Self-enrolment Guide For New Doctoral Studies Students

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SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR NEW DOCTORALSTUDIES STUDENTSSeptember 2021University of ValladolidDoctoral School

General introduction and navigation instructions in the Sigma doctoral application . 31.Preparatory steps: username and password for access . 42.Accessing the application . 53.Self-enrolment on the doctoral course . 6a) Home screen . 6b) Personal details screen . 6c) Statistical questionnaire . 7d) Courses on which to enrol . 7Type of admission . 8Enrolment for academic tutoring . 8Enrolling for supplementary training. 8e) Payment information screen . 9Application of deductions . 9Type of grant . 10Payment by instalments . 11Method of payment . 11“other amounts” section. 12f) Confirmation of enrolment screen . 12g) After confirming enrolment . 144.ENROLMENT DOCUMENTS . 14POSSIBLE FAQS . 15SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School2

Introduction and general navigation instructions in the Sigma doctoral application These instructions are for students who are starting their doctoral studies; in other words, forthose enrolling on an RD 99/2011 doctoral programme for the first time.In subsequent years, you should renew your enrolment at the start of each academic year soas to keep the file open, otherwise the file will close and you will no longer be considered aUVa student.For further information, see the self-enrolment guide for students who are renewingIn order to self-enrol, you will need a computer with internet access and a printer to obtain theenrolment receipt and the payment slip (where applicable).Although the application is compatible with any browser, you are advised to use Mozilla Firefox.If you wish to make changes to a field you have already filled in, you must erase all of itscontent.If you wish to return to a previous screen, you must complete the screen you are currently on.To move to the next screen, you must click on Continue or Next.SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School3

1.Preparatory steps: username and password for accessOnce you have been admitted to doctoral studies courses has been published and once youradmission to the doctoral programme you have chosen has been confirmed, you should formaliseyour enrolment at the university. Enrolment will entitle you to doctoral follow-up and to use theresources you need to do your work. It will also safeguard compliance with your rights as establishedin all the rules covering doctoral students.a. Students who have already been enrolled at the University of ValladolidThe username and password for access are the same as you use in other UVa applications.The username field is made up of e eight digits NIF letter of the NIF. (Example:e09876543k).If you do not have a NIF, the username has the format u eight digits letter.b. Students who have not been registered at the University of ValladolidUse the same username and password as you created in the pre-enrolment.c. If you have forgotten your password, you can retrieve it through the option “Recover password”in the identity menu at this LINKSELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School4

2.Accessing the applicationa. From the main UVa webpage:b. From the Doctoral School es/doctorado/c.At the following address: should click on “Doctorate self-enrolment”:SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School5

3.Doctoral self-enrolmentStart the session, entering your username and password details:You should move forward following the various screens, clicking on next until you reach the end toconfirm enrolment, in A SINGLE SESSION.a) Home screenClick on New EnrolmentThis depends on each case. The personal details screen might appear to you directly or you mighthave a screen for selecting the file as the next one.Always click on the arrow which says “Doctoral School”:b) Personal details screenThe application automatically recovers the details you have entered previously in the registrationprocess, in pre-enrolment or those which already existed for you as a UVa student.Check all of these details and change and/or complete whatever is required, so that they appearthe same as on your national identity card/passport, without any abbreviations and with the correctwritten accents:SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School6

In the information concerning the corporate email address, you should tick:In the information concerning data protection, you should tick:c)Statistical questionnaired) Courses to enrol on1. check that the type of admission is correct:If you have been admitted as a full-time student, “1- General admission” will appear.If you have applied to be a part-time student and this has been granted, “2- part-time” shouldappear”If this does not appear, send an email to acceso.doctorado@uva.esSELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School7

2. enrol for academic tutoring (COMPULSORY in all cases):Select, by clicking on the buttonthe tab curriculum:the course “Academic Tutoring” (first year), which appears in3. if it applies to you, enrol for the supplementary training:If the academic committee of your doctoral programme has allocated you with supplementarytraining courses on your admission, these will appear by default and you will have to enrol for themright now, on the same screen. You will see the courses in the tab “MY CHOICE”. You should notchoose any more.The screen will look like this, since the enrolment we are using as an example corresponds toacademic tutoring and to two courses of 3 and 6 credits (supplementary training). Remember thatfor the purposes of Sigma, academic tutoring is a course.SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School8

Click on “next” to move on to the following screen.e) Payment information screen Application of reductions:Please note: if you click on “application of reductions” and you are entitled to a reduction in theenrolment fee, this should appear as being available to you. If it does not, this is because it is notregistered in the computer system. If this is the case, present or send by email to the DoctoralSchool the document accrediting your entitlement to receive the reduction( the computer system has a record of any reduction(s) to which you may be entitled, they will bedisplayed on the screen as selection combos. The available reductions will appear on the left-handside and on the right the amount(s) to which you are entitled.Possible reductions:1. Beneficiaries of a large family reduction2. University of Valladolid staff3. Students with disabilities4. Victims of acts of rt/sites/doctorado/futuros alumnos/matricula/tasas y precios.htmlRemember that for these reductions to be displayed on the system and for you to be able to selectthem, you have to send an email to the Doctoral School with a document accrediting yourentitlement to the reduction. You should present the original together with the rest of the requireddocuments to formalise your enrolment (except the reduction “University of Valladolid”, the call forwhich is available on the electronic notice board). Type of grant:If you are not entitled to any kind of grant, financial support or contract, mark the field with theoption “not a grant-holder”. Later, if you apply for a grant, contract, or financial support and areawarded it, you should apply for reimbursement of the amount in question if it exempts you frompayment of the enrolment fee.SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School9

If you are a beneficiary of one of the financial support grants listed below when selfenrolling:1. Beneficiaries of an FPI pre-doctoral (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness),FPU (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport) contractYour pre-doctoral contract will appear on the “payment information” screen.The reduction you are entitled to as a beneficiary of this contract will be displayed on the screen. Ifyou have any problems, send an email to We will get in touch with you.2. Beneficiaries of a JCYL (Regional Government of Castilla y Leon) pre-doctoralcontract, and a UVa (University of Valladolid) pre-doctoral contractSelect your contract on the “payment information” screen.Since this type of contract does not provide for any exemption or reduction in the enrolment fee,enrol as normal.3. Beneficiaries of Erasmus Mundus and the Carolina FoundationOn the “payment information” screen, select your financial support grant.The screen will show you the reduction you are entitled to by being a beneficiary of this kind offinancial support. If you have any problem, get in touch with us at Payment by instalments:The amount corresponding to academic tutoring CANNOT be paid by instalments. Remember thatin the doctorate you can only pay by instalments if you have to enrol for supplementary training.If you tick the box to pay by instalments, payment must be made by direct debit through the bankand you must fill in the bank account details. Method of payment:If you do not mark “payment by instalments”, you can choose between two methods of payment: Direct debit: you should indicate the bank account number from which you wish paymentto be made (24 digits, including the IBAN code) as well as the personal details of theaccount holder. This must be done through a bank account held in Spain.If you select this method, you may choose between making one single payment or paymentthrough instalments, but remember that in the doctorate it is only possible to pay byinstalments if you have to enrol for supplementary training courses. The amount foracademic tutoring CANNOT be paid by instalments.At the end of the enrolment process, a document with the name “SEPA ORDER FOR DIRECTDEBIT” will be displayed, which you must fill in, sign (the account holder), and send to theDoctoral School together with the rest of the documents required to complete yourSELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School10

enrolment. Payment at the bank: you can pay in person at any branch of the Banco Santander in Spain,presenting the payment slip generated by SIGMA within ten days of the enrolment date. Ifyou choose this form, you may NOT pay by instalments. You should present this receipt ofpayment at the Doctoral School together with the rest of the enrolment documents.Notice for foreign students who do not have a bank account in Spain: if you are not in Spain, onceyou have obtained the payment document for your enrolment (payment slip) you should make atransfer from the bank overseas to the university’s bank account number. To do this, you shouldselect “payment through bank” to create the payment slip, and make the transfer to the Universityof Valladolid bank account number: Bank: Banco SantanderIBAN: ES37 0049 1866 2326 1038 9849SWIFT: BSCHESMMThe transfer should clearly specify: Name(s) and surname(s) of the student The PIN number which appears on the payment slip The doctoral programme you are enrolling onThe amount received in the account must be exactly correct, such that you will need to take intoaccount possible bank charges.Send the document accrediting your transfer to the Doctoral School together with the rest of thedocuments required to complete your enrolment “other amounts” section:If you are under the age of 28, the academic insurance box will be ticked, together with theinitial administrative charge if this is applicable.You may also choose to tick the UVa student card box if you do not already have such a card.Important: students whose admission qualifications were awarded outside the EHEA must tickthe amount corresponding to the fee for assessing the foreign degree transcript.General view of the screen:SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School11

f)Enrolment confirmation screenThis screen will display a summary of the enrolment (courses, credits, fees, reductions, totalamount, and method of payment).Check all of the information and if it is correct, click on the option CONFIRM.General view for first enrolment with 4.5 credits in supplementary training:SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School12

If you are making direct debit payment for the first time or are changing thebank account number, you will need to accept:Click on confirmg) Once you have confirmed enrolment:By clicking on the icons, here you can see the enrolment form, download it, print it and send it byemail.Don’t forget:SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School13

If you have chosen the “payment at the bank” method, you should also print the payment slipso as to make payment. (2 copies)If you have chosen for the first time the “Direct debit” method of payment or you have changedyour bank account number, you should print the “"Direct debit order", which should be signedelectronically by the account-holder and sent to Click on the button to continueClick on the button exit to conclude the process.4.ENROLMENT DOCUMENTSOnce the process has concluded, you should present the indicated required documents forformalisation of the enrolment at the following s/doctorado/futuros alumnos/matricula/documentacion requerida.html?lang es Period: 10 days.Method: in person, registered through the post office or by any of the means set out under Law39/2015, on administrative common procedurePlace: Doctoral SchoolAs an exception, until 20 December, foreign students may present documents which have beenlegalised through diplomatic channelsIF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES, CONTACT THE DOCTORAL SCHOOL AT acceso.doctorado@uva.esPOSSIBLE FAQSWhat is the NUSS? Is it compulsory?By law, all Spanish or foreign students who are legally resident in Spain and who are aged 28 orunder must submit a report on their social security number (NUSS). This can be obtained throughthe electronic office of the social security (in the "Reports and Certificates" section, if you alreadyhave a social security number, or in "Affiliation and Registration", if you are to be allocated a socialsecurity number for the first time), or in person at any office of the General Treasury of the SocialSecurity.What happens if I fail to pay for self-enrolment?Failure to pay the amount for enrolment (wholly or partially) may lead to the cancellation of theenrolment in the terms set out under university legislation. This will generate a debt for future years,such that if the student wishes to enrol again at the University of Valladolid, they will not be allowedto do so until the outstanding debt has been settled.Can I pay for enrolment by instalments?If you choose direct debit, you may make one single payment or pay by instalments. However, youshould remember that in the doctorate it is only possible to pay by instalments if you need to enrolfor supplementary courses. The amount for academic tutoring may NOT be paid by instalments.SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School14

Has my application for part-time studies been accepted?Check that the type of admission is correct. If in your admission you applied for part-time studiesand this has been accepted, this information should appear on the screen. If it does not, get intouch with the Doctoral School or send an email to acceso.doctorado@uva.esI belong to a large family. How can I apply my deduction?Before starting your enrolment, send an email with the document accrediting the deduction(“large family” book) to (, except in the case of the reduction for beinga member of the UVa staff, which will appear by default if you have applied for and been awardedfinancial support.When enrolling, if you click on “application of deductions” and you have any deductions forenrolment, this should appear as available. If it does not appear this is because the computersystem has no record of it. In this case, you should send an email to the address given in theprevious paragraph.SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIESUniversity of ValladolidDoctoral School15

SELF-ENROLMENT GUIDE FOR DOCTORAL STUDIES 3 University of Valladolid Doctoral School Introduction and general navigation instructions in the Sigma doctoral application These instructions are for students who are starting their doctoral studies; in other words, for those enrolling on an RD 99/2011 doctoral programme for the first time.

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