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31st AnnualEntertainment Law InstituteJoin us a day early for Entertainment Law 101: The Film EditionWatch from your computer or mobile device!LIVE WEBCAST November 18-19, 2021MCLE CREDIT 13.75 Hours (1.75 Ethics) Downloadable Course Materials WEBCAST REPLAY January 6-7, 800.204.2222, x1574Education by the Bar, for the Bar

Join us a day early forEntertainment Law 101: The Film EditionLawyers licensed 5 years or lesssave up to 50!Watch from your computer ormobile device!LIVE WEBCASTNovember 17, 2021WEBCAST REPLAYJanuary 5, 2022Purpose & ScopeThis year’s 101 program will focus on issues pertaining to clients in the film industry.Dubbed The Film Edition, attendees will learn about the importance of obtainingunderlying rights, the basics of production and distribution contracts, and how toprepare your clients for distribution.WEDNESDAYthe key issues and risks to consider whentying up those loose ends before the filmheads to distribution.12:55 Welcoming Remarks & CourseIntroductionCourse DirectorAmy E. Mitchell, AustinAmy E. Mitchell, PLLCEmilio B. Nicolas, AustinJackson Walker3.5 hours including .5 ethics1:003:45Getting the Rights Right .75 hrAn overview of how to negotiate andobtain rights to screenplays, books, andother existing materials for use in motionpictures.Deena B. Kalai, AustinDeena Kalai, PLLC1:45MCLE CREDIT3.5 Hours (.5 Ethics)MCLE Course No: 174132390Applies to the Texas Bar Collegeand the Texas Board of LegalSpecialization in Civil Appellateand Civil Trial Law.Scan to reportyour MCLE hours.Wrangling Words for ProductionContracts 1 hr (.25 ethics)Practical drafting guidance for filmproduction counsel, including ethicalconsiderations, an overview ofSAG/AFTRA requirements, and how toensure the legal language accuratelyreflects the deal terms.The Anatomy of Film DistributionAgreements 1 hrAn exploration of the differentdistribution options for indie filmmakersand how best to secure them. Topics willinclude the wide range of distributiondeals common in the industry, bothdomestic and foreign, from "all rights"deals to using aggregators, and relateddeal points and clauses. Industry standardsample agreements will be provided.Duncan Montgomery, AustinHigh Frequency EntertainmentMichael N. Saleman, AustinLaw Offices of Michael Norman Saleman4:45AdjournSally C. Helppie, DallasWaddell Serafino Geary RechnerJenevein2:45Break3:00Rights Clearance for Film.75 hr (.25 ethics)Making sure the filmmaker has securedall necessary rights and permissions touse someone else’s content, trademark,NIL, et cetera is an integral part of thefilm process. This presentation will review2Chat with speakersLIVE during the course!

TexasBarCLE presents the 31st AnnualChat withEntertainment Law Institutespeakers liveduring theCosponsored by the Entertainment and Sports Law Section of the State Bar of Texascourse!Virtual course discount - save 50!Purpose & ScopeEntertainment & Sports LawSection members save 25!This year’s program will include a series of presentations covering entertainment lawaspects of recent court rulings, the newly-passed Copyright Alternative in SmallClaims Enforcement (CASE) Act, legal issues in artificial intelligence, Non-FungibleTokens (NFTs), the future of audio-visual content distribution, and the Britney Spearsconservatorship battle.Lawyers licensed 5 years or lesstake half off!See page 5 for additionaldiscounts!Watch from your computer ormobile device!LIVE WEBCASTNovember 18-19, 2021WEBCAST REPLAYJanuary 6-7, 2022THURSDAY8:408:45Texas StarAwardRecipientJohn Cones is aHouston basedsecurities attorneyspecializing infinancing for film and entertainmentindustry projects which includes thepreparation of business plans, disclosuredocuments, and compliance for securitiesofferings. After 23 years in Los Angelesrepresenting and advising independentfilm producers, he began a seven year tourof the U.S. where he continued lecturingon film finance at film societies, industryconferences, and universities, includingUCLA, USC, Nashville Bar Association, andthe Texas Bar Entertainment Law Institute.Among his contributions to the practiceof film and entertainment law are a seriesof film finance webinars, publication ofover 43 articles, and the publication of16 books related to film business andlegal affairs. He earned his B.S. degree inCommunication and J.D. degree at theUniversity of Texas, and is a member ofthe California and Texas bar associations.Thank Youto OurCourseSponsor12:15 Texas Star Award Presentation7.25 hours including .75 ethicsWelcoming RemarksCourse DirectorChristian Castle, AustinChristian L. Castle, AttorneysNFTs in the Entertainment and SportsIndustries 1 hr (.25 ethics)Shannon Almes, HoustonR. Reese & Associates12:30 Adding Film Finance to YourEntertainment Law Practice .5 hrJohn Cones, HoustonLaw Office of John Cones1:00Break1:15Song Catalog Acquisitions andValuations 1 hrModeratorChristian Castle, AustinChristian L. Castle, AttorneysChristopher T. Brown, AustinAttorney at LawPanelistsClark Miller, New York, NYClark Miller Consulting LLCCatherine Zhu, Palo Alto, CASpecial Counsel, Foley & Lardner9:45Annual Roundup of NotableEntertainment Industry Court Rulings1 hr (.25 ethics)Stan Soocher, Esq., Denver, COEditor-in-Chief, "Entertainment Law &2:15Finance"Professor, Music & Entertainment IndustryStudiesUniversity of Colorado DenverJ. Eugene Salomon, Jr., Beverly Hills, CAGang Tyre Ramer Brown & PassmanRoy A. Salter, Los Angeles, CAFTI Capital AdvisorsAdvising Your Influencer Clients onAgreements and FTC Regulations1 hr (.25 ethics)Michele Martell, AustinMartell Media House10:45 Break3:15Break11:00 Indie Film Finance 1 hrJohn Cones, HoustonLaw Office of John Cones3:30Trademark 101 for Small Businesses.75 hrKandace D. Walter, RichardsonWalter Legal12:00 BreakMCLE CREDIT13.75 Hours (1.75 Ethics)MCLE Course No: 174132347Applies to the Texas Bar Collegeand the Texas Board of LegalSpecialization in Civil Appellateand Civil Trial Law.Scan to reportyour MCLE hours.3CPA CREDITWe have registered with theTexas State Board of PublicAccountancy as a CPE sponsor.This registration does notconstitute an endorsement bythe Board as to the quality ofour program. The State Bar’scontinuing education sponsorI.D. number is 135.

4:15Reining It In: Working Ethicallywith Animals and Maintaining theIntegrity of the Sport 1 hrVirginia S. Fields, AustinTexas Racing Commission1:00Break1:15Why Does a Music-Tech Startup BoardNeed a Music Lawyer? 1 hr (.25 ethics)Christian Castle, AustinChristian L. Castle, AttorneysRodman Law, Florham Park, NJGreenberg Traurig5:15Nathalie Phan, AustinOn Vinyl MediaAdjournMellie Price, AustinCapital FactoryFRIDAY6.5 hours including 1 ethics hour8:40Announcements8:45What Is the Copyright Royalty Board?An Overview and Update on RecentRate Proceedings .75 hrJason Blake Cunningham, AustinKing & SpaldingBrad Prendergast, Washington, D.C.Assistant General Counsel, Licensing &EnforcementSoundExchangeGwendolyn Seale, AustinMike Tolleson & Associates9:30The Future of Theatrical Exhibition.75 hrTearlach Hutcheson, DallasVice President of Film, Studio Movie GrillRebecca Pahle, Brooklyn, NYDeputy Editor, Boxoffice ProBrent Turman, DallasBell Nunnally & MartinJustin Wheeler, PlanoCinemark USA, Inc.10:15 Break10:30 Community and Continuity: TheNew Generation of Nonprofits1 hr (.25 ethics)Erin McClarty, HoustonErin McClarty, PLLCErin Rodgers, HoustonRodgers Selvera11:30 Presentation of the Governor ofTexas' Proclamation to Mike Tollesonfor producing the State Bar of TexasEntertainment Law Institute for 30 yearsand his dedicated service to furtheringthe entertainment law profession in theState of Texas.2:15Break2:30The Case Is Closed, So What’s Next:An Overview of the CopyrightAlternative in Small-ClaimsEnforcement Act and CopyrightClaims Board Launch 1 hrAlicia Calzada, San AntonioAlicia Wagner Calzada, PLLCDeputy General Counsel, National PressPhotographers AssociationKeith Kupferschmid, Washington, D.C.CEO, Copyright Alliance3:3011:45 Break12:00 Legal Issues in Artificial Intelligencefor the Entertainment Industry1 hr (.25 ethics)Sandra Aistars, Arlington, VAClinical Professor and Director ofCopyright Research and Policy, and SeniorScholar at the Center for Intellectual4:30Property x Innovation PolicyGeorge Mason University Antonin ScaliaLaw SchoolGuardianships in the EntertainmentIndustry: What Can We Learn fromBritney Spears? 1 hr (.25 ethics)ModeratorAndrea Villarreal, AustinOaks, Hartline & DalyPanelistsAngelica Farinacci, DallasFord BergnerHon. Margaret Jones-Johnson, DallasJudge, Dallas County Probate Court #3AdjournTracey L. Freed, Venice, CAFreed LawEmilio B. Nicolas, AustinJackson WalkerStan Soocher, Esq., Denver, COEditor-in-Chief, "Entertainment Law &Finance"Professor, Music & Entertainment IndustryStudiesUniversity of Colorado Denver4Chat with speakersLIVE during the course!

} TexasBarCLE.comWays to Save on the Institute!Virtual Course Discount - Save 50 Automatically!Entertainment & Sports Law Section Members Can Save 25Not a member? To join, visit your My Bar Page and join online, or download a membership formfrom to pay by mail. Please do not send section membership paymentwith your registration fee.Texas Bar College Members Can Save 25To join or learn more, visit or call (800) 204-2222, x 1819.Texas Paralegal Division Members Can Save 25To join or learn more, visit or call (806) 443-2209.Earn Discounts by Registering Five or Morefrom your firm or agency. Contact Firm & Group Sales Manager Laura Angle at (512) 263-2802 OFF for Attorneys Licensed in Texas 5 Years or Less!Attorneys licensed in Texas 5 years or less get half off the regular course fee.FYIScholarship InformationTexasBarCLE offers scholarships for live courses, video replays, online classes, and webcasts. To applyor learn more, call (800) 204-2222, x1490, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm CT. Please apply at least two weeksprior to any live/video replay course or at least one week prior to any webcast or online class.Active Texas State, County, and Federal Judges, Administrative Law Judges, HearingExaminers, and Judge's Staff Attorneys may attend out-of-state programs for adiscounted rate or in-state programs for free, provided: (1) the course directly relates to thejudge's/tribunal's jurisdiction, (2) the judge is a full-time judge or retired under a judicial retirementsystem and (3) space is available for all paying registrants. This privilege does not extend toprosecutors, receivers, trustees, other court staff, or persons serving part-time in a judicial capacity.Actual attendance is required to receive course materials.Registered but Can't Attend? Still Earn MCLE Credit by taking the course online later.If you would rather have a refund, call (800) 204-2222, x 1574 or fax your request to (512) 427-4443.Refund requests must be made at least one business day before the program.} Institute Course DirectorChristian Castle. Austin101 Course DirectorAmy E. Mitchell. Austin} Planning CommitteeStevie Fitzgerald. AustinSally Helppie. DallasErin Rodgers. HoustonGwendolyn Seale. AustinProf. Stan Soocher Esq.Denver, COSarah-Michelle Stearns.RichardsonMike Tolleson. AustinBrent Turman. DallasAlyce Zawacki. Austin} TexasBarCLE Planning TeamKandi Botello. Program PlannerMichelle Townley. Sr. Program CoordinatorYvette Ramirez. Written Materials CoordinatorKathy Kasper. Meeting Planner} Entertainment Law Section of the State Bar ofTexasTristan Robinson. ChairBrent Turman.Chair-ElectGwendolyn Seale. SecretaryStephen Summer.TreasurerMelissa Thrailkill.Immediate Past-Chair} State Bar of TexasSylvia Borunda Firth. PresidentSantos Vargas. Chair of the BoardLaura Gibson. President-ElectLarry P. McDougal. Immediate Past PresidentJeanine Novosad Rispoli. TYLA PresidentScott Rothenberg. Chair, CLE CommitteeLuis M. Cardenas. Chair, Board PDP CommitteeTrey Apffel. Executive DirectorHedy Bower.Director, TexasBarCLEInterested in Sponsoring or Exhibiting at this Course or Others?Please contact us at of ImpartialityThe State Bar of Texas does not endorse political candidates. When a candidate for the publicoffice is included in promotion for or participates in a TexasBarCLE event, the State Bar is nottaking a position for or against anyone's candidacy.Facebook @TBCLETwitter @TexasBarCLEYouTube @TexasBarCLE5Instagram @TexasBarCLE1

REGISTER ONLINE}} Webcast Registration} Claiming MCLE CreditWebcast registration is offered online using a credit card atFor the webcast, click the Claim Credit tab at the conclusion of If you have any questions or would like to register by viewing. Please read & acknowledge the instructions, edit any informationphone, please call 800-204-2222, x 1574. Mail or fax registrations are not if needed, then click Submit Hours at the bottom of the page.accepted at this time.} Replaying the WebcastLive Webcast fees are as follows (includes a live chat feature and theoption to submit questions to the speakers).If you cannot watch the entire webcast at its scheduled time, an archivedrecording will be available under My Purchases within a few days of thelive program. You may then complete the program at your convenienceand claim MCLE credit through October 31, 2022. Institute: 495 per registrant, or 272.50 if licensed 5 years or less 101 Course: 175 per registrant, or 125 if licensed 5 years or lessIMPORTANT: Registration for this webcast admits only the registrant.Registrants are expressly prohibited from allowing nonregistrants access to theprogram. For group viewings of a webcast, contact Firm & Group SalesManager Laura Angle at (512) 263-2802 or Replay fees are as follows (live chat feature/special options notavailable for the replay). Institute: 445 per registrant, or 247.50 if licensed 5 years or less 101 Course: 145 per registrant, or 125 if licensed 5 years or less} I can’t attend, but would like the materialsAdditional discounts available online for the 2-day Institute!To purchase a PDF download of 2-day Institute materials for 85 (plus tax)or the 101 Course materials for 45 (plus tax), search Publications (available 1-2 weeks after the course).} Course MaterialsCourse materials are included as PDFs for the webcast. For any questions,please email Please email or call(800) 204-2222, x1574.Texas Entertainment and Sports Law SectionYou Entertain. We Represent.TESLAW.orgTexas Entertainment and Sports Law Section of the State Bar of TexasFormed in 1989, the Entertainment and Sports Law Section consists of more than 600 licensedattorneys throughout the state who practice entertainment and sports law. Section membersrepresent a wide variety of clients including artists, filmmakers, athletes, media companies, employers,employees, and entertainment and sports organizations, in both the private and public sectors. Thepurpose of the Entertainment and Sports Law Section is to promote and enhance the practice of lawby all lawyers who concentrate or have an interest in entertainment and sports law.Join today and get involved in the Section’s activities. Some of the areas in which you can serve arelegislative (state and federal), merchandising, website, social networking, event planning, marketingand more.Section dues are 30, and membership is from June 1 to May 31. To join, visit your My Bar Page andjoin online, or download a membership form from to pay by mail.6

TexasBarCLE presents the 31st Annual MCLE CREDIT 13.75 Hours (1.75 Ethics) MCLE Course No: 174132347 Applies to the Texas Bar College and the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Civil Appellate and Civil Trial Law. Virtual course discount - save 50! Entertainment & Sports Law Section members save 25! Lawyers licensed 5 years or less take .

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