Unified Architecture FrameworkAn IntroductionISACA / AEA / DRIE Professional SeminarOttawa, 28th of January 2019Presented by:Robert Weisman, MSc, PEng, PMP, CDCEO Build The Vision an@uottawa.cawww.buildthevision.ca
Unified Architecture Framework (UAF)An Introduction - AbstractThe Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) is an extensive update of the NATOArchitecture Framework (NAF), UK Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework(MODAF) and US Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DODAF) thatprovides the viewpoints necessary to enable complex architectures to be developedand implemented.Some of the matters addressed include cyber-security, governance and enablescontinuous audit.The presentation will provide an overview of the UAF, an open standard, that isexpected to be used globally in defence as well as in many governments.
BiographyRobert Weisman, MSc, PEng, PMP, CDRobert Weisman MSc, PEng has been actively working in the fieldof Enterprise Architecture and Portfolio Management since the late1980’s in both public and private sector.Robert is also heavily involved in governance and audit in consultingand is Vice President of the Information Systems Audit and ControlAssociation (Ottawa Chapter). He has worked throughout theGovernment of Canada bringing business and technologystakeholders together.Robert has worked in Enterprise Architecture since 1993 in StrategicDirection in the Defence Information Services Organization and afterfive years joined CGI as a management consultant where he startedthe global EA practice.Robert is a civil / military engineer who also has completed Army staff college andundergraduate and graduate studies in Computer Science (artificial intelligence / decisionsupport). Currently Bob is Engineer in Residence, part-time professor and Phd candidate at theUniversity of Ottawa where he is studying in the multi-disciplinary domain of e-Business (eSociety, e-Management and e-Technology) specializing in the business of government. Hecreated and has taught the graduate EA Course at UofO since 2016, as well as teachingTOGAF 9.2 in Build The Vision Inc.
Agenda1.2.3.4.Introduction and ContextEA FundamentalsThe Unified Architecture FrameworkConcluding Material
Part 1Introduction and ContextISACA / AEA / DRIE Professional SeminarOttawa, 28th of January 2019Presented by:Robert Weisman, MSc, PEng, PMP, CDCEO Build The Vision an@uottawa.cawww.buildthevision.ca
What is the Unified Architecture Framework? The Unified Architecture Framework (UAF ) is a generic andcommercially orientated architecture framework based on work indefence domain by the Object Management Group (OMG) UAF defines ways of representing an enterprise architecture thatenables stakeholders to focus on specific areas of interest in theenterprise while retaining sight of the big picture. UAF meets the specific business, operational and systems-ofsystems integration needs of commercial and industrial enterprisesas well as the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), the UK Ministry ofDefence (MOD), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) andother defense organizations. Remember defence / defense has a huge supply chain of civilianproviders
Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) a systems engineering methodology that focuses oncreating and exploiting domain models as the primarymeans of information exchange between engineers,rather than on document-based information exchange. More recently, the focus has also started to coveraspects related to the model execution in computersimulation experiment, to further overcome the gapbetween the system model specification and therespective simulation software. As a consequence, the term modeling and simulationbased systems engineering (M&SBSE) has also beenused along with MBSE
Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) a software design approach for the developmentof software systems. provides a set of guidelines for the structuring ofspecifications, which are expressed as models. launched by Object Management Group (OMG) in2001. OMG focus for MDA is on forward engineering, i.e.producing code from abstract, human-elaboratedmodelling diagrams (e.g. class diagrams). Architecture-Driven Modernization’s objective isto produce standards for model-based reverseengineering of legacy systems.
Part 2EA FundamentalsISACA / AEA / DRIE Professional SeminarOttawa, 28th of January 2019Presented by:Robert Weisman, MSc, PEng, PMP, CDCEO Build The Vision an@uottawa.cawww.buildthevision.ca
The Three Components of EA(Also of Strategic Management EMBOK)ArchitectureA formal description of an enterprise,a. its component parts,b. their inter-relationships, andc. the principles and guidelines governing theirdesign andd. evolution over time.As-Is(BaselineArchitecture)Target ArchitectureImplementation andMigration Plan
COBIT 5 – Governance and Management Key AreasBusiness NeedsGovernanceEvaluateDirectManagement )Run(DSS)Monitor(MEA)
Why EA for Audit and Governence ?COBIT 5 Process Reference ModelProcesses for Governance of Enterprise ITEvaluate, Direct and MonitorEDM01 – EnsureGovernance FrameworkSetting and MaintenanceEDM02– EnsureBenefits DeliveryEDM03– Ensure RiskOptimizationEDM04– EnsureResource OptimizationEDM05– EnsureStakeholder TransparencyProcesses for Management of Enterprise ITAlign, Plan and OrganizeAPO01 ManageIT ManagementFrameworkAPO02 ManageStrategyAPO03 ManageEnterpriseArchitectureAPO04 ManageInnovationAPO05 ManagePortfolioAPO06 ManageBudget andCostsAPO08 ManageRelationshipsAPO09 ManageServiceAgreementsAPO10 ManageSuppliersAPO11 ManageQualityAPO12 ManageRiskAPO13 ManageSecurityBAI04 ManageAvailability andCapacityBAI05 ManageOrganizationalChangeEnablementBAI06 ManageChangesBuild, Acquire and ImplementBAI01 ManageProgrammesand ProjectsBAI02 ManageRequirementsDefinitionBAI03 ManageSolutionsIdentificationand BuildBAI08 ManageKnowledgeBAI09 ManageAssetsBAI10 ManageConfigurationDeliver, Service and SupportDSS01 ManageOperationsSlide12DSS02 ManageServiceRequests andIncidentsDSS03 ManageProblemsDSS04 ManageContinuityDSS05 ManageSecurityServicesDSS06 ManageBusinessProcessControlsAPO07 ManageHumanResourcesMonitor,Evaluate,and AssessMEA01 Monitor,Evaluate & AssessPerformance andConformanceBAI07 ManageChangeAcceptance andTransitioningMEA02 Monitor,Evaluate & Assessthe System ofInternal ControlsMEA03 Monitor,Evaluate & AssessCompliance withExternalRequirements
Different Dimensions to be Considered at DifferentLevels of AbstractionSlide s/ScopeList ofThingsList ofProcessesList ectureSUB-CONTRACTOROut of CTIONINGENTERPRISEDataFunctionNetwork Clive Finkelstein 2006 based on John Zachman 1987
Where the Traditional Architecture Domains ectives/ScopeList ofThingsList ofProcessesList ectureSUB-CONTRACTOROut of CTIONINGENTERPRISEDataFunctionNetworkSlide 14 Clive Finkelstein 2006 based on John Zachman LICATIONARCHITECTURETECHNOLOGYARCHITECTURE
The Zachman EA Frameworkand Levels of AbstractionWhatDataHow Where WhoWhenProcess Network PeopleTimeScope/Objectives(Strategic View)ContextualModel of BusinessConceptual(Owner’s View)Description of IS(Designer’s View)LogicalTechnology Model(Builder’s View)Detailed Description(Out-of-Context)Physical (Out of Context)Actual SystemOperating SystemSlide 15PhysicalWhyMotivation
Slide 16
DODAF 2 – Architecture ViewsSlide 17 Robert Weisman / Build The Vision 2011
KLP 31.1-3 (1)Basic Architecture ConceptsArchitectural artefacts are created in order to describe a system, solution, or state of theenterprise. TOGAF 9.2 has adapted ISO/IEC 42010: 2011 definitions.Crucial for Modeland ToolInteroperabilitySlide 18
KLP 31.2-2 (1)Architecture ViewpointExample ArchitectureViewThe Open GroupBusiness DomainsSlide 19Example View and Viewpoint
KLP 31.2-1 (2)Slide 20DODAF 2 – Architecture Views/ Presentation Techniques Robert Weisman / Build The Vision 2009
A Repository to Support All of GovernanceGovernanceDecision Support / AnalyticsRepositoryAs-IsServiceKnowledgeMgt SystemEvolvingPortfolioMgtSystemTargetEA
Part 3The Unified Architecture FrameworkISACA / AEA / DRIE Professional SeminarOttawa, 28th of January 2019Presented by:Robert Weisman, MSc, PEng, PMP, CDCEO Build The Vision an@uottawa.cawww.buildthevision.ca
Core Principles of the UAF Profile Requirements-driven:– UAFP is intended to satisfy the requirements. *** Domain meta model (DMM) driven: ***– The DMM was created first by domain experts and it served as a foundation for profiledevelopment. Reuse of existing specifications:– UAFP reuses UML/SysML wherever practical to satisfy the requirements and leverage featuresfrom both UML and SysML to provide a robust modeling capability. Partitioning:– The package is the basic unit of partitioning in this specification.– Packages partition the model elements into logical groupings that minimize circular dependenciesamong them. Compliance levels:– UAFP has a single compliance level based upon a combination of the reuse of UML and SysMLelements, this simplifies the implementation of UAFP compared to UPDM 2.x for tool vendors.– Is expected that the views that are created as a result of this profile have frames that reflect theunderlying SysML diagram type that is used as the basis for the view.– Also expected that the graphical notation used to display elements within those views correspondto the standard SysML graphical notation of the SysML/UML metaclass that the stereotypeextends. Interoperability– UAFP inherits the XMI interchange capability from UML.– The UAFP specification reuses a subset of UML 2 and provides additional extensions needed toaddress mandatory requirements.
Unified Architecture Framework – Object Management Group - 2016
The UAF Grid Logicbased on UAF Annex A – OMG 2016 View Types – Columns – Reflect generic perspectiveDomains – Rows – Reflect levels of abstraction and interestsViewpoints– Intersection set of View Types and Domains– Perspective on the problem space– For Stakeholders, Include WHAT is to presented and a MODEL on how it is to be presented; inUAF they use the System Modeling Language (SysML) which is an extension of the UnifiedModeling Language (UML).– Reflects the layers of abstraction, interest, as per Zachman– Somewhat analogous to a “report” in old speak– For the Grid, the viewpoints represent a de-conflicted view of the underlying model– Practically, used to populate the repository database– Overall Viewpoints can be whatever is needed by the stakeholders reflecting data in therepository Domains– Reflects the areas of concern for architects that are described in varying levels of abstraction– Grid captures the information required by the frameworks using the Unified ArchitectureFramework
Notes on The UAF Gridbased on UAF Annex A – OMG 2016 These viewpoints are architectural artifacts that contribute to the successin defining and developing an architecture. Viewpoints used to evaluate architecture behavior and constraints The information model is a column across the abstraction layers that canbe defined in any of its forms, i.e., Conceptual, Logical, or as a schema atany level of abstraction. Parameters column captures the measures and environments across thearchitecture in all the different layers of abstraction. Expectation is that:– physical schema model not be developed in the framework– any tool implementing the framework provides a means to import or link-torepresentations of the physical model such as XML schemas. Metadata Taxonomy viewpoint provides a placeholder for a means toextend the profile to other domains,– consequently there is not a specific diagramming type for Metadata Taxonomy
View Types - Columns Taxonomy– Presents all the elements as a standalonestructure.– Presents all the elements as a specializationhierarchy, provides a text definition for each oneand references the source of the element. Structure– Describes the definitions of the dependencies,connections, and relationships between thedifferent elements.
View Types – Columns - 2 Connectivity– Describes connections, relationships, and interactionsbetween the different elements. Processes– Captures activity based behavior and flows.– Describes activities, their Inputs/Outputs, activity actionsand flows between them. States– Captures state-based behavior of an element.– Is a graphical representation of states of a structuralelement and how it responds to various events andactions.
View Types – Columns - 3 Interaction Scenarios– Expresses a time ordered examination of the exchanges as aresult of a particular scenario.– Is a time-ordered examination of the exchanges betweenparticipating elements as a result of a particular scenario. Information– Address the information perspective on operational, service,and resource architectures.– Allows analysis of an architecture’s information and datadefinition aspect, without consideration of implementationspecific issues Parameters– Captures the measures and environments across thearchitecture in all the different layers of abstraction
View Types – Columns - 4 Constraints– Details the measurements that set performance requirementsconstraining capabilities.– Defines the rules governing behavior and structure. Roadmap– Addresses how elements in the architecture change over time.– Describes architecture elements at different points in time ordifferent periods of time. Traceability– Describes the mapping between elements in the architecture.– Can be between different viewpoints within domains as well asbetween domains.– Can also be between structure and behaviors.
Domains – Rows - 1 Metadata– Captures meta-data relevant to the entire architecture.– Provides information pertinent to the entire architecture.– Present supporting information rather than architectural models. Strategic– Capability management process.– Describes the capability taxonomy, composition, dependencies, andevolution– “Conceptual” Operational– Illustrates Logical Architecture of the enterprise.– Describes requirements, operational behavior, structure, andexchanges required to support (exhibit) capabilities.– Defines all operational elements in an implementation/solutionindependent manner
Domains – Rows - 2 Services– Service-Orientated View (SOV) is a description of servicesneeded to directly support the operational domain asdescribed in the Operational View.– A service within UK Defence Architecture Framework(MODAF) is understood in its broadest sense, as a unit ofwork through which a provider provides a useful result toa consumer.– DoDAF: The Service Views within the Services Viewpointdescribe the design for service-based solutions to supportoperational development processes (JCIDS) and DefenseAcquisition System or capability development within theJoint Capability Areas
Domains – Rows - 3 Personnel– Defines and explores organizational resource types.– Shows taxonomy of types of organizational resources as well asconnections, interaction, and growth over time. Resources– Captures a solution architecture consisting of resources, e.g.,organizational, software, artifacts, capability configurations, andnatural resources that implement the operational requirements. Security– Security assets and security enclaves.– Defines the hierarchy of security assets, asset owners, securityconstraints (policy, laws, and guidance) and details where theyare located (security enclaves)
Domains – Rows - 4 Projects– Describes projects and project milestones, how those projects delivercapabilities, the organizations contributing to the projects anddependencies between projects. Standards– MODAF: Technical Standards Views are extended from the core DoDAFviews to include non-technical standards such as operationaldoctrine, industry process standards, etc.– DoDAF: The Standards Views within the Standards Viewpoint are theset of rules governing the arrangement, interaction, andinterdependence of solution parts or elements. Actual Resources– The analysis, e.g., evaluation of different alternatives, what-if, tradeoffs, V&V on the actual resource configurations. Illustrates theexpected or achieved actual resource configurations
Be Careful Exposing SysML to Business
SysML Explanations – Good for Designers
NATO Architecture Framework V4 - Viewpoints
NAF V4 – Service Taxonomy Viewpoint
NAF V4 – Service Taxonomy Viewpoint
NAF V4 – Capability Taxonomy Viewpoint
NAF V4 – Capability Taxonomy Viewpoint
Part 4Concluding MaterialISACA / AEA / DRIE Professional SeminarOttawa, 28th of January 2019Presented by:Robert Weisman, MSc, PEng, PMP, CDCEO Build The Vision an@uottawa.cawww.buildthevision.ca
Conclusions UAF has a long pedigree in a very complexenvironment Linkage of concepts to execution– Constant direction of MDA and MBSE Language is technical but is business driven– SysML is not user friendly, redo diagrams– Look at the NATO Architecture Framework for business(and IM) friendly explanations This is future looking– Being extended for Internet of Things– Need for EAs to leverage– Great for auditors looking to place controls
QUESTIONS ?ISACA / AEA / DRIE Professional SeminarOttawa, 28th of January 2019Presented by:Robert Weisman, MSc, PEng, PMP, CDCEO Build The Vision an@uottawa.cawww.buildthevision.ca
The Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) is an extensive update of the NATO Architecture Framework (NAF), UK Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework . Architecture Physical Data Model Data Definition Data System Model Program Function Technology Architecture Network Architecture Network PLANNER Objectives/Scope OWNER Conceptual
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