State GovernmentPrivate Colleges,Universities, andSeminariesFederal GovernmentPrivate colleges, universities, and theological seminaries areincluded in this section. Private schools are privately owned andPublic Universitiesoperated and, in addition to tuition and fees charged to students,receive a major portion of their funding from private donations.This section has information about out-of-state colleges that offeron-campus programs in Kentucky.Private Colleges,Universities, andSeminariesAll of the private colleges and universities offer bachelor’s degrees,while some offer certificate, associate’s, master’s and/or doctoraldegree programs.Two-YearPublic CollegesTheological seminaries are private graduate schools that offerspecialized programs to prepare students for the ministry. Theprograms are two to five years long and lead to master’s or doctoraldegrees.Trade SchoolsKentucky ScholarshipsIndex175
Private Colleges, Universities, and SeminariesAlice Lloyd College–American National UniversityAliceLloydCollegeContact: Unless otherwise noted, JosephLittle, Director of Financial Aid, Alice LloydCollege, 100 Purpose Road, Pippa Passes,KY 41844; 606.368.6058;; www.alc.eduGrantsCollege Access ProgramGrant, see page 7.Federal Pell Grant, see page 20.Deadline: August 15 (priority)Federal Supplemental EducationalOpportunity Grant, see page 20.Number: 75Deadline: August 1Kentucky Tuition Grant, see page 7.LoansFederal Direct Loan, see page 20.Federal PLUS Loan, see page 21.ScholarshipsAlice Lloyd HonorsProgram ScholarshipEligibility: Must have at least a 27 ACT orequivalent SAT score, demonstrate exemplary character and outstanding leadership,complete all the necessary information foradmissions and financial aid and graduatefrom a high school in one of the 108 countiesin the ALC service area.Number: 2 to 3 each yearDeadline: Before April 1Contact: JD Cornett, Admissions, Alice LloydCollege, 100 Purpose Road, Pippa Passes,KY 41844; 606.368.6134; jeffcornett@alicelloyd.eduDean’s Distinguished Scholarship**********Geddes Scholarship**********Presidential ScholarshipAppalachian Leaders ScholarshipEligibility: Must be from one of the 108counties in the ALC service area, have atleast a 2.25 GPA, score at least 17 on the ACTKHEAAand participate 10 hours a week in the ALCWork-Study Program.Number: UnlimitedDeadline: August 1Baseball ScholarshipEligibility: Must be from one of the 108counties in the ALC service area, have atleast a 2.25 GPA, score at least 17 on the ACTand participate 10 hours a week in the ALCWork-Study Program.Number: 14Deadline: August 1Basketball ScholarshipEligibility: Must be from one of the 108counties in the ALC service area, have atleast a 2.25 GPA, score at least 17 on the ACTand participate 10 hours a week in the ALCWork-Study Program.Number: 24Deadline: August 1H. N. and Frances C. BergerGraduating Senior AwardEligibility: Must be the outstanding maleand female student among the graduatingseniors at ALC. Based on citizenship andacademic qualifications.Number: 2Caney Cottage ScholarshipEligibility: Must have completed an undergraduate program at ALC, have at leasta 3.0 GPA, be accepted to a graduate orprofessional program, have high academicstandards, be of strong character, show potential for leadership and commit to servicein the Appalachian region on completing aprogram of study.Award: Students attending the University ofKentucky are provided living quarters in AliceLloyd College-owned housing near campus.Students attending universities other thanUK receive a stipend.Number: 24Deadline: March 31John Carroll ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a needy, first-time studentand reside in the Fifth Congressional Districtof Kentucky.Award: VariesNumber: 12Deadline: July 10Kentucky Educational ExcellenceScholarship, see page 7.VA BenefitsSee pages 24–26.177Work-StudyALC Work-StudyEligibility: All students must participate inthe ALC Student Work Program to help coverthe guaranteed tuition.Number: UnlimitedDeadline: August 1Federal Work-Study, see page 22.Number: 300Deadline: August 1Work College Work-StudyNumber: 100Deadline: August 1AmericanNationalUniversityContact: 50 National College Boulevard,Pikeville, KY 41501; 606.478.7200; Ribbon GrantEligibility: Must qualify for Chapter 30, 31,33, 35, 1606 or TA, Department of Defenseeducational support program or any militaryservice component or branch under any applicable educational support program. Seepages 17–20 and 24–26.Award: Up to 18,000Number: VariesBusiness Partnership GrantEligibility: Must be associated with a company that has a tuition assistance agreementwith ANU.Award: 1 for every 2 employer pays, upto balance dueNumber: VariesCollege Access ProgramGrant, see page 7.Federal Pell Grant, see page 20.Federal Supplemental EducationalOpportunity Grant, see page 20.Private Loan Supplemental GrantEligibility: Based on a student’s using private loan funds to finance tuition, fee andbook costs.Affording Higher Education 2022–2023
Private Colleges, Universities, and SeminariesAsbury Theological Seminary–Asbury UniversityAward: 40% of the private loan required tofund student’s educationNumber: VariesWorkforce Development GrantEligibility: Must be a dislocated or disadvantaged student as determined by a state orfederal job training program in an approvedprogram of study at an approved location ofANU and use other grant and scholarshipfunding through other local, state or federalprograms. Based on need.Award: Up to 7,500 per year, depending onprogram of studyNumber: VariesDeadline: No later than the end of the secondweek of the academic term for which thegrant is awardedLoansFederal Direct Loan, see page 20.Federal PLUS Loan, see page 21.ScholarshipsKentucky Educational ExcellenceScholarship, see page 7.VA BenefitsSee pages 24–26.Work-StudyFederal Work-Study, see page 22.AsburyTheologicalSeminaryContact: Director of Financial Aid, AsburyTheological Seminary, 204 North LexingtonAvenue, Wilmore, KY 40390; 859.858.2052;; www.asburyseminary.eduLoansAsbury TheologicalSeminary Short-Term LoanEligibility: Must need help with educationalassistance and/or emergency needs. Detailsavailable from the financial aid office.Federal Direct Loan, see page 20.Affording Higher Education 2022–2023ScholarshipsBeeson Pastor Doctorof Ministry ScholarshipEligibility: Must be admitted to the doctorof ministry degree program and be approvedand recommended for the scholarship by thedirector of the Beeson Center.Award: 25% to 100% of tuitionNumber: VariesInternational ScholarshipEligibility: Must seek a degree that will allowleadership in student’s home country.Award: 25% to 100% of tuitionNumber: VariesMerit and Ministry ScholarshipsEligibility: Must be enrolled in the MA orMDiv program and represent strong promisefor Christian ministryAward: VariesNumber: VariesPostgraduate Support ScholarshipEligibility: Must apply for one of the postgraduate programs and be recommendedfor a scholarship by the Advanced ResearchScholarship Committee.Award: 25% to 100% of tuitionNumber: VariesPresidential ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a newly matriculated MAor MDiv candidate who demonstrates bothacademic and leadership skills.Award: Full tuitionNumber: VariesVA BenefitsSee pages 24–26.Number: UnlimitedDeadline: First day of classCollege Access ProgramGrant, see page 7.Federal Pell Grant, see page 20.Federal Supplemental EducationalOpportunity Grant, see page 20.Number: About 280 each yearKentucky Tuition Grant, see page 7.LoansFederal Direct Loan, see page 20.Federal PLUS Loan, see page 21.United Methodist Student LoanEligibility: Must be a United Methodist; be afull-time degree candidate; be a U.S. citizen;have been a member of the United MethodistChurch for at least a year; be Christian andself-supporting; and have promise of futureusefulness and a “C” or better GPA (secondquarter freshman or higher).Contact: See website at ipsAcademic ScholarshipEligibility: See website at 4,000 to 16,000Number: UnlimitedAlumni Recognition ScholarshipEligibility: Must have a parent who is analumnus of Asbury University.Award: 1,500Number: UnlimitedDeadline: RollingAsburyUniversityContact: Unless otherwise noted, FinancialAid, Asbury University, 1 Macklem Drive,Wilmore, KY 40390; 859.858.3511; www.asbury.eduGrantsAsbury Match GrantEligibility: Asbury will match funds contributed by a church or other Christian organization. The student must be enrolled full time inAsbury’s traditional undergraduate program.Award: Up to 1,000178Francis Asbury Honors ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a National Merit finalist entering their freshman year during fallsemester, have graduated from high schoolthe previous spring, be enrolled full-time andsubmit a copy of National Merit certificateto the admissions office.Award: 75% of tuition; renewable for up to4 years provided recipient maintains a 3.5cumulative GPANumber: All who meet minimum qualificationsAsbury UniversityAlumni Honors AwardEligibility: Must have an outstanding highschool record and be an entering freshmanKHEAA
Private Colleges, Universities, and SeminariesATA Collegewho is a direct descendant of an alumnus.Award: 5% of tuitionNumber: 2Deadline: April 15Christian Ministry ScholarshipEligibility: Must have a parent who is a paid,full-time employee of a Christian ministry.Award: 1,000Number: UnlimitedDeadline: RollingHoward Dayton Business ScholarshipEligibility: Must declare a business major andhave the equivalent of a 24 ACT score and a3.0 cumulative high school GPA.Award: 10,000 per year; renewable uponinvolvement in School of Business-relatedactivities during the yearNumber: 1Deadline: February 28Governor’s ScholarshipEligibility: Must have participated in theKentucky Governor’s Scholars Program orGovernor’s School for the Arts.Award: 16,000Number: UnlimitedDeadline: RollingGPA ScholarshipEligibility: Based on weighted high schoolGPA.Award: 10,000 to 16,000Number: UnlimitedDeadline: RollingJohn Wesley Hughes ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a new full-time undergraduate student who qualifies for thetop level academic scholarship. Based onacademic records, test scores, rank in class,extracurricular activities, leadership ability,quality of program, letters of recommendation, essay, written assessment test andinterview.Award: Full tuition; renewable for up to4 years provided recipient maintains a 3.6cumulative GPANumber: 4Deadline: February 20International Student ScholarshipEligibility: Must be an international student.Based on academic standing, letters of recommendation and a written essay.Award: 1,000 to 7,000; renewable for upto 4 years on recommendation of the Admissions CommitteeNumber: UnlimitedDeadline: RollingKHEAAKentucky Educational ExcellenceScholarship, see page 7.H. C. Morrison ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a new full-time undergraduate student who qualifies for thetop level academic scholarship. Based onacademic records, test scores, rank in class,extracurricular activities, leadership ability,quality of program, letters of recommendation, essay, written assessment test andinterview.Award: 75% of tuition; renewable for up to4 years provided recipient maintains a 3.5cumulative GPANumber: 20Deadline: February 20VA BenefitsSee pages 24–26.WaiversMultiple Family WaiverEligibility: Must be from a family that hasmore than 1 dependent sibling or a husbandand wife enrolled full time in the traditionalundergraduate program.Award: 1,300Number: All who qualifyWork-StudyFederal Work-Study, see page 22.Award: Typically 200 to 1,800 in earningseach yearMulticultural ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a U.S. citizen, be anincoming African American student, be afull-time student and have at least a 3.0 GPA.Award: 1,000 to 7,000Number: UnlimitedDeadline: RollingATAMusic ScholarshipEligibility: Based on recommendation of themusic faculty. Audition required.Award: VariesNumber: VariesContact: Request audition at ntact: Financial Aid Director, ATA College, 10200 Linn Station Road, Suite 125,Louisville, KY 40223; 502.371.8330; www.ata.eduCollegeSalvation Army ScholarshipEligibility: Must submit a letter from thecorps stating active involvement in theSalvation Army.Award: 2,500, renewableDeadline: RollingJose Velazquez ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a new student, be Hispanic, demonstrate outstanding scholasticachievement, be a U.S. citizen and have atleast a 3.0 GPA.Award: 1,000 to 7,000Number: UnlimitedDeadline: RollingWorship Arts Performance ScholarshipEligibility: Based on recommendation ofthe worship arts faculty. Audition required.Award: VariesNumber: VariesDeadline: RollingContact: Daniel.Pinkston@asbury.eduor complete audition request at est/179GrantsCollege Access ProgramGrant, see page 7.Federal Pell Grant, see page 20.Deadline: VariesVocational Rehabilitation, see page 12.LoansFederal Direct Loan, see page 20.Federal PLUS Loan, see page 21.ScholarshipsKentucky Educational ExcellenceScholarship, see page 7.VA BenefitsSee pages 24–26.See page 11.WIOAAffording Higher Education 2022–2023
Private Colleges, Universities, and SeminariesBeckfield College–Bellarmine UniversityBeckfieldBellarmineScholarshipsContact: Unless otherwise noted: LaurenKeeling, Office of AdmissionCollegeUniversity15,000 Degrees Scholarship, see page 320.Contact: Kim Villaverde, Beckfield College, 16 Spiral Drive, Florence, KY 41042;859.371.9393; www.beckfield.eduGrantsCollege Access ProgramGrant, see page 7.Federal Pell Grant, see page 20.Vocational Rehabilitation, see page 12.LoansFederal Direct Loan, see page 20.Federal PLUS Loan, see page 21.ScholarshipsAcademic Achievement ScholarshipEligibility: Must have at least a 4.0 GPA inthe quarter and have perfect attendance.Award: 100 each quarter if carrying at least8 credit hours, not including developmentalcourses; 150 each quarter if carrying at least12 credit hours, not including developmentalcoursesNumber: VariesHigh School ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a high school senior;complete a scholarship application; andsubmit a high school transcript indicatingat least a 3.0 cumulative GPA, 3 letters ofrecommendations from teachers, counselorsor employers (non-family members) and atyped essay of at least 500 words explainingin detail why student wants a career in thefield indicated on the application and whythe student would be successful in this field.Interview required. If applying for the nursingprogram, applicant must have at least a 20ACT score or equivalent SAT score.Award: Full tuitionNumber: VariesKentucky Educational ExcellenceScholarship, see page 7.VA BenefitsSee pages 24–26.Affording Higher Education 2022–2023Contact: Unless otherwise noted, Officeof Financial Aid, Bellarmine University,2001 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY 40205;502.272.7300; or 800.274.4723; www.bellarmine.eduGrantsAthletic Grant-in-AidEligibility: Must participate on a varsity team:baseball, men’s basketball, women’s basketball, cheer, men’s cross country, women’scross country, dance, field hockey, men’s golf,women’s golf, men’s lacrosse, men’s soccer,women’s soccer, softball, men’s swimming,women’s swimming, men’s tennis, women’stennis, men’s indoor track and field, women’sindoor track and field, men’s outdoor trackand field, women’s outdoor track and field,women’s volleyball, men’s wrestling.Award: VariesCollege Access ProgramGrant, see page 7.Federal Pell Grant, see page 20.Deadline: NoneFederal Supplemental EducationalOpportunity Grant, see page 20.Deadline: NoneKentucky Tuition Grant, see page 7.Transfer GrantEligibility: Must be a full-time, transferundergraduate student and complete theFAFSA.Award: Up to 2,000Deadline: Available through drop/add periodeach semesterContact: Shelby Sullivan, Office of AdmissionGrants/LoansTeacher Education Assistance forCollege and Higher Education(TEACH) Grant, see page 21.LoansFederal Direct Loan, see page 20.Federal PLUS Loan, see page 21.180Art ScholarshipEligibility: Must submit work for reviewand be a full-time entering first-year studentplanning to major in art.Award: VariesNumber: VariesDeadline: RollingContact: Sarah Martin, Art DepartmentChairBellarmine Fellows AwardEligibility: Must be a full-time undergraduateand submit an application. Most candidateshave at least a 30 ACT score or equivalentSAT score and at least a 3.4 GPA. Otherconsiderations are strength of curriculum,honors and awards.Award: Full tuition with study abroad stipendNumber: 5Deadline: December 1Bellarmine Scarlet ScholarshipEligibility: Must be enrolled full time, bea first-time freshman and submit an application.Award: 18,000 to 30,000; renewable witha 2.5 GPADeadline: February 1Bellarmine Scholars AwardEligibility: Must be a full-time undergraduateand submit an application. Most candidateshave at least a 30 ACT score or equivalentSAT score and at least a 3.4 GPA. Otherconsiderations are strength of curriculum,honors and awards.Award: Full tuition, comprehensive fee, roomand board with study abroad stipendNumber: 5Deadline: December 1Black Achievers ScholarshipEligibility: Must participate in the BlackAchievers Program, have a 2.5 GPA, have atleast a 21 ACT or equivalent SAT score andbe a full-time freshman.Award: Full tuitionNumber: VariesDeadline: February 1John Brown ScholarshipEllen Morris Buchart NursingScholarship, see page 320.KHEAA
Private Colleges, Universities, and SeminariesBerea College–Boyce CollegeKentucky Educational ExcellenceScholarship, see page 7.Kentucky Governor’s Scholars/Governor’s School for the Arts/Governor’sSchool for Entrepreneurs ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a first-time, full-timefreshman who has completed the Governor’sScholars Program or the Governor’s Schoolfor the Arts.Award: 1,500 per year; renewableNumber: VariesDeadline: February 1William J. Kircher MemorialScholarship, see page 321.Multiculturalism AwardEligibility: Must be a minority student, meetstandards for admission and be a full-timeundergraduate student.Award: 1,500Number: VariesDeadline: February 1Music ScholarshipEligibility: Must audition and be a full-timeundergraduate student planning to majorin music.Award: VariesNumber: VariesContact: Dr. Tim Glasscock, Music Department ChairROTC ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a full-time undergraduate student.Award: Up to full tuition, room and boardNumber: VariesDeadline: November 1Transfer Student ScholarshipEligibility: Must be an undergraduate transfer student enrolling full time and have atleast a 2.5 GPA.Award: 21,100 to 27,000Deadline: Available through drop/add periodeach semesterContact: Shelby Sullivan, Office of AdmissionTrustee ScholarshipEligibility: Must be enrolling as a first-time,full-time freshman student, complete theFAFSA, and make an official campus visitto Bellarmine by May 1.Award: 1,500 per year; renewable as long asstudent files the FAFSA each yearVA BenefitsSee pages 24–26.KHEAAWork-StudyFederal Work-Study, see page 22.Award: 1,000 to 2,250 each yearNumber: 150 to 225 each yearDeadline: As soon as possible after October 1.Must indicate the desire for the Federal WorkStudy program on the FAFSAScholarshipsFull Tuition ScholarshipAward: Up to 44,300Number: 1 for each studentKentucky Educational ExcellenceScholarship, see page 7.VA BenefitsSee pages 24–26.BereaCollegeContact: Berea College, Theresa Lowder,Director of Student Financial Aid Services,CPO 2172, Berea, KY 40404; 859.985.3310;theresa; www.berea.eduAll students must demonstrate financial need.All students must file a FAFSA each year toapply for financial aid. The priority filing dateis October 31. Students receive sufficient aidto meet all financial need after the expectedfamily contribution and summer savings aretaken into account.GrantsCollege Access ProgramGrant, see page 7.Federal Pell Grant, see page 20.Federal Supplemental EducationalOpportunity Grant, see page 20.Number: Limited by available funds; institutional funds applied if funds are exhaustedInstitutional Grant for Direct CostsEligibility: Must have financial need.Award: VariesNumber: UnlimitedKentucky Tuition Grant, see page 7.LoansFederal Direct Loan, see page 20.Federal PLUS Loan, see page 21.Institutional LoanEligibility: Must be a degree-seeking studentand have remaining unmet need. Student canalso provide documentation to support costsabove the basic budget.Award: Varies; for education-related costs,extra educational experiences and replacement of expected summer savingsNumber: Unlimited181Work-StudyFederal Work-Study, see page 22.Award: Varies; based on hours worked andskill/responsibility level of jobNumber: Awarded to each eligible studentInstitutional Work-StudyAward: Varies; based on hours worked andskill/responsibility level of jobNumber: Awarded to each eligible studentBoyceCollegeContact: Unless otherwise noted, Office ofFinancial Aid, 2825 Lexington Road, Louisville, KY 40280; 502.897.4206; financialaid@sbts.eduNote: A student may receive only 1 grantor scholarship per semester. All awards areapplied toward tuition. Students taking onlyonline courses are not eligible. Studentstaking both on-campus and online coursesare eligible if they are taking more than halfof their courses on the Louisville campus.Boyce College does not participate in federalor state aid.GrantsMK Grant:Eligibility: Must be enrolled full time in anundergraduate or master’s degree program,be under 30 years old, be taking classes onthe Louisville campus, remain in good academic standing, be the child of a full-timeor emeritus International Mission Board orNorth American Mission Board missionaryand submit an employment verification form.Award: Up to full tuition; renewable, but maybe used for only 1 degree that is completedwithin 4 yearsNumber: VariesAffording Higher Education 2022–2023
Private Colleges, Universities, and SeminariesBrescia UniversityLoansAdvantage Education Loan, see page 8.Deadline: January 1 for early fall or springentrance; July 1 for regular fall entranceScholarshipsAcademic Excellence ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a first-time Boyce Collegestudent; have at least a 3.75 unweighted highschool GPA; be enrolled full time; be takingclasses on the Louisville campus; maintaingood academic standing; be enrolled ina degree program; complete the CollegeBoard Profile; participate in an interview;and submit a 1,000 word essay, résumé and a2- to 3-minute video that introduces the applicant and answers the following questions:(1) Who are you? (2) Where are you from?(3) Why would you like to be considered forthe scholarship? and (4) Describe somethingyou are passionate about.Award: 1, full tuition; 2, 5,500; additional 4,000 scholarships may be availableNumber: VariesDeadline: February 15Kentucky Baptist Convention ScholarshipEligibility: Must have been a Kentuckyresident for at least 1 year before applying,be enrolled full time in an undergraduate ormaster’s degree program, be taking classeson the Louisville campus and be in goodstanding with a Baptist church that is in goodstanding with the Kentucky Baptist Convention. Applicant’s current pastor must emaila reference letter to 1,000 per year; renewableDeadline: New student, July 15; currentstudent, July 1Boyce Leadership ScholarshipEligibility: Must be in a leadership positionon campus and have completed 2 semestersat Boyce College.Award: VariesContact: Boyce Student Life, 1 International Student ScholarshipEligibility: Must be an international undergraduate student, have a F-1 visa, completethe College Board Profile, be taking classeson the Louisville campus, maintain goodacademic standing and be enrolled full timein a degree program.Award: 2,000Deadline: New student, July 1 (fall entrance),January 1 (spring entrance); continuingstudent, June 1General ScholarshipEligibility: Must be enrolled full time in anundergraduate degree program, be takingclasses on the Louisville campus, maintaingood academic standing and complete theCollege Board Profile.Award: 800 to 2,000 per yearDeadline: New student, January 1 (earlyfall or spring entrance), July 1 (regular fallentrance); continuing student, June 1KEES Alternative AwardEligibility: Must be enrolled full time in adegree program, be taking classes on campus, remain in good academic standing, be aKentucky resident, have qualified for a KEESaward (see page 7) and submit a form.Affording Higher Education 2022–2023VA BenefitsSee pages 24– member of a Catholic church (will needrecommendation letter from parish priest)and live on campus.Award: Tuition discount of 50%College Access ProgramGrant, see page 7.Federal Pell Grant, see page 20.Federal Supplemental EducationalOpportunity Grant, see page 20.Number: VariesKentucky Community andTechnical College Graduate GrantEligibility: Must be a graduate of 1 of Kentucky’s community and technical colleges.Award: Up to 1,000 per year; renewable upto 4 semesters if student makes satisfactoryacademic progress toward a degreeKentucky Tuition Grant, see page 7.BresciaTalent GrantEligibility: Must be a talented student inmusic or art.Award: VariesContact: Financial Aid OfficeContact: Unless otherwise noted, Officeof Financial Aid, Brescia University, 717Frederica Street, Owensboro, KY 42301;270.686.4253; or 877.273.7242, ext. 290;www.brescia.eduGrantsAlumni Discount GrantEligibility: Must be the dependent childunder age 25 or be the spouse of an alumnus.Award: 10% tuition discountAthletic GrantEligibility: Must be a full-time student athleteparticipating in an NAIA athletic program.Based on skill.Award: VariesNumber: VariesContact: Athletic Director, 270.686.4330 or877.273.7242Brescia University Incentive GrantEligibility: Must be a new full-time undergraduate student not enrolling in an onlineprogram. Based on financial need.Award: VariesNumber: VariesCatholic Connection GrantEligibility: Must be a new student, be a graduate of a private Catholic high school or be an182LoansFederal Direct Loan, see page 20.Federal PLUS Loan, see page 21.ScholarshipsBoard of Trustees ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a first-time freshman.Based on GPA and standardized test scores.Award: 20,000 per yearNumber: VariesCentennial ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a first-time freshman,be enrolled full time and not be enrolledin the online program. Based on GPA andstandardized test scores.Award: Varies; 5,000 to 25,000 per yearNumber: VariesScott and Ruth HolderScholarship, see page 297.Kentucky Educational ExcellenceScholarship, see page 7.Joseph D. MoorePresidential ScholarshipEligibility: Must be a first-time freshmanand have high academic achievement andleadership skills. Must help university presi-KHEAA
Private Colleges, Universities, and SeminariesCampbellsville Universitydent represent Brescia at events and provideservice to the community.Number: VariesDeadline: December 1Charles A. Reid MemorialScholarship, see page 252.Scholarships/LoansGeorge L. Bagby Scholarship/LoanEligibility: Must be enrolled full time.Repayment: Interest-free scholarship/loanrepayable during student’s lifetime as and ifcircumstances permit.Award: VariesNumber: VariesVA BenefitsSee pages 24–26.Work-StudyBrescia UniversityStudent EmploymentEligibility: Must be a full-time undergraduate student.Award: VariesNumber: VariesFederal Work-Study, see page 22.Award: VariesNumber: VariesCampbellsvilleUniversityContact: Unless otherwise noted, Director ofFinancial Aid, Campbellsville University, 1University Drive, Campbellsville, KY 42718;270.789.5000; www.campbellsville.eduFor all institutional grants and scholarships(except the Mature Student Scholarship),students must fill out the FAFSA.GrantsArt Performance GrantEligibility: Must be offered an art performance grant contract by the Art Department,be approved by the chairman of the Fine ArtsDivision, have at least a 2.0 GPA and be afull-time undergraduate student.Award: VariesNumber: 6Deadline: November 1 (priority)Contact: Art DepartmentKHEAAAthletic Performance GrantsEligibility: Must be a woman participatingin softball, swimming or volleyball; or be aman participating in baseball, football orwrestling; or be a man or woman participatingin basketball, bowling, cheerleading, crosscountry, golf, soccer, tennis or track and field.Must be offered an athletic performance grantcontract by the head coach; be approved bythe athletic director; participate in the sportat Campbellsville University; have at least a2.0 GPA; and be a full-time undergraduatestudent.Award: VariesNumber: VariesDeadline: November 1 (priority)Contact: Athletic DepartmentChristian Vocation GrantEligibility: Must have made a public commitment to a full-time Christian vocation,have at least a 2.0 GPA and be a full-timeundergraduate student.Award: 200Number: All who qualifyDeadline: November 1 (priority)College Access ProgramGrant, see page 7.Drama Performance GrantEligibility: Must be offered a drama performance grant contract by the Drama Department, be approved by the chairman of theFine Arts Division, have at least a 2.0 GPAand be a full-time undergraduate student.Award: VariesNumber: 6Deadline: November 1 (priority)Contact: Drama DepartmentFederal Pell Grant, see page 20.Deadline: November 1 (priority)Federal Supplemental EducationalOpportunity Grant, see page 20.Number: 100Deadline: November 1 (priority)Journalism Performance GrantEligibility: Must be selected to be campusyearbook editor, campus yearbook photographer, campus newspaper editor or campusnewspaper photographer; have at least a2.0 GPA; and be a full-time undergraduatestudent.Award: VariesNumber: 4Deadline: November 1 (priority)183Kentucky Tuition Grant, see page 7.Marching Band Performance GrantEligibility: Must be offered a band performance
Seminaries Private colleges, universities, and theological seminaries are included in this section. Private schools are privately owned and operated and, in addition to tuition and fees charged to students, receive a major portion of their funding from private donations. This section has information about out-of-state colleges that offer
M3: Master's Colleges and Universities - Smaller programs 20 3.5. D/PU: Doctoral/Professional Universities: 21 3.6. R1: Doctoral Universities - Very high research activity 21 3.7. R2: Doctoral Universities - High research activity 21 3.8. Canadian Universities 22 3.9. SFI: Special Focus Institutions 23 3.10.
population; colleges and universities are designated as "significant" if they have a 5% AAPI student population. Page 1 List of U.S. Colleges & Universities with Significant Asian American & Pacific Islander Student Populations (5-50%)* Compiled by the US Environmental Protection Agency's Asian American & Pacific Islander Initiative
HBCUs in the United States Represent less than 3% of colleges & universities Enroll 12% of all African American students Produce 23% of all African American graduates Confer 40% of all STEM degrees 60% of all engineering degrees are earned by African American students The Changing Face of Historically Black Colleges and Universities,
Guidance for the Conduct of In-Person Instructional, Residential, and Research Activities at Oregon Colleges and Universities OHA Standards APPLICABILITY These standards apply to public universities listed in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 352.002, community colleges operated under ORS chapter 341, and degree-granting private colleges and .
by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Funding is provided primarily through the state legislative process and student tuition revenue. In addition, the College aggressively pursues . Like other Washington state community and technical colleges, Skagit Valley College has faced a challenging fiscal environment for several .
THE LIST OF REGISTERED PRIVATE FET COLLEGES [UPDATED ON 04 MARCH 2014] This list serves as the National Register of Private FET Colleges and is published in accordance with Regulation 15(3) of the Regulations for the Registration of Private Further Education and Training, 2007.
Associate's Degrees in Early Childhood Education 12 Community Colleges , 6 are currently ECADA approved and 3 are approved for ECTC credential 3 Private colleges , 1 is ECADA approved and 1 approved for ECTC Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood 4 CT State Universities ; 2 CT State Universities offer ECE Teacher Licensure and are NCATE .
courts in their efforts to ensure equal justice and due process for all those who come before them. In December 2015, the Department convened a diverse group of stakeholders—judges, court administrators, lawmakers, prosecutors, defense attorneys, advocates, and impacted individuals—to discuss the assessment and enforcement of fines and fees in state and local courts. While the convening .