10 Steps to Star ting aWedding Planning Business
Welcome!I'mKylie.My name is Kylie Carlson and I am lucky enough to be t he CEO of t he Academy.When I was a litt le girl I used to spend hours pulling out all my Mum?s best chinaand sett ing our dining room t able for dinner. Whenever she was host ing a dinnerparty it was my job to make t he t able look pretty, arrange t he flowers and ensuret hat everyt hing mat ched.I would spend hours pract icing folding napkins different ways and pouring overmagazines to find inspirat ion for my homemade t able décor.Was it any wonder I ended up planning and styling weddings for a living?Event s are in my blood. It ?s all I?ve ever known. I decided I want ed to have my ownevent s company and plan event s around t he world long before it was really acareer opt ion.When I told people what I want ed to do t hey would laugh and say t hings like ?Ist hat like a Tupperware Party Planner?or ?Can you actually have a career doingt hat?it was infuriat ing but I was det ermined to prove t hem wrong.Fast forward 26 years and not only did I prove t hem wrong, but I had a verysuccessful event product ion company in London working in venues like t heDorchest er, t he Rit z and t he Savoy. I t ravelled around t he world working wit hsome of t he best in t he indust ry and absolut ely loved it .STARTING A WEDDING PLANNING BUSINESS WWW.WEDDINGACADEMYGLOBAL.COM COPYRIGHT 2020
Aft er t en years I sold my company and moved to Aust ralia where I spent a year ast he Event Operat ions Director on Hayman Island planning event s on t he beach,around t he Hayman Pool and in t he Formal Gardens, it was amazing.And for t he last eleven years, I along wit h my t eam here at t he Academy have hadt he privilege of t raining over 3,500 student s to enjoy a career in t he indust ry Ilove. And t hey t ruly are my biggest achievement .To say t his indust ry has been good to me would be an underst at ement , buthere?s t he t hing, none of it was easy. There were no courses to t rain me in t hefiner det ails of event s, t here was no such t hing as Google and wedding planningwasn?t really a viable career. But I was absolut ely det ermined to make it work.If I can do it wit h t he odds st acked against me t hen you can too.Will it be hard work? Of course it will.Will t here be blood, sweat and t ears? Probably.Will it be wort h it? You bet it will.I can honest ly say t hat I love t his indust ry as much now as I did when I firstst art ed out in it 26 years ago.If you're t ruly passionat e about a career in t he wedding indust ry, t hen let 's makeit happen.I'm going to go t hrough 10 st eps you can t ake to get st art ed as a weddingplanner today. I hope you're ready.xeilyKSTARTING A WEDDING PLANNING BUSINESS WWW.WEDDINGACADEMYGLOBAL.COM COPYRIGHT 2020
There seems to be a big misconcept ion around st art inga business t hat goes somet hing like t his:?I need to have everything figured out and perfect beforeI start.?Well, t hat 's just not t rue. Absolut ely no one has it allfigured out . There'll always be some kind of leap to bemade for anyt hing ext raordinary. Every single t ime I'velaunched a new course or creat ed a new product at t heWedding Academy t here were st ruggles, huge failures,victories, and more lessons learnt t han I can count .We all have a fear of failure it ?s human nature. Nobodyset s out to do anyt hing want ing to fail. The differencebetween t hose t hat make it and t hose t hat don?t are t heones t hat t ake act ion and do somet hing about it .To st art a business, you don't need specialent repreneurial genes. You need to want it badlyenough, believe you can do it , make a plan, and go for it .A quot e t hat has always stuck wit h me is one from t hegreat Oprah Winfrey.?Think like a Queen. A Queen is not afraid to fail. Failure isanother stepping stone to greatness."Remember Oprah?s words when you t hink about failing.I know from experience some of my great est successeshave come off t he back of a huge failure ? and I?m t alkingmonument al not just a litt le slip up.Of course, it also helps to have a great support networkaround you too, and t hat 's where we come in. But moreabout t hat lat er.Right now, I want you to focus on t he plan. In t his cheatsheet I'm going to share t he st eps I used to launch notonly t he Wedding Academy, which has been in exist encenow for 12 years, but also my own wedding and eventbusiness t hat came before t hat . Yes, in a former life Iwas a wedding planner and stylist for t en yearsproducing event s in t he UK, US and of course Aust ralia.I hope you're ready because by t he end of t hese t enst eps you're going to know exact ly what you need to doto get st art ed and be ready to implement your plan andgo for it .
No 1- Define YourBusinessIt 's essent ial to specifically define your business andyour goals for it . Ot herwise it 's impossible to set yourcourse for success and know whet her or not you'reon t he right t rack. Try answering t hese quest ions toget you st art ed.-----Why are you doing t his? What 's t he drivingforce behind what you do. This will form part oft he story you t ell your client s. There's a greatsaying from Simon Sinek 'People don't buy whatyou do they buy why you do it.'What will you be offering? Planning, styling,floral design, all t hree? What will your niche be?Will you specialise in sust ainable weddings,minimalist , vint age, marquee, dest inat ion, et c.?Who is your t arget audience? I'm t alking dreamcustomers here. Who are t he couples you'd loveto work wit h? What commonalit ies do youhave? Things t hat could be weaved into yourbrand story so you can build a connect ion?Where will you market your weddingbusiness? A websit e, social media, blogadvert s, magazines? Will you st art a FacebookGroup for your couples to get to know you andsee you as an expert?How will you work wit h t hem? What is yourcreat ive process? Will you be wit h t hem fromt he st art of t heir wedding planning journey orwill you be coming in furt her down t he road?Need some help? Let ?s take the Wedding Academy.We help complete newbies get started in the weddingindustry by helping them to sort through the chaos in
their head, giving them easy steps to follow andsupporting them all the way through.Everything we do is online so we can work withstudents all over the world regardless of location,age, culture or anything else. We specialise inNo 2 - Name YourBabyYour business will be your new baby. You wouldn't send ababy out into t he world wit hout a name, would you?When I had an event company, I called it 'OrganisedChaos ? we organise t he chaos of your part y'. It wasspecific enough to t ell people what I did, but broadenough t hat it gave me room to grow and not just bestuck wit h doing weddings.Naming your business is an excit ing, challenging part oft he business st art ing process. It 's not easy, but onceyou've done it , you'll feel proud and everyt hing will st artto feel real. We have a great blog post on naming yourbusiness t hat I t hink you?ll enjoy.
No 3 - Get YourSocial & WebsiteHandlesIf you read t he blog post I wrot e about choosing aname for your wedding business, you?ll know t hat oneof t he most import ant t hings to t hink about iswhet her or not your business name is available onsocial media and as a domain name.A domain name is t he URL you type into your webbrowser when you know t he websit e address of abusiness. It ?s what you?ll use as t he ?home?for yourwebsit e.When picking a domain name, remember t hese 5 topt ips:--Make it easy t o t ype ? t ry not to use specialcharact ers or obscure spellingsBe memorable ? check wit h friends to see ift hey t hink it ?s cat chy and appealingDo your research ? check no- one else hasregist ered a similar domain or company name.It could cost you t housands in legal fees tount angle lat er onProt ect your domain by purchasing mult ipleext ensions, such as. com, co.uk, .me et cCheck all social media plat forms ? even t heones you t hink you won?t use like Twitt er. It ?sbett er to regist er t hem and have t hem t han notbe able to get t hem if you do suddenly needt hem.
No 4 - Invest in YourBrandOnce you've defined your business, named it and gotyour domain name and social handles, it 's t ime to focuson your branding.Why invest in branding? High quality branding helpsyour business st and out and builds credibility. This willdraw your dream couples in and let t hem know who youare? t hat t hey can t rust you.The right branding will give your business a face t hatyou can be proud of, empowering you to sell t he magicof what you do wit h confidence.Branding isn?t just about having a lovely logo, or t heimages you use on your websit e, it ?s about so muchmore. Your brand has to creat e an emot ionalconnect ion wit h your ideal client .In t his crowded indust ry, where couples have so muchchoice, t he businesses gaining t he most business, willbe t he ones t hat make t hat personal ?connect ion?.This needs to happen right from t he first meet ing, via awebsit e, blog or social media post . That ?s why yourbrand is so import ant . It allows you to t ell your story.You have a story to t ell your future couples, don?t beafraid to t ell it . Your story (YOU) is what makes yourbusiness unique and ult imat ely it is what will draw yourideal client to you.Here at t he Wedding Academy we?re lucky enough tohave our own in- house branding expert , Mart ha, whohelps our student s underst and how t hey can t ell t heirstory in a real and aut hent ic way.
No 5 - Styled Shoots& Por tfoliosOne of t he quest ions we hear t he most is aboutgett ing images for your port folio when you're justst art ing out . Hands down one of t he best t hings youcan do to get t hose images is to creat e a styled shoot .A Styled Shoot is a mock wedding creat ed by a t eam ofwedding pros collaborat ively where t hey get to flext heir creat ive muscles and produce a wedding sett ingwit h no rest rict ions and work towards t he samecreat ive vision.Why do I love styled shoot s? Three reasons:-It enables you to get images for your port folioand websit eIt helps you make new indust ry connect ions andnetworkIt gives you exposure by gett ing published in amagazine or blogThe great t hing about a styled shoot is you dict at e t hecolours, t heme, concept , style et c. so you can reallyproduce somet hing t hat is direct ly aimed at your idealclient . If your style is modern minimalist , t hen makesure you find a venue and a t eam t hat really reflect st hat style.The wedding indust ry is all about connect ions. As awedding planner or stylist , you're only as good as t het eam you put toget her, so t his gives you t he chance towork wit h a t eam of people and see if you're a naturalfit . Do you have t he same values and brand aest het ics?Do you work well toget her? A styled shoot helps youto find out all t hese t hings before working on an actualwedding toget her.And of course, if you get published, which shouldalways be one of your goals, you'll get exposurenat ionally or even int ernat ionally, which can really helpto put you on t he map and get your brand out t here infront of a new audience.
Pro Tools: You can find out more about how to plana styled shoot in this blog post where you can alsodiscover our mini course - Styled Shoots 101 ForWedding Pros!No 6 - Design YourWebsiteRegardless of what you're selling, a websit e isabsolut ely essent ial. A brand wit hout a websit e today isakin to a person who wasn't in t he yellow pages back in1998. Customers will be skept ical of your brand andhesit ant to t rust you.You want to build a st rong and stunning onlinepresence. A well- designed websit e will help your dreamcouples find you and can even st art t he selling processfor you. Trust me, it will quickly become like your ownpersonal sales t eam.I always t hink of my social media as t he conversat ionst art er and my websit e as t he place t hey come to whent hey really want to get to know me.My goal for t he Wedding Academy websit e is for it tofeel like Christ mas morning when someone lands on ourHome Page. I want t hem to t hink, ?How did I not knowabout t his brand?!? I want it to be a magical experiencewhere t hey feel like t hey've come home, found a placet hey belong, and where all t heir quest ions aboutst art ing a wedding planning business will be answered.Always remember your websit e is t he front door intoyour business. It ?s where you invit e t hem in, and just likea shop window display, it needs to speak to t hem andmake t hem want to open t hat door.
No 7 - Nail YourPr icingPricing is somet hing most new wedding planners getstuck on which is why we have an ent ire module of ourCert ificat e in Wedding Planning dedicat ed to pricingand we run t hrough a few different scenarios and giveyou some formulas to use.The biggest t hing to bear in mind is t hat if you're notmaking a profit you have not hing more t han anexpensive hobby.Const ant ly we quest ion ourselves and convinceourselves t hat nobody will pay t he price we're asking.But you know what , t hey will!There are several ways to calculat e your tot al fee foreach client , and each one has pros and cons toconsider, but t here are four main opt ions:----Flat Fee ? You charge a flat fee for servicesyou're providing to your couples. This is typicallybased on t he type of wedding, amount ofplanning involved, t he locat ion, logist ics, andwhat your client needs.Percent age of Budget ? You charge apercent age of t he overall wedding budget . Ifyour client ?s wedding budget is 75K and youcharge 10%, your fee would be 7.5K. If you uset his met hod t hough, have a minimum st art ingprice so you're st ill remunerat ed for yourservices even if t he client ?s budget is low.Packages ? You'd have various wedding planningpackages such as part ial planning, full- serviceplanning, wedding styling, day of coordinat ion.For t his type of pricing, your cont ract shouldspecify t he exact services (or number of hours)t hat are included.Hourly ? You have a set hourly rat e and billcouples based on t he hours you work. You'llprobably be asked to est imat e t he number ofhours before issuing a cont ract .
Remember, you can always combine pricing met hodssuch as having a flat fee for your Day Of Coordinat ionService but have planning packages t hat includedifferent levels of service. Anot her popular combinat ionis to charge a flat fee plus percent age. Hourly rat es areusually only for much smaller weddings where only acouple of t hings are required of you.In our Cert ificat e in Business and Market ing we havet emplat es you can use to set up t he packages you wantto offer, as well as some live t raining on pricing.No 8 - M ake it L egalWhen you're ready, it 's import ant to make your newbaby official? legally t hat is. Are you going to be a solet rader? Is it a part nership? An LLC?Once you do t his you'll be able to set up a bank accountfor your business. Why do you need one? While it 's not100% necessary if you're a one- man show, keepingpersonal and business expenses separat e makeseveryt hing so much easier. In t he event t hat someoneever comes aft er your business (or you get audit ed),your personal account s are safe since t hey'recomplet ely separat e.Finally, get yourself set up wit h t he t ax office and makesure you regist er so you avoid any nasty fines. Thent here's insurance and regulat ions. You?re responsible forinsuring yourself against any problems t hat might arisewit h you, your work, your client s, visitors or people whowork for you. At t he minimum you'll need public liabilityand professional indemnity insurance.
No 9 - ContractsUnt il you've got a signed cont ract in your hands, avoidt he t empt at ion to begin working for any couple.Wit hout a wedding planner/stylist cont ract a coupleare only a pot ent ial client .No cont ract , no client !A cont ract prot ect s YOU, t he wedding planner orstylist . As t he creator, you have t he advant age ofmaking sure t he cont ract covers all eventualit ies t hatmight arise for your business.Laws vary from count ry to count ry and don't bet empt ed to simply google and cobble somet hingtoget her yourself. If Corona Virus has t aught usanyt hing in t he wedding indust ry anyt hing it 's t heneed for a wat ert ight cont ract .Of course, gett ing a cont ract done from scrat ch, so tospeak, can be cost ly but t here are several greatcompanies out t here who specialise in providing greatt emplat es for t he wedding and creat ive indust ries.At the Wedding Academy we recommend threeprofessional template companies; The ContractShop, Stanford Gould Online and Your Legal BFF
No 10 - Get EducatedThis is t he one t hat too many people skip. Just like any ot her profession t here?st hings you need to learn in order to be successful as a wedding planner or stylist .You wouldn?t book client s as a hairdresser wit hout any t raining and st art cutt ingpeople?s hair, would you?And you wouldn?t become an account ant wit hout gett ing cert ified.Why? Because you?d end up wit h some very upset client s if it went wrong.This is no different . You MUST t ake t he t ime to not only learn your craft butunderst and how to launch, run and grow a business t hat turns a profit .Plus, t here?s not hing harder t han t rying to go it alone. Having a communitywhere you can ask quest ions, learn from ot hers and have your own personalcheer squad is so import ant for bot h your morale and t aking act ion.Taking t he t ime to learn your craft allows you to get it right t he first t ime rat hert han making cost ly mist akes."Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."- William B. SpragueThere?s no t ime like t he present to st art building your wedding planningbusiness. You?ll never have more t ime t han you do today. Stop saying "when thetime is right".I want to help you get st art ed. I want to help you build a great wedding businessso it ?s t ime to int roduce you to our flagship course for t hose of you looking tobecome a wedding planner, stylist or designer and t hat ?s our AdvancedCert ificat e in Wedding Planning, Styling and Business. This is our mostcomprehensive course t hat combines our t hree core cert ificat e courses, t heCert ificat e in Wedding Planning, Cert ificat e in Wedding Styling and Cert ificat e inBusinessMarketing.VIEWandTHECOURSEIt ?s t he complet e A-Z Blueprint for launching a career as a wedding plannerand st ylist t hat ?s going t o ensure you?re not only ?job ready?but will show youhow t o run & grow a profit able business in just 6 Mont hs.STARTING A WEDDING PLANNING BUSINESS WWW.WEDDINGACADEMYGLOBAL.COM COPYRIGHT 2020
It?s the complete package.Everyt hing you need to st art your journey as a Wedding Planner. The only courseof it s kind for t he wedding indust ry t hat combines online learning and live weeklytutorials wit h full mentor support . Aft er 12 years of helping student s launchsuccessful careers you become part of a family of professionals from around t heworld.Plus lifet ime access to our library of course cont ent , ongoing mentoring andsupport to Get Cert ified. You can NEVER fall behind.WHAT DO YOU GET?----The Course Mat erial ? you?ll gain access to online learning port al whereyou?ll have access to all your four core learning st reams, Wedding Planning,Wedding Styling, Business and Market ing, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.There?re video tutorials, audio to list en too, handout s, cheat sheet s,checklist s and t emplat es to use in your new business.Tut orial Sessions - Weekly live t raining sessions are host ed by t heWedding Academy mentors on a variety of t ime zones on Zoom. You?llwork alongside a mentor complet ing different exercises and act ivit ies foryour wedding business. And don?t worry, if you can?t make it live you canalways cat ch t he replay. They cover everyt hing from gett ing st art ed onInst agram to prepping for t he wedding day.Facebook Group ? you?ll become part of a nurturing and support ivecommunity networking wit h student s globally, form friendships, shareexperiences, get feedback, and ask advice.Lifet ime Access ? you can never fall behind at t he Academy because youhave lifet ime access to all your course cont ent plus all t he updat es.Worksheet s - t here are act ionable worksheet s to ensure you?re const ant lyapplying everyt hing you?re learning to your wedding business.Weekly Q&A ? every Friday Kylie, Wedding Academy CEO, does a live Q&Ain t he privat e student FB Group and answers all your quest ions. These aregood fun and t he student s definit ely keep her on her toes. Most of t het ime all t he student s have t he same sort of quest ions so it ?s good to hearot her people gett ing stuck on t he same t hings and it means you canalways have someone to answer your burning quest ions.STARTING A WEDDING PLANNING BUSINESS WWW.WEDDINGACADEMYGLOBAL.COM COPYRIGHT 2020
-The Wedding Academy Cert ificat ion is recognised worldwide and willopen doors for you. As part of t he course you also get to apply forcert ificat ion as a Wedding Professional.PRICINGSPECIAL 15% DISCOUNT!I?m sure by now you?re wondering exact ly what t he invest ment is for t heAdvanced Cert ificat e. We current ly offer all our courses in 4 different currencies:Euro, AUD, GBP and USD and we also offer 3 different payment opt ions.GBP - 997USD - 1297EUR - ?1297AUD 1897Of course, paying for t he course in full is t he most cost- effect ive opt ion, but wealso have a 6 and 12 mont h payment plan if it would be easier to spread t he cost .It ?s less t han a daily St arbucks to get st art ed on your dream of becoming awedding planner.The best news is t hat you now qualify for 15% discount off t he AdvancedCert ificat e because you?ve complet ed t he 10 St eps to St art ing a WeddingBusiness.All you need to do is use t he code GETCERTIFIED at t he checkout and you?re allset . It ?ll automat ically deduct t he 15% for you from t he tot al cost and will workwit h any payment plan you choose.However, t his discount code is only available for t he Advanced Cert ificat e.I honest ly can?t wait to work wit h you guys. This is your t ime now. No moreholding yourself back, no more procrast inat ing, no more gett ing in your ownway.It ?s t ime to t ake act ion and t hat ?s what I want you to do right now. Be an act iont aker.GET STARTED NOW!STARTING A WEDDING PLANNING BUSINESS WWW.WEDDINGACADEMYGLOBAL.COM COPYRIGHT 2020
Connect With UsIf you want more t ips and advice on becoming a WeddingPlanner or running a wedding business connect wit h www.facebook.com/ WeddingAcademyGlobalThe Wedding AcademyWeddingPlanningAcademy
Right now, I want you to focus on the plan. In this cheat sheet I'm going to share the steps I used to launch not only the Wedding Academy, which has been in existence now for 12 years, but also my own wedding and event business that came before that. Yes, in a former life I was a wedding planner and stylist for ten years
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