Gestational Weight Gain And Its Relation With Birth Weight Of The Newborn

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J Nepal Med Assoc 2017;56(207):309-13ORIGINAL ARTICLECCSBYNCOPEN ACCESSGestational Weight Gain and its Relation with Birth Weight of theNewbornMeena Thapa,1 Rupa Paneru11Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kathmandu Medical College, Sinamangal, Kathmandu, Nepal.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Gestational weight gain is an important predictor of the health of the newborn. It isaffected by body mass index of the women. This study was conducted to find out gestational weightgain according to Institute of Medicine 2009 recommendation and relationship of newborn birthweight to body mass index and gestational weight gain of the women.Methods: It was cross sectional, hospital based study. The women, who attended at term pregnancyfor delivery and having recorded first trimester body weight, were included in the study. Their bodymass index was calculated and they were stratified into 4 groups according to body mass index. Thegestational weight gain was calculated by subtracting first trimester body weight from body weightat the time of admission for delivery. All the women were followed till delivery. The newborn birthweight was taken immediately after delivery.Results: A total of 227 women were enrolled in the study. More than half of the women had normalbody mass index. There were 84 (37%) overweight and obese women. Mean gestational weight gainwas 10.21 kg, and mean weight of the newborn was 3.05 kg. There were equal number of womenwho had adequate weight gain and less weight gain according to recommendation. Excess weightgain was seen in 34 (15%) women. Women of higher body mass index and women who had gainmore weight during pregnancy had larger newborns.Conclusions: Body mass index and gestational weight gain of the women were important predictorsof birth weight of the newborn. There is a positive correlation between gestational weight gain of thewomen and birth weight of the newborn.Keywords: birth weight; body mass index; gestational weight gain.INTRODUCTIONObesity is associated with various adverse effectson pregnancy.1 Overweight and obese pregnantwomen have increased risk of hypertensive disorderin pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus, cesareansection delivery, birth defects, premature delivery,jaundice and hypoglycemia in newborn and NeonatalICU admission. Various factors are implicated as riskfactors of maternal obesity.2Weight gain during pregnancy is influenced by variousfactors like first trimester body mass index (BMI), age,parity, smoking status, race, ethnicity and physical activities.3 The weight gain during pregnancy is an important predictor of health of the newborn.2,4 Therefore,Correspondence: Dr. Meena Thapa, Department of Obstetricsand Gynaecology, Kathmandu Medical College, Sinamangal,Kathmandu, Nepal. Email:, Phone: 9779851060052.JNMA I VOL 56 I ISSUE 207 I Jul-SEP 2017309

Thapa et al. Gestational Weight Gain and its Relation with Birth Weight of the Newbornthe Institute of Medicine (IOM) has made a guidelinefor pregnancy weight gain according to pre-pregnancyBMI, which has been approved by WHO in 2009.5This study was conducted to find out gestational weightgain according to IOM 2009 recommendation and relationship between birth weight of newborn with gestational weight gain and body mass index of the women.METHODSThis is a cross-sectional, descriptive hospital-basedstudy conducted in Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department of the Kathmandu Medical College. The studywas conducted over the period of 2 months from Jan,2017 to Feb, 2017. The study was done after approval from Institutional Review Committee of KathmanduMedical College. The pregnant women who attendedthe Obstetric ward for delivery at term with antenatalcheckup in Kathmandu Medical College since first trimester (before 12 weeks of gestation) were enrolled inthe study. The pregnant women with multi-fetal gestation, preterm labor, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy induced hypertension, fetal congenital anomaly and thyroid disorder were excluded from the study. Their verbal consent for enrollment in the study was taken. Therecord of antenatal checkup was checked. The eligiblewomen were interviewed regarding age, obstetric history and antenatal care visits. The weight at first visit(less than 12 week) was recorded from their antenatalcare records. At admission, their weight in kilogramsand height in meters were taken. They were followedtill delivery. The weight (in kg) of newborns were takenafter delivery and recorded.The first trimester Body Mass Index (BMI) wascalculated by using following formula:BMI Weight in kilogram (First trimester) / (Height inmeter)2The gestational weight gain (GWG) of the pregnantwomen was calculated by subtracting the weight inkilogram at first trimester from weight in kilogramat the time of enrollment in the study (at the time ofadmission for delivery).Total sample size was 227, which was calculated byfollowing:SD2Sample size (n) Z2 x 2dZ Confidence Level at 90% (1.96)SD – 0.35d Margin of Error at 10% of SD (0.0035)Sample Size (n) 227310The data was recorded in Microsoft Excel spread sheet.The data was analyzed with SPSS version 20. Thesignificance of the finding was calculated by Chi-squaretest.RESULTSWe studied 227 pregnant women. The mean age ofthe studied subjects was 26.15 4.54 years. Amongthe women, 135 (59.5%) of them were pregnant forfirst time (nulliparous), 76 (33.5%) of them had givenone birth already (parity one) and 16 (7%) of them hadhad more than two deliveries before. According to BMI,majority of women 130 (57.2%) had normal weightat first trimester, whereas 84 (37%) of women wereoverweight and obese (Table 1).Table 1. Anthropometric data of the womenBody Mass Index (BMI)n (%) 18.513 (5.7)18.5- 24.9130 (57.26)25- 29.9963 (27.75) 29.921 (9.25)Total227 (100)Mean weight gain during pregnancy was 10.21 4.18kg. The weight gain during pregnancy was foundadequate according to the recommendation in 96(42.2%) of subjects and another 97 (42.7%) of themfailed to gain weight according to the recommendation.Excess weight gain was observed in 34 (15%) ofwomen. Less weight gain was observed more inwomen belonging to normal first trimester, 77 (59.5%),whereas three (23%) of underweight, 13 (20%) ofoverweight and three (14.3%) of obese women hadless weight gain than recommendation. No cases ofexcess weight gain were seen in women belonging tounderweight group. Relatively more cases of excessiveweight gain were seen in overweight and obese women(Table 2).The mean birth weight of newborns was 3.040 0.42kg in this study. Mean birth weight of newborns fromnormal and underweight mother was 2.976 0.46 kg.Significantly higher mean birth weight of newborns(3.150 0.44 kg) was found among overweight andobese mothers. Majority of newborn had normal birthweight. Low birth weight newborns were found in 26(11.5%) cases; whereas only four (1.8%) newbornswere macrosomic. Low birth weight newborns wereobserved in women of normal weight and overweight.No cases of low birth weight newborn were found inunderweight and obese women. Macrosomic babiesJNMA I VOL 56 I ISSUE 207 I Jul-SEP 2017

Thapa et al. Gestational Weight Gain and its Relation with Birth Weight of the NewbornTable 2. Gestational weight gain according to IOM2009 Recommendation.Body MassNumber of Number of NumberIndex oflow weight adequateof excesswomengain (%)weightweight gain(n 227)gain (%)(%) 18.53 (23.1)10 (76.9)018.5 – 24.977 (59.5)39 (29.9)14 (10.8)25 – 29.913 (20.6)36 (57)14 (22.2) 29.93 (14.3)12 (28.6)6 (28.6)Total96 (42.3)97 (42.7)34 (14.9)There was a positive but weak relationship betweenthem (correlation coefficient value 0.6) (Figure 1).45,000Weight of Newborn(kg)were observed significantly more (P value 0.000) inobese women (Table 3).40,00035,00030,00025,00020,000The relationship between gestational weight gain andnewborn birth weight was studied using a scatterdiagram. It was found that the newborn weightincreased with increasing gestational weight gain.0510152025Gestational weight gain(kg)Figure 1. Relationship between gestational weightgain and birth weight of the newborn.Table 3. Birth weight of the newborn according to BMI of the women.Birth weight of thenewbornBody Mass Index of the WomenTotal (%)Underweight(n 13)Normal Weight(n 130)Overweight(n 63)Obese(n 21)Low birth weight( 2.5 kg)0206026 (11.5)Normal weight(2.53.99 kg)131105518197(87.7)Macrosomic (4 kg andabove)00134 (1.8)Mean birth weight (kg)2.99 0.212.97 0.423.12 0.433.25 0.49(n 227)Pvalue0.0000.003DISCUSSIONAccording to the IOM 2009 recommendation, adequateGWG is 11.6-16.6 kg for underweight, 10.4-14.5kg for normal weight, 6.8-11.5 kg for overweightand 5-9.1 kg for obese women.5 We found that only42% percentage of women had adequate and nearlysimilar number of women had less weight gain thanthe recommendation. Surprisingly, less weight gainwas observed in women belonging to women of normalweight. We have also found that increasing gestationalweight gain was positively associated to newborn birthweight. Macrosomic newborns were found only amongoverweight and obese women.The percentage of overweight and obese womenwas 37 in this study. Whereas, Upadhyaya S et al,6from Kathmandu, reported that there were 22.3%and 58.2% of overweight women from two differentethnic groups. Slightly more percentage of overweightwomen were observed in the study done among thewomen of reproductive age attending a gynaecologyclinic in Kathmandu.7 A lesser number of overweightwomen were found by the following studies. A nationalrepresentative survey has shown that only 7.4% ofwomen were overweight in Nepal.8 Another multicentric study from developing countries has shown thatonly 0.1% of non-pregnant women were overweight inSouth Asian region.9 Less number of overweight womenwere found in these studies, might be due to theirinvolvement of women of all age groups and moreoverthese studies were conducted almost two decadesago. Overweight and obese women were found lessamong Thai women10 than our studied population, butmuch higher rate of overweight and obese women wasreported from Northern California.11JNMA I VOL 56 I ISSUE 207 I Jul-SEP 2017311

Thapa et al. Gestational Weight Gain and its Relation with Birth Weight of the NewbornThe weight gain during pregnancy was varied from 0 to25 kg with mean weight gain of 10.5 4.18 kg in ourstudied population. Mean gestational weight gain wasfound slightly less in the study done in Patan Hospital.12whereas Indonesian pregnant had slightly more weightgain than our studied pregnant women.13 A multi-centricstudy done in Australia and New Zealand reported 13.9 kg of gestational weight gain among nulliparouswomen, which is higher than our study.2 The studydone in USA, has reported a much higher gestationalweight gain among their women.14 The reason may bethat Australian and American women have higher BMIthan our women.As our findings, Thai women also had less numberof women having adequate gestational weight gain,10whereas, nearly 97% of Nigerian pregnant had lessweight gain than the recommendation.4 The reasonbehind this may be that Nigerian women had lessBMI than our women. Excess GWG was seen only inoverweight and obese women in our study. Similarfinding has been reported from study done amongEuropean and Australian pregnant women. Theyfound that nearly three quarters of the overweightand obese pregnant women had excess GWG thanthe recommendation.2 Very high number of women(66.1%) from California had excess GWG11 whereas,only seven percentages of obese Nigerian women hadexcess GWG than the recommendation.4We found that, the mean birth weight of newborn was3.04 0.42 kg. The study among two ethnic groupsof women from Kathmandu7 and another study fromPatan Hospital12 have reported almost similar mean birthweights of newborns. We found that almost 86% ofnewborn had normal birth weight. Macrosomic babieswere found only among overweight and obese women.Sizes of the newborn were found larger as the BMI ofthe women had increased. Low birth weight newbornswere found more among normal weight women. Itmay be because almost 60% of these women had lessweight gain than the recommendation. We had alsofound that there was positive relationship betweenREFERENCES1.2.312Martin RR, Hyde MJ, Modi N. Maternal obesity andinfant outcome. Early Human Development. 2010Nov;86(11):715-22. [Full Text]Restall A, Taylor RS, Thompson JMD, Flower D, Dekker GA,Kenny LC, et al. Risk factors for excessive gestational weightgain in a healthy, nulliparous cohort. Journal of Obesity.2014:1-9. [Full Text DOI]GWG and newborn birth weight. Similar findings werereported in a study of maternal weight gain and infantbirth weight among 159 pregnant women. They alsofound that women having higher GWG had larger babiesthan those who gained less weight during pregnancy.15A positive linear relationship between GWG and thenewborn weight was also found in the study from PatanHospital12 and Indonesia.13 In Brazil, 13% of newbornsborn from mothers having excess weight gain weremacrosomic, whereas women having appropriateweight gain had less than 1% macrosomic babies.They also found that there was a positive correlationbetween GWG and newborn birth weight.16 Anotherstudy by Sridhar et al,11 had also found that excessGWG was associated with large-for-date newborns,and less weight gain during pregnancy was related withsmall-for-date newborns.To calculate accurate gestational weight gain, prepregnancy weight is necessary, but it is difficult to findpre pregnancy weight in our women and average firsttrimester weight gain is very less so that first trimesterweight was utilized to calculate gestational weight gain.CONCLUSIONSHigher BMI of the women is related with excess weightgain during pregnancy and larger weight newborn. Thereis a positive correlation between gestational weight gainof the women and birth weight of the newborn. So, itcan be concluded that early pregnancy BMI and GWGare important predictors of birth weight of the newborn.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe would like to acknowledge Dr. Naresh Manandharfor helping us in data analysis and Prof. Rachana Sahafor editing this manuscript.Conflict of Interest: None.3.Abraham B, Carmichael S, Selvin S. Factors associated withthe pattern of maternal weight gain during pregnancy.Obstet Gynecol. 1995 Aug;86(2):170-6. [PubMed]4.Esimai OA, Ojofeitimi E. Pattern and determinants ofgestational weight gain: an important predictor of infantbirth weight in a developing country. Global Journal ofHealth Science. 2014;6(4):148-54. [Full Text]5.Weight gain during pregnancy. Committee opinion No. 548.American college of Obstetrician and Gynecologist. ObstetGynecol. 2013;121:210-2. [Full Text]JNMA I VOL 56 I ISSUE 207 I Jul-SEP 2017

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The weight gain during pregnancy was varied from 0 to 25 kg with mean weight gain of 10.5 4.18 kg in our studied population. Mean gestational weight gain was found slightly less in the study done in Patan Hospital.12 whereas Indonesian pregnant had slightly more weight gain than our studied pregnant women. 13 A multi-centric

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