ChargebackTimeframes andReason CodesUSER GUIDE 2018 Paymentech, LLC (“Chase”). All Rights Reserved.Page 1 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODESDISCLAIMERThe compilations, summaries and other information contained herein or any document attachedhereto is intended as general guidelines and does not take into account individual clientcircumstances, objectives or needs and is not intended as a recommendation of a particularproduct or strategy to particular clients and any recipient shall make its own independentdecision. While we strive to make sure this information is accurate, Chase does not warrant thecompleteness, timeliness, or suitability of this information for your specific needs. In addition, thecompilations, summaries and information contained within this document do not substitute forthe Payment Brand Rules, which are part of your contract with Chase.This downloadable document and the information provided herein may not be copied, published,or used, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than expressly authorized byChase. Paymentech, LLC, Chase Paymentech Solutions, LLC and Chase Paymentech EuropeLimited, respectively trading as Chase, Chase Paymentech and J.P. Morgan are subsidiaries ofJPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPMC). Chase Paymentech Europe Limited is regulated by theCentral Bank of Ireland. Registered Office: JP Morgan House, 1 George’s Dock, I.F.S.C., Dublin1, D01 W213, Ireland. Registered in Ireland with the CRO under. No. 474128. Directors:Catherine Moore (UK), Carin Bryans, Michael Passilla (U.S.), Dara Quinn, Steve Beasty (US). 2018 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved.06/2019 REF-CHG-001 2018 Paymentech, LLC (“Chase”). All Rights Reserved.Page 2 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODESREVISION HISTORYDateDescription9/20/2021Multiple updates made to bring this guide up to date06/01/19Updates to timeframe for MasterCard Reason Code 34 (from 120 days to 90).8/7/18Updates to Debit Chargeback Reason Codes.2/12/18Changes to Visa information for VCR Pgs.12/19/16Corrected document formatting for MasterCard Reason Code 37.10/10/16Updated: Added Merchant Required Documentation sections to each reasoncode table. Removed Revolution Card section and retired reason codes.04/04/16Added American Express Chargeback and Retrieval Reason Codes.02/10/16Added Debit Chargeback Reason Codes.11/03/15Updated these MasterCard Chargeback Codes: 08, 12, 31, 34, 42, 53, 55, 59,60, 70, 71. Updated these Visa Chargeback Codes: 30, 62, 85. Updated theseDiscover Chargeback Codes: U05, U06.10/23/14Discover Retrieval Reason Codes — Removed Code 02. Updated VisaChargeback Code 83. Updated these MasterCard Chargeback Codes: 08, 12,55. Updated these Discover Chargeback Codes: RG, RM, U01, U02. Addedthese Discover Chargeback Codes: 05, PM. Removed Visa Chargeback Code60. Removed these Discover Chargeback Codes: AL, CA, IC, IS, NC, SV, U03,UNR.10/21/14Updated Chargeback Time Frames: Added Reason Code 05; AddendumReason Code PM; Changed TF time frame from 120 days to 540 days.04/09/14Discover: DC, U02.04/20/13Visa and MC Retrieval Codes — removed retired codes MC Reason Code 37— Updated Special Notes. Visa Chargeback Codes — removed retired codes.Code 81 — Updated Special Notes. Code 83 — Updated Re-presentmentRights Code 96 — Deleted, Retired in Oct. 2012. Discover Chargeback Codes— removed retired codes Updated these Discover Codes: AP, AW, CD, CR,DP, NR, RG, RM, RN2, U02. Added information about Discover Chargebackfunding. Reformatted manual to new manual format.04/13/13Updated Acquirer Time Frames MasterCard Time Frames Chart: DeletedRetired Code 35; Deleted Retired Code 57 & 62; Updated Code 60 Time frame.Visa Time Frames Chart: Deleted Retired Code 96. Discover Time FramesChart: Deleted Retired Code AL & SV. Updated Time Frames for all Discovercodes: Deleted Retired Codes U02, U03, U11, U12, U18, U21, U23, U28, U31,U38, U99. Deleted UK Maestro/Solo section as these are now combined withMasterCard codes. Updated to new Client Manual Format.11/02/12Updated Discover Codes.06/2019 REF-CHG-001 2018 Paymentech, LLC (“Chase”). All Rights Reserved.Page 3 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODES3/13/12MasterCard: Removed code 01. Added Reason Codes 70 & 71. Visa: Updatedcodes: 30, 41, & 53. Updated codes: 60, 76, 78, 85, & 86. Wording updated forconsistency on codes 62, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, & 78.07/11/11Removed MasterCard Reason Code 01. Updated the Issuer Documents forMasterCard Codes: 37, 40, 63, 70, 71. Updated Merchant Rights for theseMasterCard Codes: 37, 63.03/09/11Updated Issuer Required Documentation Required for VISA Codes: 53, 57, 62,72, 80, 81, 85.07/19/10Added two new MasterCard Reason Codes: Reason Code 70 Chip LiabilityShift; Reason Code 71 Chip/PIN Liability Shift.06/25/10Per Bank Card Regulation Updates: Updated MasterCard Codes: 08, 31, 55,59. Per Bank Card Regulation Updates: Updated MasterCard Codes: 08; 55;59; Updated UK Maestro Code 29.06/23/10Updated PayPal Reason Codes01/20/10Adjusted timeframe to deposit for Reason Code 7412/31/09Visa Reason Code 79 deleted. Visa Reason Codes 57, 75, 77, 80-83 and 85 —Timeframe to initiate chargebacks changes. Discover Reason Code CD —Special Note added. Special Note added for processing rules for JCB USDtransactions. BML Reason Code A3 description changed to Merchant NonCompliance. Deleted Revolution Card Reason Code 96. Diners Codes deleted— unnecessary as Discover codes are used now. PayPal updated withRepresentment Time Frames. Maestro updated with Representment TimeFrames. Revision History Added.05/22/09Added Discover Retrieval Reason Codes including MasterCard and Visa IIASHealthcare Retrieval Codes 27 and 43. Added Chargeback Reason Codes forDiscover and 72 for Visa.04/08/09Manual created.TABLE OF CONTENTSDISCLAIMER . 2REVISION HISTORY . 3Table of Contents . 4INTRODUCTION . 5RETRIEVAL REASON CODES . 6MASTERCARD CHARGEBACK TIME FRAMES . 10MASTERCARD CHARGEBACK REASON CODES . 12VISA CHARGEBACK TIME FRAMES . 33VISA CHARGEBACK REASON CODES . 36DISCOVER CHARGEBACK TIME FRAMES . 65DISCOVER CHARGEBACK REASON CODES . 6706/2019 REF-CHG-001 2018 Paymentech, LLC (“Chase”). All Rights Reserved.Page 4 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODESAMERICAN EXPRESS CHARGEBACK TIME FRAMES . 87AMERICAN EXPRESS CHARGEBACK REASON CODES . 90DEBIT CHARGEBACK REASON CODES . 108JCB TIME FRAMES . 118JCB CHARGEBACK REASON CODES. 119122 . 122Merchant Services CHARGEBACK REASON CODES . 123INTRODUCTIONA chargeback is the reversal of sale transaction. They can occur when a customer refuses toaccept responsibility for a charge on their credit card, or the issuing bank doesn’t receive anauthorization approval code, for example.The payment brands have established time frames within which issuers and acquirers must actor respond. Time frames vary by the payment brand, type of chargeback (technical or customerdispute), and by the reason code associated with the chargeback.Acquirer Time FramesThe payment brands must receive our response, “representment” of the transaction details, bythe 45th calendar day since the chargeback was initiated. To meet that deadline, we mustreceive “recourse requests” by the due date indicated on the Online Chargeback ManagementSystem screen, or your chargeback paperwork. This is the 39th calendar day from the day thechargeback was initiated. The Return by Date is set to give us sufficient time to process therecourse request and represent the chargeback within the 45-day time frame.As a result of the Visa Claims Resolution (VCR) initiative occurring April 13, 2018, Visa mustreceive our response, “Dispute Response” for Collaboration disputes or a pre-arbitration forAllocation disputes by the 30th calendar day after the initiation of the Visa dispute. To meet thatdeadline, we must receive “recourse requests” by the due date indicated on the OnlineChargeback Management System screen, or your chargeback paperwork. For Collaborationdisputes, this is the 24th calendar day from the day the chargeback was initiated. For Allocationdisputes, this is the 18th calendar day from the date the dispute was initiated. The Return byDate is set to give us sufficient time to process the recourse request and represent thechargeback within the Visa deadlines.Time Frames by Chargeback Type and Reason CodeThe Time Frame charts in this guide indicate the reason codes, allowable time frames forchargeback processing and type of chargeback. We also included the reason code descriptionsand an indication of when the allowable time frame begins.Information for each reason code may include: Reason code numberReason code descriptionTimeframe for initiation06/2019 REF-CHG-001 2018 Paymentech, LLC (“Chase”). All Rights Reserved.Page 5 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODES Type of chargebackDispute descriptionSpecial notes (if any)Required issuer documentation Re-presentment rights/Client Pre-arbitration rights/ClientRETRIEVAL REASON CODESA retrieval request is an issuer’s request for a transaction receipt, which could include theoriginal printing, a paper copy or fax, or a digital version (such as a scanned copy).To fulfill a retrieval request, we (the acquirer) must provide the documentation described belowdepending on the “Fulfillment Types,” within 30 days of our receipt of the retrieval request.A fulfillment must: Be legible enough for the Cardholder to read or for the Issuer to identify the Account Numberor Token Include the unique 12-digit identifier assigned by VisaNet to a request for a TransactionReceipt copy For a US Domestic Transaction, include a unique 9-digit control number assigned by theIssuer to identify the source of the requestFulfillment TypesTRANSACTION he Merchant or Acquirer copy of the Transaction Receipt bearingthe signature that was used to verify the CardholderT&E TransactionAll of the following: A copy of the Transaction Receipt or a Substitute TransactionReceipt Card Imprint, if availableCardholder signature, if availableT&E Document, if applicablePreauthorized HealthCare TransactionIn the U.S. Region, a copy of the Order FormCard Not PresentProvide proof of AVS response, an itemized bill with bill-to andship-to addresses and proof of delivery06/2019 REF-CHG-001 2018 Paymentech, LLC (“Chase”). All Rights Reserved.Page 6 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODESCredit Transaction For a Transaction involving a Member in the Visa EuropeTerritory, a log indicating that the Credit Transaction has beenprocessed to the Card Account Number For a Transaction not involving a Member in the Visa EuropeTerritory, a log indicating that the Credit Transaction has beenprocessed for the same CardholderIn the event that a merchant does not respond to a ticket retrieval request within 21 days to allowprocessing time, a chargeback may result and it cannot be represented.Visa and MasterCardVISA CODEMASTERCARD CODEDESCRIPTIONN/A05Cardholder does not agree with amount billed2743IIAS Healthcare Retrieval RequestN/A21Cardholder does not recognize transaction (merchantname, city, state or date)N/A22Chip transaction requestN/A23Cardholder needs for personal records (tax record orbusiness expense)28N/ACardholder request for copy with signature30N/ACardholder request due to dispute3341Fraud analysis request/fraud investigation34N/ALegal process requestN/A42Potential saction Document Request03Transaction Document Request Due to Cardholder Dispute04Transaction Document Request for Fraud Analysis05Good Faith InvestigationAmerican ExpressCODEDESCRIPTION04The Card Member requests delivery of goods / services ordered but notreceived. Please provide the service, ship the goods, or provide Proof ofDelivery or proof of services rendered.06/2019 REF-CHG-001 2018 Paymentech, LLC (“Chase”). All Rights Reserved.Page 7 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODES21The Card Member claims the goods / services were cancelled / expired or theCard Member has been unsuccessful in an attempt to cancel the goods /services. Please issue Credit, or provide a copy of your cancellation policy orcontract signed by the Card Member and discontinue future billings.24The Card Member claims the goods received are damaged or defective andrequests return authorization. If a return is not permitted, please provide acopy of your return or refund policy.59The Card Member requests repair or replacement of damaged or defectivegoods received. Please provide return instructions and make the appropriaterepairs, or provide a copy of your return/replacement policy and explain whythe goods cannot be repaired/replaced.61The Card Member claims the referenced Credit should have been submittedas a Charge. Please submit the Charge or provide an explanation of whyCredit was issued.62The Card Member claims the referenced Charge should have been submittedas a Credit. Please issue Credit, or provide support and itemization for theCharge and an explanation of why Credit is not due.63The Card Member requests replacement for goods or services that were notas described by your Establishment, or Credit for the goods or services as theCard Member is dissatisfied with the quality.127The Card Member claims to not recognize the Charge. Please provide supportand itemization. In addition, if the Charge relates to shipped goods, pleaseinclude Proof of Delivery with the full delivery address. If this documentation isnot available, please issue Credit.147The Card Member claims the Charge will be paid by their insurance company.Please provide a copy of the following documentation: itemized rentalagreement, itemized repair bill, and acknowledgement of responsibility signedby the Card Member.154The Card Member claims the goods / services were cancelled and /or refused.Please issue Credit or provide Proof of Delivery, proof that the Card Memberwas made aware of your cancellation policy and an explanation why Credit isnot due.155The Card Member has requested Credit for goods / services that were notreceived from your Establishment. Please issue Credit or provide Proof ofDelivery, or a copy of the signed purchase agreement indicating thecancellation policy and an explanation of why Credit is not due.158The Card Member has requested Credit for goods that were returned to yourEstablishment. Please issue Credit or explain why Credit is not due along witha copy of your return policy.169The Card Member has requested Credit for a Charge you submitted in aninvalid currency. Please issue Credit or explain why Credit is not due.06/2019 REF-CHG-001 2018 Paymentech, LLC (“Chase”). All Rights Reserved.Page 8 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODES170The Card Member requests Credit for a cancelled lodging reservation or aCredit for a Card Deposit was not received by the Card Member. Please issueCredit or provide a copy of your cancellation policy and explain why Credit isnot due.173Duplicate Processing175Credit Not Processed176CNP – Does Not Recognize177Unauthorized Charge193Fraudulent Transaction680Transaction Amount Differs684Paid by Other Means691Requesting Trans Support693Req. Info Loss/Theft/Damage TransS02Response Accepted, Will Not DebitS03Support received.06/2019 REF-CHG-001 2018 Paymentech, LLC (“Chase”). All Rights Reserved.Page 9 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODESMASTERCARD CHARGEBACK TIME FRAMESREASONCODECHARGEBACKTYPE1DESCRIPTIONTIME FRAME07TWarning Bulletin File90 calendar days from the transaction date08TRequested/Required Authorization Not Obtained90 calendar days from the transaction date12TAccount Number Not on File90 calendar days from the transaction date31CTransaction Amount Differs90 calendar days from the transaction date34T or CPoint of Interaction90 calendar days from the transaction date37CNo Cardholder Authorization120 calendar days from the transaction date41CCancelled Recurring Transaction120 calendar days from the transaction date42CLate Presentment120 calendar days from the transaction date46TCorrect Currency Code Not Provided120 calendar days from the transaction date49TQuestionable Client Activity120 calendar days from either the transactiondate or the global Security Bulletin date50CCredit Posted as a Purchase120 calendar days from the transaction date53CNot As Described120 calendar days from the transaction dateor 120 calendar days from the receipt date ofdelayed delivery of merchandise or services54CCardholder Dispute — Not Elsewhere Classified120 calendar days from the transaction dateor 60 calendar days from the issuer’s receiptdate of first cardholder notification of the04/2018 2018 Paymentech, LLC. All Rights Reserved.Page 11 of 123 USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODES
155CGoods or Services Not Provided120 calendar days from the expected date ofdelivery59CNo-Show, Addendum, or ATM Dispute120 calendar days from the transaction date60CCredit Not Processed70CChip Liability Shift71CChip/PIN Liability ShiftT Technical; C Customer Dispute04/2018 2018 Paymentech, LLC. All Rights Reserved.Page 11 of 123 USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODES
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODESMASTERCARD CHARGEBACK REASON CODESIf you’re using the Online Chargeback Management System, you will find the chargebackreason codes on both the Level 1 and 2 screens. These codes are established by the paymentbrands to categorize the incoming chargeback requests by reason. The codes also appear onfinancial reporting associated with chargebacks.CODEDESCRIPTION07Warning Bulletin File08Requested/Required Authorization Not Obtained12Account Number Not On File Obtained31Transaction Amount Differs34Duplicate Processing37No Cardholder Authorization41Cancelled Recurring Transaction42Late Presentment46Correct Currency Code Not Provided49Questionable Merchant Activity53Not As Described54Cardholder Dispute — Not Elsewhere Classified55Goods or Services Not Provided59No-Show, Addendum, or ATM Dispute60Credit Not Processed70Chip Liability Shift71Chip/PIN Liability ShiftREASON CODE 07WARNING BULLETIN FILEChargeback TypeTechnicalDispute DescriptionThe account number was present in the Warning Bulletin File on thedate of the transaction and no authorization was obtainedTimeframe to InitiateChargeback90 calendar days from the date of the transactionRepresentmentRights/ MerchantAction Issuer RequiredDocumentationNoneFollow in-house proceduresIf credit was previously issued, contact our ChargebackDepartment; otherwise, accept the chargeback and follow inhousecollection procedures04/2018 2018 Paymentech, LLC. All Rights Reserved.Page 12 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODESMerchant RequiredDocumentationNoneSpecial Notes Authorizations are valid for only 30 daysIssuer has the right to assess a US 25 handling fee when thechargeback is initiated If we represent the chargeback with a valid authorization, thebusiness is credited US 50.REASON CODE 08REQUESTED/REQUIRED AUTHORIZATION NOT OBTAINEDChargeback TypeTechnicalDispute DescriptionAuthorization was either requested or required, but was not obtainedTimeframe to InitiateChargeback90 calendar days from the date of the transactionRepresentmentRights/ MerchantAction Follow in-house proceduresIf credit was previously issued, contact the ChargebackDepartment; otherwise, accept the chargeback and followinhouse collection procedures Representment rights exist if the following conditions apply:The business can prove that the cardholder initiated theauthorization request; for example, the first transaction wasdeclined due to an error with the expiration date, and thecardholder provides the correct expiration date in a secondtransaction.Issuer RequiredDocumentationNoneMerchant RequiredDocumentation Provide logs showing authorization obtainedRetail: Provide signed sales slipCard Not Present: Provide an itemized bill with bill-to and ship-toaddresses and cardholder’s name, description of goodsSpecial Notes Authorizations are valid for only 30 daysIssuer has right to assess US 25 handling fee when thechargeback is initiated If we represent the chargeback with a valid authorization, thebusiness is credited US 50.REASON CODE 12ACCOUNT NUMBER NOT ON FILE OBTAINEDChargeback TypeTechnical04/2018 2018 Paymentech, LLC. All Rights Reserved.Page 13 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODESDispute DescriptionA transaction was processed using an account number that is notlisted in the Issuer’s customer databaseTimeframe to InitiateChargeback90 calendar days from the date of the transactionRepresentmentRights/ MerchantAction If credit was previously issued, submit a rebuttal to thechargeback department detailing the amount and the date of thecredit; otherwise accept the chargeback and follow your in-housecollection procedures Representment rights exist if the following conditions apply:The business can prove that the cardholder initiated theauthorization request; for example, the first transaction wasdeclined due to an error with the expiration date, and thecardholder provides the correct expiration date in a secondtransaction.Issuer RequiredDocumentationNoneMerchant RequiredDocumentation Provide logs showing authorization obtainedRetail Provide signed sales slipCard Not Present: Provide an itemized bill with bill-to and ship-toaddresses and cardholder’s name, description of goodsSpecial Notes Authorizations are valid for only 30 daysRetail: Provide a sales slipREASON CODE 31TRANSACTION AMOUNT DIFFERSChargeback TypeCardholder DisputeDispute DescriptionCardholder paid for the purchase using an alternate payment methodThe amount of the transaction processed was not the amount thecardholder agreed toTimeframe to InitiateChargeback90 calendar days from the date of the transactionRepresentmentRights/ MerchantAction Provide proof the transaction that was processed using analternate payment method was for a separate purchase This chargeback may be represented if it can be proven that thetransaction amount is correct If credit was previously issued, submit a rebuttal to thechargeback department detailing the amount and the date of thecredit; otherwise accept the chargeback and follow your in-housecollection procedures04/2018 2018 Paymentech, LLC. All Rights Reserved.Page 14 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODESIssuer RequiredDocumentation A cardholder letterEmailFax or Expedited Billing DisputeForms or exhibits showing the amount agreed upon by cardholderProof that an unreasonable amount was chargedMerchant RequiredDocumentation Retail: Provide a signed sales slipCard Not Present: Provide an itemized bill proving charge iscorrect Merchant explanation and documentationSpecial Notes The chargeback amount is restricted to the difference between theamount that was processed and the amount the cardholderagreed toREASON CODE 34POINT OF INTERACTION ERRORChargeback TypeCardholder or Technical DisputeDispute DescriptionThe merchant charges the customer more than once for the samepurchase on the same dayTimeframe to InitiateChargeback90 calendar days from the date of the transactionRepresentmentRights/ MerchantAction This chargeback may be represented if the merchant can provethat each transaction is for a separate purchase If credit was previously issued, submit a rebuttal to the chargebackdepartment detailing the amount and the date of the credit;otherwise accept the chargeback and follow your in-housecollection proceduresIssuer RequiredDocumentation Cash receiptsStatements from other credit cardsThe 23-digit Acquirer Reference Number, if the sameMasterCard was billed or detail showing a completed fundstransferMerchant RequiredDocumentation Retail: Provide signed sales slips for each transaction indicated inthe issuer documentation Card Not Present: Provide proof of each transaction indicated inthe issuer documentation If our transaction database contains two or more transactions onthe same day and for the same amount, the chargeback will besent to the merchant for review This Reason code was formally referred to as DuplicateProcessingSpecial Notes04/2018 2018 Paymentech, LLC. All Rights Reserved.Page 15 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODESREASON CODE37NO CARDHOLDER AUTHORIZATIONChargeback TypeCardholder DisputeDispute DescriptionThe cardholder is claiming he/she never authorized nor participated in thetransactionTimeframe toInitiate Chargeback120 calendar days from the date of the transactionRepresentmentRights/ MerchantActionIssuer RequiredDocumentationMerchant RequiredDocumentation Card Not Present: This chargeback may be represented if:The Address Verification Service (AVS) response was an I1 or I3and the merchandise was shipped to the AVS address. Verification that transaction was properly processed usingMasterCard SecureCode Compelling information availableIf credit was previously issued, submit a rebuttal to thechargeback department detailing the amount and the date of thecredit; otherwise accept the chargeback and follow your in-housecollection procedures Expedited Billing Dispute Resolution Process Form stating the Issuerhas: Closed the cardholder’s accountBlocked the account on its hostListed the account number on the MasterCard Account File with a“capture card” response until the card expiration Reported the transaction to SAFE (System to Avoid FraudEffectively) Retail: Provide signed sales slipCard Not Present: Provide proof of AVS response, an itemized billwith bill-to and ship-to addresses and proof of delivery Provide compelling information; see Special Notes below04/2018 2018 Paymentech, LLC. All Rights Reserved.Page 16 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODES04/2018 2018Paymentech, LLC.AddressAll Rights Reserved.VerificationSpecialNotes(AVS) operates in the U.S. and the UKPage 17 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODES04/2018 2018 Paymentech, LLC.MasterCardAll Rights Reserved.SecureCode18 ofoffers chargeback protection forPagefraudif 124the
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODES04/2018 2018 Paymentech, LLC.transactionAll Rights properlyprocessed using MasterCard SecureCodePage 19 of 124
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODES04/2018 2018 Paymentech, LLC.CardholderAll Rights Reserved.wasPage 20of 124present and the card stripe was magneticallyread,
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODES04/2018 2018 Paymentech, LLC.weAll RightsReserved.will representPage 21of still124the chargeback as being invalid. The Issuerwill
USER GUIDE CHARGEBACK REASON CODEShave compliance rights available if the business failed to provide acopy of the sales receipt when requested. Compelling Evidence – MasterCard will accept compelling evidencefor representment. This includes, but is not limited to: Evidence such as photographs or emails to prove the personreceived the merchandise or service. For download of digital goods,the IP address, email address, description of goods, date and timegoods were downloaded and/or proof the merchant’s website wasaccessed for services after the transaction date.Passenger transport — evidence the ticket was received atcardholder’s billing address, boarding pass was scanned at the gate,details of frequent flyer miles claimed, additional incidentaltransactions purchased (such as baggage fees, seat upgrades,alcohol, etc.) Previous undisputed transaction — provide evidence that theinformation provided is the same as that from a previous undisputedtransaction Evidence that the transaction was completed by a member of theCardholder’s household For a Transaction conducted by a digital goods Merchant assignedMCC 5815 (Digital Goods –Media, Books, Movies, Music), 5816(Games), 5817(Applications [Excludes Games]) or 5818 (DigitalGoods Large Digital Goods Merchants), all of the following: Evidence that the Merchant has been successfully registered intoand continues to participate in the Visa Digital Commerce Program Evidence that the Merchant is the owner of the operating system forthe subject electronic device Evidence that the account set up on the Merchant's website orapplication was accessed by the Cardholder and has beensuccessfully verified by the Merchant before or on the TransactionDate Evidence that the disputed Transaction used the same device andCard as any previous Transactions that were not disputed Proof that the device ID number, IP address and geographiclocation, and
Paymentech, LLC, Chase Paymentech Solutions, LLC and Chase Paymentech Europe Limited, respectively trading as Chase, Chase Paymentech and J.P. Morgan are subsidiaries of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPMC). Chase Paymentech Europe Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered Office: JP Morgan House, 1 George's Dock, I.F.S.C., Dublin
Section 7: Chargeback Reason Codes—Detailed information on the reason codes for the most common types of chargebacks that merchants receive . For each reason code, a definition, is provided along with the merchant's actions—or failure to act—that may have caused the chargeback, and
Chargeback – a message sent via the card brand network to debit the merchant and credit the issuer for a cardholder dispute. Chargeback Reason Code – Each chargeback contains a reason code that signifies the reason for the dispute and the rules that must be followed by the
WePay provides information and guidance for merchants who receive chargebacks. We keep you informed on the status of your chargeback as well. Below are the steps that happen when a chargeback is initiated by the cardholder: 1. WePay is notified about the chargeback by the cardholder's bank 2.
Read the Chargeback Advice letter carefully. Be sure you understand the cardholder's claim. Check the chargeback reason code. Consult the applicable network's guidelines for examples of acceptable compelling evidence. Visa, MasterCard, and American Express all list compelling evidence by reason code. Choose the representment amount.
Oct 10, 2016 · Section 4: Chargeback Reason Codes—Contains detailed information on the reason codes for the most common types of chargebacks that merchants receive. For each reason code, a definition is p
2018 paladin vendor report 7 Chargeback is a Salt Lake City based company established in 2011. Unlike most chargeback management solution providers, rather than specializing in managed services, they provide software tools to help streamline the process of chargeback management. This allows merchants to keep the process .
Action Reason Codes Page April 2021 1 of 8 Action Reason Codes To information on HR System Transactions, visit the HR Manager Toolkit on the HR Website Purpose: Action and Reason Codes are used in PAC to categorize job and position actions. They indicate the types of changes made to an individual's record. Actions occur for a variety of reasons.
CISC4/681 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 1 Russell and Norvig: 2 Agents? agent percepts sensors actions environment CISC4/681 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2 Agent – perceives the environment through sensors and acts on it through actuators Percept – agent’s perceptual input (the basis for its actions) Percept Sequence – complete history of what has been .