CHI401(k) RETIREMENTSAVINGS PLANHelping You BuildFinancial Securityfor Retirement
Invest some of what you earn today for what you plan toaccomplish tomorrow.Welcome to the CHI 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan!Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) and affiliated employers are committed to helping you reach yourretirement goals. We offer a total retirement benefit structure and an automatic enrollment featureas part of our mission to help you prepare and have the opportunity for a financiallyhealthy retirement.Our goal is to give you an opportunity to achieve a retirement income equal to a range between55% and 80% of your preretirement income, which retirement industry experts suggest is the rangethat may be necessary to maintain your current standard of living each year you are in retirement.Our goal originates with the Employee covenant, our commitment to provide competitive pay andbenefits. To have a healthier financial future, and to maximize CHI’s contribution to your account,you should take an active role in your retirement planning today. Think about where you’d like to bein retirement and contribute to the CHI 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan to help you reachthose goals.Your retirement benefit includes a blend of opportunities for retirement income, including an annualemployer contribution, a per-payroll employer match, your own pretax and/or Roth after-taxcontributions to the CHI 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan and Social Security. CHI leadershipendorses the total retirement approach and the automatic enrollment program as essential piecesto help us build a healthy financial future together. Although every effort has been made to ensurethe accuracy of the information provided in this guide, due to certain collective bargainingagreements and physician contracts, or based on the possibility of transfer within the CHI controlledgroup or acquisitions or divestitures, plan information contained in this guide may change ornot apply.To get you started on retirement savings, as a new Employee you are automatically enrolled in theCHI 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan. Unless you elect otherwise, a 4% pretax contribution will bededucted from your paycheck each pay period and added to your newly established employer401(k) Retirement Savings Plan account. It’s a great first step toward your retirement goals.We encourage you to use this enrollment guide as a resource to help you make financial decisionsthat are appropriate for your future.Sincerely,Patricia G. WebbExecutive VP, CAO & Chief Human Resources OfficerParticipate in your plan and invest in yourself today.
Frequently asked questions about your plan.When can I enroll in the Plan?You may enroll in the plan yourself within thefirst 60 days after you are hired. You will receivean automatic enrollment notice after 30 days ofemployment. If you have not signed up after 60days, you will be automatically enrolled in theplan and a 4% pretax contribution will bededucted from your paycheck each pay periodand will be invested in the Fidelity Freedom Fund - Class K that most closely matches yourexpected retirement date, as selected by CHI,based on your date of birth and assuming aretirement age of 65.You have 60 days from your date of hire or dateof eligibility (if newly eligible) to waive yourenrollment if you do not wish to participate.No money will come out of your pay if youwaive your enrollment within the 60-day timeframe. If you decide to opt out aftercontributions have begun as part of automaticenrollment, you will have 90 days from theeffective date of your auto-enrollment torequest a refund, subject to marketfluctuations.To change your contribution rate, opt out, orchange your investment options, log on toFidelity NetBenefits is the Annual Increase Program andhow does it work?In February of each year, if you are contributingbetween 1% - 9% to the CHI 401(k) RetirementSavings Plan, your contribution percentage willincrease automatically by 1% each year untilyou are contributing 10% of eligible pay. Youcan update your contribution percentage oropt out of the Annual Increase Program at anytime. The Annual Increase Program does notapply for those who have been auto enrolled inthe past 6 months.How much can I contribute?Through automatic payroll deduction, you maycontribute up to 80% of your eligible pay on apretax and/or Roth 401(k) after-tax basis, up tothe annual IRS dollar limits.You can request to change your contributionamount virtually at any time by logging on toFidelity NetBenefits or call1-800-343-0860.What is the Roth contribution option?A Roth contribution to your retirement savingsplan allows you to make after-tax contributionsand take any associated earnings completelytax free at retirement - as long as thedistribution is a qualified one. A qualifieddistribution, in this case, is one that is taken atleast five tax years after your first Roth 401(k)contribution and after you have attained age59½, or become disabled or die. Throughautomatic payroll deduction, you cancontribute between 1% and 80% of youreligible pay as designated Roth contributions,up to the annual IRS dollar limits.For more information visit or call 1-800-343-0860You are eligible to participate in the CHI 401(k)Retirement Savings Plan. There is no minimumcontribution required to participate in the CHI401(k) Retirement Savings Plan.FAQsHere are answers to questions you may have about the key features,benefits, and rules of your plan.1
FAQsFind more information online within the“Library” section of NetBenefits .pay, with a minimum annual employercontribution of 1,000 regardless of your pay*.What is the IRS contribution limit?*Physicians in the Trinity Health System are noteligible for Employer contributions.The IRS contribution limit for 2019 is 19,000.The "catch-up" contribution limit for 2019 is 6,000.Does CHI contribute to my account?CHI helps your retirement savings grow bymaking pretax matching contributions whenyou contribute to the CHI 401(k) RetirementSavings Plan.CHI will match 100% of the first 1% of eligiblepay you contribute on a pretax basis and/orRoth after-tax basis, and 50% of the next 5% ofeligible pay you contribute for a maximummatching rate of 3.5% of eligible pay, as longas you satisfy the matching contributioneligibility requirements*. This means if yousave 6% of your eligible pay, CHI will add 3.5%more. And more good news. The CHImatching contributions will be made on a perpayroll basis. That’s why it makes goodfinancial sense to contribute at least 6% of youreligible pay to the plan.Please note: in calculating employee andemployer contributions, the Internal RevenueService prohibits plans from considering anyemployee compensation in excess of theAnnual Compensation Limit, which is 280,000for 2019.Employee pretax and/or Rothafter-tax0%1%2%3%4%5%6% or moreCHIMatch0%1%1.5%2%2.5%3%3.5%In addition to matching contributions, CHI willmake an annual employer contribution,whether or not you contribute to the 401(k)Plan yourself. The annual employercontribution will equal 2.5% of your eligible2The 1,000 minimum contribution does notapply in the year of hire or rehire. In addition,employees participating in the CHI 401(k)Retirement Savings Plan who transferemployment to/from a diverse line of businesswhere the annual employer benefit levelchanges, will not receive the 1,000 minimumannual employer contribution in the year oftransfer. In that case, a participant will receivethe annual employer contribution percentageassociated with the current employer for thetime and pay received while employed withthat employer or diverse line of business. Youwill also be able to invest the annual employercontributions or matching contributionsindependently of your employee contributions.When will I be eligible for the CHI match orthe annual employer contributions?You become eligible for the CHI match the payperiod after you have been paid for 1,000eligible hours in your first year of employmentor within any calendar year thereafter. Onceyou’ve met the eligibility requirements for theCHI matching contributions, you will always beeligible for the CHI match, provided you aremaking employee pretax and/or Roth after-taxcontributions. CHI matching contributionsmade on your behalf are pretax.Compensation you earn and contributionsyou make to the 401(k) Plan prior toworking 1,000 paid hours are not eligiblefor the CHI match. This includes the yearend match true-up.You become eligible for the annual employercontribution after you have been paid for 1,000eligible hours in the plan year and areemployed on the last day of the year. You mustbe paid for 1,000 eligible hours in eachsubsequent plan year and be employed on thelast day of each year thereafter to receive theannual employer contribution made for thatparticular year. An exception to the last day of
the year and 1,000 hours rule applies in theevent of death, disability, or retirement afterage 65. The 1,000 minimum annual employercontribution does not apply in the year youretire.How do I designate my beneficiary?If you have not already selected yourbeneficiaries, or if you have experienced a lifechanging event such as a marriage, divorce,birth of a child, or a death in the family, it’s timeto consider your beneficiary designations.Fidelity’s Online Beneficiaries Service, availablethrough Fidelity NetBenefits , offers astraightforward, convenient process that takesjust minutes. Simply go online and click onBeneficiaries in Your Profile. If you do not haveInternet access or you want to complete yourbeneficiary information by paper form, pleasecall 1-800-343-0860.It is important to designate your beneficiaries,so your loved ones are protected in the eventof your death.What if I don’t make an investmentelection?We encourage you to take an active role in theCHI 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan and chooseinvestment options that best suit your goals,time horizon, and risk tolerance. If you do notselect specific investment options in the Plan,your contributions will be invested in theFidelity Freedom Fund with the targetretirement date closest to the year you mightretire, based on your current age and assuminga retirement age of 65, at the direction ofCatholic Health Initiatives.If no date of birth or an invalid date of birth ison file at Fidelity your contributions may beinvested in the Fidelity Freedom Income Fund- Class K. More information about the FidelityFreedom Fund options can be found online.Target Date Funds are an asset mix of stocks,bonds and other investments thatautomatically becomes more conservative asthe fund approaches its target retirement dateand beyond. Principal invested is notguaranteed.For more information visit or call 1-800-343-0860You will receive a match only for those payperiods in which you make a contribution. Ifyou don’t make a contribution during one ormore pay periods, you don’t receive a matchfor that pay period. However, all matches gothrough a year-end “true-up” calculation toensure that the match is based on your totalcontributions made to the plan during the yearwhile you are eligible for a match, rather thanonly the pay periods in which you contributed.So, if you didn’t make a contribution duringone or more pay periods (perhaps you met thecontribution limits prior to the end of the year),you’ll likely receive a true-up match which isnormally made in the first quarter of thefollowing year for those employees who areemployed on December 31 and were paid forat least 1,000 hours during the year.To help you meet your investment goals, thePlan offers you a range of options. You canselect a mix of investment options that bestsuits your goals, time horizon, and risktolerance. The many investment optionsavailable through the Plan includeconservative, moderately conservative, andaggressive funds. A complete description ofthe Plan’s investment options and theirperformance, as well as planning tools to helpyou choose an appropriate mix, are availableonline.FAQsWhat is the Matching Trueup Contribution?What are my investment options?How much should I save for retirement?Fidelity’s online planning tools are designed tohelp you manage your assets as you plan forretirement.3
FAQsWhat "catch-up" contribution can I make?If you have reached age 50 or will reach 50during the calendar year January 1 –December 31 and are making the maximumplan or IRS pretax contribution, you may makean additional “catch-up” contribution each payperiod. The maximum annual catch-upcontribution is 6,000. Going forward, catch-upcontribution limits will be subject to cost ofliving adjustments (COLAs) in 500 increments.When am I vested?You are immediately 100% vested in your owncontributions to the CHI 401(k) RetirementSavings Plan, as well as any earnings on them.You will be fully vested in your CHI matchingcontributions and annual employercontributions and any earnings on them aftercompleting three years of service (at least1,000 hours paid each year). Your vestingservice counts from your date of hire.Years of Vesting Vested PercentService00%10%20%3 or more100%Can I take a loan from my account?Although your plan account is intended for thefuture, you may borrow from your account forany reason. Generally, the CHI 401(k)Retirement Savings Plan allows you to borrowup to 50% of your vested account balance. Indetermining the 50% maximum, the plan willtake into account the vested portion of anyCHI matching and annual employercontributions. However, the amount withdrawnfor the loan can only be taken from yourEmployee contributions. The minimum loanamount is 1,000, and a loan must not exceed 50,000. You then pay the money back intoyour account, plus interest, through after-taxpayroll deductions. Any outstanding loanbalances over the previous 12 months mayreduce the amount you have available toborrow. You may have two loan(s) outstandingat a time. The cost to initiate a loan is 50.00,4and there is a quarterly maintenance fee of 6.25. The initiation and maintenance fees willbe deducted directly from your individual planaccount. If you fail to repay your loan (basedon the original terms of the loan), it will beconsidered in “default” and treated as adistribution, making it subject to income taxand possibly to a 10% early withdrawal penalty.Defaulted loans may also impact your eligibilityto request additional loans. Be sure youunderstand the plan guidelines and impact oftaking a loan before initiating a loan from yourplan account.To learn more about or to request a loan, logon to Fidelity NetBenefits or call1-800-343-0860.Can I make withdrawals?Withdrawals from the Plan are generallypermitted when you terminate youremployment, retire, reach age 59½, becomepermanently disabled, or have a severefinancial hardship as defined by your Plan.The taxable portion of your withdrawal that iseligible for rollover into an individualretirement account (IRA) or another employer’sretirement plan is subject to 20% mandatoryfederal income tax withholding, unless it isrolled directly over to an IRA or anotheremployer plan. (You may owe more or lesswhen you file your income taxes.) If you areunder age 59½, the taxable portion of yourwithdrawal is also subject to a 10% earlywithdrawal penalty, unless you qualify for anexception to this rule.To learn more about or to request awithdrawal, log on to Fidelity NetBenefits or call1-800-343-0860.
Can I move money from another retirementplan into my account in the CHI 401(k)Retirement Savings Plan?Be sure to consider all your availableoptions and the applicable fees and featuresof each before moving your retirementassets.How do I access my account?You can access your account online throughFidelity NetBenefits or call1-800-343-0860.If you would like to receive a Summary PlanDescription, visit Fidelity NetBenefits or call Fidelity at1-800-343-0860 to request a printed copy.Although every effort has been made to ensurethe accuracy of the information provided in thisguide, due to certain collective bargainingagreements and physician contracts, or basedon the possibility of transfer within the CHIcontrolled group or acquisitions or divestitures,plan information contained in this guide maychange or not apply.For more information visit or call 1-800-343-0860You should consult your tax adviser andcarefully consider the impact of making arollover contribution to your employer’s planbecause it could affect your eligibility for futurespecial tax treatments.FAQsYou are permitted to roll over eligible planbalances from another 401(k) or a 403(b) planaccount or conduit individual retirementaccounts (IRAs). A conduit IRA is one thatcontains only money rolled over from anemployer sponsored retirement plan that hasnot been mixed with regular IRA contributions.5
Understanding fees and expensesFees and expenses are a part of every workplace savings plan. Some feesand expenses are associated with the administration of the plan, and are notwithin your control. Others are connected to specific investment options orto the plan services you choose.Which fees and expenses are generallyassociated with workplace savings plans? Mostfees and expenses associated with the CHI401(k) Retirement Savings Plan fall into one ofthe following three categories:1. Asset-based feesThis category is often the largest component ofretirement plan costs, and includes themanagement fees and other operatingexpenses of your plan’s investment options.*These fees aren’t deducted directly from yourworkplace savings account, so you won’t seethem on your account statement. Instead, theyare typically deducted from the fund’s assets,resulting in a reduction in the fund’s investmentreturn. Asset-based fees are often expressed asa percentage and represent the annualexpenses paid by all shareholders in theinvestment option or share class, regardless ofwhether they purchased the shares inside oroutside a retirement plan. Multiplying theexpense ratio by your balance in the investmentoption can be used to estimate the annualexpenses associated with your holdings. Aninvestment option’s expenses can vary from yearto year. For mutual funds, the fund’smanagement and operating expenses arestandardized based on regulations and arereferred to as an “expense ratio.” This is thetotal of the mutual fund’s operating expenses(before waivers or reimbursements) paid by thefund and is stated as a percentage of the fund’stotal net assets †2. Plan administration feesThese are separate costs related to theadministration of your workplace savings plan.Generally, they include charges forrecordkeeping, accounting, legal and trusteeservices, and other administrative services. TheCHI 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan has a 0 peryear (deducted quarterly) administrative fee(record keeping and administrative). If you haveaccount balances in multiple CHI Plans, this fee isonly charged once. A fee deduction will appeareach quarter as part of your account statement.3. Transaction- and service-based feesThis category includes charges for plan featuresyou might use. These fees are based on theexecution of a particular service, transaction,or event. For example, the 401(k) RetirementSavings Plan offers loans; if you decide to take aloan, a setup and annual maintenance fee wouldbe charged to your plan account. The chartbelow shows fees for services you may chooseto use. You will be notified of these fees at thetime of the requested transaction.Loans 50 setup fee per loanLoans 25 maintenance fee per loan,annually ( 6.25 billed quarterly)In-service withdrawals(includes MRDs) 25 per distributionOvernight charge 25Return of excesscontributions 25Example: 10,000 invested in Fund “A”x 0.0084 expense ratio of 0.84% 84 fee deducted from fund asset‡*Investment options may also carry other fees that don’t fit into this “asset-based” category. These could include sales loads or redemption fees, forexample. The existence and form of these types of fees can vary widely from one savings plan to another.†Detailed information about a mutual fund’s fees and expenses can be found in its prospectus. The prospectus will also indicate if the fund waivesor reimburses any of its fees and expenses, thus lowering the expenses that a shareholder pays.‡This calculation represents an estimate of an annual fee (versus a partial-year fee).A mutual fund expense ratio is the total annual fund or class operating expenses (before waivers or reimbursements) paid by the fund and stated asa percent of the fund’s total net assets. For other types of investments, the figure in the expense ratio field reflects similar information, but may havebeen calculated differently than for mutual funds. Mutual fund data comes from the fund’s prospectus. For non-mutual fund investment options,the information has been provided by the plan sponsor, the investment option’s manager, or the trustee. When no ratio is shown for these options itis because none was available. There may be fees and expenses associated with the investment option. Expense information changes periodically.Please consult NetBenefits for updates.7
Highlights of the 401(k) Retirement SavingsPlan: Helping you imagine a healthyretirementxTax savings now —Your pretaxcontributions are deducted from your paybefore income taxes are taken out. Thismeans that you may actually lower theamount of current income taxes withheldeach period. It could mean more money inyour take-home pay versus saving money ina taxable account.xTax-deferred savings opportunities —Forpretax contributions, you pay no taxes onany contributions or earnings until youwithdraw them from your account, enablingyou to keep more of your money workingfor you now.xx CHI matching contributions * — A generouspretax CHI match of up to 3.5% of eligiblepay on a per-payroll basis — it’s like getting“free” money. Please note that CHIcontributions are subject to meeting theplan’s eligibility requirements. Takeadvantage of this great benefit today!x Annual employer contributions * — Youmay receive an annual employercontribution of 2.5% of your eligible pay ora minimum of 1,000 from your employer,provided you meet the plan’s eligibilityrequirements.*Physicians in the Trinity Health System arenot eligible for employer contributions.Automatic enrollment —If you have notenrolled in the plan or opted out ofautomatic enrollment by 60 days after yourdate of hire, you will be automaticallyenrolled in the plan and a 4% pretaxcontribution will be deducted from yourpaycheck each pay period. Yourcontribution will be invested in the FidelityFreedom Fund - Class K that most closelymatches your expected retirement date, asselected by CHI, based on your date of birthand assuming a retirement age of 65.* Automatic annual increases will help yourretirement savings grow. If you arecontributing between 1% - 9% to the CHI401(k) Retirement Savings Plan, yourcontribution percentage will increaseautomatically by 1% each year until you arecontributing 10% of eligible pay. You canupdate your contribution percentage or optout of the Annual Increase Program at anytime. You will receive a notice from Fidelitythe January after you join the plan to remindyou of the annual increase and your optionsat that time.Roth 401(k) after-tax contributions —Roth after-tax 401(k) contributions give youan opportunity for tax-free income inretirement, as long as you’ve held yourcontributions for at least five years and areat least age 59½ when you withdraw them.A distribution from a Roth 401(k) is tax-freeand penalty free, provided the five-yearaging requirement has been satisfied andone of the following conditions is met: age59½, disability or death.x Catch-up contributions — If you make themaximum contribution to your planaccount, and you are 50 years of age orolder during the calendar year, you canmake an additional “catch-up” contributionof 6,000.8xxVesting —You are always 100% vested inyour own contributions to the plan and willbe 100% vested in any CHI matching andannual contributions after you've completedthree years of service (at least 1,000 hourspaid each calendar year).x Portability — You can roll over eligiblesavings from a previous employer’s plan intothis plan. You can also take your plan vestedaccount balance with you if you leave CHI oraffiliated employer.xInvestment choices —You have theflexibility to select from investment optionsthat range from more conservative to moreaggressive, making it easy for you to developa well-diversified investment portfolio.If you want the most investment flexibilityand choice, the Plan offers a self-directedbrokerage option, which gives you access toindividual stocks and bonds as well as many
other mutual funds. You may open aFidelity BrokerageLink account, whichcombines the convenience of yourworkplace savings account with theadditional flexibility of a brokerage account.x Online tools —With online resources, youcan obtain information on creating aninvestment strategy to help you meetyour savings goals, analyze your currentinvestment mix, and see a suggestedinvestment mix to help you better alignyour portfolio with your goals.xAccount and planning services —An arrayof account and planning services, such as“Rebalance Notification,” will be available.Rebalance Notification alerts you by e-mailany time your account’s investment mixstrays from your original strategy. Whennotified, you decide whether to rebalance— and you can take action immediately byclicking on a link within the e-mail.x“One-stop” Web site — Fidelity’scomprehensive educational Web site for theCHI 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan is calledFidelity NetBenefits. Here, you will findhistorical investment performanceinformation, articles on financial markets, andinteractive tools.xConvenient access to customer servicesupport — Knowledgeable, courteous, andprofessional representatives can help answera variety of questions ranging from basicinformation about the plan to investing andretirement planning, as well as assisting youwith plan transactions. Representatives areavailable Monday through Friday (excludingNew York Stock Exchange holidays) from 8a.m. to Midnight, Eastern time.9
What is the Roth 401(k) Contribution Option?A Roth contribution is available to employeeswho participate in the 401(k) plan. For payrollpurposes Roth contributions are treated as aftertax. This feature will allow participants to makeRoth contributions to their plan while taking theirearnings completely tax free at retirement — aslong as the withdrawal is a qualified one. A qualifiedwithdrawal is one that can be taken five tax yearsafter the year of the first Roth contribution and afterthe participant has attained age 59½, has becomedisabled, or has died.If you qualify to make traditional 401(k) contributions,you are eligible for a Roth 401(k) contribution.How does a Roth 401(k) contributionoption work?You elect a percentage of your salary that you wishto contribute to the Roth source, just as you wouldfor your traditional 401(k). The contribution is basedon your eligible compensation, not on your net pay— for example, if your total annual eligiblecompensation is 40,000 per year and you elect a6% deferral amount, then 2,400 per year would gointo your Roth 401(k) account.Unlike your traditional 401(k) pretax contribution,with a Roth 401(k) contribution, you pay the taxesnow on the contributions you make — but later yourearnings are all tax free, if you meet certain criteria.Example: Sally earns 40,000 and has elected to put6% toward her Roth 401(k) contributions and 6%toward her traditional 401(k) pretax contributions ona monthly basis.ROTH 401(k)*TRADITIONAL401(k)* 200 200Sally’s reduction 200in take-home pay 150Sally’s monthlycontribution intoeach account*This hypothetical example is based solely on an assumed federalincome tax rate of 25%. No other payroll deductions are takeninto account. Your own results will be based on your individualtax situation.Your combined Roth and traditional pretax 401(k) contributionscannot exceed the IRS limits for the year.10Would a Roth 401(k) contribution optionbenefit me?The potential benefits of Roth 401(k) contributionsreally depend on your personal situation, but aremainly focused on your existing tax rate and youranticipated tax rate at the time of retirement. If youare contributing to a Roth, you are giving up a taxbreak today for a tax break in the future.Therefore, a Roth contribution might benefit you ifyour tax rate in retirement were higher than it hadbeen during the years you contributed.If your tax rate were lower in retirement, then atraditional 401(k) might be more beneficial to youthan the Roth option. Talk with a tax professionalfor more information on how to determine if Roth401(k) contributions are right for you.Is a traditional pretax 401(k) still beneficial?Yes. For many participants a traditional pretax 401(k)will still be the most beneficial type of retirementsavings plan. We do not know what the future holdsregarding tax rates. Therefore, it is not possible topredict with certainty which type of 401(k) savingswill be most beneficial to a participant.Remember, because Roth 401(k) contributions aremade after tax, you may take home less money inyour paycheck than you would if you contributed toa traditional pretax 401(k).For more information, please go
Investment OptionsTarget Date FundsInvestment options to the left have potentiallymore inflation risk and less investment riskFidelity Freedom Income Fund - ClassK6Fidelity Freedom 2025 Fund - Class K6Fidelity Freedom 2045 Fund - Class K6Fidelity Freedom 2035 Fund - Class K6Fidelity Freedom 2050 Fund - Class K62010 Fund - Class K6Fidelity Freedom
To get you started on retirement savings, as a new Employee you are automatically enrolled in the CHI 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan. Unless you elect otherwise, a 4% pretax contribution will be deducted from your paycheck each pay period and added to your newly established employer 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan account.
Tee - Reducing (continued) Socket x Socket x Socket 401-422 4X3 6 0 040 77.83 401-4261 4X6 4 0 040 419.22 401-4281 4X8 2 0 040 1157.12 401-4861 5X2 5 0 040 182.51 401-4871 5X2-1/2 4 0 040 200.79 401-488 5X3 4 0 040 182.51 401-490 5X4 3 0 040 182.51 401-4921 5X6 4 0 040 428.13 401-4941 5X8 1 2 040 1472.94 401-5261 6X1-1/4 6 0 040 267.96 401-5271 .
401(k) vs. Roth IRA — Annual Contribution 401(k) vs. Roth IRA — Monthly Income Employer Retirement Plan vs. Taxable Investment IRA Savings Regular 401(k) vs. Roth 401(k) Retirement Account Aggregation Social Security Benefits — Starting at Age 62 vs. FRA Retirement Income Planner
Part No. PVC 2400 Tee (S x S x S) 1 2 401-005 03891 1.88 50 3 4 401-007 038922.15 50 1 401-01050 4.05 03893 11 4 401-012256.35 03894 11 2 401-015257.68 03895 2 401-02010 11.13 03896 21 2 401-0251036.73 08072
401(k) Savings Plan Enrollment Guide Your Guide to the JPMorgan Chase 401(k) Savings Plan. Welcome! You will be automatically enrolled in the 401(k) Savings Plan in approximately 31 days. Unless you elect otherwise, you will start contributing 3% of your Ongoing Compensation (base salary/ regular pay and non-annual cash incentive compensation) on a
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insurance, investing and strategies for generating retirement income, including annuitization. RETIREMENT PLANNING Women are less likely to have conducted a calculation or estimate of their retirement savings needs and demonstrate a lower understanding of retirement savings plans, including 401(k)s and IRAs, compared to men.
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