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d o n 't g e t used toyesterday.clou d y high in low 40' 5.chanceofr aintonight.THEof n o tie d a m eVol VI., No. 88-st. m ary'sTuesday, February 29, 1972Merger finished!!M sgr. John J . M cG rath, SMC p resid en t, a s aUnited S tates deleg ate to the P a p la Com missionon E ducation, also announced his resignationfrom the B oard of T rustees.Defending his resignation, M cCluskey said, “Ifeel m y input is term in ated . I see no fu tu re forSt. M ary ’sw ithout N otre D am e .”He in tim ated sev eral other tru ste es will leave soon,too”Mr. W illiam Cahill, v ice-chairm an of SMC’sexecutive b oard of tru stees, has “not reallythought of resigning a t the p resen t tim e .”However, a t the J a n u a ry m eeting of the B oardof T ru s te e s , th e N o tre D a m e g r a d u a teth reaten ed to resign w ith F r. M cCluskey whenit b ecam e ap p a ren t the S isters did not w antm e rg e r w ith N otre D am e. They w ithdrew onlywhen the S isters vowed th eir sin cerity to Ann T herese D arinA ssociate E ditorSt. M ary 's College and the U niversity of N otreD am e have reportedly te rm in ate d all plans forunification.Releasing this inform ation y esterd ay a f ternoon unofficially, Rev. Neil G. Me Cluskey,SMC tr u s te e a n d c o e d u c a tio n c o m m itte echairm an , pointed out th a t the S isters of the HolyCross, ow ners of the college,“ purposelyrenegging on the May 1971 a g re e m e n t.”“The officers of the S iste rs’ Congregation haveusurped the authority of the B oard of T rusteesand adm inistration. Their decision, ignoring them an d ate of the students, the faculty, the p aren ts,and the Board, is no m e rg e r. This is being donew ithout the legal authority of the B o a rd ,“ F r. MeCluskey said.An official announcem ent on the pro g ress ofthe renegotiations is expected T hursday.Sisters w anted controlAccording to Me Cluskey, a prom inent Je su ite d u c a to r- a u th o r, th e S is te rs r e ta r d e d th enegotiations by trying to im pose th eir exclusivecontrol of w om en’s life on the N otre D am ecam pus.“The sisters w anted com plete control of thefem inine side of the new en tity ," Me Cluskeyrecounted.R e p o rte d ly the College’s o nly r e a s o n fo rreentering the second round of negotiations w asto procure a g u aran tee th a t its 30 juniorsenrolled in m ajo rs not offered a t SMC couldreceive N otre D am e degrees “ for the cheap estp rice .”Although negotiators would not confirm thisrum or, m ore than two w eeks ago, the universityprovost’s office circulated a list am ong NDd ep a rtm en t chairm en to verify SMC juniorspresently enrolled in ND m ajors. Psychologyand G overnm ent m ajo rs w ere not included.As yet, negotiators have m ade no officialdecision concerning the N otre D am e studentsenrolled in theSt. M a ry ’s u n d erg rad u a ted ep a rtm en t of education, the only source forteaching ce rtificate accred itatio n on eith ercam pus.Trustees disappointedRev. Neil M cCluskey released new s of theterm ination of the ND-SMC m erger andresigned his position from SMC's Board ofTrustees.While pow er is the S iste rs’ num ber onep rio rity , F r. M cCluskey also nam ed finances asan o th er stum bling block, p articu la rly the recen tincorporation of St. M ary ’s College as an in dependent entity from the S isters of the HolyCross, Ind. In both corporations, the S isters ofthe Holy Cross, relu c tan t to in co rp o rate thecollege control of the stock.F r. M cCluskey singled out Sr. G erald H artney,Holy Cross O rder tre a su re r, who “ in h e r zeal forthe fin an cial n iceties” h as squelched them erg er.Fr. McCluskey resigns“ The new independent incorporation of thecollege contains explicitly w h at N otre D am em ust pay for the : St. M a ry ’s p ro p p erty .’ F r.McCluskey said.R eportedly, “The in corporation p ap ers bogged down w ith a lot ofam orphous inform ation a r e b ased solely on Sr.G erald ’s e s tim a te s .”The tru stee, who serv ed w ith Rev. TheodoreM. H esburgh, university p resid en t, and the lateO ther tru stees contacted by The O bserverindicated they could not decide w ithout m oreinform ation. A m a jo rity of the B oard contactedexpressed disappointm ent over the lack of in form ation m ailed to them on the m e rg e r.P . Jo rd an H am el, tru ste e on th e Collegenegotiating team , rem a rk e d , “ I am notresigning. On F r. M cCluskey’s know ledge of theb reak d o w n : he seem s to h av e know ledge I don’th av e .”On a second session of negotiations, H am elprofessed, “ I don’t know if th e re will even bean o th er m eetin g .”“ I feel five y ea rs of w ork sta rte d by th e lateF r. M cG rath have gone down the d rain becauseof the willful greed of w om en (the S iste rs)” F r.McCluskey charged.“Sr. Alm a (acting p resid en t) an d M otherO livette have nothing to sa y any m o re ,” herep o rted . “ Sr. G erald is calling aU th e sh o ts.”With the new s blackout an d the lack ofp ressu re from students and faculty, the sisteshav e p rotected th e ir own interests, M cCluskeyalleged.“They excuse this y e a r ’s freshm en class asbeing m o re ra d ic a l th an the re st of th e college an oversight through h asty stu d en t selection bythe adm ission office,” F r. M cCluskey said.{continued on page 2}Kersten, Seymour lead in final pollby John AbowdO bserver A ssistant E ditorMany few er students a re undecided in th eirchoice for Student Body P resid en t, according tothe final O bserver poll.At N otre D am esophom ore Bob K ersten h as a slim lead. At St.M ary ’s A cadem ic A ffairs C om m issioner Je a nSeym our holds a substan tial lead.Undecided vote a t ND is down to 17.4 p ercen tfrom 48 percen t on S aturday. SMC undecidedvote dived from 72 p er centin the la st poll to 24.5percen t today.“P rim e M over” Bob K ersten leads the NDfield w ith 19.8 percent. Behind K ersten a reFloyd Kezele, Tow ers SLC rep resen tativ e, with14.0 and O m budsm an P au l Dziedzic w ith 11.0.At St. M a ry ’s Seym our leads h er only opponentSMC Student A ssem blyw om an E ileen F itz patrick 40.8 percen t to 19.8 percent.The poll w as conducted for The O bserver byOm nicron D elta. As w ith S atu rd ay ’s survey theresults w ere reported by Jo e Cooney, presid en tof the econom ics honors fratern ity .Cooney drew a random sam ple of 192 NDstudents of whom 172 w ere contacted. 49 of arandom sam ple of 69 w ere contacted a t SMC.“ We could use these sam ple sizes,” Cooneysaid, “ B ecause we don’t allow substitutes on ouroriginal list of students. S tatistically, this givesa c cu rate resu lts even w ith the relatively sm allsa m p le .”Students w ere surveyed M onday afternoon andasked:- I f you w ere voting for the N otre D am e (SMC)student body presid en t today would you choose:(nam es of the can d id ates in alp h ab etical o rd er),none of the above, or ano th er student?-D o you intend to vote?Only 5 of the 221 people contacted respondedth a t they did not inten to vote. H owever in 1970only 70 per cent of the ND student body voted. In1971 66 p er cen t voted. These figures c a st som edoubt on the validity of the “ not voting”response.Class Breakdow nsK ersten ’s g re a te st stren g th is the Ju n io r classw here he polled 22 p ercen t of the votes. Theother classes divided evenly.The la rg e st undecided vote cam e in the seniorclass w here 28 p ercen t rep o rted th a t they had notyet decided for whom to vote. Seniors w ere splitevenly betw een K ersten ann Kezele.Sophom ores had the sm allest undecided vote.Voting sophs split evenly betw een K ersten andDziedzic.21 p er cent of the F re sh m a n class favoredKezele. This w as the only class in w hich K erstendid not have the lead. F ro sh also showed thesecond highest undecided ra te w ith 21 p ercen tindicating they w ere uncom m itted.The la te s t addition to the ballot, “ none of theabove” g arn e re d only 4.1 p erc en t of the finalvote. No class showed a significant tren d tow ardthis imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiresultsNotre D am e SBPp e rc e n tBob KerstenFloyd KezelePaul DziedzicGary CarusoBob HigginsChuck LukenJ o e S c h lo s se rMike CunninghamDennis Thom as19.814. of the Abovenot votingundecidedSt. M ary's SBPpercent'Jean Seym our40.8Eileen Fitzpatrick 19.8other4.10.04.12Jnot voting2.0undecided24.517.4sam p le size 49sam ple size iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitk m m m m x m m m s s m m m m m m m m m m m s & m

THE OBSERVERworldbriefs(c) 1972 New York Tim esW ashington- P re sid en t Nixon retu rn ed to the United S tatesMonday night, ending his visit to China an d a w eek th a t he saidchanged the w orld. Nixon w as aw aited by a la rg e crow d a t An drew s Air F o rce Base, including congressional lead ers, cabinetofficers, the h eads of about 100 diplom atic m issions and num erouso th er governm ent officialsTaipei, Taiw an - In a strongly w orded sta te m e n t on the com m unique issued by P re sid en t Nixon an d P re m ie r Chou En-Lai, theN ationalist Chinese governm ent said th a t the “ rebel gro u p ” inP eking had no rig h t to re p re se n t the Chinese people and th a t theyreg a rd e d any ag re em e n ts reach ed duringN ixon’s visit th a teffected theN ationalist G overnm ent as “ null and void.”W ashington H earings on the various Constitutional am en d m en tsa g a in st the use of busing to achieve ra c ia l in teg ratio n w ere openedby the House Ju d ic ia ry Com m ittee. A rift betw een skepticalcom m ittee le ad e rs, afted m uch of the m a jo r Civil R ights Bills ofthe 1960’s, and younger m em b ers who d em anded im ed iate action,w as im m ediately ap p a ren t.T u e sd a y , F e b ru a ry 29, 1972on campus today elections during mealsU -l p.m . SBP Election5-7 p.m . On c a m p u s s tu d e n ts inhallsO ff-cam pus students in O-COffice,B asem ent, La Fortunend-smcM erger talks end; coex class cutback(continued fro m page I)“T he S iste rs believe the re s t ofthe schools loves St. M a ry ’s anddoes not w an t to see it change a ta ll.”He fu rth e r fo recasted a d rasticcu tb ack in coex classes becauseof th e im p o s s ib le fin a n c ia lburden.Q uestioned on the fu tu re of St.M a ry ’s in com petition w ith acoed N otre D am e, McCluskeyreplied, “ Whom the gods destroy,they first m ak e m a d .”D u rin g th e in te rv ie w , F r .M cCluskey alluded to a le tte rw ritten by E dm und A. Stephanc h a irm a n of the ND B oard ofT r u s te e s , to M o th e r O liv e tteW helan a fte r the F eb. 1 an d onlym e e tin g of th e r e n e g o tia tio nteam s.The le tte r alleged questions thesincerity of the college’s m otivesin the p rese n t talk s and capsulizes the ev en ts of the m eetingw hich M other O livette did notattend. R eportedly she h as notyet responded to S tephan’s le tte rleaving the negotiations a t anim passe.D espite the ru m o rs of a secondCunninghamby A rt F e rra n tiS tu d e n t B ody P r e s id e n tia lhopefuls Mike C unningham andJohn Voll y esterd ay cam paignedin Sorin, Zahm and K eenan Halls.They show ed the biographym ovie of K nute Rockne a t each ofthe halls they ap p e ared a t in aneffort to show show how they canp resen t e n tern tain m en t to thestud en ts a t little and, in this case,no cost.On S a tu r d a y n ig h t, th e yp resented an e n tertain m en t showfree to th e stud en ts in theb asem en t of La F ortu n e StudentC enter.On th e bill of them oderately atten d ed pro g ramw as a m agician and ventroloquista c t and the Rockne movie. Af te rw a rd s, those who attendedw ere invited to Voll’s house for asw im m ing p arty .Cunningham said th a t the sh o vw as an ex am p le of w hat w e cando and it did not cost us adim e."V oll added th a t they w eretrying to have ’’“ m ore action andless talk. ”'Also a s p a rt of th eir cam paign,the can d id ates ra n a shuttleserv ice w ith th eir fleet of twoh ea rses and an am bulance.A ccording to Voll they h a v e -a s ofS u n d a y - tr a n s p o r te d o v e r 300students to w herever they w antedto go.C u n n in g h a m e m p h a s iz e d h isp la tfo rm a s “ b a s i c ” to th estud en ts needs so m uch so th a tthey have h ad little arg u m en tw ith studen ts concerning th eirproposals.TIFFANY DIAM ONDSFOR PEOPLE WHO THOUGHTTHEY COULDN'T AFFORD THEMCHICAGO 715 N. Michi gan Ave.W h at is a n d w h a t will b e t h e realEm ployability o f an E n g in e e r ?ENGINEERING - A SINGLEPATH TO A MULTITUDEOF CAREERSDr. F r a n k L e u r s s e nV . P . of R e s e a r c h - I n l a n d S t e e l( P r e s e n t e d b y AS M S t u d e n t C h a p t e r )Thur. March 27 : 3 0 pmRm.303Eng. Buildingm eeting betw een the universityand college bargaining te am seith er this w eek or next, th e re isno m eeting scheduled. M otherO liv e tte w a s u n a v a ila b le fo rcom m ent. She is in California ona 30-day re tre a t.Although F r. M cCluskey ch a irsth e T r u s te e s c o m m itte e oncoeducation, he claim s th a t thetwo other m em b ers of his com m ittee, Sr. G erald and M otherO livette did not consult himbefore issuing th e N ovem berdecision to suspend unification.O b je c tin g to th e decision m a k in g fo r th e u n ific a tio nsuspension, McCluskey u rged theB oard to reopen negotiations.“The m em b ers of m y com m ittee had no business m akingth a t decision,” F r. McCluskeyfum ed. He invited F r. H esburghand Stephan to ad d reess theJ a n u a ry B oard m eeting, whicha g r e e d to r e n e g o tia g e th eproblem s.ND and SMC student bodyp resid en tial cam paign plato frm sto m erg e the student bodiescom pelled F r.McCluskey tod is c lo se th e in fo rm a tio n .“ F o rg et it! T here is no m e rg e r.It is fin ish e d ! T here is no fu tu refor St. M a ry ’s C ollege!” he a d vised.

D ziedzicby F red SchaeferSpeaking and cam paigning inG ra c e , S o rin , B -P , Z ah m ,C avanaughan dK een an Stanford, SBP candidate P aulDzedzic said, “ If I ’m elected, Iw ant to be elected on my con victions.”“ The basic point is for studentgovernm ent to challenge thestudent body to be com m itted toits ideals. I t’s im portant th a t thes tu d e n t body s ta n d up a sm en ,"h e continued.“ W e’r em en,th ead m inistration should be p reparedto tre a t us as men. The firstquestion is not ‘Will the a d m inistration let us do i t'? ’ butra th e r, ‘W hat should we do?’ Wewill take the initiative,’’said thecandidate.Dziedzic addressed him self tothe “ Challenge that has beenp la c e d in fro n t of s tu d e n tleadership.The question nowbeing asked is does it m eanan y th in g ?” He explained th a t hefeels th a t this is not due to studentap athy, “ as som e have m a in ta in ed .” R ather, he said, it is theresu lt of frustration.“ The student body is read y torespect itself, stand on ideals andconvictions. We re a t the pointw here we can have a say in thed e c isio n so u r s e lv e s .”s a idDziedzic.Seymourby M aria G allagherClim axing a hectic cam paignw eek, candidates Je a n Seym ourand Sue Welte la st night spoke inRegina and Holy Cross a t SMC,and toured M orissey, KeenanStanford, Zahm and G race withtheir running m ates Bob Higginsand Ron Pogge.At St. M ary’s the candidatesstressed com m unication a s thek ey to s u c c e s s fu l s tu d e n tgovernm ent.“ A g e n e r a l la c k of c o m m unication, especially secondsem ester, prevented the Barlowadm inistration from being aseffective a s it could have been,”Ms. Seym our asserted.THEOBSERVER.T u esday , F e b r u a r y 29, 1972The candid ate then spoke ofse x ism a n d r a c is m on th iscam pus, saying th a t is “ based onignorance.We’re being in tolerant to gays, women andblacks because of the ideal of theN otre D am e m an. We have tochallenge this.We have tochallenge the student body too p e r a te on convictions,notconveniences.’”Specifically, she cited the littleor no interaction betw een Barlowand B arkett, B arlow ’s failure tokeep h er student governm entoffice hours, and the weekly hallm eetings Barlow had prom isedh e r c a m p a ig n w h ich n e v e rm aterialized.“ D uring the m e rg e r crisis,s tu d e n tg o v e rn m e n tcom m unication w as excellent, butbefore and afte r it w as virtuallynon-existent.Student opinionw as never sam pled before K athya c te d , an d h e r v ie w p o in trepresen ted th a t of only onefaction,” Ms. Seym our claim ed.Seym our w ent on to say th atthe coalition ticket rep resen tedthe m ost serious effort of all thec a n d id a te s to e ffe c t c o m m unication betw een N otre D am eand St. M ary ’s next year.“ We did not choose a coalitionbecause m e rg e r ap p eared im m inent; we m erely hope to unitetwo student bodies with sim ilarsocial and cu ltu ral interests.W hat the ad m in istra to rs chooseto do si th e ir business. I t’s tim eto tran scen d the ‘ 0tre D am eim a g e ’ a n d th e a t. M a r y ’sim ag e’ as se p a ra te en tities,” shesaid.S e y m o u r e m p h a s iz e d th a tm aintenance of com m unicationwould rally ND’s support for theSMC stu d e n ts’ d esire for m e rg erDziedzic spoke of co-education,lie said th a t “ nothing h as beendone for the women who will behere next y e a r except dum p 325guys out of th eir dorm s. We haveto consider w om en counselors,im proved health services, in cluding a gynecologist. We haveto realize the totality of co ed u cation.”He w ent on to speak of theappliance fines, saying, “ We rebeing fined for m aking life m oreliveable. If I am elected, theStudent G overnm ent will pick upthe financial slack in rew iring thetwo or th ree halls th a t need it them o st.”E arly in the evening, DonMooney, Student Union SocialCom m issioner,introducedDiedzic in G race and Sorin. Hesaid th a t he w as “ going aroundthis evening talking for a fewc a n d id a te s w ho I fee l a r equalified and would be good in theposition. L ater on I ’ll be goingaround with Floyd K ezele.”Higginsby ifan HopferBob Higgins closed out w hat hehopes to be only the first p a rt ofhis cam paign by app earin g withhis coalition candidates from St.M ary’s and offering a plea tostudents to “ tak e the elections e r io u s ly ” by n o t “ th ro w in gaw ay th e ir vote to a guy who’spledged not to do an y th in g .”The SBP candidaee spoke la stnight in M orrisey, Stanford, Zahm and G race H alls wilh SMCcan d id ates J e a n Seym our andSue W elte along w ith his ownrunning m ate, SBVP hopeful,Ron Pogge.At M orrisey, Higgins picked upth e e n d o r s e m e n ts of s e v e r a ln o ta b le f ig u r e s : n a m e ly , E dMotto, ch a irm an of the HallP re sid e n t’s Council, John Abowd,assista n t editor of the O bserver,Jo e M a rc o s e c , F a r le y H allP resid en t, C arm en M aciarello,p resid en t of F ish er and JohnKwicien, M orrisey’s president.In all of the halls, Higginsrepeatedly spoke of w hat hete rm e d a “ c r u c ia l” s tu d e n tg o v e rn m e n t r a c e a n d th e“ pivotal” asp ect of next y e a r ’sissues.He thought th a t P rim e M overBobK e r s te n ’sw id e s p re a dsupport w as m ainly due to thestudent body’s lack of confidenceins tu d e n tg o v e rn m e n t.However, he felt th a t if “ SG goesKezeleby Art QuinnStudents have got to m ake th eirviews known on im p o rtan t issuesin o rd er to accom plish anything,SBP can d id ate Floyd Kezele saidin his la st night of cam paigning.A stu d en t lead er “ c a n ’t takethe students by the hand and leadhim to m eetings no m a tte r howm uch som e m ay need to b e,” theSLC v ice-chairm an said.Kezele pointed out th a t th e SLCm e e tin g c o n c e rn in g s a n c tio n slast fall, th a t saw studentKezele pointed out th a t the SLCm e e tin g c o n c e rn in g sa n c tio n sla st fall, th a t saw 600 studentsatten d , w as influenced by theirpresence.down any fu rth e r it m ay not existany m o re .”Abowd echoed these thoughtsby saying th a t K ersten derivedhis support from those who ared is s a tis fie dw iths tu d e n tgovernm ent. He added, “ If weelect a joke as president nexty ea r, a y e a r in which there willbe m any im p o rtan t issues, thenwe m ight a s well paclup andnd gohom e.”In speaking of the issues,H ig g in s s a id th a t u p co m in gp ro b le m s lik e co ed d o rm s,p arie tals, restru c tu rin g the SG tob etter rep rese n t the student w eretoo im p o rtan t to tru st to a c a n d idate who has pledged th a t “ Hewill do nothing if eleected .”He continued “ My plea is th atyou all vote for a serious ca n didate. Obviously, I think th a tRon and I a re the best or Iw ouldn’. be running. But if i t ’snot m e, ju st don’t vote for ajo k e.”constitutnts concerning the sam eissue, Kezele continued. Suchquestionnaires a re im portant, heexplained, because then it is “ notju st one student standing upag ain st the ad m in istratio n ."O v er700 s tu d e n ts r e tu r n e d th equestionnaire, he said.Kezele labeledhis candidacy asthe only one “ to take a definitestan d ag a in st re frig e ra to r fines.”AF acu lty m em b ers of the SLCw ere also im pressed w ith thestudent opinions obtained from aquestionnaire w hich he sent to hisCarusoby Joseph AbellA cc o m p a n ie dby25-30su p p o rters, SBP hopeful G aryC a ru so c o n fro n te d o p p o n en tFloyd Kezele in the F arley HallChapel la st night.Saying th a t he w as “ sick andtire d ” of K ezele’s statem en tsconcerning the sophom ore ca rsissue of la st y ear, Caruso m etKezele before a crow d of about 60and charg ed th a t his statem en tswas m aking sta te m en ts “ behindw ere b ac k ” to the effect th atCaruso contended th a t KezeleKezele and the SLC w ere solely“ O ur cam paign has laid outm any specifics w here the othershave failed to do th is,"h e con tinued. “We w ere the first andonlyc a n d id a te s ”hestressed“ to really b reakfro mth eB a r k e ttad m in istratio n .”r e s p o n s ib le fo r p a s s in g th em easu re la st y ear.“ I w orked on th a t bill m yselffor six w eeks and got it throughthe SLC the first tim e, and againafte r F r. H esburgh vetoed it,” hesaid.Kezele replied th a t the Carusobill contained p a rts th a t w ereunfeasible.B ecause of this, Kezele said,the whole bill w as threatenedsince “ the A dm inistration willleap on the unfeasible p arts anduse th a t to d efeat the en tire bill.”More ND, SMC endorsem ents announcedby The Redm anF R E E UNIVERSITYL arry Pino, F re e U niversitydirector, endorsed E ileen F itz p a tr ic k a n d F lo y d K ezeley e s te r d a y , a s S tu d e n t BodyP resid en tial candidates for St.M a ry ’s a n dN o treD am erespectively.The F re e U niversity directo rfelt th a t F itzp atrick and Kezelebest m eet the req u irem en ts hefeels a re necessary for a suc cessful student body president.Pino said th a t it is essential for anSBP to have knowledge of thesituation as well as the ability tobring about changes he feels a renecessary.He c o m m e n d e d b o th c a n didates on their “ storehouse ofideas ” and said their philophiesof academ ics a re very sim ilar tothe F re e U niversity’s.“ I know Eileen (F itzpatrick)personally and have been veryim pressed with h er work in theacadem ic a re a s and the m erg er.As for Kezele, I don’t know himpersonally, but I think his ideasprovide a fram ew ork from whichmuch can be accom plished,”Pino said.TRACEY ENDORSEM ENTS tressing the need for studentleaders who recognize and a c tively dem and w hat is essentialabout St. M ary ’s life, fo rm er St.M ary’s SBP Ann M arie T raceyendorsed E ileen F itzp atrick andM ary O rr a s the next St. M ary ’sSBP and SBVP.T he T ra c e y a n n o u n c e m e n tstated th a t the two candidatesa re not only sypathetic to theirfellow stu d e n t’s needs, but havethe “ foresight and c re a tiv ity ” torespond to those needs. She w asespecially praisew orthy of th eirstance on acad em ics.MissT racey is confident th a t theF itzp atrick -O rr tick et would beable to provide a “ new type ofch allen g e” to the adm inistration,who would thus be forced to stopignoring students.BARLOW ENDORSEM ENTK a th y B a rlo w , St. M a ry ’sS tu d e n t B ody P r e s id e n t, e n d o rse d N o tre D a m e ’s SB Phopeful Jo e Schlosser and hisrunning m a te Lincoln Soldati,while also throw ing h er supportfor Eileen F itzp atrick an d M aryO rr as St. M ary ’s SBP and SBVPcandidates.In h er endorsem ent statem en t,Barlow explained th a t she w asc o n fid e n t th e F itz p a tr ic k - O r rticket would be the m ost com m itted to the philosophy of selfd eterm ination, w hich she statedis th e e s s e n tia l fo r s tu d e n tgovernm ent. She also expressedconfidence th a t they would be them ost able to “ provide continuityas consistency tow ard the grow thof a q u a lity - e d u c a tio n a l e n v iro n m en t.”Barlow also p raised SchlosserSoldati for th eir decision for th eirdedication to the philosophy ofself-determ ination. She said th a tthe two a re very m uch activ istsandw illbec a p a b leofchallenging “the pow er stru ctu reth a t prohibits self-determ inationof s t u d e n ts .”She f u r th e rstressed th eir concern for thesocial and cu ltu ral atm osphere.Her announcem ent included acriticism of the p resen t N otreD am e Student G overnm ent.Instead of being the vehicle fors tu d e n t e v a lu a tio n a n d im provem ent of the university, thep r e s e n t g o v e rn m e n t sh e fe ltm erely provided a vehicle forcom m unication to the students ofa d m in is tr a tio n p o lic ie s a n ddecisions. She thought th a t bynot playing the role of critics ofthe total university environm ent,they had been “ d etrim en tal tostu d e n ts’ rig h ts a t N otre D am e.”AFRO AMERICAN SOCIETYR obert M cCrady, Coordinatorfor the Society of U jam aa (for m e rlyth eA fro -A m e ric a nS ociety) announced la st night theSociety’s endorsem ent of theK ezele-Jones, SBP SBVP ticket.M cCrady sta te d the Society feltth at of all the candidates, Kezeleand Jones w ere the m ost sen sitive to the black needs oncam pus. “ F rom our experienceaf knowing Jo n es and our briefc o n ta c t w ith K e z e le ," s a idM cCrady, “ we feel they a resincere and dedicated to th eird a tfo r mc o m m itm e n tstom inorities. ”

THE OBSERVE*.E S L iT u esd ay , F e b r u a r y90, 972The Man withthe CrownThere’s a man with a crown running in today’s SBP election. By allindications he has captured more support than any othercandidate in therace. His platform is satire—he has deftly analyzed the nature of studentgovernm ent and student politics. In the best tradition of Jonathan Swift,he has rationalized the ludicrous.Bob Kersten’s m essage is not as ridiculous as som e may feel. What heis saying is basically true. A sm all group of students do run studentgovernment, the Observer and other organizations on campus. A lot ofthese sam e people don’t have, or care to have much contact with theordinary students. A lot of them hold the positions they do because theyhave an inner need to.That it would be a very fine and sw eet slap in the face of the studentpoliticians-w ho often view the student body as so many cattle to bemanipulated--to elect Bob Kersten cannot be denied. It cannot be denied,but neither can the fact that the election of Bob Kersten could hurt us.Take three situations that are now on the docket, waiting to be decided;co-ed dorms, fines on refrigeratorsand televisions, and the newcalendar that will have us come back in mid-August.Student Government could have an influence in the decisions on thesethree problems.They could represent the students interests andperhaps force the administration to take our point of view for a change.Could Bob Kersten, as head of Student Government, get the ad ministration to change their stance on these three things?Could Bob Kersten,crown and all, walk into a Vice-Presiden’s meetingandpresentanalternative proposal forappliance fines, a proposal thatwould be accepted?If your revulsion against student governm ent is that strong thendo everyone a favorandvote for none of the above. Don’t put the studentbody in a position they might regret, bitterly, next year.The New Season BeginsFloyd KezeleySptanlC(boASon&\hop\e Still lakfeStudent (ScvernwenfcSeriously/Due to a typing error in yesterday’s Observer, a misprintappeared in the Jean Seymour-Sue Welte story. Ms. Seymourmade no references during her cam paign to Palm Springs,Acapulco, or birth control pills.Only Castles BurningBob HigginsJack Candon & Glen CorsoJohn A bow dC olum nist’s note - today is the g re a t day, and I have spent it in hiding from mynum erous enem ies so th a t I do not get assassin ate d before I get a ch ance to castmy ballot. Thus I relinquish to d ay ’s colum n (please atte m p t to control yourem otions) to two of m ycolleagues. Mr. Glen S. Corso and M r. Ja c k Candon. Thesetwo gentlem en, like m yself, had been involved in the cam paigns and have anoverview of the situation - probably a b e tte r one th an I do. F o r w hat it’s worth(probably nothing) everything said in this colum n reflects my own viewpoint.Mr. Corso has edited the O bserver for two y ears. M r. Candon m anaged thestudent body p residential cam paign of Don Mooney la st y ear, and helped say a lotof things th a t w ere rejected then, but which m any people wish they had a secondchance to judge now.The effective use of student power h as becom e a cen tral issue in this y e a r ’s SBPcam paign. U nfortunately m any can d id ates have m ad e the m istak e of assum ingth a t the m e re presence of students in la rg e num bers a t a college or universityg u ara n tee s a m easu re of power which, if effectively activ ated , can bring onw holesale changes in student life. This is sim ply not the case. Of all the candidatesin this y e a r ’s election only Bob Higgins and Ron Pogge u n d erstan d the fun d am en tal distinction betw een power an

corporation papers bogged down with a lot of amorphous information are based solely on Sr. Gerald's estimates." The trustee, who served with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, university president, and the late. Msgr. John J. McGrath, SMC president, as a United States delegate to the Papla Commission on Education, also announced his resignation

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