[1]Oracle Fusion MiddlewareInstallation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence11g Release 1 (11.1.1)E10539-06April 2015Explains how to install and deinstall Oracle BusinessIntelligence products (including Oracle BI Enterprise Edition,Oracle BI Publisher, and Oracle Real-Time Decisions).Includes a description for each screen.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence, 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)E10539-06Copyright 2010, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Primary Author:Guriqpal GillContributing Author:Nick FryContributor: Oracle Business Intelligence development, product management, and quality assurance teamsThis software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions onuse and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in yourlicense agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license,transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverseengineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, isprohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. Ifyou find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing iton behalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software,any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end usersare "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation andagency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, andadaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed onthe hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable tothe programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information managementapplications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, includingapplications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerousapplications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and othermeasures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damagescaused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks oftheir respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarksare used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD,Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of AdvancedMicro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content,products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for andexpressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and servicesunless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and itsaffiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use ofthird-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you andOracle.
ContentsPreface . ixAudience.Documentation Accessibility .Related Documentation and Other Resources .System Requirements and Certification.Conventions .ixixxxxNew Features for Oracle BI Installation . xiNew Features in Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Release 1 ( .New Features in Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Release 1 ( .New Features in Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Release 1 ( .New Features in Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Release 1 ( .New Features in Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Release 1 ( .New Concepts for Oracle Business Intelligence .Topics of Interest in Other Guides.xixiixiixiiixivxvxv1 Installation Products .Installation Roadmap .Installation Modes .Installation Types.Simple Install .What Is Installed? .What Is Configured? .Enterprise Install .What Is Installed? .What Is Configured? .Software Only Install.Oracle Business Intelligence Architecture.Oracle Business Intelligence Directory Structure.1-11-21-31-41-41-41-41-41-41-41-51-51-72 Recommended Installation Scenarios for Oracle Business Intelligence2. Starting Points . 2-1Installation Scenarios. 2-2Installation Scenario #1: Demonstration, Evaluation, or Proof of Concept. 2-2iii Scenario #2: Single-User Development. 2-3Installation Scenario #3: Enterprise Deployment for Hosted Developmentand Production . 2-3Installing a Single, Scaled-out Oracle Business Intelligence Instance onMultiple Computers . 2-3Installing Multiple, Standalone Oracle Business Intelligence Instances ona Single Computer . 2-3Installation Scenario #4: Enterprise Deployment for Highest Levels ofAvailability and Security . 2-43 Oracle Business Intelligence 6System Requirements and Certification .Additional Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer Requirements.Create Database Schemas Using the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) .Database Schemas Created by RCU.Sharing Schemas Required by Oracle Business Intelligence .Creating Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Schemas on IBM DB2 .Database Privileges Granted to Oracle Business Intelligence Users .Obtaining RCU.Running RCU to Create Oracle Business Intelligence Database Schemas .3-13-13-23-23-23-33-43-43-44 Installing Oracle Business . You Install Oracle Business Intelligence . 4-1Other Considerations Before Installing Oracle Business Intelligence. 4-2Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Patch Set . 4-3Installing Oracle Business Intelligence 11g on Multiple Computers . 4-3Installing Oracle Business Intelligence on a DHCP Host, Non-Network Host,or Multihomed Host . 4-3Installing Oracle Business Intelligence 11g on 64-bit Operating Systems . 4-3Installing Oracle Business Intelligence 11g with Your Own JavaDevelopment Kit (JDK) . 4-3Installing Oracle Business Intelligence 11g on a Computer RunningOracle Business Intelligence 10g . 4-4Installing Oracle Business Intelligence 11g on a Computer RunningMicrosoft Windows . 4-4Ensuring that Environment Variable JAVA OPTIONS Is Not Set . 4-5Installing on Shared or Mapped Drives . 4-5Installing on New Technology File System (NTFS) . 4-5Setting Custom Port Values for Oracle Business Intelligence. 4-5Specifying a Database Connect String . 4-6Using Command Line Parameters to Install Oracle Business Intelligence 11g . 4-7Installing Enterprise Performance Management and Oracle Business Intelligence . 4-9Obtaining Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. 4-9Starting Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer . 4-9Installing Oracle Business Intelligence with Oracle Business Intelligence 11gInstaller . 4-10Simple Install . 4-11Considerations and Limitations for the Simple Install Type . 4-11
ry of Simple Install Procedure. 4-11Simple Install Procedure. 4-12Enterprise Install for New Installations. 4-15Considerations and Limitations of Enterprise Install Type for NewInstallations . 4-15Summary of Enterprise Install Procedure for New Installations . 4-16Enterprise Install Procedure for New Installations . 4-17Enterprise Install to Scale Out Existing Installations. 4-20Considerations and Limitations of Enterprise Install Type for ScalingOut Existing Installations . 4-21Summary of Enterprise Install Procedure to Scale Out Existing Installations . 4-21Enterprise Install Procedure to Scale Out Existing Installations . 4-23Software Only Install. 4-25Considerations and Limitations for Software Only Install Type . 4-26Summary of Software Only Install Procedure . 4-26Software Only Install Procedure . 4-27Installing Oracle Business Intelligence in Silent Mode . 4-29What Is a Silent Installation?. 4-30Creating Response Files . 4-30Command Line Variables. 4-30Sample Commands . 4-30Creating the oraInst.loc File . 4-31Pre-Installation Tasks . 4-31Software Update Options Supported by Silent Installation . 4-31Silent Installation Syntax for UNIX and Windows Operating Systems . 4-32Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes . 4-32Reinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence . 4-335 Postinstallation TasksInstalling and Deinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools. 5-2About Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools . 5-2Considerations for Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools. 5-3Installing and Deinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools withthe Oracle BI EE Plus Client Installer . 5- for Running the Oracle BI EE Plus Client Installer. 5- the Oracle BI EE Plus Client Installer. 5- Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools. 5-65.1.4Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools with the Oracle BusinessIntelligence 11g Installer . 5-65.2Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence with the Configuration Assistant . 5-75.2.1Considerations and Limitations for Configuring Oracle Business Intelligencewith the Configuration Assistant . 5-85.2.2Pre-Configuration Tasks . 5-85.2.3Starting the Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration Assistant. 5-95.2.4Creating the oraInst.loc File . 5-95.2.5Using Command Line Options to Configure Oracle Business Intelligence. 5-95.2.6Running the Configuration Assistant in Silent Mode . 5-
What Is a Silent Configuration?. 5-11Creating Response Files for the Configuration Assistant. 5-11Starting the Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration Assistant inSilent Mode . 5- Update Options Supported by Silent Configuration. 5-125.2.7Configuring a New Enterprise Installation of Oracle Business Intelligence. 5-135.2.8Configuring a Scaled-Out Enterprise Installation of Oracle Business Intelligence. 5-155.2.9Extending an Oracle WebLogic Server Domain with Oracle Business Intelligence 5-175.3Installing and Configuring BI Composer for Oracle BI EE. 5-205.3.1Installing and Configuring BI Composer when Performing a New BIInstallation . 5-205.3.2Installing and Configuring BI Composer when Upgrading to froma Previous 11.1.1.x Release . 5-205.4Creating a DSN for IBM DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server. 5-205.5Configuring IBM DB2 to Support Multibyte Data. 5-225.6Managing the OPMN Service on Windows Operating Systems . 5-225.7Configuring Sample Reports for BI Publisher . 5-225.8Installing SampleApp.rpd and SampleAppLite.rpd Sample Repositories,and Changing the Default Password for SampleAppLite.rpd . 5-235.9Changing Administration Server or Managed Server Port Numbers on WindowsOperating Systems . 5-235.10Configuring Oracle BI Mobile App Designer Apps Library . 5- Deinstalling Oracle Business .56.5.1viDeinstallation Scenarios . 6-1Deinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence on a Single Computer. 6-1Deinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence with Multiple Domains. 6-2Deinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence That is Scaled Out Across MultipleComputers . 6-2About the Deinstallation Script. 6-3Deinstallation Script Location. 6-3Deinstallation Script Options . 6-3Starting the Deinstallation Script. 6-3Before You Deinstall Oracle Business Intelligence. 6-4Deinstallation Tasks. 6-4Stopping System Components. 6-5Deinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence Instances. 6-5Removing the Oracle Business Intelligence Domain. 6-6Deinstalling Oracle WebLogic Server. 6-7Deinstalling the Oracle Home. 6-7Deinstalling the Oracle Common Home . 6-8Removing the BI Oracle Home . 6-9Removing the Middleware Home and Homes Installed Outside ofthe Middleware Home . 6-9Dropping Oracle BI Schemas . 6-10Silent Deinstallation. 6-11Creating Response Files to Silently Deinstall Oracle Business Intelligence. 6-12 Response Files for Silently Deinstalling Oracle Business IntelligenceInstances . 6-12Creating Response Files for Silently Deinstalling Oracle Homes . 6-13Silently Deinstalling Oracle Instances . 6-14Silently Deinstalling Oracle Homes . 6-14A Oracle Business Intelligence Installation ScreensA.1A.2A.3A.4A.5A.6A.7A.8A.9A.10A.11Select Installation Type .Specify Installation Location (Simple) .Specify Installation Location (Software Only) .Create, Scale Out, or Extend BI System .Specify Installation Location (Enterprise) .Scale Out BI System Details.Configure Components.Administrator Details.BIPLATFORM Schema.MDS Schema.Configure Ports .A-1A-2A-3A-3A-4A-6A-7A-7A-8A-8A-8B Installer Screens Common to All Oracle Fusion Middleware fy Inventory Location.Inventory Location Confirmation.Welcome .Prerequisite Checks .Security Updates .Software Updates.Installation Location .Application Server .Installation or Configuration Summary .Installation Progress .Configuration Progress .Installation Complete .B-1B-2B-2B-3B-3B-4B-4B-6B-6B-6B-7B-7C Oracle Business Intelligence Deinstallation ScreensC.1C.2C.3C.4Select Deinstallation Type .Specify WebLogic Domain Detail.Select Managed Instance .Deinstallation Summary .C-1C-1C-2C-2Indexvii
PrefaceThe Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite is a complete, open, and integratedsolution for all enterprise business intelligence needs, including reporting, ad hocqueries, OLAP, dashboards, scorecards, and what-if analysis. The Oracle BusinessIntelligence Foundation Suite includes Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition(Oracle BI EE) and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (Oracle BI Publisher).This guide describes how to install Oracle BI EE, Oracle BI Publisher, and OracleReal-Time Decisions – collectively referred to in this guide as Oracle BusinessIntelligence.Oracle Business Intelligence is a comprehensive set of enterprise business intelligencetools and infrastructure, including a scalable and efficient query and analysis server,an ad-hoc query and analysis tool, interactive dashboards, proactive intelligence andalerts, real-time predictive intelligence, and an enterprise reporting engine.This guide contains information about requirements, new features in the OracleBusiness Intelligence 11g Installer, and Oracle Fusion Middleware concepts that affectinstallation procedures. In addition, this guide provides some sample scenarios forinstalling and running Oracle Business Intelligence.AudienceThis guide is intended for developers, system administrators, and repositorydevelopers who want to install Oracle Business Intelligence. This guide assumes thereader is comfortable performing common system administration operations, such ascreating users and groups, adding users to groups, and installing operating systempatches.Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the OracleAccessibility Program website athttp://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx acc&id docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. Forinformation, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx acc&id info orvisit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx acc&id trs if you are hearingimpaired.ix
Related Documentation and Other ResourcesSee the Oracle Business Intelligence documentation library for a list of related OracleBusiness Intelligence documents.In addition: Go to the Oracle Learning Library for Oracle Business Intelligence-related onlinetraining resources.Go to the Product Information Center support note (Article ID 1267009.1) on MyOracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.System Requirements and CertificationRefer to the system requirements and certification documentation for informationabout hardware and software requirements, platforms, databases, and otherinformation. Both of these documents
Explains how to install and deinstall Oracle Business Intelligence products (including Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, Oracle BI Publisher, and Oracle Real-Time Decisions). Includes a description for each screen. Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence, 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
1 Introduction to Oracle Fusion Middleware Disaster Recovery 1.1 Overview of Oracle Fusion Middleware Disaster Recovery 1-1 1.1.1 Problem Description and Common Solutions 1-1 1.1.2 Terminology 1-2 1.2 Setting Up Disaster Recovery for Oracle Fusion Middleware Components 1-5 1.2.1 Oracle Fusion Middleware Disaster Recovery Architecture Overview 1-5
7 Accessibility Features and Tips for Oracle Forms and Reports . that Oracle has developed for Oracle Fusion Middleware products and services. . Mode in Developing Services with Oracle Service Bus For information about enabling Fusion Middleware Control accessibility mode, see: .
new open source WebLogic Remote Console, enhancements to Kubernetes tooling and support, Oracle Java SE 8 and 11 certification, GraalVM EE certification, and improvements to Oracle Database integration. The next planned release of Oracle Fusion Middleware is Oracle Fusion Middleware 14.1.2,
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Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebCenter Forms Recognition AP Project Migration Guide Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging Conventions The following text conventions are used in this document: Convention Meaning
Oracle is a registered trademark and Designer/2000, Developer/2000, Oracle7, Oracle8, Oracle Application Object Library, Oracle Applications, Oracle Alert, Oracle Financials, Oracle Workflow, SQL*Forms, SQL*Plus, SQL*Report, Oracle Data Browser, Oracle Forms, Oracle General Ledger, Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Manufacturing, Oracle Reports,
deploying Oracle Forms applications on the Web. Oracle Fusion Middleware Forms Services delivers out-of-the-box functionality and native services to ensure that Oracle Forms applications automatically scale and perform over any network. Oracle Fusion Middleware Forms Services enables rich, extensible Java clients that are optimized for the Web.File Size: 635KBPage Count: 18
2.1 Anatomi Telinga 2.1.1 Telinga Luar Telinga luar terdiri dari daun telinga dan kanalis auditorius eksternus. Daun telinga tersusun dari kulit dan tulang rawan elastin. Kanalis auditorius externus berbentuk huruf s, dengan tulang rawan pada sepertiga bagian luar dan tulang pada dua pertiga bagian dalam. Pada sepertiga bagian luar kanalis auditorius terdapat folikel rambut, kelenjar sebasea .