2016 Social Media Impact Report: B2B Industry Edition - TrackMaven

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2016 Social Media Impact Report:B2B Industry Edition1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYWe all learn from the best. So whatcould you learn from the best brandsin your industry?For this report, we used the TrackMaven softwareplatform to analyze 12 months of content from 316 leadingB2B brands on five key social networks to understandhow the best B2B marketers move the needle with socialmedia.The results point to drastic disparities in the usage andimpact of social media across the B2B landscape. Thefindings highlight the big picture trends in B2B socialmedia marketing, along with industry breakdowns ofthe leading brands and most effective networks in eachsector. We also compare the impact of B2B industries onsocial media to understand the differing approaches andpriorities of B2B marketers.The B2B industries analyzed in thisreport include:Aerospace & DefenseLogistics & ShippingBiotechMachineryChemical ManufacturersMedicalComputer HardwareMotor Vehicle & PartsConstructionPharmaceuticalsElectrical EquipmentProfessional ial ServicesLearn which social networks drive the greatest impact foryour peers, and see how your brand measures up againstindustry-specific benchmarks.2

2I. Executive Summary23Medical4II. The B2B Social Media Landscape24Motor Vehicle & Parts6III. How Do B2B Industries Stack Up by Audience Size?25Pharmaceuticals8III. Where Do B2B Industries See Engagement?26Professional Services11IV. Industry Case Studies27Software12Aerospace & Defense28Wholesalers13Biotech29IV. About the Data14Chemical Manufacturers15Computer Hardware16Construction17Electrical Equipment18Energy19Engineering20Financial Services21Logistics & Shipping22Machinery3

FOLLOWER GROWTH VS. ENGAGEMENT RATIO FOR B2B INDUSTRIES:THE B2B SOCIAL MEDIA LANDSCAPE:HOW DO B2B INDUSTRIES STACK UP ONSOCIAL MEDIA?JANUARY - DECEMBER 2015Which industries drive the greatest engagement onsocial media? The graph to the right provides a high-levelanswer for B2B marketers.Industries with the greatest average follower growth perbrand score highest along the y-axis. Industries with thegreatest engagement ratio — measured as the averagenumber of interactions per post per 1,000 followers —score highest along the x-axis.The size of the bubble reflects the median total audiencesize for a brand in each industry on Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest combined.% FOLLOWER GROWTHThis graph plots the average follower growth and contentengagement — measured across Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest — by industry.Analysis based on social media accounts for316 B2B brands across Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn from January2015 to December 2015.SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZEENGAGEMENT RATIO(Average Interactions Per Post Per 1000 Followers)4

B2B Social Media Landscape: Key TakeawaysBIOTECH, ENGINEERING, ANDFINANCIAL SERVICES BRANDS AREIN THE SOCIAL MEDIA SWEETSPOT.Brands in these industries have bothsubstantial audience growth and highcontent engagement on social media,indicating impactful social content. Thefinancial services industry’s 81.77 percentaverage follower growth per brand isespecially impressive given the industry’slarge median social following.MACHINERY MANUFACTURERSARE ADEPT AT GROWING THEIRAUDIENCES.Across the B2B landscape, brands in themachinery sector see the highest socialmedia audience growth, with an averagefollower growth of 129.02 percent.Engaging content is a correlated factor;social media content from machinerybrands is ahead of the B2B pack becauseof its high engagement.5BIOTECH BRANDS KNOW HOW TOENGAGE AUDIENCES.Across the B2B landscape, biotech brandshave the most engaged social mediaaudiences with an average engagementratio of 12.46. Financial services brandsare a distant second at 9.94.ARE SOFTWARE BRANDS IN ASOCIAL MEDIA BUBBLE?Software brands see fantastic socialmedia growth — up 82 percent of totalfollowers across 2015, on average — butthe worst content engagement with a2.62 engagement ratio. Is buzz attractingfollowers without the content to back itup?

How Do B2B Industries Stack Up By Audience Size?The graph below displays the median social media audience size for B2B brands byindustry across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram.B2B SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE BY INDUSTRYAnalysis based on social media accounts for 316 B2Bbrands across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest,and LinkedIn from January 1, 2015 through December 31,2015.6MEDIAN AUDIENCE SIZE BY CHANNELBy thousands of followers

Audience Size: Key TakeawaysLINKEDIN IS THE B2B FOLLOWERMAGNET.All but three of the 17 B2B industriesanalyzed in this report see their largestsocial media audiences on LinkedIn.Among B2B industries, professionalservices brands have the largest medianLinkedIn audience at 1.2 million followers.7PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ANDMOTOR VEHICLE MANUFACTURINGBRANDS LEAD THE PACK ONPINTEREST.These are the only two B2B industries witha median Pinterest follower count greaterthan 3,000.PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BRANDSARE SOCIAL MEDIA BEHEMOTHS.COMPUTER HARDWARE BRANDSFIND FOLLOWERS ON FACEBOOK.Professional services brands have thelargest overall social media audience witha median of 2.5 million followers acrossFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram,and Pinterest.At 1.2 million page likes, the medianFacebook audience size for computerhardware brands is greater than that ofany other B2B industry

Where Do B2B Industries See Engagement?B2B SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT RATIO BY INDUSTRYThe graph below displays the engagement ratio — measured as the averagenumber of interactions per post per 1,000 followers — on Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. In other words, the bigger the bubble, themore engagement a brand in the industry gets on that social network.8

Where Do B2B Industries See Engagement? [CONTINUED]B2B SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT RATIO BY INDUSTRYThe graph below displays the engagement ratio — measured as the averagenumber of interactions per post per 1,000 followers — on Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. In other words, the bigger the bubble, themore engagement a brand in the industry gets on that social network.9

Engagement Ratio: Key TakeawaysDESPITE LARGE AUDIENCES, LINKEDIN DRIVESLOW ENGAGEMENT FOR B2B BRANDS.Industry-wide, B2B brands see minimal engagementratios on LinkedIn. Machinery brands perform best onLinkedIn, but still sport a measly average engagementratio of 1.98 interactions per post per 1,000 followers.B2B BRANDS FALL FLAT ON TWITTER.Across industries, B2B brands have an averageengagement ratio on Twitter that is below twointeractions per post per 1,000 followersINSTAGRAM IS THE B2B ENGAGEMENT WINNER.With the exception of the biotech and financial servicesindustries, B2B brands see the highest averageengagement ratios on Instagram.FINANCIAL SERVICES BRANDS SHOULD BANK ONPINTEREST.Believe it or not, brands in the financial services sectorare pinning their way to greater brand engagement. We’llexplore this finding further in the industry breakdownsection of this report on page 20.10

Industry Case Studies11

Aerospace & DefenseKEY TAKEAWAYS LinkedIn is where aerospace and defense brands see the largestaudiences with a median of 142,000 followers. Despite middle-ofthe-road social media audience sizes overall compared to other B2Bindustries, aerospace and defense brands are well-represented onmultiple networks, with sizable median audience sizes of 53,000followers on Twitter and 77,000 page likes on Facebook.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSInstagram4TwitterLinkedin53 Instagram is the most effective channel for aerospace and defensebrands, with an average engagement ratio of 28.10. Despite largeLinkedIn audiences, aerospace and defense brands see minimalengagement on LinkedIn with an average engagement ratio of 1.14.142Pinterest0.03Textron, General Dynamics, and Airbus are the industry leaderson Instagram. All three include a mix of employment branding andproduct-in-action content. (Click hyperlinks to see content.)Facebook77Analysis based on the top 11 aerospace and defense brands in the Global 500 and leadingaerospace and defense brands on social media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.ENGAGEMENT RATIOENGAGEMENT RATIO LEADERS ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)43.5838.54TEXTRONGENERAL DYNAMICS29.82AIRBUS12

BiotechKEY TAKEAWAYS LinkedIn is the primary channel where biotech brands buildaudiences with a median of 96,000 followers. Beyond LinkedIn,biotech brands have minimal audiences on Facebook, with a medianof 1,000 page likes, and on Twitter, with a median of 6,000 followers.Despite small audiences, Facebook is the most effective channel forbiotech brands, with an average engagement ratio of 46.97.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: FACEBOOKMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSTwitter6LinkedIn Merck was an early industry leader on social media and sports thelargest Facebook audience size with over 36,228 page likes). Noticehow the brand elucidates the human element of biotech researchthrough their Facebook content.96Pinterest0.20Analysis based on the top 10 biotech brands in the Global 500 and leading biotech brandson social media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.social media as identified by theTrackMaven platform.Facebook1ENGAGEMENT RATIOINDUSTY LEADER ON FACEBOOK(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)1336k1kMERCKINDUSTRY AVERAGE

Chemical ManufacturersKEY TAKEAWAYS LinkedIn is where chemical manufacturers see the largestaudiences, with a median of 54,000 followers. Instagram is the most effective channel for chemical brands, withan average engagement ratio of 29.25. Facebook is the secondmost effective channel, with an average engagement ratio of 10.01.Despite large LinkedIn audiences, engagement levels are minimalfor chemical manufacturers on the network, with an averageengagement ratio of 1.02. On Instagram, Monsanto has the highest average engagement ratioamong leading chemical brands at 80.94.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN nalysis based on the top 16 chemical brands in the Global 500 and leading chemical brands onsocial media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.Facebook6ENGAGEMENT RATIOENGAGEMENT RATIO LEADER ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)1480.9429.25MONSANTOINDUSTRY AVERAGE

Computer HardwareKEY TAKEAWAYS Computer hardware brands have the second-largest median totalsocial media audience overall (1.7 million followers). Facebook iswhere computer hardware brands see the largest audiences with amedian of 1.2 million page likes.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSPinterest0.5TwitterInstagram is by far the most effective channel for computerhardware brands, with an average engagement ratio of 12.37.Facebook is the second most effective channel, with an averageengagement ratio of 1.38.On Instagram, Sony has the largest audience among leadingcomputer hardware brands at 1.8 million followers, and features adiverse product range on their feed. With a small audience, Fujitsuleads on Instagram by engagement ratio with an account dedicatedto the point of view of the company’s social media team.194Facebook1217LinkedIn150Instagram92Analysis based on the top 10 computer hardware brands in the Global 500 and leading computerhardware brands on social media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.ENGAGEMENT RATIOENGAGEMENT RATIO LEADERS ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)1533.2713.16FUJITSUSONY

ConstructionKEY TAKEAWAYS LinkedIn is where construction brands see the largest audiences,with a median of 120,000 followers. On Facebook, constructionbrand have significantly smaller audiences, with a median of 35,000page likes.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSPinterest0.5The most visual networks are best for construction brands.Instagram is the most effective channel, with an averageengagement ratio of 24.69. Pinterest is the second most effectivechannel, with an average engagement ratio of 20.67.TwitterLinkedIn13On Instagram, Cummins and Centex lead the industry by contentengagement. Cummins features user-generated content using thebranded hashtags #Cummins and #CumminsPower.120Facebook35Analysis based on the top 8 construction brands in the Global 500 and leading construction brandson social media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.Instagram1ENGAGEMENT RATIOENGAGEMENT RATIO LEADERS ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)1624.8824.49CENTEXCUMMINS

Electrical EquipmentKEY TAKEAWAYS LinkedIn is where electrical equipment brands see the largestaudiences, with a median of 124,000 followers. Brands in thisindustry see their second-largest audiences on Facebook, with amedian of 39,000 page likes.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSInstagram4Instagram is the most effective channel for electrical equipmentbrands, with an average engagement ratio of 18.31. Pinterest andFacebook follow, with average engagement ratio per brand of 2.91and 2.60, respectively.FacebookLinkedIn39124On Instagram, Intel has the most followers (447,00 ) among theleading brands in the industry, but ABB and Schneider Electric arethe engagement winners with average engagement ratios of 48.32and 20.00, respectively.Analysis based on the top 26 electrical equipment brands in the Global 500 and leading electricalequipment brands on social media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.Twitter18Pinterest0.4ENGAGEMENT RATIOENGAGEMENT RATIO LEADERS ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)48.3220.00ABBSCHNEIDER ELECTRIC6.92INTEL17

EnergyKEY TAKEAWAYS LinkedIn is where energy brands see the largest audiences, with amedian of 48,000 followers. Facebook is second, with a median of18,000 page likes. Instagram is the most effective channel for energy brands, with anaverage engagement ratio of 29.38. Facebook is the second mosteffective channel, with an average engagement ratio of 7.02.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSFacebook18LinkedIn48 On Instagram, energy brands in the oil and gas subsector outengage brands in the utilities subsector by 23 percent.Pinterest0.1Analysis based on the top 56 energy brands in the Global 500 and leading energy brands onsocial media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.Instagram1Twitter6ENGAGEMENT RATIOINSTAGRAM SUBSECTOR ENGAGEMENT RATIOS(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)1833.0726.87OIL & GASUTILITIES

EngineeringHIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMKEY TAKEAWAYS MEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSLinkedIn is where engineering brands see the largest audiences,with a median of 185,000 followers. Facebook is second, with amedian of 17,000 page likes, and Twitter is third, with a median of15,000 followers.Facebook17 Instagram is by far the most effective channel for engineeringbrands overall. With an average engagement ratio of 44.13,Instagram is nearly 10 times more engaging for engineering brandsthan Facebook (4.92), Twitter (1.91), Pinterest (1.77), or LinkedIn (1.38).On Instagram, CH2M Hill and AECOM lead the industry. Bothbrands encourage Instagram followers to engage with them directlyusing the branded hashtags #CH2M and #AECOM.Analysis based on the top six engineering brands in the Global 500 and leading engineeringbrands on social media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.ENGAGEMENT RATIOTwitter15Instagram1Pinterest0.20INDUSTRY LEADERS ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)Click a logo to seetheir content!19LinkedIn185

Financial ServicesKEY TAKEAWAYS LinkedIn is where financial services brands see the largestaudiences, with a median of 240,000 followers. Facebook is a closesecond with a median of 195,000 page likes.Pinterest is the most effective channel for financial services brandsby far, with an average engagement ratio of 69.92. Pinterest ismore than four times more engaging than the second-best channel,Instagram, with an average engagement ratio of 17.43.On Pinterest, commercial banking brands far out-engage othersubsectors in the industry with an average engagement ratio of76.44.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: PINTERESTMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN FacebookAnalysis based on the top 37 financial brands in the Global 500 and leading apparel brands onsocial media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.ENGAGEMENT RATIO195PINTEREST SUBSECTOR ENGAGEMENT RATIOS(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)76.440.20COMMERCIAL BANKINGINVESTMENT BANKING43.54ASSET MANAGEMENT20

Logistics & ShippingKEY TAKEAWAYS HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSFacebook is where logistics and shipping brands see the largestaudiences, with a median of 41,000 page likes. LinkedIn is secondwith a median of 27,000 followers.Twitter Instagram is the most effective channel for logistics and shippingbrands, with an average engagement ratio of 22.73. Facebook is thesecond most effective channel, with an average engagement ratio of8.97.6LinkedIn27On Instagram, rail freight brands have an average engagementratio of 29.21, far out-engaging mail and shipping brands (15.46) andlogistics brands (15.85). Union Pacific, Norfolk Southern, and CSXare industry leaders on the network.Facebook41InstagramAnalysis based on the top 28 shipping and logistics brands in the Global 500 and leading shippingand logistics brands on social media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.11Pinterest0.4ENGAGEMENT RATIOINSTAGRAM SUBSECTOR ENGAGEMENT RATIOS(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)29.2115.46RAIL & FREIGHTMAIL & SHIPPING15.85LOGISTICS21

MachineryKEY TAKEAWAYS Facebook is where manufacturing brands see the largest audiences,with a median of 183,000 page likes. LinkedIn is second with amedian of 62,000 followers. Instagram is the most effective channel for machinery brands, withan average engagement ratio of 25.14. Pinterest is the secondmost effective channel, with an average engagement ratio of 3.79.LinkedIn and Twitter are far less engaging for machinery brands onaverage. On Instagram, John Deere and Caterpillar have the most followersin the industry — 179,000 followers and 94,000 followers,respectively — but Parker Hannifin has a smaller but highlyengaged Instagram audience.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN nstagram25Analysis based on the top 8 machinery brands in the Global 500 and leading machinery brands onsocial media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.ENGAGEMENT RATIO183ENGAGEMENT RATIO LEADERS ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)29.9723.77JOHN DEEREPARKER HANNIFIN10.10CATEPILLAR22

MedicalKEY TAKEAWAYS LinkedIn is the primary channel for medical brands to accumulatesocial media audiences, with a median of 203,000 followers. Instagram is the most effective channel for medical brands, with anaverage engagement ratio of 21.47. Facebook is the second mosteffective channel, with an average engagement ratio of 5.80.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSTwitter12Pinterest0.04 On Instagram, Medtronic leads the industry by both follower count,with over 5,500 followers, and engagement ratio, with an average of27.98.Analysis based on the top eight medical brands in the Global 500 and leading medical brands onsocial media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.LinkedIn203Instagram2Facebook9ENGAGEMENT RATIOENGAGEMENT RATIO LEADER ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)2327.9821.47MEDTRONICINDUSTRY AVERAGE

Motor Vehicles & PartsHIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMKEY TAKEAWAYS MEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSLinkedIn is the dominant channel for motor vehicle manufacturersby audience size, with a median of 148,000 followers. Facebook issecond, with a median of 32,000 page likes.Instagram6Facebook32Instagram is the most effective channel for motor vehiclemanufacturers, with an average engagement ratio of 25.44.Twitter11On Instagram, Ford and General Motors are top performers in theindustry. Both companies find success on the network with a mix ofnostalgia, sleek professional product photos, and user-generatedcontent.LinkedIn148Analysis based on the top 12 motor vehicle brands in the Global 500 and leading motor vehiclebrands on social media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.Pinterest3ENGAGEMENT RATIOINDUSTRY LEADERS ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)Click a logo to seetheir content!24

PharmaceuticalsKEY TAKEAWAYSHIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDS LinkedIn is where pharmaceutical brands see the largest audiences,with a median of 464,000 followers. Twitter is a distant second witha median of 54,000 followers. Instagram is the most effective channel for pharmaceutical brands,with an average engagement ratio of 20.70. Facebook is the secondmost effective channel, with an average engagement artio of 14.72.PinterestOn Instagram, Bayer beats the average engagement ratio for theindustry by 57 percent.Instagram 1LinkedIn4646Analysis based on the top 18 pharmaceutical brands in the Global 500 and leading pharmaceuticalbrands on social media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.Twitter54Facebook38ENGAGEMENT RATIOENGAGEMENT RATIO LEADER ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)2532.5920.70BAYERINDUSTRY AVERAGE

Professional ServicesKEY TAKEAWAYS Professional services brands have the largest total social mediaaudience size among the B2B industries analyzed for this report.They build significant audiences on three core channels: LinkedIn,Facebook, and Twitter. Professional services brand audiences arean order of magnitude lower on Instagram, with a median of 58,000followers.Despite small median audiences, Instagram is by far the mosteffective channel for professional services brands, with an averageengagement ratio of 10.61. Facebook is distantly the second mosteffective channel, with an average engagement ratio of 0.37.Cisco is an industry leader on Instagram, with a rich mix ofanimations, employee spotlights, and relevant event-focusedcampaigns.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN 37Facebook761Analysis based on the top 21 professional services brands in the Global 500 and leadingprofessional services brands on social media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.ENGAGEMENT RATIOINDUSTRY LEADER ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)Cisco averages 620interactions per post.26

SoftwareKEY TAKEAWAYS LinkedIn is where software brands see the largest audiences, with amedian of 284,000 followers. Instagram is the most effective channel for software brands, with anaverage engagement ratio of 13.38. LinkedIn (0.33) and Twitter (0.15)are the least-engaging networks as a function of audience size andposting frequency for software brands. HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSTwitter119Pinterest1On Instagram, IBM is the industry leader with a smaller but moreengaged audience than both HP and Microsoft.Analysis based on the top 15 software brands in the Global 500 and leading software brands onsocial media as identified by the TrackMaven T RATIOENGAGEMENT RATIO LEADERS ON INSTAGRAM(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)12.677.77IBMMICROSOFT5.86HP27

WholesalersKEY TAKEAWAYS Wholesalers have the smallest total social media audience sizeamong the B2B industries analyzed for this report. LinkedIn is wherewholesalers see the largest audiences, with a median of 25,000followers.Instagram is the most effective channel for wholesalers, with anaverage engagement ratio of 21.38. Facebook is the second mosteffective channel, with an average engagement ratio of 6.72.HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT: INSTAGRAMMEDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIENCE SIZE IN THOUSANDSFacebook5Pinterest0.06Instagram2 On Instagram, wholesalers in the electronics and office equipmentsubsector are twice as engaging as brands in the food and grocerysubsector on average.LinkedIn25Analysis based on the top 26 wholesaler brands in the Global 500 and leading wholesalers brandson social media as identified by the TrackMaven platform.ENGAGEMENT RATIOTwitter7INSTAGRAM SUBSECTOR ENGAGEMENT RATIOS(AVERAGE INTERACTIONS PER POST PER 1,000 FOLLOWERS)2833.5616.97ELECTRONICS & OFFICEEQUIPMENTFOOD & GROCERY

ABOUT THE DATAFor this report, we used the TrackMaven software platform to analyze the social media content from 316 leading B2Bbrands from January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2015. The dataset includes the top B2B brands in the Global 500and B2B leaders on social media identified by the TrackMaven platform. The brands included in the dataset for thisreport are listed below:Aerospace & DefenseAirbusNorthrup GrummanLockheed MartinL-3 CommunicationsUnited TechnologiesRockwell CollinsRaytheonBAETextronGeneral DynamicsHuntington Ingalls IndustriesGrifolsIpsen SAMerckRegeneron PharmaUCBChemicalsAir ProductsAshlandAvery DennisonBASFCelaneseDow ChemicalDuPontEastman ChemicalEcoLabHunstmanMonsantoMosaicPPG IndustriesPraxairSherwin- WilliamsSinopecComputer HardwareAcerAppleAsusDellFujitsu29Balfour kanskaElectrical EquipmentBiotechAmgenBioGenCelgeneCSL BehringGilead SciencesConstructionHPLenovoSamsungSonyWestern Digital3MABBAMD (Advanced MicroDevices)Applied MaterialEmerson Electric Co.GEGeneral CableHarmanHitachi Data SystemsHoneywellIntelJabilLevel 3Micron TechnologyMitsubishi ElectricQualcommRockwell AutomationSamsungSanDiskSanminaSchneider ElectricSiemensTexas InstrumentsToshibaToshiba ElectricWhirlpool AutomationNational OilwellNextEraNisourceNRG EnergyOccidental PetroleumPBF EnergyPepcoPG & EPhillips66PPLPublic Service EnterpriseGroupSaipemSchlumbergerSempra EnergySouthern WeatherfordWEC EnergyWestern RefiningXcel EnergyEngineeringAECOMCH2M HillEmcor GroupJacobsKBRKiewitFinancial ServicesEnergyAESAGL ResourcesAmerenAmerican Electric PowerAnadarkoAtmos EnergyBaker HughesCameron Intl.Canadian Natural ResourcesCenterpoint EnergyChesapeakeChevronConoco PhillipsConsolidated EdisonDevon EnergyDominion ResourcesDuke EnergyEdison InternationalEFHEOG resourcesEversourceExelonExxon MobilFirst EnergyFMC TechnologiesHalliburtonHessHollyFrontierIcahn EnterprisesMarathon PetroleumAllianzAlly BankAmerican ExpressAmerican Express CCAXABank of AmericaBank of New York MellonBarclayCardBarclays InvestmentBB&TBlack RockBNP ParibasCapital OneCapital One CCCiti BankCiti GroupCredit Suisse BankingDeutsche Bank InvestmentsDiscover CCDiscover Financial ServicesEbayGoldman SachsJP MorganJP Morgan (Chase Banking)JP Morgan FinancialMaster CardMorgan StanleyMorgan Stanley WealthManagementPNCState StreetSuntrust

TIAA CREFToronto-Dominion BankUBSUS BankVisaWells FargoLogistics & ShippingBallBerry PlasticsBurlington Northern Santa FeCanadian National RailwayCanadian Pacific RailwayCHRobinsonCrown HoldingsCSX CorpDeutsche PostDHLExpeditorsFedExGenesee & WyomingHub GroupKansas City SouthernLaserShipNorfolk SouthernOwens-IllinoisPCASealed AirSonoco ProductsTNT ExpressUnion Pacific CorpUPSUSPSWestRockXPO LogisticsYamato HoldingsMachineryAGCOCaterpillarDover CorporationFlowserveIllinois Tool WorksJohn DeereParker HannifinTerexMedicalAbbott LaboratoriesAlconBaxter InternationalBoston ScientificMcKessonMedtronicStrykerThermo-Fisher ScientificPharmaceuticalsProfessional Services30LearNavistarTRWVisteonVolvoVolvo llimanPWCTATA Consultancy ServicesAccentureAccenture TechADPAtoSBain & CompanyBooz Allen HamiltonCap GeminiCDWCEBCGI ault Systemes SoftwareEMCHP SoftwareMotor Vehicles & PartsBorgWarnerDana HoldingFordGeneral MotorsGoodyearJohnson ControlsGlaxoSmithKlineJohnson & AbbVieAllerganAstraZenecaBayerBioGenBristol-Myers SquibbCelgeneEli Lilly and CompanyExpress ScriptsGilead SciencesIBMMicrosoftNetAppOracle SoftwareSAPSymantec SoftwareVMwareWholesalersAmeriSourceBergenAnixter InternationalArrow ElectronicsAvnetCardinal HealthCore-MarkEssendantGenuine PartsGraingerGraybarHD SupplyIngram MicroInsight EnterprisesLansing Trade GroupLKQNGL EnergyOwens & MinorPattersonSpartanNashSynnexSyscoTech DataUnified GrocersUnited Natural FoodsUS FoodsWESCO

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