HMDW110 Series Humidity andTemperature TransmittersFor High-accuracy Measurements in HVACApplicationsFeatures Accurate humidity andtemperature transmitters formeasurements in HVAC andcleanroom applications Outdoor transmitter withprofessional-grade radiation shield Proven HUMICAPâ 180R sensor forsuperior long-term stability 2 %RH accuracy 3-point traceable calibration(certificate included) On-site calibration with HM70Hand-Held Meter or Vaisala InsightPC software Current (4 20 mA) or ModbusRTU output variants Default output parameters arerelative humidity and temperature.Dew point temperature, wet bulbtemperature, and enthalpyoutputs selectable with VaisalaInsight PC software.Vaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series HMDW110 measurerelative humidity and temperature in multiple HVAC applications. The series includestransmitters for duct mounting, IP65-classified wall transmitters, and outdoortransmitters with integrated radiation shields.Proven Vaisala HUMICAPâPerformanceUnrivaled Outdoor HumidityMeasurementsWell-suited for CleanroomMonitoringThe cost-efficient HMDW110 seriestransmitters are equipped with trustedHUMICAPâ 180R sensors. The sensor’ssuperior long-term stability minimizesmaintenance needs throughout thetransmitter’s lifetime. If necessary,the transmitter can be field-calibratedusing either an HM70 Hand-HeldHumidity and Temperature Meter, orVaisala Insight PC software.The integrated radiation shield of theoutdoor models HMS110 and HMS112enables unrivaled measurementperformance. It reduces the impact ofsunshine on temperature and humiditymeasurements, and ensuresmeasurement accuracy in outdoorconditions. The most popular controlparameters in free cooling – dew pointtemperature, wet bulb temperature, andenthalpy – are available as outputparameters.The HMD110 and HMW110 transmitterscan be ordered with the catalyticHUMICAPâ sensor HUMICAPâ 180V.The catalytic sensor improves stabilityespecially in hydrogen peroxide sterilizedenvironments where repeatedcondensation is expected. An optionalpanel display can be added for remotemonitoring. Transmitters can be installedinto difficult-to-reach locations, whilemeasurement data can be read froma more convenient spot.HMDW110 series instruments areindividually adjusted and delivered witha traceable calibration certificate.46
Technical 8Dimensions in mmHMW110/112 RH T transmitters for measurements in wet Ø4.8 Ø4.8Dimensions in mm100Ø25 .60207HMD110/112 RH T transmitters for ductsØ5.5Ø4.8121.5264.2Dimensions in mmHMS110/112 RH T transmitters for outdoor measurements47
ModelsOperating Environment (All Models)ModelNumberTypeHMW110Wall-mount, RH T 2-wire current Configurableor Modbus RTU model1)outputIP65HMW112Wall-mount, RH T 2-wire currentoutputIP65HMD110Duct-mount, RH T 2-wire current Configurableor Modbus RTU model1)outputIP65HMD112Duct-mount, RH T 2-wire currentoutputIP65Outdoor, RH TIP65HMS110OutputSpecialFeatures2-wire current Radiationor Modbus RTU r, RH T2-wire currentoutputRadiationshield-40 . 60 C (-40 . 140 F)Operating humidity0 . 100 %RHMaximum wind/flow speed30 m/sStorage temperature-40 . 60 C (-40 . 140 F)Electromagnetic complianceEN61326-1, Industrial EnvironmentInputs and OutputsDevices Ordered With Analog Outputmodel1)HMS112Operating temperatureIP65Delivered with customer specific output settings, including calculated humidity parameters and specialscaling of outputs.Measurement PerformanceOutputs4 . 20 mA, loop poweredLoop resistance0 . 600 ΩSupply voltage20 . 28VDC at 600 Ω load10 . 28VDC at 0 Ω loadInterface for RDP100 Remote DisplayPanelPower and data supplied fromtransmitterDevices Ordered With Modbus OutputInterfaceRS-485, not isolated, no lineterminationDefault serial settings19200 bps N 8 2ProtocolsModbus RTUSupply voltage10 . 28VDCRelative HumidityMeasurement range0 . 100 %RHSpare Parts and AccessoriesAccuracy at temperature range 10 . 30 C ( 50 . 86 F)Remote Display PanelRDP1000 . 90 %RH 2 %RH210675SP90 . 100 %RH 3 %RHConduit fitting O-ring (M16x1.5 /NPT1/2 Inch)Conduit fitting O-ring (M16x1.5 / PG9, 210674SPRE-MS)Accuracy at temperature range-20 . 10 C, 30 . 60 C(-4 . 50 F, 86 . 140 F)0 90 %RH 3 %RH90 100 %RH 4 %RHAccuracy at temperature range-40 . -20 C (-40 . -4 F)Fastening set HMS110237805Fastening flange assembly (screwsincluded)ASM210771SPPorous PTFE FilterDRW239993SPMembrane FilterASM210856SP236620SP0 . 100 %RH 4 %RHTerminal Block, BlueStability in typical HVAC applications 0.5 %RH/yearUSB cable for PC connection219690Humidity sensorVaisala HUMICAPâ 180RConnection cable for HM70 hand-heldmeter219980SPTemperatureMeasurement rangeAccuracy at 20 C ( 68 F)-40 . 60 C (-40 . 140 F) 0.2 C ( 0.36 F)Temperature dependence 0.01 C/ CTemperature sensorPt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751Calculated Parameters-40 . 460 kJ/kg (-10 . 190 BTU/lb)Accuracy of the calculated parameters should be calculated at the actualcondition based on the RH and temperature specification.Accuracy at 20 C (68 F) and 80 %RH:Dew point 0.7 C (1.2 F)Wet bulb temperature 0.5 C (0.9 F)Enthalpy 1.6 kJ/kg (0.7 BTU/lb)Factory calibration uncertainty at 20 C 1.5 %RH/ 0.2 C( 68 F)www.vaisala.com48HUMICAP180RCatalytic HUMICAPâ sensorHUMICAP180VMechanical SpecificationsMaximum wire sizeMeasurement range for dew point-40 . 60 C (-40 . 140 F)temperature and wet bulb temperatureMeasurement range for enthalpyHUMICAPâ 180R sensor1.5 mm2 (AWG 16)Standard housing colorWhite (RAL9003)Housing materialPC 10 %GF (UL-V0 approved)
HMS110 Series Humidity andTemperature TransmittersFor High-accuracy Outdoor Measurements inBuilding Automation ApplicationsFeatures Reliable outdoor transmitters withintegrated radiation shields 2 %RH accuracy Proven HUMICAPâ 180R sensor forlong-lasting accuracy 3-point traceable calibration(certificate included) Default output parameters arerelative humidity and temperature.Dew point temperature, wet bulbtemperature, and enthalpyoutputs selectable with a PCconnection Current output (4 20 mA) On-site calibration with HM70Hand-Held Meter or PC connection Ingress protection IP65Vaisala HMS110 Series HUMICAPâ Humidity and Temperature Transmitters aredesigned for demanding outdoor measurements in building automation applications.These 2 % transmitters include an integrated radiation shield to reduce the influenceof solar radiation on temperature and humidity measurements.Proven Vaisala HUMICAPâPerformance for OutdoorMeasurementsHMS110 transmitters are equipped withthe trusted HUMICAPâ 180R – a robust,general-purpose humidity sensor thatfunctions well in high humidity. Thesensor’s superior stability ensures longlasting accuracy and minimalmaintenance throughoutthe transmitter’s lifetime.The integrated radiation shield allowsunrivaled measurement performance,reducing the impact of sunshine ontemperature and humiditymeasurements and ensuringmeasurement accuracy in outdoorconditions.The HUMICAPâ sensor’s excellent longterm stability and high-quality materialsensure minimal need for maintenance. Ifnecessary, the transmitter can be fieldcalibrated using either HM70 Hand-HeldHumidity and Temperature Meter, or a PCconnection.Easy Installation andMaintenanceHMS110 transmitters are easy to install.They can be mounted directly onto a wallor pole without any extra accessories.There are no loose parts, screws areretained in the enclosure, all connectorsare clearly labeled, and the connectorsare within easy reach.49
Technical DataModelsInputs and OutputsModelTypeOutputIP RatingAnalog outputs4 20 mA, loop poweredHMS110Outdoor, RH T2-wire, currentoutputIP65Loop resistance0 600 ΩSupply voltageHMS112Outdoor, RH T2-wire, currentoutputIP6520 28VDC at 600 Ω load10 28VDC at 0 Ω loadData input for RDP100 Remote PanelDisplayRS-485Vaisala proprietary protocolHMS110 is delivered with customer specific output settings, including calculatedhumidity parameters and special scaling of outputs.Measurement PerformanceRelative HumidityMechanical SpecificationsMax. wire size1.5 mm2 (AWG 16)Measurement range0 . 100 %RHStandard housing colorWhite (RAL9003)Stability in typical HVAC applications 0.5 %RH/yearHousing materialPC 10 %GF (UL-V0 approved)Humidity sensorVaisala HUMICAPâ 180RAccuracy at temperature range 10 30 C ( 50 86 F):0 90 %RH 2 %RH90 100 %RH 3 %RHSpare Parts and AccessoriesRemote Panel DisplayRDP100Accuracy at temperature range -20 10 C, 30 60 C(-4 50 F, 86 140 F):Conduit fitting O-ring (M16 1.5 /NPT1/2 Inch)210675SP0 90 %RH 3 %RH210674SP90 100 %RH 4 %RHConduit fitting O-ring (M16 1.5 /PG9, RE-MS)Fastening set HMS110237805Accuracy at temperature range -40 -20 C (-40 -4 F):0 . 100%RH 4 %RHTemperatureMeasurement rangeAccuracy at 20 C ( 68 F)-40 60 C (-40 140 F) 0.2 C ( 0.36 F)Temperature dependence 0.01 C/ CTemperature sensorPt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751Membrane FilterASM210856SPTerminal Block, Blue236620SPUSB cable for PC connection219690Connection cable for HM70 hand-heldmeter219980SPHUMICAPâ 180R sensorHUMICAP180RCalculated ParametersMeasurement range for dew point-40 60 C (-40 140 F)temperature and wet bulb temperatureMeasurement range for enthalpy-40 460 kJ/kg (-10 190 BTU/lb)207Factory calibration uncertainty at 20 C 1.5 %RH/ 0.2 C( 68 F)Accuracy of the calculated parameters should be calculated at the actualcondition based on the RH and temperature specification.Accuracy at 20 C (68 F) and 80 %RH:Dew point 0.7 C (1.2 F)Wet bulb temperature 0.5 C (0.9 F)Enthalpy 1.6 kJ/kg (0.7 BTU/lb)Ø5.5Ø4.8121.5-40 60 C (-40 140 F)Operating humidity0 100 %RHMaximum wind/flow speed30 m/s (67 mph)Storage temperature-40 60 C (-40 140 F)EMC complianceEN61326-1, Industrial Environmentwww.vaisala.com50100Operating temperatureØ25 .60Operating Environment264.2
HMDW80 Series Humidity andTemperature TransmittersFor Building Automation ApplicationsFeatures Reliable transmitters for basicHVAC humidity measurements 3.0 %RH accuracy Full 0 100 %RH measurementrange Optimized for easy installation andlow maintenance User exchangeable INTERCAPâsensor for easy field replacement UL-V0 flammability rating Output parameters: relativehumidity and temperature withoptional dew point temperature,wet bulb temperature andenthalpy parametersVaisala HMDW80 Series INTERCAPâ Humidity and Temperature Transmitters measurerelative humidity and temperature in various building automation applications.HMDW80 series transmitters combine easy installation and reliable operation with alow requirement for maintenance.Typical Installation Locations Ventilation ducts Walls Wash-down areas Outdoor locationsThe versatile HMDW80 series includestransmitters for wall and duct mounting,IP65-classified transmitters for humidareas, and transmitters with a radiationshield for outdoor use. It also includestemperature-only transmitters andtransmitters with an optional display.Calculated humidity parameters – dewpoint temperature, wet bulbtemperature, and enthalpy – are alsoavailable.extra accessories, and the wall mounttransmitters can be installed without theneed to make holes in the transmitterenclosure.Easy InstallationReliable OperationHMDW80 series transmitters areoptimized for easy installation. There areno loose parts, screws are retained in theenclosure, all connectors are clearlylabeled, and the connectors are withineasy reach.HMDW80 series transmitters requireminimal maintenance thanks to theirexcellent sensor stability and highquality materials. If necessary, theINTERCAPâ sensor can be easilyexchanged in the field with minimumdowntime.The duct mount transmitters are wellsuited to a variety of duct sizes, theoutdoor transmitters can be mounteddirectly onto a wall or pole without any51
Model numberTypeOutputTMW82Wall-mount, T-only2-wire, current outputIP30TMW83Wall-mount, T-only3-wire, voltage outputIP30HMW82Wall-mount, RH T2-wire, current outputIP30HMW82P100Wall mount, RH T2-wire, current outputHMW83Wall-mount, RH T3-wire, voltage outputIP30TMW88Wall-mount, T-only2-wire, current outputIP65HMW88Wall-mount, RH T2-wire, current outputCalculated parameters1)IP65HMW88DWall-mount, RH T2-wire, current outputDisplay, calculatedparameters1)IP65HMW89Wall-mount, RH T3-wire, voltage outputCalculated parameters1)IP65HMW89DWall-mount, RH T3-wire, voltage outputDisplay, calculatedparameters1)IP65TMD82Duct-mount, T-only2-wire, current outputIP65TMD83Duct-mount, T-only3-wire, voltage outputIP65HMD82Duct-mount, RH T2-wire, current outputCalculated parameters1)IP65HMD82DDuct-mount, RH T2-wire, current outputDisplay, calculatedparameters1)IP65HMD83Duct-mount, RH T3-wire, voltage outputCalculated parameters1)IP65HMD83DDuct-mount, RH T3-wire, voltage outputDisplay, calculatedparameters1)IP65HMS82Outdoor, RH T2-wire, current outputRadiation shield,calculated parameters1)IP65HMS82COutdoor, RH T2-wire, current outputHMS82 with NPT ½”conduit fitting1)IP65HMS83Outdoor, RH T3-wire, voltage outputRadiation shield,calculated parameters1)IP65HMS83COutdoor, RH T3-wire, voltage outputHMS83 with NPT ½”conduit fitting1)IP651)52Special FeaturesAdditional Pt100 sensorOutput parameters for humidity: relative humidity, dew point temperature, wet bulb temperature, and enthalpy.IP ratingIP30
DimensionsHMW82/83 RH T and TMW82/83 T-onlytransmitters for wall-mountingHMS82/83 RH T transmitters for outdoormeasurements8176.924Ø4.4100Ø25 21.560.3HMW88/89(D) and TMW88 RH T transmittersfor measurements in wet areasHMD82/83(D) and TMD82/83 RH T and T-onlytransmitters for 1053
Technical DataMeasurement Performance, Models HMW82/83and TMW82/83Relative HumidityMeasurement Performance, Models HMD82/83Dand HMW88/89DRelative HumidityMeasurement range0 100 %RHMeasurement range0 100 %RHAccuracy in temperature range 10 30 C ( 50 86 F) 3 %RH (0 70 %RH) 5 %RH (70 100 %RH)Accuracy in temperature range 10 30 C ( 50 86 F) 3 %RH (0 90 %RH) 5 %RH (90 100 %RH)Accuracy in temperature range-5 10 C, 30 55 C( 23 50 F, 86 131 F) 7 %RH (0 100 %RH)Accuracy in temperature range-5 10 C, 30 60 C( 23 50 F, 86 140 F) 5 %RH (0 90 %RH) 7 %RH (90 100 %RH)Stability in typical HVAC applications 2 %RH over 2 yearsStability in typical HVAC applications 2 %RH over 2 yearsHumidity sensorVaisala INTERCAPâHumidity sensorVaisala INTERCAPâTemperatureTemperatureMeasurement range-5 55 C ( 23 131 F)Accuracy at 10 . 30 C ( 50 F 86 F) 0.5 C ( 0.9 F)Measurement range(Analog output scaling) -40 60 C(-40 140 F)Accuracy at -5 10 C, 30 55 C( 23 50 F, 86 131 F) 1.0 C ( 1.8 F)Accuracy at 20 C ( 68 F) 0.3 C ( 0.54 F)Temperature dependence 0.01 C/ CTemperature sensorTemperature sensorDigital temperature sensorCalculated ParametersPt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751Temperature sensor HMW82P100Pt100 Class F 0.1 IEC 60751, 3-wireconnectionMeasurement range for dew point-40 60 C (-40 140 F)temperature and wet bulb temperatureMeasurement range for enthalpyMeasurement Performance, Models HMD82/83,TMD82/83, HMW88/89, TMW88 and HMS82/83Relative HumidityInputs and OutputsCurrent output models (2-wire)Measurement range0 100 %RHAccuracy in temperature range 10 30 C ( 50 86 F) 3 %RH (0 90 %RH) 5 %RH (90 100 %RH)Accuracy in temperature range-20 10 C, 30 60 C(-4 50 F, 86 140 F) 5 %RH (0 90 %RH) 7 %RH (90 100 %RH)Accuracy in temperature range-40 -20 C (-40 -4 F) 7 %RH (0 100 %RH)Stability in typical HVAC applications 2 %RH over 2 yearsHumidity sensor-40 460 kJ/kg (-10 190 BTU/lb)Vaisala INTERCAPOutputs4 20 mA, loop poweredLoop resistance0 600 ΩSupply voltage20 28 VDC at 600 Ω load10 28 VDC at 0 Ω loadVoltage output models (3-wire)Outputs0 10 VLoad resistance10 kΩ minSupply voltage18 35 VDC24 VAC 20 % 50/60 HzâTemperatureMeasurement range-40 60 C (-40 140 F)Accuracy at 20 C ( 68 F) 0.3 C ( 0.54 F)Temperature dependence 0.01 C/ CTemperature sensorPt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751Calculated ParametersMeasurement range for dew point-40 60 C (-40 140 F)temperature and wet bulb temperatureMeasurement range for enthalpy-40 460 kJ/kg (-10 190 BTU/lb)Mechanical SpecificationsMax wire size1.5 mm2 (AWG 16)Standard housing colorWhite (RAL9003)Housing materialHMW82/83, TMW82/83ABS/PC (UL-V0 approved)HMW88/89(D), HMD82/83(D), TMW88, PC 10 %GF (UL-V0 approved)TMD82/83, HMS82/83Spare Parts and AccessoriesOperating EnvironmentINTERCAP sensor15778HM10 pcs of INTERCAP sensorsINTERCAPSET-10PCSEN61326-1, Industrial EnvironmentConduit fitting O-ring(M16x1.5 / NPT1/2 Inch)210675SP-5 55 C ( 23 131 F)Conduit fitting O-ring(M16x1.5 / PG9, RE-MS)210674SPHMW82/83 and TMW82/83HMD82/83, TMD82/83, HMW88/89,TMW88 and HMS82/83-40 60 C (-40 140 F)Fastening set HMS80237805Porous PTFE FilterDRW239993SPHMD82/83D and HMW88/89D-5 60 C ( 23 140 F)Maximum wind/flow speed30 m/sStorage temperature-40 60 C (-40 140 F)EMC complianceOperating TemperatureOperating HumidityHMD82/83, TMD82/83, HMW88/89,TMW88 and HMS82/830 100 %RHHMW82/83, TMW82/83, HMD82/83Dand HMW88/89D0 100 %RH, non-condensingwww.vaisala.com54Membrane FilterASM210856SPTerminal Block, Blue236620SPHMD80 display lidASM210793SP
PC software Current (4 20 mA) or Modbus RTU output variants Default output parameters are relative humidity and temperature. Dew point temperature, wet bulb temperature, and enthalpy outputs selectable with Vaisala Insight PC software. Vaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series HMDW110 measure
Temperature and Humidity Controller General Safety Information setpoint in temperature control and the humidity is 3% below the humidity setpoint in humidity control or both in temperature and humidity control, the voltage output may be set to zero (optional cutout mode). The unit will resume
- The temperature conditions have been controlled by a Partlow 1160 Controller, which use an RTD sensor for temperature measurement; - The humidity conditions have been controlled by a Partlow 1160 Humidity Controller, which use a capacitive humidity sensor for humidity measurement (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. Capacitive humidity sensor
Data logger with K-type TC probe, USB cable, EasyLogGraph software for Windows. EL-EnviroPad-TC Optional Accessories PAD-BOOT-BLACK Protective rubber boot. 101085 . Temperature Alert LAN-based Temperature and Humidity Data Logger monitors temperature and humidity over any network using your browser.
The dew-point temperature is expressed in degrees and like humidity ratio; it represents an absolute measure of the moisture in the air at a constant pressure. If the dew-point temperature is close to the air temperature, the relative humidity is high, and if the dew point is well below the air temperature, the relative humidity is low.
SMB_Dual Port, SMB_Cable assembly, Waterproof Cap RF Connector 1.6/5.6 Series,1.0/2.3 Series, 7/16 Series SMA Series, SMB Series, SMC Series, BT43 Series FME Series, MCX Series, MMCX Series, N Series TNC Series, UHF Series, MINI UHF Series SSMB Series, F Series, SMP Series, Reverse Polarity
2. TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY MONITORS/RECORDERS OVERVIEW Temperature and humidity monitoring technologies range from hand recording data read from a thermometer, to a paper chart recorder, to real-time monitoring using wireless devices. All monitors consist of a sensor and a method of recording the sensor data. An additional useful
HygroFlex HF8 Humidity Temperature Transmitter: User Guide Instruction Manual Document Type Page 1 of 34 . Up to 2 temperature calibration points and up to100 humidity calibration points can be held indefinitely in the probe memory. No calibration point is saved within the HF8 itself. A calibration protocol can be printed with the HW4 software.
ASME Materials Division 2019 Fall News 5 2019 Awards Nadai Medalist: The Nadai Medal is awarded in recognition of significant contributions and outstanding achievements which broaden the field of materials engineering. The 2019 Nadai Medalist is Ellen M. Arruda, Tim Manganello/ Borg Warner Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering, and the Maria Comninou Collegiate Professor of Mechanical .