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CLU MAGAZINET H E M AG A Z I N E O F C A L I F O R N I A L U T H E R A N U N I V E R S I T YSPRING 2005 VOLUME 12 NUMBER 2Dr. Patrick Byrne ‘89Traveling the globe to keep a promise

PublisherRitch K. Eich, Ph.D.Spring 2005Volume 12 Number 1EditorCarol Keochekian ‘81BRICKSANDTILESAssociate EditorPeggy L. JohnsonArt DirectorMichael L. Adams ‘72Contributing EditorsElaine Benditson, MBA ‘03Scott FlandersLynda Fulford, MPA ‘97Rachel Ronning ‘99 LindgrenNAMEThe Kresge Foundation has awarded CLU a 1 million challenge grant to complete fundingfor the new Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center.You can help CLU meet this challenge andleave your mark in history by purchasing apersonalized brick or tile.Donor Tiles – Beautiful personalized 3 x 6 inch donor tiles will form the frames for acollection of 3 x 6 foot tile murals depicting the history of CLU. The murals will hang inthe main corridor of the Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center. Each tile is 250, and muralsponsorships are also available.Yes! I want to leave my mark on CLU’s Sports and Fitness Center!NamePlease inscribe my brick or tile as follows:Phone EmailUp to three lines of up to 20 characters per line for bricks:AddressCity State ZIPVISAMastercardCard no. Exp. dateOne line of up to 30 characters for tiles:----------------------------Copy this form for additional orders.SignatureMake checks payable toCalifornia Lutheran Universityand mail to:For further information:Email: campaign@clunet.eduCalifornia Lutheran University60 West Olsen Road #1600Thousand Oaks, CA 91360Telephone: (805) 493-3156Editorial Board MembersElaine Benditson, MBA ‘03Bryan Card ‘01Scott FlandersLynda Fulford, MPA ‘97Mike Fuller, MS ‘97Linda HeidtkeTim Hengst ‘72Ed JuliusRachel Ronning ‘99 LindgrenMichael McCambridge, Ed.D.Ryann Hartung ‘99 MoresiJean Kelso ‘84 SandlinSheryl Wiley SolomonBruce Stevenson ‘80, Ph.D.Mission ofCalifornia Lutheran UniversityCalifornia Lutheran University is adiverse scholarly community dedicatedto excellence in the liberal arts andprofessional studies. Rooted in theLutheran tradition of Christian faith, theUniversity encourages critical inquiryinto matters of both faith and reason.The mission of the University is toeducate leaders for a global society whoare strong in character and judgment,confident in their identity and vocation,and committed to service and justice.Donor Bricks – A beautifully landscaped fountain area surrounded by donor brickspatterned to simulate the CLU symbol is proposed for the plaza just outside the GilbertSports and Fitness Center. Each brick is 125 and can be etched with three lines of text, upto 20 characters per line.Please charge to myPresident’s Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Campus Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Sports Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Faculty Viewpoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Editorial AssistantDoris DaughertySupport CLU’s Kresge Challenge efforts and leave a lasting legacy!Enclosed is my check for payable to CaliforniaLutheran University ( 125 per brick) ( 250 per tile)THE MAGAZINE OF CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN MAGAZINE Spring 2005, Volume 12,Number 2. Copyright 2005 byCalifornia Lutheran University. Theviews expressed in this magazine do notnecessarily reflect California LutheranUniversity policies. CLU Magazine ispublished by:California Lutheran University60 West Olsen RoadThousand Oaks, CA 91360-2787Phone: (805) 493-3151clumag@clunet.eduwww.clunet.eduFEATURE STORIES4124Making HerstoryStudents delve into the lives ofordinar y women to experiencehistory in the making.14Saving FacePatr ick Byr ne ‘89 made apromise while still a collegestudent. Today that promisepropels the talented surgeon todirect humanitarian work in thefar thest corners of the ear th.1217Against All OddsA burning desire for a collegeeducation inspired threeyoung Mexican immigrants toovercome language, economicand social barrier s to achievetheir goal. Now successful, theywant to help other s in theircommunities.1417ALUMNI NEWSCalifornia Lutheran Universityis accredited by the AccreditingCommission for Senior Colleges andUniversities of the Western Association ofSchools and Colleges.CoverUsing a polymer model of the patient’sskull, surgeon Patrick Byrne is ableto visualize underlying structures henormally would not see in the operatingroom. Photo by Keith WellerHorror in ParadiseA CLU alumnus is eye witness totsunami devistation.2720Class Notes24Milestones

Ritch K. Eich, Ph.D.Vice President for Marketing andCommunicationsWilliam Rosser, M.S.Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean ofStudentsR. Stephen Wheatly ’77, J.D.Vice President for University AdvancementMichael Brint, Ph.D.Dean, College of Arts and SciencesCharles Maxey, Ph.D.Dean, School of BusinessRandall Lindsey, Ph.D.Interim Dean, School of EducationBoard of RegentsWilliam J. Kane, ChairRandolph L. Kohn, Vice ChairJames D. Power IV, SecretaryMichael BradburyGuy Erwin, Ph.D.Randall FosterYale GieszlRod GilbertSarah W. Heath ’70Shawn Howie ’78Karen Ingram ’74The Rev. Raymond LeBlancLuther S. Luedtke, Ph.D.Francis X. MaguireKate McLean, MBA ’77The Rev. Dean W. NelsonTerrence A. NoonanRaymond W. Pingle, D.D.S.Ron PoulsonDean Soiland ’81Jason Soyster ’05Karen Bornemann ’70 SpiesDavid T. Spurlock ’69Marvin J. SuomiJames SwensonGayLyn TalbotGeorge Ullman Jr. ’76Franklin UrteagaBrad Wilson ’81Jane Lee ’78 WinterJoan R. YoungGuest MemberDennis M. Fenton, Ph.D.Advisors to the BoardLouise Evenson, Ph.D.Co-Chair, Capital CampaignWilliam KrantzChair, CLEF BoardL. Karsten Lundring ’65Co-Chair, Capital CampaignMarilyn R. OlsonMarvin SoilandHonorary MemberTakashi Uyeno4CLUMAGAZINEA Christmas vacation turns into a terrifyingexperience for CLU alumnusPassage to IndiaBy Luther S. Luedtke, Ph.D.Article and photography by Mark Nelson ’73TChristmas on the beach was theplan. I sat in the 88-degreeheat and filled out colorful postcardsto my pals back home, especially theones using snow shovels. My friend,Krisda, and I sat under our umbrellaon a rented beach lounger watchingthe hundreds of foreign tourists soakup the sun on Patong Beach, PhuketIsland, Thailand. Little did we knowthe impact of things to come.The next morning as I rose Iheard screaming. “What’s that?” I asked, asmost spoken word was in something otherthan English in this tourist town. Krisdathought there was a fight or something, andI noticed some hotel staff girls running pastour ground floor room that overlooked thepool and faced the beach.I went to the slider to see what the racket was about. The pool was under waterand more was f lowing from the lobby intothe patios surrounding the pool. At f irst Ithought it was a broken pipe even thoughthere were small fish f lopping everywhere.I went out and began to pick up bottles ofshampoo that floated everywhere, trying tosave the pool guy a real mess.People were yelling in several differentlanguages, and I realized there must be a hightide or something else. Suddenly, we weretold to get to the second floor as the waterrose and loud unrecognizable noise filled theair. From the second balcony, we saw theaftermath of cars and debris being carriedaround the hotel like toys.A g roup of d istraught Singaporeanswere missing a wife and a daughter. Peoplein nearby businesses were breaking holes inthe roofs and popping up all over the nearbystreets. We saw cement mixers, furniture,shop merchandise and basically anything notbolted down pile up against anything thewater could not budge.P A G ERobert Allison, M.B.A.Vice President for Administration and FinanceHorror in ParadiseI went down into the waist deep waterthat remained and took pictures. I pulled aman out of the debris that pinned him againstthe hotel wall and offered to take him back tohis room, but he said, “This isn’t my hotel.”When I asked him where he came from, hesobbed that he was just walking on the beachand the next thing he knew he was here. Thebeach was 200 yards away. I wrapped him upin some sheets off a maid’s cart and left himin the open lobby.I still did not grasp what had happenedso went closer to the beach. The water hadreceded farther than we had seen it the previous five days. I looked at the Starbucks (yup,even here in paradise!) we had been in theday before - once filled with tourists, localkids and items for sale, now completely empty and under a couple feet of water. Everyhuge window broken out, no cash register,no shelves and no people.I heard screams and looked back, anotherwave had traveled towards me and those onthe rooftops yelled a warning. I scrambled upon the stage of an outdoor bar as the surge ofwater swept in and mixed with the standingwater held back by the two-foot tall sea wall.As I looked around, I saw many mannequinsfrom the local clothing shops in the debris, ashape very recognizable. Later I realized theywere not all mannequins.Continued on page 30In the aftermath of the tsunami that hit Southeast Asia on Dec. 26, the CLU community launcheda voluntary fundraising campaign to aid in the relief and recovery efforts. Donations to the CLUTsunami Relief Fund totaling 8,300 were sent to the Lutheran World Relief organization and theLutheran University of India, CLU’s partner institution in Chennai, India.wenty years had passed since I liveda nd worked in Ind ia. In 1984 85 I served as Director and CEO of theAmerican Studies Research Centre inHyderabad, which at that time was thelargest center in Asia for advanced studyof the United States. It was, therefore,with great anticipation that I returned toIndia last semester to sign a partnershipagreement with the Lutheran Universityof India in Chennai and to renew oldacquaintances.India has clearly changed since my tenure there, yet in many ways it is very muchthe same. There have been great advancesin transportation, urban planning, communications, technology, commerce andworld trade, and the financial resourcesare extraordinary. The pace of life is evenmore frenetic now than before. At thesame time, environmental, population,employment, health, nutrition, social services and literacy issues continue to plaguethe urban as well as rural communities.W hat str uck me most dur ing myfirst visit to India, and has become evenmore obvious during the ensuing years,is India’s high regard for the life of themind. It is a cliché and a fact that theIndian people are among the most intellectually engaged, politically active andvocal in the world. Science, philosophyand religion, literature and the arts, scholars and holy men are highly valued andsought after. While much of the countrystill lacks educational infrastructure, thegovernment has made education – bothprimar y and advanced – a priority ofplanning and development.CLU’s new partnership with LutheranUniversity of India will provide educational and professional opportunities for Indianstudents to complete the final two years oftheir undergraduate programs in business,information technology, bioengineering,education and media at CLU. It will alsoopen the door to domestic CLU studentswho wish to study in South Asia.It is not only interesting and desirable for our students to be conversant inP R E S I D E N T ’ SA. Joseph Everson, Ph.D.Interim Provost and Dean of the FacultyPHOTODISC BLUECLU AdministrationLuther S. Luedtke, Ph.D.University Presidento c i e t y ,” w eIndian and SouthThe partnership with sareengaged inAsian culture, polprogr a m s t h atitics and economIndia is but one ofwill prepareics – it is imperaour students totive. During much several internationalbe conver s a ntof t he pa st t woprograms we areand compasdecades we havefocused on thesionate citizenscurrently fosteringEuropean Unionof t he world .at Cal Lutheran.and NAFTAExamples of(North Americanthe internationFree Trade Alliance) as emergent part- alization taking place at CLU includeners and competitors to the United States. the International MBA program, whichWith a speed few of us imagined, China brings students from around the world toand India are now emerging as the socio- study on our campus; new study abroadprograms that will debut next fall ineconomic giants of the new century.Along the whole spectrum from phi- Mexico and Tanzania; winter sessionlosophy, religion, art and literature to study tours that transport students andcomputer science, medicine and media, faculty to all points of the globe; andour students will have an opportunity ongoing study, internship and exchangeto f ind themselves in f irsthand associa- programs in Thailand, Sweden, Germany,tion with the people and culture of India. Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong and elseThese contacts will occur through greatly where.expanded “Study India” programs for ourWe live in a global society. It is criticalcurrent students and through a significant that our students be prepared to confrontnumber of Indian students who will be the possibilities and challenges of the 21ststudying at CLU.century. Internationalization is a high priThe partnership with India is but one ority for the University. We will continueof several international programs we are to pursue opportunities to expand ourcurrently fostering at CLU. True to our students’ world knowledge while enrichmission to “educate leaders for a global ing their personal and professional lives.SPRING20055

H I G H L I G H T SH I G H L I G H T SERIK HAGEN ’05isitors to Cal Lutheran are finding it much easier to get tocampus these days thanks to a series of new directional signserected by the City of Thousand Oaks.Numbering some 15 in all, the signs direct travelers to CLUfrom the 101 and 23 freeways as well as major crossroads withinthe city. “The city has been extremely supportive of this endeavor,especially Mayor Pro Tem Dennis Gillette,” relates Ritch Eich,Vice President for Marketing and Communications, who spearheaded the process for the University.Eich also pointed out that Caltrans approved the University’srequest for signage on the US 101 and Lynn Road offramps.Once visitors arrive on campus, they can receive directionsby stopping by the Welcome Center or consulting the brightlypainted maps.or the fourth year in a row, KCLU walked away with themost “Golden Mike” awards of any radio station in SouthernCalifornia in ceremonies held in January. CLU’s National PublicRadio station was honored in 10 “Division B” categories by theSouthern California Radio Television News Association.Among the most meaningful awards was “Best News Special”for the team effort of covering the Ventura County firestorms of2004. KCLU Program Director Jim Rondeau was honored for thefirst time individually with a “Best Public Affairs Program” awardfor his work on “CrossTalk,” a public affairs show covering localand regional issues, and News Director Lance Orozco won several awards for news reporting. President Luther Luedtke and VicePresident and Mrs. Ritch Eich represented CLU at this event.KCLU broadcasts to Ventura and Santa Barbara counties on88.3 FM and 102.3 FM.Listen to KCLU’s award winning news, and Jim Rondeau’s“CrossTalk” online at www.kclu.orgCLUMAGAZINEplease visit the institute’s Virtual Campus or the institute’shome page at For additional information about any of CLU’s MBAprograms, please call (888) CLU-GRAD or(818) 710-8428.A Special Site forNeighbors and VisitorsCheck out our new Neighbors and Visitorssite where you’ll find links to maps thatmake it easy to find and navigate CLU’svarious campuses, information on lifelonglearning opportunities available on campus,numerous ways to become involved in thelife of the University, a dynamic new EventsCalendar, and much more.See all of the exciting new features.Please visit www.clunet.eduThe Rev. Howard Wennes, D.Div.,has been selected as Assistant to thePresident for UniversityMinistries and Directorof Church Relations atCLU.In his new post,We n n e s h a s m a j o rresponsibility for sustaining and extendingthe University’s multiple relationships withthe ELCA, especially the 800 congregationsof Region II, which includes California,Hawaii, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, NewMexico, Utah, and portions of Wyomingand Texas. In collaboration with the officeof Campus Ministries and the SegerhammarCenter for Faith and Culture, he also plays aleading role in CLU’s new international andecumenical alliances.Sparky Anderson Stadium and Field – Work on thebaseball field is expected to start in July and should be complete forthe 2006 baseball season.Samuelson Aquatics Center – This facility should also beopen by fall 2006.Grace Hall – The construction of the 180-bed residence hasshifted to finish work. The project is poised for a successful fall2005 opening.New School of Ed DeanInterim Dean NamedTTerence R. Cannings, Ed.D. has beenappointed Dean of the School ofEducation, effective July 1. For the pastthree years, Dr. Cannings has served asDean of the School ofEducation and Behavioral Sciences at AzusaPacific Univer-sity. Priorto that, he served fornine years as AssociateDean of Education atPepperdine University.A native of Australia, Cannings did hisundergraduate work at the University ofNew England and earned his M.Ed. fromthe University of Sydney. He completedhis Ed.D. at UCLA in 1980. The recipient of numerous awards and citations, andhas published widely on topics relating topublic education, especially on the use ofnew media and online programs.imothy Hengst ’72, who has servedas an associate professor and Chair ofthe Multimedia Department since 2001, hasbeen named Interim Dean of the Collegeof Arts and Sciences fora two-year period beginning June 1.Prior to his appointment at CLU, Hengstwas a member of thefaculty at Johns HopkinsUniversity where hereceived his master’s in medical and biological illustration from Johns HopkinsUniversity School of Medicine. The firstrecipient of CLU’s Career AchievementAward in 1978, he has also worked in theprofessional fields of medical illustration,graphic design and multimedia project management.ERIK HAGENCLU has launched an online MBA and certificate programs in financial planning. Thefirst online MBA financial planning programto be offered in the nation, the courses areavailable through CLU’snew California Instituteof Finance.“The online program will allow professionals from throughoutthe global communityto earn a degree fromour already wellrespected program,”says Ronald Hagler, Ph.D., Director of CLU’sMBA Program. A master of science in financial planning through traditional classroomwork is also being offered.The California Institute of Finance(CIF) was inaugurated to provide qualityfinancial planning education programs andresearch oppor tunities well beyond theregion, according to Somnath Basu, Ph.D.,CIF director.U n i q u e l y, t h einstitute has been created to serve the needsof three constituentgroups: those whowant to pursue a financial planning degreeand certification; thosewho are dedicated toresearch in the field offinancial planning; and those who are interested in participating in professional development programs.For more information about the CIFor the new online MBA in financial planning,Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center – Final preparationof the building pad has begun with the building scheduled to openin fall 2006.BRIAN STETHEMClick Online for New MBAERIK HAGENWWW.CLUNET.EDU HAS MORE TO BROWSE ABOUTOld Friend of CLUAssumes New RoleAPPOINTMENTSosa Parks, 91, whose name is synonymous with a courageousact of civil disobedience, received an Honorary Doctor ofLaws degree from CLU during a special convocation ceremonyin February.Parks has become a public figure in the United States for asimple but courageous act of civil disobedience in Montgomery,Ala., in 1955. Frustrated by repeated acts of racial discrimination,she simply refused at the end of a long day of work to give up herseat on a public bus for a white passenger when ordered to doso by the driver. Her arrest led directly to the Montgomery BusBoycott that continued throughout the following year.The honorary degree was accepted for Ms. Parks by her cousin, Agnes McClain, who works in the Southwest California Synodoffice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.MICHAEL L. ADAMS ’72RDespite Southern California’s unusually wet weather, substantialprogress has been made with major portions of rough grading andstorm water drainage complete. With no further major delays, parking, paving, and underground utilities can be complete by July.C A M P U SFERIK HAGEN ’05Winners all, from left, are KCLU staff members and supportersLance Orozco, KCLU News Director; Brian Webb, on-air volunteer;Mary Olson, station General Manager; Jim Rondeau, Program Director; and Luther Luedtke, CLU President.A Simple Act That Changed the WorldERIK HAGEN ’05C A M P U SCampus Construction UpdateVON THE WEB6KCLU Scores a Perfect 10Cal Lutheran Is That-a-WaySPRING20057

wo major foundations recently madesignificant gifts to support the newGilbert Sports and Fitness Center.The Ahmanson Foundation, a longtime supporter of CLU in all areas ofphilanthropy, primarily in capital andscholarship fund giving, has presented a 500,000 grant to the University to outfit the Exercise Physiology/BiomechanicsLaboratory in the Gilbert Sports andFitness Center. The laboratory is a vitalcomponent in the education of studentspursuing a major in Exercise Science andSports Medicine.The Weingart Foundation of LosAngeles has awarded a 500,000 granttoward the construction of the 96,000square-foot Gilbert Sports and FitnessCenter. This is the sixth grant that CLUhas received from the Weingart Foundation.In 2001, the foundation awarded theUniversity a 750,000 grant toward theconstruction of the Spies-BornemannCenter for Education and Technology.The Gilbert Sports and Fitness Centeris the centerpiece of the 24 million athletics complex, which is currently underconstruction. The center will house twogymnasiumS as well as classrooms, laboratories, a fitness center, dance studio, faculty/coach offices, the Lundring EventsCenter, the CLU Alumni Association Hallof Fame and the Ventura County SportsHall of Fame.CLUMAGAZINECalifornia Lutheran University has beenhosting a series of breakfasts to bringtogether the region’s civic and businessleaders to better aquaint them with theUniversity.Prominent business leaders who havebeen featured speakers at the CorporateLeaders Breakfast Series include ThomasGlanzmann, President of Baxter BioScience;Denny Weinberg, Executive Vice Presidentof WellPoint Health Networks; Duke Potts,Executive Vice President of Technicolor;Harold Edwards, President and CEO ofLimoneira Company; Peter Nolan, Presidentof Dole North American Operations; andDennis Fenton, Executive Vice President ofOperations for Amgen.The speaker for the May breakfast,sponsored by Merrill Lynch - WestlakeVillage, will be Stephen Goodall, Presidentand CEO of J.D. Power and Associates.Merril Lynch also sponsored the Februarybreakfast.Technology Lab forStudents with DisabilitiesCLU received 25,000 to develop anadaptive technology lab that will servestudents with disabilities. The grant fromthe Verizon Foundation, the philanthropicarm of the nation’s largest local telecommunications provider, will aid the Center forAcademic and Accessibility Resources increating a learning environment with stateof the-art software and technology.Paul Eugene Overton, longtimefriend and suppor ter of CLU,passed away on Nov. 30 at hishome in San Diego. He retired in1991 after serving 18 years as SanDiego County Superior Cour tJudge. He and his wife, Naomi, weregenerous donors to the Universityas evidenced by the name ofOverton Hall, the stained glass windows of Samuelson Chapel, twoendowed scholarships, and thefuture Overton drive on the NorthCampus. He is survived by his wifeof 58 years, son Paul, daughtersRebecca France (CLU ’72) andMary Caldwell, and six grandchildren. Daughter Tina Brende (CLU’70) passed away in 2002. Memorialdonations may be made to thePaul Over ton Nor th CampusFund or the Fredrickson-Over tonScholarship at CLU.H I G H L I G H T SSCOTT FLANDERSElizabeth “Betsy” Kocher passedaway Nov. 25 in Thousand Oaksafter a lengthy battle with cancer.She began working at CLU in 1974in the Health Services Office andtransferred to the Financial AidOffice in 1981. She was appointeddirector in 1990 and served in thatposition for 10 years before stepping down in 2000. She continuedto ser ve as a financial aid officer until her death. Her husband,Rober t, succumbed to a strokeshortly after her passing. They aresurvived by sons Brian and James(CLU ‘86); daughter Susan Bliss(CLU ‘89); and five grandchildren.Donations may be made to theBob and Betsy Kocher MemorialFund at CLU.The CLU women’s basketball teamreclaimed the SCIAC championship with an 81-55 win overPomona-Pitzer on Feb. 21. Thewin earned them a berth in the NCAADivision III Tournament and a first-roundmatch-up against Chapman University. Itwas the Regals’ fifth all-time trip to theNCAA postseason. The last time they wentwas in 2000.After being defeated by Chapman 8267 in regular season play, the Regals won15 of their last 16 games, finishing 18-7overall and 13-1 in the SCIAC. Hoping toavenge their earlier loss to Chapman, theRegals suffered a disappointing 72-65 lossto end their tournament bid.S P O R T STBusiness for BreakfastBack on TOPPina named SCIAC Women’sBasketball Player of the YearValerie Pina was selected the SCIAC Women’sBasketball Player of the Year for 2004-05. The seniorguard from Valencia, Calif., finished the seasonaveraging 15.0 points (second in SCIAC) and 3.3assists (third in SCIAC) per game. Pina’s 1.49 assist toturnover ratio ranked number one in the conference.The guard ranked fourth among three-point shooters in the conference with a .337 percentage as wellas fourth in free throw percentage (.821).Stroot CollectsWeekly HonorsJunior forward Lauren Stroot from Camarillo, Calif.,led the team in scoring during the season with 18.1FINISHLINE.COM, BILL HUGHESGrants Add Muscleto Fitness CenterFundraising Effortspollutants to North America.The funds will ultimately aid in developing a model to predict the fate andtransport of organic pollutants in CentralAmerica and other areas that are adversely affected by pesticide use, says Alegria,a native of Belize and Director of CLU’sEnvironmental Science Program.The Rev. Verner Carlsen passedaway on Oct. 8 in Solvang. He wasa Lutheran pastor and a member ofthe first Convocation of CaliforniaLutheran College. He also servedon the Board of Regents duringthe 1960s. He is sur vived by hiswife, Mildred, daughter Judith Hoefs(CLU ’66), son William (CLU ’71),six grandchildren and one greatgrandchild.FINISHLINE.COM, BILL HUGHESHenr y Alegria, Ph.D., the StaufferProfessor of Chemistr y at CLU,has signed a 35,000 agreement withthe Commission for EnvironmentalCooperation (CEC) to conduct pollutionresearch in Central America and Mexico.Alegria has been researching the atmospheric transport of organic pollutants inCentral America and Mexico for severalyears. In collaboration with researchers inCanada and Mexico as well as with assistance from CLU students, Alegria will usethese CEC funds to set up a network ofsamplers to measure levels of pesticides andto determine their atmospheric transportpathways. In addition, the results will helpclarify if the regions are sources of organicIN MEMORIAMH I G H L I G H T SC A M P U S8Tracking Down Pollutantspoints per game. She was named a SCIAC Athlete ofthe Week Feb. 17 and selected to the D3hoops.comTeam of the Week. She was also named to the AllSCIAC First Team.SPRING20059

PLAY BALL!Forward Ryan Hodges’ record-breaking 63 points against Redlands on Jan. 15 put him in the NCAADivision III record books with the third highest score ever. It was also the most points scored by any DivisionI, II or III player to that point in the season. His 29 field goals tied the Division III record. His performanceearned him SCIAC Athlete of the Week and Team of the Week honors. He finished the seasonranked second in the nation with a .685 field goal percentage. Postseason honors included being named to theAll-SCIAC First Team and awarded the Ted Ducey Sportsmanship Award.defensive lineman Quinn Longhurst of SaltLake City, Utah. Nationally ranked in several statistical categories, Longhurst was named to theFootball Gazette’s All-American Third Team andAll-West Region First Team, and was a All-American Honorable Mention selection. Hewas named All-SCIAC First Team after leading theconference in sacks per game, tackles for losses pergame and forced fumbles.MAGAZINEFINISHLINE.COM, BILL HUGHESFINISHLINE.COM, BILL HUGHESHeather WordenSCIAC CrossCountry ChampCLUBredesen CLU’sFirst Water PoloAll-AmericanCAll-SCIAC SelectionsPlayer of the YearValerie Pina (women’s basketball)First TeamGreg Allen (men’s soccer)Christie Barker (volleyball)Brian Blevins (men’s soccer)Sean Brosnan (football)David Garza (football)Ryan Hodges (men’s basketball)Quinn Longhurst (football)Katherine Miljour (women’ssoccer)Prentice Reedy (football)Katie Schneider (volleyball)Lauren Stroot (women’sbasketball)Danielle White (women’ssoccer)Heather Worden (cross country)Second TeamMike Argo (football)Scott Bredesen (men’s waterpolo)Danielle Erquiaga (women’ssoccer)The full-size field, future home to ConejoTex Ward, left, general manager of the Conejoal Lutheran has its first-ever AllAmerican in men’s water polo as ScottBredesen was named to the CollegiateWater Polo Association’s Second Team. Thefreshman from Redondo Beach tallied 98goals and 19 assists over the 2004 season.He led the Kingsmen in goals, was thirdin assists and second in steals with 66. Hewas also named to the All-SCIAC SecondTeam.POST SEASON RECOGNITIONEnd-of-season honors rolled in for seniorWhen Heather Worden finishedfirst i

California Lutheran University. The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect California Lutheran University policies. CLU Magazine is published by: California Lutheran University 60 West Olsen Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-2787 Phone: (805) 493-3151 California Lutheran University is accredited .

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