Get Into The Sonoma State Of Mind. - Admissions At Sonoma State University

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Make your mark on the world.Get into the SonomaState of Mind.

Communitywith a globalperspective.Study with professors whoencourage civic engagement,social responsibility, andglobal awareness; learn fromdedicated student supportstaff who help you navigateyour individual path.My mission hereat Sonoma Stateis to be friendlyand inclusiveto make eachperson feel safeand at home.- Haddie DanerBusiness AdministrationAt Sonoma State, you’llexperience rigorous academicsand a close-knit communitythat nurtures intellectual,social, and personal growth.Develop deep andsustaining connectionswith fellow students andbe empowered to becomea strong and thoughtfulleader in your career,community, and

An intellectually exciting environment.MajorsGet face-timewith yourprofessors.Average26Studentsper ClassRooted in the liberal artsand sciences, our degreeprograms provide youopportunities to explore,and the foundation youneed to become a creative &critical thinker in a complexand ever-changing world. AmericanMulticulturalStudies Chicano &Latino Studies Anthropology Communication& Media Studies Art & Art History Computer Science Art Studio Creative Writing Biochemistry Criminology &Criminal JusticeStudies Biology BusinessAdministration Chemistry Early ChildhoodStudies Earth Science History Physics Economics HumanDevelopment Political Science ElectricalEngineering English French Geography,Environment& Planning Geology Global Studies Hutchins Schoolof Liberal Studies Kinesiology Liberal Studies Mathematics Nursing Philosophy Psychology SociologyA placewhere youbelong.My name isGrey, I use they,them, theirspronouns, I’mtrans and nonbinary, and I’mhappy to be inthis place where Spanish Statistics Theatre Arts& Dance Women’s &Gender StudiesOur unique residential villagesfoster friendship and cultivatecommunity, enhancing andenriching your academic journey.I can be me.- Grey J.D. of our minor degreeprograms take a similarly multidiscipline approach, offering adynamic, cross-departmentalcurriculum that complementsmajor degree programs in thehumanities and social AmericanMulticulturalStudies Anthropology Applied Arts Art & Art History Art Studio Astronomy Biology BusinessAdministration Chemistry English Kinesiology Physics Chicano &Latino Studies Film Studies Latin AmericanStudies Political Science Computer Science Criminology &Criminal JusticeStudies Early ChildhoodStudies Economics ElectricalEngineering French Geography,Environment& Planning Geology Linguistics Mathematics Music German Native AmericanStudies Gerontology Philosophy History Physical Sciencesfor ElementarySchool Teachers Jewish StudiesComputer Science witha minor in music Queer Studies Sociology Spanish Statistics Theatre Arts& Dance Women’s &Gender Studies#1Universityhousing withinthe CSU system.Ranked amongBEST COLLEGEDORMS in theUnited Statesby Niche.comYour Sonoma home.We offer spacious and welcomingstudent housing on campus, withsuite and apartment-style options.Housing at SSU is organized aroundacademic, social, and lifestyle interests,allowing you to more easily connectwith students who share your passions.

A campuscreated forconnection.Nourishingrelationships.The Sonoma State experienceis all about community, andwith nearly 200 student-ledclubs and organizations oncampus, including 20 activesororities and fraternities,there is a place in the Seawolfcommunity for everyone.Food fuels the adventurous andcurious spirit of our campus,and that community is createdthrough the sharing of meals.That’s why we created TheKitchens, a modern dining hallwith long communal tableswhere you’ll connect with fellowSeawolves throughout the growth.Our student support advisorsare immersed in campus life,eager to help you discoverleadership roles, engage inmentorship opportunities, buildcommunity, and find your nicheSEE OUR CAMPUSTake a virtual tour orschedule an in-person visit.» wellness.We create a culture of care. Ourmedical and mental health careteams provide support in all areas,including nutrition education, griefcounseling, and group workshopsin resiliency, learning skills,relationship building, and more.A settingthat inspires.Our campus sits in the heartof Sonoma County, nestledbetween gently sloping hills androcky mountain peaks, betweenbustling towns and serenecountryside. Just an hour’sdrive from both San Franciscoand spectacular stretchesof coastline, there is alwayssomething new to 4,200 acres of preservedlands just beyond thecampus, you can take youreducation outside, conductresearch in living laboratories,and explore the boundlessbeauty and ecologicalwonders of the region.SonomaCountyTo-Do List: Take in sweeping vistasfrom a range of walking,biking, and hiking trailssurrounding campus. Enjoy live musicon the lawn at theGreen Music Center.Attend an outdoor filmscreening at SonomaMountain Village. Spend a Sundayfloating theRussian River. Discover the bounty oflocal farms at nearbyfarmers’ markets. Drive out to the coastfor a day on the beach— and keep an eye outfor migrating whales!SSU hasbrought me somany positivememories,experiences, andperspectives. Iknow I will leavewith peopleto cherish fora lifetime.”- Will Montgomery IIIHistory

Your journeystarts now.At Sonoma State, we want to know what makesyou uniquely you. Our admissions team readseach application thoughtfully, examining your lifeexperiences and goals alongside your academicpreparation and extracurricular activities.We seek students who are curious and motivated,open-minded and adventurous — natural leaderswho are eager to make a mark on the world.We’re here to support you throughthe application process. Schedulea one-on-one conversation with amember of our admissions teamand get your questions answered.» studentsreceive some formof financial aidApply for Financial AidWe understand that studentsand families are concerned aboutthe rising cost of college.KEY DATES Application PeriodRolling AdmissionsOctober 1 – November 15Let’s do this together! Financial Aid ApplicationPriority DeadlineMarch 2» Apply today:admissions.sonoma.eduWe encourage you to explore all ofyour financial aid options — grants,scholarships, work-study opportunitieson campus, and loans — so you canpursue your dreams at SSU. Many of ourstudents are pleasantly surprised by howmuch financial support is available.» financialaid.sonoma.eduConnect with theSeawolf communityon social mediaand make sure tosign up for oure-newsletter to stayup-to-date campusnews, applicationrequirements,upcoming tours, eventregistration, and more!» Sign State University@SSU 1961

The Sonoma State experience is all about community, and with nearly 200 student-led clubs and organizations on campus, including 20 active sororities and fraternities, there is a place in the Seawolf community for everyone. With . 4,200 acres. of preserved lands just beyond the campus, you can take your education outside .

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