FINAL EXPENSEAgent GuideFor Agent Use OnlyThis piece is not intended to create public interestin an insurance product, an insurer, or an agent.
Prosperity Life Group is a marketing name for products and services provided by one ormore of the member companies of Prosperity Life Insurance Group, LLC, including SBLIUSA Life Insurance Company, Inc., and S.USA Life Insurance Company, Inc. and ShenandoahLife Insurance Company. Members not licensed in all states. Only SBLI USA Life InsuranceCompany, Inc. is licensed in New York. Each company offers a variety of insurance productsand is solely responsible for its own financial and contractual obligations. SBLI USA LifeInsurance Company, Inc. is not affiliated with The Savings Bank Life Insurance Company ofMassachusetts or The Savings Bank Life Insurance Company of Connecticut. The rules, policies and procedures of this Guide apply only to the sale, solicitation and negotiation of lifeinsurance and annuity products issued by SBLI USA Life Insurance Company, Inc. and S.USALife Insurance Company, Inc. (“Companies”). This Guide is not a contract and is not intendedto create any contractual rights in favor of the Agent or the Companies. The Guide does notalter the current relationships between the Agent and any of the Companies. Furthermore,the Companies reserve the right to change, alter or amend any portion of this Guide at theirdiscretion at any time.Home Office ContactsNew BusinessAgent SupportCustomer ServiceAgent Portalnewbusinessprocessing@prosperitylife.comFax: (212) 624-0818customercare@prosperitylife.comPhone: (877) 725-4872Fax: (212) omFax: (212) 624-0814agentcare@prosperitylife.comPhone: (866) 380-6413
FINAL EXPENSEI. PRODUCT FEATURES AND REQUIREMENTSGolden Promise (offered in NY by SBLI USA) andNew Vista (offered elsewhere by S.USA) are a seriesof whole life products particularly suited to the seniormarket. This is a simplified issue product and featuresa three-tier classification. Customers can qualify forthe Level, Graded, or Modified plans based on healthhistory.Optional Accidental Death Benefit Rider Issue ages – 50 - 74 Can be added to all three death benefit options. The rider coverage amount will equal the initialcoverage amount of the base plan. Expires at age 75.Product AvailabilityIssue Ages (Age last birthday)50-80 Level Death Benefit50-80 Graded Death Benefit (50-75 for Golden Promise)50-80 Modified Death Benefit (50-75 for Golden Promise)Golden Promise (SBLI USA) – NY onlyNew Vista (S.USA)- All other approved statesDeath BenefitLevelFull death benefit all years.GradedLimited death benefit for non-accidental death in thefirst two policy years. Limited benefit equals a percentage of the face amount(30% Year 1, 70% Year 2).Full death benefit for accidental death, all years.ModifiedDuring the first year of coverage, the death benefit isequal to 110% of the annual premium (excluding thepolicy fee).During the second year of coverage, the death benefitis equal to 231% of the annual premium (excluding thepolicy fee).After the second year of coverage, the death benefit isequal to the face amount of the policy.Full death benefit for accidental death, all years.Accelerated Death Benefit (not available in California)Should the insured be diagnosed with a terminal illness, the included Accelerated Death benefit feature allows access to a portion of the policy (between 25 and50% of the Eligible Proceeds). Included in the policyform for all three death benefit options.RequirementsPremium Paying PeriodTo age 121Minimum Face Amount 1,500 ( 5,000 minimum for WA)Maximum Face Amount 35,000The same customer can own multiple Final Expensepolicies, but the maximum combined coverage on anyone life is 35,000.PremiumsPremium rates vary by issue age, gender and smokingclass. Smoking class is based on cigarette use only. Nosubstandard premiums apply.How to Calculate PremiumsThe total annual premium is equal to the sum of thepremiums for the policy and all optional supplemental benefits and riders (There also is a 40.00 annualpolicy fee).Clients should be advised that if they pay their premium in semi-annual, quarterly or monthly payments,the total annual cost will be higher than the annualpremium for the policy.C-FUGFEXECW17 12-20183
FINAL EXPENSEModal Premium total Annual Premium x ModalFactorModal Factors:Semi-Annual .5150Quarterly .2650Monthly EFT or Credit Card .09Policy FeeAnnual: 40.00Semi-Annual: 20.60Quarterly: 10.60Monthly: 3.60Exclusions and LimitationsThe policy has exclusions, limitation, terms, and conditions, including a two year suicide exclusion and contestability period. Refer to the policy and riders for fulldetails. You must disclose all limitations and exclusions to the client. Policy forms may vary by state.II. UNDERWRITINGAll applications are underwritten by Apptical andidentity is authenticated. If we are unable to authenticate identification, these applications will not be processed. If identity is authenticated, the underwritingdecision will be based on the answers to the application health questions, MIB, and a prescription history check. Applicants must also fall within a specificheight and weight table to qualify.If the applicant answers “No” to all the questions inparts A, B and C, the applicant may be eligible for theLevel Death Benefit Individual Whole Life Policy.If the applicant answers “No” to all questions in Part Aand B, but answers “Yes” to one or more of the questions in part C, the applicant may be eligible for theGraded Death Benefit Individual Whole Life Policy.If the applicant answers “No” to all questions in PartA, but answers one or more questions in Part B “Yes”,the applicant may be eligible for the Modified DeathBenefit Individual Whole Life Policy (and Part C doesnot need to be completed).Height and WeightReview the height and weight chart included in thisguide. If the applicant’s weight is below the requiredminimum for their height, the applicant will bedeclined.If the applicant’s weight is higher than the maximum allowed for their height, the applicant will bedeclined.III. COMPLETING THE APPLICATIONCurrent application forms and state-specificApplication Kits including all required forms areavailable for downloading on the agent portal. Utilizethe application form required by the issue state.Client Identification - Prior to starting the application process, ask the client to provide a photo I.D. andverify identity. If identity cannot be verified, the application cannot be completed.The Final Expense application includes a Health Information section, consisting of parts A, B, and C.Automatic decline if any “Yes” answer to Part A of theHealth Information section of the application, or if theheight and weight is outside of the chart.Beneficiary Designation – Primary and Contingentbeneficiaries must be listed on the application, including each beneficiary’s relationship to the proposedinsured. In all cases, a beneficiary must have a continuing insurable interest in the life of the insured.Examples of acceptable beneficiaries include: Wife, husband, domestic partner, common lawspouse, fiancée Son-in-law, daughter-in-law Children, stepchildren, grandchildrenC-FUGFEXECW17 8-20184
FINAL EXPENSE (Minors not recommended)SiblingNiece or nephewAunt or uncleParent or grandparentFamily Living TrustCertain Charitable TrustsIrrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILITs)Qualified charitable or community organizationsIf a beneficiary is not named, it may result in the deathproceeds being paid to the estate of the owner/insured.Life insurance proceeds left to the owner/insured’s estate may cause death taxes, court costs and other fees.Proposed Insured Signature – Only the proposedinsured may sign on the “Proposed Insured” signatureline. A Power of Attorney (POA) signature is acceptable, however, details regarding the POA and a copy ofthe POA must be included with the application. AnyPOA issued for medical reasons also requires medicalrecords. These applications cannot go through Apptical and must be sent to the home office for processing.Policyowner Signature – Only the policyowner maysign on the owner line. The policyowner’s signature isrequired in addition to the proposed insured’s signature, if the policyowner is other than the proposedinsured.Replacements - State law regarding replacementsvaries. You are responsible for knowing and complying with all state replacement regulations and requirements in states in which you are licensed, including theprovision of state required notices where applicable.State-specific replacement forms are listed in the Replacement Forms Guide Table included in this guide.These forms may be revised from time to time. TheApplication Kits posted in the agent portal include themost current version.You should only recommend a replacement of an existing life insurance policy or an existing annuity contractif, after an appropriate review, it is determined thatthe recommended replacement will assist the clientin meeting his or her insurance needs and financialobjectives. Please refer to our replacement guidelines posted on the agent portal. For sales of GoldenPromise in NY, consult the SBLI USA Regulation60 Direct Replacement Procedures. For sales of NewVista elsewhere, consult the S.USA Replacement Guidefor Agents. Please contact the New Business department if you have any questions regarding replacementsnot covered by the guidelines. An application submitted without the proper form(s), where replacement isinvolved, will be returned unprocessed.Required Disclosure Forms - Present any requireddisclosures to the customer for the issue state. Pleaserefer to the Disclosure Forms Guide included in thisguide for required form numbers and instructions.These forms may be revised from time to time; currentversions of all forms are posted on the agent portal.Conditional Receipt - If initial premium is beingsubmitted with the application, submit a personalcheck from the applicant made payable to S.USA LifeInsurance Company, Inc. and provide the applicant asigned copy of the Conditional Receipt. The companywill not accept an Agency or Agent’s personal check.A Conditional Receipt should be provided only if theinitial premium payment is taken with the application. Initial premium payment may not be taken withthe application if the client answers “Yes” to any of thePart A medical questions or is declined for coverageafter the PHI. Payment may also not be taken with anapplication in Kansas.Important DatesApplication Date – Applications must be dated theday the application is completed and signed by theproposed insured.Policy Effective Date – A policy will become effectiveas of the issue date unless a specific draft date has beenrequested on the Premium Payment AuthorizationForm. A future effective date of no more than 30 daysfrom the application date may be requested and mustbe the 1st through the 28th of the month.C-FUGFEXECW17 8-20185
FINAL EXPENSEBilling Options – We accept EFT, Direct Express, orDirect Bill (excluding monthly). Draft dates can occuron a specific date (1-28), can coincide with the policyeffective date, or can occur on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4thWednesday of the month. Use the Premium PaymentAuthorization Form to choose the option that worksbest for your customer.Submission of ApplicationPlease submit all required and signed forms, as presented in agent portal, to include: Application plus any amendment Any required replacement forms(See Replacements Forms Guide) Authorization for Release of Health-RelatedInformation (HIPAA) Any completed disclosure forms indicated as“submit with application” on the Disclosure FormGuide for the applicable product and state (SeeDisclosure Form Guides)IV. APPTICAL FOR POINT OF SALE APPROVALWe have partnered with Apptical, who will completethe health interview and review the MIB and prescription history check results and height and weight limitsto give you a decision while sitting with your clients.The process should take approximately 10 minutes.The following information describes the process andanswers any questions pertaining to the steps involved.Please ask the client to provide a photo ID before completing the application. The application and Authorization for Release of Health-Related Information formsmust be completed and signed prior to the call toApptical. Please review with the proposed insured thedisclosures and the Personal Health Interview process.Interview Guidelines The agent must be present at the completion of theinterview. The agent cannot assist during the interview. The agent should never relay questions to the proposed insured.Call to Apptical1-800-737-6972Press 1 for Personal Health InterviewNormal business hours (Eastern Time)Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 a.m.Saturday – Sunday, 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.At the start of the call you will be asked to provide: Your phone number in case the call isdisconnected Your first and last name Agent Number State and application form number being used Client identification verification (in order to collectMIB and Rx) including: Security NumberAddressPhone NumberDate of BirthBirth state and countryThe Apptical representative will give you a personalhealth interview (PHI) number to record the SpecialRequests Section of the application.The interviewer will request to speak to the proposedinsured. They will inform the proposed insured thatthe call is being recorded and they will ask the proposed insured to: Verify the identification information Provide a U.S. Residence status Provide height and weight Confirm that the application has been completedand signed and that all disclosures have beenprovided Authorize the MIB and prescription history check Answer all medical questions on the applicationDuring this time the MIB and prescription historycheck will be run.C-FUGFEXECW17 12-20186
FINAL EXPENSEUnderwriting ResultsThe interviewer will give the agent the results based onthe underwriting rules. The following are the possibleresults:1. The policy is approved as applied for:Level, Graded or Modified Inform the proposed insured and submit allthe required paperwork.2. The client is not eligible for coverage based onthe answers to the health questions Inform the proposed insured and write “NotEligible” in the Special Requests section of theapplication. Submit all the required paperwork.3. The application requires additional underwriterreview Occasionally Apptical will not be able to rendera final underwriting decision. The agent willbe instructed to return the application to HomeOffice for final processing. Submit all the required paperwork.It is important that all applications are submittedwithin 7 days regardless of the underwriting decision.If the client decides not to accept the policy offered,please write “Withdrawn” in the special requests section.V. TELEPHONE SALES - VOICE SIGNATUREA voice signature currently may be obtained for a finalexpense application in the following states:AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN,KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, Ml, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ,NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT,WA, WI, WV, WY.A voice signature application is processed throughLiveApp, an online portal provided by Apptical. Theagent may take an application over the phone or face toface. The application is processed through the LiveAppportal and a 3 way telephone call is made to Apptical for underwriting and to collect voice signature onthe application. Apptical will submit the applicationdirectly to the Home Office for processing.Please note, replacements currently are not availablevia telephone or Apptical Mobile App sales. Pleaseuse a paper application or E-App if the sale involves areplacement.VI. E-APPLICATIONS AND APPTICAL MOBILEThe New Vista E-app is available online through theApptical LiveApp portal - and LiveAppAir Technology with Apptical Mobile. Your LiveApp user credentials are thesame for E-app, New Vista Voice and Apptical Mobile.Please note that the E-App and Apptical Mobile mayonly be used for face-to-face sales.E-App (for Laptops & Tablets)The E-application is completely paperless and does notrequire a phone interview but must be completed whilewith the customer so you’ll need an internet connection to complete it. Just log in, select New Applicationfrom the menu at the top, then Prosperity, and NewVista E-app. You will see a note in RED that confirmsthis is for a face-to-face sale, not to be confused withNew Vista Voice which is for telesales. Just answer eachquestion and click “Next.” At any point in time, youcan click “Stop” and finish it later.Google Chrome is the only supportive browser for theE-App, and it can only be completed from a computeror tablet, not a smart phone.Smart Phone Mobile AppLiveAppAir through the Apptical Mobile App is available for download to your smart phone through yourApp Store. You may take the New Vista applicationusing the mobile app in conjunction with the point ofsale telephone interview.Please refer to Final Expense Agent Training for detailed instructions on all electronic application methods. All materials are posted to the Agent Portal.C-FUGFEXECW17 12-20187
FINAL EXPENSEHeight and WeightBuild ChartHeightMinimum Max Weight Max WeightWeightLevelGradedAll PlansMax 894214506'09"167397430460C-FUGFEXECW17 12-20188
S.USA New Vista Disclosure Forms GuideDescriptionForm No.No.CopiesInstructionsState(s) of UseNotice of Disclosure of InformationPage 9 of ApplicationPage 7 FL Application1Detach and leave with customer.AllAccelerated Death BenefitsDisclosureU-DISACCECW17 (2/2017)2Leave 1 copy with customer and submit 1signed copy with application.AllU-LBG16-Base (7/2016)1Leave with customer.All except KY, ME, MO,NJLife Insurance Buyer's GuideBG KY (5/2011)(optional except in GA, IL, ME,U-LBG16-ME (8/2016)and WI)U-LBG16-MO (8/2016)1Leave with customer.KY1Leave with customer.ME1Leave with customer.MO1Leave with customer.NJU-LBG16-NJ (8/2016)California Requirements for Applicants 65 and OlderFinancial ProductsDisclosureNotice Regarding Standardsfor Medi-Cal EligibilityU-DISFPDECA17 (2/2017)2Leave 1 copy with customer and submit 1signed copy with application.CAU-NOTMEDECA17 (7/2017)2If you discuss Medi-Cal eligibility in connection with the sale, leave 1 copy withcustomer and submit 1 signed copy withapplication.CAU-NOTSENECA17 (2/2017)2If the sales visit will occur in a senior’shome, provide the completed form 24 hoursin advance of the visit (or, if you have anexisting relationship and the applicant requests a same day visit, provide in advanceof the visit). Submit a copy with the application.CAHome Meeting NoticeOther DisclosuresMaine Preliminary Statementof Policy CostDS ME (3/2007)(Generated with PreliminaryInformation Statement)2Leave 1 copy with customer and submit 1completed copy with application.MEPennsylvania DisclosureStatementDS-PA (8/2016)(Generated with PreliminaryInformation Statement)2Leave 1 copy with customer and submit 1completed copy with application.PAU-SANEVT17 (1/2017)1Submit with application if customer wishesto designate a secondary addressee.VTVermont Secondary AddresseeFormSBLI USA Golden Promise Disclosure Forms GuideDescriptionForm No.No.CopiesInstructionsState(s) of UseMIB/FCRA NoticeS-NOTGENENY15 (3/2015)1Leave copy customer.NYDefinition of ReplacementS-R60A-11ENY15 (3/2018)2Leave 1 copy with customer and submit 1completed copy with application. If "yes"answer to any question, see ReplacementForms Guide for additional forms.NYLife Insurance Buyer's GuideS-LBG16-Base (7/2016)1Leave with customer.NYProducer CompensationDisclosurePC-DSC NY 14 (6/2014)1Leave with customer.NY1Leave with customer.NYPreliminary Information State- Part of quoting tool.mentC-FUGFEXECW17 12-20189
Intentionally Left Blank
SBLI USA Life Insurance Company, Inc.100 W. 33rd Street Suite 1007New York, NY 10001-29141-877-SBLI-USA (1-877-725-4872)www.prosperitylife.comS.USA Life Insurance Company, Inc.P.O. Box 1050Newark, NJ 07101-10501-866 SUSA 123 (1-866-787-2123)
Prosperity Life Group is a marketing name for products and services provided by one or more of the member companies of Prosperity Life Insurance Group, LLC, including SBLI USA Life Insurance Company, Inc., and S.USA Life Insurance Company, Inc. and Shenandoah Life Insurance Company. Members not licensed in all states. Only SBLI USA Life Insurance
OCI Undertaking (OCI form No. 2 in forms section) (Attested by JP) Proof of Indian origin of spouse (OCI/OCI card issued to spouse) or if the spouse is holding Indian passport, his/her passport copy which must include the name of the applicant as spouse.
2 Parents OCI Card If one or both parents are holding an OCI card, please include a copy of the OCI card first and last page. Indian Passport copies of the parents are still a mandatory requirement. COPY 3 Naturalization Certificate If parents have acquired foreign nationality, please sub
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Title: OCI IAM Identity Domains: What customers need to know Author: Oracle Corporation Subject: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (OCI IAM) service offers Oracle Cloud customers a rich, enterprise-class set of identity and access management (IAM) features for use with OCI, Oracle Cloud applications, and third-party appli cations.
OCI Misc. Services Checklist - For Minor Applicant’s Name Passport no. Email ID Mobile no. _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR APPLYING FOR OCI RE- ISSUE FOR MINORS. . Minor’s thumb impression/signature is a must with both parent’s signature on Part
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Welcome to Expense Track by Comdata The Comdata Expense Track solution simplifies the process of generating, submitting, and approving expense reports. Designed specifically for use with the Comdata Corporate Mastercard, Expense Track allows you to manage all your expense reporting online,
About Expense Tracker Expense Tracker records and monitors employee project and travel expenses. It automates the entire expense tracking process, eliminating inefficient and wasteful paper expense forms and their processing routines. Employees submit Expense Reports online, charging their expenses to projects or activities.