Using The Salesforce Adapter With Oracle Integration

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Oracle CloudUsing the Salesforce Adapter with OracleIntegrationE85419-45July 2022

Oracle Cloud Using the Salesforce Adapter with Oracle Integration,E85419-45Copyright 2017, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.Primary Author: Oracle CorporationThis software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions onuse and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in yourlicense agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license,transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverseengineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, isprohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. Ifyou find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it onbehalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs (including any operating system, integrated software,any programs embedded, installed or activated on delivered hardware, and modifications of such programs)and Oracle computer documentation or other Oracle data delivered to or accessed by U.S. Government endusers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial computer software documentation" pursuant to theapplicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use,reproduction, duplication, release, display, disclosure, modification, preparation of derivative works, and/oradaptation of i) Oracle programs (including any operating system, integrated software, any programsembedded, installed or activated on delivered hardware, and modifications of such programs), ii) Oraclecomputer documentation and/or iii) other Oracle data, is subject to the rights and limitations specified in thelicense contained in the applicable contract. The terms governing the U.S. Government’s use of Oracle cloudservices are defined by the applicable contract for such services. No other rights are granted to the U.S.Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications.It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications thatmay create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then youshall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure itssafe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of thissoftware or hardware in dangerous applications.Oracle, Java, and MySQL are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may betrademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Inside are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks areused under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Epyc,and the AMD logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registeredtrademark of The Open Group.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products,and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expresslydisclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwiseset forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not beresponsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content,products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle.

ContentsPreface12AudienceviDocumentation AccessibilityviDiversity and InclusionviiRelated ResourcesviiConventionsviiUnderstand the Salesforce AdapterSalesforce Adapter Capabilities1-1Salesforce Adapter Restrictions1-2What Application Version Is Supported?1-3Salesforce Adapter Use Cases1-3Workflow to Create and Add a Salesforce Adapter Connection to an Integration1-3Create a Salesforce Adapter ConnectionPrerequisites for Creating a ConnectionPrerequisites for Oracle Integration Release (200524.0200.35760) or Later2-12-1Identify the Instance Type of Your Salesforce Organization2-2Obtain the Custom Domain Name2-2Find Your Current Salesforce API Version2-2Prerequisite for Oracle Integration Releases Earlier Than the Salesforce Enterprise WSDL2-32-3Prerequisites to Use the Salesforce Username Password Security Policy2-4Prerequisites to Use the Salesforce OAuth Three-Legged (Authorization CodeCredentials) or Resource Owner Password Credentials Security Policy2-5Prerequisites to Use Platform Events2-6Define Your Platform Event2-6Publish Platform Events2-7Prerequisite to Use Change Data Capture (CDC) Events2-7Select an Entity (Business Object)2-7Prerequisite to Use Outbound Messaging2-8iii

Generate the Salesforce Adapter Outbound Messaging WSDL2-8Prerequisite to Use Apex Web Services2-9Generate the Salesforce Adapter Custom WSDL2-10Create a Connection342-10Configure Connection Properties2-11Configure Connection Security2-13Test the Connection2-15Upload an SSL Certificate2-15Refresh Integration Metadata2-17Add the Salesforce Adapter Connection to an IntegrationBasic Info Page3-1Trigger Action Page3-2Trigger Outbound Messaging Page3-2Trigger Streaming API Page3-3Trigger Response Page3-5Trigger Callback Response Page3-5Invoke Action Page3-6Invoke Operations Page3-7Invoke Headers Page3-12Invoke Apex Operations Page3-15Query and Template Parameters Page3-17Invoke Sample Request Payload Page3-18Invoke Sample Response Payload Page3-19Summary Page3-20Perform Salesforce Adapter Postconfiguration Tasks3-20Implement Common Patterns Using the Salesforce AdapterProcess Large Data Sets Asynchronously with Different Bulk Operations4-1Use Bulk Response Operations in an Integration4-5Retrieve the Name and IDs from Account Records with the queryMore Operation4-17Send Multiple Records in a Single Message4-21Allow and Prevent Duplicate Headers with the Duplicate Rule Header Property4-23Allow Duplicate Records with the Duplicate Rule Header Property4-24Prevent Duplicate Records with the Duplicate Rule Header Property4-26Synchronize Salesforce Platform Event Notifications (or Messages) With ServiceNowIncidents4-27iv

5Troubleshoot the Salesforce AdapterError When a Connected Application Attempts to Access Your Salesforce Data5-1Errors When the Salesforce Endpoint is Configured as a Trigger5-1Invoke Oracle Integration When a Payload is Not Expected5-2Id Field Identified with an Asterisk in the Request Mapper of an Upsert Operation is NotMandatory5-2Custom and Inbound WSDLs Unavailable after Migration5-2Troubleshoot the Platform Event Service in the Salesforce Adapter5-3v

PrefacePrefaceThis guide describes how to configure this adapter as a connection in an integration inOracle Integration.Note:The information in this guide applies to all of your Oracle Integrationinstances. It doesn’t matter which edition you’re using, what features youhave, or who manages your cloud environment. You’ll find what you needhere, including notes about any differences between the various flavors ofOracle Integration when necessary.Topics: Audience Documentation Accessibility Diversity and Inclusion Related Resources ConventionsAudienceThis guide is intended for developers who want to use this adapter in integrations inOracle Integration.Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the OracleAccessibility Program website at acc&id docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic supportthrough My Oracle Support. For information, visit acc&id info or visit acc&id trs if you are hearing

PrefaceDiversity and InclusionOracle is fully committed to diversity and inclusion. Oracle respects and values having adiverse workforce that increases thought leadership and innovation. As part of our initiative tobuild a more inclusive culture that positively impacts our employees, customers, andpartners, we are working to remove insensitive terms from our products and documentation.We are also mindful of the necessity to maintain compatibility with our customers' existingtechnologies and the need to ensure continuity of service as Oracle's offerings and industrystandards evolve. Because of these technical constraints, our effort to remove insensitiveterms is ongoing and will take time and external cooperation.Related ResourcesSee these Oracle resources: Oracle Cloud Using Integrations in Oracle Integration Using the Oracle Mapper with Oracle IntegrationConventionsThe following text conventions are used in this document:ConventionMeaningboldfaceBoldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with anaction, or terms defined in text or the glossary.italicItalic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for whichyou supply particular values.monospaceMonospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code inexamples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.vii

1Understand the Salesforce AdapterReview the following conceptual topics to learn about the Salesforce Adapter and how to useit as a connection in integrations in Oracle Integration. A typical workflow of adapter andintegration tasks is also provided.Topics: Salesforce Adapter Capabilities Salesforce Adapter Restrictions What Application Version Is Supported? Salesforce Adapter Use Cases Workflow to Create and Add a Salesforce Adapter Connection to an IntegrationNote:There are overall service limits with Oracle Integration. A service limit is the quotaor allowance set on a resource. See Service Limits.Salesforce Adapter CapabilitiesThe Salesforce Adapter enables you to create an integration with Salesforce CRMapplications.The Salesforce Adapter provides the following benefits: Enables simplified bidirectional integration with Discovers business objects and operations and provides easy mapping to and business objects. Provides ease of use in the mapper by recommending the most frequently-used businessobjects and renders human readable names for the elements found in Salesforcebusiness objects for easy mapping. Provides support for performing the following type of operations against business objectsfetched from the Salesforce application:–Bulk Create, Update, Upsert, Delete, and so on operations on all of the businessobjects supported by Salesforce–Core (Convertlead, GetDeleted, GetUpdated, Process, Merge, Undelete, and Upsert)–CRUD (create, delete, retrieve, and update) operations–Declaratively defining and executing SOQL and SOSL queries–Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) search operation–Utility (GetUserInfo, GetServerTimestamp, and SendEmail) operations1-1

Chapter 1Salesforce Adapter RestrictionsSee Process Large Data Sets Asynchronously with Different Bulk Operations andUse Bulk Response Operations in an Integration. Supports all custom objects defined by the user and custom fields created along with the standard objects and fields. Supports consuming custom Apex classes developed and exposed as SOAPservices in Supports receiving notifications (events) sent with outbound messaging and theStreaming API (that is, platform events and change data capture events) Supports trigger (source) callbacks. Supports Salesforce APIs protected using OAuth two-legged and three-leggedtoken-based authentication and user name token-based authentication.VideoVideoVideoSalesforce Adapter RestrictionsYou must be aware of the following constraints before configuring the SalesforceAdapter. The Salesforce Adapter uses the SalesForceDotCom (SFDC) API for all activities.Therefore, it is subject to any Salesforce API limitations. The Salesforce Adapter supports only Bulk API version 1.0. Client applications must adhere to Salesforce’s SOAP API support policy andbackward compatibility terms. Not all the push topic queries are supported by Salesforce. The platform events feature has the following restriction:–The maximum number of delivered event notifications within a 24-hour period,shared by all CometD clients:*50,000 for Performance and Unlimited Editions*25,000 for Enterprise Edition*10,000 for Developer EditionSee Platform Event Allocations. SOQL queries do not support the FIELDS() function to fetch data Instead, explicitly specify all the fields needed in the SOQL queryto get the data from accounts. You cannot use the Salesforce Adapter to publish events to Salesforce. However,you can use the REST Adapter to satisfy this requirement. The Salesforce Adapter does not support the PushTopic and Generic Events.1-2

Chapter 1What Application Version Is Supported?What Application Version Is Supported?For information about which application version is supported by this adapter, see theConnectivity Certification Matrix.See Connectivity Certification Matrix.Salesforce Adapter Use CasesThe Salesforce Adapter can integrate with Use the Salesforce Adapter tosend data to and also receive events from following are some common use cases: Account and contact synchronization between Salesforce and ERP (such as Oracle EBusiness Suite and Netsuite). Opportunity to order synchronization between Salesforce and ERP systems. Employee on-boarding from HCM systems to to Create and Add a Salesforce Adapter Connection toan IntegrationYou follow a very simple workflow to create a connection with an adapter and include theconnection in an integration in Oracle Integration.This table lists the workflow steps for both adapter tasks and overall integration tasks, andprovides links to instructions for each step.StepDescriptionMore Information1Create the adapter connections for Create a Salesforce Adapter Connectionthe applications you want tointegrate. The connections can bereused in multiple integrations andare typically created by theadministrator.2Create the integration. When you Create Integrations and Add the Salesforce Adapterdo this, you add trigger and invoke Connection to an Integrationconnections to the integration.3Map data between the triggerconnection data structure and theinvoke connection data structure.Map Data of Using Integrations in Oracle Integration4(Optional) Create lookups thatmap the different values used bythose applications to identify thesame type of object (such asgender codes or country codes).Manage Lookups of Using Integrations in OracleIntegration5Activate the integration.Manage Integrations of Using Integrations in OracleIntegration6Monitor the integration on thedashboard.Monitor Integrations of Using Integrations in OracleIntegration1-3

Chapter 1Workflow to Create and Add a Salesforce Adapter Connection to an IntegrationStepDescriptionMore Information7Track payload fields in messagesduring runtime.Assign Business Identifiers for Tracking Fields inMessages and Manage Business Identifiers for TrackingFields in Messages of Using Integrations in OracleIntegration8Manage errors at the integrationlevel, connection level, or specificintegration instance level.Manage Errors of Using Integrations in OracleIntegration1-4

2Create a Salesforce Adapter ConnectionA connection is based on an adapter. You define connections to the specific cloudapplications that you want to integrate.Topics: Prerequisites for Creating a Connection Create a Connection Upload an SSL Certificate Refresh Integration MetadataPrerequisites for Creating a ConnectionYou must satisfy the following prerequisites to create a connection with the SalesforceAdapter. Prerequisites for Oracle Integration Release (200524.0200.35760) or Later Prerequisite for Oracle Integration Releases Earlier Than Prerequisites to Use the Salesforce Username Password Security Policy Prerequisites to Use the Salesforce OAuth Three-Legged (Authorization CodeCredentials) or Resource Owner Password Credentials Security Policy Prerequisites to Use Platform Events Prerequisite to Use Change Data Capture (CDC) Events Prerequisite to Use Outbound Messaging Prerequisite to Use Apex Web ServicesPrerequisites for Oracle Integration Release or LaterWhen you create or edit your Salesforce Adapter connection on release or later of Oracle Integration, you must specify the following details onthe Connections page. Therefore, you must obtain the following details before creating orediting a connection.Topics: Instance type. See Identify the Instance Type of Your Salesforce Organization. Custom domain name (optional). If you are using Salesforce Government Cloud or acustom domain to log in to your Salesforce account, a custom domain name is requiredfor creating a connection on the Connections page. See Obtain the Custom DomainName.2-1

Chapter 2Prerequisites for Creating a Connection API version. See Find Your Current Salesforce API Version.Identify the Instance Type of Your Salesforce OrganizationFollow these methods to identify your instance type: If you use the URL to log in to your Salesforceaccount, your instance type is Production. If you use the URL to log in to your Salesforce account,your instance type is Sandbox.Obtain the Custom Domain NameWhen you create your Salesforce Adapter connection on the Connections page, youmust specify your custom domain name.Note:The steps provided here apply to the Salesforce Classic UI. If you are usingthe Lightning Experience UI on your Salesforce instance, switch to theSalesforce Classic UI. See Toggle or switch between Lightning Experienceand Salesforce Classic.To obtain the custom domain name:1.Log in to the Salesforce sandbox or production instance.2.Click Setup in the header or click your username, then select Setup. See Explorethe Salesforce Setup Menu.3.Search for My Domain in the Quick Find box, then select My Domain.4.Under My Domain Settings, your custom domain name appears in the Yourdomain name is field.See Configure Connection Properties.Find Your Current Salesforce API VersionYou can find your current Salesforce API version in the enterprise WSDL.Note:The steps provided here apply to the Salesforce Classic UI. If you're usingthe Lightning Experience UI on your Salesforce instance, switch to theSalesforce Classic UI. See Toggle or switch between Lightning Experienceand Salesforce Classic.To find your current Salesforce API version.1.Log in to the Salesforce sandbox or production instance.2-2

Chapter 2Prerequisites for Creating a Connection2.Click Setup in the header or click your username, then select Setup. See Explore theSalesforce Setup Menu.3.Search for API in the Quick Find box, then select API under Develop.4.Click Generate Enterprise WSDL.5.On the Generate Enterprise WSDL page, click Generate.The WSDL opens in a new browser tab and your current API version appears in theCommented-out section. For Enterprise Web Services API Version 35.0Prerequisite for Oracle Integration Releases Earlier Than the following prerequisite for Oracle Integration releases earlier Than the Salesforce Enterprise WSDLIf you edit an existing connection created prior to release (200524.0200.35760) ofOracle Integration, you must upload an enterprise WSDL to use in an integration.You must generate the Salesforce enterprise WSDL, then upload this WSDL on theConnections page when creating a Salesforce Adapter connection.Note:The steps provided here apply to the Salesforce Classic UI. If you're using theLightning Experience UI on your Salesforce instance, switch to the SalesforceClassic UI. See Toggle or switch between Lightning Experience and SalesforceClassic.To generate the Salesforce Adapter enterprise WSDL:1.Log in to your Enterprise, Unlimited, or Developer Edition account.2.Click Setup in the header or click your username, then select Setup. See Explore theSalesforce Setup Menu.3.Search for API in the Quick Find box, then select API under Develop.4.If the organization has managed packages installed in the organization, click GenerateEnterprise WSDL. Salesforce prompts you to select the version of each installedpackage to include in the generated WSDL or right-click Generate Enterprise WSDLand save it to a local directory.In the right-click menu, Microsoft Edge/Google Chrome users can select Save link as,while Mozilla Firefox users can select Save Link As to save it to the local directory.The Save dialog is displayed.5.Provide a name for the WSDL file and a location to save the file on your file system, andclick Save. For information about uploading this WSDL when creating a connection, seeConfigure Connection Properties.2-3

Chapter 2Prerequisites for Creating a ConnectionPrerequisites to Use the Salesforce Username Password SecurityPolicyTo use the Salesforce Username Password security policy, you must create a useraccount in an API-enabled profile. You assign this profile to the user account yousubsequently create for Oracle Integration. See Create a Secure Salesforce APIUser.2.Create a user account in Salesforce for Oracle Integration. See Add a Single User.Once the user account is created, a verification email is sent to the email addressyou provided for the account.3.Log in to the corresponding email account and click Verify Account in the emailmessage from Salesforce.You are redirected to the Salesforce instance to set a password for the new useraccount.Note:You use the credentials of this user account when configuring theSalesforce connection in Oracle Integration.4.Set a password and copy this value.You're subsequently signed in to the Salesforce instance with the new account.You'll need to enter these values on the Connections page when you configure theSalesforce Username Password security policy for your Salesforce Adapterconnection in Oracle Integration. See Configure Connection Security.5.Generate a security token.Generate a security token for the new user account. You'll need this security tokenalong with the password to access Salesforce using Oracle Integration.Stay signed in as the new user, and click the user name at the top of the page toopen a menu.Note:The steps provided here apply to the Salesforce Classic UI. If you'reusing the Lightning Experience UI on your Salesforce instance, switch tothe Salesforce Classic UI. See Toggle or switch between LightningExperience and Salesforce Classic.a.Click My Settings in the menu or click the username, then select MySettings.b.On the My Settings page, in the Quick Links section, click Edit my personalinformation.2-4

Chapter 2Prerequisites for Creating a Connectionc.On the resulting page, click Reset My Security Token in the left navigation pane.d.Click Reset Security Token.A new security token is sent to the email address associated with the account.e.Copy the security token.Prerequisites to Use the Salesforce OAuth Three-Legged (AuthorizationCode Credentials) or Resource Owner Password Credentials SecurityPolicyTo use the Salesforce OAuth Three-Legged or Resource Owner Password Credentialssecurity policy, you must create a connected application in steps provided here apply to the Salesforce Classic UI. If you are using theLightning Experience UI on your Salesforce instance, switch to the SalesforceClassic UI. See Toggle or switch between Lightning Experience and SalesforceClassic.1.Log in to your Enterprise, Unlimited, or Developer Edition account.2.Click Setup in the header or click your username, then select Setup. See Explore theSalesforce Setup Menu.3.Search for Apps in the Quick Find box, then select Apps under Create.4.In the Connected Apps section, click New. The New Connected App page appears.5.In the Basic Information section, enter your basic information details, and select theEnable OAuth Settings checkbox in the API section.6.In the Callback URL field, enter the fully qualified domain name of your server using theHTTPS protocol, and add the following text to the URL: agent/oauth/callback.For example:https://www.your the Available OAuth Scopes list, add the following scopes toSelected OAuthScopes: Access and manage your data (api) Access your basic information (id) Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh token)2-5

Chapter 2Prerequisites for Creating a ConnectionNote:These are the minimum scopes required to configure the SalesforceOAuth Three-Legged security policy for your Salesforce Adapterconnection. For the Resource Owner Password Credentials securitypolicy, api and id are the minimum scopes required.8.Click Save, and then click Continue. Once the application is saved, Salesforcepopulates the API section with the following IDs: Consumer key (Client ID) Consumer secret (Client secret)Note: Use the client ID and client secret later when configuring security foryour Salesforce Adapter connection. See Configure ConnectionSecurity. Every connected application permits five distinctive approvals peruser. Once a sixth approval is created, the oldest approval isrevoked. See Error When a Connected Application Attempts toAccess Your Salesforce Data.Prerequisites to Use Platform EventsPerform the following prerequisites to use platform events.Topics: Define Your Platform Event Publish Platform EventsDefine Your Platform EventTo receive notifications using platform events, you must define the platform event. Thelist of platform events you defined in is displayed for use on theStreaming API page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard when configuringthe Salesforce Adapter as a trigger connection.Note:The steps provided here apply to the Salesforce Classic UI. If you are usingthe Lightning Experience UI on your Salesforce instance, switch to theSalesforce Classic UI. See Toggle or switch between Lightning Experienceand Salesforce Classic.1.Log in to your Enterprise, Unlimited, or Developer Edition account.2-6

Chapter 2Prerequisites for Creating a Connection2.Click Setup in the header or click your username, then select Setup. See Explore theSalesforce Setup Menu.3.Search for Platform Events in the Quick Find box, then select Platform Events.4.Click New Platform Event.5.Enter the required details, and click Save.6.To add a field, click New in the Custom Fields & Relationships section.7.Select the field type, and click Next.8.Enter the required details, and click Save. A new custom field is added.Additional information about platform events is provided. See Define and ManagePlatform Events.Publish Platform EventsAfter a platform event is defined, you must publish event messages from a Salesforceapplication.Note:See Publishing Platform Events.Prerequisite to Use Change Data Capture (CDC) EventsPerform the following prerequisite to use change data capture (CDC) events.Select an Entity (Business Object)To receive notifications using change data capture (CDC) events, you must select the entity/entities. Once selected, these objects are displayed for use on the Operations page of theAdapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard when configuring the Salesforce Adapter as a triggerconnection.Note:The steps provided here apply to the Salesforce Classic UI. If you are using theLightning Experience UI on your Salesforce instance, switch to the SalesforceClassic UI. See Toggle or switch between Lightning Experience and SalesforceClassic.1.Log in to your Enterprise, Unlimited, or Developer Edition account.2.Click Setup in the header or click your username, then select Setup. See Explore theSalesforce Setup Menu.3.Search for Change Data Capture in the Quick Find box, then select Change DataCapture.4.Select the required entities (business objects) for which you want to receive changeevent notifications.2-7

Chapter 2Prerequisites for Creating a Connection5.Click Save.Prerequisite to Use Outbound MessagingPerform the following prerequisite to use outbound messaging.Generate the Salesforce Adapter Outbound Messaging WSDLYou can generate an outbound messaging WSDL for the Salesforce Adapter toreceive outbound message notifications from the Salesforce application. You thenselect this WSDL when configuring the Salesforce Adapter as a trigger on theOutbound Messaging page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard.This process consists of several steps. You must first create a workflow rule andgenerate an outbound messaging WSDL. The outbound message consists of aworkflow, approval, or milestone action that sends your specified information to yourspecified endpoint. You configure outbound messaging in the Salesforce setup menu.Afterward, you configure the endpoint.Note:The steps provided here apply to the Salesforce Classic UI. If you are usingthe Lightning Experience UI on your Salesforce instance, switch to theSalesforce Classic UI. See Toggle or switch between Lightning Experienceand Salesforce Classic.To create a workflow rule:1.Log in to your Salesforce account.2.Click Setup in the header or click your username, then select Setup. See Explorethe Salesforce Setup Menu.3.Search Workflow in the Quick Find box.4.Click Workflow Rules under Wor

Understand the Salesforce Adapter. Salesforce Adapter Capabilities1-1. Salesforce Adapter Restrictions1-2. What Application Version Is Supported?1-3. Salesforce Adapter Use Cases1-3. Workflow to Create and Add a Salesforce Adapter Connection to an Integration1-3. Create a Salesforce Adapter Connection. Prerequisites for Creating a Connection2-1

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