Memphis Air Route Traffic Control Center
TABLE OF CONTENTSWelcome Letter3FAA Mission and Vision4FAA Values5Memphis Center Air Traffic Manager6Memphis Center Support Manager for Training7Memphis Center Organizational Chart8Our Expectations of All Employees9Policies10New Hire Sponsor Directory11Memphis Center Directory12Local Area Information13Memphis Center Information18Memphis Center History192
Welcome LetterDear New Employee,On behalf of all your new coworkers at Memphis Center, I am happy to have theprivilege of welcoming you to the team! Your knowledge, abilities, and positiveattitude make you a highly regarded addition to our team, and I am certain that youwill have a positive impact on our futures.All of us want to make your tenure at this facility as enjoyable and rewarding aspossible. You will be working with an outstanding group of professionals that willhelp you develop your skills as you learn to provide the best possible service to theflying public. Please feel free to ask any questions and express your thoughts andideas to the staff and senior leadership. Our aim is to foster a collaborativeatmosphere and involve everyone in the process of making our facility an exceptionaland exciting place to work.Your new facility is located at 3229 Democrat Road. On your first day please reportto Sarah McVay, Training Manager, 901-368-8597 at 7am CST.More information about the FAA and the Air Traffic Organization (ATO) is availableat , , and look forward to working with you and would like to welcome you again to ourteam!Sincerely,Heather LeonardActing Air Traffic Manager3
Memphis Center Air Traffic ManagerHeather LeonardMrs. Leonard is currently the ActingManager, Memphis ARTCC. She wasborn October 23, 1957 in Los Angeles,California. She attended high school atBonita Vista and graduated in June 1975.Ms. Leonard obtained a Bachelor of Artsdegree in Professional Aeronautics. Sheenlisted in the military in 1976 and herfirst assignment was as an air trafficcontroller. After the military and a shorttime as a Department of Defensecontroller she was hired by the FAA.She has twenty-six years of FAA service,which include: four air traffic controllerratings, regional and headquarter staff specialist, supervision and senior advisorexperience. In December of 2008 she was appointed Acting Manager, MemphisARTCC. She resides in Memphis with her husband, Jerry. They have one grownson, Shawn and a granddaughter, Ava.6
Memphis Center Support Manager for TrainingSarah M. McVaySarah began her FAA career in 1983 as acooperative education student for AlcornState University. After completing co-oprequirements, she was hired permanently in1985 as an air traffic control specialist atMemphis ARTCC. She has held severalpositions at Memphis including supportspecialist and front line manager. She hasserved on committees and workgroupswhose primary goal was to create a trainingprogram conducive to learning. Herpassion for training has led her to theposition she currently holds.7
Memphis Center Organizational ChartThere are about 420 ATO – Enroute personnel assigned to Memphis Center.Approximately 250 of these are controllers and 35 are Front Line Managers. Otheremployees also play a role in supporting the FAA mission. These include: SystemOperations, who manage airspace capacity and efficiency; Technical Operations, whomaintain the equipment; Administrative Support Staff; and contract personnel.Heather LeonardActingAir Traffic ManagerVacantStaffManagerDanny FlowersOperations SupportManagerSteve KaeserPlanning/RequirementsManagerRichard LuckSafety AssuranceManagerSarah McVayTrainingManagerMichele BrinsonEmployee ServicesPhyllis MossBusiness ServicesDoris StephensBusiness ServicesRuss BattlesOperations MgrJim CourtneyOperations MgrPhil GriswoldOperations MgrFront Line ManagersZME Organizational ChartClifton JordanOperations MgrRodney McNeillOperations MgrVacantOperations MgrFlight DataAir Traffic Control Specialists8
Our Expectations of All EmployeesMemphis Center leadership team expects all employees to: Come to work, be on timeBe prepared – mentally and physicallyUnderstand leave policy and manage your leave appropriatelyBe cooperative and professionalTreat people with respect and dignityTake initiativeBe accountableLead by example – be a good role modelDo not tolerate or engage in any form of harassment or discriminationActively participate in trainingKnow your airspace and systems, know your equipmentUse prescribed phraseology/correct facility and equipment namesFollow rules and proceduresBe open to feedback – provide honest informationBe an effective team member9
PoliciesReporting for duty: Your initial shift will be 0700 to 1530. If you have anyquestions, contact Bill Champion, Training Support, at 901-368-8595 (Monday –Friday, 0700-1530 CST). Our guards at the entrance will need to know that yourpoint of contact is Bill Champion at extension 8595.Hours of Duty: Memphis Center is a 24 hour facility. We work rotating shiftswith permanent days off. Your area assignment and shifts will be confirmed uponarrival.Parking: Parking Decals are required for vehicles parked at Memphis Center.Due to security requirements, cars are only to be in the parking lot whenemployees are on duty. You will need your vehicle registration (a copy isacceptable) and your driver's license to get your parking decal.Building Access: You will be given a personal access code which will allow youaccess to Memphis Center and another code to enter the control room.FAA ID Cards: On your first day you will need to bring your Social SecurityCard and your driver's license or a passport. A picture will be taken for yourphoto ID card. You will be issued a temporary badge to wear until yourpermanent card arrives. Badges must be worn at all times.Visitors: Visitors are allowed but must be coordinated prior to arrival. For moreinformation contact a New Hire Sponsor (see next page). The current SECONlevel (security condition) will determine if visitors are being permitted entrance tothe facility.Mobile phones: Mobile phones and pagers must be off anytime you are in thecontrol room to preclude interference with communications equipment.10
New Hire Sponsor DirectoryTony BranhamArea 1Work 901-368-8108Tony.a.branham@faa.govDarrin CationArea 3Work 901-368-8107Darrin.cation@faa.govRichard GuaspArea 4Work 901-368-8252Richard.guasp@faa.govJim StudstillArea 4Work 901-368-8252Jim.studstill@faa.govJeffery BoussonArea 2Work 901-368-8237Jeffery.h.bousson@faa.govLisa JunkinsArea 6Work 901-368-8106Lisa.junkins@faa.gov11
Memphis Center Directory Watch Desk901-368-8234 Air Traffic Manager901-368-8101 Employee Services901-368-8110 Training901-368-8595 Area 1901-368-8108 Area 2901-368-8237 Area 3901-368-8107 Area 4901-368-8252 Area 5901-368-8238 Area 6901-368-810612
Local Area InformationMemphis ProfileMemphis has one of the lowest costs of living of any major U.S. city, is within a day'sdrive of two-thirds of the nation's population, and offers some of the most advancedinfrastructure for moving goods and information available anywhere in the world. Inaddition, businesses all over the nation and, indeed, all over the world, arediscovering that Memphis has a workforce that offers a wide array of important skills,a supportive government, and the initiative to make it a leading city in the 21stcentury.Memphis is in the middle of the Sun Belt. In fact, the city has sunshine about 64percent of its daylight hours and has more sunny days each year than Miami. Bygeneral consensus, May and October are the city's most beautiful months in terms ofboth weather and natural scenery, but the city has year-round easy living.Average annual temperatureAverage summer temperatureAverage winter temperatureRecord high temperatureRecord low temperatureAverage annual rainfallAverage relative humidity62 degrees Fahrenheit81 degrees Fahrenheit41 degrees Fahrenheit108 degrees Fahrenheit (July 13, 1980)-13 degrees Fahrenheit (Dec 24, 1963)49 inches69 percentAttractions and EventsMemphis, Tennessee is the home of Elvis Presley and the birthplace of the blues.Elvis's home, Graceland, is the second most visited house in the country - behind theWhite House in Washington, D.C. The Memphis in May Festival attracts people fromaround the world to compete in the International BBQ cooking contest. This festivaldraws thousands to the banks of the Mississippi for live concerts and the SunsetSymphony. We're also home of the Peabody, queen of southern hotels, Mud Islandand the National Civil Rights Museum, which is the only one of its kind in the world.The site – – has an extensive list of web sites for all thingsMemphis, including real estate, churches, and many others.13
SportsThe Memphis area has professional teams in basketball, hockey and baseball. TheNBA Memphis Grizzlies play in the FedEx Forum. The Memphis Redbirds, a TripleA team, play at AutoZone Park. The NHL Mississippi River Kings play at the DesotoCivic Center.Memphis Redbirdswww.memphisredbirds.comMississippi River Kingswww.riverkings.comRestaurantsIn Memphis BBQ is pork and everyone has a favorite barbeque restaurant, but threeof the most famous mwww.neelysbbq.comwww.hogsfly.comWhile there are many good restaurants in town serving a wide variety of food, a localrestaurant that often wins polls for the best burger, is Huey's, which has severallocations.http://hueyburger.com14
Local AttractionsGracelandwww.elvis.comSTAX Museum of American Soul Musicwww.soulsvilleusa.comGibson Guitars Factory Tourwww.gibson.comMemphis Zoowww.memphiszoo.orgPink Palace Family of Museumswww.memphismuseums.orgRock 'n' Soul Civil Rights Museumwww.civilrightsmuseum.orgMemphis Botanic Gardenwww.memphisbotanicgarden.comWorld Famous Beale in Island River Parkwww.mudisland.comLocal City and Town ResourcesCity of Memphiswww.cityofmemphis.orgCity of Colliervillewww.collierville.comCity of Bartlettwww.cityofbartlett.orgCity of County, MSwww.desotoms.com15
Local ApartmentsRefer to the included guide and to www.portalmemphis.comTransportationMemphis AirportMemphis Area Transit CareRefer to the included guide for information about the on-site Flying Start Child CareCenter.BankingMany Memphis Center employees use the FAA Federal Credit Union (not affiliatedwith the Oklahoma City FAA Credit Union). There are four branches in the Memphisarea, one of which is located at the Center. For further information you can visit theirweb site at Center Branch3229 Democrat Road, Memphis, TN 38118(901) 363-4831Hours: Monday 7:30 - 12:00, 1:30 - 4:00, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7:30 - 12:30 1:30 - 4:00,Wednesday 10:00 - 12:30 1:30 - 4:00Of course, many other banks are available in the Memphis area.16
Elementary, Secondary and High SchoolsMemphis City County Schoolswww.desotocountyschools.orgDesoto County SchoolsPrivate and Parochial SchoolsFor those families preferring a private school education, there are a number fromwhich to choose in the Memphis area: schools that stress outstanding academicstandards, schools that operate in a religious setting, schools for the special needschild, and schools that feature alternative teaching methods. Most are accredited bythe Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.Higher EducationThere are many colleges, universities, and technical schools in the Memphis area,offering everything from doctoral study in law to Oriental humanities courses.Memphis' colleges and universities provide an opportunity for the student to study invirtually every discipline and profession.Christian Brothers UniversityLeMoyne-Owen CollegeMemphis College of ArtRhodes CollegeSouthwest Community CollegeThe University of MemphisThe University of Tennessee Health Science CenterSouthern College of OptometryUniversity of Memphis Loewenberg School of NursingMississippi StateUniversity of uwww.olemiss.edu17
Memphis Center InformationBelow is a simplified picture of ZME’s airspace. It encompasses parts of Missouri,Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. It’s a total ofabout 120,000 square miles. There are 37 sectors divided into 6 areas ofspecialization. Area 4 is the home of Jackson Low, the sector with which you arefamiliar. Nationally, Memphis Center is ranked as the ninth busiest center out oftwenty. In 2006, our operational count was 2,288,000.18
Memphis Center HistoryThe original Memphis Airway Traffic Control Center was commissioned on January 15,1942, and was located in the old terminal building at the Memphis Municipal Airport.The first complement consisted of 26 control personnel. Controllers did not talk directlyto the pilots so there were no radio channels in the building. To issue clearances,controllers would communicate via Flight Service Stations orairline company radio. The first direct means ofcommunication with pilots, a radio frequency, was installed in1949 and was located in Memphis. Outside the coverage ofthis frequency, controllers continued to use FSS and companyradio.In 1958, Congress, realizing the need for a more modern airtraffic control system, created the Federal Aviation AgencyZME in 1949that took over all operations from the Civil AeronauticsAuthority. Along with this new agency came a new name: Memphis Air Route TrafficControl Center (ZME).On December 5, 1958, Memphis Center had the distinction of becoming the first AirRoute Traffic Control Center to inaugurate radar service with the FAA's second region.The first site was located in Byhalia, MS, and remoted to the Center by microwave link.A second radar site was commissioned on March 20, 1961. The antenna for this system islocated near Joelton, TN. Today, Memphis Center uses 11 radar sites to provide radarcoverage over its entire area and long gone are the days of, "ATC Clears.” Each sectornow has radio contact with all users.In 1958, Memphis Center was selected for installation of the IBM 858 Cardatypemachine. This actually was a programmable accounting machine, which would printflight progress strips and make simple calculations as to the estimated time over a fix.From this simple beginning began the era of automation for air traffic control.19
The FAA was planning for a modern ATC system that wouldinclude the use of computers. This necessitated a fourth moveto 3229 Democrat Rd. on the northeast corner of the MemphisInternational Airport. Dedication of this new facility was May5, 1962, and it was one of standard design that which 20 werebuilt around the country.ZME present location 1962In November 1972, MemphisCenter commissioned its new computer system, the IBM9020. This system, would prepare all flight progress strips,store flight plans, and pass revisions to flight plans betweencontrollers within the facility and to adjacent facilities.On September 16, 1974 Memphis Center commissioned itsradar data processing (RDP) system. This broughtautomation into the radar realm of the controller. The entireradar display was computer generated.Control room 1965On November 19, 1987, Memphis Center commissioned the HOST computer system.This new computer replaced the 9020 and allows the growth needed to meet theautomation needs for ATC.In 1996 Memphis Center commissioned its Voice Switching Control System (VSCS ) toreplace the aging Western Electric 300 switching system ( WECO 300 ). This state of theart communication system replaced thousands of manually operated switches andcountless amounts of wire with "touch screen" monitors and computers.1997 brought more new technology into the control room. Thermal printers replaced theaging (and quite noisy) 9 pin printers. Controllers were no longer required to "tear" flightdata strips before inserting them into the strip holders. Construction was started on thenew DSR (Display Service Replacement) control room.20
In 1998, Memphis Center became a test facility for URET(User Request Evaluation Tool), a prototype computer systemdesigned to aid and alert the controller to possible conflictsand help plan resolutions, thus relieving them from the task ofdoing a "traffic search" on flight data strips. URET wasdeployed nationwide in the next few years.ZME todayIn 1999, the move was made to theDSR control room. All the hardware and software was newand up to date and required extensive training for allcontrollers and supervisors. In 2005, Reduced VerticalSeparation Minima was implemented nationwide allowingmore capacity in the same amount of airspace. The next majorchange will be the implementation of ERAM, the replacementfor the HOST computer.Control room todayEntrance21
Memphis Center Air Traffic Manager 6 Memphis Center Support Manager for Training 7 Memphis Center Organizational Chart 8 . 1985 as an air traffic control specialist at Memphis ARTCC. She has held several positions at Memphis including support specialist and front line manager. She has
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