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Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017Title: SHIP Annual ReportSt. Johns County FY 2017/2018 CloseoutForm 1Page 1Report Status: Unsubmitted

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017SHIP Distribution er Occupied Rehab55Units 931,377.0026Disaster Repair 14,043.001Disaster Assistance 40,000.0048 985,420.0075Homeownership lsCodeExpendedAmountStrategyUnitsRental Totals:Subtotals: 985,420.0075Additional Use of FundsUseExpendedAdministrative 90,728.68Homeownership Counseling 21,500.47Admin From Program IncomeAdmin From Disaster FundsTotals: 1,097,649.1575 .00 .00Total Revenue (Actual and/or Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust FundSource of FundsAmountState Annual Distribution 965,761.00Program Income (Interest) 11,405.93Program Income (Payments) 123,500.00Recaptured Funds .00Disaster FundsOther FundsCarryover funds from previous yearTotal: 5,521.56 1,106,188.49Form 2Rental Unit InformationPage 2* Carry Forward to Next Year: 8,539.34NOTE: This carry forward amount will only be accuratewhen all revenue amounts and all expended,encumbered and unencumbered amounts have beenadded to Form 1

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017DescriptionEff.1 Bed2 Bed3 Bed4 481,2581,4531,621MOD1,4701,5751,8902,1812,433Up to 140%1,7151,8372,2052,5442,838Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced ("Leveraging")Source of Funds Producedthrough June 30th for UnitsAmount of Funds Expended toDateSHIP Funds Expended 985,420.00% of Total Value100.00%Public Moneys Expended.00%Private Funds Expended .00.00%Owner Contribution .00.00% 985,420.00100.00%Total Value of All UnitsSHIP Program Compliance Summary - Home Ownership/Construction/RehabCompliance CategorySHIP FundsTrust Funds% of Trust FundFL StatuteMinimum %Homeownership 985,420.00 971,282.56101.46%65%Construction / Rehabilitation 985,420.00 971,282.56101.46%75%Program Compliance - Income Set-AsidesIncome CategorySHIP FundsExpendedTotalAvailableFunds % *Extremely Low.00%Very Low 800,208.0872.34%Low 182,158.4116.47% 3,053.51.28%ModerateOver 120%-140%.00%Totals: 985,420.0089.08%Project Funding for Expended Funds OnlyPage 3

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017Income CategoryTotal FundsMortgages,Mortgages,Loans &Loans & DPL's DPL Unit #sExtremely LowTotal FundsSHIP GrantsSHIPGrantUnit #s0Total SHIPFundsExpendedTotal #Units0 .000Very Low 751,377.0020 48,831.0843 800,208.0863Low 180,000.006 2,158.413 182,158.419Moderate0 3,053.513 3,053.513Over 120%-140%00 .00049 985,420.0075Totals: 931,377.0026 54,043.00Form 3Number of Households/Units ProducedStrategyList Unincorporatedand EachMunicipalityELIVLILowOver140%ModTotalOwner OccupiedRehabSt. Augustine639Owner OccupiedRehabUnincorporated415Owner OccupiedRehabSt Augustine9211Owner OccupiedRehabPonte Vedra11Disaster RepairSt. Augustine11Disaster AssistanceSt. Augustine341Disaster AssistanceUnincorporated62Disaster AssistanceSt Johns11Disaster AssistancePonte Vedra11Totals:6333889375Characteristics/Age (Head of Household)DescriptionList Unincorporatedand EachMunicipality0 - 2526 - 4041 - 6162 TotalOwner OccupiedRehabSt. Augustine279Owner OccupiedRehabUnincorporated145Owner OccupiedRehabSt Augustine5511Owner OccupiedRehabPonte VedraDisaster RepairSt. AugustineDisaster AssistanceSt. AugustineDisaster AssistanceUnincorporated112Page 41411116638628

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017Disaster AssistanceSt Johns11Disaster AssistancePonte Vedra11Totals:217312575Family SizeDescriptionList Unincorporatedand EachMunicipality1Person2- 4People5 PeopleTotalOwner OccupiedRehabSt. Augustine3519Owner OccupiedRehabUnincorporated235Owner OccupiedRehabSt Augustine8311Owner OccupiedRehabPonte Vedra11Disaster RepairSt. Augustine11Disaster AssistanceSt. Augustine9Disaster Assistance26338Unincorporated718Disaster AssistanceSt Johns11Disaster AssistancePonte Vedra11Totals:2446575Race (Head of Household)DescriptionList Unincorporatedand EachMunicipalityWhite BlackHispAmeranic Asian Indian OtherTotalOwner OccupiedRehabSt. Augustine459Owner OccupiedRehabUnincorporated145Owner OccupiedRehabSt Augustine7411Owner OccupiedRehabPonte VedraDisaster RepairSt. Augustine1Disaster AssistanceSt. Augustine26Disaster AssistanceUnincorporated7Disaster AssistanceSt Johns11Disaster AssistancePonte Vedra111Totals:48Demographics (Any Member of Household)Page 511843812151875

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017DescriptionList Unincorporatedand r OccupiedRehabSt. Augustine66Owner OccupiedRehabUnincorporated44Owner OccupiedRehabSt Augustine44Owner OccupiedRehabPonte Vedra0Disaster RepairSt. Augustine0Disaster AssistanceSt. AugustineDisaster AssistanceUnincorporated0Disaster AssistanceSt Johns0Disaster AssistancePonte Vedra01Totals:15115Special Target Groups for Funds Expended (i.e. teachers, nurses, law enforcement,fire fighters, etc.) Set AsideDescriptionSpecial TargetGroupExpended FundsTotal # ofExpended UnitsOwner Occupied RehabEducator/SchoolEmployee40,000.001Owner Occupied RehabMilitary Veteran30,000.001Owner Occupied RehabGovernment Employee70,000.002Owner Occupied RehabHospitality/TourismIndustry30,000.001Owner Occupied RehabRetail Sales41,377.002Disaster RepairEducator/SchoolEmployee14,043.001Disaster AssistanceNurse/Healthcare7,949.479Disaster saster AssistanceService Industry6,795.098Disaster AssistanceRetail Sales2,069.766Disaster AssistanceEducator/SchoolEmployee2,613.672Disaster AssistanceBuilding Trades5,143.736Form 4Status of Incentive StrategiesPage 6

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017IncentiveCategoryStatusYear Adopted(or N/A)Expedited permittingRequiredImplemented,in LHAP2003Ongoing review processRequiredImplemented,in LHAP2003AHAC ReviewImplemented,in LHAP2005OtherDescription (If Other)Affordable HousingEconomic IncentiveProgramSupport ServicesEmergency Services and Homeless Coalition provides transitional housing for qualifying individuals andfamilies.Alpha-Omega Miracle Home provides housing, counseling and education for homeless single mothers, theirchildren, and senior women.Habitat for Humanity provides homeownership opportunities for qualifying low and very low income families.Betty Griffin House provides protection and services for victims of domestic violence and/or victims ofsexual assault.St. Johns County Social Services Department provides emergency rents and deposits to prevent oreliminate homelessness. Also, provides utility assistance to SJC residents in crisis; payments made directlyto the utility company.St. Francis House Homeless Shelter provides temporary and emergency shelter for homeless individualsand families.Northeast Community Action Agency stabilizes and empowers vulnerable families to achieve self-sufficiencythrough education, employment, and advocacy.St. Johns Housing Partnership administers various private and public funding sources to provide homerepairs to elderly, disabled, and low income households.United Way 211 provides information and referrals to individuals and families and crisis.Other AccomplishmentsPage 7

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017St. Johns County has developed public/private partnerships and engagement to identify and addresscommunity needs. The County continues to advocate for the needs of its most vulnerable populations.Since August 8, 2018 the St. Johns County Continuum of Care worked with the St. Johns County Board ofCounty Commissioners (BCC) and County staff to initiate the exploration of an affordable housing initiative.As part of those discussions, Housing and Growth Management staff developed a affordable housing zonewhich was approved by the BCC on July 7, /070720cd/07-07-20REG01.PDF)St. Johns County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) continues to meet and discuss affordablehousing. The St. Johns County AHAC worked with County staff to submit recommendations to the St. JohnsCounty BCC and the Florida Housing Finance Corporation on 12/17/19. 19cd/12-17-19REG10.pdf)St. Johns County established two HUD Housing Counseling Grants which assisted 107 applicants, 25 ofwhom purchased a home during 2019-2020.Housing staff organized and executed two community food drives with the assistance of the St.JohnsCultural Events Division, St. Augustine Amphitheater staff, United Way of St. Johns County and the St.Augustine Beach police Department as part of a community lead response to COVID. Two events securedover 59,000 pounds of food and 5,000 of donations.St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners approved an agreement between the County and the St.Johns Housing Partnership, in the amount of 117,965.29, utilizing and Affordable Housing Grant that wasto be used to purchase two parcels of land totaling approximately .7 acres for the purpose of developingmultifamily housing ( 4 units). ( 19cd/08-0619CON12.pdf).Availability for Public Inspection and CommentsIn 2018 the St. Johns County Continuum of Care worked with the St. Johns County Board of CountyCommissioners (BCC) to direct staff to initiate the exploration of an affordable housing initiative that waspresented to the board in 2019. These discussions shave been on-going and continue to be part of a largercommunity conversation about affordable housing.Life-to-Date Homeownership Default and ForeclosureTotal SHIP Purchase Assistance Loans:120Mortgage ForeclosuresA. Very low income households in foreclosure:0B. Low income households in foreclosure:7C. Moderate households in foreclosure:1Foreclosed Loans Life-to-date:8SHIP Program Foreclosure Percentage Rate Life to Date:Mortgage DefaultsA. Very low income households in default:0B. Low income households in default:2C. Moderate households in default:0Page 86.67

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017Defaulted Loans Life-to-date:2SHIP Program Default Percentage Rate Life to Date:1.67Strategies and Production CostsStrategyAverage CostDisaster Assistance 833.33Disaster Repair 14,043.00Owner Occupied Rehab 35,822.19Expended FundsTotal Unit Count:75Total Expended Amount: 985,420.00StrategyFull NameAddressCityOwner OccupiedRehabEarlyneGilmore77 Masters DriveSt. Augustine32084 30,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabCarolynJohnson70 Palmer StreetSt. Augustine32084 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabEleanor Davis 1000 W King StreetSt. Augustine32084 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabRondal Proctor 867 W 8th StreetSt. Augustine32084 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabPernellRagginsSt. Augustine32092 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabMichael Jordan 282 Venetian BlvdSt. Augustine32095 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabCheryl and412 Gerona RoadHarold MastersSt. Augustine32086 30,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabFrancesGilmoreSt. Augustine32092 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabDebra Gilmore 524 Willow WalkPlaceSt Augustine32086 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabRosettaLockett757 W 4th StreetSt. Augustine32084 30,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabJean Jackson3353 11th StreetElkton32033 30,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabEdmondLindamood120 Katnack RoadSt Augustine32095 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabAngela Proctor 323 S RodriquezStreetSt Augustine32084 30,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabCarolyn Lewis 5790 SR13 NorthSt Augustine32092 30,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabJoyceCochran655 Nieves LaneSt. Augustine32084 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabVanessaRaggins7073 1st StreetSt Augustine32092 40,000.007072 1st Street7025 1st StreetPage 9ZipCodeExpendedFundsFY if UnitAlreadyCounted

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017Owner OccupiedRehabLeola Pitts2575 Usina StreetSt Augustine32084 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabEmma Corbett 65 N Whitney Street St Augustine32084 30,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabErica Mack242 S Holmes BlvdSt Augustine32084 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabGeorgeYaccarino547 Gentian RoadSt Augustine32086 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabLinda Lacey1084 W 15th StreetSt Augustine32084 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabJoshua Jaruk158 Smith StreetSt Augustine32084 23,268.00Owner OccupiedRehabCarmenBonilla205 Solano WoodsDrivePonte Vedra32084 18,109.00Owner OccupiedRehabChristineChilders298 Cornell RoadSt Augustine32086 40,000.00Owner OccupiedRehabCharles Hurley 1221 Francis StreetSt Augustine32084 40,000.00Disaster RepairRebeccaSanderford204 Cabeza StreetSt. Augustine32084 14,043.00Owner OccupiedRehabJanet Fluck65 Nesmith AvenueSt. Augustine32084 40,000.00DisasterAssistanceElizabethQuinio410 S Villa SanMarco DriveSt. Augustine32086 1,350.00DisasterAssistanceLibbyMcDowell383 Varella AvenueSt. Augustine32084 49.91DisasterAssistanceKayla Jordan5542 2nd StreetSt. Augustine32080 86.59DisasterAssistanceLeonardGillette927 Silver GlennSt. Augustine32092 1,349.77DisasterAssistanceBill Beringer649 Sweet OrangeTerranceSt. Augustine32092 29.84DisasterAssistanceAnne Baxter28114 Harbour Vista St. AugustineCircle32080 1,116.47DisasterAssistanceVincent Dorsey 2301 Bluegill CourtSt. Augustine32092 181.27DisasterAssistanceAshernetteEdmondSt. Augustine32084 951.42DisasterAssistanceRachel Bryant 524 Cowford FerryCourtSt. Augustine32092 81.00DisasterAssistanceSandraMitchell494 Acacia StreetSt. Augustine32080 975.00DisasterAssistanceHenry Ho3613 Citra CourtSt. Augustine32092 1,696.04DisasterAssistanceMatthewMartin16 Atlantic OaksCircleSt. Augustine32080 105.93DisasterAssistanceRobin Gibson38 John StreetSt. Augustine32084 1,269.33DisasterAssistanceOvidiu Cirtina16 B Atlantic OaksCircleSt. Augustine32080 1,150.00DisasterAssistanceLauren Elhers 3661 A1A South Apt. St. AugustineB32080 51.19905 WhisperingCircle #13Page 10

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017DisasterAssistanceVioletaZhikkoska2493 SR sistance32086 800.004801 Melanie Street Hastings32145 678.23Cindy Howick416 Honey CombWaySt Johns32259 1,315.00DisasterAssistanceReneka Wells40 S Whitney StreetSt. Augustine32084 1,239.02DisasterAssistanceJason Klinger1301 HernandezBlvdSt. Augustine32080 566.14DisasterAssistanceBonnie Wright 179 E Jayce WaySt. Augustine32084 1,989.32DisasterAssistanceJenniferBongiorno390 Casa SevillaAvenueSt. Augustine32092 45.28DisasterAssistanceAngelaHughes1703 PrestwickPlaceSt. Augustine32086 1,425.52DisasterAssistanceDonaldCarswell766 W 3rd StreetSt. Augustine32084 642.06DisasterAssistanceReina Lewis859 W 9th StreetSt. Augustine32084 1,088.53DisasterAssistanceLauraEmerson18 River RoadSt. Augustine32084 1,297.06DisasterAssistanceTory Byerly44 Atlantic OaksCircle #ASt. Augustine32080 2.03DisasterAssistanceAngelaMancha3668 RosewoodStreet, #ASt. Augustine32080 107.37DisasterAssistanceMary Byerly208 Cecillia CourtSt. Augustine32086 1,194.81DisasterAssistancePhyllis Judge201 9th Street #ASt. Augustine32080 18.70DisasterAssistanceAmandaRambino2633 L'Atrium Circle Ponte VedraSouth32082 85.08DisasterAssistanceWilliam Barnes 650 W Pope RoadSt. Augustine32080 45.61DisasterAssistanceAnthonyFornara961 Escobar Avenue St. Augustine32086 306.71DisasterAssistanceBrynna Harvey 950 Sidney Street,LT M19St. Augustine32084 237.86DisasterAssistanceTanga Harris310 Summer Breeze St. Augustine#210232086 130.35DisasterAssistanceSusan Paar3490 US 1 SouthSt. Augustine32086 24.26DisasterAssistanceTammy Eller310 WhisperingWoods Ln #8St. Augustine32084 270.87DisasterAssistanceRobertMcGlasson560 Florida ClubBlvd, #203St. Augustine32084 250.32DisasterAssistanceKristinMillington1269 Richie DriveSt. Augustine32086 20.81DisasterAssistanceTiffany Smith200 WoodlawnTerrace#g66St. Augustine32084 588.00DisasterAssistanceWilliamHenderson5460 Mobile StreetSt. Augustine32092 1,827.09Page 11St. Augustine

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017DisasterAssistanceSamanthaMadden171 Egret RoadSt. Augustine32086 1,596.14DisasterAssistanceTabitha Taylor 150 WoodcrestDrive, #422St. Augustine32084 1,813.67DisasterAssistanceAngela Rickey 215 Moultrie VillagelaneSt. Augustine32086 1,460.36DisasterAssistanceLaurie Carnes 177 Riberia Street,Apt. ASt. Augustine32084 764.05DisasterAssistanceLindsay Ryan202 Queen RoadSt. Augustine32086 3,169.81DisasterAssistanceKrishanneRussell100 W Pope Road#C20St. Augustine32080 2,696.18DisasterAssistanceDella Austin2918 N Ninth StreetSt. Augustine32084 1,860.00Administration by EntityNameBusiness TypeStrategy CoveredResponsibilitySt. Johns County Housingand CommunityDevelopment DepartmentLocalGovernmentAllOversight of allstrategiesProgram IncomeProgram Income FundsLoan Repayment: 123,500.00Refinance:Foreclosure:Sale of Property:Interest Earned: 11,405.93Total: 134,905.93Number of Affordable Housing ApplicationsNumber of Affordable Housing ApplicationsSubmittedApprovedDeniedExplanation of Recaptured fundsDescriptionAmountPage 12Amount 90,728.68

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017Total: .00Rental SHIP Amount SHIPUnitsComplianceMonitored BySingle Family Area Purchase PriceThe average area purchase price of single family units:Or Not ApplicableForm 5Special Needs BreakdownSHIP Expended and Encumbered for Special Needs ApplicantsCode(s)ExpendedAmountStrategies3 Owner Occupied RehabEncumberedAmountUnits 380,000.0010 5,670.128Units5 Disaster Repair5 Disaster AssistanceSpecial Needs Category Breakdown by StrategyStrategiesSpecial Needs Category(3) Owner OccupiedRehabReceiving Social SecurityDisability Insurance(3) Owner OccupiedRehabExpendedAmountEncumberedAmountUnits 310,000.008Person with DisablingCondition (not DD) 30,000.001(3) Owner OccupiedRehabReceiving VeteransDisability Benefits 40,000.001(5) Disaster AssistanceReceiving VeteransDisability Benefits 181.271(5) Disaster AssistanceDevelopmental Disabilities 995.812(5) Disaster AssistanceReceiving SupplementalSecurity Income 51.191(5) Disaster AssistanceReceiving Social SecurityDisability Insurance 4,441.854UnitsProvide a description of efforts to reduce homelessness:St. Johns County Housing and Community Development staff work with the County's Social Services staff as well asa number of different agencies that serve the Homeless population, including the local Continuum of Care. St. JohnsCounty Social Services provides funding for rental and utility assistance. The Housing Department utilizes a localAffordable Housing grant to assist agencies that provide not only affordable housing but also housing for individualssuffering from homelessness. The Housing Department also hosted workshops, in conjunction with the FloridaHousing Coalition, to assist non-profit agencies in the community to develop capacity in an effort to better serve theirclients. The Housing Department also looks to prioritize the funding of projects that assist individuals in the alleviationof homelessness through the use of Land Acquisition-Rental Strategy.Page 13

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017Interim Year DataInterim Year DataInterim Year 1State Annual Distribution 416,821.00Program Income 206,418.26Program Funds Expended 302,765.17Program Funds Encumbered 140,000.00Total Administration Funds Expended 11,083.60Total Administration Funds Encumbered 30,598.40Homeownership Counseling 19,257.00Disaster Funds65% Homeownership Requirement 442,765.17106.22%75% Construction / Rehabilitation 442,765.17106.22%30% Very & Extremely Low Income Requirement 358,744.5157.56%30% Low Income Requirement 70,844.3611.37%20% Special Needs Requirement 83,887.0513.46%Carry Forward to Next YearInterim Year 2State Annual Distribution 493,651.00Program Funds Expended 208,545.33Program Funds Encumbered 240,000.00Page 14

Form SHIP AR/200967-38.008 (5), F.A.C.Effective Date: 5/23/2017LG Submitted Comments:Edits made to the report by the LG resulted in report status being changed back to "Unsubmitted"Page 15

St. Augustine 4 5 9 Owner Occupied Rehab Unincorporated 1 4 5 Owner Occupied Rehab St Augustine 7 4 11 Owner Occupied Rehab Ponte Vedra 1 1 Disaster Repair St. Augustine 1 1 Disaster Assistance St. Augustine 26 8 4 38 Disaster Assistance Unincorporated 7 1 8 Disaster Assistance St Johns 1 1 Disaster Assistance Ponte Vedra 1 1 Totals: 48 21 5 1 75

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