Digital MarketingSpecialistMaster’s Program
Table of ContentsAbout the Course04Key Features of Digital MarketingSpecialist Masters Program05Learning Path06Step 1 : Mastering SEO, Content Marketing,PPC and Digital Analytics07Step 2 : Mastering Social Media, MobileMarketing and Digital Strategy08Step 3 : Advanced Web Analytics09Step 4 : Advanced Search EngineOptimization (SEO)10Step 5 : Advanced Pay Per Click (PPC)Certification Program12Step 6 : Advanced Social Media14Step 7 : Digital Marketing Capstone16
Table of ContentsOther Electives17Tools19Partnerships and Certifications20Free Course20Advisory Board Members21Certificates24Classroom-Level Immersion: Delivered Digitally25Corporate Training26
About the CourseThe Digital Marketing Specialist Masters Program isdesigned to transform you into a digital powerhousewith in-depth expertise in every branch of onlinemarketing. The training is structured around a provenlearning path prescribed by senior industry leaders.Hands-on learning with live projects and simulationexams complements world-class course content inSEO, PPC, social media, and web analytics. Learnershave the flexibility to attend as many of the 35 liveonline instructor-led classes as necessary. Monthlymentoring sessions by international keynoteinfluencers and thought leaders round out thelearning, adding a global dimension to the training.04
The Digital Marketing SpecialistMasters Program is designed totransform you into a digitalpowerhouseKey FeaturesExpert sessions and AMAs by Facebook trainersFree Facebook Blueprint voucher worth 99Industry aligned capstone project in 5 domainsHarvard case studies based on Yahoo and Accor data setAligned to Top Digital Marketing certifications like Facebook Blueprint,OMCP, Google Ads & Analytics, Hootsuite and HubSpotAttend LevelUp sessions by the world’s leading experts like MollieSpilman, Shane Snow and Dorie ClarkIndustry-recommended learning pathSimplilearn's JobAssist helps you get noticed by top hiring companies05
Learning PathSTEP1Mastering SEO, Content Marketing,PPC and Digital AnalyticsSTEPSTEP23Mastering Social Media,Mobile Marketing andDigital StrategyAdvanced WebAnalyticsSTEPSTEP54Advanced Search EngineOptimization (SEO)Advanced Pay Per Click(PPC) Certification ProgramSTEPSTEP67Advanced Social Media(With FacebookBlueprint Voucher)Digital MarketingCapstoneOptional ElectivesDigital Marketing Specialist FacebookMaster SessionHarvard Business Publishing Case Studies forDigital MarketingAdvanced Mobile MarketingAdvanced Email MarketingAdvanced Content MarketingAdvanced Website Conversion RateOptimizationHubSpot Email Marketing Certification TrainingDIGITAL MARKETING SPECIALIST06
STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Mastering SEO, Content Marketing,PPC and Digital AnalyticsFundamentals of MarketingThis course will help you master digitalchannels such as search engineoptimization (SEO), content marketingppc, programmatic and digital analytics.Key Learning ObjectivesGain an in-depth understanding of the search engineoptimization (SEO) and fundamentals of digital marketingMaster digital marketing analytical tools - Google AnalyticsGain the core concepts of Content Marketing and DigitalAnalyticsUnderstand the fundamentals of PPC and Google AdsCourse CurriculumDigital Marketing Program IntroductionGoogle AnalyticsSEO FoundationPPC FoundationContent Marketing FoundationGoogle Ads FundamentalsDigital Analytics FoundationProgrammatic Buying07
STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Mastering Social Media, MobileMarketing and Digital StrategyDemystifying Digital ChannelsThis course will make you an expert ondigital channels and how to target theright audience. You will learn about socialmedia, facebook marketing, youtubemarketing, email and mobile marketing,and marketing automation.Key Learning ObjectivesGain in-depth knowledge on Social Media Marketing channels likeFacebook, Instagram, Youtube and TwitterUnderstand the foundation of Email and Mobile MarketingGarner skills to create an efficient Digital Marketing StrategyCourse CurriculumSocial Media FoundationEmail Marketing FoundationFacebook MarketingMarketing Automation FoundationYouTube and Video MarketingWebsite Conversion RateOptimization FoundationsTwitter MarketingMobile Marketing FoundationDigital Marketing Strategy08
STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Advanced Web AnalyticsPerformance AnalysisThis Advanced Web Analytics certification trainingcourse helps you master the critical elements ofsocial media, web, mobile, and content analytics.Learn how to optimize your organization’s abilityto make highly informed business decisions basedon data analytics.Key Learning ObjectivesAttain in-depth knowledge of Digital Analytics along with businessunderstandingBecome an expert at collecting and working with multi-channel datasources, performing quantitative and qualitative analysis and moreCourse CurriculumIntroduction to Digital AnalyticsAudienceBuilding BlocksAcquisitionFundamentals of Digital AnalyticsBehaviorBusiness PerspectiveConversions OnboardingMethodology -Lean Six SigmaRetention and ExpansionData Analysis FundamentalsAdvocacyAnalysis Perspective: Providing InsightsPrivacy and EthicsEnabling CapabilitiesWrapping UpManaging Analytics09
STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Advanced Search EngineOptimization (SEO)SEO Tools & TechniquesThe Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO)course is designed to transform you into anindustry-ready SEO professional from day one.You’ll master the many facets of SEO, including theprocess of organically driving traffic to yourwebsites with keyword management and research,on-page and off-page optimization, link building,URL building, SEO analytics and more and you’llacquire extensive project experience to prepareyou for managing inbound marketing initiatives.Key Learning ObjectivesAttain the essential knowledge in SEO techniquesGet the in-depth understanding on: On-page best practices SEO methods to generate relevant keywords Competitive analytics Design & architecture Site optimization & best practices SEO for local search SEO site audits10
Course CurriculumLesson 1 : Introduction to SEOLesson 2 : How Search Engines WorkLesson 3 : Keyword ResearchLesson 4 : On-Page OptimizationLesson 5 : Website Management and OptimizationLesson 6 : Off-Page SEOLesson 7 : Planning A New WebsiteLesson 8 : Market Your Optimized WebsiteLesson 9 : Analytics and MeasurementLesson 10 : What's Next-Learning Path
STEP 1 2 3 4 45 6 7Advanced PPC Certification ProgramPPC Tools & TechniquesThe Advanced PPC Course is designed to transformyou into an industry-ready paid marketingprofessional. Follow our clear, structured learningpath recommended by industry experts andfast-track your career. You will learn to master thenuances of pay per click, display advertising,conversion optimization, and web analytics, andyou’ll acquire extensive project experience toprepare you for managing paid marketing initiatives.Key Learning ObjectivesUnderstand the Keyword research and organization along withmanaging searchUnderstanding the advanced Ad features, testing and extensionsKnow the audience types and how to segment it to reach the customersCourse CurriculumCourse IntroductionLesson 01 - Psychology of SearchLesson 02 - Buying FunnelLesson 03 - Understanding Keyword OrganizationLesson 04 - Keyword Match TypesLesson 05 - Negative Keywords and Managing Search TermsLesson 06 - Keyword Research12
Lesson 07 - Creating Compelling AdsLesson 08 - Advanced Ad FeaturesLesson 09 - Ad TestingLesson 10 - Ad ExtensionsLesson 11 - Campaign Types Budget and ReachLesson 12 - Location and Language TargetingLesson 13 - Introduction to Audience TypesLesson 14 - How to Segment Data and Create ListsLesson 15 - Using the Audience Lists to Reach CustomersLesson 16 - Introduction to the Display NetworkLesson 17 - Display Targeting OptionsLesson 18 - Display Ad FormatsLesson 19 - Setting And Measuring GoalsLesson 20 - Bidding and AttributionLesson 21 - Reporting and TestingLesson 22 - Ad group organizationLesson 23 - Campaign OrganizationLesson 24 - Working with Multiple AccountsLesson 25 - Introduction to Quality ScoreLesson 26 - Working with Quality ScoreLesson 27 - Quality Score Diagnosis and Pivot TablesLesson 28 - Setting Up Your PPC StrategyLesson 29 - Creating Your AccountLesson 30 - Managing Your AccountLesson 31 - Shopping and Video CampaignsLesson 32 - Automation and Other Tools13
STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Advanced Social MediaSocial Media Marketing Tools & TechniquesThe Advanced Social Media Course will transformyou into an industry-ready social media marketer. Itcombines the disciplines of advanced social media,advanced content marketing and advanced webanalytics course to help you elevate your brandand execute compelling social campaigns.Key Learning ObjectivesUnderstand the in-depth concepts of social media marketingGet to know more on social media toolsLearn from scratch about Youtube and video marketingLearn about advertising and Facebook Marketing PlatformCourse CurriculumSession 1: Advanced Social Media MarketingSession 2: Youtube and Video MarketingSession 3: Facebook Marketing and AdvertisingSession 4: Social Media Tools14
Course CurriculumIntroduction to Social MediaCreating a Social Media StrategyUnderstanding Paid Earned and Owned Social MediaSocial SharingBlogging for BusinessFinding and Communicating with InfluencersVideo and YouTubeYouTube AdvertisingSocial Networking and FacebookFacebook AdvertisingMicroblogging and TwitterTwitter AdvertisingOnline Reputation ManagementSocial Media MeasurementSocial Media AnalyticsPinterest MarketingMarketing through LinkedInInstagram
STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 67Digital Marketing CapstoneThe Digital Marketing Capstone project will giveyou an opportunity to implement the conceptsand skills you learned in this course. Throughdedicated mentoring sessions, you’ll learn how tosolve real-world, industry-aligned case studies.16
Other ElectivesDigital Marketing Specialist FacebookMaster SessionAttend online interactive masterclasses fromFacebook and get insights about advancements in thedigital marketing field.Harvard Business Publishing Case Studiesfor Digital MarketingLearn Digital Marketing concepts with help ofreal-world case studies authored by HBS professorsand other top business school educators. These casestudies will help you analyze business situations and dierent aspects of managerial decision-making to helpyou solve business problems.Advanced Content MarketingThe Advanced Content Marketing Program trainslearners in the principles and techniques of contentmarketing. Prepared by leading influencers andthought leaders, the course o ers avenues for deepexpertise building in planning, executing, andmonitoring content marketing strategy. The coursecovers all areas of content marketing, including SMM,event marketing, content strategy, and more.17
Advanced Website Conversion Rate OptimizationMaster the skills that enable you to consistentlyincrease landing page conversion rates on micrositesand websites with Simplilearn’s Conversion RateOptimization course. You will learn about the variousaspects of conversion optimization and how to analyzewebsite traffic so you can design campaigns that cancapture visitors’ attention.HubSpot Email Marketing Certification TrainingThe HubSpot Email Marketing Certification Training willguide you on how to plan an email marketing strategyand how to work on the HubSpot's email marketingtools. This will prepare you to build an email marketingstrategy and trust with your contacts.Advanced Mobile MarketingThe Advanced Mobile Marketing Program is designed totransform learners into industry-ready mobile marketerswith skills in mobile advertising, responsive design,mobile analytics, and more.Prepared by leading experts in the field, the course is agreat choice for teams of marketing professionals,business development professionals, and entrepreneurs.Advanced Email MarketingThe Advanced Email Marketing Program is designed totransform learners into email marketing strategists.Prepared by leading digital marketing experts, thecourse trains learners in strategizing and executingemail campaigns for all purposes, including sales,promotions, business solicitations, brand building, andcredibility building.18
ToolsAdsAd ogle WebmasterSitemap XMLTweriodBlogspotKeyword IOSprout SocialTwitterClick FunnelsOwlyThemeforestZoho19
PARTNERSHIPS ANDCERTIFICATIONSFREE COURSEHootsuiteWe have added the Hootsuite Platform Trainingcourse as complimentary. Once you’ve completedthe Hootsuite Platform Training, you’ll be ready totake the exam on the Hootsuite Academy websiteto become a Hootsuite Certified Professional. As aSimplilearn student, you’ll get 50% off on thisindustry-recognized credential!20
Advisory Board MembersBrad Geddes is the author of Advanced GoogleAdWords, and the founder of CertifiedKnowledge. He frequently writes columns forSearch Engine Land and co-moderates theAdWords forum on Webmaster World. He has ledmore than 60 AdWords seminars.Brad GeddesExpert PPC Marketer, Founder of CertifiedKnowledge, AuthorStéphane Hamel is a Google ProductStrategy/Expert and has been named the MostInfluential Industry Contributor by the DigitalAnalytics Association. He has made significantcontributions to the industry, including creatingthe Digital Analytics Maturity Model.Stéphane HamelGoogle Product Strategy Expert, Expert DataAnalystMatt Bailey is the founder and president ofSiteLogic, and the author of Internet Marketing:An Hour A Day. Matt also serves on the AdvisoryBoard for Incisive Media’s Search EngineStrategies Conferences, and is the conference’sone of the highest-rated speakers.Matt BaileyExpert Internet Marketer, President of SiteLogic,Author21
Highly regarded on the world speaker circuit,Lilach Bullock has graced Forbes and Number 10Downing Street with her presence! She was listedin Forbes as one of the top 20 women socialmedia power influencers and was crowned theSocial Influencer of Europe by Oracle.Lilach BullockForbes Top Women Social Media InfluencerDanny Dover is the author of the bestselling bookSearch Engine Optimization Secrets andco-founded ‘Making it Click’. Danny’s expertisehas been cited in Time Magazine, PC World,Smashing Magazine, and more. Before starting hisown company, Danny was Lead SEO at DoverExpert SEO, Former Lead SEO of MOZ, Author19
LevelUp Session ExpertsMollie Spilman is the Chief Revenue Officer atOracle Advertising & Marketing Cloud. She hasextensive experience in developing, scaling, andleading direct sales, increasing revenue andgrowing existing business, and building a cultureof innovation through people development.Mollie SpilmanChief Revenue Officer, OracleDorie Clark is a faculty member at Duke University& Columbia Business School. He was named one ofthe Top 50 business thinkers in the world byThinkers50, and was recognized as the #1Communication Coach in the world by the MarshallGoldsmith Leading Global Coaches Awards.Dorie ClarkProfessor at Duke & Columbia Business School23
CertificatesC E R T I F I C AT EO F AC H I E V E M E N TDIGITAL MARKETINGSPECIALISTT H I S I S T O C E R T I F Y T H ATJOHN DOEHas successfully graduated from the Course Name MastersProgram summa cum laude having completed all mandated courserequirements and industry projects with distinction.D ate: / /2021Krishna Kumar, CEO24
Classroom-Level Immersion:Delivered ive,InteractiveClassesHands-OnExperienceOnline Enrollment andAccess on Web and MobileLearner Watchesthe VideoChapter-EndQuizzesLive VirtualClassroomLive Interactionand lilearn Certification Criteria85%CourseCompletion 80%Score onSimulation Exam Internal, andExternalCertificationProject Submittedand AcceptedFinal Exam andCertification25
Corporate TrainingTop clients we work with:Features of Corporate Training:Tailored learning solutionsFlexible pricing optionsEnterprise-grade learning management system (LMS)Enterprise dashboards for individuals and teams24X7 learner assistance and support26
USASimplilearn Americas LLC201 Spear Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94105United StatesPhone No: 1-844-532-7688INDIASimplilearn Solutions Pvt Ltd.# 53/1 C, Manoj Arcade, 24th Main,Harlkunte2nd Sector, HSR LayoutBangalore - 560102Call us at: 1800-102-9602www.simplilearn.comSL-CB-18-23-202112
This course will help you master digital channels such as search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing ppc, programmatic and digital analytics. Key Learning Objectives Gain an in-depth understanding of the search engine optimization (SEO) and fundamentals of digital marketing Master digital marketing analytical tools - Google Analytics
research, managing digital initiatives, creation of digital strategy, managing digital marketing clients for a learner to become an advanced professional in digital marketing at the end of the course. Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Overview of Marketing Introduction to Digital Marketing Email Marketing Social Media Marketing
Introduction to Digital Media Marketing Digital Media Marketing vs Traditional Marketing Future Trends of Digital marketing Di erent types of Digital media marketing Blogging Platform setup Google's free blogging platform important digital tools required to do marketing
media, facebook marketing, youtube marketing, email and mobile marketing, and marketing automation. Key Learning Objectives Gain in-depth knowledge on Social Media Marketing channels like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter Understand the foundation of Email and Mobile Marketing STEP Mastering Social Media, Mobile Marketing and Digital .
UNIT: - I BASIC CONCEPTS IN MARKETING MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE 1.0 Introduction to Marketing 1.1 Definition of Marketing 1.2 Evolution of Marketing 1.3 Marketing Concept 1.4 Role of Marketing 1.5 Strategic Marketing Planning 1.6 Scope of Marketing 1.7 Approaches of Marketing 1.8
May 05, 2011 · 3022 Broadway . Uris Hall, Room 604 . New York, NY 10027 . . May 5, 2011 . Abstract . We review accounting principles related to the reporting of marketing activities and evaluate their implications for marketing research and practice. Based on our review, we argue thatFile Size: 393KBPage Count: 50Explore further(PDF) Strategic Marketing and Marketing Strategy: Domain Marketing Management - ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net5 Marketing Management Orientationscommercemates.com5 Marketing Concepts: Marketing Management Philosophieswww.iedunote.comBasic Marketing Principles - Mercer Universityfaculty.mercer.eduRecommended to you b
5 In simple terms, digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. Digital marketing is often referred to as online marketing, internet marketing or web marketing. Digital marketing has been around for quite some time but it hasn't been very well defined.
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