Weekday Masses Live Streamed On Parish YouTube Channel

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Weekday Masses Live Streamed on Parish YouTube ChannelMONDAY 02 MAY / Acts 6:8-15/Ps 119:23-30/Jn 6:22-29 8:00 AM - MASS St. Peter’s Parish 10:30 AM - Small Faith Sharing Group, Spirit Hall 4:45 PM - Stephen Minister Meeting, Conference Room 6:30 PM - SpiritFest Meeting, Spirit Hall 7 PM - Point Catholic Women’s Bible StudyTUESDAY 03 MAY / 1 Cor 15:1-8/Ps 19:2-5/Jn 14:6-14 8:15 AM - MASS & Live-Stream ( Mitchell & Ramona Pacyna) 9:15 AM - Staff Meeting/Prayer, Conference Room 10 AM - Stephen Ministers Supervision Group, Spirit Hall 4 PM - Salvation Army Meal Ministry 6:30 PM -Uncommon Gratitude Small Group, Gathering Space 7 PM - Point Catholic Men’s Bible StudyWEDNESDAY 04 MAY / Acts 8:1b-8/Ps 66:1-7/Jn 6:35-40 8:15 AM - MASS & Live-Stream ( Audrey Zurawski) FTM 12 PM - Pacelli Commission Meeting, Spirit Hall 6 PM - Reconciliation 8 PM - Point Catholic Late Night Mass FSBTHURSDAY 05 MAY / Acts 8:26-40/Ps 66:8-20/Jn 6:44-51 8:15 AM - MASS & Live-Stream ( Leonard & Regina Konkol ) 9 AM-3:30 PM - Eucharistic Adoration 9:30 AM - Stephen Ministry, Spirit Hall 3 PM - Divine Mercy Chaplet 6:30 PM - Parish Committee MeetingsFRIDAY 06 MAY / Acts 9:1-20/Ps 117:1bc, 2/Jn 6:52-59 8:15 AM - MASS & Live-Stream ( Helen Jersey) FSB 9 AM - Point Catholic Lectio Divina 9:30 AM - Experiencing the Chosen, Spirit Hall 1 PM - Point Catholic RosarySATURDAY 07 MAY / Acts 9:31-42/Ps 116:12-17/Jn 6:60-69 9 AM - Reconciliation, Min Ctr LibraryCELEBRATING FIRST COMMUNION1 MAY 2022May these children always recognizethe Risen LordJanelle AlvarezCharley DickeyLucille DillowKamden FreundOliver GoetschCody GoldsworthyCameron McKayCharlie MylenerLila ObremskiBrennan PeelCarson PoggemannJace SchemenauerDaniel SzalkuckiJenson WeinfurterMason WittmusHOLY SPIRIT PARISH STAFFFr. Steven J. Brice -frsteve@holyspiritstevenspoint.orgFr. Todd Mlsna, Associate Pastor -frtoddmlsna@aol.comDeacon William J. Holzhaeuser, Family Life n Richard A. Letto, Haiti Missions nya Mlodik, Administrative Coordinatortanya@holyspiritstevenspoint.orgJessica Enstad, Campus Ministry Directorjessica@holyspiritstevenspoint.orgFourth Sunday of Easter - May 07/08Acts 13:14, 43-52/Ps 100:1-5 /Rv 7:9-17/Jn 10:27-30 5:00 PM -MASS ( Ken & Ann Dachyk 67th Anniversary) FSB7:30 AM - Rosary8 AM -MASS ( Norbert Guzman) FSB10:30 AM - MASS & Live-Stream- ( Ed Lemancik) FSB6 PM - MASS ( The people of Holy Spirit Parish) FSBBecky Jirous, Finance Directorbecky@holyspiritstevenspoint.orgJulie Meadows, Faith Formation Directorjulie@holyspiritstevenspoint.orgMary Pionkowski, Liturgical Music Directormary@holyspiritstevenspoint.org

Dear Holy Spirit Parish:“Feed my lambs.”(John 21:15)www.HolySpiritStevensPoint.org2151 Stanley Street Stevens Point715-344-9117Lambs would well describe our fifteen first Communicants today. Someare calm, some rambunctious, all of them innocent . and all of them hungry! Fortunately, our children have a steady supply of food for their bodies. But our children hunger for far more. It will not be until much later in life that they will give the name “God” CHURCH DIRECTORY NEWSto their deepest of longings. But even now they clearly long for God’s primary manifes- This is the last opportunitytations in the world: unity, truth, beauty, and goodness.to schedule an appointmentfor the directory.The Liturgy of the Eucharist sets a rich table of unity, truth, beauty, and goodness. Each If you haven't taken the timeof these expressions of the Divine play a part in the miracle of God becoming flesh andbefore now, please do soblood at the altar. The reason we consume the Eucharist is so that we might becometoday. We deeply desire 100%united, truthful, beautiful, and good. Then through us God can lift the world back upparticipation for the best possible directointo the unity, truth, beauty and goodness God created it to have.ry.Congratulations parents on being faithful to the promise you made at your child’s baptism to share your faith with them. Bringing them to the banquet of unity, truth, beauty,and goodness regularly will save them from trying to fill a spiritual hunger with materialthings. You have given them the greatest of gifts.I must admit we did not plan it this way, but the banquet of beauty and goodness takingplace at three o’clock today extends God’s presence beyond our hour together in liturgy. The Monteverdi Chorale will be performing a concert of American Composers inChurch from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. Then all are invited to Spirit Hall for a social wheresmall ensembles that didn’t get to play because of the Covid canceled Cabaret will perform. There will be coffee and cookies. Since this is also a fund-raising event for theChorale there will be silent auction baskets and a raffle. Tickets are available at thedoor.This weekend’s Point Catholic rummage sale may be stronger on the “unity” attributeof God than the “beautiful.” Students have really pulled together the last few weeks toorganize and price the amazing number of items donated. They had to haul down 15additional tables from Spirit Hall to Kostka Hall this year to accommodate everything.And that doesn’t include the items filling the first floor of the rectory. There are wholecollections of purses, puzzles, pictures, books, toys, kitchen supplies, and clothes,clothes, clothes! Then at the rectory there are tables, buffets, and dressers all from atime when they were made from solid wood! There are also filing cabinets, office supplies, kitchen utensils, plate sets and flatware. Come feed the heart with some unity andbeauty!Please be a part of something unifying and beautiful by getting your picture taken for ournext pictorial directory. Picture taking starts in just a week on Monday May 9th. Pictures will be taken from 2:00pm to 8:30pm Monday through Friday and Saturdays till5:00pm. There is no cost to you unless you choose to buy additional prints. You willhave your picture taken and they will invite you to purchase additional copies, but thereis no obligation to.While you are waiting to see your photos, a parish staff member will invite you to fill outthe ME25 Survey. “ME” stands for Membership Engagement. This is a tool recommended by Fr. Mallon in our guidebook: Divine Renovation. In 25 multiple choicequestions it assesses how engaged a person is in the parish. This first time taking thetest will give us a baseline to measure against over the coming years to see if the changes we are implementing are in fact having an impact. Your taking the time to fill it outwill give us important insight upon which to base future planning. It will let us know ifwe are “feeding God’s lambs.”Sign up on the church website:holyspiritstevenspoint.org and go to“Pictorial Church Directory”, click on thewords “Photo Directory Sign-Up”. TheChurch code is: wi139 and the churchpassword is photos, or sign up in church.Paper sign up forms can be found on thetable in the Gathering Space during weekend Mass. (online sign-up is available Mon-day—Friday only and is turned off on theweekends )Each family photographed receives acomplimentary 8 x 10 portrait anddirectory.Please contact the parish office if you arenot available during our photographydates but would still like to be a part ofour directory. Options are available forphoto submission.Please do your part and schedule an appointment. You are a vital part of ourchurch community!TWEETING @PONTIFEXThe Lord is risen! Let us not tarryamong the tombs,but run to find him,the Living One! Normay we be afraid toseek him also in thefaces of our brothersand sisters, in the stories of those who hope and dream,in the pain of those who we suffer:God is there!follow Pope Francis (@pontifex) at www.twitter.com

SpiritFEST is finally back and we need your help!Let your creative juices flow and consider donating a themedbasket you create for SpiritFEST. Our goal is to display 50 to60 of the most enticing themed baskets you will see at any parish festival/picnic. all valued at least 100. We are asking foritems to be new or never used.Coupons from area businesses will also add value to any basket.The baskets should be arranged, wrapped, and decorated byyou, the donor.The baskets can be delivered to our Ministry Center duringbusiness hours starting July 5. In the meantime, however, wewould request that you sign up with your intentions by papersignup in the Ministry Center or on our website using Sign UpGenius. This will be available starting May 14/15. Please include your name, a list of items in the basket and if you have atitle for the basket theme – such as “Packer Basket”.If you have any questions, or would like more information,please call Judy Splinter at 715-544-4869 or email judysplinter@yahoo.com.Pacelli Shredding PartyHosted by Schulfer & Associates, LLC Wealth ManagementThursday, May 12, 2022 3-6pm1417 Main Street, Stevens PointBRING YOUR SECURE DOCUMENTS TO SHREDDonations will be accepted and are greatly appreciated for secure, confidential shredding services provided by Express Recycling Solutions, Inc. Our goal is to raise 5,000 towards a LüInteractive Playground system for our elementary schoolswhich promotes cross-curricular and active learning.Suggested Donation: 10/Bag 20/BoxNo early drop off. For more than 10 boxes, please call ahead!Please remove alligator clips, black binder clips, and folders.FEATURING SHREDDED FOOD FOR SALEShredded Chicken Sandwiches, Shoestring Potato Chips &Cupcakes.Transitions of GraceWedding Anniversaries: Congratulations and blessings tothese couples of the parish who are celebrating significantyears of marriage in May: John & Suzanne Bennett, 50 years, May 27 Robert & Mary Mosier, 50 years, May 27 Jeffrey & Kim Delikowski, 35 years, May 2 Michael & Bonita Krutza, 35 years, May 9 Kevin & Nancy Michelkamp, 35 years, May 30 David & Renee Rosenthal, 30 years, May 9 David & Julie Marie, 25 years, May 18 Todd & Nancy Huspeni, 25 years, May 31 Travis & Kellyn Colby, 10 years, May 26HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!Of time talent and treasurePARTICIPATION AT MASSHoly Thursday -195Good Friday – 12pm - 321 6pm -115Easter Vigil - 206Easter Sunday- 8am– 38510:30am– 2366pm– 56Online views: 185HOLY SPIRIT PARISH GIVINGWeek Ending 4/22/2022Auto drafts & Debit/Credit Cards . 8,530Envelopes . . . 3,079Easter Envelopes . . . 8,102Haiti Lunches (Good Friday) . . 4,054Rice Bowls (Holy Thursday) 4,054Offertory . . . . 1,572Total . . . . . 29,390DIOCESAN ANNUAL APPEALTarget . 127,675Pledged/Received . . . 90,349% Achieved .71%# of Donors . . . . .300Matthew 25 CollectionParishioners are invited to donate items needed for area charitableorganizations at the beginning of each month. Our May Matthew25 recipient is Kid’s Closet. They would be grateful to receive: New socks and underwear of all sizes New baby clothes and blankets Infant hygiene products Wipes, diapers, ointments, etc New children’s clothes with sizes up to 14 with anemphasis on SUMMER Gently used adult and children clothes.Items can be dropped at the Ministry Center throughMay 8, 2022.Eternal Life: We acknowledge the passingof Eugene Walczak, Gertrude Alfuth &Thomas Pesanka. May the souls of thefaithfully departed rest in peace. AmenEaster Blessings and Many Thanks to all those at HolySpirit Parish who reached out, sent get-well wishes andprayed for me during my recent illness. It was truly an outpouring of love and concern for my health and well-being. Itmeant a lot to me. I wish you all a joyous and happy Eastercelebration and may God Bless the people of Holy Spirit Parish! -Myrna Horgan

Pastoral Council ElectionThe following parishioners have been nominated for membership on the Pastoral Council. We are electing 3 new members to serve on our Council. There are 12 members on the Pastoral Council plus the pastor and the deacon. Each year 3 members are elected by parishioners and onemember appointed by the pastor. A term of office is three years, but a candidate may choose to run for a second term. Election will take place atall Masses, the weekend of May 14/15. New members will be announced the following weekend and begin their term in July.Austin Lee -I first joined Holy Spirit Parish in 2010 as aUWSP student. I would attend mass at the Convent, and Ialways enjoyed the welcoming environment that our churchhad to offer; especially the 6PM student mass. After graduating I loved this community so much that I decided to stayin Stevens Point and I now work as a Police Officer for thecity. My wife and I got married at Holy Spirit Parish in 2018and recently our infant son was baptized there. I’ve always appreciatedthe extra effort our church puts in not only to the immediate community butalso how it responds to national and global events. I have been looking fora way to become more involved in the church as I know the same fewpeople often carry most of the load and I feel it is a good time for me tostart carrying my share. As a member of the church council, I am hopingto bring a different perspective. We have a diverse community at ourchurch, and I am hoping that my experiences not only as a new father butalso an active Police Officer will add a new and different perspective to thecouncil.My name is Annette Hultman. I grew up volunteeringthrough my Catholic schools and participating in children’s choir and as a go-to altar server at my parishthrough high school. Graduate school in speech/language pathology brought me to Stevens Point in2007, when I joined then-St. Stanislaus. Oddly enough,my family increased our involvement at Holy Spirit Parish during theCOVID-19 pandemic, which illuminated what is truly important: family andfaith. In that time I participated in ALPHA and two seasonal planningteams. I currently support our elementary religious education and am amember of the Faith Formation Committee.I am excited to be part of the spiritual renovations that have occurred atHoly Spirit and look forward to the opportunity to support continued transformation. My husband Ben and I have two sons, Noah (10) and Samuel(6). This brings the perspective of young adults and families with children,who are navigating being as well as raising the next generations of parishioners. I look forward to working with other council members to furtherdevelop the vision of Holy Spirit and create plans to make that a reality.Jim Kasukonis—My wife of forty one years, Linda, and I havetwo sons and two daughters, and six grandkiddos. I am a retiredPediatrician and since 1990 have practiced long enough to seesome of my patients become parents of yet more patients, somehere at Holy Spirit Parish! I was a catechist at St. Joseph’s,where I first received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. Later, I joined Newman Parish where I was an usher. I arrived at Holy Spirit Parish via the Newman/St. Stanislaus transition.With the complex issues facing our parish, many times there are no absolute solutions, yet the Pastoral Council can provide input towards common goals. Individuals within the Pastoral Council bring different perspectives for Fr. Steve to considerduring our ongoing evolution as a parish.As a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, teaching in The Gambia, West Africa, inthe’70’s, I lived and learned what it was like to be an outsider. All of us are“Outsiders”, to varying degrees, yet we strive to become one of the many parts ofthe Body of Christ. As a child, I was raised Methodist (although my father was adevoted Catholic), then lived for several decades as a non-believer until I converted to Catholicism over twenty five years ago.I believe that my perspectives, along with my energy and willingness to servewould be useful to the Parish Council.Hello Holy Spirit parishioners! My name is Sue Vetter and Iwould love to serve our parish by being a member of the pastoral council.A bit about myself - I was raised Catholic and raised our children in the Catholic Church. My husband, Mark and I havebeen married 42 years and raised two beautiful daughters,Sarah and Amy. We have three grandchildren and two goldenretrievers. We moved to Stevens Point in 2005 and love our new community. Wejoined Newman and have embraced the “marriage” of the two parishes that hascreated Holy Spirit parish.I would love the opportunity to serve on parish council so that I can have a frontrow seat to all of the great things that are Holy Spirit’s destiny. I am excited aboutadding the FOCUS ministry to build Point Catholic which will help build the futureof our church. The Synod discussions will provide the groundwork to create afoundation for the future of our parish. I will embrace the opportunity to be part ofbuilding that future for all members of our parish family, young and old. PleaseHello, my name is Walter Clark. My spouse Peggy and I consider giving me the opportunity to serve you and our entire parish by voting forwere married on campus at the Newman Center and we me in the upcoming Pastoral Council election.truly cherish being members of Holy Spirit parish. Wehold all of you closely in prayer daily, our spiritual sisters,Guy Gehrman- I've been a member of Holy Spirit Parish sincebrothers, neighbors and friends of the wider community.its inception. I presently serve as a reader and a member of theI have a master’s degree in business management andSacred Worship Committee. I've been a teacher at Pacelliserved in the military for 21 years, in 13 countries aroundHigh School for 43 years. I served twice as chair of the Pastothe globe. We moved to the Stevens Point area in 2010 and I worked forral Council at Newman Parish, so I think I have a lot of experithe UW-Stevens Point campus in Business Affairs until my retirement inence to offer to the Holy Spirit Council.2021.I am honored to be running for Pastoral Council and would bring 30 yearsof experience to the position, including work in education, liturgy, financeKurt Mansavage—I have been a lifelong resident of Stevensand social and environmental justice. I don’t shy away from hard work. WithPoint growing up on the north side of town attending St.my spouse and the help of many, I have been part of many fund raisers andPeters Parish. During college I attended Newman Universityvolunteer-run events over the years as well, for our Church.Parish and after graduation my wife and I became members.We raised six children and now have seven grandchildren. My spiritualAs our children grew, they wanted to participate in mass, sojourney for over 60 years has been blessed by being a son, a brother, awe joined St. Stans Parish. I was involved in the unificationspouse, a father, a colleague, and a friend to many.process that brought Newman and St. Stans together. I wasI truly love our parish community. Holy Spirit for me is the living water ofalso involved with the Holy Spirit renovation project. I enjoysocial and spiritual wholeness. Education, community and a universal acthe relationship we have with UWSP and see that as a benefit for the studentsceptance of all persons in Christ’s love brings us together and shapes ourand other parish members. I would be honored to join the pastoral council tofuture. I hope to serve on the Pastoral Council to help continue this sharedassist with serving each other and our community.vision for you.

Frequently Asked QuestionsGallup MEMBER ENGAGEMENT SURVEY (ME25)What is the purpose of this survey?The Member Engagement survey will give us a collective view of thespiritual health of Holy Spirit Parish. The data will show us where weare doing well and help us see the areas that need our attention tomake us a stronger parish.What does the survey entail?The survey features 25 items carefully chosen to measure engagementand spiritual commitment that are essential to spiritual health. The survey will only take approximately five to ten minutes to complete.Who should complete the survey?We are asking all parish members aged 18 and older to complete the survey. In addition, any person whoconsiders him or herself part of our parish, regardless of whether he or she is a member, is invited to respondto the survey.Where do I complete the survey?We are hoping most of you will complete the survey when you come in for the pictorial directory sessions.You will also be able to complete the survey online using the link we will publish on our website or on paperin the Ministry Center beginning May 9th and ending May 27th.What about confidentiality?Are responses are confidential? We are working with Gallup to conduct this survey.Gallup is a member of the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO) and, as such,abides by specific rules of conduct that include adherence to strict confidentiality in survey administration andreporting of results. Gallup will not reveal any individual responses to anyone.How will the survey results be used?The Stewardship Committee and the leadership team will receive the compiled results from Gallup and usethem to gain additional insight into how the members feel about our parish. We will use the results to identifyspecific actions we can take to further meet the spiritual needs of our members.When do we get to take the survey?You are invited to take the survey anytime between May 9th and May 27th.Your opinions matter to us.Thank you, in advance, for your participation in the survey!Joining Our Parish:Celebrating Baptism:Caring for the Sick:Baptism is celebrated at Lord’s Day If you or a loved one are seriousMass at various times of the liturgi- ly ill, homebound or anticipatingcal year. If you want to raise yoursurgery, please call Fr. Steve tochild in the Catholic faith and celeschedule a visit and/or the sacrabrate your child’s baptism, pleasefrsteve@holyspiritstevenspoint.org call Fr. Steve for more information. ment of Anointing of the Sick.or call him at 715-344-9117 toParents celebrating the baptism ofmake an appointment.their first child are asked tocomplete a baptism orientationseminar.Fr. Steve would be glad to talkwith you about parishmembership.Send him an email:

New baby clothes and blankets Infant hygiene products Wipes, diapers, ointments, etc New children's clothes with sizes up to 14 with an emphasis on SUMMER Gently used adult and children clothes. Items can be dropped at the Ministry Center through May 8, 2022. SpiritFEST is finally back and we need your help!

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