The Tactical Guide To High-Volume Hiring - LinkedIn

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The Tactical Guideto High-Volume Hiring5 steps to streamline your recruitment effortsand find the best candidates, fast.

IntroductionAlways-on hiring. Hyper-growth. 24/7recruiting. Do these words energizeyou or leave you longing for avacation somewhere far, far away?Organizations in hiring mode are great news forjob creation and our global economy, but fuelinghigh-volume recruitment isn’t for the faint of heart.When you have a pile of open roles that need to befilled yesterday, you need practical ways to find andhire people, fast. Talent is any organization’s mostimportant asset, and businesses succeed when theyhave the right talent.In the following pages, you’ll learn 5 steps tostreamline your recruitment process and make itmore effective. You’ll also hear words of wisdom03Step 1: Align with hiring managersGO06Step 2: Put quality firstGO10Step 3: Get your jobs in front of more people14Step 4: Source smarterGO18Step 5: Start conversations fasterGOfrom talent acquisition leaders who have overcometheir own high-volume hiring hurdles. By the endof this guide, you’ll have a simple step-by-stepstrategy to high-volume hiring success.21Bonus: Talent leaders share their tips & tacticsfor hiring success GOGO

STEP 1Align withhiring managersIn talent acquisition, misalignment is the root of all evil. Even theslightest disconnect between you and your hiring manager around jobrequirements can lead to wasted time and energy. Make sure you’re allon the same page before you progress too far with a job search, usingthe following tips to guide your conversations.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 3

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonus3 tips to ensure internalalignment on open requisitionsThe moment a new job requisition comes across your desk, schedule a meetingwith your hiring manager and follow these 3 tips to ensure total upfront alignment.Advice brought to you by Lou Adler.123Define 2-3 overarchingIdentify 2-3 key tasks thatAgree on the skills & qualities thatperformance each performance goal.will help your new hire be successful.Imagine we are hiring for a sales position.Think about the specific tasks theForget about typical soft skills likeIt’s easy to agree that a successful hire hire needs to do to achieve their“problem solving” or “active listening”will meet their quarterly quota, but howoverarching performance goals. Forand really consider what specific skillswill they actually achieve this? Every jobexample, a salesperson should beand qualities will lead your hire to beentails a few overarching performanceable to conduct in-depth discoverysuccessful in their role. Once you getgoals that, when met, will lead to thecalls in order to maximize territoryspecific, it’s easier (and faster) to createemployee’s overall success in the role. Ingrowth (their overarching performanceyour job description and spot theyour meeting with your hiring manager,goal). These are great tasks to includecandidates who can get the job done.define what these 2-3 overarchingin your job description, since they’reperformance goals should be.essential for success.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 4

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonusOverarching performance goals:1. Maximize territory growth2. Develop a complete account planIn this hypotheticalmeeting with our hiringmanager, here’s whatwe might develop forthis sales position:Key tasks:1. Conduct in-depth discovery calls2. Prioritize accounts by size and opportunityBonus: A Clever 5-step Process for ManagingHiring Manager ExpectationsDesired skills & qualities:1. Ability to develop a territory strategy that ensures growth2. Capacity to absorb feedback and understand unique customer needsThe Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 5

STEP 2Put quality firstWhen you’ve got a mile-high pile of open requisitions to fill, you don’tneed more candidates, you need better ones. One way to attract greattalent is to write your job descriptions in a way that appeals to the caliberof people you’re looking to hire. “Caliber” doesn’t just mean the rightkind of skills and experience, but also the right attitude and values.Use the work you did in step 1 and the tips in this section to craft greatjob descriptions. You may spend more upfront time on your descriptions,but you’ll be glad you did when you have better applicants and happierhiring managers.Need another reason to invest time in writing great job descriptions?LinkedIn data shows that most people first interact with a companythrough their job posting. Treat your jobs as simple tools tocommunicate and reinforce your employer branding efforts.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 6

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonus3 tips to craft job descriptionsthat attract quality applicantsAdvice brought to you by J.T. O’Donnell.123Tell job stories.Use distinct language toEmphasize action and impact.Help candidates understand why yourcommunicate your culture.“What’s in it for me?” This is the questionopening is the perfect opportunityClearly define the attributes thaton every qualified candidate’s mind asfor them with a “job story” that goesdistinguish your company culturethey skim your job description. Make itbeyond the basic job description. Aand your highest performers fromeasy for them to answer that questionjob story helps candidates visualizeeveryone else. Then, share thoseby framing your job description aroundthemselves in the role, often byattitudes in your job description.what your lucky hire will get to do, notportraying what a “day in the life”Avoid generic and overused phraseswhat they must have in order to qualify.might be like. Good job storiesthat completely miss the uniqueFor a tax director for a public company,fuel a candidate’s excitement for(and most appealing) aspectstry something like “use your CPA andopportunities with your companyof your culture. For example,extensive international tax backgroundand motivate them to invest timewhen illustrating a collaborativeto shape our global tax strategy.”and energy to apply. For a marketingenvironment, try something like “ourjob description, try something likeemployees actually work together“Inspiring our customers with creativeand share credit. In fact, glory hogscampaigns is all in a day’s work!”don’t last very long here.”Bonus: How using job stories will help youBonus: Reach top talent through your employees.Referred employees have a longer tenure and higherjob performance than non-referred employees.Explore how LinkedIn Referrals helps you automaticallyuncover quality talent by engaging your employees.match the right talent to the jobThe Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 7

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonusHow LinkedIn Job Postsencourage quality applicantsLinkedIn Job Posts give potential candidates a personalized window into why yourcompany is unique and helps them decide whether your job opportunity is right for them.Feel connected immediatelyAt first glance, candidatescan see who they know atyour company.Learn more about the job posterCandidates eager to start aconversation can send an InMail tothe job poster in a single click.See hires from alma materCandidates can seeemployees who share theireducational background.See hires from current companyCandidates can see employeeswho share their past work history.

Message their connectionswho are employeesCandidates can reach out toemployees they know to getan inside perspective on whatmakes your company great.Explore profiles of currentemployeesCandidates can virtually meettheir potential teammates.Experience yourcompany cultureYour Career Page contentautomatically integrates in yourJob Post to offer a window intoyour culture & values.See all your openopportunitiesAll your open roles aredisplayed at the bottom ofevery post, so candidates canfind the perfect one for them.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 9

STEP 3Get your jobs infront of more peopleNow that you’ve aligned with your hiring managers and crafted qualityjob descriptions, it’s time to spread the word. The more people who seeyour job post, the more likely you are to receive a healthy number ofgreat applicants. Read on to discover tactics to help you quickly amplifythe reach of your job openings, no matter the size of your budget.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 10

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonus3 tips to expand the reachof your job postingsAdvice brought to you by J.T. O’Donnell.123Activate your network withoutGive people somethingGive praise (a lot).losing the personal talk about.Keep a close eye on who likes,Posting your open role all over socialWhen you mix up the style ofcomments, or shares your job openingsmedia is not the best way to drive qualityyour job descriptions, it’s not onlyand say thank you. Brainstorm ways toapplicants. Rather, personally emailmore memorable for interestedpublically recognize employees within25-50 relevant people in your networkcandidates, but also more likely toyour company who take the time toto explain the job’s significance and askinspire someone to share it socially.share your open roles. Giving thanksif they’d be willing to share it socially.One idea is to create a Davidto those who help spread the wordMake sure you customize each email,Letterman-style “Top 10 List” ofreinforces the behavior and will showeven if you simply include their firstfunny, quirky, or passionate traits thetheir followers your timely responsename and a unique opening sentence.right candidate needs for the job.and impressive follow-through.Not sure who to reach out to? ConsiderThis is your opportunity to let youremployees, fellow recruiters, and evencompany personality shine through.past candidates you’ve worked with.The more diverse the group, the better.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 11

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleGet yourjobs in frontof the rightcandidatesYour Job Post on LinkedInis automatically promotedto talent with the rightskills and experiences tofit the role. To superchargean immediate hiringneed, you can sponsoryour job to increase itsvisibility. Sponsored Jobstypically drive 30-50%more applicants than nonsponsored jobs.Source smarter73%Start conversations fasterBonusof professionals are waiting forthe right job to find them.Most job views on LinkedIn come from our recommendations engine,Jobs You May Be Interested in, not from active job searches.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 12

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonusMake it easy for youremployees to share jobswith LinkedIn ElevateYour employees are already connected to adiverse, qualified pool of candidates. On average,a company’s employees have 10 times as manyconnections as a company has followers. WithLinkedIn Elevate, you can ask employees to sharejob openings (and other content) across LinkedIn,Twitter and Facebook in just a few clicks.LinkedIn Elevate gives you analytics to better understand who yourmost social employees are and which job openings get the mostengagement on social media.Bonus: Learn more about LinkedIn ElevateThe Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 13

STEP 4Source smarterWhile you’re reviewing and screening job applicants, it’s wise to alsodo some sourcing to increase your chances of finding great candidates.If you don’t think you have time to source, think again. Here are a fewsimple tactics with LinkedIn Recruiter that make the entire processfaster, easier, and even fun.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 14

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonus3 tips to quickly source greatcandidates with LinkedIn Recruiter1Use your best employees to start your search.Have you ever been asked by a hiring managerto find someone “just like Sarah from sales”or someone who is “basically 50% Devonfrom design and 50% Mario from marketing?”Sometimes, hiring managers like to tell theirrecruiting partners who, rather than what,they’re looking for. Fortunately, there’s a wayto deal with it.Simply enter the name of your idealcandidate(s) into the search bar of LinkedInRecruiter and it will automatically build a searchbased on his or her LinkedIn profile data toidentify similar talent. You can then edit thesearch based on fields like skills, experiencesand more to create a search that’s just right.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 15

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonus2Save searches to save time.After you build a comprehensivesearch in Recruiter for a givenrequisition, save time by savingyour search. You can then nameyour search and choose to receivedaily alerts to your Recruiterhomepage and email when newtalent qualifies. You can have upto 50 search alerts running at atime, so Recruiter sources whileyou stay busy elsewhere.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 16

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonusSpotlights vary based onSpotlights allow youdifferent types of relationshipsto easily filter resultsand interactions on LinkedInfor candidates who arelikely to engage3Uncover candidates most likely tobecome your next hire.LinkedIn Recruiter shines Spotlights ontalent who are qualified for your searchand more likely to respond to yourInMails, apply, and accept your offer.The Spotlights feature shows you talentconnected to your organization throughyour employees, talent brand, and evenpast applicants. Your Company Pagefollowers, for instance, appear withinthe “Engaged with your talent brand”Spotlight, along with people who haveliked, commented, or shared yourCompany Page updates or Job Posts.Bonus: Learn more about LinkedIn Recruiter.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 17

STEP 5Startconversations fasterOnce you’ve found great candidates using LinkedIn Recruiter, it’s timeto reach out and encourage them to apply. The best way to reachpeople on LinkedIn is through InMail messages, but because you havea lot of roles to fill and not a lot of time, you need tactics to help yousend InMails quickly and effectively. Read on to discover our best tips.

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonus3 tips to send better InMails, faster12Save your best InMails asThe data doesn’t lie; shorter is better.templates for later use.This is great news for busy recruiters—Once you’ve written an InMailInMail messages should be easy formessage, you can “save as template”your recipient to skim. The point of anwith the click of a button withinInMail is to start a conversation, notLinkedIn Recruiter. Give your newgive candidates all the informationtemplate a name and even decideyou have and expect them to applywhether to share it with your teamright away. The best messages aremembers with Recruiter seats.conversational and shorter than 500One important note about InMailcharacters. With a Recruiter seat, you’lltemplates: Think of them as a startingpoint, not a quick solution to massblast candidates. Taking the timeget a real-time character counter tohelp you keep your messages withinthe length sweet customize your templates with athoughtful, personalized message willnot only reflect well on you and yourorganization but also increase yourchances of hearing back.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 19

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarter3Spend time on personalization.Just like you don’t appreciatereceiving cold calls, candidatesA quick look: InMail vs. Emailimpersonal InMail explain why you’re reaching outInstant message-styleconversationsand why you believe your openingis a good opportunity for therecipient. A little sincere flatteryBonusYour Company Pagefollowers are 81% morelikely to respond to yourInMail than non-followers.InMail Emaildon’t appreciate receivingTake some time with each InMailStart conversations fasterReadily-availablecandidate informationTalent who share a formeremployer with you are27% more likely torespond to your InMail.goes a long way. If you noticefrom their profile that you share ashared connection, group, interestor educational experience—mention it upfront. Spending timeon personalization is actually themost efficient way to ensure yourTemplates and analyticsto save you timeTalent who share aLinkedIn group with youare 21% more likely torespond to your InMail.message has a big impact.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 20

BONUSTalent leaders sharetheir hiring tips & tacticsfor successDiscover how your peers are stayingahead of their hiring demandsThe Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 21

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonusMichael HakeemAssociate Director of Talent Attraction & Technology Novo NordiskRemember that no role is too hard to fillwhen you resource around it.When you have hard-to-fill roles, it really does take a village to make a hire.We consider 8% of our positions to beFor example, we host 1.5-hour-longThis lunch & learn program, along withextremely hard to fill (think Promotionallunch & learns to help hiring managersseveral other initiatives, has yieldedReview within Regulatory Affairs).of hard-to-fill roles strengthen their732 pipelined candidates and 11 hiresOn top of this, limited headcountLinkedIn profiles, join relevant LinkedInin the last 18 months. By teaching andoften means hiring managers end upgroups to share their expertise, andencouraging hiring managers to takecombining multiple requirements intofollow certain corporate social pages.a more active role in hiring, they’reone open requisition. We even teach them how to quicklyreaching and engaging candidates wepost jobs from our internal platformnever could have on our own.We’ve worked through this challengeby finding opportunities to inspireand empower our hiring managers tobecome recruiters in their own LinkedIn, since we know hiringmanagers get better traction thanLearn morerecruiters when posting jobs.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 22

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonusMatt KennedyDirector of Talent AcquisitionStarbucksUse data to discover what’s really working.We used to allocate spend equally across all our retail Job Posts on LinkedIn,until we took a closer look at the data.It didn’t take long to discover that withinIt worked. By simply shifting resourcesour retail openings, the engagementto sponsor the positions that wererates with our most senior leaderorganically performing well, we drovepositions were fantastic. This told us twodramatically more qualified applicants toimportant things: First, that LinkedIn wasthese positions and reduced our overallin fact the right channel to reach this levelcost-per-application. The data helped usof senior talent. Second, that we mightprioritize our finite resources where webe able to drive even more engagementcould drive the biggest impact.and qualified applicants if we sponsoredthese particular openings.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 23

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonusBrian MurrayDirector of Talent and CultureLikeable MediaTap into the powerof your network.I’m a recruitment one-man show within a CRM, so Irely on the LinkedIn mobile app to find great talent.Sometimes, we’ll be in a situation where we have three good prospectsand only one gets the job. It would be a shame to lose touch with thoseother qualified applicants, so I connect with them on LinkedIn and usethe app to regularly reach out and engage at the right time. I get relevantupdates on candidates like job changes and work anniversaries, so I knowwhen and why to reach out.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 24

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonusJason JeffreysDirector, Program Management and OperationsLinkedInUse the phone screen togive star talent a shortcut.My advice: Lean on the data to find patterns that cansave you time and help you work more efficiently.In late 2014, we faced the hurdleWe noticed that 90% ofof hiring 100 customer successcandidates who earned a “3” inrepresentatives in 60 days. Wetheir phone screen made it to theinitially set up 3 rounds of interviews:final interview round. To save time,The first was a phone screen with awe began sending candidatesrecruiter who rated candidates on awho aced their phone screenscale of 1-3 scale (3 is best).straight to the final round.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 25

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonusSummaryIf you’re helping your organization grow and hire new talent, give yourself amuch-deserved pat on the back. It’s hard work, and the simple fact that youmade it to the end of this ebook means you care.There are tools and tactics out there to help you manage your high-volumehiring demands with confidence. Here’s what we covered in this book:Step 1: Align with hiring managersStep 2: Put quality firstGOGOStep 3: Get your jobs in front of more peopleStep 4: Source smarterGOGOStep 5: Start conversations fasterGOFor more information about how LinkedIn can be your partner in fueling your hiring goals,send us a note or give us a call at 1-855-655-5653.The Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 26

Align with hiring managersPut quality firstGet your jobs in front of more peopleSource smarterStart conversations fasterBonusAuthorEditorAlyssa SittigMark MenkeContent Marketing ManagerLinkedInGlobal Content Marketing Team Lead, Customer & SegmentsLinkedInAbout LinkedInTalent SolutionsLinkedIn Talent Solutions offers a full range ofrecruiting solutions to help organizations of allsizes find, attract, and engage the best talent.Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world’sprofessionals to make them more productiveand successful. With over 433 million membersworldwide, LinkedIn is the world’s largestprofessional network.Subscribe to our blogCheck out our SlideShareFollow us on TwitterSee our videos on YouTubeProducts and insightsConnect with us on LinkedInThe Tactical Guide to High-Volume Hiring 27

their own high-volume hiring hurdles. By the end of this guide, you'll have a simple step-by-step strategy to high-volume hiring success. 03 Step 1: Align with hiring managers 06 Step 2: Put quality first 10 Step 3: Get your jobs in front of more people 14 Step 4: Source smarter 18 Step 5: Start conversations faster 21

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