UWA MBA IntensiveTalent Profile 2021
ForewordWe would like to introduce to you our impressivefull-time MBA students of 2021. The talentedstudents have followed 12 months of intensive andexperiential learning, been involved in apersonalised Authentic Leadership program, andparticipated in one-on-one mentoring from asenior industry leader. They have also undertaken astrategy and consulting project to deepen theirknowledge and skills in their chosen specialisationand to better meet employers’ demands,enhancing their employment prospects.Professor Allan TrenchProgram DirectorAccording to the UWA MBA Programs Director,Professor Allan Trench, the strong results of the MBAcohort can be attributed to UWA’s personalisedapproach, comprising intensive classes in anintimate and tailored learning environment withintensive classes, and students supported by aboard of internationally renowned experts.This Talent Profile highlights the key achievementsof the 2021 UWA MBA graduates and provides yourorganisation with the opportunity to engagedirectly with our students. The UWA Careers andEmployability Centre can help you connect withour MBA students by participating in recruitmentevents, the MBA Mentoring Program, and industrypresentations with direct networking opportunities.“The result is testament to the UWA MBA program,our dedicated professional staff, the MBAsthemselves and our fantastic MBA alumni whoremain engaged with the MBA program and giveback through guest lectures and participation incareers-focused MBA events.”– Professor Allan TrenchPage 3Dr Paul CromptonProgram Director
UWA TALENT 2021 Program DetailsUWA MBA programUWA is ranked in the top 100 universities globally for its MBAprogram and consulting career placements for graduates(QS Career Specialisation Rankings 2021).The MBA career specialisation rankings collect data frommore than 37,000 global employers, as well as from millions ofresearch publications, and seek to analyse the careerplacements of MBA graduates globally.In the QS Career Specialisation Rankings, UWA performedstrongly in the assessment of research strength, combiningfull-time MBA research and MBA specialisation research.The MBA program also performed strongly in careerplacements, which combines insights from graduates oneverything from entering industry to starting their ownbusinesses.UWA MBA TALENT PROFILE 2021 uwa.edu.auPage 4
UWA TALENT 2021 Program DetailsGraduate outcomes#1in Oceania forEntrepreneurship andAlumni Outcomes*Top 100MBA Program ConsultingCareer Placements†UWA MBA graduatesearn the highestsalaries nationally**QS World University Rankings 2021 Global MBA Rankings† QS Career Specialisation Rankings 2021UWA MBA TALENT PROFILE 2021 uwa.edu.auPage 5
UWA TALENT 2021 2021 CohortMeet our 2021 cohort12YEARS’ AVG.EXPERIENCEin areas such as:Accounting Advisory Aviation CommunicationConstruction Consulting Defence EngineeringFinance IT Management ManufacturingMarketing Medicine Resourcesp. 7Aizhan Greenwoodp. 12 Lauren Walkerp. 17Ryan Ealesp. 7Alastair Brookp. 12 Lorraine Pontip. 17Samuel Chiup. 8Brendan Swalep. 13 Mike Kovacevicp. 18Scott Renner-Hahnp. 8Chiara Fontep. 13 Niall Pitcherp. 18Simon Cloetep. 9Damian Cockingp. 14 Pauline Ringp. 19Stephanie Rossip. 9David Herbertp. 14 Rahul Suhanep. 19Stephen Weirp. 10 David Spurgep. 15 Rebecca Macleayp. 20Tim Devolderep. 10 Jason Tunap. 15 Rishi Singhp. 20Tim Stricklanp. 11 Justin Mettamp. 16 Roland Bucherp. 21William Penderp. 11 Kate Verkuylenp. 16 Ryan ArbonUWA MBA TALENT PROFILE 2021 uwa.edu.auPage 6
UWA TALENT 2021 Talent ProfilesAizhan Email: aizhans13@icloud.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 4.56 Vert.from Top Left Corner)MSc (Petroleum Engineering)Heriot-Watt UniversityBSc (Physics, Plasma & HighTemp. Physics, English) HonsKazakh National UniversityProject Leadership Stakeholder Management AdaptabilityWhile studying physics, Aizhan started her working career at anot-for-profit organisation as a facilitator and coordinator forhuman rights and conflict resolution. Upon graduation shejoined Schlumberger as an engineer in Drilling andCompletions. She worked offshore in the Caspian region, theNorth Sea and West Africa. After 4 years, she transitioned into aleadership role leading offshore installation teams.During her career with Schlumberger, Aizhan held varioustechnical and leadership roles in Angola, Romania, Norwayand Scotland. In 2010 Aizhan joined Woodside’s Drilling andCompletion department, and since then has diversified intoproduction roles. She now leads the Enterprise AssetManagement project for Maintenance, striving to improve theway we work by using technology and innovation.Aizhan is a lifelong learner and aspires to be a visionary,inspiring, and motivating leader. Her goal in the future is to helporganisations transition to cleaner energy by using technologyand alternative energy sources.Alastair Brooklinkedin.com/in/alastair-brook-34775442Email: alastairbrook@outlook.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 17.16 Vert.from Top Left Corner)BAppSc (ConstructionManagement & Economics)HonsCurtin UniversityDiploma (Building Design &Technology)Central TAFEStrategic Leadership Business Strategy Team BuildingAlastair Brook is the Global General Manager – DigitalEngineering for DBM Vircon, and has more than 15 years’experience working in construction, digital engineering, projectmanagement and business management. He holds a Bachelorof Applied Science (Construction Management & Economics)with first class honours, and has successfully grown a digitalconsulting division with a reputation for excellence in thedelivery of complex major project digital engineeringimplementations.Alastair has a unique skill for merging technical delivery andstrategy. He can decipher multiple information points to set aclear vision that can be easily understood and communicatedto all. He identifies opportunities for partnering, integration, andleveraging technologies, and quickly understands the teamsand systems he operates in.Alastair’s passion is for developing others by creating andnurturing relationships at all levels, and so delivering growth andsuccess. He has a thirst for learning and is always looking toimprove as a family man, a friend, and a leader.Page 7
UWA TALENT 2021 Talent ProfilesBrendan Swalelinkedin.com/in/brendan-swale-192371202Email: bswale@outlook.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 4.56 Vert.from Top Left Corner)BA (Multimedia Design)Curtin UniversityCert IV (Aviation) CPL Flight Instructor Rating CertIV (Training & Assessment)Western Australian AviationCollege/Royal Aero Club ofWAATR72 Aircraft Type RatingAsian Aviation TrainingCentre, BangkokAviation Decision Making Interpersonal SkillsAfter exploring various other opportunities, Brendan found hispassion in aviation. He developed his career as a pilot in arelatively short time, starting as a flight instructor, then flyingsurvey aircraft before piloting an airliner for Virgin Australia. Heachieved this after being accepted into their highlycompetitive cadet program, and was based in Canberra uponcompletion of his training.Brendan is now completing an MBA at UWA and is keen toexpand his horizons into other areas of aviation or emergingtechnology. He is also interested in remotely piloted aircraft andthe automation of transport, and while he would love to flyagain, he is enthusiastic about getting involved in theUnmanned Aerial Vehicle industry.Brendan’s strength is his ability to support, to listen, and to helpguide decision making. At all times Brendan strives to maintaina high level of professionalism, valuing confidentiality andtrustworthiness. Brendan is interested in all kinds of technologyand vehicles whether they fly, float, walk or roll.Chiara Fontelinkedin.com/in/chiara-fonte-247127206Email: chi.fonte@gmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 17.16 Vert.from Top Left Corner)Analytics Critical Thinking LeadershipChiara graduated from UWA in 2009 with a Commerce degree,majoring in Investment, Corporate Finance and Law, andcommenced with the Department of Defence in 2011.Working predominantly in the land and sea domains, she’s livedall over Australia, and is currently the Finance Manager of the 400m p.a. ANZAC-class frigate program. She enjoys thecomplexity of the program and the variety of stakeholders sheengages with and is passionate about solving complexproblems.CFA Program Level 1CFA InstituteBComThe University of WesternAustraliaChiara has held a variety of roles in financial, commercial, andcompliance spheres, both within the business and as a businesspartner. Being technically competent and perpetually curious,she’s always keen to develop her commercial acumen andstrategic thinking. At work she is known for being helpful,trustworthy, and keeping things in perspective. She is frequentlyaccused of enjoying work, when in fact she most enjoys hikingup mountains.Chiara is undertaking an MBA to formalise her experiences, andto meet people from different walks of life. On completion ofher MBA studies, she would like to transition into the privatesector.Page 8
UWA TALENT 2021 Talent ProfilesDamian l: damiancocking@gmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 4.56 Vert.from Top Left Corner)GradDipCACAANZBComThe University of WesternAustraliaBusiness Development Problem Solving LeadershipDamian is a business advisory leader with a depth ofknowledge in a large variety of industries. With practicalexperience across SME tax, business administration, structuringand project management, Damian can advise business ownerson the best course of action to achieve desired personal andbusiness goals, from the initial idea of a business through to thefinal sale and at every point in between.While still relatively young, he has broad experience in anumber of settings. This has enabled him to develop strongcommunication and interpersonal skills alongside a firm belief inthe importance of having a knowledge- and trust-based styleof leadership. Effective at communicating with all stakeholders,Damian is adept at building and strengthening high-performingteams that are agile, efficient, and effective.Damian currently works as a manager within a professionalservices accounting firm, with the day-to-day advising ofbusiness owners on how best to reach both their personal andbusiness goals. He also has experience overhauling internaltraining strategies, and upon completing the MBA program,wants to leverage the skills and knowledge gained to developnew service lines within his current role to create betteroutcomes for clients.Damian is a fan of Formula 1, Premier League football and livemusic.David l: David.herbert22@gmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 17.16 Vert.from Top Left Corner)Problem Solving Communication LeadershipDavid is a Risk Manager at CBH Group and has more than nineyears of risk consulting experience. Prior to his role at CBHGroup, David spent six years with Deloitte, specialising in riskadvisory and compliance before transitioning to industry.David’s strengths are his collaborative problem-solvingapproach, and his ongoing desire to build on a range oftechnical competencies (developed through the workplace orhigher education). He has extensive experience in:GradDipCACAANZ workshop facilitation developing enterprise risk and compliance frameworksGDLPCollege of Law WA compiling and presenting executive reporting packs interpreting data trends and performing base data analysis leading engagement teams.LLBMurdoch UniversityBComMurdoch UniversityPRINCE2David promotes a strong involvement in community. He is avolunteer board member of the Nardine Wimmin’s Refuge,Treasurer of his water polo club, and serves as a tribunalmember for the West Australian Football Commission. In hisspare time, David likes to compete in open-water swimmingand host games nights (including creating his own games) withfamily and friends.Page 9
UWA TALENT 2021 Talent ProfilesDavid Spurgelinkedin.com/in/david-spurge-11958158Email: david@spurge.com.auScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 4.56 Vert.from Top Left Corner)Project Delivery Interpersonal Skills Team BuildingDavid has ten years’ experience in mining in operations andproject roles at Fortescue Metals Group. He initiallycommenced in technical roles across the supply chain, beforeleading technical and maintenance teams at Port Hedland.He has been a key agent in lasting process changes asFortescue matured from upstart junior to established miner,leading new teams and driving data driven improvements.Chartered ProfessionalEngineerEngineers AustraliaBEng (Mechanical) HonsThe University of WesternAustraliaHis role as Project Manager for the Fortescue relocatableconveyor, in which he oversaw the deployment of 25km ofconveyors across Fortescue’s mines, was a careerachievement.BComThe University of WesternAustraliaJason Tunalinkedin.com/in/jasontunaEmail: jason.tuna@hotmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 17.16 Vert.from Top Left Corner)BSSTUniversity of SouthernQueenslandAdvDip (Engineering & MineSurveying)Central TAFECert IV (FrontlineManagement)Defence Registered TrainingOrganisationCommissionRoyal Military College,DuntroonCommunication Critical Thinking CollaborationJason is a frontline leader and professional who has workedacross both the military and mining industries. Through his variedcareer, Jason has been inspired by his experiences living andworking with First Nations People. These experiences havesparked a passion and interest in improving Indigenousopportunities and outcomes. He aspires to bring best practiceto different communities and help raise standards ofacceptance, living, and education.Jason worked for Rio Tinto for 10 years, across multipledisciplines and sites, including Paraburdoo, Tom Price, WestAngelas and Perth. He worked extensively with automationtechnologies, helping to shape future technologies to workefficiently and effectively with modern-day processes andprocedures.Jason is currently an Operations Manager for the AustralianArmy, where he is responsible for organisational resourceplanning, strategic planning of organisational activities, andscheduling.After completing his MBA program, Jason would like totransition into a consulting/business improvement role, where hefeels his experiences will allow him to instigate positive changewithin organisations and the wider community.Page 10
UWA TALENT 2021 Talent ProfilesJustin Mettamlinkedin.com/in/justin-mettamEmail: justin.mettam@outlook.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 4.56 Vert.from Top Left Corner)Registered PharmacistBPharmCurtin UniversityDecision Making Leadership AdaptabilityHaving worked as a pharmacist with Optimal Pharmacy Plussince 2013, Justin has shown great adaptability. Responsible formanaging the pharmacy business, he also handled staffdevelopment and training of intern pharmacists. During theCOVID-19 challenge, Justin was able to facilitate businessexpansion through his analysis of financial data, and throughsound leadership of his team.Justin became a Registered Pharmacist on completion of hisBachelor of Pharmacy in 2017. He then completed his internshipat Zest Pharmacy before transitioning to Optimal Pharmacy asthe sole Pharmacist in Charge. Most recently, he was aCommunity Pharmacist at Optimal Pharmacy Plus, and thePharmacist in Charge at Zest Pharmacy. Justin is a strongbeliever in ongoing professional development and is nowlooking to transition into corporate healthcare, on completionof his MBA.Kate Verkuylenlinkedin.com/in/kate-verkuylenEmail: kateverkuylen@yahoo.com.auScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 17.16 Vert.from Top Left Corner)BCom (PR & Marketing)Curtin UniversityStakeholder Management Problem Solving CommunicationKate has successfully built a career working in FMCG, localgovernment, tourism, health, and not-for-profit industries in bothPerth and Sydney. Specialising in strategic planning, marketresearch and analysis, events, stakeholder engagement andcommunications, she can quickly and professionally adapt tochanging industries and market requirements.Kate’s innate ability to read people and situations has enabledher to build lasting professional relationships and maximisemany collaborative work opportunities.Her long-term professional vision is to become a respected andvalued leader who contributes to the advancement of anorganisation and its people, with positivity, an open mind andintegrity.In her spare time Kate likes to keep active, incorporatingswimming, walking and cycling, into family time with her kidsand husband.Page 11
UWA TALENT 2021 Talent ProfilesLauren 46123Email: adamlaurenwalker@gmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 4.56 Vert.from Top Left Corner)GradCertBusThe University of WesternAustraliaCertified Financial PlannerFPAMFinPlanStrategic Management Financial Advice MentoringLauren is a highly regarded financial services professional, andholds several finance-related postgraduate qualifications,including a master’s degree. Lauren is motivated to pursue anMBA to gain exposure to other leadership styles and a widerperspective of business management. Her ultimate goal isboard representation as a Company Director.In 2017, Lauren established the Private Advice team at EurozHartleys Securities – the largest private sector investmentmanager in Western Australia – where she is one of two AFSL–responsible managers. In this role, Lauren successfully directs theprovision of financial and investment advice for executives,professionals, and high-net-worth family groups. Her role alsoincludes mentoring and providing professional development toassist in developing younger advisers.Lauren is focused on improving her clients’ financial outcomesas a key driver for their overall wellbeing. She is also passionateabout improving financial literacy for women and students, andworks to improve this by mentoring finance graduates andpresenting to high school groups.Lorraine Pontilinkedin.com/in/lorraineponti/Email: lorraine.ponti@gmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 17.16 Vert.from Top Left Corner)MEngScUniversity College DublinBE (Civil Engineering)University College DublinMulticultural Leadership Project Management ClientRelationsLorraine is an experienced project manager with a civilengineering and water resources background. Over the last 15years, she has been entrusted with the full project execution ofa number of multimillion-dollar construction and manufacturingprojects in China, France and Russia.In her previous roles, Lorraine led project planning, design,procurement, construction/production and certification teamsto successful delivery and handover. She is experienced inmanaging diverse teams to deliver projects under schedulingand financial constraints.After living in eight cities on four continents, Lorraine has astrong cultural awareness that she applies favourably inbusiness, negotiations and managing client relationships. She isbilingual in English and French, and has an intermediate level ofSpanish and Russian.Lorraine is passionate about developing sustainable urbancommunities and helping industries to address their impact onclimate change. With a strong sense of giving back to society,Lorraine has been involved in charities including youthdevelopment and poverty alleviation programs over the last 20years. Lorraine has recently relocated to Australia with herhusband and their three daughters after living in Argentina.Page 12
UWA TALENT 2021 Talent ProfilesMike Kovaceviclinkedin.com/in/mike-kovacevic-AUEmail: mkov75@iinet.com.auScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 4.56 Vert.from Top Left Corner)GradCertBusThe University of WesternAustraliaDiploma (Computer Science)CTIPRINCE2 Agile AgilePM PMI-PMPAgile Digital Transformation Project ManagementAs the Chief Technology Officer at Catholic Education WesternAustralia, Mike has enabled the organisation to incorporate 163schools and four offices under a single business entity, operatingon a shared, leading-edge, cloud-based digital platform. Thisachievement has made possible equitable delivery of qualityprivate education to all students in WA, regardless of distanceor physical location.Having restructured the Digital Technology division, Mike is nowdelivering key strategic programs across cyber security, networkand communications, ERP and CRM implementation, digitalmarketing and governance portfolios. Prior to this role, Mike hadsuccessfully led numerous business transformations across avariety of industries, leading to creation of new sales channels,new products, increased market share and elevated levels ofservice and customer engagement.Mike is passionate about taking on impossible challenges andprojects, building and enabling organisational structures todeliver transformative change, and helping businesses thrive inthe digital era. With more than twenty years of industryexperience, Mike is looking to expand his reach through a morebroadly scoped executive role such as COO or CEO.Niall l: pitchern@gmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 17.16 Vert.from Top Left Corner)BA HonsUniversity of Dublin, TrinityCollegeBEng (Civil, Structural, &Environmental) HonsUniversity of Dublin, TrinityCollegeProject Management Planning Business DevelopmentOriginally from Ireland, Niall moved to Australia in 2009 duringthe GFC, and has worked in the resources sector ever since. Hehas experience with a major contractor, working onconstruction and mining projects from the tender stage to finalhandover, including new developments and established sites.Passionate about Indigenous engagement and development,Niall took a role six years ago, leading tendering and businessdevelopment for an Indigenous-owned contractor. As expert inthe subject, Niall has grown the company and widened thescope of its operations, providing employment and businessopportunities to Indigenous people.Following graduation, Niall is keen to remain in the resourcessector and apply learnings from the MBA to his extensiveproject experience.In his free time Niall is a keen cyclist and enjoys endurancesports.Page 13
UWA TALENT 2021 Talent ProfilesPauline Ringlinkedin.com/in/pauline-ringEmail: paulinering@gmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 4.56 Vert.from Top Left Corner)BEng (Mining)UNSWLeadership Communication Technical Knowledge (Mining)Pauline is a driven and engaging underground mining engineerwith more than 10 years’ experience across various hard-rockcommodities. She has highly developed skills in mine designand scheduling, as well as risk, cost and contractormanagement.She has a demonstrated history of driving excellence throughstrong leadership, supported by a thorough understanding ofoperations in combination with a comprehensive technicalbackground.Pauline is currently working in Business Development, secondedthrough a workplace MBA program that aligns rotationsthrough a range of critical business units to provide a practicalapplication of university theory.Rahul Suhanelinkedin.com/in/rsuhaneEmail: rahulsuhane@gmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 17.16 Vert.from Top Left Corner)BTech (Mining Engineering)HonsIndian Institute ofTechnology, KharagpurMining Technology Leadership IntrapreneurshipRahul is an experienced open-cut mining engineer, and part ofthe leadership team for the Maptek BlastLogic product usedglobally. He strives to understand customers’ requirments anddevelop simple, albeit valuable, technology that makes minessafe and productive.Rahul studied a Bachelor’s in mining engineering from theprestigious IIT Kharagpur, moving to the Pilbara in WesternAustralia as part of Rio Tinto’s operations planning. There hemanaged mine drill and blast planning and engineering. Rahulbelieves in leading with purpose, and supports diversity, fairnessand minority dissent. He has JavaScript coding skills, andexpertise in Power BI data analytics.Rahul’s goal is to use his unique combination of mineengineering, technology, and business skills to lead a miningtechnology business improves safety and productivity.Rahul is an avid fan of cricket, computers, science and auroras.Page 14
UWA TALENT 2021 Talent ProfilesRebecca ail: beck.macleay@woodside.com.auScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 4.56 Vert.from Top Left Corner)BEng (Chemical)The University of WesternAustraliaBSc (Chemistry)The University of WesternAustraliaLeadership Coaching CultureRebecca MacLeay is a process engineer at Woodside Energy.She has held several roles across Woodside’s operations sincejoining as a graduate in 2012, including five years at theKarratha Gas Plant, where she was the LNG lead surveillanceengineer.Rebecca completed a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor ofChemical Engineering (1st class honours) at UWA and iscurrently participating in a Woodside-sponsored full-time MBA.She has always been passionate about the energy sector,given its essential role in global society, and is excited to applyher continuous improvement mindset and drive for excellenceto current and future industry challenges.Rebecca constantly seeks to develop herself and, uponcompletion of the MBA, hopes to move into broader leadershiproles where she can be a part of shaping company culture andcoaching, and developing others to perform at their best.Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her partner andinspiring young daughter, Maisie.Rishi Singhlinkedin.com/in/rishi-k-singhEmail: rishi.k.singh@outlook.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 17.16 Vert.from Top Left Corner)Chartered ProfessionalEngineerEngineers AustraliaProject Management Stakeholder Management BusinessDevelopmentRishi Singh is a Chartered Engineer, and currently leads aMaintenance Engineering team as a Project Manager in the oiland gas industry. He is a strong believer in the power of positivecommunity contributions, and has six years’ experience infounding, leading, and growing not-for-profit organisations.When not doing DIY with his two daughters, Sahiba and Sanna,or studying for his MBA exams, Rishi enjoys reading non-fiction orplaying on the beach with his white fluff-ball of a dog, Rani.BEng (Aerospace)RMIT UniversityBBus (Management)RMIT UniversityGradCertPMChifley Business SchoolPage 15
UWA TALENT 2021 Talent ProfilesRoland Bucherlinkedin.com/in/roland-bucher-92288929Email: rolandbucher73@gmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 4.56 Vert.from Top Left Corner)MEngSc (MiningGeomechanics)Curtin UniversityBSc (Civil & StructuralEngineering)University of AppliedSciences, LucerneProblem Solving Leadership Decision MakingRoland Bucher is the General Manager for Geobrugg AustraliaPty Ltd, and is responsible for all the company’s business inAustralia, New Zealand, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea,including the production facility in Perth, WA. He started theGeobrugg Australian Subsidiary and built up a sales team anda manufacturing facility in Perth over the last 13 years. TheAustralian subsidiary is showing constant growth, a goodfinancial position and low staff turnover.Born and raised in Switzerland, he spent the first two-thirds of hislive there, including education and work experience. Hemoved to Perth 15 years ago, primarily for the beach lifestyle,but due to his personality and work ethic he found fulfilment indevelopment of the Geobrugg subsidiary.Still a very active person, Roland likes to spend time outdoorsand in the ocean as a balance to his hectic work life. He likesbeing active, in the form of running, swimming, training at thegym, and, whenever possible, surfing or kite-surfing.Ryan Arbonlinkedin.com/in/ryan-arbon-6a72a621Email: arbonryan83@gmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 17.16 Vert.from Top Left Corner)BEng (Mechatronic) HonsUniversity of AdelaideBAUniversity of AdelaideProblem Solving Leadership Driving PerformanceRyan has spent his career to date with Woodside in the oil andgas industry, working primarily in subsea and pipelineengineering. Working in leadership roles for eight years, he is ahighly motivated and dedicated manager, with a flair forleading multi-disciplined teams. Ryan loves a challenge, andcontinuously seeks to learn and develop himself professionallyand personally. Striving for excellence in all he does, he lovesworking in high-performing teams and aspires to be a trulyauthentic and inspirational leader.Ryan is passionate about sustainability and social responsibility.He strives to make a positive contribution for future generationsby playing an active role in the transition to cleaner energy.Ryan values quality time with his family above all else. He is anintrovert at heart, and loves passing on his knowledge to thosewilling to learn.Page 16
UWA TALENT 2021 Talent ProfilesRyan Ealeslinkedin.com/in/ryanealesEmail: ryaneales13@gmail.comScale Photos to 4 x 4 cmPosition to fill blue box(1.66 Horiz., 4.56 Vert.from Top Left Corner)BEng (Civil) HonsThe Un
UWA MBA TALENT PROFILE 2021 uwa.edu.au UWA MBA program UWA is ranked in the top 100 universities globally for its MBA program and consulting career placements for graduates (QS Career Specialisation Rankings 2021). The MBA career specialisation rankings collect data from more than 37,000 global employers, as well as from millions of
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