legal information materials1.5 Identify how the information materials will be usedduring their lifecycle1.6 Identify the sources of legal information materials1.7 Explain the reasons for following organisational, legaland ethical requirements when obtaining and providinglegal advice materials2 Be able to provide legal information 2.1 Describe the kinds of information materials that can bematerialsprovided2.2 Identify the different formats that can be used for theinformation materials2.3 Confirm the legal information needs with users2.4 Obtain supplies of legal information materials to meetthe needs of users2.5 Follow all organisational, legal and ethical requirementsfor obtaining and providing legal advice materials2.6 Help users to obtain the information they need2.7 Use organisational procedures to record the use andsupply of legal information materials3 Be able to assess the effectiveness 3.1 Review the use and take-up of the legal informationof the legal information materialsmaterials providedprovided3.2 Confirm with users that the materials provided meettheir needs3.3 Identify how the supply of legal information materialscould be improved3.4 Identify who should be consulted on the plannedimprovements in the provision of legal informationmaterials provided3.5 Use organisational procedures to record the use andeffectiveness of legal information materialsProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice13
AssessmentThis unit requires the workplace assessment of occupational competence whereverpracticable. For the knowledge and understanding component of the unit, assessment froma learning and development environment is allowed.There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, onepiece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learningoutcome or assessment criterion.ProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice14
Unit R/502/8453Providing legal information and advice using the telephoneLearning Outcome - The learnerAssessment Criterion - The learner can:will:1 Know the processes and1.1 Describe the reasons for providing legal information andprocedures for providing legaladvice using the telephoneinformation and advice using the 1.2 Identify the different kinds of telecommunicationtelephonetechnology available for the provision of legal informationand advice1.3 Explain the functions available on your telephone system1.4 Describe the problems that could occur in maintaining thecall and how to overcome them1.5 Describe the relevant national, local, legal, professionaland organisational requirements relating to providinginformation and advice to clients on the telephone1.6 Describe ways of making clients feel welcome on thetelephone and sustaining the call1.7 Describe why it is important for the client to recognise thevalue of their anonymity during the call1.8 Describe how to recognise signs of increased client stressduring the call and why this is important1.9 Describe how to recognise situations when it might bedisadvantageous or dangerous to the client to end the call1.10 Explain the reasons for following the relevant national,local, legal, professional and organisational requirementsrelating to providing information and advice to clients onthe telephone2 Be able to respond to client2.1 Respond to client calls in a way that encourages them toqueries on the telephoneremain on the line2.2 Review the client’s needs and expectations from the call2.3 Provide information on the services the organisation canprovide2.4 Identify any potential risks or dangers facing the client2.5 Provide information to the client that will minimise anyrisks2.6 Respond to the client’s immediate needs throughout thecall2.7 Identify signs of increased client stress during the call2.8 Follow the relevant national, local, legal, professional andorganisational requirements relating to providinginformation and advice to clients on the telephone3 Be able to end the call3.1 Describe why it is important to give clear information tothe client on why/when the call will be endedProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice15
Learning Outcome - The learnerwill:Assessment Criterion - The learner can:3.2 Provide the client with information on any further actionsthat could be taken by the client or the organisation3.3 Identify when it might be disadvantageous or dangerous tothe client to end the call3.4 Follow the relevant national, local, legal, professional andorganisational requirements relating to providinginformation and advice to clients on the telephoneAssessmentThis unit requires the workplace assessment of occupational competence whereverpracticable. For the knowledge and understanding component of the unit, assessment froma learning and development environment is allowed.There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, onepiece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learningoutcome or assessment criterion.ProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice16
Unit K/601/1216Recognise diversity when delivering customer serviceLearning Outcome - The learnerAssessment Criterion - The learner can:will:1 Respect customers as individuals 1.1 Observe verbal and non-verbal clues that provideand promote equality ininformation about their customer’s expectations and needscustomer service1.2 Identify and avoid features of stereotypes that might beapplied to their customer that could carry the risk of causingoffence1.3 Identify aspects of their customer’s appearance orcommunication which risk leading them to treat thecustomer differently1.4 Consider aspects of their customer’s appearance orcommunication in the light of their own beliefs aboutvarious groups of people that include their customer1.5 Question their customer to ensure that the impressions theyare forming about their expectations and wishes are basedon sound evidence1.6 Adjust their interpretation of the customer’s expectationsand wishes as a result of further evidence they havecollected by talking to their customer2 Adapt customer service to2.1 Follow organisational procedures and guidelines that seekrecognise the different needsto make customer service inclusive for diverse groups ofand expectations of diversecustomersgroups of customers2.2 Show respect for their customer’s individual beliefs,expectations and needs that may result from membership ofa particular group2.3 Vary their approach to their customer to take account ofbeliefs, expectations and needs that result frommembership of a particular group2.4 Work with colleagues to identify consistent approaches thatteam members should adopt when dealing with a particulargroup3 Understand how to recognise3.1 Explain the importance of recognising diversity in relation todiversity when deliveringage, disability, national origin, religion, sexual orientation,customer servicevalues, ethnic culture, education, lifestyle, beliefs, physicalappearance, social class and economic status3.2 Explain reasons why consideration of diversity and inclusionissues affect customer service3.3 Describe organisational guidelines to make customer serviceinclusive for diverse groups of customers3.4 Explain how to observe and interpret non-verbal clues3.5 Describe how to listen actively for clues about theircustomer’s expectations and needsProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice17
Learning Outcome - The learnerwill:Assessment Criterion - The learner can:3.6 Identify techniques for obtaining additional informationfrom customers through tactful and respectful questions3.7 Describe behaviour that might cause offence to specificgroups of people to whom they regularly provide customerservice3.8 Explain how to impress specific groups of people to whomthey regularly provide customer serviceAssessmentThis unit requires the workplace assessment of occupational competence whereverpracticable. For the knowledge and understanding component of the unit, assessment froma learning and development environment is allowed.There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, onepiece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learningoutcome or assessment criterion.ProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice18
Unit L/601/0933Give customers a positive impression of yourself and yourorganisationLearning Outcome - The learner will:Assessment Criterion - The learner can:1 Establish rapport with customers1.1 Meet their organisation’s standards of appearanceand behaviour1.2 Greet their customer respectfully and in a friendlymanner1.3 Communicate with their customer in a way thatmakes them feel valued and respected1.4 Identify and confirm their customer’s expectations1.5 Treat their customer courteously and helpfully at alltimes1.6 Keep their customer informed and reassured1.7 Adapt their behaviour to respond to differentcustomer behaviour2 Respond appropriately to customers2.1 Respond promptly to a customer seeking help2.2 Choose the most appropriate way to communicatewith their customer2.3 Check with their customer that they have fullyunderstood their expectations2.4 Respond promptly and positively to theircustomer’s questions and comments2.5 Allow their customer time to consider theirresponse and give further explanation whenappropriate3 Communicate information to customers 3.1 Quickly find information that will help theircustomer3.2 Give their customer information they need aboutthe services or products offered by theirorganisation3.3 Recognise information that their customer mightfind complicated and check whether they fullyunderstand3.4 Explain clearly to their customers any reasons whytheir expectations cannot be met4 Understand how to give customers a4.1 Describe their organisation’s standards forpositive impression of themselves andappearance and behaviourthe organisation4.2 Explain their organisation’s guidelines for how torecognise what their customer wants and respondappropriately4.3 Identify their organisation’s rules and proceduresregarding the methods of communication they useProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice19
Learning Outcome - The learner will:Assessment Criterion - The learner can:4.4 Explain how to recognise when a customer is angryor confused4.5 Identify their organisation’s standards fortimeliness in responding to customer questions andrequests for informationAssessmentThis unit requires the workplace assessment of occupational competence whereverpracticable. For the knowledge and understanding component of the unit, assessment froma learning and development environment is allowed.There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, onepiece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learningoutcome or assessment criterion.ProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice20
Unit T/601/3101Contributing to effective team workingLearning Outcome - TheAssessment Criterion - The learner can:learner will:1 1a. Contribute to1.1 Present themselves in the workplace on time and in a way that doeseffective teamnot cause concern to other team membersworking1.2 Develop and maintain team working relationships with two of thefollowing: immediate supervision/line management colleagues in same work group colleagues in other work groups those for whom they have responsibility personnel in other departments external contacts1.3 Work in accordance with the roles and responsibilities identified fortheir individual and team activities1.4 Make sure that any actions that they take are within the limits oftheir own responsibility and authority1.5 Ask for information, advice and/or help politely, without causingdisruption to their own or other team members work1.6 Offer help to others promptly and willingly in order to ensure teamobjectives are met1.7 Contribute to team discussion/briefing sessions in a positive mannerthat shows respect for the views and rights of others2 1b. Contribute to2.1 Deal with problems in team relationships in ways which minimiseeffective teamoffence and maintain mutual respectworking (continued) 2.2 Discuss problems which may affect team relationships with theappropriate person to include two of the following: other team members team leader immediate line manager personnel or welfare officer2.3 Refer requests for information and/or assistance that are outsidetheir authority/responsibility to the appropriate people2.4 Work together to resolve disagreements and difficulties in teamrelationships2.5 Communicate orally with team members by two of the followingmethods: team briefings question and answer sessions group discussions problem resolution processes2.6 Communicate in writing or electronically to include using one of thefollowing methods: adding ideas and actions to team boards maintaining up to date key performance/production indicatorsProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice21
Learning Outcome - Thelearner will:Assessment Criterion - The learner can: processing information communicating via e-mail/internal network services2.7 Communicate in a manner which promotes understanding, goodwilland trust3 2a. Know how to3.1 Describe the statutory regulations that can affect workingcontribute to effectiverelationship i.e. Disability, Equal Opportunities, Discrimination,team workingHarassment3.2 Explain why it is important to create and maintain good teamworking relationships3.3 Explain what are the sort of things that might affect good teamworking relationships3.4 Explain why it is important to present themselves in the workplaceon time and ready for work3.5 Explain the methods that can be used to establish and maintain goodteam working relationships3.6 Explain the methods of handling and resolving difficulties in teamworking relationships3.7 Explain how to use data and team information to help resolveconcerns and disagreements3.8 Explain why it is important to resolve difficulties ormisunderstandings quickly and not let them develop into moreserious problems3.9 Explain why it is important to share their knowledge and informationand their performance measures with other people in their team andwith other groups3.10 Explain how to use the data and information available to them tocommunicate their performances effectively to others3.11 Explain what types of information and data are available in their areasuch as key performance measures, production targets, quality, scrapratios, problem resolution processes, action planning brainstormingand continuous improvement processes4 2b. Know how to4.1 Explain what mixture of skills and experience is available in theircontribute to effectiveteam to support them or the manufacturing process when problemsteam workingoccur (such as a team skills matrix)(continued)4.2 Explain why they need to keep other team members involved in orinformed of any plans or activities they may be doing4.3 Explain what type of support or assistance might they need fromother team members4.4 Explain why it is important to request help from other team membersin a polite and timely manner and to offer assistance to them whenhelp is needed4.5 Explain why it is important to show respect for the views, rights andproperty of other team membersProQual, October 2017Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Access to Legal Advice22
Learning Outcome - Thelear
R/502/7657 Communicating with legal advice clients 2 3 D/503/0822 Supporting clients to make use of the legal advice service 2 3 R/502/7660 Enabling legal advice clients to access signposting and referral opportunities 2 3 Optional Units - a minimum of 6 credits Unit Reference Number Unit Title Unit Level Credit Value
complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application. Staff Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and/or occupationally competent. Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and
Certificate Course Smart Phone Repairing 10th Pass / Fail Certificate Course in Mobile Repairing 10th Pass / Fail 6 Months Certificate Name of The Courses Required Qualification Certificate Course in Electronics 10th Pass / Fail Certificate Course in Black & White TV Servicing 10th Pass / Fail Certificate Course in Black &With Color TV & DVD 10th Pass / Fail Certificate Course in Color TV .
provides the identity certificate and the CA certificate to be installed on the ASA. 4. SSL Certificate Generation on the CA The next step is to get the CSR signed from the CA. The CA provides either a newly generated PEM encoded Identity Certificate or with a PKCS12 certificate along with the CA certificate bundle.
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) X.509 XML XML namespace XML schema (XSD) The following terms are specific to this document: certificate enrollment: See certificate and enrollment. certificate enrollment policy: The collection of certificate templates and certificate issuers available to the requestor for X.509 certificate enrollment.
5. Select the category that best describes the signed certificate uploaded and click on [Display the list]. 6. Within the Certificate List screen select the box next to the certificate that should be used on the device and click the [Certificate Details] button. 7. Within the Certificate Details window click on [Use this certificate]. When
The certificate incorporates all three certificates (Certificate of Origin, Certificate of Health/Sanitation, and Certificate of Authenticity/Free Sale). If you should need a Certificate of Bottling it must be applied for separately using the export certificate letterhead template. 21
(a) A certificate for proof of age (Birth certificate or Board certificate). (b) Pass certificate of the qualifying examination. (c) College/ School leaving certificate.[CLC/SLC] (d) Migration certificate (If applicable) (e) 02 recent passport size colour photographs
NOTE: See page 1702.8 for a complete list of casing options by size. Section 1702 Page 1702.3 Issue E UNIVERSAL PRODUCT LINE: STAINLESS STEEL — JACKETED PUMPS 227A Series , 1227A Series , 4227A Series , 327A Series , 1327A Series , 4327A Series A Unit of IDEX Corporation Cedar Falls, IA 2020. CUTAWAY VIEW & PUMP FEATURES Multiple port sizes, types, and ratings are available .