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In University Education, Sports play an important role in thedevelopment of integrated personality of the youth. With this in view,AIU has been organizing Inter-University Tournaments. Participationof university students in these tournaments generates a spirit of healthycompetition. It is, therefore, necessary that the Inter-University Tournaments are governed by a set of 'Rules and Regulations', whkh are updated from time to time.AIU had framed 'Rules and Regulations' from the inception of theprogramme of Inter-University Tournaments in 1941. The first editionof the 'Rules and Regulations' was published in 1945. Subsequent edi tions were brought out in 1957, 1964, 1968, 1977and 1985 incorporatingthe amendments which had taken place during the intervening periods.The present volume is the seventh edition in the series. All the amendments made till the end of June 1994have been included in this edition.These rules are an improvement on the rules contained in the previouseditions to the extent that some ambiguities of language have beenremoved, the chapter on 'eligibility has been codified and situations notcovered under the earlier rules have been taken care of by bringing innew rules on the basis of the experience gained.It is hoped that the rules contained in this volume will help in thesmooth conduct of the competitions amongst the universities and willinduce in the participants the underlying idea of 'Play the game in thespirit of the game'.KoB. PowarSecretary GeneralAssociation of Indian Universities

PlgeForeword. . . . A Brief History of Spol1I Division. . . .(ill)(viii)A.IIIIIIIVVINTRODUcrORY RULEs . , . . .VIDocumentsVIIVIIIIXXXlXIIDates, EntriesOraws . . .Trophies and Certificates. .General Rules'" ,., ,. '" . . .Expenses,. , . . , ,Annual S\1pscription' . .Saving Oa\1 . , . .B.RULES FOR THE CONDucrTOURNAMENTS1. .", . . . .Badminton (Men &l: Women) . .'Ball Badminton (Mel\ &: Women) ;'"Basketball (Men &l: Women) . . .Bo ing . ; . .'" Chess,. .Cricket (Men) . .Cricket (Women)' . .Cr.oss Country Races (Men &: Women)'"Cycling (Men &: Women)'" . . Football (Men &; Women)Gymnastics (Men)Gymnastics (Women)Half Marathon &: Walking8. Interpretation . . . ."',Tournam tsand Zones . . . . .Entries an,d Venues. . . . . .Allotm t of Toum P\en ; . . . Eligibility, . , . . . . .'!.,e . 't '" , 11191010 .13,. 14, m1719t 27:. 2727OF INTER-UNIVERSITY2830313132333536373840414751

.Handball (Men & Women) '" '" '"'"Hockey (Men & Women)'"'"Judo'"Kabaddi. ,.,Kho-Kho (Men & Women)Korfball,"Malkhambh'"Power Lifting,,'"Rowing (Men & Women)" ."Softball (Men & Women)'"Squash RacketsSwimming (Men & Women), Diving and Water-PoloTable Tennis (Men)Table Tennis (Women)'"Tennis'"'",'"Volleyball'"i. Weight Lifting,ii. Best Physique.,. "32. Wrestling33. Yogasanas,"00'Eligibility Proforma forInter-University Tournaments. 5152535757575858606263636566676768707172." 73Proforma for collecting informationfrom the universities while invitingoffers for hosting Inter-UniversityTournaments"75Proforma for OrganizingSecretary's Repon78Proforma for Observer's Report.82Sequence of. steps regardingdrawing the fixtures. .85List of Running Trophies forMen and Women. .86

'G'Colours of the Association ofIndian Universities and theMember Universities91'H'Statement of winners, runners-upand winners of 3rd and 4th placesof Inter-University Tournaments98'I''J'Statement of lVinners, runners-upand winners of third place ofDr. B.L. Gupta Inter-UniversityGeneral Championship Trophy.150Statement of winners, runners-upand winners of third place ofMaulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy.151'K'Inter-UniversityAthletic 0'.153156Inter-University Weight-LiftingRecords,.Sequence of Events for InterUniversity Athletics Meet.Years of introduction ofInter-University Tournamentsvarious games. .159161in'"164

(A) Origin:The origin of the Sports Division can be traced to 1928 when InterUniversity Board (IUB), after its existence of only 4 years, decided toundertake a survey regarding the position of the infrastructure of sportsfacilities existing ili the universities and colleges. As a follow-\\P actionan "Inter-University Athletic Board" with its headquarters in.Patna, wasset up in 1929. The moving. spirit behind this development was Prof;l.s. Armour of the Patna Government College and Prof; Moinulhaq ofthe Bihar National College who became its first Chairman afkl Sectetaryrespectively. The Universities of Allahabad, Banaras, Calcutta, Dacca,Lucknow, Madras and Patna were its founder members. The gamesinitially taken up for organising Inter-University Competitions wereCricket, Football, Hockey and TennIs.In spite of the promising start, hardly any progress could be madein the activities of the "Athletic Board" during the next 4 years on account of the di,sturbed political conditions in the country. The moVewas revived in 1934 when IUB at its 9th Annual Meeting held in Delhiaccepted the proposal of the Universities of Annamalai and Mysore tthe youth of the country should be brought together on a common platform through the media of sports and debates. The same year, Cricketmatches were organised between the Universities of Bombay andMysore at MYSore and Bangalore. In 1935, IUB decided that regularcontests in athletics and other games should be conducted by the hOstuniversity at the occasion of the annual meetings of the Board.The proposal was given effect to at Aligarh in 1936. Concrete stepsto project a systematic programme of Inter-University Competitionswere, however, taken in 1939 when IUB adopted aresolution to frameuniform rules for the conduct of Inter- University Tournaments in thegames of Football, Cricket, Athletics, Hockey, Tennis and Swimming.The assignment of drafting the rules was given to the Universities ofPatna, Bombay, Panjab, Lucknow, Allahabad and Madras respectively.A Sub-Committee consisting of the following was. also constituted toconsider the draft rules.1. Pt. Amar Nath Jha;2. Khan Bahadur Mian M. Afzul Hussain;3. Professor Kazi Moharmnad Hussain and4. Mr. R.P. Masani.

The Committee met in Bombay in March 1940 to examine the draftrules along with the comments received from the other member universities to which the same were circulated and prepared a comprehensiveset of uniform Rules & Regulations in1941. Tournaments in 3 eventsviz. Athletics, Hockey and Tennis were held in 1940-41 in accordancewith these rules.The "Inter-University Athletic Board" was conceived as an independent organisation to which subsequently was given the name of"Illter-Ulliversity,SportsBoard".A significant development took placein 1941 when the IUB at its 16th Annual Meeting held at Trivandrunl.set up an Inter-"University Sports Representative Committee consistirtgofI."epresentative from each of the following universities :one1. Aligarh(NorthZone)2. Calcutta' (East Zone).3. Osmania.(CentralZone)4. TravatlcQt'e' (South Zone)Chairman and Secretary of the Inter-University Board were designatedas ex.:.offido Chairman and ex-officio Secretary. Khan BahadurMian M. Afzul Hussain of the Panjab University was' co-opted as amember of this committee. The other member universities were giventhe option to nominate a .representative each at their own e?q enses.This .Sub-Committee was, in fact, the "Inter-University Sports Board"in its 'embryo' form. It had its first session in Lucknow on March 24,1941 which canbe termed as the first annual meeting of the InterUniversity Sports Board. The various subjects discussed in this meetingwere: (i) recommendationS of the rules sub-committee, (ii) adoption ofrules regarding' management and control of the LU Tournaments, (iii)distribution of venues, (iv) eligibility rules, (v) schedule of expenses,(vi) trophies, (vii) merit certificates, (viii) University colours etc. Themost important decision of this meeting was that the Inter-UniversityTournaments will be run under the overall control of the Inter-University Sports Board. For the first time, in 1944-45 a booklet of Rules andRegulations for the conduct of Inter-University Tournaments wasbrought out From 1941 onwards, regular annual meetings of the SportsBoard had been held till 1973 when by a resolution of the StandingCommittee of the IUB, the annual sessions of the Sports Board were.discontinued. Instead a Sports Committee was constituted to dispose ofthe work, hitherto, handled at the annual meetings of the Sports Board.

The Inter-University Sports Board of India was revived in terms ofthe Report of the Working Group which was approved at the 64th Annual General Meeting of AIU held at srinagar on 4th October, 1989.Another important development in the activities and programme'S ofthe Sports Board took place in 1969, in the wake of reverting from atmpulsory N.C.C. to optional for the university and college students. Inthis process two alternative streams were evolved viz. N.s.O and N.s.s.University students taking part in N.s.O programmes were exemptedfrom taking up the N.C.C. or N.s.s.The Scheme of Grants for Games & Sports in Universities & Colleges(earlier known as N.s.O Scheme) consists of :1. Coaching/ training of the Indian Universities Teams to prepare themfor participation in Open National Championships or any other tournament - National or International.2. AwardingTournamentsof financial assistance for conductingInter- University3. Awarding of Prize Money to universities winning first, second andthird positions in each of the selected disciplines of sports at the InterUniversity Tournament level.4. Financial assistance for the developmentuniversities and colleges.of sports infrastructurein5. Awarding of Prize Money to universities winning first, second andthird positions in the overall championships for the Maulana AbulKalam Azad Trophy.6. Awarding of Sports Talent Scholarships to the talented sports students of universities and colleges.The Inter-University Sports Board was entrusted with the responsibility of handling the first three programmes. For the Indian Universities teams to be eligible to participate in the national leveltournaments, it was necessary for the Inter- University Sports Board tobecome a member of the corresponding national sports federations. Appropriate steps had been taken in this direction and the Sports Boardbecame a member of 10 national sports bodies viz. (i) All India TennisAssociation, (ii) Amateur Athletic Federation of India, (Hi) AmateurHandball Federation of India (iv) Badminton Association of India, (v)Board of Control for Cricket in India, (vi) Indian Hockey Federation, (vii)Indian Women's Hockey .Federation, (viii) Rowing Federation of India,Ox) Women's Cricket Association of India (x) Wrestling Federation of

India. Wherever feasible, Indian Universities Teams are selected, trainedand projected to participate in the national level tournaments.Reorganisation of the Inter-University Board took place when thename of IUB was changed to AIU and the new Memorandum of Association was adopted in 1974. At the annual meeting of the AIU heldin Annamalai University in December 1983, the separate annual subscription for membership of the Sports Board was also merged into theannual subscription for membership of the AIU.(C) Future:Making a modest beginning with a limited objective of occasionallyorganising the Inter-University Competitions in one or two games purely from the angle of educational values, Sports Board gradually grewfrom strength to strength embracing a very wide umbrella of sportsprogrammes. At present, the Sports Board is managing annually InterUniversity Tournaments in 14 games for men, 10 games for women and14 games for both men & women at 66 University centres. Another areaof activities covered by the Sports Board is the selection and trainingof Indian Universities Teams, organising exchange of visits between theIndian Universities Teams and universities teams from abroad, workingas a coordinating agency between the member universities for organising the Sports programmes, to have a liaison with the Deptt. of YouthAffairs & Sports, Government of India and other national level agencieslike the Sports Authority of India for the promotion and developmentof sports in the University sector. The Sports Board is alive to the changing concept of sports. The emphasis is fastly shifting from the academicconcept of educational and recreative values of sports to practical andutilitarian concept of performance. Appropriate steps have been takento give a new direction to the University sports programmes bearingin mind the changed concept.

I. INTERPRETATIONIn these rules:a) 'Association' means the Association of Indian Universities'.b) 'Standing Committee' means the Standing Committee of theAssociation.c) 'Sports Board' means the Inter-University Sports Board ofIndia.d) 'Sports Committee' means the Sports Committee of the SportsBo!U"d.e) 'President' means the President of the Sports Board.f)'University' means the member University/Institute of the Association.g) 'Tournament' means the Inter-University Tournament/Competition.h) 'Final' means the All India Final.i) 'Organising University' means the UniverSity/Institute towhich a tournament has been allotted by the Sports Board.j) 'Organising Committee'means the Committee constituted bythe Organising University to manage and conduct the InterUniversity Toumament{s) allotted to it.k) 'Organising Secretary' means the Secretary designated by theOrganizing University as the Secretary of the OrganizingCommittee.1) 'He' means 'She' as weltu. TOURNAMENTSAND ZONESThe tournaments in the following games shan be organised annuallyby the Sports Board on an All-India basis/2-Zone basis/4-Zone basisas given below. The tournaments shall be played on knock-outbasis/league basis/league-cum-knock out basis etc. as decideCiby 'theSports Board from time to time. (M&:W)Ball Badminton (M)Ball Badminton (W)Boxing5. Chess6. Cricket (W)7. Cross Country Races (M&W) (M&W)Football (W)Gymnastics & MalkhambhHalf Marathon & Walking12. (W)Judo (M&W)KorfballPower Lilting (M)Rowing (M&W)Soltball (M&W)Squash RacketsSwimming, Diving &Water PoloTennis (W)Wt. Lilting & Best PhysiqueWrestlingYogasanas1.3.5.7.Basketball (W)Kabaddi (W)Kho-Kho(W)Volleyball (W)2. Handball (M&W)4. Kho-Kho (M)6. Tennis (M) (M&W)Cricket (M)Hockey (M)Table Tennis (M&W) (M)Football(M)Kabaddi (M)Volleyball (M)The Sports Board may reshuffle the above Zonal Plan, from time totime, and may add or delete tournaments to/from the above list.For tournaments run on 4-Zone basis, the u.niversities/institutesshall be grouped into Zones as follows:1. Agra University2. Aligarh Muslim University3. University of Allahabad

4. All India Institute of Medical Sciences5. Avadh University6. Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology7. Ch. Charan Singh University8. Ch.Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University9. Dayalbagh Educational Institute10. University of Delhi11. Dr. Y.S. Pannar University of Horticulture & Forestry12. Forest Research Institute13. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology14. Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya15. Guru Nanak Dev University16. Hemwa ! andan Bahuguna Garhwal University17. Hima hal Pradesh University18. Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishwavidyalaya19: Indian Agricultural Research Institute20. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi21. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur22. Indian Veterinary Research Institute23. Indira Gandhi National Open University24. Jamia Hamdard25. Jamia Millia Islamia26. University of Jammu27. Jawaharlal Nehru University28. Kanpur University29. University of Kashmir30. Kumaun University31. Kurukshetra University32. University of Lucknow33. Maharshi Dayanand University34. Narendra Dev University of Agriculture & Technology35. National Dairy Research Institute36. National Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation & 'Museology.37. Panjab University38. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research39. Punjab Agricultural University UniversityRohilkhand UniversityUniversity of RoorkeeSanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical SciencesSchool of Planning & ArchitectureSher-e-Kashmir University of Agricutural Sciences & TechnologyShri LaIBahadur Shastri Rastriya Sanskrit VidyapeethThapar Institute of Engineering & Technology1. Arunachal University2. Assam University3. Assam Agricultural University4. Awadhesh Pratap Singh. University5. Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar Bihar University6. Banaras Hindu University7. Bengal Engineering College8. Berhampur University9. Bhupendra Narayan MandaI University10. Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya11. Birla Institute of Technology12. Birsa Agricultural University13. University of Burdwan14. University of Calcutta15. Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies16. Chitrakut Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya17. Dibrugarh University18. Gauhati University19. University of Gorakhpur20. Guru Ghasidas University21. Indian School of Mines22. Indian Statistical Institute23. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya24. Jadavpur University25. Jai Prakash University26. University of Kalyani27. Kameshwar Sin Darbhanga Sanskrit University*14A. Central Agricultural University

28. Kashi Vidyapeeth29. LN. Mithila University30. Magadh University31. Manipur University32. North Bengal University33. North Eastern Hill University34. Orissa University of Agriculture &: Technology35. Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University36. Patna University37. Purvanchal University38. Rabindra Bharati University39. Rajendra Agricultural University40. Ranchi University41. Sambalpur University42. Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya43. Shri Jagannath Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya44. Sido Kanhu University45. Tezpur University46. Tilak Manjhi Bhagalpur University47. Tripura University48. Utkal University49. Veer Kunwar Singh University50. Vidyasagar University51. Vinoba Bhave University52. Visva-BharatiSOUTH ZONE1. of Agricultural Sciences, BangaloreUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, DharwadAlagappa UniversityAndhra UniversityAndhra Pradesh Agricultural UniversityAnna UniversityAnnamalai UniversityAvinashilingam Institute for Home Science &: Higher Education forWomen9. Bangalore University

10. Bharathiar University11. Bharathidasan. University12. University of Calkut13. Central Institute of English &: Foreign Languages14. Cochin University of Science &: Technology15. Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha16. Dr. B.R Ambedkar Open University17. Gandhigram Rural Institute18. Gulbarga University19. University of Health Sciences20. University of Hyderabad21. Indian Institute of Science22. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras23. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University24. Kakatiya University25. Kannada University26. Kamatak University27. University of Kerala .28. Kerala Agricultural University29. Kuvempu University30. University of Madras31. Madurai Kamaraj University32. Mahatma Gandhi University33. Mangalore University34. Manipal Academy of Higher Education35. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University36. Mother Teresa Women's University37. University of Mysore38. Nagarjuna University39. National Law School of India University40. Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences41. Osmania University42. Pondicherry University43. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth44. Sree Oritra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences &: Technology45. Sree Shankaracharya University of Sanskrit46. Sri ChandrasekharendraSaraswathi Viswa Maha Vidyalaya Krishnadevaraya UniversitySri Padmavathi Mahila VisvavidyalayamSri Sathya Sai Institute Of Higher LearningSri Venkateswara Institute of Medical SciencesSri Venkateswara UniversityTamil UniversityTamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical UniversityTamil Nadu Agricultural UniversityTamil Nadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences UniversityTelugu University1. Amravati University2. Banasthali Vidyapeeth . Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya4. Bhavnagar University5. Birla Institute of Technology & Science6. University of Bombay7. Bundelkhand University8. Central Institute of Fisheries Education9. Deccan College Post Graduate & Research Instituteto. Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya11. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University12. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University13. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University14. Dr. HS. Gour Vishwavidyalaya15. Goa University16. Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics17. GUjarat University18. Gujarat Agricultural University19. Gujarat Ayurved University20. Gujarat Vidyapith21. Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay22; Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya23. International Institute for Population Sciences.24. Jain Vishva Bharati Institute25. Jai Narain Vyas University

26. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya27. Jiwaji University28. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth29. Kota Open University30. M.s. University of Baroda31. Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati University32. Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth33. Makhanlal Chaturvedi National Institute of Journalism34. Marathwada Agricultural University35. M.L. Sukhadia University36. Nagpur University37. North Gujarat University38. Nor.th Maharashtra University39. University of Poona40. Punjabrao Krishi Vidyapeeth41. University of Rajasthan42. Rajasthan Agricultural University43. Rajasthan Vidyapeeth44. Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya45. Sardar Patel University46. Saurashtra UniverSity47. Shivaji University48. S;N.D.T. Women's University49. South Gujarat UniversitySO. Swami Ramanand Teerth MarathwadaUniversio/51. Tata Institute of Social Sciences52. Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth53. Vikram University54. YashwantraoChavan MaharashtraOpen UniversitYFor tournaments played on 2-rone basis, North Zone and East Zonewill merge to constitute one zone known as "North-East Zone" andSouth Zone and West Zone will merge to constitute "South-West Zone"The guiding factors for including new universities/Institutespu1icu1ar zone shall be physical contiguity.into a

IlL ENTRIES & VENUESa) Only member universities/Institutes of the Association shall beeligible to enter their teams to participate in the Inter- University Tournaments. Each university shall be entitled to enter only one team in atournament . The minimum entries required for conducting a tournament shall be as follows except in cases where special circumstanceswarrant relexation:MenWomenMinimum number of entriesAll India BasisZonal Basis10564b) In case the minimum required number of entries in a particularzone(s) is not received till the last date of receiving the entries, the entering teams shall be merged into the other zone as follows:i) If the tournament.is on 2-zone basis, .it will be run straight away onAll-India basis and the zone which has larger number of entries shallconduct the tournament.ii) If the tournament is on4-zone basis, the zone receiving inadequatenumber of entries shall be merged into the other zone and the new zoneso formed shall be called North/South Zone as the case may be as underRule No. II.Hi)If by such a mer , only three,zones emerge the Inter- Zonals shallbe played on league basis.tv) Where adequate number of entries has not been received, the Organising Secretary shall communicare. to the office of the Associationthe names of the entering universities telegraphically immediately afterthe closing date of receiving the entries is:over.v) For purposes of seeding, no consideration shall be given to such azone except that if the Zonal ,Winners and runners-up of the previousyear have entered their teams, they shall be placed in two differenthalves of the Draw.ovi) For the year for which All India Championship is not completed ina particular tournament, the members of the participating unive itiesin that tournament for that year will not be considered to have participated in that tournament.vii) If any of the 4universiti i.e. previous year's Zonal winner, runner-up or losing semi-finali ts of a particular Zone are available in the

same zone, the normal seeding will be given only to the original zonalwinner, runner-up and losing semi-finalists as the case may. be. Theuniversities, which have been shifted to a new zone, will not be givenseeding.In case a vacancy has arisen due. to shifting of a winner, runners-upor losing semi-finalists from one Zone to another zone such a vacancy(ies) shall be filled up by draw of lots from amongst the participatinguniversities except the original winners, runners-up and losing semifinalists of that particular zone, which will have the right of seeding.The tournaments for a particular year shall be allocated to the universities by the Sports Board. The university, which has been entrustedwith the responsibility of organising the tournament, shall be called"organising university". The headquarters of an organising universityshall ordinarily be the venue of the tournament. However, an organisinguniversity may, in consultation with the Secretary of the Sports Boardand the competing universities, arrange to hold preliminary roundmatches at some other university centre, to be described for this purposeas the sub-venue.The Association, before assigning allocation, may enquire to its satisfaction from the university/instituteaspiring to conduct a tourna:'ment(s) whether necessary facilities in respect of grounds/courts,equipment and other requirements listed in the proforma (given at Appendix-B) pertaining to the smooth conduct of the tournament(s) in theconcerned university/institute are available.The Association may nominate observers, every year, to cover allselected tournaments who shall submit their observations in the proforma (given at Appendix-D). T.A./D.A. of the observers shall be paid bythe respective organising university in accordance with its existing rules.All India Tournaments conducted on 2-Zone/4-Zone basis shall beallotted to different zones in cloCkwise direction - E to S toW to N.A. 1. Only a bonafide, full time student, who is enrolled for a courseof the University, which is of a minimum duration of oneacademic year, and whose examination is conducted by theuniversity, shall be eligible to participate in the Inter-University tournaments.

1.1 Students of Open Universities shall be considered to bebonafide students and shall be eligible to participate providedthey fulfil other conditions. However, students enrolled inCorrespondence Course Institutes of Universities, casual students, external students and students pursuing bridge coursesshall not be eligible.1.2 Ph.D., M. Phil., Compartment, ATKT etc. students will beeligible to participate only if in terms of the concerned university rules they are regarded to be bonafide students and fulfilother conditions laid down in this behalf.2. All students participating in the LU. Tournaments shall fulfilthe following conditions:(a) Not more than 7 years have. elapsed since a studentpassed the examination qualifying him/her for first admission to a university or college affiliated to a university.For students getting admission after matriculation orequivalent examination to a university or college affiliated to a university, the period of 7 years will be extended to 8 years.(b) The seven-year period mentioned above shaH be distributed as below:i) not more than 4 years while pursuing graduatestudies. However, in case of universities where students are admitted to the graduate courses afterpassing matriculation or equivalent examination,the period of 4 years shall be extended by one moreyear.m· not morethan 3 years while pursuing postgraduatestudiesirrespective of any other condition like change ofclass/ course/faculty, joining lower class from higher,changing academic -to professional courses or vice versa,provided that:students admitted, after passing 2 examination, tograduate courses of more than 3 years duration likeMedical, Engineering, Agriculture, Pharmacy etc.shall be eligible to participate in the Inter.Universitytournaments for the actual length of such graduatecourses.

For the purpose of determiningthese rules:the number of years undera) graduate courses shall be treated to be those where theadmission is sought after passing Matriculation orequivalent or 2 or equivalent examination, as the casemay be.b) all other courses, where admission is obtained after passing degree examinations, e.g. LL.B., MBBS, B.Ed., B.P.Ed.,B.Ub. etc. will be clubbed with other postgraduate courses like M.A., M.Sc., M.Com., M.Ub., M.Ed. etc.3. Only students, who are less than 25 years of age as on firstJuly of the academic year in which the tournament is held,can participate.4. A student employed on full time basis shall not be eligible toparticipate.5. A student shall not be allowed to represent more than one. University during a single academic year.6. Provisional admission to a course or Univesity shall not makethe student eligible to represent t

RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR INTER-UNIVERSITY TOURNAMENTS ASSOCIATION OF INDIAN UNIVERSITIES AIU HOUSE, 16 KOTLA MARG, NEW DELHI 110 002. KoB. Powar Secretary General Association of Indian Universities In University Education, Sports play an important role in the development of integrated personality of the youth. With this in view, AIU has been .

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