MTY AND TOURISCULINARY ARTSLODGINGAND RESORTMANAGEMENTSPLIITAHOSPITALITYHOSPITALITYAND TOURISMTOURISMANDHOTRAVEL,TOURISM, ANDATTRACTIONSLocal Implementation Considerations:Students completing two or more courses for two or more credits within a program of study earn concentrator status forPerkins V federal accountability reporting.Proposed Indicator: Students finishing three or more courses for four or more credits with one course from level 3 or 4within a program of study earn completer status for federal accountability reporting.Texas Education Agency
COURSESMRISLEVEL 1Introduction to Culinary ArtsPrinciples of Hospitality and TourismTY AND TOUCulinary ArtsFoundations of Restaurant Management (TBD)LEVEL 2CULINARYHOSPITALITYARTSAND TOURISMLIITAAdvanced Culinary ArtsSPLEVEL 3HOLEVEL 4Food SciencePracticum in Culinary ArtsPracticum in Entrepreneurship (TBD)Career Preparation IPOSTSECONDARY OPTIONSHIGH rtifiedFundamentalsCookCertified ChefCertifiedFundamentalsPastry erComprehensiveFood SafetyManageFirstProfessionalCertified Foodand ANWAGE%ANNUALOPENINGS GROWTHFood and BeverageManagers 55,6191,56128%Chef and HeadCooks 43,2851,36625%Food ScienceTechnicians 34,38223611%Hotel and Restaurant ManagementRestaurant Culinaryand CateringManagementFood Service SystemsAdministration/ManagementHospitality Administration/Management, GeneralCulinary Arts/Chef TrainingCulinary Scienceand Food GeneralAdditional industry based certification information is available from the TEA CTE website.For more information on postsecondary options for this program of study, visit BASED LEARNING AND EXPANDEDLEARNING OPPORTUNITIESExploration Activities:Work Based Learning Activities:Family, Career, Community Leaders ofAmerica (FCCLA),SkillsUSA, American CulinaryFederation,Texas RestaurantAssociationPlan a catering event or work fora catering company; participatein a cooking course; work in arestaurant; cook at homeThe Culinary Arts program of study introduces students to occupations and educational opportunities related to the planning, directing, orcoordinating activities of a food and beverage organization or department. This program of study also explores opportunities involved indirecting and participating in the preparation and cooking of food.The Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster focuses on the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and otherfood/beverage services, lodging, attractions, recreation events, and travel-related services. Students acquire knowledge and skills focusingon communication, time management, and customer service that meet industry standards. Students will explore the history of the hospitalityand tourism industry and examine characteristics needed for success.Successful completion of the Culinary Arts program of study will fulfill requirements of the Business and Industry Endorsement.Approved Statewide Program of Study - September 2019
COURSE INFORMATION&2856(1 0(6(59,&( ,'35(5(48,6,7(6 35(4&25(48,6,7(6 &5(4*5 '(Introduction to Culinary Arts13022550 (1 credit)None9-12Principles of Hospitality andTourism13022200 (1 credit)None9-12Culinary Arts13022600 (2 credits)None10-12Foundations ofRestaurant ManagementTBDTBDTBDAdvanced Culinary Arts13022650 (2 credits)PREQ: Culinary Arts10-12Food Science13023000 (1 credit)PREQ: 3 units of science, includingChemistry and Biology11-12PREQ: Culinary Arts11-12Practicum in Culinary s)credits)credits)credits)Practicum inEntrepreneurshipTBDTBDCareer Preparation I12701300 (2 credits)12701305 (3 credits)NoneFOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE HOSPITALITY AND TOURISMCAREER CLUSTER, PLEASE CONTACT:Debbie Wieland cteTBD11-12
COURSESPrinciples of Hospitality and TourismMRISLEVEL 1TY AND TOUHotel ManagementTravel and Tourism ManagementLEVEL ENTHospitality ServicesIntroduction to Event and Meeting Planning (TBD)SPLEVEL 3HOLEVEL 4Practicum in Hospitality ServicesPracticum in Event and Meeting Planning (TBD)Practicum in Entrepreneurship (TBD)Career Preparation IPOSTSECONDARY OPTIONSHIGH SOCIATEhSDEGREECertified Hospitality &Tourism orCertified Associatein ProjectManagementCertified HotelAdministratorEntrepreneurshipand Small BusinessCertification inHotel IndustryAnalyticsTourism andTravel ServicesManagementCertified GuestServiceProfessionalBusinessAdministrationand pitalityAdministration/Management,GeneralBusiness Administration and Management, GeneralMEDIANWAGEGeneral andOperationsManagers 107,64018,67920% 48,38139619% 96,1382,27721% sManagersMeeting, Convention,and Event PlannersHotel andRestaurantManagement%ANNUALOPENINGS g/ Management, GeneralAdditional industry based certification information is available from the TEA CTE website.For more information on postsecondary options for this program of study, visit BASED LEARNING AND EXPANDEDLEARNING OPPORTUNITIESExploration Activities:Family, Career, andCommunity Leaders ofAmerica (FCCLA),American Hotel andLodging AssociationWork Based LearningActivities:Intern at a resort orlodging property;work at a hotel, summercamp or theme park;The Lodging and Resort Management program of study introduces students to occupations and educational opportunities related to thelogistical and operational management of lodging and resorts. This program of study also explores opportunities related to humanresources, financial analysis, and marketing.The Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster focuses on the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and otherfood/beverage services, lodging, attractions, recreation events, and travel-related services. Students learn knowledge and skills focusing oncommunication, time management, and customer service that meet industry standards. Students will explore the history of the hospitality andtourism industry and examine characteristics needed for success.Successful completion of the Lodging and Resort Management program of study will fulfill requirements of the Business and IndustryEndorsement.Approved Statewide Program of Study - September 2019
COURSE INFORMATION&2856(1 0(6(59,&( ,'35(5(48,6,7(6 35(4 &25(48,6,7(6 &5(4 *5 '(Principles of Hospitality andTourism13022200 (1 credit)None9-12Hotel Management13022300 (1 credit)None10-12Travel and TourismManagement13022500 (1 credit)None10-12Hospitality Services13022800 (2 credits)None11-12Introduction to Event andMeeting PlanningTBDTBDTBDNone11-12Practicum in 5(2(3(2(3credits)credits)credits)credits)Practicum in Event andMeeting PlanningTBDTBDTBDPracticum inEntrepreneurshipTBDTBDTBDCareer Preparation I12701300 (2 credits)12701305 (3 credits)None11-12FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE HOSPITALITY AND TOURISMCAREER CLUSTER, PLEASE CONTACT:Debbie Wieland cte
COURSESPrinciples of Hospitality and TourismMTY AND TOURISLEVEL 1LEVEL 2LIITATRAVEL, TOURISM,AND ATTRACTIONSGlobal BusinessTourism Marketing Concepts and Applications(TBD)SPLEVEL 3Travel and Tourism ManagementEntrepreneurshipSports and Entertainment MarketingHOLEVEL 4Practicum in Hospitality ServicesPracticum in Entrepreneurship (TBD)Career Preparation IPOSTSECONDARY OPTIONSHIGH rtified Hospitalityand TourismManagementProfessionalTravel andTourismProfessionalEntrepreneurship Certified Tourismand Small BusinessExecutiveCertified Associatein LPROFESSIONALDEGREEBACHELORhSDEGREETourism ManagementBusiness Administration and Management, GeneralCommunicationManagementProfessionalTourism and n urism andTravel ServicesMarketingSport Event andTourismManagementRecreation, Park,and TourismSciencesAdditional industry based certification information is available from the TEA CTE website.For more information on postsecondary options for this program of study, visit GROWTHAdvertising andPromotionsManagers 94,51516420%Fundraisers 54,85087521%Market ResearchAnalysts and MarketingSpecialists 70,3464,66440%MarketingManagers 144,2691,29732%WORK BASED LEARNING AND EXPANDEDLEARNING OPPORTUNITIESExploration Activities:Family, Career, andCommunity Leaders ofAmerica (FCCLA),SkillsUSA, Texas TravelIndustry AssociationWork Based LearningActivities:Work at a local touristattraction, theme park, orsummer camp; volunteerat a local communityevent (fair or rodeo)The Travel, Tourism, and Attractions program of study introduces students to occupations and educational opportunities related to themarketing or sales of travel and tourism services. This program of study allows students to learn how to plan, direct, and coordinatemarketing or business policies and programs, including identifying potential customers and determining demand and promotionalstrategies for products and services.The Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster focuses on the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and other food/beverage services, lodging,attractions, recreation events, and travel-related services. Students learn knowledge and skills focusing on communication, time management, and customerservice that meet industry standards. Students will explore the history of the hospitality and tourism industry and examine characteristics needed for success.Successful completion of the Travel, Tourism, and Attractions program of study will fulfill requirements of the Business and IndustryEndorsement.Approved Statewide Program of Study - September 2019
COURSE INFORMATION&2856(1 0(6(59,&( ,'35(5(48,6,7(6 35(4 &25(48,6,7(6 &5(4 *5 '(Principles of Hospitality andTourism13022200 (1 credit)None9-12Travel and TourismManagement13022500 (1 credit)None10-12Entrepreneurship13034400 (1 credit)None10-12Sports an EntertainmentMarketing13034600 (.5 credit)None9-12Global Business13011800 (.5 credit)None10-12Tourism Marketing Conceptsand ApplicationsTBDTBDTBDRPREQ: Hospitality Services11-12Practicum in 5(2(3(2(3credits)credits)credits)credits)Practicum inEntrepreneurshipTBDTBDTBDCareer Preparation I12701300 (2 credits)12701305 (3 credits)None11-12FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE HOSPITALITY AND TOURISMCAREER CLUSTER, PLEASE CONTACT:Debbie Wieland cte
Introduction to Culinary Arts 13022550 (1 credit) None 9-12 Principles of Hospitality and Tourism 13022200 (1 credit) None 9-12 Culinary Arts 13022600 (2 credits) None 10-12 Foundations of Restaurant Management TBD TBD TBD Advanced Culinary Arts 13022650 (2 credits) PREQ: Culinary Arts 10-12
Culinary Arts Study Guide Aligned with the Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) Culinary Arts Pre-PAC, and the American Culinary Federation (ACF) 'IVXM½IH'YPMREVMER Endorsed by: Assessment: 7308 Basic Culinary Arts 7309 Advanced Culinary
Aug 22, 2011 · Culinary Arts I/Culinary Math are the first levels of a two‐year course available to juniors enrolled in the four‐ year Culinary Arts Academy Course. It is intended to provide students with a solid foundation, through a combination of direct instruction a
Management & Culinary Arts, Second Edition, Level 2 2018 PLC 2.0, cont. Contributors to the Industry PLC 2.3 Analyze the impact of major culinary innovators, institutions and innovations that have revolutionized the culinary industry internationally, nationally, and locally. Analyze the impact of culinary innovators that
Culinary Arts III . Course Syllabus . Amanda Del Gandio . 2020-2021 . Course Description: Culinary Arts II is an advanced course intended to further equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to peruse a variety of careers in the culinary
Arts Institute with a degree in Culinary Arts, has extensive background in executive club restaurants and the resort industry. Mike graduated from the New England Culinary Institute with a degree in Culinary Arts and also has a Master’s in Business and a Bachelor’s in Journalism. “We are entering into an exciting new phase of retire-ment .
Culinary Arts I . Course Description Culinary Arts I equips students with the foundational knowledge and skills to pursue careers in the culinary field as a personal chef, caterer, executive chef, and food and beverage manager. Upon Primary Career Cluster: Hospitality and Tourism Consultant: Deborah Thompson, (615)-532-2840,
Texas Education Agency. (2006). Texas examinations of educator standards: Preparation manual: Preparation manual 117 English language arts and reading 4-8. Austin, TX: Texas Education Agency. Texas Education Agency. (2011). Texas examinations of educator standards: Preparation manual 191 generalist EC-6. Austin, TX: Texas Education Agency.
Principles of Animal Nutrition Applied Animal Science Research Techniques for Bioscientists Principles of Animal Health and Disease 1 Optional Physiology of Electrically Excitable Tissues Animal Behaviour Applied Agricultural and Food Marketing Economic Analysis for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Physiology and Biotechnology option Core Endocrine Control Systems Reproductive .