CITY OF PASADENAApplicant Name: Chrysalis Pasadena, Inc.Reviewer: Kami MillerDate: 3/21/19OVERALL 27781.08%GENERAL COMMENTSThe applicant provided a detailed packet, though, it did not include detailed Standard Operating Procedures, thesample SOP provided ensures the applicant knows what they are doing. The applicant has demonstrated the ability tooperate as a cannabis compliant business and has generally presented themselves in a very professional manner. Theapplicant seemed to not have properly completed the OwnerInfo section.; they should clarify their organizationstructure and ownership. Applicant wants a comfortable and social lounge will be available to socialize or host eventsin as part of their facility to be "ready to go" as a consumption lounge when the City changes the laws. The City shouldverify if theircapital offer is still valid. Application had good community benefits and customereducation plans.SECTION 1: QUALIFICATIONS OF OWNERS/ OPERATORS75056575.33%ExperienceThe applicant does not currently have any licensed retail facilities; however, they did indicate having a consumptionlounge in Hollywood, previous retail collectives that were shut down when the laws changed, and a previous retailfacility which they sold to MedMen. The application failed to include copies of ay current or previous State licenses.The application only identifies two owners when the OwnerInfo tab lists 9 individuals.Cannabis Industry KnowledgeThe application demonstrated knowledge about the cannabis industry from both legally permitted and nonpermitted businesses. Chief Education Officer of 420Cert, a cannabis industry education initiative organization. Theapplication stated one owner, Matt, is also an owner and COO of Meristem Innovations a local Cannabismanufacturing and distribution facility. On the Board of Directors, Medical Marijuana Division, Local UFCW 770Union. Regulatory experience in accordance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) & ISOOwnership TeamThe application indicated the roles of two owners in the day-to-day operations. (Matt Dunn and Jonathan Watters). Itfailed to identify the roles of other members of their organization.
SECTION 2: BUSINESS PLAN52546788.95%Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)The application provided an example of one of their SOP's along with a list of areas Standard Operating Procedureswould entail. It failed to provide detail of each procedure; however, it seems from the example that they would beacceptable.Financial PlanThe application stated they would needin total start-up costs; however, it failed to provide abreakdown of those costs.The application provide a two-year pro forma for 2017-2018 which is not sufficient. It also included a twelve monthestimated P&L statement.Funding/Proof of CapitalizationThe application provided a Wells Fargo bank statement, dated December 28, 2018 with an available funds of; although, it is unclear to whom the account belongs to.The application provided a nonnotarized, Microsoft Word template letter from an investor offeringuntilMarch 1, 2019. It is unclear if the offer is valid and is still available to the applicant as it has expired. The applicationalso provided a Comerica bank statement, dated Dec 31, 2019, for Matthew Wiltsey with an available balance of. It is unclear what his relation is to the company.Records SoftwareThe applicant provided detailed description of all records retention protocols and identified Green Bits as theirdesignated inventory software. Confirmed meeting HIPPA requirements.Track-and-TraceThe application generally demonstrated a basic familiarity with the track and trace requirements.State Testing RequirementsThe applicant demonstrated detailed understanding of testing requirements and acknowledges that products willonly be purchased from State licensed cannabis companies that have met all testing requirements.They will perform random spot checks by selecting randomly selected samples for testing by a certified and licensedthird-party laboratory via an independent distributor.Employee TrainingThe application provided their detailed Employee Training Standard Operating Procedures.
Customer EducationThe application provided a high degree of customer education they will offer, classes, encouragement of employeescontinuing education, and onsite consultation.MarketingThe application provided a detailed marketing plan that comprised of marketing via billboards, online media/website,digital and print ads. Some of the advertising seems to conflict with PMC 5.78.170(F)(6).Community BenefitsThe application stated they plan to donateto local charities, community programs and youthdevelopment and education projects from net profits within 1 year of being open.The application stated they "shall offer 100% reimbursement to students who attend Pasadena City College Onlinefor both part time and full-time employees."They will set aside for persons who have faced discrimination, prejudice, socioeconomic and other barriers to jobmarket entry, such as veterans, women, the disabled, single parents and the elderly or retired. Employees will receivevision, dental, fourteen days of paid time off, and a minimum hourly rate starting atper hour. They already aremembers of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce.The application provided a list of items they would purchase locally.They will provide free round-trip shuttle service to and from selected hotels and neighboring cities.They will sell cannabis brands who donate a percentage of sales to charities.The application stated, "starting at month 12 and every 4 months thereafter, 20 percent of all our used electricdelivery vehicle fleet will be donated to the City of Pasadena for either city employee or public-school teacherownership and use." Will fund Adopt a Highway for the 210 in the name of a school in the Pasadena Council District.SECTION 3: NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY & ENHANCEMENT15012684.00%Exterior Design ConceptThe application stated they will work with Pasadena's Art Center and faculty to fund a Student Contest to design theirfacility, inside and out. The exterior criteria will be curated and voted on by the Pasadena Historic PreservationSociety and community. The architecture, landscaping, signage, lighting, entry experience and parking area will all besignificant parts of the design contest and they will invest as necessary to fulfill the vision of the winning designs.Their build out will be integrated into the specific neighborhoods based on which CD zone they are able to securetheir license.Design Concept IntegrationThe applicant’s zone of choice is CD4.The application mentions they will fund the improvements of the dated nature of buildings on the streets includingthe immediately adjacent sidewalks, curbs, street lights and handicaps ramps, while still preserving the designarchitecture standards of Pasadena.
Integration of Security MeasuresThe application identified hidden security measures such as bollards, metal detectors, panic button, roll cages, andfacial recognition cameras.The application also indicated utilizing wireless alarm contacts, motion detectors, audible gunfire detectors and wiredalarm contacts with programmable auto-call features to SECYRE and local authorities.The application failed to include a security diagram.Air Quality/Odor ControlThe application indicated incorporating a state-of-the-art carbon-filtration system and conducting regularmaintenance, filter replacement and quality checks.SECTION 4: SECURITY PLAN15011979.33%Security ExperienceThe security plan was not designed by an experienced security firm/individual; although it did identify the experienceof four different security industry leaders they will utilize. The application indicated having top-of-class SOPs for theirdelivery aspect; however, it failed to include them. The applicant mentioned utilizing Driver's Alert. They also failed toprovide sufficient delivery security and safety procedures. Though, they mentioned cars having tinted windows, GPlocators and small cameras videoing both inside and out.Background ChecksThe application stated they will perform background checks via and through the Pasadena LiveScanService.Employee Safety EducationThe application indicated hiring former Fire Chief of Los Angeles Fire Department, Craig Fry of Craig Fry & Associatesto work with the Pasadena Fire Department to design and implement their Fire Plan.The application provided SOP's for using panic buttons.The application indicated providing SOP's to employees regarding occupational hazards, product handling anddisposing, robbery, and burglary; however, it lacked detail.Employee Theft Reduction MeasuresThe application stated they will reduce theft by diminishing the motive by providing a satisfying work environmentand pay, training employees that they will be under two surveillance cameras at all times, leaving belongings withsecurity at check-in and searched during check-out, and conducting weekly inventory audits.Cash Management PlanThe application indicated utilizing Green Bits, point of sale and inventory system along with a VersaSafe secure cashmanagement system. The application mentions their accountant will audit all store activity on a daily basis, identifytax obligations, and upload it to their third-party CPA and monthly reporting. The application indicated trainingemployees on industry-best and provided a list of areas their SOPs will cover for cash handling. The application failedto provide cash transport procedures for their retail delivery operation. Deposits to banks daily via armored car.
Product Access ProtocolsThe application confirmed utilizing a multi-layer access system and check-in process.Product DeliveriesThe application provided sufficient detail of their procedures for delivery intake and exiting the facility.Delivery vehicles would be loaded within a secured area and would enter and exit through a sally port.Security GuardsThe application indicated using a mix of uniformed and plain-clothes security, provided by Unlimited SecuritySpecialists, having.The application mentioned always having a visible presence of security personnel.Video Camera SurveillanceThe application stated they will have 24-hour watch by AT LEAST 2 cameras at all times which will include full cameracoverage of 100% of all interior spaces, except bathrooms, by top of the line Axis P12 Series cameras and 200%camera coverage, used by 1080p HD, kept both onsite and offsite for 12 months. Visible bullet, dome, thermal,panoramic and height strip style cameras will also be located throughout the property.The application also mentioned having street facing exterior cameras cover the entire block, including sidewalks, alllanes of traffic, crosswalks, and other neighboring businesses.The application failed to provide the number of cameras they plan to install.Armored VehicleThe application confirmed and provided procedures for daily armored car cash pickups.
January 29, 2019To the City of Pasadena,It is our pleasure to submit our Commercial Cannabis Permit Screening Application.We, Chrysalis Pasadena, Inc., are applying for a Retail License with Delivery. Once wereceive this license from the municipality, we will be applying with the State of Californiafor a Retailer (Storefront Sales) License, both ‘A’ (Adult-Use) & ‘M’ (Medicinal) Type.Chrysalis is retail re-imagined; a 360-degree all-inclusive cannabis experience featuring:Premier DispensaryInnovative LoungeMedical Consultation CenterEducation AnnexDelivery ServiceThe Cannabis industry is on the cusp of the next great evolutionary leap, a crescendointo the modern, scientific, and universal era of acceptance, legality and regulation.There is a bright future of stigma-free Cannabis use where adults of all walks of lifehave the option to partake without fear, whether it be a personal choice or because ithas been prescribed to alleviate an ailment or improve their quality of life.This is a world of Consumption Lounges and federally legal delivery, where intakemethods range from edibles and elixirs to patches and gels and everything in between.It is filled with medical discoveries and industry disrupting technologies that will foreverchange the way we view and use the cannabis plant.Forget simply ‘getting high’, the evolution of cannabis brings us science-backedinnovation, utilizing all parts of the plant for an endless list of never-seen-beforebenefits.The future is now.Chrysalis is the best expression of that future.Chrysalis Pasadena is Cannabis, Evolved.CHRYSALIS PASADENA, INC'S APPLICATION FOR CANNABIS RETAILER LICENSE, CITY OF PASADENA6 OF 105
It is the next step that industry pioneers have seen coming, what they have dreamed ofseeing in the marketplace. The cannabis industry is breaking free from its Chrysalis toshed public stigma, broken regulations, poisonous sub-standard processes, blackmarket money and criminalization.What shall emerge is a new era of trustworthy, science-backed, and regulated industrythat rebuilds communities instead of taking from them and delivers efficacious andbeneficial remedies in unique and health-conscious ways to people who are in need aswell as those who simply enjoy it.Chrysalis is the culmination of over a decade’s worth of work by true Cannabis pioneerswho came together as fast friends, sharing the same vision of what an evolvedCannabis Industry should look like what the future’s best expression of a CannabisDispensary could be and what the Cannabis consumer experience SHOULD be –Safe, beneficial, innovative, educational, affordable and enjoyable.The Cornerstones of Chrysalis PasadenaEducation. Philanthropy. Innovation & Best-in-Class Procedures. Community.EducationAs you will see throughout this application, our commitment to education extends fromtraining our employees educating the community – from new users to experts, toeducating policy makers, law enforcement, scientists and medical professionals.PhilanthropyChrysalis is a Philanthropy-first company, meaning no owner dividends will be paid untilour charity goals are met. Our purpose is to take care of the community throughcannabis, scientific innovation and service.Innovation & Best-in-Class ProceduresUnderstanding the future of the industry allows us to stay on the forefront of everyaspect of our business. This includes: SOPs representing standards far beyond ourindustry’s legal requirements, new products, industry disruptors, new scientific researchand medical breakthroughs on the plant.CommunityBeyond educating and providing world class products and service, Chrysalis Pasadenawell create an all-inclusive center for those who wish to grow, learn, create, teach,socialize and share in joyful experiences.CHRYSALIS PASADENA, INC'S APPLICATION FOR CANNABIS RETAILER LICENSE, CITY OF PASADENA7 OF 105
A 360-Degree, Multifaceted Edu-tainment ExperienceChrysalis will be a combination of: a recreational-medical dispensary, medicalconsultation center, educational VR theater & learning annex, social & event lounge(non-smoking) and cannabis delivery headquarters.The DispensaryWe will create a 5,000 – 8,000 sq ft architectural, technologically advanced retailexperience. The facility will be designed by the Art Center’s greatest student minds andimplemented by Pasadena’s top architects and designers.Offering all the best and cleanest products, Chrysalis will evolve the dispensaryexperience to the next level. Curated by in-house doctors, nurses and scientists, we willfeature cutting-edge technology that will disrupt the market and elevate cannabis use toa safer, more exact and scientific level than the industry has ever known.Medical Consultation CenterIn addition to the dispensary showroom, Chrysalis will have an in-house medicalconsultation center to meet with clients, lead education seminars, and collect hundredsof thousands of data points, through planned observational studies with specificproducts and specific sectors of the market. Our center’s two sectors of focus will becurrent and retired-athletes and senior citizens. Read inside to discover more.Education Annex/TheaterIn addition to the Dispensary floor and medical center, there will be a small theater witha stage for films, entertainment, lectures, master classes, training and VR experiences.LoungeA comfortable and social lounge will be available to socialize or host events in. As ourCEO is one of the visionaries behind one of the eight West Hollywood ConsumptionLounges, we will build a healthy (non-smoking) Lounge in Pasadena so one day, thecity will have a ready-to-go, compliant consumption lounge should the laws ever evolve.Delivery HQTaking advantage of LA County’s laws that allow deliveries to townships that do notallow cannabis sales, our EV vehicle delivery service will be a windfall for Pasadena.Chrysalis Pasadena is Cannabis, Evolved.Thank you in advance for considering our grand vision to represent the City ofPasadena.Respectfully,-The Chrysalis FamilyCHRYSALIS PASADENA, INC'S APPLICATION FOR CANNABIS RETAILER LICENSE, CITY OF PASADENA8 OF 105
Chrysalis Pasadena, Inc.Commercial Cannabis PermitApplicationRETAIL (with delivery)CHRYSALIS PASADENA, INC'S APPLICATION FOR CANNABIS RETAILER LICENSE, CITY OF PASADENA12 OF 105
Qualifications of Owners/OperatorsExperienceJonathan WattersOwner & CEO, Chrysalis PasadenaBachelor of Science B.S., Hotel Restaurant ManagementCornell University, 1993Principal, Canndeavor Capital Group, LLCPrincipal, Foundation Real EstateFounder, Evermore SRGCo-Founder, Valkyrie, LLC & HAH 10, LLCCo-Founder Curagenics, LLCChief Education Officer, 420CertFor the last 8 years, Jonathan Watters, has been deeply involved in the cannabisindustry as an investor, advisor, consultant, educator, entrepreneur and innovator.Most recently, his group’s vision earned one of the 8 consumable lounge licensesawarded in West Hollywood. A former restaurant and night club General Manager, andCannabis Industry Expert, Jonathan created a unique model for the newest licenseclass in the industry, the Consumable Lounge.As the Chief Education Officer of 420Cert, a cannabis industry education initiativeorganization, Mr. Watters has developed seed to sale curricula for Cannabis IndustryProfessionals and consumers.He has worked with numerous city and county policy and enforcement branches indeveloping education to promote public safety, consumer awareness of laws, riskmanagement and new regulation including: Herb Wesson’s Office, Robert Ahn,Cannabis Regulation Commission, LAPD Chief Corey Palka and the CCIA.Currently, Mr. Watters passionately advocates for industry advancement through: Working with White Memorial Hospital to educate emergency room doctors onhow to mitigate the high for those overconsuming edibles.Collaborating with the Hawaiian State Senate, and the University of Hawaii to runclinical trials on the medical uses and benefits of THC and CBD as well asresearch the best hemp strains to grow in the Hawaiian micro-climate.Working with the VA at the Trippler Army Medical Center, his work focuses onthe use of CBD to treat PTSD and depression amongst Veterans.Mr. Watters sits on the Cannabis Council of the West Hollywood Chamber ofCommerce.Page 2CHRYSALIS PASADENA, INC'S APPLICATION FOR CANNABIS RETAILER LICENSE, CITY OF PASADENA14 OF 105
Member of Cannabis Policy Council, creating new policy and strategy for theconsumption lounge license class with Jackie Rocco, Jackie Subek, Vered Nisimand the LA County Dept of Health.Works with Kel-Sie Biotech on Hemp and CBD cultivation as well asunderstanding unique medical innovations for delivering API to patientsAn animal lover, his work as Director of Marketing for the charity, Steps4Paws,brought thousands of CBD dog treats to Houston after the hurricane to calm theoverflow of lost and orphaned dogs. Partnering with Nordstrom’s they createdone of the largest annual fundraisers for Best Friends Animal Society and NKLA,they launched Take Your Rescue Dog Shopping Day.Matt Dunn, Retail Cannabis Industry PioneerOwner & President, Chrysalis PasadenaMatthew Dunn brings immense experience and knowledge to the procurement team.With 14 years of cannabis leading industry experience and licensed operation, Matthas been a pioneer in all facets of the cannabis marketplace.A leader in the medical cannabis revolution, Matt owned 5 dispensaries calledAdvanced Patients Collective. Located in Los Angeles, Studio City and a few locationsin Hollywood, Matt managed hundreds of employees and serviced thousands ofpatients.When the laws changed limiting him to only owning one retail shop, he shut four downand changed the name of his last one to KUSHMART, one of LA’s most famous andrespected dispensaries. He eventually sold KUSHMART to MedMen.KUSHMART was a forerunner in the marketplace as it featured over 70 marijuanastrains, including his own strain called “Matt’s #1 OG” which was rated the best OGKush by High Times Magazine.The Journal of Education of Medical Marijuana rated KUSHMART the #1 Dispensary inCalifornia.On the Board of Directors, Medical Marijuana Division, Local UFCW 770 Unionwhich successfully advocated and passed three major historic cannabis laws: Stopped the ban on medical marijuana in Los Angeles by collecting over250,000 signatures and advocating with city government.Passed Prop D which grandfathered licenses for the first 134 medicaldispensariesPassed Measure M which still governs us todayPage 3CHRYSALIS PASADENA, INC'S APPLICATION FOR CANNABIS RETAILER LICENSE, CITY OF PASADENA15 OF 105
He originated operating procedures for inventory, sales, and compliance tracking aswell as having successfully built a high volume, state licensed manufacturing facility.He has trained and managed hundreds of cannabis professionals.Mr. Dunn’s experience expands into many facets of opening a retail facility such asauditing regulatory content for both California state and local jurisdictions. He haswritten Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) tied to the ever-evolving Californiaregulations. He updates those to reflect the BCC, CDPH, and CDFA requirements forannual licenses.As an exemplary leader within the cannabis community and member of multiple MedicalMarijuana organizations, Mr. Dunn has helped to author and implement policies toensure dispensaries are not a nuisance to the community, thus creating the “GoodNeighbor” policy.Currently, Matt is the owner and COO of Meristem Innovations a local Cannabismanufacturing and distribution facility.Briesaun Williams M.S.Chief of Compliance & Quality AssuranceMaster of Sciences M.S. – Biomedical Sciences:Western University of Health Sciences, 2015Bachelor of Arts B.A. – Communication Specialist:Baylor University, 2011Former Student National Medical Association Chairman of Public Relations &FundraisingBriesaun Williams M.S. previously served as a Specialist and Project Manager in theCritical Care department for Edwards Lifesciences – a global leader in patientfocused medical innovations for structural heart disease, as well as critical careand surgical monitoring devices that class I, II (a & b), and III regulated; QualityAssurance Management, for W.H.P.M. Inc., – a corporation pioneering the researchand development of one-step rapid membrane tests.Briesaun brings to Chrysalis, experience with FDA compliance and his passion toaddress unmet industry needs and advocate for cannabis healthcare. With anastounding academic background in biological/medical sciences, coupled with qualityand regulatory experience in accordance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) &ISO, he is passionate to lead in setting the “Golden Standard” for the cannabis industry.Page 4CHRYSALIS PASADENA, INC'S APPLICATION FOR CANNABIS RETAILER LICENSE, CITY OF PASADENA16 OF 105
Joshua MunnDirector, Finance AdvisorJoshua Mann is the Co-Founder & General Partner of Wildhorse Capital Partners.Prior to establishing Wildhorse Capital, Joshua Mann was Vice President, BusinessDevelopment with Blackbird Energy - a growth-oriented junior oil & gas company. Joshbegan his career in capital markets as an investment banker with Stifel NicolausWeisel.While with Stifel, Josh held several ascending roles and assisted corporate issuersin raising over REDACTED in capital.Steven St. John-EnosGeneral ManagerFormer Cannabis Educator at Greenway University in Colorado will serve as GeneralManager of the Chrysalis Pasadena Dispensary.His experience in cannabis education makes him invaluable to the training andeducating of staff and customers. His knowledge of strains and cannabis products isworld class and he is an exception asset to the team. A Professional in the FinanceIndustry, Steven brings a wealth of cross-industry business acumen to the CannabisIndustry.Danielle RaquizaSenior Director of Business DevelopmentCurrently, a Partner and Project Manager for Jade Green Consulting, a leadingCannabis consulting agency. Danielle is a consultant on the HAH, 10 West HollywoodProject. She has brokered M&A sales amongst well-known multi-state operators in thecannabis industry.A native of Los Angeles, Danielle has over ten years of experience as an art directorand a senior project coordinator in the entertainment industry. Over the course of hercareer, Danielle has overseen a vast number of commercial campaigns for majorinternational companies that include Apple, Target, PepsiCo and Sprint, often managingfive or more projects at once with multiple timelines and six to seven-figure budgets.This experience allows her to apply refined creativity, systematic organization, andthoughtful execution to every global initiative she takes on.Page 5CHRYSALIS PASADENA, INC'S APPLICATION FOR CANNABIS RETAILER LICENSE, CITY OF PASADENA17 OF 105
Patricia UlloaDirector of Philanthropy and Community OutreachA lifelong resident of Pasadena, community activist and volunteer. Patricia brings herpassion for cannabis to her work as a Pasadena Humane society volunteer turnedemployee. She has worked in fitness management, training, human resources andbrings a wealth of outreach experience and Pasadena city ties to Chrysalis.Jacqlyn BurnettDirector of Marketing, Digital StrategistJacqlyn is a business and digital marketing professional with major successes in thedesign and social influence spaces. Before joining the Chrysalis team, she workeddirectly with Dan Fleyshman, youngest founder of a public traded company in history.She provided social media campaign management for viral influencers like Tai Lopezand Jake Paul in addition to major brands like SugarBearHair, FitTea, & Draft Kings.Her knowledge for digital marketing and design can also be seen through her workshowcased at the W Hotel Gallery in HollywoodAlexander FrankBranding, Graphic Design SpecialistAlexander Frank is a passionate and professional designer with extensive experience inthe creative field. After attending Cal State University, Channel Islands, he furthered hiseducation at the Concept Design Academy in Pasadena to elevate his creative skillset.Prior to joining Chrysalis, Alexander worked for Quest Nutrition, Houlihan Lokey, andLeddy Power Systems, operating as an entry level Designer and fast tracked his way upto Creative Lead in a span of 6 years.Page 6CHRYSALIS PASADENA, INC'S APPLICATION FOR CANNABIS RETAILER LICENSE, CITY OF PASADENA18 OF 105
Cannabis Industry KnowledgeAs demonstrated throughout the application, our team’s knowledge of the industry issecond to none.Chrysalis is the brain-child of an all-star team of Cannabis leaders including Innovators,Educators, Pioneers and Futurists who understand the next evolutionary leap of theindustry. By building from the ground up, with a foreseeable future as a guide,Chrysalis will evolve the way the industry regulates, creates standards, innovates,educates and gives back to the community.Foundation of Industry-Best ISO StandardsCurrent cannabis industry operators are tasked to remain compliant with manygoverning bodies and regulations. Chrysalis has developed Standard OperatingProcedures that emulate one of the most highly regulated industry’s quality standards(medical devices), including the standards used to sell both domestically andinternationally, compliance with International Standards Organization (ISO).While cannabis regulations are often amended and upgraded, Chrysalis will operate atstandards higher than federal FDA, DEA, ATF, GMP regulations would govern them by.Operating above-standard allows us to treat our customers and our employees with thecare and self-scrutiny of a hospital doctor treating a patient. It also allows us tocontinue to be pioneers, providing best-in-class standards to policy makers and theindustry as a whole.With a doctor and nurses on staff, and a medical device SOP creator providing QualityAssurance and verifying every step of the supply chain, our clients will trust us toreceive the cleanest, healthiest, most accurately labeled Cannabis products in thespace.With that trust, comes responsibility.Our staff has THE MOST experienced and educated experts in the industry. Withconstant, in-house training, paid third-party industry-leading education, our employeeswill provide the greatest service in the industry and the education they deserve.With such a strong and dedicated team, we are on the forefront of many newtechnologies which will shape the future and disrupt the current Cannabis market.Chrysalis will have a dedicated space to pre
The application stated they "shall offer 100% reimbursement to students who attend Pasadena City College Online for both part time and full-time employees." They will set aside for persons who have faced discrimination, prejudice, socioeconomic and other barriers to job . CITY OF PASADENA 6 OF 105. It is the next step that industry pioneers .
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PASADENA CITY COLLEGE. 2020-2021 Catalog. and Announcement of Courses. Pasadena Area Community College District Pasadena City College. 1570 East Colorado Boulevard Pasadena, California 91106-2003 . Telephone (626) 585-7123 Web site: ACCREDITATION
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The mission of Pasadena City College is to provide a high quality, academically robust learning environment that encourages, supports and facilitates student learning and success. — Pasadena City College Mission Statement . On behalf of our entire faculty and staff, I warmly welcome you to the 90. th. Academic Year of Pasadena City College.
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Pendidikan Akuntansi FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret. Penetapan profil dan learning outcome ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu pemerintah dalam menyiapkan guru akuntansi yang bermutu menurut persepsi mahasiswa, alumni, dosen, pengguna lulusan, Asosiasi Profesi, dan pengambil keputusan. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah 96 orang mahasiswa, 248 orang alumni, 15 orang dosen, 15 orang pengguna lulusan .