News from the Criminal Division1October 2018FROM THE OFFICE OFSUMMIT COUNTY PROSECUTORSHERRI BEVAN WALSHA Message From Prosecutor WalshDomestic Violence AwarenessOctober has its share ofobservances and awareness days.Thismonthlyawarenesscampaign began over 30 yearsago, but many victims still live infear and silence. Summit Countyoffers many resources to tionalAnimal Safety and ProtectionMonth, and even National PretzelMonth.However one observance, in myopinion, does not get as muchattention.October is DomesticAwareness Month.ViolenceAs a strong advocate for victims, Ibelieve we must do everything wecan to end the cycle of violence. Thatis why I am so proud to have ourDomestic Violence Unit.We created the unit in 2004. It iscomprisedofhighlytrainedprosecutors dedicated to assistingdomestic violence victims. Our officehandles approximately 300 intimatepartner felony domestic violencecases each year.Also, Summit County is the onlycounty in the state with a courtroomdedicatedtohandlingfelonydomestic violence cases. Offenders gothrough a thorough screening processto determine if they are eligible forthe intensive 52-week program. Theoverall goal is to prevent any futureacts of violence.The statistics can be overwhelming.On average, 24 people per minuteare victims of rape, physical violenceor stalking by an intimate partner inthe United States — more than 12million women and men over thecourse of a year.Domestic violence doesnotdiscriminate.People young and oldcan either be victims orwitnessdomesticviolence. In the in four women andone in seven men age18 and older have been the victim ofsevere physical violence by anintimate partner in their lifetime.Also, one in 15 children are exposedto intimate partner violence eachyear, with 90 percent actuallywitnessing the My office providescommunity education to highlightthe importance of prosecutingdomestic violence related crimes.You can help stop the cycle ofviolence.The Battered Women’s Shelter ofSummit and Medina Counties is agreat resource. The agency’s 24-hourcrisishotlineis888.395.HELP (4357)for Summit Countyand 877.414.1344 forMedina County.The agency alsooffers advice andresources on itsTwitter and Facebook accounts.Follow them at or @SummitMedinaBWS.As always, stay safe,Follow us on Twitter@ProsecutorWalsh
2News from the Criminal DivisionOctober 2018In The CommunitySeptember was a busy month for the Summit County Summit County Prosecutor’s Office employees were allProsecutor’s Office as employees worked hard to help keep over the county providing safety information for seniors.the community safe during Senior Safety AwarenessProsecutormonth.WalshspokeBut it wasn’t just seniors wewith members ofwere helping protect. About 45theNordoniapeople came out to JenningsHills AARP.Community Learning Center inThegroupAkron to our FREE Women’slearnedsafetySelf-Defense class.information andThose who attended learnedkey awarenesssimple techniques to help themtechniques to avoid becoming a victim.minimize their chances ofHudson was the scenebecoming a victim.of our most recentOur next FREE Women’s SelfSenior Safety Fair.Defense class is TuesdayClose to 50 peopleOctober 30 from 6p-8p at Tallmadge High School.gathered at the HudsonLibrary as SummitCounty Sheriff SteveBarry, Hudson PoliceChief Perry Tabak, andSummit County Assistant Prosecutor John Galonskiprovided safety information.We had a great time speaking with the Haven of Rest’sWomen’s Auxiliary group.John Galonski, who heads up our Civil Division, andAngela Walls-Alexander, who’s our Director ofCommunity Outreach, provided vital safety information toabout 70 women.Those in attendance learned the best ways to avoid phonescams—get an answering machine! If someone calls from anumber you don’t recognize, let the call go to theanswering machine. More often than not, the unknowncaller won’t leave a message. Plus, you won’t have toworry about speaking with someone who is looking to stealyour money.The Summit County Prosecutor’s Office also has awonderful, dedicated staff. We got a chance to celebrateall the hard work they do by holding the “Nacho-Ordinary”Employee Appreciation Luncheon.We had a great turnout as employees from the criminaldivision, civil division, and child support gathered in theatrium of the Ohio Building for a yummy lunch of tacos!The IRS won’t call you demanding payment through a giftcard. If someone calls claiming to be your grandchild, and Thank you to everyone who helped organize the event asasking for money, hang up. Then call your family to make well as Prosecutor’s Office employees who work hardsure everyone is ok.every day to make Summit County a better place to live.
3News from the Criminal DivisionAVERY’S CORNEROctober 2018Keeping The Community SafeI love September. Those hot summer days arebehind us. Pups like me love the cooler daysand cuddle under a blanket at night.And speaking ofcomfy places, Igot to hang outwith a special girl.GUILTY VERDICTSSeptember ors for obtaining convictions at trial.She’s had a toughtime recently. Ihope I was able tomake her visit better. She even got one of mystuffed animals!Jon BaumoelDan Sallerson (2)Ty GrahamJennie ShukiRick RaleyBrian StanoGREAT JOB PROSECUTORS!I also got to spend time with a new friend.That’s Magistrate Kandi O’Connor.I had to be in Magistrate O’Connor’s court fora special hearing.The humans say itwas a civil protectionorder. It soundedlike one human wasasking for help inkeeping a bad personaway from them.Tough ProsecutionsI made some more new friends. These arecadets at the University of Akron.They learned about what I do and how I helpcrime victims,especiallyyoung children.These defendants will be locked up for a lengthy periodof time thanks to our dedicated Assistant Prosecutors:Robert Hanford, 27 MurderLIFE IN PRISONAlbert Wade, 46 Felonious Assault7 YEARS IN PRISONTheywerereally nice. Iwishthemnothingbutthe best.Follow Avery II on Facebook elp Us Go Green!Contact Melanie Hart at to receive this newsletter by e-mail
4News from the Criminal DivisionOctober 2018Top CopAkron Police Officer Erik FendenheimNominated by Asst. Prosecutor Dan SallersonStrong police work comes in different ways. Theone common aspect is an unrelentingdetermination to find the truth. That is why Inominate Akron Police Officer Erik Fendenheim.Breaking up is hard to do—especially when thebreak up ends in a crime. And it’s not alwayseasy for police to find out what happened. Thistime it walked right up to an officer.In March of this year, Bryan Arnold went to hisex-girlfriend’s sister’s apartment to retrieve some personalitems. Both his ex-girlfriend and her sister were there. Afterputting the items in his car, Arnold was approached bythree men who assaulted him and took his stuff. Arnold’sex-girlfriend then helped the men put the stolen items inher car.As part of his investigation, Officer Fendenheimspoke with Danielle Mitchell’s sister, Jasmine,getting her to admit Danielle’s role in the crime.This made it very difficult for Jasmine to testifyon behalf of her sister.In addition to getting witness statements, OfficerFendenheim immediately started the process ofgetting surveillance video of the incident.Officer Fendenheim also did a phenomenal jobtestifying during the trial. His actions from beginning to endwere vital in securing a conviction.Danielle Mitchell was found guilty of robbery and wassentenced to two years in prison.As this month’s TOP COP, Officer Fendenheim receives aArnold walked to a nearby convenience store to call police. gift card to Lembo’s Italian Restaurant. Thank you Lembo’sOn the way, he was able to flag down a police cruiser. for your continued support of local law enforcement.Inside was Officer Fendenheim. After investigating, Arnold’sex-girlfriend, Danielle Mitchell, was arrested and charged Congratulations Officer Fendenheim!!!with robbery.BREAST CANCER AWARENESS FREE Self-Defense ClassOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. About one ineight women will develop invasive breast cancer some timeduring their life.Just this year anestimated 266,000new cases ofinvasivebreastcancer will bediagnosedinwomen in the U.S.Early detection is key to survival—and you may not have topay for a mammogram.To learn more about free breast cancer screenings call theOhio Department of Health Breast and Cervical CancerProject at 1.800.381.2489.Halloweenisrightaround the corner. Wehave the perfect thing tohelp keep those ghostsand goblins away.Come join us for ournext FREE Women’s SelfDefense class.We will be at TallmadgeHigh School on TuesdayOctober 30th from 6pmto 8pm. We have a greattime as people learn potentially life-saving techniques.Don’t forget to bring a friend for common sense tips tohelp people lessen their chances of becoming a victim.
5News from the Criminal DivisionOctober 2018Why I’m a ProsecutorElliot KolkovichThe Summit County Prosecutor’s Office has a newcampaign to help inform the public about what it’s like tobe a prosecutor. Each month, one ofour assistant prosecutors explains whythey chose to be a prosecutor.really a team atmosphere here as we all help each otherout.Going to school and wanting to be ajournalist ties in to being a prosecutorbecause it’s about accountability.What I saw in journalism was tryingto hold people in powerful positionsaccountable and what I see as aprosecutorisholding peopleaccountable for what they’ve done.This month Assistant Prosecutor ElliotKolkovich discusses the reasons whyhe is a prosecutor. WHY DID YOU BECOME APROSECUTOR?I’m a prosecutor because I like to bethere for people when they are going through their worsttimes. As a prosecutor we frequently meet with peopleright after they’ve become a victim of crime. This is a veryfragile time for them and I want to make sure they’retreated with the respect they deserve. WHAT’S THE BEST PART OF BEING APROSECUTOR?The best part about being a prosecutor is helping a victimthrough the worst time in their life. I also work with someof the most dedicated men and women I’ve ever met. It’sWHAT’STHEMOSTDIFFICULT PART OF BEING APROSECUTOR? The most difficult thing about being a prosecutor is thereare not always winners in your cases. You do your best inyour case as you try to bring justice for the victim, but Idon’t know if it ever feels really fulfilling for the victim. Ithink we try to make them at peace but that may notalways be possible.Elliot’s full “Why I’m a Prosecutor” video will soon be onour website, Facebook and YouTube page.Responding to the Needs of VictimsThe Summit County Prosecutor’s Office is relentless in its goal of helping victims of crime. Our Victim Advocates arepassionate about helping people through this difficult time.We are also passionate about training others in how to bestunderstand the unique needs of crime victims. Over 350 peopleattended our 3rd annual “Responding to the Needs of Victims”conference at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn.Thank you to presenters Tom Tremblay and Mark Wynn whoprovided incredible insight and information into the needs of crimevictims.We are already planning next year’s event and can’t wait to share thistraining with people who interact with victims of crime.Office of Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh53 University AvenueAkron, Ohio 44308
The Summit ounty Prosecutor's Office has a new campaign to help inform the public about what it's like to be a prosecutor. Each month, one of our assistant prosecutors explains why they chose to be a prosecutor. This month Assistant Prosecutor Elliot Kolkovich discusses the reasons why he is a prosecutor. prosecutor is holding people
IPAC web site Find Your Prosecutor page? The main Find Your Prosecutor page lists the name, contact information and web site (if any) for each county. It also links to a page for each prosecutor that has space for a photograph and biography. The public uses IPAC's Find Your Prosecutor pages to find out about their local prosecutor. In the 4th .
Assistant Prosecutor with the ivil Division and has worked with my office for over 14 years. Annie Spitali began her career in the hild Support Division in 1996 and is currently a hild Support Supervisor. And Heaven Guest has been with my office since 2003 and is currently an Appellate Prosecutor. Your awards are well deserved!
2013 Annual Report of Essex County Prosecutor's Office Executive Staff Left to right, first row: Acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn A. Murray, New Jersey Attorney General Jeffery S. Chiesa, First Assistant Prosecutor Robert D. Laurino. Second row: Chief Assistant Prosecutor Keith Harvest, Public Information Officer
the prosecutor has demonstrated actual bias or prejudice towards an accused, complainant or witness; ii) the prosecutor previously served as counsel for the other party, or . was a material witness in the prosecution; iii) the prosecutor, or a member of the prosecutor's family, has an interest in the outcome of the prosecution;
WALSH UNIVERSITY ---The Foundation Upon Which Our Division Is Built Walsh University's Mission is: Walsh University is an independent, coeducational, Catholic, liberal arts and sciences Institution. Founded by the Brothers of Christian Instruction, Walsh University is dedicated to educating its students to become
prosecutor's office should exercise sound discretion and independent judgment in the performance of the prosecution function. (b) The primary duty of the prosecutor is to seek justice within the bounds of the law, not merely to convict. The prosecutor serves the public interest and should act with integrity and balanced judgment to increase
Chief Assistant Prosecutor Chief, Civil Division 330-740-2330 3 Karen Gaglione Assistant Chief, Civil Division 330-740-2330 Mahoning County Prosecutor's Office 21 W. Boardman Street, 6th Floor, Youngstown, OH 44503 (T) 330-740-2330 (F) 330-740-2008 Website: prosecutor .
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