The Foster Caregiver Marketing Guide - Maddie's Fund

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The Foster Caregiver Marketing Guide:Getting Pets Adopted Directly from Foster Homes

Table of ContentsMarketing Your Foster Pet . 4Lifesaving Marketing . 4Your Tasks . 5How it Works . 64 Guidelines . 7The Building Blocks. 8Your Foster Email Account . 8A Gripping First Sentence . 8A Great Title . 8A Good Biography . 9Bio Example: Painting a Picture . 10Bio Example: Telling a Story . 10Bio Example: The Gut-Puncher . 11Stories . 12Photographs . 13Always Have Your Camera Handy . 13Take Multiple Photos . 13Take Photos With People and/or Other Animals . 14Take Photos of Dogs Outdoors. 14Make Sure the Pet Is Looking Into the Camera . 15Use Photos to Showcase Personality . 15Videos . 16Make Your Video 60 Seconds or Less . 16Create a Flyer . 16Memes . 16The Animal’s Appearance . 17The Animal’s Personality . 18Meme Photographs. 18Other Types of Graphics . 19Volunteer- and Foster-Created Social Media Pages . 20Steps to Marketing Your Foster Pet . 21Step 1: Gather Your Team . 21Step 2: Market, Market, Market! . 21Step 3: Diversify Your Platforms . 21Social Media Sites to Try: . 22Step 4: Connect With the Community . 25Field Trips . 25Attend Adoption Events . 26Word of Mouth . 26Step 5: Try ALL the things! .

Lifesaving Marketing Our approach is known as "lifesaving marketing." Compared to traditional marketing, lifesaving marketing is more inclusive, more dynamic and easier on shelter staff! Take a look at some of the differences between the two: Traditional Marketing Lifesaving Marketing Following the "rules"

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