Portfolio, Program andProject Management (PPPM)services and solutionsHelping organizations delivercomplex changeNovember 2021KPMG Lower Gulfkpmg.com/ae
ForewordEnterprise-wide transformation and technologyprojects may substantially benefit organizations.However, if not managed properly, they may alsohave a negative impact on business performance.KPMG’s experienced project management teamcan help organizations effectively manage theirproject portfolios, enhance project and programperformance and increase the probability ofsuccessful completion.Our team offers an objective, professional approachto managing the many risks associated with projectand program implementation.KPMG uses well-established methodologies,informed by leading concepts and practices. Ourapproach is applicable to various types of projects,including transformation, regulatory compliance andother critical issues.Mazen HouallaPartner Portfolio, Program and ProjectManagement Capability LeaderKPMG Lower Gulf LimitedPortfolio, Program and Project Management (PPPM) services and solutions 3
IntroductionKPMG’s experienced PPPM team supports clientsin managing their organization’s project portfolio,enhancing project and program performance andincreasing the probability of successful completion.Transformation office set-up anddelivery: Improves the likelihood ofachieving strategic, tactical and operationalgoals, by serving as a centralized functionfor large-scale transformationsIndependent project, risk and qualityassurance: A proactive risk managementtechnique developed to provide anindependent holistic view of complex andcapital-intensive programsPortfolio management: Focuses onthe selection and control of projects andprograms to support organizational strategyAgile delivery methods: Enables teams tomake simplified process decisions aroundincremental and iterative project deliveryProgram and project management: KPMGPPPM professionals can be seconded to clientlocations to support their business objectivesPortfolio, Program and Project Management (PPPM) services and solutions 5
Transformation officeSetup and deliveryTransformation delivery offers an integrated,business-centered approach to large scaleprojects, with a focus on easing the journey.KPMG’s offering focuses on maximizing thevalue of transformation by establishing andoperating a project management office (PMO)that will fit with the existing organization.A PMO can be designed and established atvarious levels (portfolio, program or project)and, as a centralized function, improves thelikelihood of achieving strategic, tactical andoperational goals. It also seeks to provideconsistency, transparency and control indelivery to clients.We craft bespoke technology-enabled officesetup offerings, closely aligned to ProjectManagement Institute (PMI) best practices.Post transformation program setup, KPMGdrives delivery across the program lifecycle.The PPPM offering entails the followingPMO-related support:Strategy and sition and knowledgetransferPortfolio, Program and Project Management (PPPM) services and solutions 7
PortfoliomanagementPortfolio management helps large organizationsdeliver strategic change by prioritizingresource deployment and funding to changeinitiatives, maximize value and achieveorganizational goals. KPMG’s offering startsat the board level and focuses on balancingan organization’s resources with their appetitefor risk and investment. At the same time,the goal is to ensure strategic objectives arealigned by monitoring return on investmentsand increasing visibility of the portfolio’sperformance. This offering monitors valuedelivery and provides recommendations tocancel or de-scope programs and projects withlow contributions to minimize future costs.This comprises several core services:Portfolio delivery cycle:ensures robust oversight overall programs and projectswithin a portfolioReview of portfolioperformance: holistic reviewof the overall portfolio orspecific elements, as well as afact-based assessmentof performancePortfolio managementmaturity assessment:independent review andassessment of the maturity ofcurrent processes, techniques,tools and competenciesPortfolio process andcapability development:comprehensivedevelopment and trainingof an organization’s portfoliomanagement capabilityPortfolio, Program and Project Management (PPPM) services and solutions 9
Program andproject managementOur professionals offer experience in managinglarge and business critical programs in astructured fashion throughout the deliverylifecycle. Program management refers tothe administration of a group of projects,linked through dependencies and potentialbenefits. While project management refersto oversight of a temporary endeavor tocreate a unique product or service. Programand project management supports clients bydefining processes that mitigate risks andprovide resources to support general projectmanagement activities. Our program andproject management support and frameworkswill help define and drive change deliverythrough a robust, controlled framework.A typical delivery lifecycle can includethe following:InceptionInitiationScoping and planningExecutive, monitor and controlClosure and transitionPortfolio, Program and Project Management (PPPM) services and solutions 11
Independent projectand quality assuranceKPMG offers an external assessment of projectimplementation. Our approach is designedto reduce the risk of project failure, whileempowering project managers. Ours is astructured and flexible technique that helpsclients across multiple industries navigate theimplementation of complex transformations.The objective is to provide program andbusiness stakeholders with an unbiased,independent, objective and forward-lookingassessment of the risk they may encounterover the course of their transformation journey.This offering entails the following:Health checks: project riskreviews before, during andafter implementationQuality assurance: performstage gate reviews andensure project deliverablesmeet quality standardsRisk management: conductdeep-dive risk assessmentsand recommend risk responsesProject rescue: projectremediation and turnaroundpost identification of materialdelivery issuesPortfolio, Program and Project Management (PPPM) services and solutions 13
Agile deliverymethodsAgile delivery principles, used in an iterativeapproach, can be an empowering andefficient method. With this approach, risk anddelivery balance may be managed withoutthe bureaucracy associated with traditionalchange. The goal is to move beyond waterfalland other predictive methodologies whichmay not adapt to changing requirements andmeet required timelines. With this approach, atight feedback loop allows for new knowledge,emerging requirements and innovate ideasto be embedded into the delivery plan even ifthey are introduced late in the process. Projectplans are feature-based and structured intotimebound sprints, where the business andthe project teams collaborate throughout theproject. Iterative delivery enables increasedcustomer satisfaction, better communicationbetween the business and project teams,continuous improvements and productivity.The goal: to deliver a quality end product,acceptable by the customer.Our method includes:Adoption of an iterative changedelivery framework throughthe use of agile principlesCoaching of agile principlesthrough the adoption ofiterative deliveryDelivery support through the useof agile principles in an iterativedelivery projectAn iterative delivery approach is centeredaround four agile principles: individuals andinteractions over processes and tools; workingoutcomes over comprehensive documentation;customer collaboration over contractnegotiations; and, responding to change overfollowing a plan.Portfolio, Program and Project Management (PPPM) services and solutions 15
AboutKPMGFor almost 50 years, KPMG Lower Gulf Limited has beenproviding audit, tax and advisory services to a broad range ofdomestic and international, public and private sector clientsacross all major aspects of business and the economy inthe United Arab Emirates and in the Sultanate of Oman. Wework alongside our clients by building trust, mitigating risksand identifying business opportunities.KPMG Lower Gulf is part of KPMG InternationalCooperative’s global network of professional memberfirms. The KPMG network includes approximately 227,000professionals in over 146 countries. KPMG in the UAE andOman is well connected with its global member networkand combines its local knowledge with internationalexpertise, providing the sector and specialist skills requiredby our clients.KPMG is widely represented in the Middle East: along withoffices in the UAE and Oman, the firm operates in SaudiArabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan, the Lebanon,Palestine and Iraq. Established in 1973, KPMG in the UAEand Oman employs 1,485 people across four offices,including about 100 partners and directors.Our latest initiative, KPMG IMPACT, aims to help clientsfuture-proof their businesses amid times of increasing focustowards issues such as climate change and social inequality.The goal is to help them achieve success across 17 majorSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and becomemore resilient and socially conscious. For FY21, the firmearmarked a global budget of USD 1.43 million forthe initiative.As we continue to grow, we aim to evolve and progress,striving for the highest levels of public trust in our work. Ourvalues are:Integrity: We do what is right.Excellence: We never stop learningand improving.Courage: We think and act boldly.Together: We respect each other anddraw strength from our differences.For Better: We do what matters.To meet the changing needs of our clients, we have adoptedan approach aligned with our global purpose: InspiringConfidence, Empowering Change. Our three pillars –exceptional quality of service, an unwavering commitmentto the public interest, and building empowered teams – arethe foundation of our firm.Portfolio, Program and Project Management (PPPM) services and solutions 17
Portfolio, Program and Project Management (PPPM) services and solutions 19
Contact usMazen HouallaPartner Portfolio, Programand Project ManagementCapability LeaderKPMG Lower Gulf Limitedt: 971 50 772 4323e: mhoualla@kpmg.comGreg NapierAssociate DirectorKPMG Lower Gulf Limitedt: 971 58 586 4138e: ow us on:@kpmg lowergulfThe information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address theDate20XXcircumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavor to provide accurateand timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of thedate it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act onsuch information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of theparticular situation. 2021 KPMG Lower Gulf Limited, licensed in the United Arab Emirates, andBriefsummaryof globalwhatorganizationthe documenta memberfirm of the KPMGof independent member firms affiliated withKPMGInternational Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.is aboutDesigned by Creative UAEkpmg.com/aePublication: Program and project management (PPPM) service and solutionskpmg.com/omPublication number: 3712Publication date: November 2021Rulla FarraAssociate DirectorKPMG Lower Gulf Limitedt: 971 55 453 0963e: rfarra1@kpmg.comRichard StolzAssociate DirectorKPMG Lower Gulf Limitedt: 971 56 303 0522e: rstolz@kpmg.com
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