March 2020 Church Mouse - Cpcgeneseo

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March2020Church MousePASTOR’S MESSAGEFaithfully Observing LentFebruary 26, Ash Wednesday, was the first day of Lent – the period that leads toour celebration of Easter (this year, on April 21).Our word “lent” comes from the Old English word lencten, which means “to lengthen”, referring to the lengthening of the hours of the daylight in the spring. Lent is aquiet season during which we reflect on the overflooding grace of our God, who cameto us to live with us and redeem us. Lent is when we consider how so often we do notshow such generous love to others. Lent is the time when we most especially openourselves wide to the transforming power of God’s Spirit.Usually we define Lent as the 40-day period before Easter. But take this year’s calendar and count the daysbeginning with Ash Wednesday (February 26) and ending with Resurrection Day (April 12). You will countnot 40 but 47 days!Why? Because the Sundays embedded in Lent are not considered part of Lent! Each and every Sunday of thechurch year is like a “little Easter”, on which we celebrate Jesus’ victory over every power that seeks to separate us from God and to make us less than the gloriously Christ-like humans our creator intended us to be.Nevertheless, over the centuries, faithful followers of Jesus have adopted various practices to help them reflect more deeply on God’s love and our response obedient response on all the days leading up to Easter.Some find it meaningful to abstain from a favorite or a frivolous (or a sinful) activity during the Lenten season, and to give the money that would have been spent on that activity to a worthy cause – Presbyterian Disaster Relief or our own Community Garden Coalition would be outstanding choices.Some use the days of Lent as a time – not to give up an activity – but rather to take on a new discipline. Perhaps you would like to read through an entire book of the Bible (for example, the Gospel According to Matthew) or spend time in devotional prayer to draw closer to God (both the Lenten Devotionals and the DailyBread books are available to you at the church free of charge). Others of you might choose to walk with God:literally take a walk on each day of these 40 days while you pray.One ancient practice that we can observe together: “burying the hallelujah”. Hallelujah is actually a full Hebrew sentence: “You – praise the LORD!” As early as the fourth century A. D., churches began to look forways to hear the hallelujah in even more joyous ways on Easter Day after the long quietness of Lent. Theirsolution? Burying the hallelujah. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, these churches refrained from saying theword hallelujah during Lent. They struck hallelujah from all their prayers and hymns. Some actually wrote outthe word hallelujah, dug a hole, and buried the paper in the churchyard! Then at dawn on Easter morning, thehallelujah was resurrected, and hallelujah would be shouted joyously and loudly over and over again. One ancient record tells of a single prayer than ended in 28 hallelujahs!So print out the hallelujah that is included in this issue of the Church Mouse and hide it somewhere in yourhouse (or literally bury it in your garden, if you like, perhaps in a bag or a box). Then, on Easter morning,bring your hallelujah with you to our celebration of the resurrection of our Lord.And on that day, we – all of us together – will sing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus at the close of worship. Howmany hallelujahs are included in that one glorious song of praise? How many hallelujahs can each one of us include in our one faith-filled life of praise?In Christ, Pastor Nancy

2IN OUR PRAYERSHealing and Health Brandon (Joyce and Ron Peterson’s grandson, being treated for cancer)Casey Hoover (Aimee Rose’s brother, being treated for cancer in Florida)Dick Sheflin (now at Monroe Community Hospital rehab, making good progress)Janice Kaiser (Leslie McCurdy’s aunt, now home but dealing with multiple health challenges)Jim D’Ambrosio (Marion Andolina’s brother, receiving treatment for cancer)Kenny Bronson (Ron Long’s nephew, suffering from COPD)Lois Clancey (David Hurd’s sister, rehabbing following surgery)Lyle Lehman (hospitalized for shingles)Marilyn (Joyce Peterson’s sister, suffering from an intestinal condition)Marilyn (friend of Charlotte Torres, facing two serious surgeries)Robin Wallace (now recovering at home)Steve (Anne Bishop’s brother-in-law)HomeboundBeth and Robin Wallace, Barbara Leighton, Howard Viele, Marilyn Cleveland, Pat McFarland, Ron Scott,Phyllis OsborneOther Joys and Concerns the young men in residence at Industry School and Rev. Karyn Carter, who serves among them Rev. Redda Ibrahim and Second Evangelical Church of Assiut, Egypt Rev. Dr. Francis Acquah and for Trinity Church in Accra, Ghana, and their pastor the Very Rev. IshmaelGhansah Father Maximos and his congregation in NigeriaWe Want to Pray with You and for YouIf you are hospitalized, ill, facing surgery, or encountering other challenges, please let Rev. Lowmaster, the ChurchOffice, or your Deacon/Elder Shepherds know. We would like to pray for you and to assist and support you. Pleasegive us the opportunity to be a blessing to you.CPC Shopping BagsGet yours today!Reusable shopping bags withthe CPC name and logo areavailable in royal blue, limegreen, red, and orange for only 2.00.MARCH BIRTHDAYS8Dorothy ToppingJohn Bennett13 Diane Hoener14 Terry Book252627If we have missed your birthday and youwould like it to be included in the ChurchMouse, please email, call, or stop by theChurch Office and let us know the date!Betsy MatthewsCraig BoleskyJoseph SheflinInside this IssuePastor’s MessageIn our PrayersBirthdays.1.2.2CPC HappeningsServing in Our ChurchChurch Calendar.3-13.14 .15

3CPC HAPPENINGSMarch Church Breakfast March 1Please join us in Fellowship Hall for our JanuaryChurch Breakfast on Sunday, March 1 at 8:45 am! Feelfree to bring a dish to pass.Men’s Group - March 5All men of the church are invited to a monthly coffeeand conversation get-together. We meet at Tim Hortons at9:00 am on the first Thursday of each month strictlyinformal no agenda, no dues, no rules of order. The nextget-together will be on March 5.Monday Morning Bible StudyOur Bible Study is on Monday mornings at 10:30 amin the Jane Ward Room. Each week we will examine thelectionary texts for the week – the same texts that Rev.Lowmaster will use as the bases for her upcoming Sundaysermon. The discussion is always lively! Come join us fora closer look at the Scriptures. Dates for this month areMarch 2, 16, 23, 30.From the Organ BenchBecause music plays a large and important part in ourworship, your church maintains a vocal choir and a handbell choir. The vocal group sings at every Sunday morning service, and the bells ring in worship once or twice amonth. Each of these groups would welcome additionalmembers. If you have any inclination to give us a try,please talk to David Hurd or to any member of thegroups. We’d love to have you join us.Daily Bread Devotional GuidesThe Daily Bread Devotional Guides for the months ofMarch/April/May ar e available in the Jane War dRoom, in the church library, and the narthex. Please helpyourself to a free copy.Sermon Debrief on Sundays during coffee hour(when there is no Adult Forum) Gr eet fr iends andgrab some refreshments, then gather at the table in Fellowship Hall at about 11:25 pm.2020 Lenten DevotionalEach Lenten season, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary offersa daily devotional guide to the faith community. Quiet yourselfduring Lent by reflecting on God’s word and prepare your heart tocelebrate at Easter the new life he made possible for all. Printedcopies of the devotional guide will be available in the Jane WardRoom and in the CPC narthex.In addition to this printed copy, you can also experience thedevotionals in the following ways: Read and listen online. Visit Receive daily e-mails. Go to, click“Devotionals.” Download our free Android or Apple app. Visit the app store and search for “Devotions - Advent & Lent.”E-Giving in 2020Would you like to continue e-giving in 2020? Or would you like to give the convenience of e-giving a try? If so,please take note of the following:CURRENT E-GIVERS: If you were making regular e-giving donations in 2019 and would like to continue making donations in 2020 via e-giving, you MUST actively make changes in the system by accessing your account onlinewith your personal password.1. You MUST STOP your 2019 donation at the end of the year after your last donation is processed.2. You MUST START a new donation for 2020 which can be done at any time setting up the appropriate parametersin the future.Alternatively if it is easier for you, or if you are new to e-giving, you may contact Anne Bishop, Central’s e-giving system administrator, via email ( and give permission for Anne to make changes to or set up anaccount for you.

4Our 2020 Lenten Journey with ChristThe season of Lent (February -April 11) is a time of preparation for the celebration of the resurrection of theLord Jesus on Easter (April 12). Lent provides the opportunity to be intentional about the disciplines and practice of our faith. This Lenten season, we at CPC will offer a variety of ways to worship and study together. Joinus during the forty days of Lent as we walk together as disciples of Jesus Christ.Consider participating in the following opportunities for worship, reflection, & fellowship:Sundays Worship during Lent The Texts and Music of Handel’s MessiahDeepen your insights into the Lenten Gospel texts each week as we consider them side by sidewith texts used in The Messiah by George Handel (see Pastor Nancy’s letter on page 1 and“From the Organ Bench, Part 1” on the facing page).Sunday Forums following worship at 11:20 am in the sanctuaryMarch 8Understanding the Music of the Messiah with Music Director David Hurd(including Hallelujah Chorus rehearsal)March 22Organ Crawl (see “From the Organ Bench, Part 2” on the facing pageMarch 29Understanding the Music of the Messiah with Music Director David Hurd(including Hallelujah Chorus rehearsal)Tuesday Contemplative Prayer March 10, 17, 24, 31 at 7 pm in the Jane Ward RoomCome share a quiet time of Scripture and contemplative prayer led by Pastor Nancy.Holy WeekPalm SundayApril 510:00 amWorshipCome make the turn with us from the joy of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the fear, betrayal anddarkness of the last days before Jesus’ death.Monday FridayApril 6-107:30 amMorning Prayer (Chancel)A 20-minute, prayerful time to reflect on the events of each day of Jesus’ last week before his death.Maundy ThursdayApril 96:00 pmLast Supper Worship (Fellowship Hall)Observe Maundy Thursday with us we as we share the Lord’s Supper in much the same way that Jesuswould have on the night he was arrested: with friends around a simple table. Our simple worship will befollowed by a light dinner together.Good FridayApril 107:00 pm“Seven Words from the Cross” Worship with our brothers & sisters at Geneseo United Methodist Church (4520 Genesee Strret)A service of readings and music reflecting on the words that Jesus spoke from the cross during his crucifixion. CPC Chancel Choir and Pastor Nancy participating.EasterApril 127:00 am10:00 amSunrise Service (Memorial Garden)with Holy CommunionCelebration of the Resurrection of the Lordwith Holy CommunionBe part of our tradition of worshiping outdoors at sunrise in the Memorial Garden on Easter ‒ rejoicingthat death has been overcome is Christ’s victory. Or join your voice with that of all creation in singing“Hallelujah” to our resurrected Lord at our 10 am celebration.

5Print out this hallelujah and bury it until Easter Sunday (April 12). Then bring it with you to worship as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection!Hallelujah!From the organ bench (part 1).The Texts and Music of Handel’s MessiahDuring Lent, Pastor Nancy will be focusing on scriptural texts from Georg F. Handel’s wonderful oratorio, Messiah. Eachweek’s worship will be accompanied by the music that Handel composed for each text. This season, let the words and musiclead you to a deeper understanding of Christ’s suffering and death for us.Then -- worship with us on Easter Sunday, when our walk with the Messiah, Christ, Jesus, will culminate with our congregational singing of the Hallelujah Chorus together. Dust off your Messiah score if you have one, or use one that we will provideand lift a mighty “Hallelujah” to God! On March 8 and March 29 you are invited to join me after worship for a look at some ofthe many musical allusions found in the Messiah. We will see how the music so dramatically supports and enhances the textsbeing sung. We will also seize the opportunity to briefly rehearse the Hallelujah Chorus so that we can raise a joyful noise toour Lord on Resurrection Day.Join us in the front most pews on the piano side of the sanctuary at 11:30 am on March 8 and March 29 to learn and to sing!No auditions or experience required -- just a heart full of dawning Easter celebration.To God be the Glory,David HurdFrom the organ bench (part 2).Lenten Organ Crawl March 22Because many of you have expressed interest in knowing more about our organ and how it all works, you are invited on March22 to an “organ crawl”. At 11:30 we will gather in the chancel for some basic information followed by an actual visit to the organ chambers (there are essentially three of them) above the music room. These rooms are accessed via a pulldown stairwaysuch as you might have in your garage or attic. Don’t worry - the area we will visit is clean so your Sunday attire will be appropriate. Even if you don’t wish to climb the pulldown stairs, I’m sure you will still find this presentation informative and interesting,.To God be the Glory,David Hurd

6Dear Friends in Christ,We are writing to share news of an exciting initiative at Central!The Session has granted Pastor Nancy preliminary approval to pursue the concept of submitting a proposal to the Lilly Foundation to seek financial support for a renewal and reflection leave in 2021. Such aleave is commonly referred to in academic circles as a sabbatical.GoodNews!The seeds of this initiative were planted last fall, when Nancy approached the Personnel Committee requesting their support fortaking a leave after having served Central for eight years. Based on the Genesee Valley Presbytery Sabbatical Leave Policy, Personnel was supportive, and introduced a motion to the Session seeking its endorsement of the concept. Session indicated its support, and in time-honored, Presbyterian fashion, formed a committee (the Pastor/Congregation Renewal Team; team membership listed below) to collaborate with Nancy to formulate a more specific proposal.The Pastor/Congregation Renewal Team has convened and is setting the wheels in motion to meet an April 1 deadline for anapplication to the Lilly Endowment National Clergy Renewal Program, seeking financial support for the congregation and Pastor Nancy during the time of the leave. The stated purpose of this highly competitive program is“ to strengthen Christian congregations by providing opportunities for pastors to step away briefly from thepersistent obligations of daily parish life and to engage in a period of renewal and reflection. Renewal periodsare not vacations, but times for intentional exploration and reflection, for regaining the enthusiasm and creativity for ministry ”Items to be evaluated, first by the Session, then by the Lilly Foundation, include an articulation of the purpose for the leave, description of proposed activities that inform that purpose, timeline for those activities, and summary of intended benefits – bothfor the congregation and for the pastor.In very broad terms, Nancy’s proposal would be focused on her deep, abiding interest in biblical archaeology, and on how archaeology could be more fully integrated into her teaching and preaching – and into our learning – at Central. The proposedleave would occur in early 2021. A full-time Temporary Supply Pastor would be sought who would serve during Nancy’s absence.Because the Pastor is responsible to the congregation, not to the Session, a successful application to the Lilly Foundation requires “evidence of broad congregational support” and congregational awareness of the application being submitted. To thisend, the Pastor/Congregation Renewal Team will be hosting a presentation during Coffee Hour on March 1 to update you on thecurrent status of the proposal and to respond to your questions. The team is committed to transparency in order to demonstratethe “broad congregational support” Lilly requires, and is encouraging wide congregational input into the process and the application.These are exciting times indeed! Following the Missional Culture Study, the adoption of new Identity and Mission Statements,and the 2019 Year of Renewal, Central is currently well positioned to support Nancy’s request to step back to renew and reflect.We have a lively, active congregation, and we are blessed with an excellent staff and lay leadership. We provide care to one another, our finances are in a stable position, we engage in missional outreach with both breadth and depth, we have a strong youthprogram, and we are already accustomed to hosting a variety of preachers and hearing different voices from our pulpit. CPC ishealthy and strong!To build further upon that strength, please join us during Coffee Hour on March 1 to hear in greater detail the plans forthe proposed leave, how it will renew us as a congregation, and how Nancy’s ministry will likewise be refreshed. We value your comments and insight, and will gladly respond to any questions you might have.In Christ’s name,Pastor/Congregation Renewal Team:Anne BishopStewardship and Finance Commission( Geiser-GetzMember-at-large( HenchenDeacon( EvershedWorship Commission( HathewayClerk of Session( LynchPersonnel Committee( feel free to contact any of us individually, if you prefer.

7EASTER REMEMBRANCESIf you would like a plant in the sanctuary during the Easter season, please complete the form below andreturn it with 7.00 cash or a check payable to CPC Deacon Flower Fund. Please put the form and themoney in the Special Flowers mailbox on the wall across from the office or place it in the offering platein an envelope. Completed forms are due by Sunday, March 29.PLEASE PRINT!To the glory of God and In memory of:In celebration of:In appreciation of:Check one:Pick up after the 10:00 a.m. Easter service on April 12, 2020Please have the Deacons deliver to a sick or shut-in person.Given by (Please print your name as you would like it to appear in the bulletin)Total amount Check one: CashCheckThe Deacons will be purchasing 50 plants. If there are more than 50 remembrances, the remaining fundswill be used for Deacon community work. If you have any questions, call Pam Maxson (764- 3365).One Great Hour of SharingGracie the Fish is back!Thank you for supporting our neighbors in needthrough One Great Hour of Sharing! This programenables Central to share God’s love with our neighbors in need around the world. Sharing that love includes providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, providing food to the hungry, andhelping to empower the poor and oppressed. Just pick up a fish bank in the narthex; return yourfish banks on Palm Sunday, April 5th.

8YOUTH AND FAMILY EVENTSM a r c h Church BreakfastThe next church breakfast will be held in the social hall on Sunday, March 1 at8:45 AM! We would love for you to join us for a delicious breakfast andfriendly conversation! Feel free to bring a dish or beverage to share.Pizza CelebrationAll youth and their families are invited to join us for pizza and conversation after worship on Sunday,March 22nd,, to celebrate the hardwork and efforts of our CPC YouthGroup during the Souper Bowl ofCaring events.Young Disciple RingersKids — join us to practiceduring Sunday School!Our Souper Bowl of Caring fundraiser was a super success!. We raised a totalof 940 to support the Geneseo-Groveland Food Pantry. Special thanks toCraig Bolesky (and C&R Food Services), Finger Lakes Cookies, and Wegmans fortheir contributions!

gle/5q368tAcgyDKuJa1AGENESEO INTERFAITH SERVICE PROJECTGeneseoHealthyCampus andCommunityCoalitionThe Nature Rx movement is offering alternative ways for students to deal with the stress and anxiety of college. In Nature Rx, Donald A. Rakow and Gregory T. Eells share their case for the value of nature prescriptionprograms designed to encourage college students to spend time in nature and to develop a greater appreciation for the natural world.SAVE THE DATECentral Presbyterian Churchjoyfully presents its2020 Organ Recital Serieswith organistsApril 21April 28May 5May 12Judy CongdonSamuel Kuffuor-AfriyireTimothy SmithMalcolm MatthewsEach recital commences at 12 noon and lasts about 45 minutes. We hope you’ll attend as many of the Tuesday programs as your schedule will allow. In addition, you can help at the recitals by welcoming visitors andhanding out printed programs. Your financial support can be made either at the recitals or by directing acheck to the church office and writing “Organ Recital Series” on the memo line.

10THURSDAY APRIL 2, 4:00 - 6:00 PMCenter for Community (College Union 353)Good Wine & Spirits (Wegmans Plaza)Key Bank (66 Main St, Geneseo)SA Ticket Office (College Union 113)

11Come volunteer at Teresa HouseTeresa House serves our community by caring for the terminally ill. New volunteers are always welcome to provide basic,hands-on care, to provide simple meals, to wash clothes and“A program ofLove and Caringfor the Terminally ill”bedding, to hold a hand, chat, or just be a compassionatepresence. Learn more by calling 243-1978 or visit TeresaHouse’s website at 8 (2:00 AM)Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour!And don’t forget to change your smokeand carbon monoxide detector batteries.The Livingston County Center Worship TeamEvery Sunday at 1:30 pm, the Livingston County Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation offers its residents a worship service led by various area churches. Central is scheduled to lead the services on April 5. Please consider sharing worship time with these homebound individuals. If youwould like to be part of the team that worships with the residents at the Livingston County Center, contact Rev. LowmasGeneseo Ecumenicalter.Book ReviewHome Visitationsfor Our HomeboundOn Thursday, March 5, David W.Parish will review A River Town by ThomasKeneally.Reviews are presented on the first Thursday ofevery month from September through May inthe Community Room of the Wadsworth Libraryon the lower level. Programs begin at 12:00 pm,preceded by a brown bag lunch at 11:30 am.Parking is available at the Central Presbyterianand Christ Community churches. Accessible entrance located on Second Street.Central’s home visitationprogram is an excitingopportunity for volunteers to make visits to members of our churchfamily who are homebound. How it works issimple: a rotating monthly schedule matchesthose who are homebound with volunteers willing to make visits. We are currently in need of additional volunteers willing to commit to 1or 2 visits monthly. If you are interested in this program and would like to volunteer tomake visits, please contact the Church Office ( or 243-0669).Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these whoare members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)

12We give thanks for the baptism of:Adalyn Mae Hubacher(daughter of Brian & Kristen Hubacherand little sister of Jace)February 16, 2020One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who isabove all, and through all,and in you all. (Ephesians 4:5-6)Staff Recognition Coffee HourPlease join the Personnel Committee on Sunday, March 15, as we host a coffee hour to thank andhonor our church staff who work so tirelessly for all of us! Please stop by the social hall after worship to take a moment to say thank you to our staff and of course eat some cake and other treats.For fun this year we have added a twist on the game “20 Questions”. We like tocall it “21 Questions: CPC Style”. Come and test your knowledge on how well youknow our staff and get to know them a little bit better in the process! We will berecognizing Pastor Nancy, David, Marion, Aimee, Georgia, Janice, and Renee.We hope you can join us!WEAPPRECIATEYOU!The Geneseo/Groveland Food Pantry needs your help to feed our hungry neighbors.The demand on the food pantry continues to grow. At this time, the pantry is in need ofcanned fruit in juice, spaghetti sauce, condiments (cooking oil, mayo, catsup,etc.), chunky soups with 7 grams or more of protein, and boxed cereal. Nonperishable contributions may be placed in the basket in the narthex or in the basket nearthe Church Office. Monetary donations are also needed, so the Food Pantry volunteers canpurchase the milk, eggs, and other perishables that are given to each pantry visitor. Whatever you give, give generously in gratitude for the blessings God has poured out on you.If you can spend an hour or two helping to serve others, please consider volunteering yourtime. The pantry is open Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm; Wednesday, 4:00 6:30 pm.Thank you, thank you for all your generous donations!

13Amazon donates to CPCevery time you make apurchase throughAmazon SmileCentral Presbyterian is now set up as a charitable organization on Amazon Smile.Through the Amazon Smile program, Amazon will donate a percentage of the cost ofyour purchase to the not-for-profit of yourchoice. Just sign up on Amazon Smile andchoose Central Presbyterian as your charitable organization. Signing up for AmazonSmile does not affect anything in your account on Amazon nor affect the price youpay for the object that you purchase. Here’show to do it:1. Go to You will be prompted to select an organization. Be sure to select CentralPresbyterian Church GENESEO,N.Y., as there will be other CentralPresbyterian churches on the list.3. All of your Amazon account information will be transferred to the Smileaccount, and each time you go to Amazon you will be directed to thatSmile account.If you need a ride to church orknow of someone who does Items that have accumulated in our lost and foundwill soon be donated to Goodwill. Please check thelost and found for any of your missing items. call Tim Lowmaster (245-8112) orthe Church Office (2430669) and we will makearrangements for you.

14SERVING IN OUR CHURCHMarch 1March 8Ushers/GreetersJanice WillerKathy CollinsCathy GardnerTracy ClarkeLectorThe Topping FamilyAcolytesMarch 15March 22March 29Tom WilsonBill CsontTim LowmasterRon LongMike & Anne BishopNorma BenedictPam GardnerTBDTom MatthewsPam MaxsonSally FoxDorothy ToppingCelia RoseGarin KleinhansNoah RoseEmerson MeyerBlair MaxwellCoffeeHourThe Harvey FamilyCathy JansonPersonnel CommitteeCathy GardnerTBDCountersCollins & CollinsCollins & CollinsCollins & CollinsCollins & CollinsCollins & CollinsTom & Betsy MatthewsJeff & Gretchen CraneSunday, March 1March 2020Communion ScheduleDeacons will serve Communion(Traditional)Sunday morning sermons and other select services are now available on the CPC website( Simply click on the “Listen to Sermons” link found on our home page and selectthe sermon(s) of your choice. You can also listen to sermons through links on our Facebook page.CPC Coffee Hour Coordinators(If you are interested in helping with a coffee hour, please contact one of the coordinators below.)MonthName of CoordinatorPhone Number & E-mailDec., Jan.& FebGretchen Crane243-2124Inyoureyes94@frontiernet.netMar., Apr.& MayHolly Harvey414-4845h.h.harvey@frontiernet.netJun., Jul.& AugSep., Oct.& NovJane LongKarin Sorge243-0613447-2753jlongand9@gmail.comKarin Sorge@yahoo.comAttention Coffee Hour Volunteers:If changes need to be made to your scheduled coffee hour day, please contact the coordinator for that month.January 2020Counters’ ReportI was glad whenthey said untome, “Let us gointo the house ofthe Lord.”Psalm 122:1DATEATTENDANCEPLEDGES/OFFERINGSJanuary 578 17,275.00January 1264 3,744.50January 1970 1,267.75January 2675 2,250.002020 TOTALS THRU JAN(including e-giving) 28,762.902019 TOTALS THRU JAN(including e-giving) 11,052.98BUDGETED THRU JAN 2020 14,617.00

98:30 am Teresa Housemeeting - JWR10:30 am Bible StudyJWR6:30 pm Boy Scouts - FH811 am Coffee Hour - FH11:20 am Music of theMessiah & hallelujah6:30 pm Boy Scouts - FH10:30 am Bible Study JWR302910 am Worship and Sunday School - SA6:30 pm Boy Scouts - FH11 am Coffee Hour-FH11:15am -12:15pm Organ Crawl10:30 am Bible Study JWR232210 am Worship and Sunday School - SA6:30 pm Boy Scouts - FH10:30 am Bible Study JWR11 am Coffee Hour - FH11:20 am Staff Recognition- FH10 am Worship and Sunday School - SA7pm Contemplative Prayer - JWR317pm Contemplative Prayer - JWR247pm Contemplative Prayer - JWR17267 pm Session - JWR19127 pm Commissions (atdiscretion of chairpersons) - JWR59 am Men’s Group - TimHortonsThu2720136Fri2821147SatPastor Nancy will be on vacation from March 3 -10. Inher absence, pastoral care will be provided by Rev. RayLindquist. You can contact Rev. Lindquist by or by calling 243-0159.5:45 pm Central’s CarillonChoir - SA7:00 pm Chancel Choir MR & SA255:45 pm Central’s CarillonChoir - SA7:00 pm Chancel Choir MR & SA1816155:45 pm Central’s CarillonChoir - SA117:00 pm Chancel Choir MR & SA45:45 p

2020 Lenten Devotional Each Lenten season, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary offers a daily devotional guide to the faith community. Quiet yourself during Lent by reflecting on God's word and prepare your heart to celebrate at Easter the new life he made possible for all. Printed copies of the devotional guide will be available in the Jane Ward

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