Bird Dog StoriesTen Stories at Level 1ByDonald J. DickinsonandSadonya Meadows
Easy Readers SeriesUsing Hargis Level 1 Word ListPrefaceThe Bird Dog stories describe the adventuresof a boy and a dog. The dog learns to hunt birds sothe boy calls the dog a bird dog. A girl, a boyriding a bike, and some other animals, joins the boyand dog. They go hunting for all kinds ofcreatures, including a cat and skunk.The bird dog is a good hunter except forhunting boys and girls. The stories emphasizekindness to animals and are fun reading for mostchildren.Bird Dog StoriesLevel 1
Table of ContentsStoryTitlePage1The Hunting Dog12The Rabbit Hunt93The Bird Dog164The Race235Tree Climbing306The Big Dog Bites377The Skunk Hunt448Trucks Can Hurt519The Boy and Girl5910Dark67Name DateHargis Words
Bird Dog Stories - Level 1, Story 1A. New Words from HargisTo the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define when appropriate, discussendings, tense, and point out phonetic similarities with other words used in thestory. (This same activity can be done with computer instruction.)foundhousesnakewentwhatB. Use the words in a sentence1. boy home.The was in the house.was that?The snake a bug to eat.The boy lived in a .C. Make a new sentence using the following words.housefoundwhat
snakewentD. Which two words have same beginning sounds?snakefoundwhatwhenhouseandWords added to the Hargis WordsTo the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define whenappropriate, discuss endings, tense, and point out phonetic similaritieswith other words used in the story. (This same activity can be done withcomputer instruction.)arehuntbuttheyforA. Write a new sentence using the following words: dog went for a .The dog looked a birdfound a snake"You funny," said the boy.
5.They found all the snakes one.Write a sentence using the following words:butforarehunttheyWhich word above sounds like "for"?they, are,door
The Hunting Dog3The boy wanted a dog to hunt snakes, bugs, andcats. He wanted a hunting dog. One day the boy wasrunning home. A dog saw the boy running. The dog ranto the boy. The boy said to the dog, "Go home." 43"I will," said the dog, and he ran to the boy's house.The boy liked the little dog. Then the boy went in toeat. He liked to eat. Then he looked for the dog. He didnot see the dog.41The boy went to look for the dog. The boy saw thedog, and the dog ran to the boy. The boy and dog ran tothe boy's house, and the boy gave the dog food to eat.The dog liked the food.43The boy said, "You are a good dog. I want you tohunt for a snake. Do you hunt snakes?""Yes, I hunt snakes," said the dog.27Then the boy said, "Go find a snake." The boy andthe dog went hunting for a snake. The little boy and
little dog ran by the boy's house. They ran by cars, a bigboy riding a bike, and trees.41The dog saw a snake by a tree. The dog ran to thesnake and tried to bite the snake. The snake ran up thetree. The boy liked to see the dog trying to bite thesnake, but the dog did not bite the snake.46The boy said to the dog, "You are a good dog. Iwant you to hunt for a bug. Do you hunt bugs?"23"Yes, I hunt bugs," said the dog. Then the boy said,"Go find a bug." The boy and the little dog ran lookingfor a bug. The boy and the dog ran by the boy's house.They ran by cars, a big boy riding a bike, and trees.48The dog saw a big, big bug by a car. The dog ran tothe bug and tried to bite the bug. The bug ran up on thecar. The boy liked to see the dog trying to bite the bug,but the dog did not bite the bug.49The boy said to the dog, "You are a good dog. I wantyou to hunt for a cat. Do you hunt cats?""Yes, I hunt cats," said the dog.30Then the boy said, "Go find a cat." The boy and thedog went hunting for a cat. The boy and the dog ran bythe boy's house. The boy and dog ran by trees, a big boyriding his bike, and cars.43The dog saw a big, big cat in a tree. The dog ran tothe cat and tried to bite the cat. The boy liked to see
the dog trying to bite the cat, but the dog did not bitethe cat.42The cat fell out of the tree and on the dog. The dogran. The boy ran. The cat ran and tried to bit the dog.The boy did not like to see the cat trying to bite the dog.40The boy and dog ran by trees, a big boy riding hisbike, and cars. The boy and dog ran to the boy's house,and the cat went away.The boy said to the dog, "You found a snake, youfound a bug, and you found a cat. You are a hunting
dog."53The dog said, "I found a snake, bug, and cat. I canhunt. "The boy was happy and the dog was very happy.Word count: 59624
Story 1 – Questions1.Did the boy want a hunting dog?2.Did the dog want to hunt bugs, snakes, and cats?3.Did the dog find a snake?4.Did the snake bite the dog?5.Did the dog run by a boy on a bike?6.Was the bug little?7.Did the bug run up a tree?8.What did the dog hunt?9.Who was in a tree?10. Who tried to bite the dog?Comprehension QuestionLevel 1Bird Dog Stories
Story 11.(a)(b)(c)What was this story about?a dog that ran from cats?a dog that could hunt bugs, cats, and snakesa dog that liked the boy2.(a)(b)(c)What was the problem the dog had to solve?how to run fasthow to find a homehow to hunt bugs, cats, and snakes3.(a)(b)(c)What happened last?the cat chased the snakethe cat chased the spiderthe cat chased the dog4.(a)(b)(c)How could the dog have been a better hunting dog?by not chasing catsby not being frightened of catsby practicing chasing snakes and bugs5.(a)(b)(c)What would have happened if the cat had not chased the dog?the dog would have chased the catthe dog would have stopped chasing bugsthe dog would have stopped chasing snakes
Bird Dog Stories - Level 1, Story 2I. New Words Hargis Words listed in the story .To the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define when appropriate, discussendings, tense, and point out phonetic similarities with other words used in thestory. (This same activity can be done with computer instruction and before orafter reading the story.)havehimhurtplaythenE.Use the words listed above in a sentence1. out! It will you.I want to with you.he ran home.I him.I a dog.Write a new sentence for each of the following words:havehimhurt
thenplay(ed)G. Which two words have same beginning sounds?thethenplay motherandII Words added to the Hargis Words in the storyTo the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define when appropriate,discuss endings, tense, and point out phonetic similarities with other words usedin the story. (This same activity can be done with computer instruction.)aftercatchcouldrabbitfast/erB.Fill in the word to make a sentence1. The dog tried to the rabbit.2. The boy ran the dog.3. The rabbit ran !4. The boy not catch the dog.5. A has long ears.C. Write a new sentence for each of the following words:
catchrabbitafterfastcouldD. Which word sounds more like "after"?faster or could
Story 2The Rabbit Hunt3The boy said to the dog, "You are a hunting dog. Youcan find snakes, bugs, and cats. You are a good huntingdog."24The dog said to the boy, "I can hunt snakes, bugs,cats, and rabbits."The boy said to the dog, "Can you hunt rabbits?"24"Yes, I can hunt rabbits," said the dog."Rabbits run fast. Do you run fast like a rabbit?”said the boy.The dog said, "Yes, I can run like a rabbit."Then the boy said to the dog, "You are a hunting dog.Go find a rabbit."47The boy and the dog ran looking for a rabbit. Theyran by trees and houses. They ran by cars and a big boyriding a bike. They did not see a rabbit. They ran andran, and looked and looked.41
Then they saw a rabbit. The boy and dog ran afterthe rabbit. They ran fast, but the rabbit ran faster.The boy said to the dog, "Run, catch the rabbit. Youare a hunting dog. You said you can run fast."42The dog ran and ran. The dog ran fast, but therabbit ran faster and faster. The boy liked to see thedog trying to catch the rabbit, but the dog could notcatch the rabbit.The boy said to the cat, "Catch the rabbit. Cats canrun fast."49The cat ran after the rabbit. The cat ran fast, butthe rabbit ran faster and faster. The boy liked to seethe cat trying to catch the rabbit, but the cat could notcatch the rabbit.37The boy said to the big boy on the bike "Catch therabbit. You are riding a bike. You can ride fast on a bike."25The big boy riding the bike went after the rabbit.He went very fast, but the rabbit ran faster and faster.The little boy liked to see the big boy on the bike tryingto catch the rabbit, but the big boy on the bike could notcatch the rabbit.50The little boy said, "I will catch the rabbit. I canrun fast."13The boy ran after the rabbit. He ran fast, but the
rabbit ran faster and faster. The dog, cat, and the bigboy on the bike liked to see the boy trying to catch therabbit, but the boy could not catch the rabbit.44The rabbit went very fast, and they could not seethe rabbit. The boy, cat, dog, and the boy riding the bikelooked and looked for the rabbit, but they could not seehim.34Then the boy, dog, cat, and the big boy on the bikewent to the boy's house. Then they saw the rabbit. Hewas by the tree.The rabbit said to the boy and the dog, "I want toplay with you and the little dog. You can run and play andI can run and play."57The little boy, the dog, the cat, the boy on bike, andthe rabbit did run and play. They played and played.
They played with a bug and a snake.The boy was very happy to have a rabbit. "You canrun and play. I like you," said the boy.50The dog was happy he was a hunting dog who couldfind snakes, bugs, cats, and rabbits.The rabbit was very happy he was the boy'srabbit, and could run fast, fast, fast -- he could out runbikes, and cats, and hunting dogs. 44Word Count 587
Story 2 – Questions1.What could the dog hunt?2.Did the rabbit run fast?”3.Did the boy and dog run by trees and houses?4.Did they run by a car?5.Did the boy ask the dog, “Are you a hunting dog?”6.Did the dog try to catch the rabbit?7.Did the boy on the bike try to catch the rabbit?8.Did the bug try to catch the rabbit?9.Did the boy catch the rabbit?10.Did the dog catch the rabbit?Comprehension QuestionsBird Dog Story 21.(a)(b)(c)What was this story about?a dog hunting a cata rabbit wanting to playa dog, boy, boy on a bike, and cat trying to catch a rabbit2.(a)(b)(c)What was the problem the rabbit had to solve?trying to hunt dogstrying to make friends with the boy, dog, boy on a bike, and cattrying to win a race3. What happened after the cat could not catch the rabbit?(a) the boy tried again to catch the rabbit(b) the boy on the bike tried again to catch the rabbit
(c) the rabbit made friends4.(a)(b)(c)How could the rabbit have scared the dog away?by growing much bigger than the dogby running so fast he would make a dust screenby showing his big teeth5.(a)(b)(c)What could the boy have done instead of chasing the rabbit?have them all run a racehave the boy on the bike turn do cart wheelshave the dog chase the boy on the bike
Story 3 Level 1The Bird DogWords used from the Hargis Word List- Level g(s)hurtsnakesWords used that are not on the Level 1 list:amfastbird/sheadchasedlaugheddroppedsomething
** Words that are boldfaced and italicized are being used for the first time.
Name DateHargis WordsBird Dog Stories - Level 1, Story 3H. New Words from HargisTo the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define when appropriate, discussendings, tense, and point out phonetic similarities with other words used in thestory. (This same activity can be done with computer instruction.)1. caught4. had2. water5. threw3. hitI.Use the words in a sentence1. boy me.He the ball.I drink .I a drink.I a cold.Make a new sentence using the above words.
K.Which two words sound alike? caught, hit,andthrew,sit, waterD. Words added to the Hargis WordsTo the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define whenappropriate, discuss endings, tense, and point out phonetic similaritieswith other words used in the story. (This same activity can be done withcomputer instruction.)birdfastchaseddroppedhead
E.Use the words in a sentenceThe bird flew .2. The ball hit him in the .6.3. The boy the ball.4. The flew fast.5.The boy the ball.C. Write a sentence using the words above:D. Which word sounds like "head"?redfastchaseddropped
Story 3The Bird Dog3The boy went hunting for a bird. "Go find abird," said the boy to the dog.The dog ran by cars, trees, and the boy on thebike, looking for birds. The dog ran and ran, andlooked and looked. He did not see a bird.47The boy said, "Look for birds on cars. Birdslike cars." The dog ran to a car and looked for abird. He did not see a bird on the car.31The boy said, "Look for a bird on houses.Birds like houses". The dog ran to a house andlooked on the house. He did not see a bird on thehouse.32
The boy said, "You are a hunting dog. You canfind bugs, snakes, cats, and rabbits. You are nottrying to find a bird. You are not a good huntingdog."32The dog said, "I am a good hunting dog. I canfind bugs, snakes, cats, and rabbits. I am a huntingdog. I am not a bird dog."The boy laughed. The dog laughed andlaughed.36"Play ball," said the boy, and he threw a ballfor the dog. The dog chased the ball and bit it. Itwas fun. The boy threw the ball fast, and the dogcaught it. The boy threw the ball in the water, andthe dog caught it. The boy threw the ball under atree, and the dog caught it.61Something fell from the tree on the boy'sfoot. Something fell from the tree on the dog'sfoot. The dog dropped the ball. The boy said, "Ido not like what fell on my foot."35The dog said, "I do not like what fell." Theylooked in the tree to see what had droppedsomething. They looked in the top of the tree, andthey saw a bird. A bird had dropped something on
the boy's food. A bird had dropped something onthe dog's foot.51The dog saw the bird and said to the boy,"Look! Look! I see a bird in the top of the tree. Itwas the bird, and it dropped something. I found abird in the tree. I am a hunting dog, and I am abird dog. "49The boy and the dog laughed and laughed. Theboy was happy something fell on his foot and nothis head, and the dog was happy he was a bird dog. 31Word count: 406
Story 3 – Questions1. What did the boy want the dog to find?2. Did the dog look on cars?3. Did the dog look on houses?4. What fell out the tree?5. Did it hit the boy's head?6. What did it hit?7. Was the boy hurt?8. Who was in the tree?9.10Did the bird drop something?. Did something hit the dog?Comprehension QuestionsBird Dog Story 31.(a)(b)(c)What was the main idea of the story?the dog finding a birda bird sunning himself in the treea boy throwing a ball2. The problem the dog had to solve was?(a) how to find the ball(b) how to find a bird
(c) how to play with the ball3.(a)(b)(c)What happened last?the dog found a birdthe boy ask the dog to find a birdthe dog and boy played with the ball4.(a)(b)(c)How could the boy kept from getting hit on the foot by the fruit from the tree?by not playing with the dogby not playing under the treeby having the dog bark at the bird5.(a)(b)(c)What would have probably not have happened if the dog had barked at the bird?the bird would have looked at the dog but not flown awaythe bird would have flapped his wings at the dog and boythe bird would have dropped more fruit on the boy and dog
Story 4 Level 1The RaceWords used from the Hargis Word List- Level thdidnotthedogofthendownonthinkWords used that are not on the Level 1 list:Fast(est)grassracewhy** Words that are boldfaced and italicized are being used for the first time.
Name DateHargis WordsBird Dog Stories - Level 1, Story 4L. New Words from HargisTo the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define when appropriate, discussendings, tense, and point out phonetic similarities with other words used in thestory. (This same activity can be done with computer instruction.)gobuygirlsawsee
M. Use the words in a sentence1.home!2. I him.3. I will a car.4. I you.5. Mary is a .N. Make a new sentence using the words above.O. Which two words sound alike? hug, see, bug, go, girland
F.Words added to the Hargis WordsTo the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define whenappropriate, discuss endings, tense, and point out phonetic similaritieswith other words used in the story. (This same activity can be done withcomputer instruction.)fastgrassracewhyG. Write a new sentence using the following words:He can run !8. We want a .9. can't I run fast?4. He fell on the .7.C. Write a sentence using the words above:
D. Which word sound like "grass"? race, fast, why, pass.
The Race2The girl went out of the house. She saw the boyplaying with the hunting dog, bug, cat, rabbit, bird, andthe big boy on the bike. The dog was chasing the ball.The boy threw the ball. The boy could catch the ball.44"Catch the ball," said the boy to the dog. Thedog ran after the ball and caught the ball."Catch the ball," said the boy to the cat. The catran after the ball and caught the ball.38"Catch the ball," said the boy to the rabbit. Therabbit ran after the ball and caught the ball."Catch the ball," said the boy to the boy on the bike.The boy on the bike rode after the ball and caught theball.44"Catch the ball," said the boy to the girl, and the girlran after the ball and caught the ball.20
"Catch the ball," said the boy to the bug. The bugcould not catch the ball. The ball went fast, and the bugdid not go fast.27"The dog, cat, rabbit, boy on the bike, and girl arefast! (The bug is not fast.) Who is the fastest?" said theboy. "Who can run fastest?"The dog said, "I can run fastest."35The boy on the bike said, "I can ride fastest."The cat said, "I can run fastest."The rabbit said, "I can run fastest."The girl said, "I can run fastest. You run and I willrun. I will see who is fastest."41Then they ran a race to the tree. The rabbit ranfast. The grass was wet, and he fell down.The dog ran fast. The grass was wet. He hit therabbit, and he fell down.36The cat ran fast. The grass was wet. She hit thedog and rabbit, and she fell down.18
The boy on the bike rode fast. The grass was wet.He hit the rabbit, dog, cat, and he fell down.The girl ran fast. The grass was wet. She did nothit the dog, cat, rabbit, and boy on the bike, and she didnot go down. She hit the tree.52"The girl is the fastest," said the boy. "The girl canrun like a rabbit. She is fast!" They laughed to think agirl ran like a rabbit.28Word count: 390
Story 4 – Questions11.Did the dog and boy play?12.What was the dog trying to catch?13.Who threw the ball?14.Did the bug try to catch the ball?15.Why did not the bug catch the ball?16.Did the cat run after the ball?17.Did the boy on the bike ride after the ball?18.Did they have a race?19.Who ran in the race?20.Was the grass wet?Comprehension QuestionsBird Dog Story 41.(a)(b)(c)The main idea of the story was?seeing if a cat was faster than a rabbitseeing who was the fastestseeing if the boy on the bike was faster than a girl2.(a)(b)(c)What did the girl need to do to be the winner?not fall downrun faster than the others and not fall downoutrun the rabbit
3.(a)(b)(c)What happened right after the rabbit fell down?the dog fell downthe boy on the bike fell downthe cat fell down4.(a)(b)(c)How could the rabbit have won the race?by jumping all the wayby using the bikeby not falling down5.(a)(b)(c)What would have happened if the rabbit had used the bike?his legs would not have reached the peddleshis ears would have whistled in the windhis nose would have gotten in the way
Story 5 Level 1Tree ClimbingWords used from the Hargis Word List- Level mb(ed)hurtsaidyoudidIshedoistheWords used that are not on the Level 1 list:Bottom(s) falltheirHigh(er)(est)my**Words that are boldfaced and italicized are being introduced for the firsttime.
Name DateHargis WordsBird Dog Stories - Level 1, Story 5P. New Words from HargisTo the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define when appropriate, discussendings, tense, and point out phonetic similarities with other words used in thestory. (This same activity can be done with computer instruction.)doclimbdidthenbiteQ. Use the words in a sentence1.Look out! He will .2. you see that?3. What do you want me to ?4. he went home.5. The cat can the tree.R. Make a new sentence using the words above.
S.Which two words have same ending sounds? by, did, climb, then, myandH. Words added to the Hargis WordsTo the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define whenappropriate, discuss endings, tense, and point out phonetic similaritieswith other words used in the story. (This same activity can be done withcomputer instruction.)theirhighbottommyfall
I.Write a new sentence using the following words:It was in house.2. He fell on his .10.3. bottom hurts where I fell.4. I was in the tree.5. Look out! You will .C. Write a sentence using the words above:D. Which word sound like "fall"? their, high, ball, my
Tree Climbing2I can run fast," said the girl."I can run fast, and I can ride a bike," said the boy.21"I can run very, very fast," said the rabbit."I can fly fast, and I can fly to the top of the treeand to the top of the house," said the bird.33"I can ride fast," said the boy on the bike, and "I
can go fast like cars.""I can run fast, I can hunt, and I can bite," saidthe dog.31Then the girl, boy, rabbit, bird, and the boy on thebike said to the bug and cat, "You can not ride bikes, fly,and go fast like a car. What can you do?"34The cat said, "I can climb trees. "The bug said, "I can climb trees."15"I can climb trees," said the boy."I can climb trees," said the girl."But I can climb to the top of the tree," said thecat.27"I can climb to the very top of the tree," said thebug."Who can climb the highest?" said the girl.Then the boy, girl, cat, and bug climbed the big tree.32"Do not fall. It will hurt," said the rabbit to the boyand girl."Do not fall. It will hurt," said the bird to the catand bug.28They climbed the big tree, the boy, girl, bug, and thecat. Up, up, up the tree they climbed. "Do not look
down," the bird said to the boy and girl, "You can fall."They did not look down.39"Do not look down," said the dog to the bug and cat,"You can fall." They did not look down.The cat climbed high to the top of the tree. Thebug climbed higher and higher to the very top of thetree. The girl did not climb high. The boy did not climbhigh.55Something dropped out of the tree and hit thegrass. It was the boy.The rabbit said, "Are you hurt? Did the fall hurtyou?"25"No," said the boy. "I fell on my bottom."Something dropped out of the tree and hit thegrass. It was the girl.The boy on the bike said, "Are you hurt? Did thefall hurt you?"37
"No," said the girl. "I fell on my bottom."The bird laughed and laughed. They fell out of thetree and hit on their bottoms. The bird said, "It is good,the boy and girl hit on their bottoms and not their heads.The boy and girl have big bottoms but not big heads."54The bird laughed. The bug and cat laughed. The boyand girl laughed. The boy on the bike laughed and laughedand fell down.24456 words
Story 5 – Questions21.Can the dog run fast, hunt, and bite?22.Can the bird fly fast and to the top of the tree?23.What can the cat do?24.What can the bug do?25.Did the boy and girl climb a tree?26.Did the boy fall?27.Was he hurt?28.Did the girl fall?29.Was she hurt?30.Did the cat and bug fall?Comprehension QuestionsBird Dog Story 51.(a)(b)(c)This story was about what?a boy who wanted to climb a treea bird flying to the top of the treeseeing who could climb a tree to the top2.(a)(b)(c)What was the problem the boy and girl had to solve?climbing to the top of a tree without fallingout running the rabbit and catflying like a bird
3.(a)(b)(c)What happened right after the boy fell?the girl fellthey all laughedthe boy on the bike fell4.(a)(b)(c)How could the boy and girl have climbed safely?by watching the cat and doing what he didby watching the bird and flyingby not looking down5.(a)(b)(c)What would have happened if the boy and girl had not fallen on their bottoms?they might have bounced back in the treethey might have hurt themselvesthey might have starting flying before they hit the ground
Story 6 Level 1The Big Dog BitesWords used from the Hargis Word List- Level udohouse(s)seeWords used that are not on the Level 1 list:jumpedroll(ed)orstreet
** Words that are boldfaced and italicized are being introduced for the firsttime.
Name DateHargis WordsBird Dog Stories - Level 1, Story 6T. New Words from HargisTo the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define when appropriate, discussendings, tense, and point out phonetic similarities with other words used in thestory. (This same activity can be done with computer instruction.)snakehadmadnotdowngave
U. Use the words in a sentence1.A is in the grass.2. Do be mad at me.3. I a pet snake.4. Lookat your feet.5. He her a snake.V. Make a new sentence using the words above.W. Which word sounds like "mad"? down, not, snake, had, not
J.Words added to the Hargis WordsTo the teacher: Read the words to the student(s), define whenappropriate, discuss endings, tense, and point out phonetic similaritieswith other words used in the story. (This same activity can be done withcomputer instruction.)jumpedorroll(ed)streetK.Write a new sentence using the following words:He when he saw thesnake.2. Is it a snake a bird?11.3. The car went down the .4. The dog in thegrass.C. Write a sentence using the words above:
Which word sounds like "roll"?street, call, jumped, toll
The Big Dog Bites4The hunting dog was a little dog, but he could huntsnakes, bugs, cats, rabbits and birds. He could chasecars, balls, and bikes. He did bite his ball, but he did notbite the snake, bug, rabbit, or bird. He did not bite theboy, girl, or the boy on the bike. He was a good dog.58The boy said to his little hunting dog, "You are agood dog. Catch the ball."The little dog ran after the ball and caught it. Hegave the ball to the boy. "What fun!" said the boy.38"Yes, what fun!" said the little dog.Then the girl said, "You are a good dog. Catch theball." The little dog ran after the ball and caught it. Hegave the ball to the girl. "What fun!" said the girl.41"Yes, what fun!" said the little dog.The girl said, "Catch the ball." The little dog ranafter the ball, but the ball hit the grass and rolled downthe street. The little dog ran after the ball. The boy
and girl ran after the little dog. The cat and rabbit ranafter the boy and girl. The bird went after the cat andrabbit. The bug did not run.70The ball rolled by cars. It rolled by houses. Itrolled by trees. It rolled down the street very fast.20The little dog ran fast to catch the ball. The boyand girl ran fast to catch the little dog. The cat andrabbit ran fast to catch the boy and girl. The bird had tofly fast to catch the cat and rabbit.44Then something hit the little dog. The little dogrolled like a ball. A big, big, dog hit the little dog!21"Do not run by the house," said the big dog, and hebit the little dog, and it hurt."It hurts!" said the little dog, and he ran. But thebig dog could run faster, and he caught the little dog andbit him. "It hurts!" said the little dog, and he ran.53
"Do not bite the little dog," said the boy and girl,but the big dog bit the little dog. The big dog and thelittle dog rolled in the street. The little dog did not bitethe big dog, but the big dog bit the little dog.47"Go home," the boy and girl said to the big dog, butthe big dog did not go home. He bit the little dog, and ithurt.27The cat said to the big dog. "Do not bite the littledog," but the big dog bit the little dog. The cat was mad.The cat jumped on the big dog. The big dog jumped andran. The cat bit him. It hurt! He ran very fast, but thecat ran faster.53"Do not bite. It hurts!" said the big dog.The cat said, "You hurt the little dog. Do not bitethe little dog. "24"I will not bite the little dog," said the big dog. "Iwill play. I will roll on the grass, run in the street, andplay with the ball".29They looked happy, the bird, the cat, the rabbit, theboy and girl, and the little dog. The little dog was very,very happy the big dog was not after him. The big dogwas happy the cat was not after him. The cat was happyto see the dogs happy.51Word count: 578
Story 6 – Questions31.Did the little dog bite the snake, bug, rabbit, andbird?32.Did the little dog bite the ball?33.What did the boy and girl want the dog to catch?34.Did the dog catch the ball?35.What hit the little dog?36.Did it hurt the little dog?37.Did the little dog bite the big dog?38.Did the big dog go home?39.Did the boy and girl
The Bird Dog stories describe the adventures of a boy and a dog. The dog learns to hunt birds so the boy calls the dog a bird dog. A girl, a boy riding a bike, and some other animals, joins the boy and dog. They go hunting for all kinds of creatures, including a cat and skunk. The bird dog is a good hunter except for hunting boys and girls.
5000 Bird Dog Plus Introduction to the Field User Guide If you have the 5000 or 5000 MV Bird Dog Plus, your first step will be to review the Standard Test Proceduresas illustrated below: Meter Circuit Test—Section F.2.1—For the 6000 or 5000 Bird Dog Plus Meter and Meter Circuit Test—Section F.2.5—For the 5000 MV Bird Dog Plus
BeLux October 2015 vat incl. Little Bird 1x Little Bird piece 100 Bird 1x Bird piece 150 Super Bird 1x Super Bird piece 250 Sub AIR Wireless subwoofer piece 600 Bird pack 2 stands L&B 2x stand for Little or Bird pack 140 Bird pack 2 stands Super 2x stand for Super pack 180 iTransmitter High definition wireless piece 90 USB Transmitter Wireless transmitter piece
Base Controller Brand Base Controller Model Add-on Brand Add-on Model Based Controllers Add-on Qualifying Products List as of Aug 01, 2021 . Rain Bird ESP-LXME Rain Bird IQ4G-USA Rain Bird ESP-LXME Rain Bird IQNCC4G Rain Bird ESP-LXME Rain Bird IQNCCEN Rain Bird ESP-LXME Rain Bird IQNCCRS. Page 5 of 5
Bird surveys at Spotted Dog WMA, 2013 Avian Science Center 1 2013 Bird Surveys on Spotted Dog WMA: Baseline information on the bird community Including bird surveys at: Blue-eyed Nellie WMA, Stuart Mill Bay Fishing Access, & the Milltown Dam Recovery Area Avian Science Center - University of Montana Tyler Clarke and Kristina Smucker
She is approached by bird-dog 1. While they are shaking hands, the bird-dog asks a question. 2. The candidate responds. 3. The campaign aide hustles the candidate along to the next person. 4. Bird-dog 2 approaches, shakes hands, and asks another question. 5. The candidate responds. 6. If there's time, continue until everyone has had a chance. 7.
If the dog is barking at people it can see passing by, try blocking the dog's view. An anti-barking collar may be useful for some, but not all. Teach the dog to stop barking on command. When the dog is barking give a firm command such as 'cease' and call the dog to you. Praise the dog when it stops barking. If the dog will not .
the dog barking, try some of these simple tips - every dog is different! Do not reward the dog when it barks. Don't let the dog inside or give it attention - instead, reward the dog when it is quiet. Teach the dog to stop barking on command - give the dog a command when it is barking and reward the dog
API An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building applications. A Plex API in the Plex Developer Portal is a collection of related endpoints analogous to one or more Plex software modules. authorization code grant An OAuth 2.0 authentication flow where access is delegated to a client application.