What is Yoga?Yoga is both a collection of techniques to endsuffering and the name of the state when onehas transcended suffering.Why do we suffer?1
Living Yoga“The postures are only the "skin" of yoga. Hiddenbehind them are the "flesh and blood" of breathcontrol and mental techniques that are still moredifficult to learn, as well as moral practices thatrequire a lifetime of consistent application andthat correspond to the skeletal structure of thebody. The higher practices of concentration,meditation and unitive ecstasy (samadhi) areanalogous to the circulatory and nervous system."Georg Feuerstein2
The 5 Afflictions, why unity is needed - KleshasWhy we suffer: - IgnoranceAsmita - False IdentificationRaga - AttachmentDvesa - AversionAbhini-vesha - Fear of Death3
AvidyaThere are known knowns. These arethings we know that we know. Thereare known unknowns. That is to say,there are things that we know wedon't know. But there are alsounknown unknowns. There arethings we don't know we don't know.Donald Rumsfeld4
Asmita“You are the sky.Everything else - It’s justthe weather”Pema Chodron5
Raga and Dvesa"But the disciplined (lower) Self,moving among sense-objects withsenses free from attraction andrepulsion and mastered by theHigher Self, goeth to Peace."Gita, II-646
Abhini-Vesha“Day after day countlesspeople die. Yet the living wishto live forever.”Yudhishthira (Quoted from the Gita)7
SamadhiRaja YogaSamnayasa YogaKarma YogaMantra YogaKriya YogaBhakti YogaJnana YogaHatha Yoga8
Raja Yoga Yoga of ControlFor the “true heros” of mindtrainingA practice to achieve controlover the mind and emotions todiscover the transcendentalreality.Swami Vivekananda10
Karma Yoga Yoga of SelfTranscending Action right work done well isa form of prayer.Act According toDharmaNon-attachmentMahatma Gandhi11
Bhakti Devotion - “the art of worship”Transcending emotionDualistic12
Jnana (gia-nna) Yoga Path of knowledge and self realizationThe” razor's edge”The most difficult path13
Hatha Yoga Forceful YogaDiamond BodySun and MoonKrishnamacharya14
Yoga Development: Important LiteratureHatha Yoga Hatha Yoga-PadipikaGherandha SamhitaYoga in General Bhagavad GitaVedasUpanishadsYoga Sutras15
Yoga citta vritti nirodahaYoga is the restraint of mentalmodifications16
Yamas - 8
Nyamas - a19
PranayamaModifications of the breathare either internal, externalor stopped; they are to beregulated by space, time andnumber and are either longor shortYoga Sutras 2.5021
PratyaharaThe bridge between the eternal aspects of Yoga (bahiranga) and the Internalaspects (antaranga) of Yoga22
Dharana“Dharana is the binding of the mind toone place, object or idea.” - Yoga Sutras III:1"Give me a fulcrum and I will move the Earth" - Archimedes23
DhyanaDhyana is contemplating, reflecting on whatever Dharana hasfocused on. Dhyana is non-judgmental, non-presumptuousobservation of that object.24
SamadhiA soundless state of breathlessness. A blissful superconscious state in which a yogi perceives the identity of theindividualized Soul and Cosmic Spirit. - Yogananda25
Two types of SamadhiKevala nirvikalpa samadhi - Just temporarySahaja nirvikalpa samadhi - a continuous state throughoutdaily activity.27
Svaroopa - pratishthaaResting in one’strue identity28
Hatha Yoga History and Philosophy29
TantraAs the hard boundaries that we normally drawaround ourselves dissolve, we feel more aliveand enter a world of greater experientialintensity. Relaxation and meditation replace ourordinary body image with an experience ofourselves as a fluid process that is connectedwith the larger, vibrant whole. In this experiencethe boundaries of the ego lose their rigidity.Georg Feuerstein30
Two centuries after the YS, anew current of religiousthought emerged in Buddhistand Hindu circles in SouthAsia. Scriptures called theTantras identifiedself-deification andsupernatural power as thegoals of religious life,employing “Yoga” as anoverarching term for theentire range of Tantricpractice. David Gordon WhiteThe Goddess Bhairavi Devi with Shiva. Attributed to Paytag. India. Mughal Dynasty, ca. 1630-35. The MetropolitanMuseum of Art31
The Emergence of Hatha YogaTime was when I despised thebody:But then I saw the God within.The body, I realized, is theLord’s temple;And so I began preserving itwith care infinite.ogarBh33
Matseyendra-nath8th to 10th centuryGuru of Goraksha34
Goraksha-nath8th to 11th CenturyCreator of Hatha Yoga35
The Union of the Sun and MoonThe ecstatic state of unity between subject andobject.UNION36
Yoga Development: Important LiteratureHatha Yoga Hatha Yoga-Padipika (mid 14th Century)Gherandha Samhita (Late 17th Century)Yoga in General Bhagavad GitaVedasUpanishadsYoga Sutras37
Purificatory Techniques6 Acts:6 aharaDhyanaSamadhiMuktiDhautiVasti or bastiNetiLauli or NauliTratakaKapala-bhati38
32 Postures listed/described in hujanga-asanayoga-asana39
Prana - Breathing Forth Pra Breathean toThe bridge between the mind and the bodyOur access to the Divine and also to our own autonomic processesThe currency of all Hatha Yoga Processes40
Not One but Three BodiesPhysical- What can be seen and is studied by medicineSubtle or Causal - Energetic (Spiritual)Cosmic - Means by which the individual relates to the Universe as a totalexperience. Realization leads to total liberation41
The NadisLittle River, conduit, channel, veinor arteryThe conveyors of life current orpranaHow many?The Kshurika-Upanishad and later theHathayogapradikpa claim there are 72,000 nadisOther figures have been proposed - 80,000(Trisikhibramanopanishad), 200,000, or 300,000 (e.g.Siva Samhita, Goraksha Sataka, Goraksha Paddhati)42
3 Main NadisSushumna - “most gracious”Ida - “comfort”Pingala - “tawny”43
Subtle Body Models44
The 5 Elements45
ChakrasPools of life energy, vibrating at different ratesIn the Hatha tradition there are 7, each with their own psychosomatic functions46
VayusVayuAreaFunctionPranaChest, HeadGoverns intake, inspiration, propulsion,forward momentumApanaPelvisSamanaNavelGoverns assimilation, discernment,inner absorption, consolidationUdanaThroatGoverns growth, speech, expression,ascension, upward movementVyanaWhole BodyGoverns circulation on all levels,expansiveness, pervasivenessGoverns Elimination, downward andoutward movement47
One should meditate onthe Udgitha as the vyana.That which one breathesout is the prana and thatwhich one breathes in isthe apana. That which is thejunction of the prana andthe apana is the Vyana. Thisvyana is speech. Thereforewhen one utters speechone stops the prana andthe apana.From the ChandogYa Upanishad,Chapter 348
“It is the teacher’s foremost duty to give you back yourintelligence, to return you to your heart, to encourage you toaccess yourself. They do this by being who they really are, andby being completely honest and compassionate with you. It isin such an environment of absolute truth and trust that wefind the actual process of yoga, one in which both the teacherand the student are honest about what they know and aresincerely willing to look at the processes of how they knowwhat they know”Richard Freeman, from theMirror of Yoga49
The Koshas or 5 Sheathsalso known as thePancha KoshaThe nature of being humanencompasses physical andpsychological aspects thatfunction as one holistic system.The Kosha system refers to thesedifferent aspects as layers ofsubjective experience. Layersrange from the dense physicalbody to the more subtle levels ofemotion, mind and spirit.Psychology refers to theemotional, mental and spiritualaspects of our being. Together, allaspects make up our subjectiveexperience of being alive50
“I found that the chief difficultyfor most people was to realizethey really heard newthings--that is, things that theyhad never heard before. Theyhad ceased to hope and believethat there might be anythingnew.”P.D. Ouspensky52
What is KarmaNot a system of reward and punishment.53
What is Dharma?“Whatever Karma brought you to this point, it is now your Dharma to deal with it. “54
“I have no work to do inall the worlds, Arjuna,for these are mine. Ihave nothing toobtain, because I haveit all, and yet I work”Krishna55
The GunasIt’s the gunas that make us believethe ego is the actor.56
Raja Yoga Samnayasa Yoga Karma Yoga Mantra Yoga Kriya Yoga Bhakti Yoga Jnana Yoga Hatha Yoga 8. 9. Raja Yoga . Pranayama Modifications of the breath are either internal, external . Asana 2. Mudra 3. Pratyahara 4. Dhyana 5. Samadhi 6. Mukti 6 Techniques: 1. Dhauti 2. Vasti or basti 3. Neti
lifestyle. The stigmathat yoga is a religion has faded and even pro sports team are . yoga estero fl yoga englewood fl yoga exercises yoga exercise video yoga equipment yoga everyday yoga east yoga essentials . yoga magazine yoga mat bag yoga mcdonough ga yoga masala columbia sc yoga meltdown yoga north park. 14 yoga nidra yoga near me yoga .
yoga. In the Bhagavadgita we find karma yoga, jnana yoga, karma sanyasa yoga, buddhi yoga and bhakti yoga. Mantra yoga involves continuous mental repetition of a mantra or some sacred syllable till the mind become completely absorbed in it. Japa yoga is a variation of mantra yoga. Sabda yoga
Asanas have the best effect? There is Iyengar Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vini Yoga etc. There are more than 600 Asanas in all these yoga types. To get the most benefit, stay safe, and find the greatest pleasure, you need to choose a yoga style
Ashtanga yoga (eight-fold yoga) or Raja yoga Bhakti yoga Karma yoga Jnana yoga Mantra yoga (note: there are many other types of yoga) Yoga* is the practical aspects of Vedic . Pranayama 3 Asana 2 Niyama 1 Yama 7 Dhyana 8 Samadhi. Title: Slide 1 Author: bhattc Created Date:
primary types of yoga include: Jnana yoga (the yoga of direct knowledge), Bhakti yoga (the yoga of devotion), Karma yoga (the yoga of action), and Raja yoga (the 'royal' path which includes Hatha, Tantra, Laya, Kundalini proper, and other forms of yoga). 6 A rinpoche is recognized as a reincarnated and accomplished teacher of Buddhism.
Jnana yoga were mentioned in Upanishad. [2] Classical Yoga period Patanjali’s yoga sutras were prominent in this period. It was the first systematic treatise of yoga which was written around the third century. Patanjali is considered as the father of yoga. Raja yoga was described in patanjali’s yoga sutras. [2] Post-Classical yoga period
There are many styles of yoga. The most popular are: Ashtanga Yoga—a fast-flowing, aerobic yoga workout. Iyengar Yoga—a strong, precise style of yoga for the fitness-conscious practitioner. Viniyoga Yoga—a gentler style with an emphasis on healing. Satyananda Yoga—a gentle style of traditional Hatha Yoga. Bikram Yoga—a scientifically designed, 26-pose series,
Spring Awakening [1891/1906]. Translated by Jonathan Franzen. Faber & Faber 2007. [on loan from NYU Berlin] o Oskar Kokoschka. Murderer, Hope of Women In: Plays and Poems [1907/1910. ]. Translated by Michael Mitchell. Ariadne Press 2001. pp. 21 – 28. [course reader] o David F. Kuhns. German Expressionist Theatre: The Actor and the Stage .