Siemens /quiet-suite Quiet Suite

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Transcription SuiteImaging is to be seen, not heard.

Imagingis to be seen, not heard.Complete, quietexams for neurologyand orthopedicsUp to 97% reduction in soundpressure2No compromises inimage quality Noise reduction right from thestart, with the QuietX localizer Reduced need for sedation Easier communication with patients,reducing anxiety and the need forrescans Diagnostic quality ofimages are maintained Complete clinical examinationswith QuietX1 TSE, SE and GRE forT1, T2 and DarkFluid contrasts,QuietX SWI and the inaudible PETRA Higher patient comfort andsatisfaction No need for hardwaremodificationsLife Design is the Siemens MRI design philosophy. Since the beginning, the guiding principle in ourMRI development has been to design our systems around you and your patients. With Quiet Suite1,we take noise reduction to a new level. Benefit from up to 97 percent reduction in soundpressure² for complete and quiet neurological and orthopedic exams. Quiet Suite includes QuietXsequences and PETRA as well as optimized protocols for neurological and ortho pedic exams.With no compromises in image quality and scan time and no need for hardware modifications,your patients can immediately benefit from more comfortable MRI examinations. Improve clinical carefor vulnerable patients

dBA 9664Press here

Quiet Suite Imaging is to be seen, not heard. Complete, quiet exams forneurology and orthopedics Up to 97% reduction insound pressure2 No compromises inimage quality

Address the cause,not the effects.The main source of MRI acoustic noise is thegradient coils. Rapid switching of the gradientsgenerates significant mechanical vibrations, akinto a jackhammer or a loudspeaker at a rock concert.To effectively reduce noise beyond what can beachieved by conventional methods (gradientinsulation, force compensation), the cause of thenoise – sharp gradient switching – must beaddressed directly. The challenge lies in developinga solution that is effective and intelligent and doesnot compromise image quality or scan time.Conventional MRI examinations are accompaniedby sharp gradient switches, producingmechanical vibrations that translate into loud,QuietX1, a unique Siemens innovation, is a smartalgorithm for optimizing gradient switching.QuietX works to provide the best possible gradienttrajectory through intelligent summation ofgradients and reduction of the slew rate, whilemaintaining timing parameters in the same range.The results include significant reductions in acousticnoise and smoother, more pleasant sounds –with no impact on image quality and scan time.unpleasant sounds. QuietX overcomes these soundpeaks by optimizing and smoothing the gradienttrajectory and consequently lowering the noise.Schematic illustration: Conventional and QuietXGradientQuietXConventional

The realization of quiet MRI istruly exciting. It will improveclinical care for many pediatric,dementia and psychiatricpatients, while providing a morecomfortable experience for allpatients. For the many patientsscanned at our hospital, T1weighted PETRA provided thesame diagnostic informationas MPRAGE. PETRA even provideddiagnostic advantages in somecases; for example, paranasalsinuses could be imaged withoutsusceptibility-related distortion.3, 4Dr. Masahiro Ida,Tokyo Metropolitan Ebara Hospital,Tokyo, Japan

ConventionalQuiet Suite1Localizer82reduction727272%%%22LocalizerdBA 932reductionreductionreduction84 %%842T2 TSET2 TSE752dBA 8368reduction8282 %%2T2 DarkFluidT2 DarkFluidreduction2reductiondBA 91reductionSWI8080 %%2SWI772dBA 9372reduction9191 %%22reductionT1 FLASH 3DreductionT1 FLASH 3Dneurological examdBA 91

reduction7070 %%2PD TSE752reduction73reduction8282 %%2T2 TSET2 TSEdBA 882dBA 8372reduction7272 %%2T1 DarkFluidreductionT1 DarkFluidknee examPD TSEdBA 852reductionreduction80 %%802PD TSE742reductiondBA 92reduction7272 %%2T1 TSET1 TSE812reduction79reduction7070 %%22reductionMAGNETOM Aera. Background noise: 55 dBA.T2 TSEdBA 89T2 TSEshoulder examPD TSEdBA 88

PETRA, 64 dBAQuiet Suite includes PETRA1, a sequence for 3DT1 imaging. With standard receive coils, PETRAcan barely be heard over ambient backgroundnoise.With a Tx/Rx coil, PETRA is inaudible.PETRA, 64 dBATokyo Metropolitan EbaraHospital, Tokyo, JapanSiemensconventionalMPRAGE, 96 dBAMPRAGE, 96 dBAInaudible imaging with PETRA

MAGNETOM WorldOur online platform with clinicalinformation, case reports, protocols,application tips, and talks byinternational experts is growingevery day. Stay informed account of certain regional limitations of sales rights and serviceavailability, we cannot guarantee that all products included in thisbrochure are available through the Siemens sales organization worldwide. Availability and packaging may vary by country and are subjectto change without prior notice. Some/all of the features and productsdescribed herein may not be available in the United States.Please find fitting No. A91MR-1100-72C-7600G Printed in Germany CC MR 03141.0 Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2016The products/features (here mentioned) may not be commerciallyavailable in all countries. Due to regulatory reasons their futureavailability cannot be guaranteed.2 Data on file. Results may vary.³  The statements by Siemens' customers described herein are based onresults that were achieved in the customer's unique setting. Becausethere is no "typical" hospital and many variables exist (such as hospitalsize, case mix, level of IT adoption) there can be no guarantee thatother customers will achieve the same results.4   MR scanning has not been established as safe for imaging fetuses andinfants under two years of age. The responsible physician has to decideabout the benefit of the MRI examination in comparison to otherimaging procedures.1  All devices listed herein may not be licensed according to CanadianMedical Devices Regulations. The information in this document contains general technical descriptions of specifications and options aswell as standard and optional features which do not always have to bepresent in individual cases.Siemens reserves the right to modify the design, packaging, specifi cations, and options described herein without prior notice. Pleasecontact your local Siemens sales representative for the most currentinformation.Note: Any technical data contained in this document may vary withindefined tolerances. Original images always lose a certain amount ofdetail when reproduced.Siemens HealthcareHeadquartersSiemens Healthcare GmbHHenkestr. 12791052 ErlangenGermanyPhone: 49 9131

MRI development has been to design our systems around you and your patients. With Quiet Suite1, we take noise reduction to a new level. Benefit from up to 97 percent reduction in sound pressure² for complete and quiet neurological and orthopedic exams. Quiet Suite includes QuietX

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