ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance

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PID0753 REVO 1205ANZ MatureChoiceHome InsuranceIn case you need to make a claim, tearoff the cards below and place in yourcar, wallet and at home.ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance is underwritten by CGU InsuranceLimited ABN 27 004 478 371 AFSL 238291 (CGU Insurance).ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance24 hr/7 daysClaims Assistance ServiceCall 1300 306 497Call 1300 306 497For more information or a quote: Call ANZ Insurance on 1800 062 660, weekdays from 8am to 8pm(Sydney time)ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance24 hr/7 daysClaims Assistance Service Visit 1300 306 497 for 24 hour claims service.Call 1300 306 No: 81923 Version: 08/2007ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance24 hr/7 daysClaims Assistance ServiceANZ MatureChoice Home InsuranceProduct Disclosure Statement and PolicyDate: August 2007Insurer: CGU Insurance LimitedABN 27 004 478 371AFSL 238291An IAG Company.

ANZ MatureChoiceHome InsuranceIf you need to make a claim, you can rest assured thatwe’ll look after you.For help, please call 1300 306 497. We’ll need toknow the Policy holder’s name, telephone numberyou are calling from, Policy Number and details ofwhat happened.If you are unable to ring reverse charges, phone usand tell us the telephone number you are calling fromand we will ring you straight back.24 hr/7 daysClaims Assistance Service1300 306 497NamePolicy No.PlanIssue DateNote: This card does not guarantee the payment of any claims.24 hr/7 daysClaims Assistance Service1300 306 497NamePolicy No.PlanIssue DateNote: This card does not guarantee the payment of any claims.24 hr/7 daysClaims Assistance Service1300 306 497NamePolicy No.PlanIssue DateNote: This card does not guarantee the payment of any claims.

Why ANZ MatureChoiceHome Insurance?ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance provides comprehensive protectionfor your home and belongings and offers these great benefits: ew for old replacement for most contents – We’ll cover loss orNdamage to most contents and replace them as new. Valuable items – We will automatically cover some valuable items,such as jewellery, sporting equipment and portable electronicequipment, as part of the Contents cover. Choice of cover – You can protect your building or contents or both! Efficient claims process – Our 24 hour/7 days claims assistanceservice are always ready to help.Plus, ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance offers: Pay monthly at no extra cost by Direct Debit or credit card Discounts off your premium when:– you take out Building and Contents cover together– your property is fitted with approved security systems p to three months bonus cover – Available during your settlementUperiod Choice of cover types and excesses to suit your needs E arn Bonus Reward Points by paying with your ANZ card (ANZ FrequentFlyer Visa, ANZ Rewards Visa and ANZ First/ANZ Gold participating inthe Sphere program).Any questions?Call the ANZ Insurance Centre on 1800 062 660, weekdays from 8am to8pm (Sydney time).

ContentsWhy choose ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance?The purpose of this PDS2Choice of covers3Buildings coverWhat buildings we protectWhen your buildings are protected445Contents coverWhat contents we can protect and how much will be paidWhat valuables we can protect and how much will be paidWhere we will cover youWhen your contents are protected1010131415Additional covers20Liability coverGeneralWhen your buildings are a total lossFor committee members31323333Optional covers you can add to your PolicyStrata Title Mortgagee ProtectionDomestic Workers’ CompensationOther ValuablesSpecial Valuables3435353636Exclusions to your coverBuildings, Contents, Valuables andStrata Title Mortgagee ProtectionLiabilityGeneral exclusions37Your responsibilities to usYour duty of disclosureYour responsibilities when you are insured with usYour responsibilities when you are making a claimIf you do not meet your responsibilities4040424343383839

Our commitment to youThe General Insurance Code of PracticeOur GuaranteesHow we handle your personal information44444444How to take out ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance46How to renew your cover47How to cancel your Policy48How to change your Policy49Your premium50How to make a claim51How we settle claimsHow we settle a Buildings claimHow we settle a Contents or Valuable items claim525253How to resolve a complaint or dispute55Glossary of words with a special meaning56

The purpose of this PDS2 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – The purpose of this PDSThis Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) has been designed to help youunderstand ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance so you can get the mostout of your Policy.This PDS contains detailed information on ANZ MatureChoice HomeInsurance, including when you are covered, when you are not covered,and maximum cover limits. We have also included a glossary onpage 56 to describe words with a special meaning.When you take out ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance, we agree toprovide the cover described in your current Schedule and this PDS,as well as any Supplementary PDS we may issue. Together, they makeup the terms and conditions of your home insurance contract with us.We recommend that you read them carefully and store them togetherin a safe place.

Choice of coversYou can tailor your insurance and take out either a Buildings Policy, a Contents Policy, or acombined Buildings and Contents Policy.1. Buildings coversChoose either: MatureCover (Listed Events) provides cover for loss or damage to buildings resulting from theevents listed on pages 4–9. For example, your building will be covered for storm damage. MatureCover Plus (Accidental Damage) provides cover for any accidental loss or damageto your buildings plus a range of events under specific conditions listed on pages 4–9. Forexample, if you accidentally cut a tree branch and it falls on your roof.2. Contents coversChoose either: MatureCover (Listed Events) provides cover for loss or damage to contents resulting fromthe events listed on pages 15–19. For example, your contents will be covered for theft. MatureCover Plus (Accidental Damage) provides cover for any accidental loss or damageto contents plus a range of events under specific conditions listed on pages 15–19. Forexample, if you accidentally damage your television you will be covered.3. Optional coversANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance covers you for legal liability and also provides a range ofoptional covers that you can add to your policy: Strata Title Mortgagee Protection Domestic Workers’ Compensation extend your Valuables cover.Your choice of Buildings and/or Contents cover and any optional covers you have selected willbe listed on your current Schedule.3 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Choice of coversANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance provides you with a choice of cover for your buildings andcontents. You can mix and match the covers so you can receive the protection you need.

Buildings coverWhat buildings we protect4 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Buildings coverWe will cover residential buildings, their fixtures and fittings and any structural improvementsat your home (limits apply).Buildings cover includesBuildings cover does not includeResidential buildings that you live in, includingany professional offices or surgeries in thosebuildingsBuildings that a tenant is liable for under the termsof a rental agreementDomestic outbuildings, e.g. garden shedLawnFixed coverings to walls, floors and ceilingsF ixed carpets, curtains or internal blinds (refer topage 10 for Contents cover)Infrastructure for the supply of services, includingelectricity, gas, water, internet and telephoneItems built in, fixed to, or on the buildings,e.g. an in-built air conditionerBlinds or awnings on the outside ofthe buildingsTrees, plants or shrubs (refer to page 12for conditions)Anything permanently built, constructed orinstalled on your property for domestic purposes,including in-ground swimming pools and spas

When your buildings are protectedWe will provide cover for any damage or loss to your buildings up to the sum insured. Thespecific conditions when your buildings will be covered are listed in the below table and thesum insureds will be confirmed on your Schedule. Please note, any cover we provide is subjectto exclusions outlined on page 37–39.CoverWe will coverAccidentaldamageAny accidental damage or loss.AccidentalglassbreakageBurglary,break-in, theftor attemptedtheftMatureCover MatureCover(ListedPlusEvents)(AccidentalDamage) 3Fixed glass in your buildings,including any window tintingor shatter proofing materialattached to the glass.33Fixed shower bases, basins,sinks, spas, baths and toilets.33 ny loss or damage as a resultAof a burglary or break-in, or anattempted burglary or breakin. The burglary or break-in, orattempted burglary or break-in,must be reported to the Police.33Loss or damage as a result oftheft or attempted theft. Thetheft or attempted theft mustbe reported to the Police.We won’t coverLoss or damage as a resultof a burglary or break-in bya tenant.Loss or damage as a resultof theft:33 from any part of thebuildings which you sharewith another person whois not insured underthis Policy by a tenant.5 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Buildings coverIf you make a claim, you must pay any excesses that apply. You will only need to pay thisamount once for each event.

When your buildings are protected (continued)CoverWe will cover6 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Buildings coverBurning out(fusion) of anelectric motorCost to repair or replace yourelectric motor if it burns outor fuses.Deliberate orintentionalactsLoss or damage as a result of adeliberate or intentional act.L oss or damage as a result of afire or an explosion.Cost to repair or replaceyour electric motor if it isolder than 15 years old.3Loss or damage asresult of a deliberate orintentional act by you, atenant or someone elseacting on your behalf.33L oss or damage as a resultof an earthquake if theloss or damage occurslater than 72 hours ofthe earthquake.3333Loss or damage caused by abushfire or grassfire that occurswithin 48 hours of the startdate of your Policy only if youtook out your insurance with usimmediately after: another insurance policycovering the same buildingsexpired, without a breakin cover the risk passed to you aspurchaser of your buildings you signed a lease contractfor your buildings.We won’t cover333Earthquake or Loss or damage as a result oftsunamian earthquake or tsunami. Youmust pay an additional excessof 250.Fire orexplosionMatureCover MatureCover(ListedPlusEvents)(AccidentalDamage)

CoverMatureCover MatureCover(ListedPlusEvents)(AccidentalDamage)L oss or damage as a result ofan impact caused by:L oss or damage that iscaused by any animal orbird eating, chewing,clawing or pecking. an aircraft, spacecraft orsatellite, or anything droppedfrom them a falling television or radioantenna mast or dish33Cost of removing and disposingof the fallen tree or parts.33 amage caused when you, orDsomeone else acting on yourbehalf, cuts down or removesbranches from a tree. 333 vehicles or watercraft an animal or bird that is notkept at your home a falling tree or part of a tree.Landslide orsubsidenceL oss or damage as a result of alandslide or subsidence if theloss or damage occurs within72 hours of: an earthquake or explosion storm, including rainwateror windWe won’t cover liquid escaping from a fixedpipe or an object attached toa pipe, fixed gutter, fixed tankor a drain.Lightning orthunderboltL oss or damage as a result of alightning strike or thunderbolt.33Riots or civilcommotionLoss or damage as a resultof riots, civil commotion,or industrial or politicaldisturbances.337 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Buildings coverImpactdamageWe will cover

When your buildings are protected (continued)Cover8 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Buildings coverStorm,rainwater orwindWe will coverMatureCover s or damage as a resultof storm (including namedcyclone), rainwater or wind.We won’t coverWater entering yourbuildings:33 through an openingmade for any building,renovation or repair work because of a structuraldefect, faulty design orfaulty workmanshipwhen your buildingswere constructed.Flood.L oss or damage caused by anamed cyclone within 48 hoursof the start date of your Policyif you took out your insurancewith us immediately after: another insurance policycovering the same buildingsexpired, without a breakin coverSwimming pool covers,including solar covers andplastic liners.33 the risk passed to you aspurchaser of your buildings you signed a lease contractfor your buildings.F ree-standing fences madeof corrugated fibrousmaterial that do not have asupporting frame, but only ifthey have been installed andconstructed according to themanufacturer’s specifications.Vandalism ora maliciousactL oss or damage as a result ofvandalism or a malicious act.3333Free-standing gates,fences or walls that aremade of timber and aremore than 15 years old.Loss or damage as aresult of vandalism or amalicious act by a tenant.

CoverWe will coverMatureCover er orL oss or damage caused byliquid damage water or liquid escaping from:Loss or damage caused by: landslide or subsidenceunless we agree tocover the event asdescribed under‘Landslide or subsidence’33 a washing machine ordishwasher water entering yourbuildings either:– through an openingmade for any building,renovation or repair work an aquarium– because of a structuraldefect, faulty designor faulty workmanshipwhen your buildingswere constructed. a waterbed.Loss or damage caused bywater or liquid other than asspecified above.Loss or damage caused by: flood landslide or subsidenceunless we agree to coverthe event as describedunder ‘Landslide orsubsidence’ 3 water entering yourbuildings either:– through an openingmade for any building,renovation or repair work– because of a structuraldefect, faulty designor faulty workmanshipwhen your buildingswere constructed.Cost of finding where thewater or liquid escaped from,including the cost of repairingany damage that occurs whilelooking for the cause.33Cost of repairing the itemthat caused the escape ofwater or liquid.9 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Buildings cover flood a fixed pipe or an objectattached to a pipe, fixedgutter, fixed tank or a drain a bath, basin, sauna, spa,shower base or shower wall,sink, toilet or tiled floor thathas drainage holesWe won’t cover

Contents cover10 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Contents coverWhat contents we can protect and how much willbe paidWe will cover the following household goods or personal effects that: are not fixed or fitted to buildings and you own or are legally responsible for.

When you take out a Contents Policy, you must nominate the replacement value of yourcontents at today’s prices. This is called your ‘sum insured’ and is listed on your Schedule.Please note that these limits are subject to the condition of your tenancy agreement.There are set maximum amounts that we will pay per content item when you make a claim. Allamounts are inclusive of GST and are included in your contents sum insured.Contents includeContents does not includeAccessories and spare parts for motor vehicles,motorcycles, mini-bikes, caravans, trailers andwatercraft that are not in or on themMotor vehicles, caravans, trailers or aircraft The most we will pay:– MatureCover (Listed Events): 1,000 in total– MatureCover Plus (Accidental Damage): 1,500 in totalAnimals, including birds and fishBuilding materials to be installedCarpets, curtains or internal blindsClothing and personal effectsComputer softwareHousehold goods that are not used for earningan incomeFixtures and fittings that you have installed foryour own use if you are a tenant, or the owner of astrata title unitFixtures and fittings you have installed for yourown use if you are a tenant, or the owner of astrata title unit, if the body corporate or similarbody has insured themFilm, slides and prints and equipment fordeveloping and enlarging photographsCosts of recreating any event featured on films,slides or printsFurniture and furnishings that are not built inGoods you use to earn an income at your home The most we will pay: 5,000 in totalHearing aidsItems thinly covered with gold or silver that arenot jewellery or watchesUnset precious/semi-precious stonesInternal ceiling, floors, walls, doors and windowsif you are the owner of a strata title unit and thebody corporate or similar body has not insuredthemInternal ceiling, floors, walls, doors and windowsif you the owner of a strata title unit and the bodycorporate or similar body has insured them11 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Contents coverFor any one content item, pair, set, collection or system or content items, the most we will pay is 20,000, unless another amount is listed in the table below. If another amount is listed, that isthe most we will pay.

What contents we can protect and how much will be paid (continued)Contents includeContents does not includeLandlords’ fixtures and fittings you are liable forunder the terms of a rental agreementLandlords’ fixtures and fittings you are liable forunder the terms of a rental agreement if the bodycorporate or similar body has insured themMedia purchased online, e.g. music, software,and videos12 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Contents coverModel or toy aircraftMoney and negotiable documents The most we will pay:– MatureCover (Listed Events): 750 in total– MatureCover Plus (Accidental Damage): 1,200 in totalOffice and surgery equipment you use to earnan income The most we will pay: 10,000 in totalPaintings and prints, tapestries, Persian or similarrugs, antiques and any other works of artPedal cyclesPedal cycles while they are being used for racingor pacemakingPlants or trees growing in pots or tubsPlants and trees growing outdoors in the groundPortable domestic appliances that are not built inSurfboards, sailboards and surf skisSwimming pools, saunas and spas that are notbuilt in and their accessoriesTapes, cassettes, cartridges and discsCosts of recording or recreating any event orinformation featured on the tapes, cassettes,cartridges and discsUnregistered motorcycles or mini-bikes up to125 cc that do not require registration by law R egistered motorcycles or mini-bikes U nregistered motorcycles or mini-bikes up to 125 cc(that do not require registration by law) when theyare being used for racing or pacemaking Unregistered motorcycles or mini-bikes over 125 ccUnregistered motorised golf buggies, ride-onmowers and wheelchairsValuable items (refer pages 13–14 for whatvaluables are covered and how much we will pay)Watercraft less than four metres long that is notpowered by a motor, or is powered by a motorless than 10 hp, including items such as kayaksand canoes The most we will pay: 5,000 in total. W atercraft less than four metres long that ispowered by a motor of more than 10 hp W atercraft more than four metres long Jet skis

Increasing the amount we will pay for contents (excluding valuable items)You can increase the maximum amount we will pay for any one content item, pair, set,collection or system by nominating an amount that is higher than 20,000 (unless we havespecified a maximum amount in the table on pages 11–12). Your contents will be listed on yourSchedule as ‘Special Contents’.The valuable items we will protect under your contents cover are set out in the table below.There are set maximum amounts that we will pay for valuable items when you make a claim. Allamounts are inclusive of GST and are included in your contents sum insured.For MatureCover (Listed Events), we will pay up to 20% of the contents sum insured as listed onyour Schedule or 5,000 (inclusive of GST), whichever is the greater, in total for valuable items.For MatureCover Plus (Accidental Damage), we will pay up to 20% of the contents sum insuredas listed on your Schedule or 7,500 (inclusive of GST), whichever is the greater, in total forvaluable items.For any one item, pair, set, collection of system or valuable items, the most we will pay is 2,500 (inclusive of GST) per item other than sporting equipment.For any one item, pair, set, collection of system or sporting equipment, the most we will pay is 3,000 (inclusive of GST) per item.Valuables includeValuables does not includeBattery powered items as listed below:Camera equipment, including accessories andunprocessed film, that is being used underwateror to earn your income audio-visual equipment camera equipment, including accessories andunprocessed film electronic diaries or PDAs GPS CD or DVD players and media players, e.g. MP3s mobile or portable phones portable computersSporting equipmentCollections of stamps, money or medalsFursJewellery and watchesItems containing gold or silver (this does notinclude items thinly covered with gold or silver)Sporting equipment while it is being used13 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Contents coverWhat valuables we can protect and how much will be paid

What valuables we can protect and how much will be paid (continued)Increasing the amount we will pay for valuables14 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Contents coverYou can increase the total amount we will pay for your valuables by adding an Other Valuablesoption to your Policy. This amount is in addition to your contents sum insured. You can increasethe maximum amount we will pay for an individual valuable item by adding the SpecialValuables option to your Policy. This amount is in addition to your contents sum insured.Where we will cover youOutlined below are the locations and conditions when we will cover your contents for damageor loss.MatureCover (Listed Events)We will coverWe won’t coverYour contents at your home.Your contents at your home when they are not in abuilding that is fully enclosed and they suffer lossor damage as a result of: storm rainwater wind theft attempted theftto a maximum of 2,000. This limit does notapply to swimming pools, saunas or spas, or theiraccessories.The following contents away from home: accessories and spare parts for motor vehicles,motorcycles, mini-bikes, caravans, trailersand watercraft goods you use for earning an income office and surgery equipment you use forearning your income.Your contents away from home for up to 120 daysfor loss or damage as a result of storm, rainwater,wind or impact by a vehicle if they are: in a residential building, boarding house, motel,hotel, club room, nursing home, or hospitalwhere you are staying sporting equipment stored within a club room.Your contents for loss or damage as a result ofstorm, rainwater, wind, or impact by a vehicleif they are in a tent, vehicle, caravan, trailer,aircraft, or watercraft.Your contents away from home for up to 120 daysfor theft if they are sporting equipment locked ina clubroom.Your contents away from home that are stored in acommercial storage facility or whilst in transit if thedamage or loss occurs as a result of an event wehave agreed to cover.Your contents, if they have been removedpermanently from your home by you, unless wehave agreed to cover them.

MatureCover Plus (Accidental Damage)We won’t coverYour contents at your home.The following contents when they are awayfrom your home: accessories and spare parts for motorvehicles, motorcycles, mini-bikes, caravans,trailers and watercraft goods you use for earning an income office and surgery equipment you use forearning your income.Your contents away from your home, anywherein Australia and New Zealand, for up to 120consecutive days if the damage or loss occurs as aresult of an event we have agreed to cover.Your contents, if they have been removedpermanently from your home by you, unlesswe have agreed to cover them.Sporting equipment stored within a club room forover 120 consecutive days if the damage or lossoccurs as a result of an event we have agreed to cover.When your contents are protectedWe will provide cover for any damage or loss to your contents up to the sum insured.The specific conditions when your contents will be covered are listed in the below table.The sum insured will be confirmed on your Schedule. Any cover we provide is subject toexclusions outlined on page 37–39.If you make a claim, you must pay any excesses that apply. You will only need to pay thisamount once for each event.CoverWe will coverMatureCover identaldamageAny accidental damage or loss.AccidentalglassbreakageLoss or damage to: mirrors glassware crystal glass in furniture.33Accidental breakage of fixedshower bases, basins, sinks,spas, baths and toilets if youhave insured your contents andlive in a rented premise if you areresponsible for these items.33 We won’t cover3Any mirrors, glassware,crystal, crockery that havebeen damaged whilebeing used, cleaned orcarried by hand.15 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Contents coverWe will cover

When your contents are protected (continued)Cover16 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Contents in,theft orattemptedtheftWe will coverMatureCover MatureCover(ListedPlusEvents)(AccidentalDamage)An item when it is chipped orfractured through its entirethickness excluding glass that ispart of a television, or computerscreen or monitor.3 An item when it is chipped orfractured through its entirethickness including glass that ispart of a television, or computerscreen or monitor. 3L oss or damage as a result ofa burglary or break-in, or anattempted burglary or breakin. The burglary or break-in, orattempted burglary or break-in,must be reported to the Police.Loss or damage as a result oftheft or attempted theft. Thetheft or attempted theft must bereported to the Police.T heft of money or negotiabledocuments when force is notused by someone to enteryour buildings.Burning out(fusion) ofan electricmotorCost to repair or replace yourelectric motor if it burns outor fuses.DeliberateorintentionalactsLoss or damage as a result of adeliberate and intentional act.3333 33333We won’t coverLoss or damage as aresult of burglary orbreak-in by a tenant.Your contents for loss ordamage as a result of: theft from any part ofthe buildings whichyou share with anotherperson who is notinsured under this Policy theft by a tenant.Cost to repair or replaceyour electric motor if it is15 years old or older.Loss or damage asresult of a deliberate orintentional act bya tenant.

CoverEarthquakeor tsunamiImpactdamageLoss or damage as a result of anearthquake or tsunami. You mustpay an additional excess of 250.MatureCover oss or damage as a result of afire or an explosion.33L oss or damage caused by abushfire or grassfire that occurswithin 48 hours of the start dateof your Policy if you took out yourinsurance with us immediatelyafter another insurance policycovering the same contentsexpired, without a break in cover.33L oss or damage as a result of animpact caused by: an aircraft, spacecraft orsatellite, or anything droppedfrom them a falling television or radioantenna mast or dishWe won’t coverL oss or damage as aresult of an earthquakeif the loss or damageoccurs later than 72hours of the earthquake.Loss or damage that iscaused by any animalor bird eating, chewing,clawing or pecking.33Cost of removing and disposingof the fallen tree or parts.33Damage when you, or someoneelse acting on your behalf, cutsdown or removes branches froma tree. 3 v ehicles or watercraft a n animal or bird that is notkept at your home a falling tree or part of a tree.17 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Contents coverFire orexplosionWe will cover

When your contents are protected (continued)CoverLandslide orsubsidenceWe will cover18 ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance – Contents coverLoss or damage as a result of alandslide or subsidence if theloss or damage occurs within72 hours of: an earthquake or explosion storm, including rainwateror windMatureCover 3Riots or civil L oss or damage as a result of riots,commotion civil commotion, or industrial orpolitical disturbances.33Storm,rainwater or wind33We won’t cover liquid escaping from a fixed pipeor an object attached to a pipe,fixed gutter, fixed tank or a drain.Lightning orthunderboltLoss or damage as a result of alightning strike or thunderbolt.Loss or damage as a result ofstorm (including named cyclone),rainwater or wind.Swimming pool covers,including solar coversand plastic liners.Flood.Loss or damage caused by anamed cyclone within 48 hoursof the start date of your Policy ifyou took out your insurance withus immediately after anotherinsurance policy covering thesame contents expired, without abreak in cover.Vandalismor amaliciousactLoss or damage as a result ofvandalism or a malicious act.3333Water entering yourbuildings: through an openingmade for any building,renovation or repairwork because of a structuraldefect, faulty designor faulty workmanshipwhen your buildingswere constructed.Loss or damage as aresult of vandalism or amalicious act by a tenant.

CoverLoss or damage caused by wateror liquid escaping from: a fixed pipe or an objectattached to a pipe, fixed gutter,fixed tank or a drain a bath, basin, sauna, spa,shower base or shower wall,sink, toilet or tiled floor that hasdrainage holes a washing machine ordishwasher an aquarium a waterbed.MatureCover our contents for loss ordamage caused by: flood landslide or subsidenceunless we agree to coverthe event as describedunder ‘Landslide orsubsidence’ w ater entering yourbuildings either:– through an openingmade for any building,renovation or repairwork– because o

Home Insurance In case you need to make a claim, tear off the cards below and place in your car, wallet and at home. ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance is underwritten by CGU Insurance Limited ABN 27 004 478 371 AFSL 238291 (CGU Insurance). ANZ MatureChoice Home Insurance 24 hr/7 days Claims Assistance Service Call 1300 306 497

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