A program of Interface Children & Family Services in partnership withthe County of Ventura, First 5 Ventura County, and United Way of Ventura CountyAnnual Report 2017
Executive SummaryIn 2017, 211VC connected over 42,000 community members tohealth and human service resources, the highest rate sincebecoming the first 2-1-1 in the state of California in 2005.Call211VC answered 17,923 Information and Referralcalls in 2017 with one of the quickest answer timesin the state, providing over 33,303 referrals.Click23,912 unique visitors used the new GuidedSearch at www.211ventura.org to complete 40,997searches for resources. Website visitors haveaccess to the extensive 211VC resource databasewhich includes information about 467 agenciesand over 1,145 programs.Text211 texting capability started on 2-1-1 Day,February 11, 2017. 1,635 unique Ventura clientsused this service in 2017. 2-1-1 texting alsoenables “push text” strategic, proactiveinformation to the community. This created newopportunities for public information during theDecember 2017 Thomas Fire.Disaster211VC used call-click-text to provide critical publicinformation during multiple disasters in 2017including: Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, Las Vegasmass shooting, Northern California wildfires, andlocal Thomas Fire. 211VC handled 6,800 calls andover 10,000 text exchanges from Ventura and SantaBarbara Counties during the Thomas Fire.2
New Services & FundingHomeless Management Information System (HMIS)After years of connecting callers with referrals for housing, 211VC began entering callersdirectly into the Ventura County HMIS system in August 2017. HMIS is an online systemthat tracks client level data about the use of homeless services in Ventura County.Referrals for certain housing programs must be made directly through the HMIS system,so this addition to 211VC services means a more direct connection for callers with criticalhousing resources. This new service is made possible through a partnership with theVentura County Continuum of Care , and through support from United Way ofVentura County, Kaiser Permanente & Dignity Health.Screening for BenefitsIn partnership with United Way ofVentura County and Gold Coast HealthPlan, 211VC also began offering the option ofa phone or online screening using theBenefit Kitchen tool. This tool checkseligibility for help with food, utilitypayments, and other programs. Clients cancall 2-1-1 or visitbenefitkitchen.com/icfs/ for a screening.211VC Funding Fiscal Year 2017/18Other5%UWVC15%First 524%Countyof Ventura32%211 VC is made possible inpartnership with:County of Ventura, First 5 VenturaCounty, and United Way of VenturaCounty with support from KaiserPermanente, Dignity Health, and all tenVentura County cities (Cities ofCamarillo, Oxnard, Ventura, Simi Valley,Moorpark, Thousand Oaks, Ojai, SantaPaula, Fillmore & Port Hueneme).Cities24%3
DisasterThomas FireDecember 4, 2017: The Thomas Fire starts at 6:28pm north of Santa Paulain Ventura County. Strong winds pushed the fire to the City of Ventura.December 5: 211VC receives 87.5% more calls than the previous day andassists over 400 unique clients via text in one day. In addition to two-waypersonalized texting using zip codes, an automated response is set up toprovide fire information when users text the keyword “ThomasFire” for Englishor “ThomasFuego” for Spanish.December 10: The Thomas Fire spreads into Santa Barbara County. 211VCassists 944 unique Santa Barbara clients via text in a single day.A total of 2,791 unique clients from Ventura and SantaBarbara Counties were assisted in December.1,062 Ventura residents wereassisted via text during theThomas Fire.211VC responded to 7,800 callsand over 10,000 texts during theduration of the Thomas Fire andresulting mudslides (12/4/17 1/15/18).The Thomas Fire grew to be thelargest fire in California history,burning approximately 281,893acres (440 square miles).211VC is honored to have theability to support the Venturaand Santa Barbara communitiesthrough this difficult time.4
DisasterThomas FireThomas Fire Disaster CallsVentura and Santa Barbara Counties (Dec 2017)Call400350300250Ventura Disaster Calls200Santa Barbara Disaster -Dec8-Dec7-Dec6-Dec5-Dec4-Dec0Thomas Fire Text Assistance forVentura and Santa Barbara Counties (Dec 2017)1000800Unique Ventura Clients bydateUnique Santa Barbara Clientsby 7-Dec8-Dec6-Dec4-Dec5-Dec05
DisasterHelp During DisasterDuring times of disaster, Interface’s 211VC has been and willcontinue to help keep community members safe and informed.211VC provides incidentspecific information incoordination with theOffice of EmergencyServices, including roadclosures and shelteroptions both locally andnationwide.Call & Text Support for Out of Area Events in 2017230199187 1862501792001501009489806613211350 263220282225267159494035152146127 132974833 383790Hurricane Irma - TextsHurricane Harvey - CallsLas Vegas Mass Shooting - CallsNorthern California Wildfires - Calls6
DisasterThomas FireClick2-1-1VC also offers resources online,including disaster relief information,legal and counseling services for firevictims, opportunities to donate andvolunteer, and much more.www.211ventura.org/disaster-infoPower to Keep Help ComingThanks to the Ventura CountyCommunity Foundation, a rentedgenerator was connected to 2-1-1VCContact Center within 24 hours of thestart of the incident. This kept 211VCservices stable through the uncertainpower supply during the fire. Thisassistance will continue in 2018 in theform of a permanent generator to beinstalled onsite to support the 2-1-1VCContact Center for years to come.Generator supports 2-1-1VC Contact Centerduring Thomas Fire7
DisasterThomas Fire StoriesOne week after the loss of the historic Vista Del Mar Hospital, 211VC receiveda call from “Bob”, a man in his 50’s who had been a live-in patient prior to thefire. Since the mandatory evacuation, followed by complete destruction of thehospital, he had become homeless and was trying to deal with both thetrauma of the fire and his own mental illness. 211VC connected Bob to threeavailable shelters as well as the county Behavioral Health hotline to help himnot only find shelter but to also get the assistance he needed for mentalhealth services.Two weeks after the fire, 211VC received a text from “Mike”, an activeduty military member who stated he and his family were struggling torecover from trauma resulting from the fire. He confided in the Specialistthat the stress of evacuating from his home had triggered his PTSD and hewas having difficulty handling the task of identifying financial andemotional recovery support for him and his family. The 211VC Specialistexplained what resources were available to them and helped Mike makean appointment at the County Thomas Fire Service Center where his familywould have access to all the benefits available to them.211VC received a text from “Mary”, aconcerned resident whose elderly parentsreside in Montecito. They did not havephone service and were in need ofevacuating due to water pouring into theirhome from the creek next door. A 211VCSpecialist was able to provide the couple’sname and address to the OES for emergencyrescue. 211VC received confirmed that theyare now safe and their daughter was verygrateful for 211VC’s assistance.8
Information & ReferralCallsCallIn 2017, 211VC handled 17,923 information & referral calls. Of these, 4% (654 calls)were crisis related and 4% (683 calls) were disaster calls related to Thomas Fire.Information & Referral CallsDisaster4%Crisis Calls2%Standard I&R 92%Crisis Call4%14%55%28%Mental Health/SuicidalDomestic ViolenceMedical (not mental health related)Sexual Assault/RapeInformation & Referral Calls Per Month2016 & prMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec9
CallInformation & ReferralCallsOut of 17,923 callers in 2017, 4,739 called 211VC for the FIRST time.73%FemaleCaller Age27%Male47%60%40%20%0%2%13% 20%19%13-17 18-29 30-54 55-61 62 Caller EthnicityCaller Language100%Caucasian 32%86%Other:80%60%40%20%14%AfricanAmerican 5%MandarinArabicFarsiRussianVietnameseAsian 2%NativeAmerican 1%Hispanic/Latino 50%0%English SpanishOther 9%Pacific Islander/ NativeHawaiian 1%How first time callers heard about 2-1-1Utility bill mailingChurchTV/Newspaper/RadioSchoolMedical Provider/HospitalOther Government Agency911/Law EnforcementOther 211InternetCity/County agencyBrochure / PosterOtherFriend/FamilyNonprofit Agency 35%10
Text2-1-1 Texting211VC offers service in English and Spanish, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Since going live in February 2017, 1,635 Ventura residents used the textservice in 2017.During December, the month the Thomas Fire happened, 211VC provideddisaster information and assistance through text to 1,067 unique clients.# of Unique Text Clientsby monthTextText Language15001067Spanish5%100050023893 11964 50 59 36 11 48 -17May-17Apr-17Mar-17Feb-170English95%Residency of Call & Text Clients in 201740%35%30%Calls25%20%Texts15%10%5%0%11
Call/TextCategory of RequestsCALLS & TEXTS (2017)The three most common types of needs expressed by clients wererelated to housing, income, and mental 4%HEALTHCARE7%FOOD &MEALS6%CLOTHING, PERSONAL,HOUSEHOLD NEEDS2%OTHER GOVERNMENT/ECONOMIC SERVICES1%INCOMESUPPORT15%INDIVIDUALANDFAMILY LIFE9%LEGAL, CONSUMER& PUBLIC 2
Call/TextCategory of RequestsCALLS & TEXTS (2016/2017)25%20%Category of Need(s)2017 & 201615%2017201610%5%0%Categories of NeedArts, Culture and RecreationRecreational, social, spiritual, and culturalopportunitiesClothing, Personal & Household:Clothing, diapers, household goods, etcDisaster ServicesEmergency planning, preparedness, mitigation,response, relief and/or recovery servicesEducation:Schools, school readiness, preschools, First 5 NfLs,etcEmployment:Training and employment servicesFood & Meals:Food pantries, meals, Food Stamp benefits, etcHealth Care:Community clinics, immunizations, prescriptionexpense assistance, etcHousing & Utilities:Housing, shelter, rent/utility assistance, etcIncome Support & Assistance:Medi-Cal, Medicare, unemployment benefits, taxpreparation assistance, credit counseling, etcIndividual and Family Life:In home supportive services, parent ed, supportgroups, child care, etcInformation Services:Libraries, referrals to out-of county 2-1-1s, etcLegal, Consumer & Public Safety:Legal assistance, law enforcement, courts, etcMental Health & Addictions:Counseling, suicide hotlines, substance abuse services,etcOther Governmental/Economic Services:Organizational development, voter registration, etcTransportation:Public transportation, bus vouchers, etcVolunteer & Donation:Volunteer opportunities, donation opportunities, etc13
Call/TextUnmet Needs2017211VC tracks instances where no referrals are available to meet aninquirer’s assessed needs because they are either unavailable altogether orthey may be available but inadequate, i.e., they may be too expensive, notavailable in the needed language(s), not available during non-working orother convenient hours or have eligibility criteria that exclude the inquirer.Emergency Shelter was the top unmet need in the County.Top 10 Unmet NeedCategoriesExamples of Unmet Need Category PercentageEmergency ShelterMotel vouchers, homeless shelters(including Domestic Violence and YouthShelters), safe parking program24%Personal Goods/ServicesDiapers, clothing, laundry and bathingfacilities7%Transportation ExpenseAssistanceGas money, automobile paymentassistance, bus fare4%Substance Use DisorderTreatment ProgramsSubstance Use Disorder treatmentfacilities and counseling4%Holiday ProgramsChristmas or Thanksgiving basket/meals,holiday gift programs4%Utility AssistanceAssistance with electric, trash, gas,telephone and water payment3%Household GoodsFurniture, refrigerator, appliances2%Residential Housing OptionsLow income housing2%Housing Expense Assistance Rent, deposit and mortgage assistance2%Transitional Housing/Shelter2%Transitional housing and shelter14
Call/Text2-1-1 Following UpUpon follow up with sampling of 2-1-1VC’s most vulnerable clients, it was foundthat 60% had been approved for services or on a waiting list to receive services.211VC offers follow-up contact for both calls and texts, with clients who are morevulnerable or at risk. Sometimes Contact Specialists learn that callers may nothave the necessary capacity to follow through and resolve their problems withoutadditional support.211VC completed 288 follow-ups in 2017 and learned that callers whosuccessfully reached the programs, 60% were approved for services or were on awaiting list. Those that were not approved stated that they did not meet moredetailed eligibility requirements encountered during the application or theprogram was out of funding. Of those clients that did not reach the programs, 6%stated the program never returned their call.Clients were also surveyed about the service provided by the 211VC ContactSpecialist to ensure high standards of quality. 97% of clients indicated they wouldrecommend 211VC to a friend or family member and 97% indicated that the211VC Contact Specialist they spoke with was polite and professional.“I’m finally getting help with the help of 211.”“The Call Specialist was amazing, she was so sweet andunderstanding. I didn’t feel like I was speaking to a stranger.”“Very thankful! It’s a new beginning in life!”“When I called into 211 I was so overwhelmed I did not knowwhat to do, after calling 211 I felt different. I felt like everythingwas going to be okay.”“I am so thankful and glad 211 followed up.Thank you 211!”15
Click2-1-1 OnlineGuided Search211Ventura.org had 23,912 unique visitors in 2017 completing 40,997 searches.# of Unique Visitors by 2016303329461572150216371626 1506AugSepOctNov6360JanFebMayDec# of Searches by 103FebMarApr29982844 303327682475 2675 2369 7860JanMayJunJulAugNovDec16
Click2-1-1 OnlineGuided SearchTop 10 Online Search Terms1. Rent Payment Assistance2. Low Income/Subsidized RentalHousing3. General Counseling Services4. Homeless Safe Parking Programs5. Homeless Shelters6. Transitional Housing/Shelters7. Food Pantries8. Sober Living Homes for RecoveringDrug Abusers9. Rental Deposit Assistance10. General Bereavement SupportGroupsCategory of Web Visitors Needs2017 & 201625% 23%21%18%20%16%14%15%12%10%5%9% 8%8%7% 7% 6%5%201720164%4% 4%4% 4% 4%3% 3% 3% 4%3%2% 1% 1% 1%1% 1%1% 1% 1% 1%0%17
ClickCategory of RequestsOnline Visitors (2017)23% of searches through 211Ventura.org in 2017 were housing related.HOUSING23%INDIVIDUALANDFAMILY LIFE14%LEGAL, CONSUMER& PUBLIC ESUPPORT4%MENTALHEALTH/ADDICTION16%FOOD &MEALS7%CLOTHING, PERSONAL,HOUSEHOLD %Volunteers/Donations 1%Arts Culture& Recreation1%18
CallCaller StoriesA young homeless couple from Simi Valley called 211VC in May seekingassistance because they were living in their car, having difficulty finding jobs,and were out of food. At the time of their call, they had not eaten in three days.211VC staff provided information on job assistance centers, food pantries,shelters, rapid rehousing programs, and then warm transferred them to a youthcrisis line. During a follow up with the couple, it was found that they were ableto obtain food, bus passes, and shelter through the youth crisis line. He said thatthe 211VC Specialist he spoke with was helpful and very polite.“Albert” called 211VC in March from Thousand Oaks in desperate need ofemergency housing. He is disabled and in a wheelchair and had put in his 30 daynotice at his apartment as he prepared to move into a new place. Unfortunately,he found out too late that his new apartment would not be ready for a few weeks.He asked for an extension at his current apartment, but his landlord denied it andhe was concerned that he would be homeless. The 211VC Specialist provided himwith referrals for shelters as well as for tenants’ rights agencies and rapidrehousing programs. During a follow up contact, 211VC staff found he wascompletely out of food, at which point an Adult Protective Services report wasmade. When 2-1-1 followed up with him again, we found he got the foodassistance he needed and was able to stay at his current apartment until the newplace was ready. He was also able to obtain the rental assistance he needed.19
For More Information Contact:Interface Children & Family ServicesDial 2-1-1 (24/7) or (805) 485-6114
Ventura County Continuum of Care , and through support from United Way of Ventura County, Kaiser Permanente & Dignity Health. Screening for Benefits In partnership with United Way of Ventura County and Gold Coast Health Plan, 211VC also began offering the option of . City/County agency Internet Other 211 911/Law Enforcement Other Government .
· ······ · Ventura Public Health County A Division of the Ventura County Health Care Agency EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 2220 E. Gonzales Rd., Suite 130, Oxnard, CA 93036-0619 . The 2011 EMS Plan Update for Ventura County EMS Agency is submitted for your review.
Ventura County? By age 5, 37% of children seen by the Ventura Public Health Oral Health Education Program had not been to a dentist* 18,000 kids (0-18) have never visited a dentist. 9,000 kids came from families who could not afford dental care. Ventura Co. is the largest county in CA that does not have a county wide health dental
Ventura County Key Informant Interview Questionnaire 106 Ventura County Focus Group Discussion Questions 106 Community Survey (English) 107 . before illness, in our homes, schools and jobs; that all Ventura County residents should have the opportunity to make choices that allow them to live a long, healthy life, regardless of their income .
533 Santa Clara Ave 9:00-11:00 A.M. Tue 1 Aug Santa Paula Centro Cristiano Emanuel 505 W Harvard Blvd 12:00-3:00 P.M. Thu 3 Aug West Ventura Ventura Catholic Charities 303 N Ventura Ave 9:00-11:00 A.M. Fri 4 Aug West Ventura Red Barn Market 995 N Ventura Ave 11:00-1:00 P.M. Mon 7 Aug Saticoy Saticoy Food Pantry* 11168 Violeta St 4:30-6:00 P.M .
Ventura, CA 93003 260 North San Antonio Road . do is recycle your old gasoline mower at either Standard Industries in Ventura or Oxnard Metal in Oxnard. Get . Ventura County Government Center 800 South Victoria Avenue
Final 2012 policy CMS will implement the third year of the 4-year transition to new practice expense RVUs developed using the PPIS data. Available in the appendix of this summary, Table 84 of the .