AVTECH InstituteIT Certification RoadMapCertifications Validate Your ComTia A Certificate is your first stepInformationtowards a satisfying IT careerCOCompTIACOCompTIA IT FundamentalsMSMTA: Security FundamentalsCOCOMSCompTIA A CompTIA IT FundamentalsMTA: Networking FundamentalsCOCompTIA A COCompTIA IT FundamentalsITITIL FoundationSecurityCICOCompTIA Security CICCNA SecurityCOCON CICIMSMSRHCOITMSSFCompTIA Network CompTIA Linux CCNA Routing and SwitchingCCNA Data CenterMCSAWindows 7 EDRHCSACICCNP SecurityCICCIE SecurityIACISAISCISSPNetwork and CloudCICIMSRHRHCICCIECICCIE Routing and SwitchingRHRHCAand InfrastructureITITITIL ExpertITITIL MasterIT ManagementPMPMBAand strategyPMI PMP/AgileIIBA BACICOCompTIA A CICCNA Data CenterCOCompTIA IT FundamentalsOROCAMSMTA: Database FundamentalsOROCPCOCompTIA A COCompTIA Mobility COCompTIA IT FundamentalsCPCIW Web Design SpecCPCIW Site Dev AssociateTechnologiesHardware, ServiceCompTIA Server ITIL IntermediateWindows 7 EDSHDSalesforce.comMS MTA IT InfrastructureCOCompTIA Project FundamentalsPMCAPMCCNP Data CenterCCNP Voice/WirelessMCSERHCEStorage and DataORCIOCMCCNP Data CenterWeb and A A COCompTIA IT FundamentalsMSMTA: Developer FundamentalsCCC, , C Programmer,MSMCSDMSMTAORJAVA ProgrammerORJAVA J2EE Develoer
CO CompTIACertificationsBEGINNER/NOVICECompTIA A CompTIA Cloud EssentialsCompTIA HIT Technician: Healthcare ITTechnicianCompTIA IT FundamentalsINTERMEDIATECompTIA CDIA : Certified DocumentImaging ArchitectCompTIA Cloud CompTIA CTT : Certified TechnicalTrainerCompTIA Linux CompTIA Mobility CompTIA Network CompTIA Project CompTIA Security CompTIA Server CompTIA SMSP: Social Media SecurityProfessionalCompTIA Storage , powered by SNIAADVANCEDCASP: CompTIA Advanced SecurityPractitionerCompTIA Mobile App Security AD AdobeBEGINNER/NOVICEACA: Adobe Certified AssociateINTERMEDIATEACI: Adobe Certified InstructorEXPERTACE: Adobe Certified ExpertCA Cloud SecurityAllianceADVANCEDCCSK: Certificate of Cloud SecurityKnowledgeCECertiportBEGINNER/NOVICEIC : Internet and Computing CoreCertificationCICisco SystemsBEGINNER/NOVICECCENT: Cisco Certified EntryNetworking TechnicianINTERMEDIATECCDA: Cisco Certified Design AssociateCCNA Routing and Switching: CiscoCertified Network Associate Routingand SwitchingCCNA Data Center: Cisco CertifiedNetwork Associate Data CenterCCNA Security: Cisco Certified NetworkAssociate SecurityADVANCEDCCDP: Cisco Certified DesignProfessionalUpdated 07/2015CCNP Security: Cisco Certified NetworkProfessional SecurityCCNP Service Provider: Cisco CertifiedNetwork Professional ServiceProviderCCNP Voice: Cisco Certified NetworkProfessional VoiceCCNP Wireless: Cisco Certified NetworkProfessional WirelessEXPERTCCIE: Cisco Certified InternetworkExpertCCIE Routing and Switching: CiscoCertified Internetwork ExpertRouting and SwitchingCCIE Security: Cisco CertifiedInternetwork Expert - SecurityCCIE Service Provider: Cisco CertifiedInternetwork Expert Service ProviderCCIE SP Operations: Cisco CertifiedInternetwork Expert Service ProviderOperationsSCYBER: Securing Cisco Network withThreat Detection and AnalysisCPCertification PartnersBEGINNER/NOVICECIW Site Development AssociateINTERMEDIATECIW Web Design SpecialistCSThe Cloud SchoolADVANCEDCCP: Cloud Certified ProfessionalCW CWNPINTERMEDIATECWNA: Certified Wireless NetworkAdministratorCWTS: Certified Wireless TechnologySpecialistCXCitrixINTERMEDIATECCIA: Citrix Certified IntegrationArchitectADVANCEDCCA: Citrix Certifed AdministratorECEC CouncilINTERMEDIATECHFI: Computer Hacking ForensicInvestigatorADVANCEDCEH: Certified Ethical HackerEFECDL FoundationBEGINNER/NOVICEECDL/ICDL: European Computer DrivingLicenseECDL/ICDL Advanced: EuropeanComputer Driving LIcense AdvancedGO GoogleMBEGINNER/NOVICEEXPERTGACA: Google Apps CertifiedAdministratorADVANCEDGACDS: Google Apps CertifiedDeployment SpecialistHD HDI GlobalCertificationBEGINNER/NOVICEHDI DST: HDI Desktop SupportTechnicianHDI SCA: HDI Support Center AnalystINTERMEDIATEHDI CI: HDI Certified InstructorHDI DSM: HDI Desktop SupportManagerHDI SCM: HDI Support Center ManagerHP Hewlett-PackardEXPERTASE/CSE: Accredited Systems Engineerand Certified Systems EngineerIAISACAADVANCEDCISA: Certified InformationSystems AuditorEXPERTCGEIT: Certified in the Governance ofEnterprise ITCISM: Certified InformationSecurity ManagerISISCCISSP: Certified Information SystemsSecurity ProfessionalITILBEGINNER/NOVICEITIL FoundationINTERMEDIATEITIL IntermediateADVANCEDITIL ExpertEXPERTITIL MasterLP Linux ProfessionalInstituteINTERMEDIATELPIC- Junior Level LinuxProfessionalADVANCEDLPIC- Advanced Level LinuxProfessionalEXPERTCPTE: Certified PenetrationTesting EngineerMS MicrosoftBEGINNER/INVOICEMOS: Microsoft Office SpecialistMTA: Database Fundamentals:Microsoft Technology Associate:Database FundamentalsMTA: Developer Fundamentals:Microsoft Technology Associate:Developer FundamentalsMTA IT Infrastructure Fundamentals:Microsoft Technology Associate:IT Infrastructure FundamentalsMTA: Networking Fundamentals:Microsoft Technology Associate:Networking FundamentalsMTA: Security Fundamentals:Microsoft Technology Associate:Security FundamentalsINTERMEDIATEMCSA: Microsoft Certified SolutionsAssociateMCSD: Microsoft Certified SolutionsDeveloperMCT: Microsoft Certified TrainerMOS Expert: Microsoft OfficeSpecialist ExpertMOS Master: Microsoft OfficeSpecialist MasterMTA: Microsoft Technology AssociateWindows EDA: Microsoft WindowsEnterprise Desktop AdministratorWindows EDS: Microsoft WindowsEnterprise Desktop SupportADVANCEDEXPERTITMileLPIC- Senior Level LinuxProfessionalMCAD: Microsoft Certified ApplicationsDeveloperMCSE: Microsoft Certified SolutionsExpertNO NovellINTERMEDIATECLA: Novell SUSE Certified LinuxAdministratorCNA: Certified Novell AdministratorCNI: Certified Novell InstructorADVANCEDCNE: Certified Novell EngineerOG Office of GovernmentCommerce/PrinceINTERMEDIATEPrince Foundation: Office ofGovernment Commerce (OGC)Prince FoundationEXPERTPrince Practitioner: Office ofGovernment Commerce (OGC)Prince PractitionerOR OracleBEGINNER/NOVICEOCAJ: Oracle Certified Associate,Java SE /SEINTERMEDIATEOCA: Oracle Certified AssociateOCP: Oracle Certified ProfessionalOCPJP: Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE6/SE 5 ProgrammerADVANCEDOCMJD: Oracle Certified Master,Java SE6 DeveloperEXPERTOCM: Oracle Certified MasterOCMJEA: Oracle Certified Master,Java EE 5 Enterprise ArchitectPM PMIINTERMEDIATECAPM: PMI Certified Associate inProject ManagementADVANCEDPMP: PMI Project ManagementProfessionalRH Red HatINTERMEDIATERHCSA: Red Hat Certified SystemAdministratorADVANCEDRHCE: Red Hat Certified EngineerEXPERTRHCA: Red Hat Certified ArchitectSA SANSINTERMEDIATEGCIH: GIAC Certified Incident HandlerGISP: GIAC Information SecurityProfessionalGSEC: GIAC Security EssentialsSC Scrum AllianceEXPERTCSP: Certified Scrum .COM: Salesforce.com CertifiedAdministratorVM VMWareBEGINNER/NOVICEVCA-DCV: VMWare Certified Associate - DataCenter VirtualizationADVANCEDVCAP-CIA: VMWare Certified AdvancedProfessional - Cloud InfrastructureAdministration
Career Skills Training ProgramsCertifications Validate Your ExpertiseAVTECH InstituteingContracted programsPackagesOffice Administration /ProductivityBookeeping,Accounting /Microsoft Office Specialist(MOS)Computerized FinancialAccountingFinanceAdditional CareerAdvancementsMS MOS (Word, Excel,PowerPoint, Outlook, Access)Student ResourcesWWW.VTC.COM , On-line learningCareer Services (Coaching,Interview, Job leads and others)MS MOS, Quick Book Pro,Peachtree, SAP FICOPeople Skills TrainingSaleforce User SpecialistSales / MarketingCertificationMS MOS, MS VISIO,Salesforce.com Communication Training Customer ServicesManagement /Project ManagementProject ManagementPMPBusiness Analysis BAProfessional (PMP)Business AnalysisCertification ProgramSAP Business Intelligence(BI/BW)MS MOS, MS Project, ,MSVISIO,PMI PMPMS MOS, MS VISIO, IIBA BA,SAP (BI/BW)Life ScienceBIOinfo Database TrainingSAS Training PackageOracle Clinical, DataManagementSAS ProgrammingHuman Resources HRSAP HR/HCM PackageMS MOS, MS VISIO, SAPQuality Assurance Six SigmaHR/HCMSIX Sigma Green BeltCertificationMS MOS, SIX Sigma GreenBelt Certification
IT Career Skills Training PackagesAVTECH InstituteCertifications Validate Your ExpertiseContracted ProgramsNetworking LAN/WANAdministrator/ EngineerPC /LAN Help & Support SpecialistMicrosoft Certified System AdministratorAdditional CareerAdvancementsStudent ResourcesCompTIA A , Network , MCSA, MCSEWWW.VTC.COM , On-line learningCISCO CCNA, CCNP, CCIECareer Services (Coaching,Interview, Job leads and others)Information SecurityNetwork Security ProfessionalCompTIA Security ,CISA, CISSPNetwork Security ExpertPeople Skills TrainingWeb, Mobile DeveloperE-Commerce Package TrainingPackageHTML5, CSS, Joomla, World Press, Communication TrainingASP.net,C#.net, JAVA J2EE, JSP Customer Services Software Programming EngineerSoftware Developing JAVA Developer Training Course Microsoft C Sharp and .Net TrainingDatabase AdministrationSoftware Testing ,QAOracle Database AdministratorTrainingQuality Assurance Training PackageC,C ,JAVA programming C#.nrt, Android,Object C, SwiftMS ACCESS, MYSOL, SQL, Oracle DBAManual Testing , Automation Testing,Winrunner, Load Runner, Selenium
AVTECH InstituteAllied Health Certification/License RoadMapCertificatons /Licenses validate your Allied Health Core PC Skills: Microsoft Office Desktop HIPPA Health Care Customer Service Medical Terminology Anatomy & Physiology Basic PharmacologyHHA 10- 12/hrC.N.A. 10- ---- License Practical Nurse (LPN)BLS CPR-American Heart Association Certified Nurse Aid (C.N.A.)Certification Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT) Certified Electrocardiograph Technician (CEKG) Medical Billing and Coding Specialist (CMBC) Certified Clinical Medical Assistant(CCMA) Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA) Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist (CEHRS)Home Health Aid (HHA)Register Nurse (RN)CPT/EKG 13- 16/hrCMBC 10- 13/hrCCMA 14- 18/hrCMAA 14- 18/hrCEHRS 12- 16/hrLPN 19- 30/hrRN 29- 40/hr
AVTECH Allied Health Certification/License ProgramsAllied Health Core PC Skills: Microsoft Office Desktop HIPPA Health Care Customer Service Medical Terminology Anatomy & Physiology Basic PharmacologyAVTECH InstituteInstructor LeadProgram SubjectContract programSummaryOn Line ---------------------------------Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)Medical Office AdministrationMedical AssistantMS MOS, Medical Terminology E.H.R.WWW.ATItestingApplication.comCertified Electronic Health Records SpecialistMedical AssistantPhlebotomy, EKGCertified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT)MS MOS , ICD-10 Billing and CodingMedical Billing and CodingMedical Billing and Coding SpecialistNUR 101: Fundamentals of NursingLicense Practical NursePractical Nursing Program (LPN)NUR 102 Gerentological and MentalHealth NursingNUR 103: Maternal and ChildHealth/PediatricsNUR 104: Acute Care NursingNUR 105: Career Development andNCLEX PN Review
IT Certification RoadMap AVTECH Institute BEGINNER/NOVICE ComTia A Certificate is your first step towards a satisfying IT career INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED EXPERT IT ITIL CO CompTIA CO CompTIA IT Fundamentals MS MTA: Security Fundamentals CO CompTIA A CO CompTIA IT Fundamentals .
CompTIA IT Certification Roadmap How to find: -A direct link to the CompTIA IT Certification Roadmap page is here. -Two additional ways to navigate to the IT Certification Roadmap page: Go to www.comptia.org, click on "ertifications" in the top right, hover over "Explore areers", and click on "areer Roadmap".
Install Your Relay Switch Do not use this sensor in hazardous (classified) locations or life safety applications. Step 1: Mount your Relay Switch. Mount your Relay Switch with screws through the flange holes, secure it with Velcro or simply place it on a flat surface. Step 2: Connect your Relay Switch to AVTECH's Light Tower & Relay Adapter .
DB2 V11.1 Certification Roadmap C2090-600: IBM DB2 11.1 DBA for LUW Test Preparation Sample Questions Why Certification? . Earn Better Salary Fresher! don't worry - certification will enable you learn faster Experience Matters, however Certifications Help to Upgrade! DB2 v11.1 Certification Roadmap DB2 10.5 Fundamentals for LUW C2090 .
RESOURCE ROADMAP COVID-19 Economic Recovery Resource Roadmap This COVID-19 Economic Recovery Resource Roadmap (Roadmap), as developed by FEMA, is to assist state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) leaders and stakeholders with navigating some of the challenges, as well as the resources, associated with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The Roadmap will evolve to meet the HIT Modernization Program needs. The Roadmap is a launching point for IHS HIT modernization. The Roadmap is to be referenced and updated on a regular basis as information is gained and funding is acquired. To facilitate growth and evolution of the Roadmap
We propose a 15-page visualization of the roadmap and a 40-page report outlining the key results of the study as end products END PRODUCT Roadmap presentation 15 slides visualization of the most important results of the roadmap: 2050 ambition Roadmap Impact Targeted to be used f
(R&D) roadmap is necessary. DOE retained Navigant Consulting Inc. (hereafter, “Navigant”) to develop this roadmap as a follow-on to a similar report written in 2012.2 This roadmap reflects the current state of the industry in 2014 and describes advances that have been made since the 2011 roadmap.
PK-2 Next Generation ELA Standards at a Glance . PK-2 Reading Standards (Literary and Informational Text) Review the . PK, K, 1. st, and 2 nd grade ELA introductions for information regarding: guidance and support, range of student reading experiences, text complexity, English language learners/multilingual learners, and students with disabilities. Key Ideas and Details PK K 1 2 PKR1 .