MYP/DP Chinese Studies Programme Overview

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Chinese StudiesProgramme OverviewWelcome to tonight’s info session.

CDNIS - IB World SchoolPYP(Primary Years Programme)Pre Reception - Grade 6MYP(Middle Years Programme)Grade 7 - 10Language B Mandarin Foundation courseLanguage B Mandarin Standard Level courseLanguage B Mandarin Higher Level courseLanguage A Mandarin courseLanguage B Mandarin Foundation CertificateLanguage B Mandarin Standard Level CertificateLanguage B Mandarin Advance Level CertificateLanguage A Mandarin Standard Level CertificateDP(Diploma Programme)Grade 11 - 12Language B Mandarin Ab Initio ExamLanguage B Mandarin Standard Level ExamLanguage B Mandarin Higher Level ExamLanguage A MandarinLanguage & Literature SL & HL Exam

MYP Curriculum ModelMYP - one subject studied in each of 6 groupsLanguage A(English/Chinese )Language B(Mandarin)Students who successfully take TWO language A subjects, can receive a Bilingual IB Diploma.

Time AllocationPYP Pre-Reception - Reception5 x 30 mins 150 mins per week ie.18% of total instructional timePYP Prep - Grade 47 x 40 mins 280 min. per week ie. 17.5% of instructional timePYP Grade 5 - Grade 66 x 40 mins 240 mins per week ie.15% of instructional timeMYP/DP Grade 7 - Grade 125 x 80 mins 400 mins fortnightly ie. 12.5% of instructional time

Supplementary ProgrammesProgrammeLower School1. Student Exchange- Oct. Break: Beijing Yihai Primary School studentsvisit CDNIS.- Easter Break: CDNIS students visit Beijing YihaiPrimary School2. Summer Mandarin Immersion Programme, Beijing3. Summer Mandarin Camp activities, CDNIS1. Easter DP Intensive Prep course, CDNIS2. Summer MYP/DP Mandarin Immersion Programme, BeijingUpper School3. Summer DP Mandarin Internship Programme, Beijing4. Summer Pre-IB Prep course, CDNIS5. Summer Mid-IB Prep Course, CDNIS

Meeting Student NeedsPreReception-Prep: Introduction to MandarinGrade 1 - Grade 12Language B MandarinLanguage A MandarinSecond/Additional language speakersNative/near native speakersLanguage B Mandarin Foundation course: MFLLanguage B Mandarin Higher Level course: MHLLanguage B Ab Initio CertificateIB Language B Higher Level CertificateLanguage B Mandarin Standard Level course: MSLLanguage A Mandarin Standard Level course: MAIB Language B Standard Level CertificateIB Language A Standard Level Certificate

PYP Programme StructureIntroduction MandarinPreReception-PrepLanguage B StreamMHL 1MFL 1Language B Mandarin Foundation LevelMFL 2Language B Standard LevelLanguage A StreamLanguage B Mandarin Higher LevelMSL 2Language B Standard LevelMHL 2(Language B Mandarin Higher Level)MFL 3MSL 3MHL 3Mandarin A Preparation class MA 3MFL 4MSL 4MHL 4Mandarin A Preparation class MA 4MFL 5MSL 5MHL 5Mandarin A Preparation class MA 5MFL 6MSL 6MHL 6Mandarin A Preparation class MA 6

MYP and DP Programme StructureGrade 7MSL MYP Phase 2MFL MYP Phase 1MHL MYP Phase 4MA MYP1/2New intakeGrade 8MFL MYP Phase 1/2(G9 - G10 Elective)MSL MYP Phase 2/3MHL MYP Phase 4MA MYP3New intakeGrade 9 MFL 3 MYP Phase 2/3G10 ElectiveMSL MYP Phase 3/4MHL MYP Phase 5MA MYP4MSL MYP Phase 4MHL MYP Phase 5MA MYP5New intakeGrade 10 MSL AB Inito DP1Language B Mandarin Ab Initio 1Grade 11Grade 12MSL AB Inito DP2IB Mandarin B Ab InitioStandard Level ExamMSL DP1IB Language B MandarinStandard LevelMSL DP2IB Language B MandarinStandard Level ExamMHL DP1MHL DP2IB Language B MandarinHigher Level ExamMA DP1MA DP2IB Mandarin A:Langage & LiteratureSL & HL

IB Global Proficiency GuideTeaching and learning in language B is organized into sixphases. The phases represent a developmental continuumof language learning.Phase 1 & 2: Emergent Communicator (MFL/MSL)Phase 3 & 4: Capable Communicator (MSL/MHL)Phase 5 & 6: Proficient Communicator (MHL)Language A : Native-alike Proficiency (MA)

LanguageAcquisition Proficiency Progression

PHASE 1 Emergent CommunicatorLearner ProfilePhase 1Understand &respond tosimplestatementsIdentify basic facts;demonstratecomprehension insimple oral and writtenphrasesConvey basicinformation in alimited range ofeveryday situationsUse oral andwritten languageappropriate to avery limited rangeof interpersonaland culturalcontextBegin to be awarethat language use isconnected to apurpose and anaudienceLearning OutcomesReadingVisual InterpretationShow comprehension by:Make meaning of text:- answering simple questions- signs, posters, picturerelated to lists and labelsbooks, websites- color,s text layout,Using set texts showsound effectscomprehension by:- defining, labeling, drawing,locating, selecting, matching,stating informationListening & Speaking- follow classroom directions- respond to basic phrases- create dialogue with model- describe classroom, school,home routine- give simple presentationsWritingConstruct simple phrasesand sentences related to:- daily situations- familiar objects- everday classroom, school,home routines- family membersTask RequirementsPhase 1Interactive Oral TaskReading Comprehension TaskWriting Task1.5 - 2 minsText length: 200 - 300 characters100 - 150 characters

PHASE 2 Emergent CommunicatorLearner ProfilePhase 2Understand &respond to simplespoken and writtentextsIdentify facts,demonstratecomprehension inshort oral andwritten phrasesConvey basicinformation in alimited range offamiliar situationsUse oral and writtenlanguage appropriateto a limited range ofinterpersonal andcultural contextBegin to be awarethat language usevaries accordingto purpose andaudienceLearning OutcomesListening & Speaking- follow and discuss classroom routine- prepare dialogue/role plays withoutmodels- sing a song or tell a simple story- express feelings and opinions- describe personal interests andeveryday life- prepare a presentation and answersimple questions about itVisual Interpretation- make meaning of text relatedto experience sand ideas- interpret cartoons, simpleadvertisements, color, textlayout, sound effects , shapes,sequence- find examples to shareunderstandingReading- answer questionsabout main ideas andsupporting details by:classifying, describing,explaining, sequencingand giving examplesWriting- express feelings andopinions by writingdialogue, scripts forrole play, postcards,emails, letters,personal interests andeveryday lifeTask RequirementsPhase 2Interactive Oral TaskReading Comprehension TaskWriting Task2-3 minsText length: 400-500 characters150-200 characters

PHASE 3 Capable CommunicatorLearner ProfilePhase 3Understand &respond tolimited variety ofspoken andwritten textsIdentify basicfacts, demonstratecomprehension insimple oral andwritten phrasesConvey main idea ina limited range oforal and writtenformsEngage in conversationand write structuredtexts to shareinformation on a range offamiliar and someunfamiliar situationsCan speak andwrite in differentways for differentpurposes andaudiencesLearning OutcomesListening & Speaking- create dialogue and roleplays to an audience in smallgroups- respond to stories songs,short information texts- retell stories or events- respond to an invitation, ortelephone call- explain, inquire & compareVisual Interpretation- make connections betweenimages and text- identify features of text- interpret information inbrochure,s news items,posters- explain effect & purpose ofvisual elements- identify a point of viewReadingUsing a limited range of texts, showunderstanding of information, ideas,opinions and attitudes by :- giving examples- explaining- illustrating- interpreting- comparing- retellingWritingExpress thoughts, ideasand opinions by writing:- short narratives- recounts- a journal or diaryTask RequirementsPhase 3Interactive Oral TaskReading Comprehension TaskWriting Task3-5minsText length: 550-600 characters250-300 characters

PHASE 4 Capable CommunicatorLearner ProfilePhase 4Understand andrespond to a varietyof spoken andwritten textsIdentify facts,Draw conclusionsdemonstrateand recognizecomprehension inimplied opinionsshort oral and writtenphrasesCommunicatesubstantialinformation anddevelop ideas andjustify opinionsSpeak and writewith a clear senseof audience andpurposeLearning OutcomesListening & Speaking- follow announcements- ask and respond to concreteand abstract questions- anticipate & predict events and ideas- express & defend a point of view- paraphrase & summarize- demonstrate reasoning- discuss issues of personal andglobal significance- present an oral report on a book andanswer unprepared questionsVisual Interpretation- explain the purpose andaudience of a given text- explain how conventioninfluences our attitude andopinion- make inferences from explicitand implicit informationReadingUsing a range of texts,interpret information, ideas,opinions and attitudes by:- paraphrasing- summarising- restating- predicting- interpreting- illustrating- reporting- concludingWriting- book report- review- cause/effect essay- newspaper article- thoughts about issuesof personal andglobal significance- a formal letterTask RequirementsPhase 4Interactive Oral taskReading Comprehension TaskWriting Task3 - 5 min.Text length: 650 - 750characters250 - 300 characters

PHASE 5 Proficient CommunicatorLearner ProfilePhase 5Analyze specificinformation inoral, visual andwritten languageEngage actively inconversation insocial and someacademicsituations.Respond and reactto ideas in a rangeof spoken andwritten textsOrganize informationin a clear and effectivestructure on topics ofpersonal interest andglobal significanceInterpret aspects offormat and style,adapt register andstyle of language tosuit the contextLearning OutcomesListening & Speaking- create and present an announcement,news report, talk show, advertisement- report back, summarize andinterpret- use idiomatic and colloquialexpressions- make inferences and draw conclusions- participate in discussion, shareideas, reflections and opinions with anaudienceVisual Interpretation- view critically and explainwhy some visual texts areeffective or not- explore literal and symbolicmeaning of conventions- describe the effect andmeaning of a visual textReadingWriting- break down- simple discursive or- compareexpository essay with- contrastmodel- deduce- a formal letter to an- infereditor- illustrate- recognize- distinguish- list and explain usage ofstylistic or literaryfeaturesTask RequirementsPhase 5Interactive Oral TaskReading Comprehension TaskWriting Task3 - 5 min.Text length: 800 - 900characters350 - 500 characters

PHASE 6 Proficient CommunicatorLearner ProfilePhase 6Evaluate theimportantinformation insocial andacademic contextsEngage activelyin conversationin social andacademicsituationsAnalyzeinformation, drawconclusions andmake inferencesOrganize informationlogically andeffectively for avariety of social andacademic purposesCommunicateunderstanding, opinionsand perspectives to awide range of audiencesLearning OutcomesListening & Speaking- respond to TV shows, documentaries- participate in a debate- listen critically & question- inform, entertain and influence others- use idiomatic, colloquial and formallanguage- follow a lecture, make notes andrestructure information- synthesize ideas and perspectives of afilmReadingWritingVisual InterpretationUse texts to:Create texts to inform,- explain effect and- selectentertain, influencemeaning- criticise- share cultural perspectives- argue- explore stereotypes- discuss visual language formats, - conclude- decidewhy they were created and- judgethe conventions used- justify- discuss overt and subliminal- evaluate information, ideas,messagesopinions and attitudesTask RequirementsPhase 6Interactive Oral TaskReading Comprehension TaskWriting Task3 - 5 min.Text length: 950 - 1000characters350 - 500 characters

Native-alike Proficiency CommunicatorMandarin ALearner ProfileLanguage A should ideally, be the mother tongue of a student who has gained further knowledge,conceptual understanding and skills through their years working with the PYP and has developed6 skill areas of PYP language - listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting.2013 Assessment CriteriaNew Assessment CriteriaCriterion AAnalyzingMaximum 8Criterion BOrganizingMaximum 8Criterion CProducing textMaximum 8Criterion DUsing languageMaximum 8Task RequirementsOne essayMA600 - 1200 charactersMay be literary,argumentative, persuasiveor analyticalOne piece of creativewriting1000 - 1200 characters 300 - 360 rationaleMay be poetry, short story,drama, pasticheOne response to literatureOption A: 600 - 1200 characterspersonal written responseOption B: 3-5 min Oral personalresponseChoiceSchool’s choice orone more from theoptions on the left

PlacementCurrent Grade 6 to Grade 7PYP & MYP teachers finalize placement based on:- PYP teacher’s assessment of proficiency in all skills ie. listening, speaking, reading,writing- MYP teacher’s placement assessment of reading & writingCurrent Grade 7 to Grade 8- MYP teacher’s recommendationCurrent Grade 8/9 to Grade 9/10- MYP teacher’s recommendation

Class Organization by PhaseCurrent Grade 6 - Grade 7:Phase 1-5 & Mandarin A, set up classes for each phaseNo mixed phases in one classCurrent Grade 7 - Grade 8:Phase 1-5 & Mandarin A, set up classes for each phaseNo mixed phases in one classCurrent Grade 8/9 - Grade 9/10:Maximum 2 phases in one classReason: G7 & G8 Chinese classes are scheduled during the same blockG9 - G12 Chinese classes are scheduled according to course choices

Assessment and Reporting by PhasesEach phase will be reported separately

Pathways from PYP-MYP-DPPhase 1MFLMFLMandarin Foundation Level(Emergent Communicator)Phase 2MSLMandarin Standard Level(Emergent Communicator)Phase 3/4MHLMandarin Higher Level(Capable Communicator)Phase 5MA PrepMandarin A Preparation(Proficient Communicator)Listening/Speaking, reading& writing skills can be indifferent phasesMFL/MSLMSLMSL/MHLMHL


Middle Years Programme - ContentLanguage B MandarinStreamPhase 1 & 2G7 MFLGr 8/9/10 MFLChinese Made Easy (Secondary edition Vol. 1)Gr 9/10 MFLChinese Made Easy (Secondary edition Vol. 1 - 2)Gr 10 MFLChinese Made Easy (Secondary edition Vol. 2 - 3)Phase 3Grade 7 MSLChinese Made Easy (Secondary edition Vol. 2)Gr 8 MSLChinese Made Easy (Secondary edition Vol. 3)Gr 9 MSLChinese Made Easy (Secondary edition Vol. 4)Gr 10 MSLChinese Made Easy (Secondary edition Vol. 4/5)Phase 4 & 5Grade 7 MHLQisi Zhongguo Yuwen Vol. 5 (selective)Gr 8 MHLQisi Zhongguo Yuwen Vol. 6Gr 9 MHLZhongguo Shenghuo Yuwen Vol. 1Gr 10 MHLZhongguo Shenghuo Yuwen Vol. 2Language A MandarinStreamGrade 7 MAWo Ai Xue Yu Wen Vol. 6 extraGr 8 MAZhongguo Yuwen Vol. 1Gr 9 MA:Zhongguo Yuwen Vol. 2Gr 10 MAZhongguo Yuwen Vol. 3

MYP Assessment Criteria

Benchmarks for Assessment CriteriaPhase 1 Example

Criterion A: Oral CommunicationPhase 11.5 - 2 min. interactive taskExample: My favourite personPhase 22-3 min. interactive taskExample: My Favourite PersonPhase 3-63-5 minute interactive taskExample: A charity you’re involved with - Phase 3&4Environmental protection - Phase 5&6

Criterion B: Visual InterpretationPhase 1 & 2 questions:1. 誰是“你”和“它”?Who are the “you“ and ”it”?2. 這個廣告是給誰看的? Who is this messageaddressed to?Phase 3 & 4 �息?What is the message expressed by the creator?2. 這個廣告給你甚麼感受?How does it make you feel?Phase 5 & 6 questions:1. �畫面和詞語?為甚麼?If you are commissioned to create a similar visual text, what imagesand text would you choose? Why?2. ��來解釋你的觀點。“This is an effective combination ofvisual and written text”. Agree or disagree and justify with examplesand details.

Criterion C: Reading ComprehensionPhase 1: 200 - 300 characters, Phase 2: 400 - 500 charactersCDNIS G8 Foundation Level test paperQuestions & Student’s Answer

Criterion C: Reading ComprehensionPhase 3: 550 - 600 characters, Phase 4: 650 - 750 charactersNo. 3-5 questions of CDNIS G8 Mandarin Bstandard level paperQuestions

Criterion C: Reading ComprehensionPhase 5: 800 - 900 characters, Phase 6: 950 - 1000 charactersQuestions&Student AnswerG7 Mandarin BHigher Level testpaper)

Criterion D: WritingPhase 1: 100 - 150 characters, Phase 2: 150 - 200 charactersTask: Write an essay about yourself.學生作品 Student WorkFirst 3 paragraphs: Written by CDNIS G7 Foundation Level student

Criterion D: WritingPhase 3 & Phase 4 : 250 - 300 charactersTask: Write about your pet學生作品 Student Work Sample我的寵物First 3 paragraphs: Written by CDNIS G8 Standard Level student

Criterion D: WritingPhase 5 & Phase 6: 350 - 500 ��寫一封建議書。學生作品CDNIS Gr 10Mandarin BHigher Levelstudent’s work(Proposal)

MYP Mandarin A Assessment評核標準AssessmentCriteriaOverall Expectation最高得分 Understand and analyse language, content, structure, meaning and significance ofboth familiar and previously unseen oral, written and visualtexts. �意義。內容 Compare and contrast works, and connect themes across and within ��) Analyse the effects of the author’s choices on an audience. 分析對讀者的影響Content Express an informed and independent response to literary and non-literarytexts. 就(receptive and 文學和非文學的作品表達見解productive) Compose pieces that apply appropriate literary and/or non-literary features toserve thecontext and intention. 開展文學或非文學作品的寫作 Apply language A terminology in context. 應用語言A的術語詞彙A.10 Create work that employs organizational structures and language-specificconventionsthroughout a variety of text types. 運用組織結構和具體語言的B. 組織結構規範完成各種類型創作。ideas and arguments in a sustained, coherent and logical manner.Organization ,組織想法和論點 Employ appropriate critical apparatus.C.文體和語言技巧Style ��結構手法 Use appropriate and varied register, vocabulary and idiom. 語域、詞彙與成語 Use correct grammar and syntax. 語法和句法 Use appropriate and varied sentence structure. 適當和多樣的句子結構 Use correct spelling/writing. 正確書寫 Use language to narrate, describe, analyse, explain, argue, persuade, inform,entertain and express feelings. � Use language accurately.10

Example of ��標準給分)Assessed against Criterion A, B & C作文 ��題目中選一個完成議論文寫作。Having completed a study of several articles, write an argumentative essay.1.“懶”談信用3. 說2. 談“交友”4. 善待挫折5. 談 “嫉妒”學生作品 Student’s Work: 談 “嫉妒” (last paragraph)

創作 Creative ��學創作。After completing the study of several short stories, compose a piece of creativewriting.First 3 paragraphs: Written by CDNIS G8 Student

Response to LiteraturePoem/Prose Commentary學生作品 Student Work淺析七步詩G8 student’s �愛的作品進行分析。After completing the study ofpoetry, students wrote apoem commentary on one ofthese works; analysis of theauthor’s intentions andtechniques.

Response to Literature: Oral 擇一題,進行口頭講評:After studying the novel ‘Bound Feet & Western Dress’, students respond orally to one ofthe following 說明。


Diploma Programme - ContentMandarin BStreamAb InitioMandarin B StandardLevel (SL)Mandarin BHighLevel (HL)Mandarin AStreamLKABD(A1) (Gr 11)Pass Chinese Vol. 1LKACU (A2) (Gr 12)Pass Chinese Vol. II{Easy Steps to Chinese (additional)}LKACU (Gr 10)Chinese Made Easy Vol. 4LKADU (Gr 11)Chinese Made Easy Vol. 5LKADUE (Gr 11)Zhongguo Shenghuo Yuwen Vol 3ALKA33 (Gr 12)Zhongguo Shenghuo Yuwen Vol 3BLKADUE (MA)Gr 11 & LKA33 (MA) Gr 12Mandarin ALanguage & Literature (SL& HL)PART 1: Language in cultural contextPART 2: Language and mass communicationPART 3: Literature - Texts and contextsPART 4: Literature - critical studyPart 3 & 4 Lit. texts chosen for 2013 Exam:龍應台《親愛的安德烈》 張愛玲《金鎖記》曹禺《雷雨》 Charlotte Bronte ��》 陳若曦《紙婚》 (HL only)

Oral CommunicationListeningSources:news bulletindocumentarySpeakingConversational situations:making a class presentationor a speechdefending an opinion in adebatespeechadvertisementfilm or videosongsinteractive videoconference, lecturePossible purpose:descriptionnarrationfeature programmeinterviewListening and Speakinggiving instructionsinterviewing a character,real or fictitiousexplanationargumentgraphics - depending onsubjectspoken interactionexplorationtaking part in a role playanalysis and critique

Written Communication OutcomesPrescribed PurposeExamplesdescription set of instructions, guidelines travel brochurenarration news story, short story statement to the police anecdote letter to family or friends business letter job application play-script interview report a situation or an event proposal editorial debate for or against letter to a newspaper, speech on controversial issue review, biography academic analysis review of book, film or play advertisement poem diagram of scientific text cartoonwritten interactionspoken interactionexplanationargumentanalysis and critiqueexplorationgraphicsHigher Level planationproposalargumentessay, analysis ofevidence

Reading & Writing Character OutcomesReadingDP Language B Ab InitioDP Language B StandardLevelDP Language B Higher LevelDP Language ALanguage & Literature Level500Respond to averagedifficulty materialWritingPaper 2Task A: 50-60Task B: 100-120Written Assignment 200-300300Paper 2 300-480Written Assignment 360-480Analyze text of level ofdifficult or of literaturenaturePaper 2Task A: 300-480Task B: 180-300Written Assignment: 600-720Analyze text fromprescribed listPaper 1 unrestrictedPaper 2 unrestrictedWritten Assignment: 1300-1560

Themes and Topics1. Individual & Society:personal details, appearance, character, daily routines,education, food & drink, physical health, relationship,shopping2. Leisure & Work:employment, entertainment, holidays, media, transport,technology, sport3. Urban & Rural Environment:global issues, environment, concerns, neighborhood,physical geography, town & services, weather

Ab Initio Assessment1. Internal Assessment- Presentation of a visual stimulus- Follow-up questions- General conversation (2 questions on the written assignment)25%2. External AssessmentPaper 1 - Receptive Skills 30%Understanding of four written textsText-handling exercisesPaper 2 - Productive Skills (Writing - 25%)Short writing task: 50 - 60 words (7 e/note.etc.)Extended writing task: 100 - 120 words (18 erview/letter/report.etc.Written Assessment : Receptive and productive skills 200-300 wordsSources : 2 - 4 sources in the target languageCommunicative purposes : description, comparison and reflection55%

Example of Individual Oral Assessment请你谈谈这张图片。Talk about this 你家谁买生活用品?What relationship is between these two ladies?Who does daily shopping in your ��。Two questions on the written assignment

Receptive Skills - Paper IBuying Presents

Receptive Skills - Paper I

Productive Skills - Paper 2PART 1: Choose one out of 2 topics to write a 50-60 character essay:50/60A travel posterAn invitation note for friendChoose one

Productive Skills - Paper 2PART 2: Choose one out of 3 topics to write a 100-120 character essay:Choose one - minimum 100 120 characters100/Reporting to policeMake a speechWrite a diary120

Mandarin Ab Initio AssessmentAssessment ComponentMaximumWritten Assessment : Receptive and productive skillsObjectives:- To develop intercultural understanding by reflecting on differences and similaritiesbetween cultures- To describe aspects of the target language culture- To compare aspects of the target language culture with similar aspects in thestudent’s culture- To develop language competenceRequirements:Length: 200 - 300 wordsSources: 2 - 4 sources in the target languageCommunicative purposes: description, comparison and reflectionCriteria:Criterion A: Description - choosing the right cultural topic (2 marks)Criterion B: Comparison - identifying cultural differences (3 marks)Criterion C: Reflection - demonstrating intercultural understanding (6 marks)Criterion D: Register - showing awareness of appropriate register for the task (2 marks)Criterion E: Language - using the language effectively and accurately(4 marks)Criterion F: Formal requirements - fulfilling four requirements:1. is written in target language2. coversheet is completed3. appropriate referenced abstracts4. bibliography is included (3 marks)20%

Examples of Written AssignmentI. Steps of written assignment- Find the three original articles- Understand the articles- Set up the topic (including thetitle) with the teacher- Write !II. Contents of written assignment- To describe- To compare- To reflectRequirements:Length: 200 - 300 wordsSources: 2 - 4 sources in ChineseCommunicative purposes: description, comparison and reflection

DP Mandarin B Standard Level/Higher Level Outline

DP Mandarin B Standard LevelSL Assessment ComponentExternal assessmentWeighting70%Paper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes): Receptive skillsText-handling exercises on four written texts, based on the core.25%Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes): Written productive skillsOne writing exercise of 300–480 words from a choice of five, based on theoptions.25%Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skillsIntertextual reading followed by a written exercise of 360–480 words plus a 120word rationale, based on the core.20%Internal assessmentInternally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB.30%Individual oral (8–10 minutes)Based on the options: 15 minutes’ preparation time and a 10-minute(maximum) presentation and discussion with the teacher.20%Interactive oral activityBased on the core: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher.10%

Standard Level Assessment CriteriaExternal assessmentPaper 1: Receptive skills 25%Paper 2: Written productive skills 25%Criterion A: Language 10 marksCriterion B: Message 10 marksCriterion C: Format5 marksWritten assignment: Receptive and written productive skills 20%Criterion A: Language8 marksCriterion B: Content10 marksCriterion C: Format4 marksCriterion D: Rationale3 marksInternal assessment: Oral ComponentIndividual Oral: 20%Criterion A: Productive skillsCriterion B: Interactive and receptive skillsInteractive oral activity: 10%Criterion A: Productive skillsCriterion B: Interactive and receptive skills

Exam Paper ExamplesExternal assessmentPaper 1: Receptive Skills

Exam Paper ExamplesPaper 2: Written �畫,並邀請她/他給你一些建議。

Exam Paper ExamplesExternal AssessmentPaper 1: Written Assignment1. Task: Students produce a piece of creative writing based on the information gathered fromthe three sources selected by the teacher, e.g. writing a new ending to a novel,interviewing a character, or a diary entry by one of the characters in a story or play.2. Rationale: write a rationale introducing the assignment, stating the aim and how the aimhas been achieved.

Exam Paper ExamplesExternal AssessmentPaper 1: Written AssignmentTopic: Pet (養寵物)Three Sources/Articles:1. My Pet2. Pros and cons of having a pet3. Respect the rights of animals

Exam Paper ExamplesInternal assessment: Oral ComponentIndividual oral:SupervisedpreparationtimeChoose a photograph and prepare apresentation. Each photograph given isrelated to a different option studied, e.g.leisure, health, etc.Describe a photograph and relate it to thePresentation option and Chinese onDiscussion with the teacher based on thepresentation follows.5-6minsExampleInteractive oral activity: group discussion based on a movie, theme based roleplay, etc.

Mandarin B Higher LevelHL Assessment ComponentExternal assessment: Written ComponentPaper 1 (1.5 mins)Receptive skillsText-handling exercise on five written texts, based on the coreCore: communication and media, global issue, social relationships70%25%Paper 2 (1.5 mins)Written productive skillsTwo compulsory writing exercisesSection A: One task of 300-480 characters, based on the options, to be selected from achoice of five.Option: cultural diversity, customs and traditions, health, leisure, science and technologySection B: Response of 180-300 characters to a stimulus text, based on the core.Core: communication and media, global issues, social relationships25%Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skillsCreative writing of 600-720 characters plus a 180 characters rationale, based on one of theliterary texts read20%Internal assessment: Oral ComponentInternally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IBIndividual oral (8-10 mins)Based on the options: 15 minutes’ preparation time and 10 min presentation and discussionwith teacherInteractive oral activityBased on the core: Three classroom activities assessed by teacher30%20%10%

Higher Level Assessment CriteriaExternal assessment: Written productive skillsPaper 1: Mark schemes are used toPaper 2: Assessment criteria are used to assess paper 2, which is worth 25% of the overall mark.Section ACriterion A: LanguageCriterion B: MessageCriterion C: FormatTotal10 marks10 marks5 marks25 marksSection BCriterion A: LanguageCriterion B: ArgumentTotal10 marks10 marks20 marksWritten assignmentCriterion A: LanguageCriterion B: ContentCriterion C: FormatCriterion D: RationaleTotal8 marks10 marks4 marks3 marks25 marksInternal assessment: Oral ComponentIndividual OralCriterion A: Productive skills10 marksCriterion B: Interactive and receptive skills10 marksTotal20 marks

Exam Paper ExamplesExternal assessment: Paper 1 Receptive skills, based on the coretext handling exercise

Exam Paper ExamplesExternal assessment: Paper 1Receptive skills, based on the core text handling exercise

Exam Paper ExamplesExternal assessment: Written componentPaper

Grade 8 MFL MYP Phase 1/2 MSL MYP Phase 2/3 (G9 - G10 Elective) Grade 9 MFL 3 MYP Phase 2/3 MSL MYP Phase 3/4 G10 Elective MA MYP4 Grade 10 MSL MYP Phase 4 MA MYP5 Grade 11 MSL DP1 IB Language B Mandarin Standard Level MA DP1 Grade 12 Grade 7 MFL MYP Phase 1 MHL MYP Phase 4 MA MYP1/2 MHL MYP Phase 4 MA MYP3 MHL MYP Phase 5 MHL MYP Phase 5 MHL DP1

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