AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy

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AFL IndustryMental Health& WellbeingStrategyProtecting the healthand future of our peopleand our game2 0 2 0 -2 0 2 2AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-20221

ForewordThe mental health andwellbeing of everyoneinvolved in our game isa key focus, we know it isone of the biggest issuesfacing the industry.- Gillon onOur Purpose & VisionWhat is Mental HealthMental Health in the AFLOur FocusOur StrategyStrategic ObjectivesGlossary of TermsAFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2022The game of Australian Football is privileged to be at the forefrontof community life across Australia. More than 1.7 million participantswere part of our game at some level in 2019, while the senior AFLand AFLW competitions provide both inspiration and aspiration forthose seeking to compete at an elite level. We are fortunate that ourgame is embedded in metropolitan and regional communities acrossthe country and, as custodians of the game, we must continue toensure our game retains its inclusive nature to bring people together.As modern society imposes more demands and challenges,particularly on young people, the AFL is committed to being a socialleader. In 2019, a major long-term decision for the game was madearound the welfare of our people, which remains foremost in ourminds. We have sought here in this document to produce a stepchange in how we acknowledge the mental health of those withinour game. The appointments of Dr Kate Hall as the AFL’s Headof Mental Health and Wellbeing, and Dr Ranjit Menon as the AFL’sChief Psychiatrist, following a comprehensive review into mentalhealth, are dedicated towards improving the overall industry’ssupport of mental health and wellbeing for current and past maleand female players, umpires, coaches and more than 3000 staffin administrative roles.Our game thrives because of the investment of people intoAustralian Football, and it is our role and duty to invest intotransforming the management of mental health and wellbeingfor our industry, a pivotal emerging issue in modern society.Gillon McLachlanChief Executive OfficerAustralian Football League

IntroductionAn Industry Mental Health & WellbeingStrategy helps protect the health andfuture of our people and our game.Why an Industry Mental Health Strategy is needed?An industry’s most valuable asset is its people.Without them, it cannot succeed or grow.In the AFL, taking care of our people’s healthand wellbeing is essential to the future of ourgame. As our most valuable asset, our peopleneed to be supported so they can continueto grow in order to meet the challenges of ourever-changing and competitive environment.If we can provide a strong foundation of positivehealth and wellbeing as an industry, we canensure our people are mentally fit and readyto work as one team, to protect their healthand the future of our game.Being healthy means more than just physicalwellness. In an environment of increasingcommunity and industry awareness of mentalhealth, we know that mental health matters.The AFL Industry Mental Health Strategy2020-2022 (The Strategy) is the first alignedstrategic framework to guide an industry-wideapproach to the mental health and wellbeingof all employees, umpires, coaches and playersacross the AFL ecosystem. It aims to guidethe planning and implementation of wellbeinginitiatives, mental health promotion andprevention programs and mental healthcareservices delivered across the AFL industry.The Strategy has a vision to ensure all ourpeople are mentally fit and ready to thrive andsupport each other. Through policy and culturereform The Strategy will lay a foundation for theindustry that reduces vulnerability to mentalhealth problems and increases protectivefactors that promote mental fitness.The Strategy will guide education andworkforce development activities that increaseour people’s capacity to cope with life transitionsand stresses.The Strategy ensures mental health andwellbeing is everyone’s responsibility, and theworkplace is a key platform for the promotionof mental health. The Strategy commits the AFLIndustry to work as one team to create mentallyhealthy workplaces across the ecosystem.The CoreAn overview of our principles andstrategies for navigating the MentalHealth & Wellbeing of our people.OUR PURPOSEOUR STRATEGYWHATTo support the healthand wellbeing of our people,to ensure the health andfuture of the game.OUR VISIONAll our people are mentallyfit and ready to thrive andsupport each other.All our people are mentallyfit and ready to thrive andsupport each other.WHYSupporting the health andwellbeing of our people to ensurethe health and future of the game.HOWThis vision will be achievedby the five strategicobjectives.1. AlignmentWork as one industry andstrengthen mental healthand wellbeing partnerships.They will guide the overallapproach to mental healthand wellbeing within theAFL ecosystem.2. CultureBuild a thriving culture andmentally healthy workplaces.3. PromotionPromote and grow mental health,wellbeing and mental fitness.4. ResponsiveRespond with safe, effective andcoordinated mental healthcare.5. DataBuild the evidence and ensurecontinual evaluation andimprovement.4AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2022AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-20225

What is Mental Health?What is mental health?The World Health Organisation has definedmental health as:‘‘a state of wellbeing in which the individualrealises his or her {their} own abilities, cancope with the normal stresses of life, can workproductively and fruitfully, and is able to makea contribution to his, her {their} community”.Definitions of mental health used by Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander Australians offersan important holistic perspective. Indigenousplayers and staff, as the First Peoples ofAustralia, have deep connections to land,language, ceremony, kinship systems, andcultural knowledge and practices that contributeto social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB).SEWB recognises that these connectionshave important impacts on wellbeing. It alsorecognises that an Indigenous person’s socialand emotional wellbeing is influenced by socialpolicies, racism and discrimination.National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander People’s Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing2017-2023).Both these definitions recognise that mentalhealth is about wellness, not just the absenceof illness, and includes many domains suchas a person’s capacity to thrive socially andemotionally and contribute meaningfully totheir community and culture.6Why is mental health andwellbeing important?Having good mental health and wellbeingis important for physical health, as well asour personal and work relationships. It is alsoimportant in achieving our goals and buildingorganisational capacity.In our high-performance environment ofprofessional sport, there is an inevitable focus onphysical health, but we acknowledge the stronglink between physical and mental health and theimportance of both to performance and success.By taking a holistic view of the individual andtheir environment and understanding theimportant role that mental health and wellbeingplay in overall health, we can help preventmental health issues from developing, andmitigate their impacts when they do occur.Our work environment has unique challengesassociated with increasing public scrutiny,a highly-competitive market and our highperformance culture that can impact mentalhealth and wellbeing. These contributing factors– whether public, organisational or industry –interact in different ways with every individual’spersonal qualities and cause varying degreesof impact on wellbeing. Maintaining good mentalhealth can be further made difficult due tocommon barriers that prevent people seekingor getting help early when stress is high.AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2022Barriers such as stigma, discrimination, lowlevels of mental health literacy and awareness,and low help-seeking rates, in combinationwith individual, social or cultural attitude, canmean that individuals do not get the supportor help they need at the earliest stage.Without appropriate support, symptoms canbecome worse resulting in poorer health,social and occupational outcomes.That’s why core principles of good workplacemental health strategies include reducingstigma, identifying signs early and promotinghelp seeking. The Strategy promotes gettinghelp early – early in life and early along themental health continuum.Mental Health: A state of wellbeing inwhich the individual realises his or herown abilities, can cope with the normalstresses of life, can work productivelyand fruitfully, and is able to make acontribution to his, her {their} community.World Health Organisation; 2004AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-20227

The Mental Health ContinuumEveryone has experiences that can impact theirmental health and wellbeing. For some people,these may be temporary reactions from whichthey recover quickly and with informal support.Others, however, may develop more lasting ormore severe conditions, and require professionalhelp to recover.The development of mental health conditionsis often described as a complex interplay ofbiological, psychological, environmental, cultural,structural and social factors, some of which arebeyond an individual’s control.A useful way to understand the different aspectsof mental health is by using the Mental Healthand Wellbeing Continuum. It represents theidea that mental health changes over time inresponse to different stressors and experiences,and that people can move in either direction onthe continuum, from healthy functioning at oneend to crisis and severe symptoms of mentalill-health at the other.In the green area, people are mentally healthyand functioning well. As they move intothe yellow, they may experience some/mildsymptoms or difficulties with their mental health.In the orange section, symptoms have increasedin severity and people have difficulty coping.At the red end people may be in crisis andare likely to be experiencing severe symptomsof mental ill-health.In this version of the continuum, the blue endreflects ‘mental fitness’ - high levels of selfmanagement and elite mental skills that ensurepeople thrive in elite sport, highly scrutinisedand competitive environments or during timesof extreme change and stress.Most of us will move between the green andyellow areas in response to the normal ups and8downs of daily life. We can develop skills to helpus manage symptoms and impacts and increasethe likelihood that we will stay in the green area.What does mental fitnesslook like?Mental fitness can be described as practisingand growing a set of social and emotional skillsthat build resilience and maintain wellbeing.Mental fitness, like physical fitness, is a proactiveand preventative strategy to support higherlevels of mental health, requiring continual effortand motivation over time, based on regularactivities and practices.MentalfitnessHealthyReacting» Superior emotionaland socialfunctioning» High socialand emotionalfunctioning» Impacted socialand emotionalfunctioning» Impaired socialand emotionalfunctioning» Ready for andenergised bychallenges» Mood recoversquickly from stress» Reactive to anxiety» Uncontrolledanxiety, anger» Aware of emotions» Consistent sleeppatterns» Motivationaldrive highMental fitness: The modifiable capacityto utilise resources and skills to flexiblyadapt to challenges or advantages,enabling thriving.Robinson, Oades & Caputi, 2015This definition suggests that a mentally-fitperson has a reserve of psychologicalresources and skills that can be called upon intimes of opportunity or adversity to increasethe probability of successfully navigatinglife events. Mental fitness includes havinghigh self-awareness and self-regulation sopsychologically flexible responses maximiseresilience and thriving, regardless of the context.Like mental fitness, resilience is directly linkedto positive mental health and wellbeing andrefers to one’s ability to cope and adapt in theface of challenges or new situations. Even aftersetbacks, those with high levels of resilience canadapt and continue to work towards their goals.Mental fitness equips people specifically fortimes of stress and enables people to thrive,in spite of challenges and change.AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2022» Leading othersto achieveoutstandingresults» Disturbed sleep» Thoughts ofself-harm or ofhurting others» Normal sleeppatterns» Trouble sleeping» Physically well,full of energy» Physical fatigue,low pain threshold,aches and pains» Low motivationand energy» Blunt, numb orhighly-reactivemoods» Impaired problemsolving, unableto focus, memorydisruption» Unable to fallor stay asleep» Consistentperformance» Socially active» Ready and ableto face workchallenges» Physically tired» Muscle tension,headaches» Procrastination» Indecisiveness» Decreased workperformance» Decreased socialactivity» No enjoymentfrom work orhobbies» Anxiety control» Energised by work» Responsiveto others» Lowered resilienceto daily stressors» Social avoidanceor withdrawal» Patient» Reactive to others» Impulsive» Flexible» Some impulsecontrol difficulties» Reactive ordisinhibited» Focus, memoryand problemsolving are high» Problem solving,focus and memorychangeable» Using alcoholto cope» Self aware andable to reflect» Excessive anxiety,depressed mood» Sadness» Enjoying work» Superior focus,problem solvingand memory» Social andemotionaldysfunction.Unable to function» Irritability» Good impulsecontrol» Strong impulsecontrolIllness» Pervasive sadness,hopelessness» Manages anxiety» Mood resilient toacute stressors» NervousnessInjured» Self aware» Exhaustion,physical illness» Unable toperform duties,absenteeism» Impaired cognitivefunctioning» Social isolation,avoiding others» Abuse of alcohol» Limited selfawarenessor insight» Self aware limitedwhen distressedActions to take at each phase of the continuum» Promotion ofmental fitness» Self-managementand skill buildingin mental fitness» Self managementstrategies workand lifestyle» Preventionactivities» Reduction inmental health riskfactors» Promotion ofprotective factors» Early identificationof signs andsymptoms ofstress and distress» Self-managementstrategies torecover» Mental healthcare» Mental healthcare» Reasonableadjustments madeto complete workduties» Management planat work» Recovery plan» Early interventionby healthprofessionalsAFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-20229

How common are mentalhealth issues?According to Beyond Blue, approximately1 in 2 people will develop a mental healthcondition in their lifetime, and approximately1 in 5 in any given year (Black Dog), with themost common conditions being depression,anxiety and substance use.In any given year around three million peoplein Australia experience the most common mentalhealth conditions of anxiety or depression.While 1 in 20 experience substance related oraddictive disorders such as abuse of alcohol,problem gambling and abuse of prescriptionor illicit drugs. Every day an average of eightpeople take their own lives. People who livewith a mental health condition often experiencesignificant levels of stigma and discriminationwhich can lead to delayed access to supportand treatment and impede recovery.Mental health conditions have more successfultreatment outcomes when help is sought early,though it is never too late to seek treatment.There are many social and cultural contributorsto mental health and wellbeing. Disadvantage,poverty, racism and discrimination are social riskfactors for poor mental health and wellbeing.Workplace bullying or harassment, stress andburnout are also contributors.Did you know.» 1 in 5 Australians are currentlyexperiencing high or very highpsychological distress» Indigenous Australians arenearly 3 times more likely to bepsychologically distressed thannon-Indigenous Australians» Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslanders, men and those fromthe LGBTQI communities havehigher rates of suicide» Over 75% of mental healthconditions occur before theage of 25» Suicide is the leading causeof death of young Australians» Men are less likely to seek helpthan women» Less than half those with acondition seek professional help10AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2022Everyone shouldfeel comfortablespeaking openlyabout mentalhealth.AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-202211

Mental Health & Wellbeingin the AFLThe prevalence of mental health issues andconditions across the AFL ecosystem hasnot been well established. In the contextof increasing community, industry, andorganisational awareness of mental health, theneed for a clearer understanding of the statusof mental health within the AFL is paramount.There are almost 3000 people working full time,part time or casually within the AFL industry.Additionally, there are approximately 1480 totalplayers across the AFL, AFLW, VFLW andstate league teams.Indigenous peoples and people from culturallydiverse backgrounds bring unique strengthsto the ecosystem and add to the diversity andrichness of the AFL. The AFL is proud of thefact that 10.5% of our male and 5.7% of ourfemale players identify as being Indigenous.Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander playerscome from many different countries/languagegroups across Australia and with that comesdifferent cultural practices and meaning aroundmental health and wellbeing. The proportionof players with a culturally diverse backgroundis 18%, who are either born overseas or haveat least one parent born overseas.An AFL player list includes both rookie andsenior players. These players will averagearound 112 games across approximately sevenseasons. Of the 817 male AFL players in 2020,the average age was 24. However, the AFLPlayers Association finds that less than 20% ofplayers will play 100 games, with less thana third of players drafted playing 50 games.The high turnover rate of players is also ofconcern, with approximately 100 playersentering and 100 players leaving theworkforce every year.For the 2020 AFLW playing group, theaverage age was 24 and 10% are from aculturally diverse background.Because the women’s competition has onlyexisted for four seasons, the ability to estimateaverage career length is limited. However,the expansion of six teams in two seasonsmeans that players are staying in thecompetition for longer.A snapshot of players’ MentalHealth and WellbeingKey areas of identified mental health risk in themen’s competition through a 2015 prevalencestudy, ‘The Mental Health, Wellbeing andSubstance Use of Australian Football LeaguePlayers Report’, OYH, were:1. Rates of depression, anxiety and substanceabuse are comparable to the generalpopulation. However, a significant minority(17 per cent) of AFL players reportedproblematic levels of depression, anxietyand psychological distress.2. Psychological distress at a moderate to veryhigh level was reported in 23 per cent of theplaying group.3. Players with a history of mental healthissues were three times more likely toindicate psychological distress, and playerswho had sustained multiple concussionswere two times more likely to reportpsychological distress.4. One in five players are experiencing mentalhealth problems at a level that would warranttreatment by a health professional.5. 29 per cent of the playing group indicateda likelihood to seek help from a mental healthprofessional, however one in 10 said theywould not seek help from anyone.12AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2022Awareness raising and efforts to reduce stigmaled by the AFLPA, clubs and players across theAFL ecosystem have contributed to a significantincrease in players seeking help from theAFLPA network of mental health and wellbeingproviders over the past three years.According to AFLPA mental health andwellbeing service statistics, the most commonreasons for seeking a wellbeing consultation in2019 were relationships, anxiety and adjustment[to life stressors] in AFL players.Similarly, in 2019, the most common reasonsAFLW players sought a wellbeing consultationwere anxiety, medical illness or injury andadjustment [to life stressors].Past AFL and AFLW players also accessedhelp from the AFLPA for relationships, anxiety,adjustment and career transition.One in five players are experiencingmental health problems at a levelthat would warrant treatment bya health professionalAFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-202213

Mentally Healthy WorkplaceWhat is a mentally healthyworkplace?They identify that mentally healthy workplacesare ones that have the following in common:Organisations play an important role insupporting and maintaining the mental healthand wellbeing of their people. In addition toconsidering individual factors, any mental healthand wellbeing strategy must also consider thesystems and environments in which we live andwork, and the importance of the health of thosesystems. A mental health strategy also ensuresorganisations are meeting legal responsibilitiesto provide environments that are physicallyand psychologically safe. Mental health holdsdifferent meanings depending on culturalidentity and background and intersectswith other sociocultural factors.» A positive cultureBeyond Blue defines a mentally healthyworkplace as:“people at all levels have a shared vision of,and commitment to, positive mental health.Work demands are realistic in a way thatbalances the needs of the staff and theemployer and do not pose an unreasonable riskto the mental health of individuals. Everyonein the workplace feels comfortable to speakopenly about mental health and mentalhealth conditions, without fear of stigmaor discrimination. This creates a cultureof respect and inclusivity.”14» A place where stress and other mental healthrisks are managed» Where those with mental health conditionsare supportedCore principles of good workplace mental health lp Seeking» A zero-tolerance approach to racism anddiscriminationBenefits of a mentally healthy workplaceinclude reduced absenteeism, improvedproductivity, increased engagement andmotivation, reduced financial costs/returnon investment, and improved attractionand retention of good employees.Work is good for health. A healthy workplace is asafe, positive and inclusive workplace that is freefrom discrimination, bullying and harassment.A healthy workplace can encourage and supportparticipation for those with non-work-relatedmental health conditions and can reduce thelikelihood of work-related conditions developing.Cultural competence and safety in a workplaceare critical to an inclusive workplace thatcontributes positively to the wellbeing of peoplefrom non-dominant cultures, people with diversesexual orientations and gender identities andpeople with disability.AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2022Some steps to help guide through these principles include:Know the factsFocus on the positiveEducate yourself about mental ill-health.Be aware of your attitudes and behaviourExamine your own judgemental thinking.Mental ill-health, including addictions,are only part of anyone’s larger picture.Choose your words carefullySupport peopleThe way we speak can affect theattitudes of othersTreat everyone with dignity and respect;offer support and encouragement toseek help.Educate othersRecognitionPass on facts and positive attitudes;challenge myths and stereotypes.Recognise and respond to peopledisplaying early signs and symptomsof mental ill-health and encourageearly intervention.AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-202215

Our FocusThe Strategy focuses on five key areas of policy and system reform.These focus areas were determined by thekey findings of the Mental Health IndustryReview (MHIR), 2018, commissioned bythe Industry Governance Committee (IGC).The MHIR was conducted to assess howthe AFL Industry could best approachthe mental health of players and staff bydeveloping best practice frameworks andidentifying focus areas for action. TheMHIR identified the clubs as the primaryenvironment to support, resource and buildcapacity to improve mental health outcomesfor players, coaches and club staff.The Strategy’s focus areas were alsoinformed by the prevalence study,The Mental Health, Wellbeing andSubstance Use of Australian FootballLeague Players Report’, OYH, 2015.The focus areas help prioritise resource andhave been endorsed after consultation withstakeholders across the AFL ecosystem,including but not restricted to staff, players,club representatives and the AFLPA.16Focus Area 1: Culture, Policyand System ReformCreating a mentally healthy workplace iseveryone’s responsibility. We drive policyreform, establish and uphold industry-widebest practice standards and establish goodgovernance to ensure all our people receivethe highest-quality mental health care.Focus Area 2: Mental HealthLiteracy, Destigmatisationand Suicide PreventionAll our people have a role in creating a culturethat reduces stigma, promotes awarenessand understanding of mental health, andencourages help-seeking behaviours.Focus Area 3: Equality, Inclusivityand Responding to DiversityEveryone is educated to respect and celebratediversity. All our people contribute to an equaland inclusive workplace and work to reducediscrimination and bullying. For Indigenousplayers and staff, as the First Peoples ofAustralia, it is acknowledged that the deepconnections to land, language, ceremony,kinship systems, and cultural knowledgeand practices are intrinsic to wellbeing.AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2022Focus Area 4: Preventionof Anxiety, Depression andAddictive BehavioursWe prioritise the prevention of anxiety,depression and addictive behaviours(alcohol and other substance misuse,problem gambling) by mitigating knownrisks to mental health and wellbeing andpromoting our peoples’ mental fitnessand resilience.Focus Area 5: Researchand EvaluationWe build the evidence base nationallyto lead responses to mental health inplayers, coaches, umpires and all ourpeople. We ensure continuous qualityand improvement of all mental healthand wellbeing initiatives throughongoing evaluation.The focus areas help prioritiseresource and have been endorsedafter consultation with stakeholdersacross the AFL ecosystem.AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-202217

Our StrategyThe Strategy andits objectives areguided by fivecore mental healthprinciples, whichunderpin our Model.OUR PURPOSETo support the health andwellbeing of our people,to ensure the health andfuture of the game.OUR VISIONAll our people are mentallyfit and ready to thrive andsupport each other.18PRINCIPLE 1PRINCIPLE 2PRINCIPLE 3PRINCIPLE 4PRINCIPLE 5A Person Centred,Family and LifeCycle ApproachThe Mental HealthContinuumA SharedResponsibilityFrom Preventionto RecoveryModify Risks andPromote ProtectiveFactorsA lifecycle approach takesinto account that peopleare unique individuals whohave different needs atdifferent times intheir lives.The Mental Health andWellbeing Continuum isa way to understand thedynamic nature of mentalhealth, its symptoms andits impacts, and the wayindividuals can move ineither direction in responseto different challenges.Achieving positive mentalhealth and wellbeing for ourpeople is based on everyoneworking as one team –a shared responsibility.This acknowledges thatwe all have a part to playin maintaining andmanaging our own mentalhealth and wellbeing.The stepped care modelof Prevention » EarlyIntervention » Recoverydescribes the approachesused at various stages of themental health continuumto encourage wellbeingand reduce the likelihoodof mental ill-health and itsnegative impacts.An understanding of riskand protective factors helpsus to modify those factorsto better support mentalhealth and wellbeing.We all have a role in helpingothers to seek help earlywhen problems arise.Primary prevention refers topreventing the emergenceor onset of conditions; earlyintervention aims to preventprogression of a mentalhealth condition throughearly identification andtreatment at the first signsof mental health problems;and recovery involvesthe delivery of effectiveand safe interventions byappropriately qualifiedprofessionals and engagingpeer and family supportsystems.Being responsive to mentalhealth and wellbeingrequires an understandingof the individual’s needsfrom commencementin the industry throughto transition out of theindustry and beyond.It also acknowledgesthe necessity for growthacross different life stages(e.g. adolescence, youngadulthood, adulthood andlater life) and the criticalrole of family.AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2022Understanding mentalhealth as being on acontinuum can help toimprove understandingand reduce stigma. It alsoconsiders both the positive,thriving end of wellbeingas well as the ill and injuredaspects of mental health.We all contribute toan inclusive culturethat reduces stigma,promotes awarenessand understandingof mental health.Risk factors are those thatincrease the likelihood ofa condition emerging orincreasing its impact orseverity, while protectivefactors are those that workto mitigate or reduce thelikelihood and impacts.Reducing risk factors andstrengthening protectivefactors aid in the overallreduction of risks to mentalhealth and wellbeing.AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-202219

The ModelRegulate the delivery of mental healthcareto ensure quality and safety for all our people.Initiatives and interventions are effective,based on the best available evidence andrelevant to the individual.2. Culture5. DataBuild a thriving culture andmentally healthy workplaces.Build the evidence and ensure continualevaluation and improvementAs an industry we promote a culturethat supports mental health and wel

4 AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2022 AFL Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2022 5 Introduction An Industry Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy helps protect the health and future of our people and our game. An industry's most valuable asset is its people. Without them, it cannot succeed or grow.

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