Intelligent BusinessProcess Management(iBPM) & Dynamic CaseManagement (DCM)by TransformifyDigital brochurePresented Presentedby Transformify Inc.1
3 What is Business ProcessManagement?6 What are intelligent BusinessProcess Management systems?Table ofcontents7 How does iBPM differ fromBPM?9 BPM Life Cycle14 Benefits of intelligentBusiness Process Management17 So, what about DynamicCase Management?19 How DCM is different thaniBPM?20 How does Transformifyexploit iBPM/DCM2
What is BusinessProcess Management?Business process management (BPM) isthe organizational discipline in which people use variousmethods, tools, and platforms to discover, model, analyze,measure, improve, optimize, and automate businessprocesses that make up the core of its business.Gartner defines business process management as "thediscipline of managing processes (rather than tasks) as themeans for improving business performance outcomes andoperational agility. Processes span organizationalboundaries, linking together people, information flows,systems, and other assets to create and deliver value tocustomers and constituents.As an approach, BPM sees processes as important assetsof an organization that must be understood, managed,and developed to deliver value-added products andservices to end-users or clients. This approach closelyresembles with other continual improvement processmethodologies in order to make an organization moreefficient and productive.3
BPM initially focused on organizing the business processes withthe use of information technology. It has been designed tointegrate human-driven processes in which human interactiontakes place in series or parallels with the use of technology. Forexample, workflow management systems can assign individualsteps requiring deploying human intuition or judgment torelevant humans and other tasks in a workflow to a relevantautomated system. Today, however with the advent of CloudServices, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial intelligence (AI)and the possibility to train models and machines to think likehumans, changes the landscape of BPM.To achieve the goals of BPM, some tools allow users to: visualize – functions and processes measure – determine the appropriate measure to determinesuccess analyze – compare the various simulations to determine anoptimal improvement improve – select and implement the improvement control – deploy this implementation and by use of user-defined dashboards monitor the improvement in real timeand feed the performance information back into thesimulation model in preparation for the next improvementiteration re-engineer – revamp the processes from scratch for betterresults4
This allows to simulate business processchanges based on real-life data, not justassumed knowledge. The coupling of BPM andindustry methodologies allow users tocontinuously streamline and optimize theirprocesses in order to make them more marketrelevant.Research on BPM has increased attentionto compliance since 2012. While flexibility is akey component of BPM, business processesmust also be able to adapt to changingenvironments. Compliance with policies andgovernment regulations should also not beoverlooked, as organizations from private andpublic sectors are very concerned aboutcompliance while implementing theirprocesses.5
What are intelligentBusiness ProcessManagement Systems?It is common to confuse BPM with a BPM Systems (BPMS).BPM is a professional discipline done by people, whereas aBPMS is a technological suite of tools designed to help theBPM professionals accomplish their goals, and should notbe confused with an application, solution orsystem developed to support a particularprocess. Solutions and systems represent ways ofautomating business processes, but automation is onlyone aspect of BPM.BPM is a great. But iBPM goes one step further.It includes cloud computing and real-time decisionmaking by adding layer of intelligence with businesslogic, rules, Machine Learning (ML) and ArtificialIntelligence (AI). This creates dynamic workflowexperiences that are quick to implement using a cloudbased platform with No-Code and Low-Code tools.In fact, iBPMS can link people, machines, and the Internetof Things (IoT) to ensure both support and intelligence forrepeatable, organization-specific processes. Asconcept that supports value-added knowledgework, was introduced by Gartner in 2021. Since then,businesses have called iBPM the future of forwardthinking enterprises.6
How does iBPM differfrom BPM?How would you make your BPM smarter? Maybe byconnecting different technologies that weren’t part of thefirst iteration. iBPMS is basically a revamp(meaning improving the structure or appearance ofsomething) of traditional BPM. It uses cloud technology toadd value to your business processes. It is the mostpowerful version of BPM. iBPM, for example, is moredynamic and provides better operational responsivenessthan BPM. These are just a few of the manyways iBPMS differs from BPM: Supportive real-time analytics for intelligent businessprocesses. Highly complex event processing.It is easy to see why so many companies are choosing toimplement an iBPM system. Businesses can now managetheir complex processes effectively and gain a competitiveedge by introducing cloud platforms that incorporateworkflow engines that can also streamline andautomate repetitive tasks with microflows.7
ML/ AI supports iBPMS and solves even complexrequirements. This gives companies the ability not only toincrease operational accuracy and automation, but also tomake data-driven business decisions.Companies must adopt iBPMS if they want to improvetheir BPM. Even relevant wrapper functions are possible tobe added to manual and automated processes.Kai Wahner (TIBCO Software Inc. Technology Evangelist)states that an intelligent business process combines BigData Analytics, Big Data, and BPM. This allows humans andsolutions to make data-driven business decisions basedupon big data analytics. Instead of a process starting theaction—data starts the action. iBPM combines BPMS and aDecision Management strategy, which allows rule based aswell as analytical decision-making to be embedded withina process.As a result, iBPM stemmed from BPM's inability to becomemore dynamic and emerged because businesses neededintelligent processes which original BPM tools fell short of.iBPM system is useful for organizations that want to addto go one step further with their existing BPM efforts. Thistechnology allows businesses to automatically addrelevant functions to their processes.8
BPM Life CycleBusiness Process Management activities,can be grouped into thefollowing categories:Below you can find out more about eachstep of the lifecycle:9
Step 1: DesignBusiness analysts analyze current business logic,processes flows, the factors within it, alerts andnotifications, standard operating procedures, andinterview stakeholders to determine the desiredoutcomes.The improvement proposed could be in human-tohuman, human-to system, or system-to–system process schemes. It might also targetregulatory, market or competitive issues that theenterprise is facing. Both, existing processes and thedesign of a new process must be synchronized andnot cause major outages or interruptions.Step 2: ModelModeling is a way to take the theoretical design andmake it real by introducing combinations ofvariables. The proposed new ones may also include"what-if analysis" that determine how the processmight operate under different circumstances.10
Step 3: ExecuteBusiness process execution is mainly about testingand deploying in production the new proposed andmodeled business process. This can be done manually(human-driven) or automatically (software-driven).BPM software suites such as iBPMS and No-Code/LowCode platforms, today must offer integrated Workflowengine and provide visual capability for end-users toeasily design process schemes, dynamically (ongoing) modify processes, thus enable end-users todirectly execute the changes.These platforms may add additional intelligent layer tothe workflows, by including Rule Engine thatenables setting business logic which drivesthe process execution and resolution.11
Step 4: MonitorMonitoring means following the Key PerformanceIndicators (KPIs) of individual process, trackmetric/statistics using dashboards or reports,preview and determine the state so that the problemsin its operation can be seen, identified and corrected.The degree of monitoring depends on whatinformation the business wants to evaluate andanalyze and how the business wants it monitored, inreal-time, near real-time or ad hoc.Step 5: OptimizeProcess optimization includes retrieving processperformance information from the modeling ormonitoring phase; identifying the potential or actualbottlenecks and the potential opportunities for costsavings or other improvements; and then, applyingthose enhancements in the design of the process.12
Step 6: Re-engineerIf the process becomes too complicated or inefficient andoptimization is not delivering the desired output, thecompany leadership will recommend that the wholeprocess be reengineered. Business process reengineering(BPR) has been used by organizations to attempt toachieve efficiency and productivity at work.There are many ways when Business Process Reengineering is needed. Take, for example: Customer complaints and refund requests are rising. Staff stress, disputes, and turnover are high. Chaos reigns after experienced employees depart or goout on leave. Profitability is falling. Sales leads are not being followed up upon quickly. Lacking corporate governance. Enterprises are struggling with cash flow. Inventory levels are rising. Cannot process and serve customer orders quicklyenough.13
Benefits of intelligentBusiness ProcessManagementiBPMS is the next evolution of BPM. Upgradetraditional BPM software and mix it with predictiveanalytics, process intelligence, andother new technologies like Cloud, ML/AI, and you getthe formula which contemporary and modernbusinesses require to improve their organizationalprocesses. The following are some other benefits: Superior integration with other tools Advanced analytics User-friendly No-Code and Low-Code tools for citizendevelopers Complex event processing, optimization, monitoring,and management. Cloud-based tools Ability to integrate with the Internet of Things (IoT) Ease of use Continuous process improvement (CPI)Presented by Transformify14
An iBPMS, as advantages to yourenterprise furthermore offer:MobilityRemote and field workers can now enjoy streamlinedprocesses, such as those that deal with logistics oreven installations. This also helps improve consistencyand the measurability of automated tasks.Advanced analyticsIn order to track and improve workflows, you need touse data-driven analytics that relyon precise analytics. This is especially importantwhen providing predictive and optimizedprocesses that affect end-users and customers. Thismay require applying forecasting techniques suchas Data Mining, Machine Learning etc.Social capabilitiesReal-time intelligence will be the future of work. Thisrequires a new approach to social engagement.Machine learning will be required to identify theactions that customers input in order to facilitatedynamic engagement.Presented by Transformify15
BPM SuitesRecently, a completely new market has emerged forenterprise software that utilize BPM concepts to create,automate, organize, and monitor processes. This kind ofsoftware solutions that embrace and integrate workflowand business rules engines, business processmodelling, business activity monitoring and HumanWorkflow represent the foundation to the integratedBusiness Process Management suites, which accordingto Forrester are grouped as: human-centric BPM integration-centric BPM (Enterprise Service Bus) document-centric BPM (Dynamic Case Management)Common thing that is becoming ever-prevalent featureof all BPMS platforms is Rapid applicationdevelopment using its No-Code/Low-Code principles.RAD enables businesses to deploy applications morequickly and more cost effectively, while also offeringimproved change and version management.Gartner points out that businesses that embrace thesesystems will have lower maintenance costs forlegacy systems and be in a position to afford moreinvestments for growth and digital transformation.Presented by Transformify16
So, What AboutDynamic CaseManagement?Dynamic Case Management (DCM) involves themanagement of the complex and complete set ofprocesses that make up an individualcase, which usually involves multiple people and/ordepartments. A case file refers to a collection ofinformation that relates to a specific instance ofsomething such as a person or company, an incident,problem, incidents, files, requests for goods or services,purchases, marketing actions, projects, thus containsall records and documents that are needed to trackthe case's history.Dynamic Case Management means setting individualprocess scheme for each case with known startingactivity and unpredictable final state (they only endwhen the case has been completely resolved).17
DCM, also known as "adaptivecase management" (ACM), is both atechnology-based and human-based approachdriven by incoming events. These events alterthe context of the information and requireresponses from caseworkers and otherknowledge workers. DCM's ultimate goal forsuch workers is to assist them in making faster,more accurate, and better decisions.So, why DCM can be complex? Multiple processes may intercept, andoccasionally their predefined flow disrupted. Cases require substantial flexibility and agility. Cases demand intervention frommany caseworkers and end-users. There is a lot of information being processed.Both structured and unstructured.18
How DCM is differentthan iBPM?DCM is similar to business process management(BPM), in a way that it also aims to improve workflowand task management. It refers to coordination of aservice request (case) in finance,health, insurance, legal, citizen or human resourcesrelated matters, on behalf of a subject such as acustomer, a citizen, or an employee.Dynamic Case Management, however, is more flexiblethan BPM and is focused on managing unstructured,dynamic ad-hock processes. These processes are oftennot repeatable and require extensive interactionamong human participants to reach an outcome.Case management finds its application in certaintypes of processes, such ashealthcare, insurance, legal, finance, citizen, or humanresources-related matters wherecaseworkers must review extensivedocumentation over longer period.19
How does Transformifyexploit iBPM/DCMOur Platform for digitaltransformation provides all the tools, latesttechnology stack, methodologies anddevelopment approaches (as No-Code, Low-Code,RAD) your enterprise needs to designand manage complex business processes andcases: integrated Workflow engine,Business Rule engine, Connectors,APIs and Cloud Native resources to keep your focuson productivity, performance, agility and enduser/customer happiness.20
Optimize your processesand decision making.Transformifyprovides technology forinnovation and productivity,for everyone andeverywhere.21
With Transformify you can achieve continuousimprovements or business process re-engineering to drive yourdigital transformation within your enterprise by: Getting end-to-end visibility and understanding of allactivities and decision rules for your key processes and cases(incidents, investigations, and service requests). Ensuring full privacy, security and compliance withtransparent workflow design and dynamic rules to meetevery aspect of your internal and external environment. Transferring knowledge with well-documented workflowsand decision rule logic that can be easily shared with otheremployees. Embracing continuous improvement or business process reengineering to eliminate any kind of waste and inefficiency ofyour processes or cases. Making fast decisions and changes to get superiorperformance and competitive advantage.Request an invite for Transformifyprivate preview (limited availability)to try out our amazing all-in-oneplatform.22
What is Business Process Management? Business process management (BPM) is the organizational discipline in which people use various methods, tools, and platforms to discover, model, analyze, measure, improve, optimize, and automate business processes that make up the core of its business. Gartner defines business process management as "the
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Fig.1. The Integrated BPM Project Methodology Framework according to [12] builds the foundation for an agile BPM methodology that provides guidance from early BPM project initiatives to the nal implementation. The paper is structured as follows. We start with an overview of the prelim-inaries in section 2, in particular IBPM as well as Scrum.
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