17th Annual Hospital Medicine: Managing Complex Patients

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School of ContinuousProfessional Development17th Annual Hospital Medicine:Managing Complex PatientsNovember 2-5, 2022REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!The PhoenicianScottsdale, ArizonaCourse Highlights: Interactive case-based presentations Clinical updates on important inpatient topics ABIM MOC Learning Session: 2022-2023 Update inHospital Medicine Point-of-Care Ultrasound Introductory Workshop (optional)Early Bird Discount Expires: August 31stce.mayo.edu/hm2022RegisterToday!Registrationis now open!

About the courseLEARNING OBJECTIVESTARGET AUDIENCEUpon conclusion of this program,participants should be able to:This program is designed for inpatientcare providers including physicians,advanced practice providers, residents,and fellows. Internal medicine and familypractice, among others, are specialtiesthat have practitioners who care forhospitalized patients. Recognize clinical features ofimportant headache types in thehospital Select appropriate tests for suspectedrheumatologic disease Develop an approach to VTEmanagement for the patient at risk ofbleeding in the hospital Choose an evidence-based treatmentregimen for inpatient orthopedicinfections Apply evidenced-based best practiceto the diagnosis and managementof clostridium difficile colitis in thehospitalized patient Recognize which hospitalized patientswith generalized weakness requirea neurology consultation Employ a systematic approach toacute renal failure management Develop an approach to the acutemanagement of alcohol withdrawalsyndrome Identify factors associated with patientsatisfaction in hospital care Choose an evidence-based approachto the evaluation of chest pain in thehospitalized patient Select an appropriate initial treatmentfor acute COPD exacerbationsCANCELLATION POLICYPlease visit ce.mayo.edu/cancellation formore information.WELCOME RECEPTIONWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2022Attendees and a guest are cordiallyinvited to join the course faculty for theWelcome Reception on November 2,2022. This casual reception welcomesyou to The Phoenician, officially opensthe course, and offers you the perfectopportunity to make connectionswith existing and new colleagues.Pre-registration is requested.

PROGRAM AT-A-GLANCE*WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2022FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2022 C. Difficile: Cases and Conundrums Headache Pearls for the Hospitalist Diagnostic Errors in Hospital Medicine Patient Satisfaction in the HospitalCurrent Best Practice in HospitalCOPD Management Updates in Hospital Medicine Hospital Medicine Post-COVID Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome:Assessment and Treatment A Rational Approach toRheumatologic Testing in the Hospital Updates in Perioperative Medicine Cardiorenal Syndromes: What theHospitalist Should KnowHospital Management ofAnticoagulation Therapy Relatedto Bleeding Hoofbeats Management of the HospitalizedCancer Patient Acute Renal Failure Management:Pearls and PitfallsTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2022 Feedback to Improve Diagnosis The Hospitalized Patient with ChronicLiver Disease Chest Pain in the Hospital:A Practical Approach What’s New in Critical Care Medicinefor the Hospitalist? Infectious Diseases Update for theHospitalistFriday, November 5, 20221:00-4:45 p.m.Fee: 500 (includes lunch)Space is limited; early registration isadvised – Pre-registration requiredAvailable in-person only Orthopedic Infections:Key Points for HospitalistsSATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2022 Geriatrics Updates for the Hospitalists Anemia for the Hospitalist Five Codes POTS Syndrome: Hospitalist Pearls Medical Imaging Cases from theHospital Effective Mentoring in HospitalMedicine Practical Advice for Managing DiabetesMellitus in the Hospital The Weak PatientOPTIONAL EDUCATION OPPORTUNITYABIM MOC Learning Session:2022 – 2023 Update in Hospital MedicineThursday, November 3, 20221:00-4:00 p.m.Fee: 200 (includes lunch)Pre-registration required*Visit the course website for full programOPTIONAL EDUCATION OPPORTUNITYPoint-of-Care UltrasoundIntroductory Workshop

COURSE DIRECTORRichard M. Elias, M.B.B.S., M.P.H.COURSE CO-DIRECTORSJed (Colt) C. Cowdell, M.D., M.B.A.Shaun K. Yang, M.D., M.P.H.GUEST FACULTYAndrew Olson, M.D., FACP, FAAPDirector of Hospital Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical CenterAssociate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, University of Minnesota Medical SchoolMinneapolis, MinnesotaOmar M. Abu Saleh, M.B.B.S.Robert C. Albright Jr, D.O.MAYO FACULTYWayne A. Martini, Jr. M.D.Gautam V. Matcha, M.D.Evamaria Anvari, M.D.Donna M. Miller, M.D.Shari I. Brand, M.D.Tasneem Z. Naqvi, M.B.B.S., M.D.M. Caroline Burton, M.D.Sean E. Nelson, M.D.Michael W. Cullen, M.D.Jamie S. Newman, M.D., M.H.A.Daniel C. DeSimone, M.D.Ricardo J. Pagan, M.D.Megan M. Dulohery Scrodin, M.D.John G. Park, M.D.Brent P. Goodman, M.D.John T. Ratelle, M.D.Lucinda M. Gruber, M.D.Nicholas G. Rhodes, M.D.Dana Herrigel, M.D.Kenneth K. Sakata, M.D.Meltiady Issa, M.D., M.B.A.Antoine (Tony) N. Saliba, M.D.Ilko V. Ivanov, M.D.Will M. Schouten, M.D.A. Scott Keller, M.D., M.S.Neel B. Shah, M.B., Ch.B.Diana J. Kelm, M.D.Douglas (Doug) A. Simonetto, M.D.Sahil Khanna, M.B.B.S., M.S.Ammal J. Starling, M.D.Patrick G. Kishi, M.D.Michel Toledano, M.D.Lisa M. LeMond, M.D.Benjamin Wang, M.D.Michael J. Maniaci, M.D.Waldemar E. Wysokinski, M.D., Ph.D.Michael A. Mao, M.D.Roger C. Yu, M.D.

ABOUT THE LOCATIONThe Phoenician6000 E. Camelback RoadScottsdale, Arizona 85251Online ervations Center: 480-423-2575A block of rooms at a special grouprate of 325 (USD), plus applicable localand state taxes, per night, is available forcourse participants and guests. Discountedresort fee of 15, per room per night plustax. Children 17 years or younger stay freeof charge in adult’s room with existingbedding. Group rates apply three daysprior to and three days after coursedates, based upon availability.Group Room Block almost sold-out!To ensure accommodations, make yourreservation before the room block fillsvia website or telephone, and reference“Mayo Clinic Hospital Medicine.” Toavoid a one night’s room and tax charge,reservations must be canceled at leastseven (7) days prior to scheduled arrival.COURSE REGISTRATIONOn orbeforeAfter8/31/2022 8/31/2022MD, PhD 850 925Allied Health,NP, PA,Residents,Fellows,Retired 750 825ABIM MOCLearningSession (Live &Livestream) 200 250Point-of-CareUltrasoundWorkshop(In-person Only) 500 550Optional SessionsAvailable credit25.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit Attendees are responsible for their ownreservations.ce.mayo.edu/hm2022Accreditation StatementIn support of improving patient care, Mayo ClinicCollege of Medicine and Science is jointly accreditedby the Accreditation Council for Continuing MedicalEducation (ACCME), the Accreditation Council forPharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses CredentialingCenter (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.Credit Statement(s)AMA The Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science designatesthis other activity (live and livestream) for a maximum of 25.00 AMAPRA Category 1 Credit(s) . (19.50 general session; 2.5 ABIM MOClearning session; 3.00 Point-of-Care Ultrasound Workshop). Physiciansshould claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of theirparticipation in the activity.AAFP Application for CME credit has been filed with the AmericanAcademy of Family Physicians. Determination of credit is pending.Other Healthcare Professionals A certificate of attendance will beprovided to other healthcare professionals for requesting credits inaccordance with state nursing boards, specialty societies, or otherprofessional associations.ABIM MOC Successful completion of this CME activity, which includesparticipation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earnup to 19.50 MOC points in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM)Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. Participants will earn MOCpoints equivalent to the amount of CME credits claimed for the activity. It isthe CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completioninformation to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit.Participation information will be shared with ABIM through PARS.

2022 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.MC8300-63BROrev0722Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Developmentce.mayo.edu mca.cme@mayo.edu 480-301-4580ce.mayo.edu/hm2022The PhoenicianScottsdale, ArizonaNOVEMBER 2-5, 202217th Annual HospitalMedicine: ManagingComplex PatientsELECTRONIC SERVICE REQUESTEDMayo Clinic13400 East Shea BoulevardScottsdale, AZ 85259

MC8300-63BROrev0722 17th Annual Hospital Medicine: Managing Complex Patients ce.mayo.edu/hm2022 Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development ce.mayo.edu mca.cme@mayo.edu 480-301-4580 2022 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Mayo Clinic 13400 East Shea Boulevard Scottsdale, AZ 85259 ELECTRONIC SERVICE REQUESTED .

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