ICMS Integrated Corrosion Management System

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ICMS Integrated Corrosion Management SystemFeatures Total Corrosion Data Management Data Exhange with DCS/PCS/SCADA Systems Correlate Corrosion & Process Data Enables Highly Cost-Effective Asset Management Designed Specifically for Corrosion Management Personnel Full Client-Server OperationThe ICMS Integrated Corrosion and Erosion ManagementSystem is the most comprehensive and powerful on-linesystem available. It is ideally suited for medium to largescale systems, or for small systems with the need forfuture growth. The ICMS Integrated Corrosion and ErosionManagement System allows integration of all the Cosascorange of corrosion, erosion, including the latest in metalloss Microcor technology, LPR corrosion rate, pittingtendency and galvanic probe transmitters. With thevarying range of applications, communication and networkinfrastructure, no two ICMS systems are alike. The simpleflexibility of the ICMS systems allows differentconfigurations to be easily designed and implemented tomeet your specific requirements. The combination ofCosasco field-proven hardware, Cosasco Data Onlinesoftware engine, and the extensive systems experience ofour Cosasco engineers, assures customization to yourspecific requirements and guaranteed performance.

ICMS SYSTEM OVERVIEWThe ICMS system corrosion management server is the heart of the corrosion or erosion monitoring system, integratingseveral forms of corrosion monitoring and process data into one complete online system. Corrosion and erosion monitoringis managed as a process parameter with constant streaming data directly into your preferred system interface.According to the application, Cosasco will typically incorporate one of several different types of corrosion and erosionmonitoring system components, and operate over various communication links. For example, an upstream oil and gasproduction field will vary from a refinery or offshore platform both in the monitoring technologies employed and thecommunication infrastructure used. An upstream oil and gas field is spread over large distances with operation through anexisting communication network where the ICMS system must be integrated into this existing network. By comparison, aRefinery, Gas Plant, or offshore platform will have shorter direct communications links using wired, wireless, or fiber opticconnections. The unmatched range of monitoring technologies offered by Cosasco allows the proper matching of thesystem to the application.The overall ICMS system architecture comprises the following:1.On-line Monitoring Hardwarea. Microcor Digital High Resolution (Wired orWireless)b. Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) Digital LPRc. Digital Erosiond. Electrical Resistance (ER) Analoge. LPR Analogf. Any other Related Analog InputsCosasco On-LineMonitoringHardwareCosasco DataLoggingHardwareCosasco CouponDataUltrasonicMeasurementDataManual Inputs&Imported Data2. HardwareMetal Loss CouponsUltrasonic Measurement DataManual Inputs and Imported DataCosasco Data Online SoftwareClient Server Operation over NetworkCustomer VPN Client OperationCosasco VPN or Modem Remote SupportProcessControl System(DCS)ICMS Cosasco Data OnlineSoftware SystemSupport

ON-LINE DIGITAL SYSTEMSMicrocor High Resolution Metal LossMicrocor advanced Digital Metal Loss technologyis perfectly complemented by the ICMS on-linesystem. Useable in any process environment, itprovides 50 times greater sensitivity than existingER methods, allowing a 10 mpy upset to bedetected in about 1 hour instead of 2 days. Anexample of a simple wired configuration is r uses a 24 VDC supply and 2-Wire RS485 communication bus, allowing connection ofup to 32 transmitters in a multi-drop or starconfiguration. This connection flexibility greatlyreduces the cost of field wiring and installation.Microcor digital or ER analog technology isessential in process fluids, such as hydrocarbonservice, where a continuous corrosive waterphase is not consistently present at the probe.Corrosion rate is computed from the change ofmetal loss over time.ICMSCorrosionManagementServerSimple Wired System with Microcor TransmittersLPR Corrosion Rate and PittingLPR electrochemical technology is generallypreferred for clean water systems (hydrocarboncontent less than 5%) as it produces aninstantaneous corrosion rate with a singlereading. In addition it also has a pitting tendencymeasurement based on electrochemical currentnoise. The ICMS system, as shown to the right,enables the Microcor and LPR transmitters(Model E-9020) to be “mixed and matched” asrequired in the systems using the samecommunications protocol and wiring system.Both transmitters use a RS-485 multi-dropconnection and 24 VDC power supply.ICMSCorrosionManagementServerICMS System shown with Microcor & E-9020 Transmitters

Erosion MonitoringThe Erosion System utilizes the same highresolution technology as Microcor with a probespecifically designed for sand erosion detection.Often times sand production can cause rapiderosion and wear on the outer diameter of bendsand areas downstream of changes in pipelinediameter. The Erosion (Model MT-9485A)transmitters operate on the same power andcommunication bus as the Microcor and LPRdigital ICMS System shown with Microcor & Erosion TransmittersWireless Microcor and LPRWireless HART or ISA100 Wireless Microcor andLPR transmitters may also be fed into the ICMSsystem through the Wireless gateway over theEthernet network, or transported through andexisting HART or ISA100 Wireless process controlnetwork. Wireless systems are particularlyattractive due to their reduced installation costs.The Microcor Wireless transmitter has on-boardcomputation of corrosion rate from metal loss,providing for even easier integration into otherwireless process control ocor Wireless TransmittersOWTOther Wireless TransmittersWireless Transmitters can be fed Directly into ICMS

el 4020ON-LINE ANALOG SYSTEMSModel 9020ER and LPR and OthersLegacy systems with 4-20 mA ER and LPRTransmitters, or systems that bring in anyother 4-20 mA signals to be monitored areeasily integrated into the ICMS system throughanalog to digital interface modules. If existingcorrosion transmitters or other transmittersare connected to the DCS or SCADA system,these parameters can be transferred to theICMS server through a variety of interfacedrivers, such as Modbus, PI system drivers orOPC.19” VDCVDCSupplySupplyTXTXTXTXTXTXTXTXTXTXICMS Server shown with Analog to Digital ConverterDATA LOGGING ementServerServerLPR Data LoggersICMS systems are assisting an increasingnumber of corrosion monitoring systems to gofully on-line, often replacing earlier datalogging systems. However, additional remoteor investigative probe locations may also needmonitoring on an on-going or occasional basis.Battery operated Remote Data Collectors arewell suited for these locations, and withCheckMate DL or CheckMate Plus instrumentthis data can be collected and transferred tothe ICMS System, providing a single locationfor all of the corrosion data.Ultrasonic Measurement DataCosasco Data Online software supportsUltrasonic inspection data from Krautkramerand Panametrics Units. Cosasco’s on-lineUltracorr system provides an unparalleledaccuracy in continuous on-line monitoringoffering a resolution of 0.1 mils, approximately40times better than normal inspectionultrasonics It is ideal for buried pipelines whereintrusive monitoring is difficult. Ultracorr useshigh resolution technology to detect botherosion and corrosion. Multiple transducersare connected to a junction box where theUltracorr instrument can easily be connectedto download periodic time and date stampedmeasurements of wall thickness. Data can thenbe transferred directly in from the Ultracorrinstrument into the ICMS server for analysisand computation of corrosion rates.CheckMate DLCheckMate PlusRDCCOTRDC4RDC4COTCOTCorrptempCorrosometerProbe (COT)RDCCATCorrosometerProbe (CO)Data can be collected and transferred to theICMS System using Corrdata Data-LoggersUltracorr transducers are connected to a junctionbox at one central location for data collection

Metal Loss CouponsCoupon data is one of the simplest forms ofcorrosion monitoring. Coupon data is used in on-linesystems as a calibration standard for other means ofcorrosion monitoring (ER and LPR). In additioncoupons can be examined for evidence of pittingand other localized forms of attack that are notrecognized by other on-line monitoring techniques.Coupon monitoring points are strategically locatedthroughout the system. Coupons are then retrieved,weighed, and analyzed at set intervals, usually threemonths, and entered into the ICMS Server forcorrelation with other corrosion data and processparameters.COSASCO 2” SystemCouponsProcess ParametersProbably one of the most important features of theICMS system is the ability to easily correlatecorrosion related data with changes in processparameters, other imported data from laboratoryanalysis, or manually input data such as inhibitorinjection rates. Factors affecting corrosion can bequite complex in many applications and requirecareful analysis to first understand the controllingfactors, and then secondly to maintain control. TheICMS system is essential to be able to do thiseffectively and reap the financial rewards.The DCS Server is optimized for processmeasurement and control, with rapid response andshort history span of 1 or 2 days. Typically processdata is made available across the business networkthrough a Process Data Historian. The ICMS Server isoptimized for the slower but more extensivecorrosion related data and analysis. Data exchangebetween the two servers is usually accomplishedthrough Modbus, OPC, or through a driver to a PIProcess Data Historian.ICMS Coupon Entry ScreenMetal Loss GraphWith the present practice of separating the processnetwork from the business network with a firewallto protect the process control system, it is mostcommon for the Corrosion Server to be located onthe business network, since the corrosion analystsare normally on the business network, andoperators also have access to that network.Derivative process parameters and Key PerformanceIndicators (KPI’s) can be easily created in the ICMSSystem with the extremely powerful and easy-touse Calculation Designer, avoiding customprogramming. Cost information can be added tothe system so that financial parameters can betracked, such as the cost of inhibitor per barrel andthe inhibitor usage to compute the cost of corrosionmitigation.Calculation Designer

Cosasco Data Online SoftwareThe Corrosion Monitoring server is commonly mounted in a19" rack in an equipment room adjacent to the plantcentral control room along with the DCS and SCADAservers.The server uses Microsoft SQL Server as its databaseproviding client/server operation to users over thenetwork.Designed by corrosion engineers for corrosion engineers,the program has extensive capabilities. Some of its manyfeatures are as follows:E002D008uu/y40-CM-237uu/y30-CM-134 Extensive Powerful Graphical Data DisplaysCorrelation Graphical DisplaysExtensive Hardware input optionsBuilt-in Corrosion Coupon CalculatorExcel Import and Export FunctionsEasy Interfacing with DCS and SCADA SystemsMultiple Database Exchange optionsMulti-Level AlarmsBuilt-In Standard ReportsCustom Report GeneratorBuilt-in powerful Calculator for easy set up ofKPI’sLog book for related data storage and linkageLog book links to graphical displaysLogbook Search FunctionProperties Function for point related informationPowerful Properties Search ToolCosasco Remote SupportThe power of the ICMS system is the potential return oninvestment that it came help you achieve. A recentcustomer had installed ICMS systems at three of their maingas processing plants. They had initially made significantsavings in the plant operation that had paid for the systemin the first 12 months. Later at one of the plants,management was becoming concerned with graduallyincreasing corrosion rates that were becoming major plantreplacement and re-investment issues. A concerted studyand analysis of the system was undertaken with the ICMSsystem over a 6 month period. The results of the findingsfrom this study show that they will save an estimated 50million per year when the findings are implemented at all oftheir 11 D061uu/y40-CM-144uu/y40-CM-145FlareWater Injection PlantTypical Mimic DiagramsSample Standard Built-in ReportCosasco also provides remote access and support for itssystems, typically over the internet through the client’ssecure VPN network. Security is a major concern for ITdepartments of all corporations these days. Through a VPNconnection to our secure maintenance server, we provide amaintenance contract that provides the client with rapidsupport and assistance with data interpretation or systemmaintenance questions. As staffing levels get lower andless experienced staff are available, the comfort andsecurity of system support is essential.Excel Import and Export Functions

Communication OptionsThere are many communication options available. It is amatter of selecting the best for the existing system.Cosasco can work with you to choose the most convenientand economical choice. The following options are available: Hardwireo RS-485 Multi-Drop - A single cable may be usedto connect up to 32 transmitters (Microcor, LPR,or Erosion) with a single cable run Fibre Optic (Single or Multimode) Ethernet TCP/IP or OPC Modbus WirelessHART or ISA100 Wireless Radio Cellular/Lease Line/GSM Any other or existing transparent networkLogbookCosasco Design Service and SupportEvery system will vary according to the application, and theinfrastructure already in place.With networks andcommunications becoming more complex, it is difficult forcorrosion specialist to be familiar with interfacing anycorrosion monitoring system with the existingcommunications equipment and IT policies andrequirements. Cosasco is happy to work with you anddirectly assist with your communications and ITdepartments to help analyze your best solutions and makeeasier the system design process.Cosasco can provide this support from the initial design andspecification stages through implementation andsubsequent operation. Throughout our long history as theoriginators of this field monitoring systems we have earneda reputation for reliable performance and the commitmentto follow the equipment into its successful fieldimplementation, a service and support unmatched in any ofour competitors.Properties ScreenContact us for further assistance and remote access to ademonstration system at our California Headquarters overan internet link.The above system elements are representative of typical on-line Corrosion Monitoring Systems. Each system is unique and can bedesigned to meet individual project specifications. For further information on the ICMS system and detailed ordering informationcontact Cosasco Customer Service Department at sales@cosasco.com.Cosasco11841 Smith AvenueSanta Fe Springs, CA 90670, USATel: 1-562-949-0123Email: sales@cosasco.comWeb Site: www.cosasco.comICMS-DS rev-BRev. Date: 07/16/2018 Rohrback Cosasco Systems, Inc. All rights reservedThe contents of this publication are presented for information purposes only, and while effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, theyare not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described wherein or their use orapplicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of our products at any time without notice.

The ICMS system corrosion management server is the heart of the corrosion or erosion monitoring system, integrating several forms of corrosion monitoring and process data into one complete online system. Corrosion and erosion monitoring is managed as a process parameter with constant streaming data directly into your preferred system interface.

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