The Product Overview - Abus Kransysteme

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The Product OverviewOverhead travelling cranesHB light crane systemsJib cranesElectric wire rope hoistsElectric chain hoistsLightweight mobile gantries

ABUS contents The Product Over view. E V E R Y T H I N G A C C O R D I N G T O YO U R W I S H E SA BUS elec tr ic chain hoist s26WE MOVE2. H E AV Y L O A D S W I T H E A S E A L L O W S F L E X I B L E A N D I N D I V I D UA L P L A N N I N GA BUS mobile gantr y cr aneA BUS monor ail tr ack3032. L O A D S O F U P T O 120 T O N N E S. W I T H C R A NE S TA IL O R E D T O YO U R A P P L I C AT I O N ABUS OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT. F O R WA R D S T H R O U G H I N T E L L I G E N C EA BUS over head tr avelling cr anesA BUS light cr ane s y stemsA BUS acces sor ies r angeModul ar cr ane control483436. F R O M A T O B A N D B A C K A G A I N. W I T H T I R E L E S S S T R E N G T H. M O R E T H A N J U S T L O A D S! FA S C I N AT I N G I N S I G H T SA BUS jib cr anesA BUS elec tr ic w ire rope hoist sS er v ice and install ation wor kA BUS K r anHaus142038423 3

ABUS overhead travelling cranes The Product Over viewA BUS over head tr avelling cr anesTHE SOLUTIONFOR DIFFICULTTASKSABUS overhead travelling cranes can lift,handle and lower loads of up to 120 tonnes.Five main types are available: these include single girder travelling cranes, double girder travelling cranes for heavy-duty work and wide spans and underslungoverhead travelling cranes for buildingswith special conditions. The fourth maintype is the wall travelling crane whilst thefifth is the single girder semi-goliathcrane, installed on a separate crane trackbeneath the other types in order to optimise material handling.single girder travelling cranes double girder travelling cranesunderslung overhead travelling cranes wall travelling crane semi-goliath cranesAT A G L A N C ELoad capacityup to120 t4Spanup to42 mmainly for area-coveragematerial handling withinbuildingscomprehensive standardand optional equipment tosuit individual applications------5

ABUS overhead travelling cranes The Product Over viewOVERHEAD TRAVELLING CRANESABUS single girder overheadtravelling cranesABUS wall travelling crane (EWL)Load capacity: up to 16 tSpan: up to 12 mLoad capacity: up to 5 tSpan: up to 39 m installed on its own track(depending on load capacity)beneath other types of overheadELV/ELK: w ith monorail hoistELS:travelling cranewith side-mounted hoist ideal for use as a workplacecrane ser ving severalwork stations wide range of connection variants foroptimum adaptation to local conditions ver y high hook positions possibleABUS double girder overheadtravelling cranesABUS single girder semi-goliathcrane (box girder) EHPKLoad capacity: up to 120 tLoad capacity: up to 10 tSpan: up to 42 mSpan: up to 15 m(depending on load capacity)(depending on load capacity)ZLK: w ith welded box girder and crab unit installed on its own track Larger load capacities, spansbeneath other types of overheadand hook paths possibletravelling crane Extended range for higher ideal for use as a workplacecrane ratingscrane ser ving severalwork stationsABUS underslung overheadtravelling cranesFurther product details and a quote request available online elling-cranesLoad capacity: up to 8 tSpan: up to 25 m(depending on load capacity)DLVM: for lighter loadsEDL: for heavier loads crane track mounted on ceiling t he ideal solution for buildings withdifficult or tight conditions short side approach dimensions, allowingoptimum utilization of building width67

ABUS light crane systems The Product Over viewA BUS light cr ane s ystemsYOU CAN ALWAYSEXTEND A REALLYSMART SYSTEM.ABUS HB is a modular system which allowsyou to build up a complete tailor-made material handling solution to suit your requirements. The system can be adapted to theconditions and dimensions of almost anyapplication and reliably mounted on a widevariety of different ceilings. The main advantage of an ABUS HB system is that it caneasily be extended and adapted at any time,allowing it to grow with your business.monorail double rail system single girder crane EHBstooled-up single girder crane EHB-X d o u b l e g i r d e r c r a n e Z H B s to o l e d - u p d o u b l e g i r d e r c r a n e Z H B -Xdouble girder crane ZHB-3 single girder crane EHB-I double girder crane ZHB-IAT A G L A N C ELoad capacityup to2t8Flexible modular principlefor individual solutionsflexible--For the lifting ofloads up to 2 tSelect from strong steelprofiles and lightaluminium profiles –can also be combinedProfile lengths independentof suspension points---------9

ABUS light crane systems The Product Over viewABUS LIGHT CRANE SYSTEMSABUS monorailABUS EHB single girder craneFor linear point-to-point coverageFor area coverageLoad capacity: up to 2 tLoad capacity: up to 1.25 tCrane girder length: up to 10 m(depending on load capacity) l ow headroom wide suspension spacing optional electric cross travel ver y light crane; ideal for use inlightweight buildings easy to move manually low headroom short end approach dimensions wide suspension spacingABUS double rail systemFor linear point-to-point coverageLoad capacity: up to 2 tABUS EHB-X stooled-upsingle girder craneFor area coverageLoad capacity: up to 1 t wide suspension spacingCrane girder length: up to 8 m chain hoist installed between(depending on load capacity)rails for improved lift height optional electric cross travel optional mobile control stooled up crane for optimumuse of available space easy to move manually ultra low headroom short end approach dimensions wide suspension spacing optional electric long cross travel optional mobile control1011

ABUS light crane systems The Product Over viewABUS LIGHT CRANE SYSTEMSABUS ZHB double girder craneABUS single girder rolling beamcrane system EHB-IFor area coverageLoad capacity: up to 2 tFor area coverageCrane girder length: up to 12 mLoad capacity: up to 1 t(depending on load capacity)Crane girder length: up to 10 m(depending on load capacity) chain hoist installed between cranegirders for improved lift height Ver y low self weight, ideal for ver y low headroomlightweight construction buildings optional electric long cross travel easy to move manually optional mobile control standard ’I’ beams utilised asdownshop track beams favourable approach dimensionsABUS ZHB-X stooled-updouble girder craneABUS double girder rollingbeam crane system ZHB-IFor area coverageFor area coverageLoad capacity: up to 2 tLoad capacity: up to 2 tCrane girder length: up to 8 mCrane girder length: up to 12 m(depending on load capacity)(depending on load capacity) High load capacity stooled up crane for optimum use Particularly favourable hook heights dueof available spaceto the arrangement of the chain hoist ultra low headroomstooled up between the crane beams wide maximum suspension spacing standard ’I’ beams utilised as optional electric long cross traveldownshop track beams optional mobile control Electrically powered motions (Option)ABUS ZHB-3 double girder craneFor area coverageLoad capacity: up to 1.6 tCrane girder length: up to 22 m Mobile pendant controller (Option)Further product details and a quote request available online pending on load capacity) long crane spans possible l ower headroom compared with EOT wide suspension spacing electric long cross travel optional mobile control1213

ABUS jib cranes The Product OverviewA BUS jib cr anesA SOUND BASIS‚FOR EFFICIENTMATERIAL HANDLING.ABUS jib cranes are extremely versatileunits which can easily be adapted to thecustomer’s specific requirements. Forexample, jib cranes can be mounted onfloors, walls or existing supports. Electricwire rope or chain hoists are available asoptions, as are electric cross travel andelectric slewing gear.pillar jib crane LSX pillar jib crane LS pillar jib crane VSwall jib crane LW X wall jib crane LW wall jib crane V WAT A G L A N C Eswept area coverageLoad capacityup to6,3 t14MaximumRadius10 m---can be installed in anyposition, slewing rangeup to 360 , dependingon model---15

ABUS jib cranes The Product OverviewABUS JIB CRANESABUS LS pillar jib craneABUS LSX pillar jib craneLoad capacity: up to 1 tLoad capacity: up to 0.5 tJib length: up to 7 mJib length: up to 7 m(depending on load capacity)(depending on load capacity) light self weight; can be installed even if smooth-running jib for easy manualfloor or foundation conditions are difficultoperation allmost effortless push trolley travel optimal highest hook position optional electric cross travelABUS LW wall jib craneABUS LWX wall jib craneLoad capacity: up to 1 tLoad capacity: up to 0.5 tJib length: up to 7 mJib length: up to 7 m(depending on load capacity)(depending on load capacity) relatively light weight; can also be smooth-running jib for easy manualinstalled in lightweight buildings trolley very easy to move by handoperation optimal highest hook position optional electric cross travel1617

ABUS jib cranes The Product OverviewABUS JIB CRANESABUS VS pillar jib cranewith electric chain hoistABUS VS pillar jib cranewith electric wire rope hoistLoad capacity: up to 4 tLoad capacity: up to 6.3 tJib length: up to 10 mJib length: up to 10 m(depending on load capacity)(depending on load capacity) low headroom offers optimal highest hook low headroom offers optimal highest hookpositionposition optional electric slewing gear electric slewing gear optional electric cross travel electric cross travel optional mobile control mobile controlABUS VW wall jib cranewith electric chain hoistABUS VW wall jib cranewith electric wire rope hoistLoad capacity: up to 4 tLoad capacity: up to 5 tJib length: up to 10 mJib length: up to 10 m(depending on load capacity)(depending on load capacity) low headroom offers optimal highest hook low headroom offers optimal highest hookpositionposition optional electric slewing gear electric slewing gear optional electric cross travel electric cross travel optional mobile control mobile controlFurther product details and a quote request available online 9

ABUS electric wire rope hoists The Product Over viewA BUS elec tr ic w ire rope hoist sFOR SENSITIVEHANDLING OFHEAVY LOADS.ABUS electric wire rope hoists are thecentral components of crane systems forhandling heavy loads. They feature motors, brakes, transmissions and electricaland electronic systems that have all beentried and tested over many years of arduous service. Standard precision travel andlifting speeds allow the power and speedavailable to be gauged precisely. ABUSelectric wire rope hoists are also extremely user friendly, featuring compactdesign, very easy maintenance and easyplug-in connectors.Modular wire rope hoist monorail hoist type E side-mounted hoist type Smonorail hoist type U crab unit type D stooled-down crab unit type DQ Atwin hoist crab unit type Z stooled-down crab unit type DAAT A G L A N C ELoad capacityup to120 tservicefriendlyHighest quality due to themost modern seriesproduction--Compact design andoptimal ser vice friendliness---20Flexible load capacityspectrum from 1 to 120 t--Precision hoist andtravel speed as standardAdditional systemcomponents for specialapplications------21

ABUS electric wire rope hoists The Product Over viewABUS ELECTRIC WIRE ROPE HOISTSFOR SINGLE GIRDER TRAVELLING CRANESModular wire rope hoistType S · Side-mounted trolleyLoad capacity: up to 5 tLoad capacity: up to 10 t Modular design reeving beside crane bridge for optimum Lateral guide rollers for wear reductionmaximum hook heighton both trolley wheels and crane girder Integrated matrix display for loadand status indicationType E · monorail trolleyType U · Lower flange trolleyLoad capacity: up to 16 tLoad capacity: up to 25 t compact design can be used on a monorail track two direct-driven trolleys withoutopen gears trolley can be adapted to differentflange widths Also for use with monorail systems madewith normal rolled section girders direct-driven trolleys with fourdirect drives 8 wheel end carriages for reducedwheel loadsfrom standard rolled section beams2223

ABUS electric wire rope hoists The Product Over viewABUS ELECTRIC WIRE ROPE HOISTSFOR DOUBLE GIRDER TRAVELLING CRANESType D · Standard Crab UnitType Z · Twin Drive Crab UnitLoad capacity: up to 63 tLoad capacity: up to 120 t articulated end carriage connection for with twin hoistfirm four-wheel contact articulated end carriage connection for two direct drives without open gearsfirm four-wheel contactfor crab frame trolley two direct drives without open gearsfor crab frame trolleyType DA · Low headroom crab unitLoad capacity: up to 40 tType ZA · Low headroom crab unitLoad capacity: up to 80 t Stooled-down for minimal headroomdimensions For use where very little space is Stooled-down for minimal headroomavailable above the cranedimensions articulated end carriage connection for For use where very little spacefirm four-wheel contactis available above the crane two direct drives without open gears articulated end carriage connectionfor crab frame trolleyfor firm four-wheel contact two direct drives without open gearsfor crab frame trolleyType DQA · Stooled-down crab unitturned through 90ºLoad capacity: up to 40 t Stooled-down for minimal headroomdimensions articulated end carriage connectionFurther product details and a quote request available online stsfor firm four-wheel contact two direct drives without open gearsfor crab frame trolley Cable drum axle in cross travel direction2425

ABUS electric chain hoists The Product Over viewA BUS elec tr ic chain hoist sRELIABLE LINKSIN THE MATERIALHANDLING CHAIN.In stationary installations, with push trolleys or electric trolleys, ABUS electricchain hoists have a number of extremelyuseful, user-oriented advantages. Theseinclude a very low headroom design foroptimum utilisation of available space, astandard precision lifting speed for sensitive lifting and lowering operations andbrake linings with a long service life. Under normal conditions, the unit can complete 1 million full-load braking operations before adjustment is required.ABUCompact GMC ABUCompact GM2 ABUCompact GM4ABUCompact GM6 ABUCompact GM8AT A G L A N C ELoad capacityup to4t26compactlow headroomready for installation------dual lifting speedsas standard featurecomprehensive standardand optional equipment------27

ABUS electric chain hoists The Product Over viewABUS ELECTRIC CHAIN HOISTSABUS electric chain hoistsABUCompact GMCABUS electric chain hoistsABUCompact GM6Load capacity: up to 200 kgLoad capacity: up to 2500 kgLifting speed: up to 12 m / minLifting speed: up to 16 m / min with ABUCommander push button with ABUCommander push buttonpendant as standard equipmentpendant as standard equipment can be connected to 230 V power 2 lifting speeds as standard featuresocket (single phase) infinitely variable lifting speed hook path: 3/6/10/20 m weight: approx. 10 kg respectively 12 kgABUS electric chain hoistsABUCompact GM2ABUS electric chain hoistsABUCompact GM8Load capacity: up to 630 kgLifting speed: up to 20 m / minLoad capacity: up to 4000 kgLifting speed: up to 20 m / min with ABUCommander push buttonpendant as standard equipment 2 lifting speeds as standard feature with ABUCommander push buttonpendant as standard equipment 2 lifting speeds as standard featureABUS electric chain hoistsABUCompact GM4Load capacity: up to 1250 kgLifting speed: up to 20 m / min with ABUCommander push buttonpendant as standard equipmentFurther product details and a quote request available online n-hoists 2 lifting speeds as standard feature2829

ABUS lightweight mobile gantries The Product Over viewA BUS light weight mobile gantr iesTAKE ITWHERE YOUNEED IT.With the ABUS lightweight mobile gantry, you can mobilize the lifting power ofan ABUS electric chain hoist. The crane isdesigned for loads up to two tonnes andfeatures four steerable stop rollers foreasy handling. Lifting power is alwaysavailable where you need it. Depending onthe load capacity required, the maximumoverall width is up to 7.9 m and the maximum overall height up to 5 m. If necessary, the ABUS lightweight mobile gantryis also easy to dismantle.AT A G L A N C ELoad capacityup to2tUniversally applicable dueto absolute mobilitymobile--Can be easily disassembledif necessar y---Use of almost all ABUSchain hoist types ispossible---With four steerable stopperrollers---Complete craneincl. chain hoist viaquick-fit connections---3031

ABUS monorail track The Product Over viewA BUS monor ail tr ackSOLUTIONS FOR A LINEARPOINT-TO-POINT MOVEMENT OF LARGE LOADSABUS monorail tracks are the ideal solution for those applications where a linearmaterial flow is needed. Application-specific options for fixing the system onto existing ceiling constructions or portal supports fixed on the floor allow optimisedsolutions for the transport of loads. ABUSelectric chain hoists with a push-pull ora powered trolley are used for load capacities up to 4 t. ABUS electric wire ropehoists type E are used for larger load capacities. Thanks to an extensive range ofstandard and optional equipment, such asthe ABUS radio remote control system,loads can be moved in an easier and moreflexible manner.AT A G L A N C ELoad capacityup to16 t32linearpoint-to-pointtransportallows flexible andindividual planningextensive standard andoptional equipment------many options for fixing---33

ABUS accessories The Product Over viewANYTHING ELSE YOU NEED?THE ABUS ACCESSORIES RANGE.Calibrated hook block scaleWith the accessories in the ABUS range, you can tailor anKnowing what is hanging on the hook is important for manyABUS crane to meet your specific requirements. The equip-crane operators: weighing goods and invoicing them toment available, ranging from energy chains and radio remotecustomers, loading trucks, charging production plants withcontrols to lighting and load measurement systems, should beweighed material, complying with safety regulations for loadssufficient to meet all your needs.or determining the weight of containers - the ABUS hook blockscale is often the cost effective solution.Radio remote controlgives crane operators greater freedom of movement, allowingthem to choose the position which gives the best view of theirworking area and effectively saving time. ABUS offers radioremote controls with joystick or compact push-button handheld transmitter. ABUS radio remote controls are also suitablefor multiuser operation, with parallel access to several cranes.The ABUS tandem control system allows the crane operator toIt is a digital commercial scale of accuracy class III with CEapproval from the National Metrology Institute of Germany. Thecrane scale is calibrated and delivered ready for operation. Theweighing electronics consist of modern Surface Mount Devicetechnology in a robust industrial design. The weighing moduleintegrates optimally into the bottom block of ABUS wire ropehoists.Additional power socket on hoistcontrol two electrically coupled travelling cranes at the sameThis option includes an additional 5-pole (3/N/PE) powertime. Ideally, the ABUS radio remote control system should besocket on the hoist for ancillary equipment. The socket isused in combination with the tandem control system. With thisconnected upstream from the emergency stop switch and thecontrol configuration, two crane operators can control the twoancillary equipment therefore remains in operation followingcranes separately, or one operator can control both cranes,an emergency stop. Easy connection and disconnection iseither separately or together.possible. Depending on the individual application, it may beReduced load swing motion sequences with twostage operationFor those wanting to optimally transport sensitive goods orlarge loads, ABUS is expanding its pole-switchable system withnecessary to provide a 5-pole power supply. (This option is onlyavailable in combination without electric trolley travel and withdirect control).ABUS cross-type limit switchesthe AZS soft start device and the SU-2 smooth switching relay.limit long travel and cross travel, automatically slowing orWith these electronic assemblies, the crane operator can usestopping the crane or the hoist at the end of the track. Thesethe adjustable acceleration behaviour of the device as well aslimit switches may also be applied for crane zoning if it isthe improved deceleration characteristics for gentle controlnecessary to divert a hoist on a crane around a prohibited area.of the long and cross travel as an alternative to the frequencyThe switch is operated by a switching lug installed on the craneconverter.track or on the crane bridge.LED Matrix displaywith three different digit sizes from 60 mm to 180 mm, digits,letters as well as special characters can be generated up toa reading distance of approx. 80 m. Due to the small spacerequirement, variable mounting positions on the crane arepossible. Status displays of the crane as well as scrolling textcan also be implemented with this display.Further possible options are available on ourwebsite. Or simply contact us.3435

ABUS accessories The Product Over viewABUCONTROL:LIFTS CRANES TO A NEW LEVELABUS cranes with control via ABUControlOperating data, settings, service information. Thanks to thecan be adapted to your application by themodern KranOS interface, you can keep tabs on the crane. Formeans of travel profiles. Cranes with two fixedwireless use with any laptop or tablet with browser. Speedingspeeds move in a completely different wayup regular annual inspections into the cranes controlled by frequency converter,for example. Travel and hoist profiles allowcranes to be adapted to your current orrequired situation. This eliminates the needfor your crane operators to adjust existingcranes, making them more likely to feel theincreased productivity from the additionalcrane system.ABUControl relies on tried-and-tested freely availableThe ABUS sway control increases safety andcomponents from renowned electronics manufacturers.convenience during transportation of goodsReplacement or repair requires neither ‘specialist knowledge’in sensitive areas. Sway control is basednor ‘software licences’. You remain in complete control of theon mathematical calculations. Travel speeds,crane at all times and have a free choice of service partner.acceleration and deceleration of crane andABUControl - a unique promise for simple maintenance andhoist, the hook position and length of the loadrepairs.lifting attachment are taken into account.Even people who rarely operate cranes cantransport loads safely with the aid of the swaycontrol feature.The ABUS synchronisation control of twohoists on one crane makes the safe handlingof long products possible. Divergence oflifting speeds is prevented effectively throughconstant regulation even where different wirerope hoists are used. This requires the craneto be equipped with a frequency converterfor lifting. Travel speeds are regulated evenon cranes which run in tandem. Two cranes,maximum of four hoists and their hoistingmotions, all regulated.3637

ABUS Service The Product Over viewGOOD DESIGN IS A MATTER OF DETAIL.GOOD SERVICE TOO.ABUS SERVICE IS A STANDARDFEATURE OF ABUS QUALITY.Comprehensive advice, consistently applied, lays a solid foundesign team uses a continuous database for all stages frominitial stocktaking through to planning and design. The resultis a proposal with full technical documentation precisely inaccordance with your requirements. Our proposals form areliable basis for your decision to purchase a modern, highperformance indoor crane system.The ABUS all-inclusive service package offers greater safety267and helps save costs. Apart from regular servicing, the pack-50tbo FX 15.03.2019ge r.:An bot-N ach, 15151194 3964223ge ersb50 2-37An7m91 o502650tGum de9 73eb91 .com FX 1519 4ng73unAerr r.:K9 bht-N.03.20lie 4 @bol., 15Te xchge94cuusrocersba1511ha964Fa l.bAnmm m k352-33danie Gu amic 91-25029 72.deSt e ttr 9 7337-1502-3meKundUS91 systes Po 4 617337anr.comenl. 9 22AB mTe961 -kr 4 9 422 liebusherCle Fax 4roccu@@abchl.tung 0267sbaTe xdaniel.b ttrickmerreaus 155· 51mh62.:rt FX01 GumFa ns.povet-Nr01am· 5163.205 19meeboSt1062ks01cle Angttrichh,ck15.0er sbac37-23n 9stfabHh 10WABUSgemernschPo 2261151mtfac-12· Poin194· PosGumUSmeKo 49 47 61bHbHbH Gch37 r:Clesys 4Gm nGm-396ABGm15ranes22nedegenseme502me1 rts-keninsystfo l. fach 49auhTesteabu-3723AlKunersbac 49on 739k@pansy S KranEhingGumm1 rt50258 ngk Eh cuchKra ABUTel.Fastx 6 D.pottricPocure73962 · 51601USkerr.comoc erkWererr15ens 4932etuABsp ocBr-W l Brocau) · Postfach 10 01clem6Faxrr- bh1 rtr8578veSt iebheAn ncu@liel Dahe LieGmbHeonrksau)61nieystem9 77 1 35 2821an rr13(D61danieIhr l.brocio WeKransn13Lieb r DHe(Dongen Gm bH 4 chhABUS ac9 77 us1 nMarUSchABmhaEhinstfingeEhingenKoHer stfaPo 4l.17gerks47 t-onliEh 2-WeonxStamTeS159rickcu@schin r:h 4Po 58289AlfABU58herrLiebuechacil Pott35iel BrocFastfnaKo 37-2neens89PoDoV.ob6 -W12261hpart 29Herr Danch ClemM15 49h 136 (Donau)rec 1 ke37-1ertUS sp226naTel.78 ABAnPostfac58me.dsystew. 49 StocEhingenu-kran1 32n abusFaxIhr riottrick@ba89582g bz9 77 1 3585 216ns.poittel 4Mauncleme l.77 2128gsmKlär 49 17etunTe1m.triebine.dex ksvertrFaBeS Wer 49 @t-onlud kf3,lbabil hV.Kochunnach ABU MoKoctteden.-W 7bsmibzw.ssenAlfonsABUSäuch ngh 154 schingenderung19 Betrie te ruGebPostfacot,. 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BiterrrewirergeHdarmwHn wg be te mra licheForiteserV-, Mobeien, nfrtebreuncktertigiteun um sererkaufs .deIhre.aucheh Broccure A hrift unterselage stäunn VezurnegeIhgedruscmernet e Dok ininegesennd gstebeHerr für rer . Gerneruftrahrt, ddeswir auch insysteerkSe rterInGes tnmese geenAngeboch un-kranenf Aurer ie di AllargegeehehunschauDan unäufigesefonisAnfra ftlichse Ssererhp w.abus fstWlgten ungeSehrer vorltelmm1 Gu60ersbachIhr schrifo f unn prec wwauuse.d unsfürhroteslte unng viel füerHahenntenseite meebhage Aetshstedlaus serer ot ie aurfüguDanknacremunerSehren.dingungA uncu, eb S Gr hkuAng n senVeurbeDoIntreernitens Ihnewirvielen hrungin unIhrerAng det nauf dlicrer IhReparatreHerr BrocdieseseungrbreSiener bedarf. wir zuolg stänseunte- undan SieAursfüerffinDast segeehrtef unneunartntätigwendenarfenMontageerGeraubobese hpln10939 416result in additional cost. In addition, early diagnosis and reg-AB-24ersbH mm 61 37Gm Gu 22 .deme 647 49 me .dexsyste D-51 Fa syste meKran g 1 37-0 -kran systeus anUS weAB nnen 9 2261 h ab us-kro@ abbacSo l. 4 ersinfbH247mmil: 37-w.Gm Te7 Gu Ma2261 wwsteme 49eb:me.densy D-5164 Ee Fax WsteS Kra 1 ABU nenweg 1 37-0 -kransy steme.dSon 49 226 @abus -kransy.Tel ail: info w.abuswwE-MVN30VNAVNA 30W eb:chersbae GmbH7ystemGumm37-24Krans D-51647 49 FaxSonnenwe2261 37-0 kransysteme.deTel. 49 info@abus- kransystemE-Mail: www.abusW eb:Geschäthan 50 countries Express spare parts deliveryular maintenance by trained ABUS service staff systematicallyimprove the availability of your crane system. ABUS serviceSeardkh, MibeBuite: 1/8ehnl Büaech5BitteB Kö 57rec. Ectv. Bedalt ragsgeAnfrageDien Siestehe kaufs-,DrHR 811bs chForm.i erhAuftAnsprache,s AnIhreinen Ver meIhrenchsp/8schränr BüAllgDank eseererchansysteregh in gedthaerer An: 1.:elsh beivielen ungDiuns tverstsidarf ane Duruns.abus-kr nsch auce aucnd D.Nrge unseres: LoSeitedindlahererSelbsbei Be Gruauf Wu se.Ausführseite wwwund gern HaUSt.-Ifühauf Für racßftsInternet DokumerunteHaufonischsich lgtspn.häererG eremscunsrchebot erfong - telem bHdieseIhneGeDurmin unsDas Ang en Sier aufeGr Verfügudieerhalten Sie hpartnehefind Fü chnezu Ihreprec dlic stemDiesel Bühen wiren.Ihren Ansunrständlihaesy91Ihnan390antes stehe, MicSelbstve Bedarfit freeboKöln 164BubußKrdMAngBbeiGr575SharHRbHsichEckunseresem Uer: DE 811Dr.gistrache dlich AB e Gmne,delsre .:BühtemDurchsp t freun.NrHanharsysdieLott.-IDMianFürUSer:Krch 7USftsführbaIhnen.GrußndlichemGm bHMit freuemeKransystABUS ABUS representatives in moreage includes a number of other services which would normallybotAngeA 30dation for the design of any crane system. Our computer-aidedpackages are also available for cranes and hoists produced byother companies.1/8Seite:eKöln 39091el Bühn: HRB575 164, MichaDE 811rd BubeEckhae, Dr.r BühnLothaührer:gisterHandelsre .:USt.-ID.NrGeschäftsfComprehensive and reliable:each proposal includes thoroughlyprepared technical documentation.Precise and reliable right downto the last detail. Computer-aideddesign systems give a clear overview at all stages of the project.3839 pag

ABUS overhead travelling cranes ABUS overhead travelling cranes can lift, handle and lower loads of up to 120 tonnes. Five main types are available: these in-clude single girder travelling cranes, dou - ble girder travelling cranes for heavy-du-ty work and wide spans and underslung overhead travelling cranes for buildings with special conditions.

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processing - with ABUS jib cranes, the lifting is easier, more efficient and safer. ABUS Wall Jib Cranes Helping to ease the load Take a look at our brochure: P. 6/7 Quick overview/standard models P. 8-11 ABUS Jib cranes in detail P. 12/13 "Added value" solutions clearly explained P. 14-17 Jib cranes used by our customers

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Dr. Sunita Bharatwal** Dr. Pawan Garga*** Abstract Customer satisfaction is derived from thè functionalities and values, a product or Service can provide. The current study aims to segregate thè dimensions of ordine Service quality and gather insights on its impact on web shopping. The trends of purchases have

On an exceptional basis, Member States may request UNESCO to provide thé candidates with access to thé platform so they can complète thé form by themselves. Thèse requests must be addressed to esd rize unesco. or by 15 A ril 2021 UNESCO will provide thé nomineewith accessto thé platform via their émail address.

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